Heylooo Random, and welcome to the dark side-I mean congrats! *chuckles* To pick apart your question, yes, belief in some sort of deity is an essential part of Wicca, but which one(s) depends entirely on the tradition.
I'm going to give you the short of it, since I don't have time at the moment for the long of it. I'll try to make it short, anyways. Wicca was originally founded by Dr. Gerald B. Gardner and his partner Doreen Valiente. I don't remember when, but it shoujldn't be too hard to find online. Since then, there have been offshoots of it, and the original tradition is now commonly referred to as Gardnerian Wicca. Alexandrian Wicca was, if I remember correctly, founded by one of Gardner's students. There is also Correlian Wicca, Lycian Wicca, and a few others I don't remember off the top of my head, that were established by spiritual descendants of Gardner.
Hardcore traditionalists of any Wiccan tradition say that to be a Wiccan, you must be initiated into a lineaged coven. A lineaged coven is a coven that can trace its history back to Gardner, and isn't referring to genetic relation at all. There are a small handful of Wiccans (there may be more, don't quote me) that believe that you must be initiated into a lineaged Gardnerian coven in order to call yourself Wiccan.
Ok, enough with the history lesson, I think. Paganism is an umbrella term that alot of polytheistic (and a few monotheistic) religions fall under. That is an extremely loose definition, as there are too many differences in traditions and paths to accurately define what "Paganism" is, and there are some that do not ascribe to the term "Pagan" because they hold to older ways that have suffered little or no change from the advent of patriarchal monotheistic religions. You, at the moment, would be considered a Pagan, and as you progress on your spiritual path, you may either find the path you were meant to walk, walk your own path and find that many others walk it too, or walk your own path and occasionally cross paths with others.
Ah crud, need to go cook supper. Feel free to add (I think that's the word?) me, or email me, for more info. ^_^
http://www.paganspace.net is an online social network filled with people of various traditions, and there are even some non-Pagans there who either enjoy the company or are there for scholarly reasons. You'll find Wiccans of all flavors, Asatru, a few Druids, some Shamanic practitioners, demonolators, satanists, atheists, christians, etc. The message boards are stuffed full of information and fun, or if you can't find the answers you seek, feel free to ask. :-)
*hugs* Blessed be. :-)