Do you believe in evolution?
2008-04-18 20:45:16 UTC
Give me your stong opinions.
762 answers:
2008-04-19 09:25:09 UTC
The only faith that is required to believe in evolution is that the universe follows its own laws and that because of these laws, predictions can be accurately made, tested, and observed.

Also, one must have faith that not all scientists are incompetent and/or dishonest.

That's pretty easy to have faith in. Scientists are human and fallible. However, it is completely disingenuous to think that all scientists are out to achieve the same goal, share the same biases, or have the same corrupting influences. This makes the conspiracy theories that creationists often cite about academia rather unbelievable, as well as highly unlikely.

That said, there is evidence for evolution in all fields of science. There is no evidence for any other theory, such as literal creationism or ID.

As for ID, it is just a Trojan Horse for creationism to be taught in school. How do we know this? Google "The Wedge Document."

Evolution is not a religion, because one can believe in God, Jesus, or any of the Gods in human history and still believe in evolution. So, if evolution is a religion, it is a poorly defined one.

I see that you have had a lot of Fundies give their two-cents worth, proving above all that our education system is failing our children horribly and has been for a long time. These oafs are proving nothing more than how LITTLE they know about science.

Visit the links below to understand why their arguments are incorrect and fallacious. Trust me, everything that has been said here is covered there. Creationists are too dufus to think up of something new and original.

El Chistoso
2008-04-19 09:51:17 UTC
Yes and no. It depends on the context.

As far as whether or not animals evolve or not: the answer is Yes. Evolution as a science is observable and hard to dispute. Albino skin, eyes and hair are considered to be a genetic mutation, yet many animals (including humans) have been born with this condition. In certain parts of the world (the arctic, the antarctic, siberia) this lack of pigmentation would be an advantage giving those animals the best chance of survival and the colored animals would die out. In hotter climates, animals born white would likely not survive to reproduce. The fact that you have so many "white" animals living in colder climates and so many multicolored animals living in warmer climates indicates that evolution has clearly had a role in the worlds biology.

Now, if we are talking about Darwin's theory of evolution (which suggests that Human beings and the Great Apes shared a common ancestor), then my answer is NO. While there are some fossils that support this theory, it has been far from proven. The fact that humans are the only primates capable of fully upright bipedal motion, the only primates capable of speech and the only primates capable of affecting the environment on a global scale means that if this theory was correct, it would mean that we have evolved far beyond any other primate from the same ancestor in a relatively short period of time. 20,000 years is simply not enough time for evolution to occur on such a scale! Why would "the missing link" suddenly evolve into two different branches, both of which survived but one clearly being superior to the other in almost every respect? It just doesn't make any since and that's not normally how evolution works. In a sense Darwin's theory contradicts itself.

From a religious stanpoint, I honestly believe that God created humans and that we have always been "human" and will always be. But even if I wasn't a Christian and even if I'm wrong and humans "did" actually evolve from lower primates, our technology and medical science hinders our evolution by correcting and curing genetic defects before they propagate. Therefore, human evolution has ceased and we would no longer have the need to evolve anyway because we simply adapt the evironment to us rather than adapt to the environment.
2014-10-19 19:54:33 UTC
This is a HUGE component of why I'm confident that the world was created by God, because for anything that is in this world to make sense, there has to be something beyond the realm of science. It would make sense that the one thing that would be beyond the realm of science is something that has the authority to set science into motion. I'm not like some religious nuts that are out saying "science is bad"... science can help us understand the world we live in.. but if you think science has all the answers, you're chasing after the wind. Because life forms that were quite sophisticated, have been documented by science as populating this planet billions of years ago, and there is now sound evidence that birds have evolved from a species of dinosaur, and that our species is a couple of million years old, and because the present representation of our species is a lot different from our original ancestors, and that the ability to create and understand abstract thought is a human characteristic that developed through evolution over several thousands of years.
2015-01-24 18:58:11 UTC
Now, if we are talking about Darwin's theory of evolution (which suggests that Human beings and the Great Apes shared a common ancestor), then my answer is NO. While there are some fossils that support this theory, it has been far from proven. The fact that humans are the only primates capable of fully upright bipedal motion, the only primates capable of speech and the only primates capable of affecting the environment on a global scale means that if this theory was correct, it would mean that we have evolved far beyond any other primate from the same ancestor in a relatively short period of time. 20,000 years is simply not enough time for evolution to occur on such a scale! Why would "the missing link" suddenly evolve into two different branches, both of which survived but one clearly being superior to the other in almost every respect? It just doesn't make any since and that's not normally how evolution works. In a sense Darwin's theory contradicts itself.
2008-04-19 06:44:30 UTC
yes i do, i am christian, not saying im not

I just do believe the earth formed in some way other than a guy in the sky that nobody has seen has powers to make all of us.

If that were true and he was good than why doesn't he get rid of all the evil???

now evolution can be the big band theory, that i kinda see can happen, and we evolved from smaller things. Cells that formed together.

Me and my friends have an argument about this and my religious friend was trying to say that how did all the cells come here ect. ect.

well we can't trace data that far back so we don't know. I think it could be possible that using the theory god created the earth is just an explanation....Remember. there is more proof of evolution than god.

If there was more evidence than that would be a debate
2014-07-05 08:21:56 UTC
The inverse-square nature of this equation is intriguing. After all, there is no essential reason why gravity should behave in this way. In a chance, evolving universe, some random exponent like r1.97 or r2.3 would seem much more likely. However, precise measurements have shown an exact exponent out to at least 5 decimal places, 2.00000. As one researcher put it, this result seems ‘just a little too neat.’2 We may conclude that the gravity force shows precise, created design. Actually, if the exponent deviated just slightly from exactly 2, planet orbits and the entire universe would become unstable.
2014-08-26 20:05:21 UTC
This is a HUGE component of why I'm confident that the world was created by God, because for anything that is in this world to make sense, there has to be something beyond the realm of science. It would make sense that the one thing that would be beyond the realm of science is something that has the authority to set science into motion. I'm not like some religious nuts that are out saying "science is bad"... science can help us understand the world we live in.. but if you think science has all the answers, you're chasing after the wind. A Tse tse fly has a new generation every 22 days. Scientist have control bred the tse tse almost all my life trying to make something different out of a tse tes fly. They have developed flies with short wings, long wings, and even flies that can't fly because their wings are too short and bodies too big, but they have never been able to make a tse tse fly turn into any other thing like a bird or an eagle.
2008-04-19 05:23:29 UTC
No. Evolution started out with Darwin's Origin of Man with the chart of monkey to man. Adaptation was still adaptation at that time. Now Adaptation is called evolution so the theory can survive.

Pilt Down Man, Nebraska Man, Lucy and a few other lies damaged the evolution theory greatly.

Darwin's theory only survives now as the start of the garbage. How in the world could the scientists survive if they had to say they were wrong about that ever changing specie? The specie adapts but the specie does not give new information. God produces kind after kind. A monkey does not become a man.
Friend of Jesus
2008-04-19 16:52:56 UTC
Define evolution. Evolution is a very elastic term today. Micro-evolution, or adaptation has been observed. Macro-evolution= one species evolving into another species has not been observed according to the fossil records.

So, from the general standpoint of all life forms evolving from a common ancestor,or a starting protozoan, no I don't believe that's true.

1. No one has a clue how life originated.

Klaus Dose, a leading researcher on the origin of life says this: "More than 30 years of experimentation on the origin of life in the fields of chemical and molecular evolution have led to a better perception of the immensity of the problem of the origin of life on Earth rather than to its solution. At present all discussions on principal theories and experiments in the field either end in stalemate or in a confession of ignorance."

2.The vast information that is in a single molecule of DNA, something smaller than the dot on the letter * i *holds all the information to produce all the complex structures of all the organs in a human body. Where did that information come from?

"We now understand that the DNA molecule is comprised of chemical bases arranged in approximately 3 billion precise sequences. Even the DNA molecule for the single-celled bacterium, E. coli, contains enough information to fill an entire set of Encyclopedia Britannica."

3. The Fossil Record shows FULLY FORMED SPECIES in the "Cambrian Explosion" with no evolutionary intermediates.

Happy reading of your 725 answers!!!
2008-04-19 09:01:36 UTC
The term "evolution" is too vague. There are several different theories and studies that all come under that heading.

Even the most extreme Christian literalist that believes that the earth was created only 6000 years ago still believes in "micro-evolution" (also known as adaptation). Without it you would have to believe that every variation of every single animal WITHIN the species was created individually, and that is just silly.

Besides, the idea of breeding plants and animals was for noticeable change (that occurs within our own lifetimes) has been around long before the terms "genetics" and "evolution".

"Macro-evolution", the theory that given enough time one species can turn into another species, is UNPROVABLE within the short amount of time that we have been studying it.

A change that takes 100s of thousands of years to happen is not going to show in the short time (10,000) years that humans have had civilization.
2008-04-19 06:52:17 UTC
Which evolution you are talking about?

1.- Cosmic evolution.- The origin of time,space and matter. Big Bang theory.

Where did all matter came from?

2.- Chemical Evolution.- The origin of higher elments from hydorgen? How we got all the other elements? Who was first the stars or the elements?

3.- Stellar and planetary evolution. Nobody knows and has seen How a star is born. Nobody has a clue on it.

4.- Organic Evolution. Origin of life. How life started with non living material. Also nobody knows How this happens.

5.- Macro Evolution. Changing from one kind into another. Nobody have seen a dog produce a non dog. Dog and a wolf are the same kind but different specie.

6.- Micro Evolution. Variaton within kinds.

Yes this is the only one that has been observed.

The first 5 are religious - non science.
Máire Siobhán
2008-04-19 12:37:25 UTC
Yes, I think there's sufficient evident to say it's at work in the world.

This question is usually asked relative to the conflict that's sometimes seen between a few religious faiths and their interpretation of the Bible. I grew up Catholic, went all the way through Catholic schools, and I was never taught that evolution and my faith conflicted. Catholics accept that they don't know everything, and that scripture is a guide, filtered through the senses and understanding of the humans who recorded it.

The Catholic church unconditionally supports and encourages the use of reason and the pursuit of science. As I recall, the pope determines the ultimate interpretation for Catholics, and even the pope gets it wrong, regardless of the "infallibility" with which he is bestowed by the church.

For example, the Catholic church rejected Galileo's findings that the sun was the center of the universe as contrary to good reason and scripture (and the belief at the time that everything rotated around the earth, instead). Obviously that was a failing on the pope's part. BTW, the Catholic church did finally recognize that their position on that in the early 1600s was was wrong and they "forgave" Galileo in 1992.

PS I live my adult life as an unchurched non-believer.

"Don't follow leaders. Watch the parking meters ... ."

--Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
2008-04-22 01:53:27 UTC
No because the theory of evolution has never been proven fully. Even Darwin in his later years said evolution may not be correct since we have never found the missing link to connect everything together. Also there would have to be a master plan for all on Earth so the shows me there must have been someone involved in the creation of the Earth.
By Faith
2008-04-19 07:36:46 UTC
I only answer this because of nomads answer. I believe evolution is a way for man to try to deny that God exists. as far as the gravity answer how about the following.

Designer gravity

The force F between two masses m1 and m2, when separated by a distance r, can be written as F = (G m1 m2)/r 2

Where G is the gravitational constant, first measured by Henry Cavendish in 1798.1

This equation shows that gravity decreases as the separation distance, r, between two objects becomes large but never quite reaches zero.

The inverse-square nature of this equation is intriguing. After all, there is no essential reason why gravity should behave in this way. In a chance, evolving universe, some random exponent like r1.97 or r2.3 would seem much more likely. However, precise measurements have shown an exact exponent out to at least 5 decimal places, 2.00000. As one researcher put it, this result seems ‘just a little too neat.’2 We may conclude that the gravity force shows precise, created design. Actually, if the exponent deviated just slightly from exactly 2, planet orbits and the entire universe would become unstable.

Reference and note

For the technically minded, G = 6.672 x 10–11 Nm2kg–2

Thompsen, D., ‘Gravity very precisely’, Science News 118(1):13, 1980.
2014-09-01 08:50:34 UTC
We get into trouble when we applied observation to revelation or when we apply faith (belief) to science. An example of this is Creationism. Given the definition, Creationism is a belief not a scientific theory. Creationism states that using science we can find the creator (God); however, from Genesis 1:1 God revealed that God existed before He created everything we can observe. That means God exists in the unobservable as well as the observable that he created. If Creationism is a scientific theory, man would have to observe the unobservable. This argument over evolution in the religious circles is a total waste of time and energy. When we are all judged Christ will be asking us if we lived a good life, obeyed his commandments, feed me when I was hungry, cloth me when Iwas naked, visit me when sick and in prison etc... NOT is the earth 4.5 billion years oldor made at 11:34 hrs EST 6700 years ago, did man walk with dinosaurs etc.
2014-08-27 09:44:41 UTC
Right now in Australia, the evolution of a mammal is taking place before our eyes in a population of koalas. These koalas only eat a certain type of eucylypt tree, which is becoming extinct. These koalas will inevitably die due to starvation but the process of survival of the fittest has taken over and these koalas have mutated to the point that they are born with facial tumours that prevent them from eating, so they are dying within the first few days of life. Other examples can be seen in fossils from the past showing similar mutations to either make the animal stronger (such as the long neck of the giraffe) or to die off completely.
2015-07-02 20:26:07 UTC
Because life forms that were quite sophisticated, have been documented by science as populating this planet billions of years ago, and there is now sound evidence that birds have evolved from a species of dinosaur, and that our species is a couple of million years old, and because the present representation of our species is a lot different from our original ancestors, and that the ability to create and understand abstract thought is a human characteristic that developed through evolution over several thousands of years.
2014-09-22 18:07:16 UTC
I do not see a conflict between Creation and Evolution. I see the Bible as a story of the origins and struggles of man, being told the best way people in those days could. I see the DAYs of Creation as a continuance, that none of them are over, and as long as there is material life, made up of infinite particulate matter that continue to be discovered by humans with more and more advanced instrumentation and seeking, life, evolution will continue.
2008-04-19 09:56:16 UTC
I believe in God. I know that He is. I am not sure if evolution exists. I have never met the missing link. I have met God. Evolution seems to make a lot of sense. God is sense. The actions behind evolution seem likely as far as species changing over time. The jump they make that is an irrational jump is that these changes can only be random. Says who? Darwin never said this and no he was not an atheist. Just another false claim by the anti-God Antichrist lobby.
Kate [shewilldestroyou]
2008-04-19 22:12:57 UTC
Yes - there is scientific answers and research and also it makes more sense that we evolved than to say some big guy in the sky just one day came along and said "Hmm..i'm bored lemme make some stuff" and then made the world in 6 days..or 7 days and rested or whatever. I just doesn't make sense hhaa- plus if you read the bible there are a lot of things that just dont add up - which make me turn to believe that evolution is correct.
Matt B
2008-04-19 07:43:07 UTC
small scale evolutionary things, yes... but to believe this whole world came about by evolution is not a worthwhile case. Science has proven that evolution cannot explain the existence of the earth because of the scientific law that matter can be neither created nor destroyed. Given that scientific LAW, the THEORY of evolution could not be true because where would all of the things in this universe get their beginning? They couldn't scientifically just spontaneously arrive out of nothingness.

This is a HUGE component of why I'm confident that the world was created by God, because for anything that is in this world to make sense, there has to be something beyond the realm of science. It would make sense that the one thing that would be beyond the realm of science is something that has the authority to set science into motion. I'm not like some religious nuts that are out saying "science is bad"... science can help us understand the world we live in.. but if you think science has all the answers, you're chasing after the wind.

For those who try to say that science proves there is no God... that would be the equivalent of a book saying it has no author, that all the words came about randomly and organized in an understandable fashion. The book doesn't know anything beyond what is written in it. It could not understand the fulness of it's author, but it's a whole lot closer to reality when it acknowledges that it has one.
2008-04-19 05:43:02 UTC
I've seen the data and evolution makes a good theory. I like that the paleontologists, biologists and anthropologists are allowed to question and update the theory as new facts come in.

Genesis has a great metaphorical simplification of evolution for the tiny minds of nomadic people who lived several thousand years ago. These poor folks couldn't think much farther ahead than the next goat-breeding season, much less in eons and eras.

Fortunately we've evolved enough to be able to handle the whole story.
2008-04-19 03:40:48 UTC
I feel the vast majority of life on earth can be clearly explained by evolution; the dna structure itself is an ideal structure to allow it. However some aspects of live seem irreversably complex. A venus flytrap would be heavily disadvantaged through all its intermediate stages until it became a plant that could grab hold of insects /and/ digest them; it either all works or doesn't. Similarly the thought of naturally occuring chemicals randomly bumping into each other and becoming the first ever cell with correct dna, mitochondria, rhibosomes etc. all working perfectly has been described as similar to a whirlwind blowing through a scrapyard and assembling a fully functional mk2 Escort with the engine running.

That's my strong opinion!
2008-04-19 03:39:42 UTC
Yes, but don't believe that a monkey could ever become a human. I have never seen, in my lifetime anything like that happen. Why wouldn't evolution repeat itself time and time again. I do think that species change, but don't thing one species ever became another species.

A Tse tse fly has a new generation every 22 days. Scientist have control bred the tse tse almost all my life trying to make something different out of a tse tes fly. They have developed flies with short wings, long wings, and even flies that can't fly because their wings are too short and bodies too big, but they have never been able to make a tse tse fly turn into any other thing like a bird or an eagle.

Now within the species, Dogs are likely the best example of controlled breeding. Dogs apparently have the same ancester, but are totally different. However, a dog has never became a lion, tiger, or an elephant. It seems like their would be a least one case of a major change in my lifetime.
2008-04-19 09:53:44 UTC
Absolutely.Will you be satisfied with my answers? Because life forms that were quite sophisticated, have been documented by science as populating this planet billions of years ago, and there is now sound evidence that birds have evolved from a species of dinosaur, and that our species is a couple of million years old, and because the present representation of our species is a lot different from our original ancestors, and that the ability to create and understand abstract thought is a human characteristic that developed through evolution over several thousands of years.
2008-04-19 01:52:10 UTC
Yes I do. I choose to believe in this subject as I am the type of person who needs evidence to come to a conclusion. Evolution is not something that needs faith to be true. It is science based fact. Science is the study of theories. Theories that are constantly tested and experiments have to be perfomed numerous times to come to the same result. Science sets out to disprove theories - that is the basis in which they start from, so think about how many people have tried to disprove evolution and can't - the evidence of it is all around us.

Right now in Australia, the evolution of a mammal is taking place before our eyes in a population of koalas. These koalas only eat a certain type of eucylypt tree, which is becoming extinct. These koalas will inevitably die due to starvation but the process of survival of the fittest has taken over and these koalas have mutated to the point that they are born with facial tumours that prevent them from eating, so they are dying within the first few days of life. Other examples can be seen in fossils from the past showing similar mutations to either make the animal stronger (such as the long neck of the giraffe) or to die off completely.

Christians, even are now beginning to realise the merits of evolution and are now entering the dogma, merged with thier own ideas. This story was very different a few years ago with creationism said to be absolutely certain - now the two theories have been combined. I believe the day is not far off where the question of faith and belief will not come into evolution, it will just be a fact, accepted by all.
2008-04-19 09:34:08 UTC
Yes, although belief isn't really the term for it. It's like saying I believe in sunlight.

There's so much out there that leads to proof of evolution. For instance, ontogeny recaptulates phylogeny. That means as a baby (let's say a human baby, for example) develop, it goes through many of the same stages as other species' babies. A human baby has gills at one point. The eyes of all species have similar features: round balls, full of liquid, with an iris, etc., which suggests development from a common source.

I am also a Christian, and I have no problem holding my Christian beliefs and my scientific beliefs. The Bible says God created the earth in six days, but how am I as a mere human being able to comprehend how long one of God's days is?
2014-11-12 05:12:02 UTC
Viruses evolve, and we develop vaccines against the evolving viruses. Every year we come up with new flu vaccines for instance in order to combat this. It would be impossible to practice any biological science now without "believing" in it, including doctors. It is the most supported theory in biology. The reason it isn't "proven" is because scientific theories are never proved or disproved; they are either supported or unsupported by evidence. It's because we can never be absolutely 100% correct on anything. We may be 99.999999% correct, but we never reach 100%. The theory of evolution is one of the most strongly supported theories that exists. Up there with the theory of gravity.
2008-04-19 14:45:21 UTC
Wow so many answers ... well I believe in micro evolution without a doubt but not macro evolution ... species may alter between themselves ( example : skin color such as darker or lighter hues , eye color and hair color in the human race or may grow up per say such as a baby becoming an adult or a pup becoming a dog ) but they do not turn themseleves into a completely different species ... that is unscientific by itself and irrational ... I don't believe in theistic evolution nor in the gap theory ( I used to be an old earth creationist ) ... I'm a young earth creationist

For more information see source ... it's really good and very easy ... I'm sure that you will love it
Bible League
2008-04-19 08:00:20 UTC
This is absolute blasphemy! Evolution is against science. There is 100% harmony between the Bible and science so I don't believe that they cannot be reconciled. Even my biology teacher says it's unscientific.

So so say we came from apes then why do apes still exist? Why is the ape still stronger than a human? Besides the tail

bone of the human has a different one from monkeys.

Let's throw a cow into the sea and see if Darwin is right! He says that the cow went into the ocean and to survive, in a MILLION years it becomes a dugong them it becomes a whale. How dull! All three types of animals STILL exist.

The penis of a whale has anchor bones and nothing to do with the cow. Without it, the whale cannot reproduce.

To explain further, how can the cow reproduce in the ocean? Darwin might even try to say the cow mated with a sea animal. But genetics dictate that only animals of the same kind can mate with each other. That means a mule is still a horse and a donkey is a horse so a mule is still the result.

Also, I would want to be scientific. You can go right ahead and accuse me of not being scientific but evolution is just full of holes.

Our many times great-grandfather Noah had all animals regardless. Also the flood was just enough and that it disproves natural selectivity.

Thinking it over, could science be proving evolution wrong?

The answer is a big YES. Science is proving evolution WRONG.

Log on to:
Mercury 2010
2008-04-19 04:35:50 UTC
WOW! this is crazy..... look at all the answers!!

719 answers.

funny... I always wondered how some of these questions get so many answers, votes and attention..... now I know!

Its because YA locked up and froze questions for about 11 hours. then every one piles up on the leading Q's on the sections' main pages.

then we get TONS of answers......

At least the roulette wheel stopped on a good solid question like yours! congrats.

of course I believe in evolution!!

and those who don't really need to open their eyes.

If you can watch Staph bacteria that contains dna mutate and "evolve" to learn to fight off and bypass penicillin based antibiotics,

Then why can't people think that other bacteria, plants, fish, lizards, birds and other animals can't and haven't done so to adapt to their survival over the years.

we're also talking about a period of 5 BILLION years.

and processes that take small baby steps EACH generation

5 THOUSAND MILLION years if you will....

people that don't believe (and even some that do believe) should also relearn math and how to count. a BILLION is a larger number than you probably already think it is. and if you could understand it than you'll understand how it gives room for any biological life to change, even if just 1 time.

also studying epigenetics allows one to see how the dna in a persons body visually CHANGES permanently according to the chemicals you create, ingest or breath in. these altered dna changes are expressed again in their children..

now if thats not visual and noticeable evidence for evolution, then I'll be a little school girl in pig tails and a skirt.
2008-04-19 09:26:47 UTC
My brother is a bacteriologist researcher.

He recently was awarded a grant from the National Institute of Health (1 million dollars).

He witnesses with his own eyes, evolution taking place under many different conditions.

His job is actually to document the absolute evolutionary changes he sees in bacteria (They have super-high replication, so evolution is sped up)

SO far, he has documented 3 different species that have evolved (Meaning, they can no longer interbreed with less evolved bacteria - only with each other)

There is absolutely no question that Evolution occurs.

The difference is that there are still theories under the umbrella of the fact of evolution, which confuses Christians.

The whole thing is rather silly.
2014-11-02 05:37:05 UTC
This is a HUGE component of why I'm confident that the world was created by God, because for anything that is in this world to make sense, there has to be something beyond the realm of science. It would make sense that the one thing that would be beyond the realm of science is something that has the authority to set science into motion. I'm not like some religious nuts that are out saying "science is bad"... science can help us understand the world we live in.. but if you think science has all the answers, you're chasing after the wind.
tmadhava m
2008-04-19 09:39:42 UTC
it is a fact that forms of life do evolve. why and how are theories. the ancient religious theory that someone out there, a nobodaddy called god or whatever, did it of his whim and fancy, is as much a theory as any other. but that theory has the least credibility, because many facts contradict it, and no fact is explainable only on that hypothesis. a principle in logic is "Occam's Razor" - there is no need for a hypothesis unless it is necessary. God is an unnecessary hypothesis.

the scientific theories seeking to explain evolution had been tentative until Darwin proposed his theory of Natural Selection. This theory is an approach to the explanation of the phenomena, but neither complete nor satisfactory in many respects. much theory has been published since then, and much of the phenomena have been explained. What remains unexplained is the evolution of consciousness; this is now being approached by researches on brain and its functions.

therefore, yes, i do believe in evolution. but no, i do not believe completely in any of the theories now in discussion to explain it.
2008-04-19 06:42:58 UTC
the reason I do not believe in evolution is because it is not intelligently or archaeologically accurate, Mainly because why would Homo Erectus,Cro Magons and Neanderthals genetically threw mutation come from apes when if they came from Apes the Apes would have died out when the Hominids came in but they are still here. Also why did they go 2 million to 500 thousand years without building a civilization. Then all of a sudden homo sapiens the Elohim's creation are building cities naming animals and using tools to crop the land instead of like a Cave man beating on stone. It just doesn't add up to us.
Diet Pepsi Max Fan
2008-04-19 05:38:25 UTC
Well, you exist, don't you?

Just thought I'd give the answer I usually get when I ask Christians why they think God exists. Hey, if it works for them, why not for me?

Evolution is a process by which everything changes and everything is changing as we speak at an extremely slow pace. It isn't something you can deny. Just like a child grows or hair grows, you can't see it grow, but you can see the consequences. Perhaps you meant to ask about Natural Selection which eventually led to the speciation of humans. That question would belong in the science section, as it isn't a religious issue.
2008-04-22 15:25:14 UTC
The theory of evolution is the backbone of biology. Viruses evolve, and we develop vaccines against the evolving viruses. Every year we come up with new flu vaccines for instance in order to combat this. It would be impossible to practice any biological science now without "believing" in it, including doctors. It is the most supported theory in biology. The reason it isn't "proven" is because scientific theories are never proved or disproved; they are either supported or unsupported by evidence. It's because we can never be absolutely 100% correct on anything. We may be 99.999999% correct, but we never reach 100%. The theory of evolution is one of the most strongly supported theories that exists. Up there with the theory of gravity.

I found this site online that clearly explains the definition of a scientific theory. It's not just some random guess. I copy-pasted it.

Creationists argue that evolution is "only a theory and cannot be proven."

As used in science, a theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena.

Any scientific theory must be based on a careful and rational examination of the facts. A clear distinction needs to be made between facts (things which can be observed and/or measured) and theories (explanations which correlate and interpret the facts.

A fact is something that is supported by unmistakable evidence. For example, the Grand Canyon cuts through layers of different kinds of rock, such as the Coconino sandstone, Hermit shale, and Redwall limestone. These rock layers often contain fossils that are found only in certain layers. Those are the facts.

It is a fact is that fossil skulls have been found that are intermediate in appearance between humans and modern apes. It is a fact that fossils have been found that are clearly intermediate in appearance between dinosaurs and birds.

Facts may be interpreted in different ways by different individuals, but that doesn't change the facts themselves.

Theories may be good, bad, or indifferent. They may be well established by the factual evidence, or they may lack credibility. Before a theory is given any credence in the scientific community, it must be subjected to "peer review." This means that the proposed theory must be published in a legitimate scientific journal in order to provide the opportunity for other scientists to evaluate the relevant factual information and publish their conclusions.

Creationists refuse to subject their "theories" to peer reviews, because they know they don't fit the facts. The creationist mindset is distorted by the concept of "good science" (creationism) vs. "bad science" (anything not in agreement with creationism). Creation "scientists" are biblical fundamentalists who can not accept anything contrary to their sectarian religious beliefs.

Also, read this site...

I'm not against people who are religious, just people who refuse to look at the facts, and those who talk about theories, yet have no idea what a scientific theory is... You can believe like many do that God gave way to evolution.
2008-04-21 09:57:57 UTC
I'm not sure why this question brings up such raw emotion in people, I don't neccessarily believe in the biblical version of Genesis, but I do believe that it takes more than circumstance for human beings to exist. With the complexities of our nervous and circulatory system and the symmetry that exists in all of nature, it seems too perfect for coincidence.

I tend to believe that humans may have evolved but I believe that process was started and/or aided by a higher power.

Sorry for being "on the fence" but I believe in god but not the bible.
2008-04-19 09:01:23 UTC
Evolution is a scientific theory, not a belief. Nobody received it overnight. However, I do not BELIEVE that it can used (abused) to explain the origins of life, the origin of the first replicator, without the proper scientific data first getting to us. Strangely, many of the most famous evolutionary biologist have been resorting to making "armchair" theories about life's origins because they aren't professional enough to wait until the data comes in. Kind of embarrasses science.
2008-04-19 08:56:58 UTC
I don't know much about Evolution but I am happy to accept it as true, even though I am a bible believing Christian. This is because I don't think the 7 days of creation in Genesis are supposed to be taken literally.
2008-04-19 08:30:58 UTC
Yes. Life is a process of formation or growth; development. We are lucky to continue to form and grow in every way as humans, but it is obvious, through studies of particulate matter transformation and molecular changes that things are constantly changing all around us and in us. We may not be able to notice these changes so much with the naked eye, but under meticulous instruments they are obvious!

I do not see a conflict between Creation and Evolution. I see the Bible as a story of the origins and struggles of man, being told the best way people in those days could. I see the DAYs of Creation as a continuance, that none of them are over, and as long as there is material life, made up of infinite particulate matter that continue to be discovered by humans with more and more advanced instrumentation and seeking, life, evolution will continue.

Without difference there is removal of life. Life is a series of corrections from the appearance problems of a developing creature of beingness, searching for survival and finding an eventual death into a boring all-knowing Certainty dimension, only to return for the infinite Uncertainty roller coaster ride for the entertainment of material life again.

This illusion of free choice could not be made possible without infinite uncertain development mixed with some appearance of certainty.

That is why I believe in evolution.

Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine in

Forgive Affirmed Spirit
2008-04-21 08:26:02 UTC
Evolution isn't something one believes in.

Do you believe in gravity or wind?

The question should be; Do I think evolution is the best answer to the question, "How did we all get to where we are today?"

And I'd say yes of course. This has been a widely accepted and supported answer, based on facts, peer reviewed and studied for nearly 150 years.

Good luck Hustlin'.
Rose Willow
2008-04-19 10:11:01 UTC
In my honest opinion, evolution is a bunch of bullshit.

If evolution was true, why isn't it still happening?

Were we born, not humans, but a different species, and wasted a million years after birth changing into humans, then and only then going along the course of our lives, our parents lying to us and saying we were born humans, giving us false photos of our birth?

Or was it an illusion to the parents? Did the doctors put them to sleep while giving birth, thus causing them to dream the doctors taking the newborn human away to clean it, and allowed the baby to live a million years before actually turning human, then waking the mother up? And did the doctors live a million years waiting, so that the mother would not wonder what happened to them? If so, how come other people do not live a million years? What about those in the hospital on their death beds? Do they hold off passing on while the mother gives birth? If that was the case, wouldn't at least 1/4 of the world's population be sleeping for a million years straight at the same time? If you REALLY think about it, it makes no sense whatsoever.

It makes me wonder how people who believe in evolution can be so stupid. =/

Yes, I know, people view evolution as a 'fact' that does not need 'believing in'. That the scientific evidence for it is piled up greatly and that people who think it's false need to be educated the correct way.. Blah blah blah blah blah blah...

But if anyone really had common sense and not 'book smarts' they'd see that it's all a lie.

*EDIT* Well, it's about time someone gave me a thumbs down. Is da wittwe evowution bewiever upset that I your science sound stoopid? Awh, poor things!

*EDIT* And I LOVE how I keep getting thumbs down! =] It means people read my answer. In the totally awesome words of Dane Cook, "You will remember me forever!!!" XDDD

*EDIT* And just for the record, anyone who wants to say anything about this, remember that I made no point that Creationism made any more sense than evolution in this. =]

2008-04-19 09:39:32 UTC
Do I agree with the scientific method that produces the scientific theory of evolution?

I have no option but offer some definition. We have two "belief" systems: One based on observation and one based on revelation (non observation). Or simply God reveals and man observes. Your question mixes the two.

Man observes. A scientific fact is an observation made by two or more persons independent of location. We have bones which we have dated etc are scientific facts. A scientific theory explains scientific facts. When the scientific facts change the scientific theory may change. The scientific theory of evolution explains that scientific facts but is missing some, the missing link. Does the missing link justify abandoning the theory? Most scientists agree with the theory of evolution but are waiting for the missing link scientific facts. The wait has three possibilities: the missing link is found, another scientific fact clearly demonstrates there is no missing link, or there are no scientific facts either way.

God reveals. There are things man can not observe. For Christians (as well as Jews), God is one of them. God reveals Himself to man, not the other way around. This is where belief comes in. God speaks to man through prophets (messengers) and we either believe what they say or not. There is no method to this belief; it is a leap of faith. This leap of faith leads to the bible as the word of God, Jesus as the savor, hope of eternal life at the resurrection etc.

We get into trouble when we applied observation to revelation or when we apply faith (belief) to science. An example of this is Creationism. Given the definition, Creationism is a belief not a scientific theory. Creationism states that using science we can find the creator (God); however, from Genesis 1:1 God revealed that God existed before He created everything we can observe. That means God exists in the unobservable as well as the observable that he created. If Creationism is a scientific theory, man would have to observe the unobservable.

Now back to your question. I believe in God, in Creationism, and agree with the theory of evolution awaiting addition scientific facts.
2008-04-19 08:10:17 UTC
Hmmm believe Scientific fact proven and agreed upon by scientists worldwide, or believe something no one can see or prove in a silly little book?

And have you ever thought that maybe evolution is the answer to how and not why?

If there is a god, he's moved on or hates us. Because the world is SCREWED UP beyond belief.

And I feel bad for all of you who can't just accept things, and need something to believe in to go through the day.
Mike K
2008-04-19 08:03:43 UTC

Yes. I work in the oil industry as a geologist, drill down from 500 - 3000 metres and see coral reef fossils in the western plains. You see changes in the fossil records that stare you right in the face. The empirical evidence for evolution far outweighs that of creationism when put on a double scale.

This argument over evolution in the religious circles is a total waste of time and energy. When we are all judged Christ will be asking us if we lived a good life, obeyed his commandments, feed me when I was hungry, cloth me when Iwas naked, visit me when sick and in prison etc... NOT is the earth 4.5 billion years oldor made at 11:34 hrs EST 6700 years ago, did man walk with dinosaurs etc.


Michael Kelly
2008-04-19 05:12:48 UTC
I believe in Natural Selection, because it only makes proper sense and we have seen evidence of it even in the modern age. It's how animals live and adapt to their environments... To deny that The evolution of a species into what better suits their environment would be iggnorant... Of course I believe that it is at the hands of God. :)

Do I believe that Men came from Monkeys. NO. Plain and simple. I have seen not only any reason for us TO come from monkeys but no solid evidence supporting it. As a Christian I believe I was created in God's image (as the bible states) and that sure, we may have changed somewhat in appearance over the course of these eons, but we were and are, God's Children, Humans. Above the animals, above the angels.
2008-04-19 11:33:50 UTC
A hair brained idea, that was conjured up to avoid the hand of the creator. Where are all the remains of the recent transfigured? the in-between ones? Adaptation, which is species change, restricted to variation within that species is what is happening, when that particular breed can not adapt, it became extinct. A species of frog,has learned to bury itself in a mud and secreted substance, go into suspended animation, and survive the drought,re appear when the rains come again. When the rains come too late, some die, and that's controled stewardship of God, as population control. We are subject to the same.
2008-04-19 10:31:29 UTC
Yes, I believe in evolution due to the plethora of evidence that has came up to prove the theory. Or at least, support it.

What evidence do you have that human kind was created by a soul entity? Because a book that a human wrote?
Rover Bob
2008-04-19 07:48:34 UTC
I believe in micro-evolution but not macro-evolution. Despite the 'mountains of data' in support of macro-evolution as claimed by many people who have answered your question, having studied both sides of the issue for years, I would disagree that macro-evolution is a given.

Many credible scientists, from many different fields, disagree vehemently with the theory of evolution -- so it's not just people from 'Turkey' or misguided Christians or fools who don't accept said theory.

Even evolutionists sometimes acknowledge problems with their own theory...

A current leading evolutionist, Jeffrey Schwartz, professor of anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh, has recently acknowledged that:

. . . it was and still is the case that, with the exception of Dobzhansky's claim about a new species of fruit fly, the formation of a new species, by any mechanism, has never been observed.

Jeffrey H. Schwartz, Sudden Origins (New York, John Wiley, 1999), p. 300.

If you'd like more information on the crises of evolutionism and the scientific validity of creationism, visit:

To see an article by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. titled: The Scientific Case Against Evolution follow this link:


Rev. Lonnie Honeycutt (RevLon)
2008-04-19 05:32:18 UTC
I have looked into both sides of the evolution vs creation debate. What I see is that the one major evidence that evolution uses, namely the rock strata, can more easily prove that there was a global flood, and there goes most of the evidence for evolution. Words used in evolutionist circles are those of uncertainty, but because it is sold to students in a scientific environment it is bought cheap. The chances of evolution taking place naturally are a zillion to one, but because of that slight chance people accept it.

A student wrote in his paper on the possibility of mutations occurring, and in his report he noted that under certain conditions two changes in a certain part of the DNA occurred, and he said that although the evidence was small, he guessed that it might have been possible millions of years ago for mutations to have occurred. From that statement he might have got an A. Instead of writing that he did not see that it is likely that mutations would occur, which might have got him a D. Lies, lies, lies, and you people that "believe" in evolution are buying it all the time, even the churchs are owning it. It has NO place in Christian circles.

You CAN NOT believe the BIBLE and accept evolution.

I have found that the evidence seen in biology class is automatically viewed with evolution colored glasses, and the result of that is that the answers to the questions raised are on the basis of evolution being a fact, instead of looking into the matter more deeply. Students tend to be happy just to skim the surface and the truth of what really is going on inside cells and DNA is totally missed. We may never know the truth as long as people are convinced that evolution is true. Great scientific discoveries were made by Christians, because they looked a little deeper.

Science based on faulty logic will nearly always be believed instead of a faith in God. No God, no accountability.

My GOD is greater than we can ever imagine. He holds the universe in His hands. Christians ought stop moping around, because we serve a GREAT GOD.

Why is it that those who believe in the creation account get more thumbs down than those that accept evolution?
2008-04-19 09:21:43 UTC
I don't believe in evolution the same reason atheists don't believe in God.

There is no proof.

By using the same logic as the atheists, that would mean that if religion is a fairy tale, so is Darwin's theory. Atheists primarily think evolution is a fact because they want an explanation for how we came to be. But they are misguided and delusional for thinking this.

Think about it, we know gravity exists because we witness it. Just pick up something, anything, then drop it. We know it occurred because we saw it happen. Nobody has ever seen evolution occur, so there is no direct proof for it to ever have happened.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, atheists.
Mystic-ravi s
2008-04-19 06:43:27 UTC
In Parsi religion it is said that only 4 substances were in the beginning and they will be at the end. They are water,fire,land and wind. Means solids, liquids,energy,gas and they forgot space. As per Hinduism also when 1st creature of this universe God Brahma evolved he was evolved from a lotus. Later he created a number of Gods and Goddesses and humans. Also this gods and goddesses created a number of beings filling this universe with living creatures - eternal as well as mortal. Brahma also created heavens, hells, season cycles, life and death and rebirth cycles etc. directly or through Gods made by him. However we find that when he was evolved the Great lotus including water, fire,land,wind and space were already there. That means the enromous energies present in atom was not made by him. Nature or unseen God is behind this. That means evolution is true even if we believe all religions to be true. That means it might be true if not in the exact form we know but in some other form
2008-04-19 05:18:28 UTC
Absolutely. Evolution is throughout everything in existence including the current corrosion of the western world and it's rapidly increasing demise. Everything is fluent and ever changing which is the wonder of the great masterplan. Anyone saying that evolution is not validated is living in fairyland probably as a blind excuse for belonging to some particular sect of religion. You know, saying what fits so as to be "in." People who get brainwashed want to be cos it is easier than having their own mind and having to mange all that comes with being a true individual. You cannot stand on one of the rugged coastlines around the world or better still camp and live there for a few weeks or months as I have often done, in touch with nature, and then try to deny evolution. But that's only ecological. Just look at the way politicians are trying to bat off what is inevitable. The west as you may know it is OVER and we are facing just another major evolutionary change which nothing will stop, least of all a load of old farts in grey suits with grey souls, creaming the system for their own ends and lying their way around what is obviously the God's great karmic round up era. After the feast comes the reckoning.
2014-08-28 05:45:15 UTC
This is a HUGE component of why I'm confident that the world was created by God, because for anything that is in this world to make sense, there has to be something beyond the realm of science. It would make sense that the one thing that would be beyond the realm of science is something that has the authority to set science into motion. I'm not like some religious nuts that are out saying "science is bad"... science can help us und
John B
2008-04-19 05:00:56 UTC
When will the faithful get this straight. Nobody 'believes' in evolution for crying out loud. It's a scientific theory lady. And like all theories it is constantly being questioned and tested and undergoing experimetation to substantiate it's validity. That's what sience does. Evolution just happens to be the theory that the vast majority of science thinks is the most plausible explanation for the ascension of the species. The only people that 'believe' in this world rely on faith to support their delusions.
2008-04-19 01:22:31 UTC
If God exists, then why the hell has Yahoo! Answers been stuck on this question for over 4 hours? Somebody answer that!!!!!

There are a few really good answers here. Evolution is a fact. The Theory of Evolution seeks to explain that fact. Very few people will argue that micro-evolution does not happen. But macro-evolution is just micro-evolution over time.

You will never find a half-fish half-human fossil because that's not how evolution works. There are literally hundreds of transitional fossils. But why are there gaps? Because not every dead animal turns into a fossil. The conditions are 1 in a million, then it must remain undisturbed for millions of years, and have the sheer luck of having somebody who knows what it is, find it.

I find it humerous when the most serious charge leveled against evolution (or any scientific theory) is that it has changed over time. Christians call this waffling, confusion, contradiction, and evidence that any such theory is invalid. However, they lack a basic understanding of the scientific method. What separates science from religon and makes science far superior to religion in regard to knowedge, is that scientific ideas are constantly being challanged...old theories are proven wrong, and new hypothesis are made. If aliens came tomorrow and gave us hard, testable evidence that the theory of evolution was wrong, scientist would accept it. But Christians would still hang on to the idiocy of their beliefs.
2008-04-19 09:44:59 UTC
I do not believe in Evolution, becouse God created man one day and animals on another day. A monkey becoming a human is false and why aren't monkeys turning into humans now. Genesis 1:23-25 is the creation of animals and other creeping things in the earth, Genesis 1:26,27,&28 is the creation of man and telling him to fill the earth and be rulers over the animals of the earth. Evolution is denying these facts. The truth is if we do not read the bible- we will not be able to tell the truth from the false. We want God to help us in our problems , but at the same time we deny him of being the creator. Not just in evolution but in all religion, why are their different beliefs. When there is only one bible , one God, and one word. A pastor can lie to you, and a church member can lie. No matter how hard they smile at you and shake your hand. If it isn't the same what God says then it is false and they are false. Keep God's 10 Commandments. But people will tell you that you can't keep them. Search for yourself and don't completely trust any one, NO ONE. Search out what people say and don't play it by ear. The evolution theory should not be a theory and thrown out, to keep from affending God, there is no between. You can only be for God or not. Don't go to your own knowledge. What we think is true. Thanks Kenny
2008-04-21 22:02:28 UTC
yes. There is evidence in the fossil record to show that animals and plants have evolved to adapt to their environments and animals that weren't able to dominate their environment eventually became extinct. The strongest species dominated because they had a particulat trait that allowed them to survive during extreme environmental conditions. These strong traits were carried on in the genes of their offspring, whereas the traits of the weaker organisms rarely got a chance to be carried on since the animals rarely lived long enough to mate and make weak offspring.
2008-04-19 23:17:31 UTC
I believe in God. I accept that evolution has some basis in fact, but I don't think we fully understand its long-term role in the development of life on Earth. As I see it, acknowledging the techniques used by an artist does not render Him non-existent.
Vijay D
2008-04-19 10:37:42 UTC
Without believing in evolution, one can't come to terms with his own existence. But more important thing to understand is that we have not got evolved as if on one fine day. We always were, are and will remain in existence.

Even when the dissolution takes place, we don't lose our existence as a soul. But in 'evolution' we incarnate in a physical body. And until the world remains we continue to live in this or that body form. In dissolution we cease to exist in our physical bodies and remain as souls only.
2008-04-19 10:30:15 UTC
Evolution is proven. Rejecting it is a matter of wilful ignorance and superstition based on nothing more than devotion to the literal reading of a bronze age myth by scientific illiterates that believe the brain their god gave them is to be used to keep their ears from touching. They don't worship a god, they worship an old book that they have deified and made into and idol to which they surrender their intellect and common sense..
truth sleuth
2008-04-19 08:51:53 UTC
When they prove, without a doubt (physical evidence) that Aliens (extra terrestials) are real then Evolution will have to be rethought. Because Aliens could have geneticly altered the native Earth apes to become humans (hybrids) and express some of their (ET) DNA. I bet Darwin never thought of that possibility of a missing link.
2008-04-19 07:28:44 UTC
I accept evolution as being the best scientific explanation for the diversity of species, and the best explanation for why species of the past are gone and species of the present often don't seem to have been around in the past.

This isn't belief--I know that science always changes and that new explanations may come around. But since no one has offered a better explanation, (scientifically) I accept evolution.
2008-04-19 07:16:01 UTC
o ideological program, whatever the illusions of its supporters, and whatever their means of promoting and packaging their untruths, can survive for ever. Precisely because man is God’s creature, made for nobility of being and action, he must and will seek truth, albeit temporarily deviated.

All the information revealed by modern biology shows that the origin of life, especially the molecular structure of living creatures, cannot be explained by coincidence in any way. The transcendent consciousness ruling over the whole universe is the ultimate evidence of God’s existence. As a matter of fact, some eminent names in microbiology have come to the point where they cannot defend evolution any longer. Instead, another theory has begun to get a long overdue hearing among these scientists: the theory of conscious design. The scientists defending it remark that it is very evident that life has been created by a conscious designer.
2008-04-19 06:51:04 UTC
I don't understand how evolution and the idea that God created the world are mutually exclusive. Why is it not possible that God created a world where evolution exists?

I think being take black and white positions simply because they like to argue.

There is far too much evidence out there to support evolution to say it's a hoax. It's not a matter of choosing to "believe." There's hard evidence to support it. If you choose to discount the evidence, that's your choice, I guess. I prefer to live in reality.
2008-04-19 05:45:48 UTC
I believe in the theory of evolution, because it is kind of obvious for mammals and birds. Notice how the primates, our unevolved brothers, are quite similar to us in the body features, excepted we are smarter and better looking. Also the theory of evolution has been proved by Darwin's theory. He studied how the flinches in Africa are all very similar, except their beaks. He realized the beaks were evolved to meet the needs of their adaptation and for survival. Another factor is that most animals, dogs, cats, elephants, horses, and giraffes all have four legs, but all different to meet their needs for survival. There was also a small horse, the size of a text book back way back, but grew to be a horse so that it would not get eaten and can reach the food on tall plants.
2008-04-19 02:08:09 UTC
After having studied the research, I've concluded that evolutionary theory is sound. What rational person doesn't accept the scientific method?

That doesn't make me an "atheist." I have a strong faith in deity and a devout religious practice. I also honor and respect other people's religious beliefs.

However, I'm not crazy enough to think that I should be able to impose my religious beliefs on others. My religious beliefs were arrived at through nonscientific means, and so they exist apart from science.

I don't understand why anybody would want to rig up a half-baked political campaign like "intelligent design" simply as a tool to attack academia.
2008-04-19 07:40:47 UTC
As opposed to what, magical giants creating human life from clay and from ribs? You shouldn't have to think long to know that evolution is a more reasonable and believable scenario.

But I guess it takes all kinds to make a world.

That was a great question, if the number of answers is any indication. Are you two sisters?
Ex - muslim
2008-04-19 04:09:50 UTC
You cannot Believe in evolution. It is not a religion or faith.

Evolution is a theory that is strongly supported by scientific evidence.

It is not cast in stone, but as scientists discover new evidence everyday, this theory which is based on the scientific fundamentals of science, becomes stronger and clearer about our past. It proves the scientists are "on the right track" about solving the mysteries of the cosmos and our place in it.

Many people today who are ignorant of science, assume that evolution is all about proving that humans "evolved from mokeys". But this is totally wrong. This is also one of the reasons why they shy away from discovering the truth for themselves.

The result is that these ignorant people cling to stories and fables often spread by their parents and the misinformed. They never become critical thinkers.
Gypsy Priest
2008-04-19 02:33:30 UTC
I believe that God could have used evolution when he created all that we know as reality. But Evolution, after all, is still a theory. There are more missing links than links if that means anything to logical people.

I also am aware that God is the kind of being who would create a universe already in motion and functioning on day one just by the word of his mouth. Then, to any observer of that creation who has no way of being objective, being part of that creation, would try and put two and two together and would decide that it must have been around for a gazillion years developing slowly.

Maybe that is why it is written " I will confound the wise".

This is my strong opinion: The spiritual world is the real, solid, tangible part of this existence but we are

trapped in these bodies and find it hard to experience that reality.

Why is there a million percent more empty space in the particles that make up this physical existence
2008-04-21 09:54:49 UTC
How can people believe in something so ignorant? If evolution were true, why aren't there species of humans who are in different phases of evolving right now? Explain that one to me Darwin. What a bunch of ignorance.
James O
2008-04-19 09:10:15 UTC

it has just about all the biological,genetic ,paleontological and geological evidence on its side

I am a believing Christian

i also think that the evidence for an Ultimate Creator is very strong
2008-04-19 08:08:48 UTC
I'm #575. This is the biggest response I've ever seen to a question. Congratulations. Yes, I believe in evolution. According to Sumer records, some steps in our evolution were helped along. DNA mixing produced a revved up the evolutonary step in human development. Brilliant scientists in Sumer added their DNA to ours and here we are. Nothing divine about it. Just like our petri dish babies we have today.
2008-04-19 07:56:10 UTC

Last night I went to see "Expelled". From the commercials I thought it was about the debate between Intelligent Design and Evolution. It wasn't.

The movie was about scientific censorship of the debate between Intelligent Design and Evolution.

During an interview with Richard Dawkins he admitted the possibility of intelligent design of life on Earth, however, he believed that the intelligence that could have designed human beings would have been an Alien Intelligence and not a Divine Intelligence. I thought that was really open minded for the kind of closed minded bigot that he appears to be from watching and reading him.

The documentary was really interesting and while it was not what I was expecting I really enjoyed it.

I am a Creationist and I don't believe in Intelligent Design or Evolution.
2008-04-19 07:53:57 UTC
Evolution is not something to "believe in" or disbelieve as something that must be taken on faith, like religion and the existence of gods. Evolution is supported by a body scientifically gathered and validated evidence. It has spawned new areas of science that are proving to be quite valuable to our over-all understanding of life including the origin of life.

Not surprisingly, the idea of gods and other dreamed-up religious misrepresentations of life's origins and sustainment are not a part of the accepted pool of knowledge.

(Please note that the phrase "pool of knowledge" does not intend mystical significance as would the phrase "tree of knowledge" but instead, only means a collection of factually derived ideas.)
2008-04-19 07:48:24 UTC
I would say that there are still a few holes in the "theory of evolution",but that still makes Darwin and those who came after him 10,000 times smarter than every "Creationist" ever born combined. The question is will I take the scientific worlds study of our evolution seriously,or will I put all my faith in ancient superstitions? I think I'll agree with the scientists.

2008-04-19 02:52:33 UTC
I believe everyone will find out in the end but not before! I believe you are prejudice! People who are prejudice can not be scientific at all! As for evolution? The answer is, to an extent! I believe people are evolving into idiots and have lost their compassion for one another and their since of whats right and wrong and this will eventually lead to our demise! I believe that when you no longer care about one another and the world you live in, then the hope for a future is in vain! What I see is a kind of pretend of caring for one another and a pretend of interest in the world at large to make it look like you are what your not and your fake in everything, so you don't really exist at all as long as pride is your only goal in life! You believe that the animals evolved and they kill one another and eat one another to survive and I suppose you think of yourself as a grass eater, don't you? No GOD = no rules and no rules means your fair game! No more thou shalt not steal and thou shalt not kill and so on and so on! Get it?
2014-06-18 18:10:49 UTC
I choose to accept as truth. Its hard for me to believe that some spirit that always exist created every single individual unique species and all of earth's special conditions to sustain life within 6 days.
Rocky Squirrel
2008-04-20 15:20:34 UTC
I like what Billy Graham said when the TV show 60 minutes asked him "Do you believe in evolution?" Billy Graham said, "I don't know how God made the universe. When I get to heaven, I am going to ask Jesus to play the video."

As a Christian, I believe that God used evolution in the process of creating the universe. The Genesis creation account tells us that God created the universe, not *how* he did it.

As a scientist, there is certainly eyewitness evidence for horizontal evolution. For example, butterflies in 19th century England changed color in a generation in order to adapt to the industrial revolution.

We scientists have found convincing evidence for more long term evolution. For example we see sea urchins w/o teeth in a sea bed layer turning into sea urchins with teeth in a younger sea bed layer. The younger urchins are more complex, show more division of labor.

Yet in both cases, the sea urchin remained a sea urchin, and the butterfly remained a butterfly. These are examples of horizontal evolution.

And as a scientist, no one has eyewitnessed, in the lab or in the field, as far as I know, vertical speciation as it is taking place. That is, no one has seen with their own eyes a frog turning into a mammal.

Then there is a fossil record. There are reports of findings of transition species in the fossil record, a tooth there, a bone here. There are newer more accepted theories how species came about--like punctuated evolution. Anyway, all this stuff is very interesting. Many grad students and scientists thrive on it. And the possibility of finding a missing link? Well, a missing link is worth a thousand PhD dissertations, and/or publications in Nature. Whether the conclusions are true or not, is not the point. The point is, is that grad student got his PhD, and a scientist got closer to tenure.

Now, when we take evolution to its most secular limits; that is, we all came out from random ooze, no one has ever seen that. That truly is not verifiable. And even the hard-line atheist will have to agree with that. No observations of that one.

And in the light of the second law of thermodynamics, evolution from ooze is counter to this law of physics. The second law of thermodynamics (physics) put simply states that when a system is left to itself, the system goes from order to disorder. So, a law of physics goes against evolution in its most atheistic form.

If anything, the second law says everything decays. Is there evidence for evolution-to-the-bad? Oh yeah. Even eyewitnessed? Yes. Speciation decay has certainly been eyewitnessed. How many species have gone extinct in our lifetime alone?

In the end, one can argue with Christians about evolution all one wants. But it doesn't matter! Believing in evolution is not mutually exclusive of being a Christian. A Christian can believe the Genesis account so long as he reads it in context. Its literary form is a Hebrew poem--specifically a thought rhyme. It is not a dissertation in cosmology written by Moses the grad student.

For the Christian who is upset with what I say, I challenge you. Go and look up the man James Ussher. If you believe the earth is 6000 years old, Ussher is the man who you have put your faith in, not the Bible. And as a side study, you also better do a Bible study on what Moses exactly means by "man made in the image of God". You will find that in the book of Genesis, there are many generations of men and women, immediate descandants of Adam and Eve, who did not have the "image of God."

These two things should rock your world. At the end of it all, my only is that you will focus your faith toward Jesus, not in James Ussher.
2008-04-19 08:36:58 UTC
Yes, evolution is a scientific fact and in no way way contradicts the spiritual truths of Holy Scripture. The uneducated individuals who teach otherwise are responsible for causing many to reject belief in God, and will, I am certain, face a harsh judgment for it.
2008-04-19 02:14:38 UTC
Evolution is virtually a proven fact. Life on earth originated many millions of years ago and it started with minute creatures. Yes, but who made the creatures? Where did the earth come from? I believe in God (without the yoke of religion) and feel that God made all of this happen. We don't understand 0.00000000001% of what the solar system and beyond is all about, but we certainly can quote from what we are told about who made what and so on in a specific length

of time. In plain language we do not know very much of anything and it may be that we never will.
2008-04-19 14:41:13 UTC
I don´t need to believe in it, I understand the data and I agree with the conclusion.

So +1 for evolution.
2008-04-19 09:43:41 UTC
Evolution is the truth. Creationism is part of the Bible, a collection of stories made up to make people feel better about their own lives. Beleived by millions worldwide, Creationism is the biggest hoax in the history of the world.
2008-04-19 00:35:11 UTC
There is some evidence of micro evolution. A positive side would be breeding. A negative side would be mutations.

I do not believe there is any strong evidence that macro evolution has taken place. After looking at fossils for well over a hundred plus years, all we have are bones that show that there are distinct species. We do not have to date evidence of true transitional species.

There are some very simple reasons I do not believe in macro evolution. One: the odds are against it. Think about it. If it took a million years for a male or female to evolve, they could not live long enough for a mate to evolve so they could reproduce. You really must have a chicken and a rooster before you can have an egg.

Two: the complexity of DNA is so intricate that even with the four billion years or so the earth is supposed to be still would not be long enough for it to evolve.

Three: It is more natural for things to fall apart rather than grow in complexity. This is true for rocks, animals and people.

Macro evolution, in my opinion, is rather illogical.
2014-05-27 19:31:40 UTC
As for those who take every word in the Bible literally, I can only wonder how they possibly view the books of Proverbs and the book of Revelations. Clearly, God uses parables and metaphors. It's OK, part of faith is not knowing, but trusting. The Bible alone does not have to have all of the direct and factual answers for everything because it isn't a book of unending knowledge, it's a story of love and faith.
2014-10-09 18:56:05 UTC
Yes. Life is a process of formation or growth; development. We are lucky to continue to form and grow in every way as humans, but it is obvious, through studies of particulate matter transformation and molecular changes that things are constantly changing all around us and in us. We may not be able to notice these changes so much with the naked eye, but under meticulous instruments they are obvious!
2008-04-19 22:59:04 UTC
Do I believe in it? It's not some fairy tale that lives in the sky and watches me do wrong, thus sending me to a place that's always incinerating itself?

Yes, I'm informed about the fact of evolution.
2008-04-19 09:55:25 UTC
I look around at the world and things in it and it's difficult to accept that the minute (pronounced MY-NOOT, not MINIT) operations of living things 'just happened.' If we all started from a one celled being, why didn't everything 'evolve' into the same thing. If the universe started with the 'BIG BANG', where did the material for the big bang come from?

No, this whole thing was PLANNED and EXECUTED in toto.

To SKUNKGREASE and others, the THEORY of evolution has not bee PROVEN or it would not be called a THEORY. DUH.
2008-04-19 08:00:45 UTC
Yes I do but, when man was created it says in Genesis that the Leviathans died out, the age of man is from Adam and Eve which is some six thousand seven hundred years according to the Jewish calendar.

It annoys me when people try to say that we descended from the Apes, because if we had the Apes would have died out but they haven't,we were created unique by God and in fact we are not supposed to be here and would not be here if not for the indiscretion of our first parents.we were designed with a totally different intention by the Creator.
2008-04-19 06:22:07 UTC
You appropriately use the word believe regarding evolution.

I accept it as the predominant theory in science today regarding the origins of man.

Evolution has never been observed.

It has never been reproduced in a lab.

It has never been proven.

We do see adaptation of a species to its environment, but never has anyone witnessed the changing of one species of animal into another.

I am not blind. I see evidence to support a theory.

I see no proof.

This theory sounds more and more like a religion every day.

Accept the faith or you will be questioned, criticized, denied jobs, promotions and tenure (all of these happen in science and on college campuses today when someone is not faithful in the theory).

2008-04-19 07:30:17 UTC
yeah i believe i do. the thing about evolution vs adam and eve thing is that you can be religious and still believe in elolution. wheather you believe we came from fish or monkeys or adam and eve the point is that some higher power had to create it so what is so unconceivable about god creating the universe then the priorval ozze we evolved from jumpstarting evolution as opposed to adam and eve just poping up out of nowhere. to put it simplier a higher power needed to create even the fish or monkeys we may have elolved from. does that make any sense?
Mark M
2008-04-19 21:16:19 UTC
I just noticed something that all the people who said reasons that evolution isn't true there answers got hidden.

The only one's that show are the evolution ones.
2008-04-19 09:41:48 UTC
I believe evolution may be true concerning the physical makeup of the flesh not the spirit by which the flesh was created.
2008-04-19 08:46:25 UTC
Yes. Evolution did happen, and its still happening today. People who say evolution isn't real, how can you explain the mummies and cavemen we have found. Hmm?

I don't believe in evolution. It requires faith to believe. I KNOW its true. It has so much scientific evidence to prove it
2008-04-19 08:23:57 UTC
No! absolutely not. There is so much proof that evolution is fake. Darwin obviously just wanted attention. Though he did get himself to believe his stories. He even thought that if you put underwear in a pot with wheat, an adult rat would form out of it. Obviously the rat came because it liked the smell of the wheat.
Lard T'underin Jeysus !
2008-04-19 05:40:40 UTC
Of course...its the true science, the only way things could have gotten the way they are. All this Christianity, islamism, hindu hocus-pocus with their fairy tales and myths and plagiarized history's , asking us to believe in walking on water, raising the dead and fluing off on a pony to be with alah is a bunch of superstitious gibberish practised by frightened, cowasrdly people who are afraid to stand up to life without a crutch to lean on so they embrace these tooth-fairy myths and ridiculous fictions and struggle on in thei blindness, stopping every once in a while to throw rocks at REAL fact, Real truth...the facts and truths of evolution.
Sarath R
2008-04-19 04:22:07 UTC
Yes I belive in the Theory of Evolution as it is scientifically and logically correct. No man or woman can come into existance just like that from no where. Infact no substance can come like that. So Evolution is true.
2008-04-19 02:18:53 UTC
It's not a question of belief. It's scientific theory that is widely accepted because it is coherent and it has been tested time and time again and people have failed to find a situation in nature where it fails.

You see, people who say they don't believe in evolution, haven't really understood what evolution is or even what science is for that matter. It's all about finding models that explain reality. There's no theory that explain everything, no model is the absolute truth. Scientific theories are constantly replaced by better ones.

There's absolutely no reason not to believe in evolution. Evolution is not about how life came to be, it's not about the existence of God. It just describes how life, well, evolves and changes.
2008-04-19 00:01:07 UTC
Well, no offense but if the strongest opinion you can give to the no side is that it doesn't exist then you shouldn't believe yourself. If you had a kid and he started egging peoples houses on Halloween. And when you went to punish him and ask why he did it all he had to say was, "Cause I don't think it was bad." Would you give a crap? No, I didn't think so you'd want reasons. So when this kind person asks for strong opinions and all you say is because its not true is that a strong opinion? No, I didn't think so.

But, anyway yes I do believe in evolution. I find it very very hard to believe that a while ago some guy just woke up and was like, "Hey you know what I think I'll make the Universe today cause I'm bored." And that its been that way ever since. Its hard to not believe in evolution because if you say evolution is fake then all those fossils we've ever found of extict animals are fake. And that god just hid a bunch of bones for us to find and be really F'n confused over. Which if thats the case he doesn't really sound like a person I'd want to meet thats kind of cruel to set us up to fail. To say he exists then put things on Earth to prove he doesn't but anyway. Everyone religious will say 2 things here. God invented evolution and that god works in mysterious ways. But anyway those are my beliefs and as you can see I don't believe very heavily in god and if i go to hell oh well. I deserve it.
2008-04-19 09:10:38 UTC
Yes. Anyone who can see how the earth and its occupants have changed over time must believe in evolution. Only those who wish to remain ignorant to the inevitability of change do not believe.
Anon M
2008-04-19 04:33:33 UTC
Evolution is not a belief, it's a scientific theory based on REAL verifyble (see-in-your-local-museum -anywhere-in-the-world-in-plain-sight) evidence.

More than can be said for the fictional fairytale that is Creationism
Pistol Knight
2008-04-19 03:39:00 UTC
Most definitely. It is a real crime that a young person like you should even think of such a question. there is no alternative. of course, some religions push something else but if only you could recognise the falseness of their arguments you would begin to understand what I mean.. so, instead of asking the broad question, please put up a series of erroneous points of view and see where you get.

I have no problem with people wanting to be religious but I do not want their ideas foisted on me. I think they should really show some concern for their kids, too. Obviously they don't count in the truth stakes.
2008-04-19 01:12:44 UTC
No, and all the science whizzes on here need to read other materials to be truly informed. Dawin admitted as much. He also stated that if the future(now to us) didn't provide scores of transitional fossils, his theory would have to be judged as wrong (CT "Origin of the Species"). A good book refuting evolution cascading with microbiologists, physicists, chemical engineers, etc. but is still a very easy read is called "The Case for Creation" by Lee Strobel. He an ex atheist set out to prove creation wrong and this book came to be from his research, study, and interviews of those from all related fields, belivers, atheists, agnostics,etc. To form an opinion about a question you need both sides evidence, and arguments before choosing what you "believe in". Just like in a court trial.
2008-04-19 01:03:01 UTC
Micro-evolution is a proven fact. Animals, plants, and humans adapt to various climates and conditions which create permanent change in the DNA structure. Evolution is a fact. Now whether evolution is guided by a divine presence is another question.
2014-07-09 16:42:54 UTC
now evolution can be the big band theory, that i kinda see can happen, and we evolved from smaller things. Cells that formed together.

Me and my friends have an argument about this and my religious friend was trying to say that how did all the cells come here ect. ect.
2014-09-28 03:10:49 UTC
Theories may be good, bad, or indifferent. They may be well established by the factual evidence, or they may lack credibility. Before a theory is given any credence in the scientific community, it must be subjected to "peer review." This means that the proposed theory must be published in a legitimate scientific journal in order to provide the opportunity for other scientists to evaluate the relevant factual information and publish their conclusions.
2008-04-19 10:23:45 UTC
Evolution is not something you "believe in", like a religion. It's a fact based scientific theory.
2008-04-19 07:24:47 UTC
I do not believe that we evolved from apes or anything like that. If that were true, there would be zoos all over the world gaining national attention because one of their apes just turned human! I believe that God created us, as he also created this Earth. There have been atheists who have went and tried to prove that there wasn't a God, and in doing so, became Christian because the evidence was so strong that there is. If you question if there is a God, I think that if you do something as simple as study and research conception...and the entire pregnancy, as well as the birthing process, the amount of intricate details and the complexity of that process is astounding. How can something so amazing, just "happen", it can't. How animals have it enbeded inside of them knowing when they are pregnant, collecting materials and so delicately making a nest to prepare to have those babies in, and they just know how to take care of them, it is so cool. How can such a large world, such a complex world, just come here b/c of, "the big bang theory", or something like that. Wouldn't you think that a place like this, the gorgeous places that are in this world would of had someone to create it?
2008-04-19 06:43:26 UTC
People are going to hate this, but...

Evolution is NOT science and is NOT fact.

Evolution is a theory, same as creation is a theory.

Science must be observable, testable, and repeatable. Neither Evolution nor Creation are any of these things.

Personally I believe in the 6 days of Creation.

I find it easier to believe in an eternal, all powerful, all knowing Creator God than a chaotic explosion from nowhere that took eons to build what we have today.
2008-04-19 01:01:32 UTC
no I believe in a creator. I believe things can change and adapt to their enviroment and that certian things within their dna can be turned on and off like a switch, but I do not see any evidence of one species becoming a different species. The bible states that in the end time that a great false teaching would decieve if possible even the ever elect of God. I believe this may be a reference to the teachings of evolution Actually evolution is not a new theory, The ancient Chinese believed in it. In my opinion it takes more faith to believe in the evolution "theory" that in God
2008-04-19 08:45:08 UTC
no- not in the scence that we evolved from monkeys but i do believe in adapting which over time is an evolution. If we are really evoving by nature then what is the next leap for us- some other type of highly creative being.
Janet L
2008-04-19 05:38:36 UTC
Yes I believe in evolution. I don't have strong opinions right now, I'm having Y/A withdrawal.
2008-04-19 05:08:12 UTC
Yes, my strong opinion is that I believe in Evolution. Without which, the old laws would still apply. We've evolved since then.
Debbie C
2008-04-19 04:47:19 UTC
Evolution is a contsantly "evolving" subject but i do believe it to be true. It can be shown in the laboratory with bacteria displaying rapid evolution of traits which make them more adapted to their environment

I study biology and therefore to me Evolution is a fact.
2008-04-22 14:04:11 UTC
No i am a GOD man, I saw Expelled in theaters and it opend my eyes go see it,

Ans also evolution is boleshit the think they can believe in it but if we say there is a a God they will fire us from our jobs or make so big shity excuse
2014-05-28 06:54:36 UTC
Even biology at an elementary level (like school for 12 year olds) involves the classification of species, which would be next to impossible if you think it didn't happen.
Ray W
2008-04-19 09:07:02 UTC
No. The stongest opinion I have is God's Word. He said that He created all things. Who would you believe God or man? Colossians 1: 16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: Colossians 1: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Use a little common sense. If we came from monkies, then why do they still have your grandpa at the zoo?
2008-04-19 08:51:01 UTC
2008-04-19 08:45:13 UTC
In the same way I Believe that:

A) The Bible is part of mankinds history.

B) Gravity is a Theory

C) I exist.

D) Reason is the best way to attain Knowledge .
2008-04-19 08:00:34 UTC
I believe in evolution because of evidence. If evidence were to suggest that something else were responcible for complex life, then I would believe in that, but it doesn't. The evidence points to evolution through natural selection.
2008-04-19 03:10:53 UTC
Yes .. I believe in Science not an old story book. My God is capable of all things including Evolution
2014-09-21 05:10:08 UTC
I see that you have had a lot of Fundies give their two-cents worth, proving above all that our education system is failing our children horribly and has been for a long time. These oafs are proving nothing more than how LITTLE they know about science.
2008-04-19 09:33:00 UTC
do you believe in gravity? Evolution is not something to "believe" in, it is fact, like gravity is fact. The only people i know that talk about evolution as "belief" are people who don't know what the theory is about. Like the theory of gravity, relativity etc, they are all fact. Just because someone doesn't understand it doesn't make it a belief, it is a gap in your knowledge base that now that you relaise it is there, you need to fill
2008-04-19 08:20:12 UTC
Depends whether you're religious or not. I am religious so I don't necessarily believe in evolution. It's likely that there could be SOME evolution in our past, but not a great amount.
2008-04-19 08:07:31 UTC
Christ is cummmming back to fukc everyone in the assshole then he's going to drop a thick load on all the nuns naked breasts.

Thats evolution. The pope wears a dress for this reason. He likes to flip it up and get done in the *** like the rest of his child fukcing friends. It's a big anal orgy.

Bend over for your godddamm savior Jesus Fukcing Christ. He wants you lubed up and ready for his big fat holy diccck!
2008-04-19 07:47:23 UTC
Evolution undoubtedly happens. We see it in every living creature alive today. Humans included. To deny that we are evolving or that we evolved from something is impudent. How could anyone simply be placed on the earth from nothing??!! Oh, evolution is real, and its still going on today.
2008-04-18 23:45:39 UTC
Evolution is not a religion, so you can't "believe in" it the way some fundamentalists try to trap you into saying.

Yes I do believe in it, because of the enormous mountain of evidence for it that gets bigger everyday, because their is no other theory that even comes close to explaining these things, and because the often pointed out "weak points" in the theory were mostly mistakes made decades ago, or minor points that have long since been explained or will be soon.

"Intelligent design" is not even a theory, it's a criticism of a theory and without any evidence whatsoever!

I think the Universe is 15 billion years old just like I think my TV and cell phone will work when I turn them on - guess what, the same people invented these things as evolution and they work pretty well. Scientists are very clever people, and they have very good reason for having the theories they do.

Use the Bible for morality, don't try to turn it some science fact book - that's not what it is!
2008-04-19 09:40:44 UTC
I try to keep an open mind on the subject. Could be that God created evolution.
2008-04-19 08:23:51 UTC
I am a believe in the Almighty God the creator of everything and evolution did not occur. Science says that for something to be true it must be tested and retested and prove and evolution can not be tested. Yet the scientist say it is a fact. Look around you and you will see the beauty of the Lord and His creations. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.Genesis 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Genesis 6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
2008-04-19 07:54:18 UTC
Yes, evolution is around you. Drug resistance bacteria happens all the time. That is why doctors don't give out antibiotics as much anymore. The bacteria evolved to be resistive to the antibiotic. These religious people don't see that because they are so set in their ways they refuse to listen.
2008-04-19 09:17:37 UTC
God exists. Why some of us are able to experience Him and the supernatural and others are not...I'll let you take a guess at that one. What I know is that the Father Son And Spirit are real... they heal, they talk, the move in our lives. Others are blind to it completely...therefore, this intelligence is another level altogether and is not merited. Nough said.
2008-04-19 07:50:28 UTC
I do believe in evolution.let me ask you a question.

Was the world you know now like it was 20 yrs before or will it be the same 20 yrs later?

Suppose you plant a seed will it be the same in the earth after 5 years?

Look at yourself were you the same one year before.These all form part of the world.N i call it evolution
2008-04-19 08:08:22 UTC
I'm an atheist, I don't believe in evolution, because I don't believe in anything, I think that it the most likely way that we got here, and it is the best scientific explanation as to how we got here, but of course It may not be completely correct.
A Child of the King.
2008-04-19 07:32:16 UTC
why would i believe in evolution when the bible is clear.

in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

God said, Let there be light, and there was light

God divided the light from the darkness, God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.

and you can read the rest in Genesis chapter 1-2

I certainly didn't evolve form any monkey ;

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

the bible is true, it is god word given to us. god cannot lie so therefore what is written in the bible is the most truthful thing ever.
2008-04-19 07:27:55 UTC
Definitely NO. If evolution really took place, how come no species had evolve for the past era? They only have ADAPTED to the changes in the environment.

But I believe those who are bigots about evolution were intelligent apes. LOL!
2008-04-19 07:20:48 UTC
you dont have to 'believe' in it

you also dont have to believe in gravity

the evidence is pretty strong

there are a few minor holes in the theory but the theory is strong

also, the theory doesn't say anything about the existence of God

therefore, you can be a good christian and believe in evolution
Amarillo Slim
2008-04-19 04:06:49 UTC
Just look at the world around you...can you give me one example of something that is the same yesterday and is still the same today? Look at what it will be like in millions of years, if only to take an educated guess. The Pope is the most respected religious leader of today and ask him.
2014-05-28 18:41:57 UTC
The twenty first century is expected to be stressful and therefore yoga and meditation should also be taught properly in schools. Physical fitness was stressed by Swami Vivekanand and we have a lot to learn from the western world just the way they learn yoga from us.
Cristina M
2008-04-19 10:28:57 UTC
No. definetly no. how can anyone believe we just came from monkies. it's amazing how our bodies work and every cell is very complex. no, we didn't just "happen", it was God's work. what evidence is there about evolution? i mean they found a pigs tooth and made a big story about some half-man-half-ape thing. they even forged some ape and man bones together, buried them for 2 years and dug them up, claiming to have found the "missing link". evelutionist just lie and cheat and put their stuff in textbooks to get kids to beleive in their religion. yes, i said religion. it's not science b\c there is no real evidence proving their theory (that's a fact). idk why your asking this question; but i hope you get w/e your looking 4.
ankur g
2008-04-19 10:04:07 UTC
I believe in evolution of souls and energy - that expressing the world.
2008-04-19 09:52:39 UTC
I can see, hear, smell, taste and touch many aspects of evolution. It is simply not a question of belief.

Evolution is plainly factual - belief is philosophical. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true.
Imagine No Religion
2008-04-19 09:14:58 UTC
I certainly do accept evolution because there are plenty of scientific evidence to support it.

Creationism is nothing but a fairy-tale with absolutely NO creditable evidence to support its claim other than the bible.
2008-04-19 08:35:27 UTC
Of course, even the middle eastern religions you really think someone today is practicing the stoning of heretics and non-virgin brides (by dad's hands, of course)? Boulderdash! Of course there is evolution.
2008-04-19 08:07:56 UTC
No, for a belief to continue, it must remain unknown.. why would anyone have beliefs? it's best to know everything by putting claims to the test & getting sucessful results 100%, believe in nothing, know everything instead.

Evolution comes from knowlege, the known, not unknown.. therefore, no believer can accept evolution.

How many times have you believed that something will turn out favourable to you, only to find out that the outcome was unfavourable?

Believing has a minimum of 2 faces, & a maximum of unlimited.. but the truth has 1 face, & it never switches sides, it never fails you.. Do not be afraid of telling the truth.
2008-04-19 07:24:44 UTC
I believe in evolution yes. But as to the question of "What started life to begin with?"...

Evolution does not answer that to a definative certainty.
2008-04-19 06:48:06 UTC
Why doesn't YA seem to be working? The questions are all from 10 hours ago, and have 100 answers on them?
2008-04-19 06:25:57 UTC
It's a scientific fact so the answer would be yes. Evolution exists. It has been observed. Claiming otherwise is like saying you don't believe in gravity.
2008-04-19 05:48:50 UTC
Yes -- I have always believed in evolution-- also in relationship to creation -- they are both connected. There is a great book on this subject written by Michael Dowd -- ''Thank God for Evolution'

Question asked of him -- "You mentioned that audiences across the theological spectrum, including atheists, have tended to respond favorably to your message. Is this really true? Traditional churchgoers, non-religious humanists, scientists, and young people all have the same positive reaction?

Answer -- "For the most part, yes, although of course there are differences. In our first five and a half years on the road, my wife and I delivered Sunday sermons, evening programs, and multi-day workshops in more than six hundred churches, convents, monasteries, and spiritual centers across North America—including liberal and conservative Roman Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, Unitarian Universalist, Unity, Religious Science, Quaker, Mennonite, and Buddhist groups. We have also presented audience-appropriate versions of the exact same meaningful evolutionary message in nearly a hundred secular settings, including academic science and religion conferences, colleges, universities, high schools, grade schools, nature centers, zoos, and public libraries. No matter the context—liberal, conservative, religious, non-religious—the vast majority of attendees report finding tremendous value in our programs. Many tell us that one or another of our presentations was the single most inspiring talk they’ve ever experienced. And there’s always a handful who make the effort to communicate with us later in order to tell us precisely ‘how’ this perspective has been life changing for them.

Young people, especially, it seems, find this way of seeing moving and empowering. But you should also know that I rarely get the opportunity to speak in the most conservative of settings. I don’t get invited into the pulpit of ministers who believe, as I once did, that evolution is of the devil. It just doesn’t happen, at least not yet."

For further info:

'Thank God for Evolution!: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World'
Shane T
2008-04-19 03:54:29 UTC
Wow there's a lot of people answering today!

Yeah I believe in evolution, it's a lot more plausable than the other option, I think. But if anyone believes in creationism, I don't have a problem with that.

Is it true that creationism is taught in science class in the U.S? :S

If I was taught creationism in science, I would have a problem with that!
Mary W
2008-04-19 06:33:00 UTC
I believe God created the universe. How God did it we do not know but evolution makes more sense than the creation myths in the Old Testament.
shaun of the dead
2008-04-19 08:13:18 UTC
lets get this up to 1000. lolol.

lucky person whoever gets best answer. All the thumbs up give you points, don't they?

But seriously, ok, the theory might not be 100% perfect, but it is the best we have. Better than some mythology about a man taking 1000's of animals (and dionsaurs) on to a boat when it flooded. PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT!

hahaha, davie j claims not to be gullibale, yet he uses the bible as reference. You can't make this sh*t up!
2008-04-19 07:31:43 UTC
Why do people continue to ask if I "believe" in evolution? I don't "believe" in evolution anymore than I "believe" in gravity or quantum physics - it's not a belief - it's a tested theory based on facts - not faith.
2008-04-19 06:55:16 UTC
I love the fact everyone in here believes what is still called a "theory" of evolution. Not me sir, there is more to the complexity of this earth and nature to believe such an absurdity. Wonder how many thumbs down I will get?
the only 1 hobo
2008-04-19 10:28:34 UTC
..Yes but only in the same species not like from a dog to cat or ape to man . Every thing has changed but still the same creature You can see a bird on 1 island then see the same bird on different land and it has a different shaped bill but is still the same bird
2008-04-19 09:37:48 UTC
I believe in evolution as it only makes sense. There is hard core evidence that proves science and faith is only made up by the weak minded to explain what they themselves can't understand.
2008-04-19 08:13:50 UTC
No, evolution is a retarded concept.

lets go to the beginning, if a human baby just evolved out of no where, how did it survive on earth on its own? try leaving a baby roam the earth today.. and why dont things evolve anymore today, why just then? what happened, "intelligent organisms" said okay guys we did well, we made humans and giraffes and fish so i guess that all.

no! its just a way for poeple to forget the fact that god created the earth beginning with adam and eve..
2016-03-04 10:40:42 UTC
Visit the links below to understand why their arguments are incorrect and fallacious. Trust me, everything that has been said here is covered there. Creationists are too dufus to think up of something new and original.
Ethel the Chicken
2008-04-19 10:22:43 UTC
No, I do not accept evolutionary as unquestionably true. It is a good "theory", but there are still too many gaps in the evidence. And anyone who believes (with 100% certainty) that they descended from apes, probably DID!
2008-04-19 08:06:14 UTC
It's a poorly thought out theory for individuals who have to justify their own bad habits. There is no such thing as evolution and the very fact that life doesn't exist in all phases of the process should be enough to prove it, even to the most mundane.
2008-04-19 07:49:12 UTC
miyuki & kyojin
2008-04-19 07:44:21 UTC
Evolution is a proven fact not a groundless belief. There is much scientific evidence to support it. Beliefs are accepted as true with no proof.
2008-04-19 05:46:23 UTC
No. My opinion(s), however strong do not matter. What matters are facts. Rather than go into a lot of detail on various facts about creation and evolution, I will simply state one: Life can only come from preexisting life. Try as they might, no scientist has ever been able to prove otherwise.
Mr S
2008-04-19 05:01:48 UTC
Yes. There is much more evidence for evolution than there is for some invisible sky man creating someone out of dirt.
2008-04-19 01:44:38 UTC
When you look around at all the ugly, ignorant, gross people, it's hard to believe sometimes that they are the result of millions of years of evolution!

Maybe some people haven't evolved as far as others - that's the only explanation.
2008-04-19 07:25:40 UTC
Of course I believe in evolution. There's proof behind it.
2008-04-19 09:51:29 UTC
No I don't. If you have ever studied the human body..its soo precise. And the way the planets are set into one wrong move..could destroy us all. I don't think we came from a monkey, we were created by GOD. Oh yeah and the world is not millions of years old. Because the sun looses 2 diameters in its size millions of years ago..the sun would have been HUGE..NOT POSSIBLE!!!! The oceans would have been boiling. Get my point?!
niddlie diddle
2008-04-19 09:36:59 UTC
Evolution is so obvious, only a hard headed religious zealot would argue against it. Evolution is nature way of allowing us to adpt to adverse changes, or to caste away that what we don't need.changes
2008-04-19 08:58:37 UTC
My answer is no, Because people around the world are willing to accept anything that has nothing to do with our ELOHIM our supreme CREATOR. The people want to see,taste,touch,hear,and smell other gods. All you have to is simply do the research. I can help you, go to and find the truth about anything. Read Gen:1 .
Danrman, i am
2008-04-19 07:24:50 UTC
Yes I believe in God Almighty and I believe this world has laws that he/she set in motion one of them being evolution. I also believe God can break those rules because he is Supernatural and All Powerful. I also believe in Creationism do to God stepping in at different ponts of time and instantaneously speeding up evolution with a snap of his or her fingers.
2008-04-19 06:06:20 UTC
if you are Christian read Holy Bible from beginning to end. if you are Hindu read Bhagavat Geetha. But any religious man please read your texts intently. Evolution is only a scientific theory. some body says man is evolved from monkey!!! then why monkeys are existing. All should have been evolved into human. scientists do not read our Holy Religious texts. at the time of dissolution Lord asked some one to collect some important items and sit in boat. God created man as we are now.
2008-04-19 06:34:05 UTC
A resounding no. It doesn't do any good to go into opinions here, everyone has their opinions, and do not wish to exchange ideas and agree to disagree. This is just a way to bait a huge argument. This question has been argued here over and over, to only show how people will resort to name calling. I will just say that I'm looking forward to Ben Steins movie ExPelled (No Intelligence Allowed.)
2008-04-19 07:35:37 UTC
It's easy to believe. All the evidence points to evolution. You'd have to be willfully ignorant or very gullible to think otherwise.
Ky Nilbmac
2008-04-19 07:11:32 UTC
Evolution is a big bag of foney balogney!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously.... I heard about this one show, Dr. Dino, and it made me laugh so hard, what I heard!

Person: I beleive in evolution. I believe we all came from a big bowl of soup! (several other people agree)

Dr D: Where'd the soup come from?

Person: It came from the rain water.

Dr. D: WHere'd the rain come from?

Person: The dissinegrated rocks.

Dr. D: Where'd the rocks come from?

Person: THey came from the sou............p. OH. I see. (walks off)

Evolution is so not real! It is all just so stupid. If you quized a scientist about it, I bet even they would come up with what they said at the very first time. Like that person on Dr. Dino. Evolution is not real. God made man.
2008-04-19 06:09:37 UTC
The facts support the theory of evolution, this far I've seen no facts that support the idea that there is an omnipotent god.
2008-04-19 05:58:31 UTC
No, the General Theory of Evolution (an idea asserting common ancestry of all life on earth) is a baseless man-made fantasy, which is why there is no scientific proof it has ever occurred.

It has been invented, perpetuated and defended because it appears to lend support for atheistic Naturalistic philosophy, which demands only natural explanations for all things; an absurd philosophy which demands it's adherents believe various absurdities, such as in the beginning Nothing accidentally fluctuated by natural process into Something, which accidentally exploded into being the Universe, and life accidentally started when lightning hit a few chemicals in a mud pool and this accidental primitive life accidentally somehow persisted in developing in ever greater complexity. All these things are scientifically impossible and illogical. That's a lot of impossible accidents for Naturalistic philosophy to impose upon its adherents, and that's only some of them.

The General Theory of Evolution is dogmatically defended through misinforming propaganda demanding only Naturalistic answers be sought but which never presents the conclusive arguments against Evolution or the evidence supporting the Biblical account of creation, and which incites indiscriminate mockery of Biblical Creationists whilst failing to counter their arguments.

If you want to scrutinise Evolutionist propaganda these might be of help:

I highly recommend this book, 'Science vs. Evolution', as a great introduction to the subject -

Also this book could be of interest -

And these sites -
2008-04-21 00:55:33 UTC
I believe in evolutions as much as I believe in air
2008-04-19 10:00:58 UTC
Yes and I also believe the earth is round and the earth revolves around the sun.
2008-04-19 09:42:00 UTC
yes, you can see evolution all around you. As Dr Dawkins says, it also applies to religion. firts there were polytheists, who believed in several gods, then monotheists who believe in one god, so I guess the ultimeta evolutionary thought would be atheist, no belief in any god.

It is evolution and natural selection
2008-04-19 08:43:32 UTC
Yes, I do believe in evolution. With science everything is proven - it's black and white. Religion... well to me that's black and with with 500 shades of grey. :P
Humble Servant Of The Lord Jesus
2008-04-19 07:00:53 UTC
No, God created everything just the way it is today. There is on such thing as evolution. Things do not evolve into something else. There are no such things as cave men, that is a lie form the unbelieving world that do not believe in God.
Hellbound Ty™: Worst Forum, Ever!
2008-04-19 10:30:42 UTC
Evolution is not something to believe in. It has empirical evidence on it so I accept it as true, not because I "feel" it is true.
2008-04-19 09:20:47 UTC
umm no i don't believe! if we came from monkeys then why are there still monkeys on this earth. god created all that means man and woman. and keep in mind its a theory. but people believe in different things there is no reason to argue over it. people are in titled to their own opinion
2008-04-19 08:01:29 UTC
I believe God created evolution, but I don't think we came from monkeys or anything. Darwin did a lot of research on that subject, and most of it seems logical, so yeah it makes sense of animals and plants but not for humans.
Cheche Little
2008-04-19 07:52:34 UTC
No, if evolution is true, how do we explain the "coincidental" fact that nature and humans can mantain sustainability and how everything is linked to one another.

Also, how do we explain our(humans) ability to comprehend or ponder about "who our creator is", "why are we here", "whats our purpose..", things that requite deeper logic and understanding...this is also a distinct different between us humans and animals..

if Darwin was right, this wouldn't be true, which already is..
2008-04-19 07:41:11 UTC
Yes. However, I do not believe that it is the only thing that caused the diversity of life on earth. I think that there is something else at work also.
2008-04-19 06:53:20 UTC
All evidence disproves Darwinian evolution. All scientific data actually points to Punctuated Evolution. Darwin was wrong.

And it is possible to believe in evolution and God at the same time. Science says it took six billion years for the universe to form. The Bible says God formed it in six days. Six days: Six billion years. Am I the only one who notices anything funny here?
2008-04-19 04:24:26 UTC
It's like saying do I believe that the earth goes around the sun or do I believe that the stars are far away.
2014-05-27 05:46:04 UTC
DNA, fossils, new species being discovered. The debate ended ages ago. Only fools claim there is still a debate.
2008-04-19 08:38:08 UTC
Yes, because I believe in the scientific method.
2008-04-19 06:56:34 UTC
Yes I do believe in evolution, scientists believe in evolution and so does my religion
2008-04-19 07:37:55 UTC
Theory of Evolution is established beyond doubt . All scientists do believe in this theory ......and , for that matter I do. It's my knowledge of Bio-Science that has reinforced my conviction that the theory of evolution is true beyond any doubt.
2008-04-19 02:52:42 UTC
Did you know Darwin was badly shaken by his discoveries as they ran contrary to what he'd been taught, which was WRONG?

If the history of the planet were put on a film compressed to last 24 hours, humans would not appear until the last 20 minutes. Does that put it in perspective?
Boomer Wisdom
2008-04-19 00:12:33 UTC
Evolution is a theory that describes the way God manifests life. It is not a direct assault on any one's particular "Scriptures," and it can be observed in any laboratory or hospital, particularly with fast replicating bacteria.

Trying to explain the way God manifests Its Creation is not an endeavor of atheists.
2014-06-13 12:23:26 UTC
I believe in electronics, nuclear power, quantum physics and other scientific theories that have been shown to be reliable.
2008-04-22 00:35:12 UTC
i dont believe in evolution because think about it, how did we all come about, i mean in the very beginning of time who was our first mother, where did she come from? in other words how was the very first human born???? answer me that then ill stop believing in god
2008-04-19 08:19:39 UTC
I believe God used evolution as a tool to create man.
2008-04-19 04:27:26 UTC
I don't think we came from fish? but maybe were made to use our brain evolution from apes? but i think a mordern type one that stood upright from the get go! may have had to learn how do things but knew how to organize and work as team!
2008-04-19 04:25:42 UTC
No, off course not. Evulotion has no scientiggic proof. It always changs from story to story trying to make it the only solution for the creation of man and the world. It has weak aswers to questions about man and unsolved, crucial questions.

Basically, its not true and its never going to be true, the only true source is the Bible...
2008-04-19 00:10:21 UTC
No I do not believe in evolution and that is because I am a Christian. But that doesn't mean that automatically think that I am right and anyone who feels differently is wrong.
2008-04-19 09:33:11 UTC
Wow! This question has been asked thousands upon thousands of times, and yet you managed to get over 650 answers... that is amazing lol.

*scratches head*

Yes, of course I "believe" in evolution, just as I "believe" in gravity.
2014-06-22 19:37:51 UTC
Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground."- How the other bacteria evolved into the animals we now have, and how the human was formed.
Melvin C
2008-04-19 08:35:30 UTC
Hi hi,

Yes I believe, but in micro form where some form of change do take place.

But no, in the macro form, that all things come from simple form, in that human came from ape.
2008-04-19 08:14:11 UTC
No gilrs I believe that when the foundations of the earth came up, and buried everything that waalked on the earth and when it buried it (except the ark) it buried it in layers and their were animals that looked like each other in differant forms of evolution, but scientist think that becuase they are layered on top of each other that each layer must mean a 100 years of evolution, each layer has a differant animal that is like another as it was layer in th eflood when all the debry came back when it burst forth, burying everything in layers. can you understand???

Genesis 7:11

In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.
2008-04-19 06:42:45 UTC
Evolution happens every second from plants to people. Your mind evolved as you asked your question.
2008-04-19 04:44:28 UTC
If evolution is true, why did Yahoo!Answers stop evolving sometime last night?
2008-04-19 03:48:15 UTC
I believe that science will give you the best solutions, correct theorys when they are proven to be incorrect and eventually solve that problem.

Religion just says that because it isn't in their book it is therefore wrong.

I believe science is the best bet.
2008-04-19 02:45:56 UTC
How else do you explain how life started on this planet, It Is the only sensible conclusion unless the planet was colonised by another species from far far away even this has a better chance of being true compared to the god theory.

2008-04-19 02:35:52 UTC
No, the theory of evolution, though interesting, is wrong. Even the birds and bees, the flowers and the trees; the structure and order of things, testify of Gods existance and divinity.
2008-04-19 08:49:04 UTC
Of course. There are mountains of evedence for it, and nothing LOGICAL against it. Most of the people against it are Christians, who are all morons. They go around ACTUALLY believing that Earth is only 6000 years old. Christians are also very overviolent. They go around dong their "Jesus" crap. Jesus was supposed to represent peace, yet Christians go around bombing and shooting people.
2008-04-19 08:48:03 UTC
Yes of course, the laws of probability are very much in its favour.

Those who embrace the creation only have their imagination and fantasy to support them.
2008-04-19 10:07:23 UTC
Yes, very strongly. Just think about it. Religious people are really really not logically and the whole creationism thing is so ridiculous it makes me laugh.

Prof L
2008-04-19 09:03:53 UTC
Yes, because it isn't a belief, it is scientific fact. You can combine beliefs with it if you want, but saying no would be like saying, I don't believe in the water cycle.
2008-04-19 08:11:47 UTC
I certainly do . All inteligent people do . There are mountains of evidence supporting evolution . There is nothing but superstitious imagination to support creation .
2008-04-19 07:44:41 UTC
No, but for those who want to believe in it, then let them. Personally, I see too much of intelligent design in the many different complexities of life, processing of human and animal DNA and just how detailed everything is. That to me doesn't seem like life just happened by chance.
2008-04-19 05:50:54 UTC
Yes, but... God creates through Evolution. Therefore, it's possible to believe in both.
2014-06-20 17:08:03 UTC
I also accept the fact that we see gene pools changing, and have tons of evidence to support something like common ancestry.
2008-04-19 09:44:35 UTC
yeah and I believe in the tooth fairy, santa clause and the easter bunny.. None of which is realistic.

You have to be a complete moron to believe the universe happened by a trillion to one chance explosion. considering there wasn't anything there to form the explosion to begin with.

Evil-lution says THIS chance explosion not only started life, but had enough common sense to create sexes? NOT only that but had enough intelligence to make sure kind produced kind? YEAH, THAT'S logical.
2008-04-19 06:23:37 UTC
Do you believe in gravity? Both evolution & gravity have similar volumes of evidence for their existence!

Or are you a proponent of "Intelligent Falling" instead?
squeaky guinea pig
2008-04-19 01:56:19 UTC
I accept that science has a better understanding of how the Earth and life came into being than people did in ancient times.
2008-04-19 00:21:19 UTC
Hmmmm, interesting.

Sooooo, according to some evolution is JUST a theory, no basis in fact, Darwin was a bum who didn't know ****, there's no proof, things like species mutating and such is just adaptation and has NOTHING to do with evolution....etc

On the other hand, man was created from sand, woman was created from his rib....Makes sense....

God put the whole thing together in six days, on the seventh he had a few pops and chilled....

There was a flood, and every animal somehow fit onto a boat and was saved from demise.....

I really don't mean to be an ****, I think faith is good. Spirituality is good.

But I just don't get why creationists demand fact/proof in the case of evolution (where there is enough). It seems a little ironic.
2008-04-19 10:14:25 UTC
Nope, I think it's strange that people can believe that we came from nothing, but can't even begin to believe in intelligent design ( Creation) It just don't make sense
2008-04-19 10:02:34 UTC
The other question just got awarded a BA. this is the new last place to answer a question on R&S.

whats going on? are we all going to be raptured?
2008-04-19 09:58:38 UTC
Yes. Opposable thumbs and the appendix (an organ for which we don't even know the use!) are proof enough for me.
2008-04-19 04:52:47 UTC
It takes very little study to realize that evolution makes no sense. It is a compromise that corrupts the truth of the Gospel.

The fossils of complex invertebrates abruptly appear fully formed in the Cambrian with no trace of ancestors or transitional forms.

Reports of scientists at major universities and learning institutions losing their jobs or being denied tenure for refusing to accept macroevolution.

Whether fruit flies, cattle, dogs, or worms, they all remain within their basic created kinds, with breeding producing new variations but not new species.

Creation scientists have been saying for decades that man was "smart from the start" and according to Gensis, man has always been man (Gensis 1:26-27).

For over a hundred years, evolutionists have insisted that the earth is billions of years old. However, seven creation scientists have discovered incredible physical evidence that supports what the Bible says about the young age of the earth.

Discoveries fit the creation model perfectly because the Bible states that God created plants and animals "after their kind."
2008-04-19 03:50:52 UTC
Yes, there is a lot of evidence and we see it going on still, with creatures adapting to their environments. That doesn't mean it's not the tool God uses though.
2008-04-19 03:05:20 UTC
Yes because it is still going on today

.. ..

Even with mankind we have changed physically since the year 1001

.. ..

And what will we look like in another 1000 years do you think
2008-04-19 00:22:43 UTC
I follow the evidence not some BS theory based on goat herders!

The scientific evidence for evolution vs that of creation is a no contest! Based on evidence all life evolves!

Also the universe is not and has since the big bang been expanding! This would not occur with a God that would poof create everything in a snap!

The fact that the universe is growing, solar systems are forming and so on points to life evolving over time not a poof god doing anything!

We have no evidence for a poof here it is ever in history! Not one time! Yet this God created all thing.

2008-04-18 23:48:43 UTC
1) The earth is young not old. Virtually all the chemical and physical processes on the planet give an Earth age less than 100,000 years and most indicate less than 20,000 years. Only radiological processes which are built on unverifiable, precarious assumptions give ages of millions or billions of years.

2) Evolution is not science. Science must be: Demonstrable, In the Present, Falsifiable, and Specific. Evolution is none of these!!

3) Life from non-life is impossible. The chemical and biological processes needed to form living plants and animals from non-living chemical soup is a logical and numerical impossibility. There are not enough electrons in the known universe, to count the odds.

4) There are no transitions between kinds of living things. Examples of Missing Transitions: One cell to the Cambrian Explosion of Life. Cold Blooded to Warm Blooded. Reptile's Scale to Bird's Feather. Land Mammals to Sea Mammals. Other Problems Include: Living Fossils, i.e. Coelacanth. Biological Classification Methods. Millions of generations of fruit flies that are still fruit flies.

5) The missing ape-men links are still missing. All fossils of hominid evolution older than 50 years are no longer missing links. Java Man, Neanderthal, Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man , were all fakes, frauds or misinterpretations. Lucy will soon die as will Skull 1470 and all others since there is no link between apes and men. Questions or comments?
2008-04-19 05:08:58 UTC
wat do you mean by evolution...?

i mean which type of evolution you are talking about..

earth have evolved out of the cloud of dust...

micro organism have evolved out of hot soup of chemicals...

larger organism evolved out from the smaller one...

thousands of species are evolving daily from the existing one...

earth & the heaven & the universe are all evolving...

evolution is nothing but a sign of growth & progress..

you, me & we all are evolving as we are spending our days & exploring the world around us..

look at your past, you are no more the person you were 10 years back..

that means even you have evolved and this evolution will continue as long as the life exist & even after that.. its the law of will continue foreva....
2008-04-19 01:58:01 UTC
Evolution is not a belief system. It is a theory based on evidence such as fossil records. It neither confirms nor denies the existence of a deity.
Lost Galaxy
2008-04-19 09:56:09 UTC
I know that blacks and Latinos make up the Twelve tribes of Israel but I don't know about white race but I know my people didn't evolve we were put on this planet as humans by God.
2008-04-19 09:32:57 UTC
It is amazing when you talk to those who accept evolution as fact. Many will say, yes there is so much evidence supporting it! Then when you ask for that evidence, they can not respond with sufficient answers. In some cases, the only reason for a belief of evolution seems to be a dislike of religion. For Christians who say they believe in evolution, you are lost. Evolution is completely contradictory to the word of God. With that said, I believe in microevolution but not macroevolution. One reason being there is a complete lack of transitional fossils showing there is evolution from specie to species. Evolutionists know this of course, hence the great amount of these transitional fossils that have been revealed to be hoaxes in the past. Microevolution is fact, but macroevolution is not.
Green is My Favorite Color
2008-04-19 08:39:05 UTC
I'm Christian. But I believe in evolution.

The two are NOT mutually exclusive, despite what my fundamentalist cousins may say.
2008-04-19 07:55:42 UTC
Yes, I believe in evolution. I also believe in creation. I don't believe in the "big bang theory" regarding how earth and such came into existance. I believe the earth was created by a higher power(God, etc), but I believe all creatures and plants have evolved over time in order to continue to exist. Creatures have to evolve over time in order to exist in changed environments, habitats, etc. Those that are unable to evolve go extinct(however, we do have that nasty problem of humans encroaching upon animals' environments faster than the animals can evolve). Evolution is change. At my church, we are taught that everything happens at God's will. So, perhaps it's God's will that things evolve.
2008-04-19 05:34:51 UTC
Evolution is a lie! I believe in creationism. Heres my idea of the Big Bang theory. God said it, and "Bang!" it happened!
David H
2008-04-19 01:55:07 UTC
Yes, it's been proven. But who cares, you're going to think what you will regardless. If it weren't real why do you need a flu-shot every year? The flu virus evolves every year, forcing a new vaccine to be produced. I could spend on hour typing, explaining, the mechanisms, but why.....really? Just so you can give best answer to someone that shares your opinion.

EDIT- Great answer Rangergordan!!! thumbs up!!
2008-04-19 00:40:29 UTC
No, and neither should you. A movie just came out today in limited release called "Expelled." You need to see it. It shows the leading evolutionists in this country and their bias against hearing anything about God, even if evidence points toward Him. Evolution essentially equals atheism.
Crimson King
2008-04-19 10:27:08 UTC
Yes. At least there is some evidence to support it. There's nothing to support creationism.
Xavier L
2008-04-19 08:34:31 UTC

everything evolve.

it include ideas, beliefs, views, understandings, plants, viruses, bacteria, animals, humans, earth, the Universe.etc

if there is a picture of your ancestor as back dated as you can find, you will simply see the change of feature.

we take million of years to evolve. please don't expect big changes
2008-04-19 07:17:54 UTC

It is not necessary for anyone to, "believe", in evolution.

Evolution is real whether anyone believes it or not. Thankfully, scientific fact does not depend upon popular opinion.
2008-04-19 03:06:03 UTC
Crocodiles and snakes and birds existed during Dinosaur time...why then they did not evolve to something else? I really don't think I look like a monkey.
2008-04-19 02:23:56 UTC
don't believe, just stories. science and religion always competing each other about the "begining" of life. the problem is that religion cannot prove that science is wrong, and science cannot prove that god doesn't exist.

what if there was never a begining nor will there be an end?
2008-04-19 00:36:38 UTC
I answer that with a BIG FAT NO! There are a whole lot of things that you are taught in school that are not facts. Just because you read it does not make it so. And a lot of lies by omission. For instance everybody knows what T. Edison was supposed to have done but what do they know of Nikola Tesla (A believer in God by the way)one of the greatest minds in electricity ever.

Any one of you so called scientist should really study Tesla work.

Without Tesla everyone would be running there lights on batteries instead of a.c. current. You wouldn't be looking as this screen right now ,have microwave oven ,radar ,cellphone ,gps.and so on, and so on.Einstein believed in a creator. If you have a real understanding of the universe and not just what you read in a book,Talk about the blind leading the blind, then you will see how wonderful and fearfully made creation is. Here is a link on Creation Series that may by theory answer some question people may have.

And for all you "believers" in science here's a good place to start learning what a true scientist is not someone trying to disprove the Bible. Open your eyes and quit just believing everything you hear.

Believing in the Bible is not unscientific it says "to test all things" There is also a new movie coming out sounds good called "Expelled" everyone might want to check that out too.

The Theory of Evolution is just that a theory. An educated guess. C. Darwin was studying to be a minister until he came up with this theory ,and turned his back on God. Lying on his death bed he said evolution was all a lie. By then it was to late for him and who ever believe it. It amazes me how much easier it is to believe a lie than the truth. You can't get something from nothing. And never has there been a transitional species found. There are not mounds of evidence to prove the theory just mounds of theories. Q. Tell me how can you prove how old a fossil is? Theoritical answer. By the layer of rock that it is in. Q. How can you tell how old the rock is? Theoritical answer. By what fossil are in the rock. Give be a break!!!! How could life come from a puddle of mud or a rock? Think people. Unless you believe in aliens,another lie, there has to be a Creator and the Bible has all the answers. And yes it takes Faith to believe that God created everthing and everyone but to me it takes less faith to believe that than to believe we came from a rock.

And if you don't own a copy of the Bible you can go here and read it right on your computer. In many languages and version.Press the versions available key. I prefer the King James Version , but the New King James is good as well ,takes out all the thee's and thou's and put it in a more modern language. Thanks for letting me voice my opinions and may God bless you and everyone who seeks Him.

some definitions of the word FACT 1. something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.

2. something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.

3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.

(1.There is know truth in evolution except that species change over time but not into other species.)

(2.No one knows that it happened because no one was there.And the actual facts do not back evolution up)

(.3. see number 2.
2008-04-19 00:15:45 UTC
I believe God used evolution to create every species but he knew the end from the beginning.
Lance F
2008-04-20 21:27:18 UTC
Yes because I am open minded and believe in things that are scientifically proven, not just written.
2008-04-19 08:32:57 UTC
You mean all these people believe in a

Big Bang and creatures, people, trees,

flowers, sun, moon, and oceans all fell

out of the sky well organized? Please

remember scientists and their proof are

just from ordinary people, who make

mistakes but deem whatever they say is

2008-04-19 08:21:06 UTC
No. I never believe that I came from a monkey.

In Genesis, God said we were made in His image i.e. we are mini gods.

Evolution theory would mean that God was a monkey if I were to believe in it.
2008-04-19 08:17:55 UTC
No, depending on how you define "evolution." Darwin's thoery, that all species have a common line of descent, is false.
2008-04-19 08:10:53 UTC
No i don't believe in it and when darwin found his information evolution isn't even what he was trying to say... other scientist made it up.
2008-04-19 00:23:13 UTC
There is more proof disproving the theory of evolution than proving it. The biggest thing is the fact that there is a missing link in every animal. You've probably heard of it but never really thought about it. If we all basically came from the same organism than why isn't there any fossil showing were a worm for example split into a fish, or were a monkey split into a human and altought primates are similar in some ways to humans there has never been a half human monkey fossil.
A Traveling Barbarian Immortal
2008-04-19 07:18:31 UTC
I do not "believe". I accept the fact that evolution is true.
2014-07-03 19:02:40 UTC
I honestly do not think anyone who truly studies the theory would be able to simply shrug it off as fake.
2008-04-19 09:41:34 UTC
i believe in adaptation, not evolution. if man evolved from apes, there would be no apes left. they would have had to evolve equally in order to compete.

sharks and gators have not evolved any since ancient times. they have adapted, certainly, to their respective environments but there are still sharks and gators. they did not change from one thing to another, they just adapted certain attributes that helped them survive.
nina never gets it
2008-04-19 07:21:54 UTC
It makes more sense than any other explanation I've heard. I don't really believe in much. It's just that the bible explanation is too fantastic too be true.
Bart S
2008-04-19 07:03:24 UTC
Of course! It's the only explanation that fits the evidence above, around and beneath us!
2008-04-19 05:09:36 UTC
Yes as an explanation of change. Species, planes, trains and automobiles, change and evolve.

No as an account of the origin of life. Species, planes, trains and automoblies, require a designer.
2008-04-19 02:30:26 UTC
Of course. I don't pretend I understand or can explain every aspect of it - but then I don't fully understand the Theory of Relativity or Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and I believe in them, too.
2014-05-25 21:55:35 UTC
Micro YES

Macro NO.
2008-04-19 16:37:54 UTC
yes and no i believe that we might have been evolved from some sort of lifeform but it is hard to believe that humans evolved form primates
2008-04-19 08:50:17 UTC
No I do not. I believe in creation. Creation is shown to us in the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis.

Best Wishes.
2008-04-19 07:40:27 UTC
evolution is not a fact. its a theory. and no one has observed evolution. we have seen changes to species but not significant enough to conclude that it has evolved into another species.

microevolution has been observed and proven because all species adapt to changes around them. but macroevolution, the significant change from one species to the next, is still unproven
2008-04-19 06:59:42 UTC
No. I believe the first 5 words of the Bible tells the truth about evolution.

God bless!
2008-04-19 03:39:08 UTC
No. I believe that God created the heavens and the earth. I can't prove it-that's where faith comes in. It'll be proven eventually though. Philippians 2:9-11
2008-04-19 00:14:07 UTC
No, I just don't think they have strong enough evidence. I need more than a bunch of bone fragments and a story trying to link them together and to humans. Also saying things like it happened over millions of years or it happened millions of years ago sounds too much like "Once upon a Time" and "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away" to me.
2008-04-20 10:19:15 UTC
Science = Evolution

Religion = Mythology.

Need I say More, Q E D!

2008-04-19 07:53:10 UTC
Everything Evolves or it Dies.In the last 235 years I would say we Evolved wouldn't You.
2008-04-19 06:56:49 UTC
i am a proud christian

&against evolution. i know it is pretty much the accepted belief of our world. but why believe what mortal scientists have to say when you can believe the holy bible that will last forever?
Very much in love with God.
2008-04-19 05:27:18 UTC
No. Evolutions never answers the question:

Where and exactly how did it all begin?

For the answer---consult Genesis.
2008-04-19 03:31:48 UTC
Yes,I do. There is scientific,physical evidence in the form of fossils. Stromatolites,the oldest ones, have been dated to be as old as 2,724 million years.
2008-04-19 02:09:57 UTC
To a certian degree, as far as humans comming from ape's ha ha ha no way!

Just like i dont believe in men walking on the moon, They say they did way back when, but now days with all this technology we cant duplicate it?

Hmmm science just got a little bit more less reliable wouldnt you say
2008-04-19 01:42:08 UTC
I read about evolution, but reading is one thing and believing is another. I think it's whether your fate is strong or not. If it's strong nothing will be able to sway you into believe one thing or another.
2008-04-19 00:26:50 UTC
Ouch, strong opinions?

My strong opinions are that anyone who cannot comprehend the fact of evolution must have the intelligence of an infant. Yes, I believe in evolution.
2008-04-19 15:54:16 UTC

"Don't be judging me just because I believe in science" -- Steven (Nacho Libre)
Smokey McPott
2008-04-19 11:05:15 UTC
yes. i do believe in Evolution.
Ms Blue
2008-04-19 05:53:03 UTC
No~ You should google Ben Steins theory on Evolution it is causing a huge stir with unbelievers. Creation is the truth.
2008-04-19 05:32:12 UTC
I am sure of evolution.

Theory, in progress of proving it self right.
2008-04-19 05:24:28 UTC
I didn't come from a monkey or a fish ... I look at evolution as growing ... like from a baby, toddler, preteen, teen, adult ... acorn to an oak, a tadpole to a frog.
2008-04-19 02:22:00 UTC
Yes. As the world goes by so do living things have to change to survive in that environment.
2008-04-19 02:14:57 UTC
is this the question with the most answers ever???? i know my reply isn't really needed but i thought i might as well declare myself: to me not accepting evolution would be tantamount to clinging to the belief that the earth is flat. how is it possible that this is still an issue?
2008-04-19 01:34:26 UTC
I'm more inclined to believe a theory that has scientific evidence to support it rather than creationism which is admittedly more wishful thinking.
2008-04-19 07:00:06 UTC
I believe in the evidence presented to me...

And they strongly contradict anything other than evolution.
2008-04-19 06:48:14 UTC
NO! If the amount of faith it takes to believe in evolution were placed in the gospel, it would indeed be a saving faith.
2008-04-19 06:32:19 UTC

to a certain extent.

im not well informed of evolution,

but its ten times more believable than anything written in the bible.
Kiss my Putt!
2008-04-19 05:23:02 UTC
I believe in both evolutionism and creativism because logically speaking the 2 really do not necessarily cancel each other out and it is QUITE possible that both could have happened concurently.
2008-04-19 01:54:43 UTC
When you really think deeply about it it sounds like the ravings of a mad man.I would say it takes more faith to believe this than what Christians believe.
2008-04-18 22:59:58 UTC
Evolution is a fact. Humans share at least 98% of their genetic code with apes. We did not arise from apes, but several million years ago, apes and humans had a common ancestor.

Evolution is not about people suddenly changing and not being human anymore. Evolution does not happen to people or families. The smallest group evolution can happen to is a population.

As an example:

If a population of mice is living in an area with dark rocks that they live under, mice with dark fur are more likely to survive than mice with light colored fur because they will be easier to spot by predators. The mice with dark fur will be more likely to survive and reproduce. Reproduction preserves the traits that garuntee survival.

Eventually, as time goes on, the trait for light colored fur will disappear in a population. This is a form of Evolution. Evolution is about change over time and how organisms adapt to change.

Most people that do not believe in evolution have not studied it in depth from scientific texts. Remember, the bible says that God created Adam and Eve on the sixth day. It never said, HOW he did it.

I am a Christian who is able to accept the fact of evolution without it hurting my religious beliefs.

Finally, if you do not believe that Evolution is fact, then don't get a flu shot next year and save it for me. We have to get new flu shots because virus and bacteria strains change through random mutation. Beneficial mutations that give the organism some trait to enable it to survive will be passed on and thus becomes part of the species.
2008-04-19 07:57:03 UTC
Yes, because if you study it, you will see that is the way animals were created from a single cell.
2008-04-19 07:54:41 UTC
partially, the part about humans evolving may be true but the part about where they originated in the first place is not true, God made the monkeys and whatever was their origin
2008-04-19 03:28:24 UTC
NeoDarwin's hypothesis complex lives evolves from primitive lives.

It is easy to believe it, and there are abundance evident that support it, although not all processes are provable scientifically.
2008-04-19 02:56:17 UTC
Belief is a consequence of comprehension. Comprehension is a consequence of experience and perception. I believe in consequence.

Yes I believe in Evolution. I also believe in God as I believe in intuition.
I am the Badger Princess.
2008-04-19 07:41:45 UTC
Evolution doesn't require "belief" . That's like asking someone if they belioeve in gravity.
2008-04-19 05:56:10 UTC
Do you know a different question to ask; I mean can't your inquiries evolve into another, quite different direction; sure, you could exercise those synapses and create another one.
2008-04-19 05:24:02 UTC
Evolution does not require belief to be true.

It is a fact.
2008-04-19 04:57:09 UTC
Yes I believe in it coz me and my mates remind me alot of monkeys coz we love climbing trees and we are super hyper so yer we used to be smelly poo flinging monkeys
healing wings
2008-04-19 01:41:56 UTC
Of course, evolution is just adaptation. God created life, and it adapts just nicely through evolution.
2008-04-19 00:00:38 UTC
There is no contradiction between the concept of evolution and the text of the Qur’an. Evolution is still a theory and even if it were 100% fact, only the literalists see a contradiction. God cannot have made Adam literally with His hands and breathed into him from His mouth as we do with ours, because the Qur’an tells us that there is nothing like God.
2008-04-19 05:51:17 UTC
2008-04-19 04:01:16 UTC
Yes 100%. How can anyone not when the evidence is so compelling.
2008-04-18 21:38:21 UTC
There is no reason to reject the theory of evolution unless you simply don't understand it. The biggest thorn in the side of evolution is the uninformed public yelling, "It's only a theory!" The problem with this is that they have no idea what the scientific definition of "theory" is. A theory in layman's terms is usually just a random idea. "My theory behind why we drink so much..." or something to that effect. In science, a theory is the end result of many, many years of research and scrutiny. People seem to have this notion that a theory is a stepping stone on the way to truth. It isn't. There are no truths in science. The closest you can come is a theory. If there is not enough evidence to classify something as a theory, it is simply a hypothesis.

Other theories include gravity, astrology (anything you know about the universe), and mathematics (number theory). I will never understand why some people will scream bloody murder against teaching evolution in schools, but they have no problem with math class. Yes, there really is that much supporting evidence for the theory of evolution.

I wish people would just educate themselves about it instead of closing their eyes, plugging their ears, and insisting that it is the work of the devil without having the foggiest idea what it's about. Anyone that thinks the theory of evolution says we evolved from monkeys fits into that category.


Ivory (below me) is a perfect example of someone that rejects evolution without having the slightest idea what the theory actually says.
2008-04-19 07:47:31 UTC
I beleive it because the book says God made man... Ok ... it does not however describe the exact process... many think it was written as a metaphor
2008-04-19 03:18:03 UTC
I dont believe in things like God... Evolution is the right explanation for everything...
Sam K
2008-04-19 03:00:52 UTC
Yeah, I believe in it. Afraid my opinion on the matter doesn't get much stronger than that.
Dalaiah J
2008-04-19 00:32:19 UTC
As in Darwin's Theory or the evolution of a universe over time?

What the Bible says should cover it..

So we adapted too...
2008-04-19 00:21:49 UTC
I believe in de-evolution. Mankind is getting dumber and dumber the past few years. As proof I give you Bush Jr. and the hypocritical tele-evangelist and their followers.
2008-04-18 23:53:49 UTC
Yes I do believe in evolution and I am also a Christian. I believe some of my fellow Christians are just close-minded.
2008-04-18 23:44:17 UTC
I believe it occurred, is occurring and will occur

But does it really affect my spiritual life?

Do I sit back and wonder at nature and think: "That, my friend is the crick-backed harble-sucker which evolved directly from the crick-backed pterodactyl!!!"

No, I do not. In my spiritual life I think: "Ah God, thank you for that wonderful bird song. I had such a crappy day and this is your gift to me."

Because I DO have a spiritual life.

I can be amazed by the interesting wonderful ways that nature has come to be for me through evolution, if I think about it. But the focus in my life lately, even on the spiritual plane, has been the people around me. They are comforting, strong, and also, conversely, in need of comfort and weak.

If we have evolved to this, I look forward to what we will be.

Thank you for asking.
2008-04-19 09:25:37 UTC
Evolution isn't a "belief", its a fact.
2008-04-19 07:47:06 UTC
"The evidence for it is astounding. The evidence against it, is well, nonexistent."

And that is the reason why I believe in evolution.
2008-04-19 04:39:20 UTC
Yes, like everyone else, but I'm really puzzled as to why this question is asked in R&S.

Ryan K
2008-04-18 23:08:05 UTC
Science has to go through vigorous testing and peer reviews before it is accepted by the scientific fact or even theory. This is no different for evolution. There is strong support that is well backed up, supported, and can be check for validity by other scientists for evolution.

I won't get into a science vs religion debate, but Creationism is only backed up by the Bible and has not gone through the same trails as evolution. Creationism can be verified by facts, other sources, or supported by anything outside of the Bible. Creationism is religious theology, not science.

So yes, I accept evolution.
Sergio T
2008-04-19 08:49:05 UTC
No, evolution believe in me.

I otherwise would not be here now.
Holden Caulfield
2008-04-19 08:44:50 UTC
Of course, as much as I don't believe that rubbish about "creation".
2008-04-19 07:24:41 UTC
No I don't. God created everything in the universe. How can humans evolve from stupid animals like monkeys? That's impossible.
Muthu S
2008-04-19 00:34:39 UTC
Neanderthal -man now has landed in moon, next in mars.

His soul is evolving. What about Greek- civilization?
2008-04-18 21:50:33 UTC
I think the theory of evolution is true, it makes sense to me, it's logical. Understand this, however it is a THEORY! Theories cannot be proven, only disproven. It does annoy me when people say it has been proven, or that it is fact. That isn't possible. There is, however, a mountain of evidence to support it. The theory has been going strong for a long, long time with very little reconstruction. I do not agree with Creationist theory because it has already been disproven in many different ways, many times. I shall continue to support the Evolutionist theory until (if) it is disproven.
2008-04-20 13:56:15 UTC
Of course!
2008-04-19 08:25:37 UTC
for science i have the same principal as someone convicted of a crime...

"until proven guilty, innocent"

so, as long as they are labelled "theories" and not prooven, i wont believe in them, so as far as im concerned, my ancestors weren't apes.
Dr pushpinder k
2008-04-19 07:28:58 UTC
I believe in it.

More over it is a well established scientific fact.
Rissa Ro
2008-04-19 06:40:35 UTC
The theory of how things change over time? Sure I do.
2008-04-19 05:58:11 UTC
Yes, to a certain extent. I believe God made everything and made it possible for things to evolve.
Warrior for Christ
2008-04-19 04:39:33 UTC
I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and I refuse to believe we are evolved of Monkeys...

if we evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys in the world?
2008-04-19 00:16:36 UTC
Yes. It's very hard to figure how one can avoid the evidence, the reasoning, the fact that evolution really is the only plausible theory that fits the facts.

Please notice that virtually everyone who rejects evolution as an explanation for the huge number of species inhabiting the planet does so on religious grounds. Science and religion are two very different ways to look at life. Some people can separate them out in their minds; others choose one and reject the other.

I choose science, myself.
2008-04-18 21:46:59 UTC
Posters like Edward J and Just_me and quite a few others ,show a fundamental lack of KNOWLEDGE about evolution . It always amazes me when people like that want to argue against it .

Similar are people who want to claim that they know which car is best when in fact they can not answer even 30 out of 100 basic auto questions . Things like What does RPM really mean , What RPM's are safe for a cold engine , What do teh oil's viscosity numbers mean , how much pressure does a tire lose per 20 degrees of temperature drop , etc.

I sincerely think that most of these people are afraid to do an hour or two of self eduction about evolution because they are afraid of destroying their religious beliefs . Others I guess are just Lazy ! Or lacking in I.Q.

Edit for balladona ( below) ...

Someone already tried that !
2008-04-19 09:26:02 UTC
Absolutly not, I am a true believer in Jesus Christ who was the creator of heaven and Earth !
i dont know who i am?
2008-04-19 09:11:43 UTC
only a fool thinks god cant put links and alternative starts of life, he knew what he was doing, he knows how to test people
2008-04-19 08:44:10 UTC
If it is true than why are monkey's still not turning into people?????? A bunch of lies. God created everything even if you do not want to give him credit for it!
2008-04-19 07:46:58 UTC
NO of Course i don't. I belive in God. I am a Christian. If you are not sure try watching the new movie that came out yesterday EXPPELLED.
Archimedes' screw
2008-04-19 05:40:21 UTC
In the same way that I believe in chairs.
2008-04-19 01:46:50 UTC
For my 300th answer yes. Look at the facts and find the truth
2008-04-18 21:34:50 UTC
I can't believe that God would put all those fossils around just to fool us or test our faith. But that faith withstood the discovery that the earth isn't the center of a neat little universe, and it can withstand the discovery that those furry animals that look uncomfortably like us have an excellent reason for doing so.
♥ liz ♥
2008-04-19 06:31:24 UTC
of course much saying this and learning it is not so.look up the evolution of the did not happen.
2008-04-20 08:15:42 UTC
you don't have to believe in something for it to be a fact. just as not believing in something doesn't make it not a fact.
2008-04-19 09:58:28 UTC
Some people seriously make me doubt it.
2008-04-19 09:06:15 UTC
Do I believe in it?

as in accept that it's a *fact*,


but that doesn't require "just faith",

there's also tons of proof for it.
2008-04-19 06:37:54 UTC
About as much as I believe the sky is blue.
2008-04-19 05:01:56 UTC
8 hrs ago and 420 replies. pretty hot topic...

how the hell do you choose an answer out of this?

even worse. vote on it.


to answer your question,

do i believe in evolution?


PIKACHU!!! evolve into RAICHU!!!
2008-04-19 04:52:43 UTC
Nope. It's been proven to be a theory with no evidence that stands up to science.
Rai A
2008-04-19 03:29:45 UTC

I've seen enough evidence to support the theory. Unlike the alternatives.

(With apologies to his Noddly One)

Lalitha R
2008-04-19 02:55:41 UTC
Yes.Every minute we are evolving.Living is evolving.When we make mistakes, when we realise our mistakes,when we witness beautiful examples of friendship, when we read or hear about inhuman activities ,we are evolving.We can direct this evolving experiences towards our spiritual growth.
2008-04-18 22:56:21 UTC
Currently, I am reviewing its arguments and, of course, counter-arguments. I have a serious question in mind that puzzles me: If the theory is correct then it must be in working even today. Therefore, there must be some "intermediate" species present between every two "consecutive" existing species. It is not possible for all members of a species to just "evolve" into a new species on one fine morning.

At least I don't see any with my naked eye :-S
2008-04-19 03:44:58 UTC
I don't have to believe, the facts are there for all to see.
Miller B
2008-04-19 09:38:34 UTC
yes common sense
2008-04-19 09:30:20 UTC
Yep. And the German nationalists had the right idea about accelerating it with eugenics.
2008-04-19 01:20:23 UTC
No coz Darwin said it was just a theory, and i don't believe in theories, i only believe in solid facts.
2008-04-19 00:08:30 UTC
Nope.don't need to.

I am a christian and I believe God is our creator. And we are His creatures.It's all in His word the holy bible.

The bible has all that I need to know in this world.

It tells me where I come from, why I am here and where I am going.
Nick K
2008-04-18 23:30:39 UTC
Absolutely. I am a Christian. I also believe in the Big Bang, and even the Multiverse. I try to understand all these things, then I'll know my Lord better. I feel many christian believe in both, about 50/50. It is up to the individual (how its supposed to be!!!!!!)

The evidence points to both God and Evolution as very likely scenarios, especially IF God takes the form of the Universe as a whole.

If that were true, it would explain a lot.
2014-06-25 14:23:00 UTC
i accept it as fact based on the large amounts of evidence which support it.
2008-04-19 05:09:08 UTC
No need to believe since it's an indisputable fact.
Samantha Jones
2008-04-19 04:29:31 UTC
It is the only thing that makes sense.
Holly R
2008-04-18 22:05:57 UTC
It isn't a matter of belief or disbelief. It's a matter of understanding how the natural world works. I get tired of saying this but it's oh so true: evolution answers the question "how", not the question "who."

It's a small mind that cannot hold two ideas at the same time.
2008-04-19 07:40:48 UTC
We Didn't Evolve from no hair-brained monkies. The Bible Proves that we was created by God.
2008-04-19 00:03:29 UTC
Bacteria become resistant to antibiotics by evolving. It happens all the time, but you may not see it if you are blinded by religious belief. Evolution is a fact, like it or not.
smile > laugh
2008-04-19 09:10:23 UTC
no. i do not believe in evolution

ex. giraffes are made with long necks i believe.... why would they want to grow long necks when there is plenty of grass and bushes on the ground?
2008-04-19 07:41:35 UTC
Of course its true, all the evidence says so
2008-04-19 03:57:27 UTC
Nope! Just revolution: ie. the sun rises and then sets only to rise again.
2008-04-19 03:54:56 UTC
383 answers!!!!


And for a *drink* question too?

As for your question, yes I do. But only until it is either proven or disproven.
2008-04-19 03:14:21 UTC
if evolution doesn't exsist, why do the dinosaurs insist on wearing feathers and flying?
2008-04-19 00:01:36 UTC
Yes and No. I believe in God more then I do Science. Reasi=on is because God can save my soul, scince cannot.
2008-04-18 22:38:02 UTC
Yes i believe in evolution.

Evolution has absolutely nothing to do with the origin of life or the universe, so it really doesn't say anything about God having to exist or not. It is possible to believe both in evolution and in God. Since the two thoughts can exist in harmony, what's the problem?
2008-04-18 21:24:57 UTC
Evolution is a well borne out theory. With many manifest proofs and no disproofs. Have a look at DNA, genetics, fossil evidence, and the diversity of life that is always changing. We can debate some aspects like slow vs. more rapid development of new species but that life on earth evolves is basically a fact. Only anti science folks who would want to keep us ignorant will claim otherwise. Evolution and religion are not in conflict they are different fields of study and each gives us insight into who we are. History is full of examples of the consequences of what happens when those who would try to control us with fundamentalism and anti-science get too much control or power. It leads to things like the Dark Ages and totalitarian states in the name of Theocracy. The fundamentalist who want to put creationism and the so-called intelligent design theory in the schools and make them equal ideas in the science classroom are dangerous fanatics. Those ideas should be taught in classes on religion not in science and to make them equal to science is a significant part of what is dumbing down our education system.
See Dee
2008-04-19 10:20:53 UTC
Obviously things evolve....did we come from apes? UMMM, not hardly!
2008-04-19 10:19:41 UTC
Absolutely, I do. I do not believe in abracadabra (religion).
2008-04-19 10:12:33 UTC
Yes I definitely do.
2008-04-19 09:52:58 UTC
While some scientific finds have proven true it doesnt follow that "all" things claimed by Scientists & others r true (many dont take the time & energy 2 carefully thoroughly think thru something before coming out 4 or against it). I've observed that many dont properly take in2 account every part of what goes in2 creation of a universe & 4 life (they tend 2 focus on things that "seem" 2 support what they want 2 &/or want u 2 believe).

In science we established the laws of physics. We can't see actual laws of physics. Rather, we see the results & interpret & apply them in accordance with what has been observed 2 be true thru repeated experiments & calculations. Same is true regarding God. Just b/c we can't see God with our eyes doesn't mean He doesnt exist.

There may be forensic evidence 4 some micro-evolution & 4 some "appearance" of so-called macro-evolution but most is inconclusive @ best & pure conjecture @ worst. Finding the real beginning & reason for it all is unattainable by scientific method alone (a billions of years old cold case). We didnt see it take place.

But things in creation show an Intelligent Being was involved or the universe & we wouldnt be here (ignoring where it came from 4 now). Things that stand out:

1. We have 2 lungs & 2 kidneys - each has a near perfect mirror-image companion organ. No matter how many try 2 explain it away, making a mirror-image organ takes full reverse engineering, knowledge & understanding of the functions & purpose of its companion or it cant be created.

2. Our bodies r highly symmetrical from 1 side 2 the other. This feat is impossible unless 1 has an outside overview position allowing full comprehension of the entire organism (like the color patterns of feathers).

3. We have 2 arms & 2 legs. Each is perfectly designed & precisely engineered 2 work with its mirror-image companion. An outside position is required with full ability 2 comprehend the whole organism & purpose 4 every part, 2 create it 2 such perfection.

4. The "being" of a cell is confined 2 within the cell membrane & cant know, understand or be aware of much beyond itself. A cell is magnitudes more intelligent than all humanity & has amazing powers to know all of an organism's functions & purpose or it isnt the "brain" behind creation 4 many millions of incredibly diverse species. If evolution had a chance of being the source of creation it would require that there only be 2 or 3 "kinds" of distinctly different bodies with several related species (it would take many thousands of trillions of years longer than the universe has existed 2 have the slightest chance of producing many millions of species of such incredible diversity)

5. Many cells of an organism never contact others much beyond its tiny cell. Mostly, cells & organisms r just copies of their parents doing about the same things as all their ancestors. U wont find a bird whom builds a better nest than their parents & their chicks build even a better nest. U wont find a bear who spends time improving his living conditions (or passing better living conditions 2 his young). Either a cell has 2 lives - 1 copying their parents & 1 secret life working on improvements or someone of greater intelligence than all mankind created the universe.

6. Others say its all in the DNA (or RNA in the 1rst organisms). But a cell needs DNA 2 function & DNA cant function without a cell. So, we have a which came 1rst a cell or DNA problem. Without 1rst having great intelligence, full knowledge & understanding of how an organism is constructed it cant be created. If an ape finds a combination lock he wouldnt know what it was & even if he turns the dial over & over again he wouldnt know what he was doing & the chance against getting it right is astronimical - especially if it had 150 or more no. 2 find in the right order & even if he got that far he still wouldnt know what a lock is 4. A cell has much less inteligence & DNA is much more complex than a combination lock (especially in higher life forms) so the odds against figuring out & using DNA (in the correct sequence) is magnitudes higher than 4 a lock).

7. In the fossil record we dont find millions of trial & error organisms that should exist if natural selection or fittest survivor is the source of creation (note: no organisms existed be4). The odds r so great against near perfection happenning 4 many millions of greatly diverse species, it couldnt take place unless 1 had full knowledge & understanding of what theyre doing BEFORE millions of organisms could be created 2 such precision. If not true millions of misfit organisms with mistakes, having only 1 or 3 eyes located in odd places, 1 leg growing out of a head or where an arm should be or a fin where a leg should be should exist. Millions more misfit fossils should exist than of the perfection found in nature.

8. U won't find species like a horse mating a goat, a frog mating fish, a rabbit mating an otter, a lizzard mating a bird, a cow mating a hog, etc. Species with similar genes &/or characteristics rarely mate in the wild. Only a few succeed @ bearing young. Its very rare that a wild crossbreed/hybrid reaches maturity or can bear over 1 litter (usually that litter cant produce or has complications that kills off the crossbreed). Only human intervention brings more success but even that has lead 2 some bad results.

9. Evolution processes being "the" source of all creation would be like having a blind man build a car he's never heard of, seen, touched, heard or rode in. This feat cant be done without 1rst teaching him about the functions, necessary parts & how 2 put it all together so a car will function.

10. Look @ the huge amount of intelligence, knowledge, understanding, time & energy used 4 creating & constantly improving an airplane's capabilities (& many mistakes). If people didnt fully learn what 2 do we'd still be earthbound.

11. Creation is many magnitudes more complex than an airplane. The more complex an organism, the greater the amount of intelligence, knowledge & understanding needed 2 create it. It can only be done by an Intelligent Designer who already fully understands what He's doing - the sheer complexity of man is evidence of God (airplanes show we're created in God's image - God had 2 be the source of all creation or it couldnt exist let alone evolve).

12. An incredibly Intelligent Being, capable of building a universe, would know the environment His earthly organisms are 2 occupy. So, He built in adaptability so His organisms could survive various earthly environments over time.

13. Earth happens to be in the best possible orbit 2 support life. It has the right amount of gravity, the right axis & rotation speed, the right atmosphere & needed amount of water. The moon's the right size & in the right orbit 2 provide tidal cycles needed by organisms. Just 1 or 2 relatively small variants in our orbit &/or envirnment & most likely life would be very different & higher forms of life wouldve died off in a relatively short time, if they could've survived.

So, believing evolution's "the" cause of the universe & many millions of incredibly diverse species, takes a huge amount of faith (u must ignor the problems listed above). But if 1 is fair minded u might realize its more plausible that God designed, engineered & created all we see & dont see..

Theres many religions, built on what man wants God 2 be like & its true most made many mistakes (many fatal) over time. I realized they cant all be right (Theres 1 Bible - why so many interpretations? II Pet 1:**19-21). I found religion wont teach u much about God (they cant teach what they don't understand). But it doesnt mean God doesnt know what He's doing.

The main point many miss is Jesus Christ is the only 1 in history whom stated that He's "the" way, "the" truth & "the" life & no 1 gets 2 God except by Him (Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:12) & is the only 1 whom came from God. Its fully true or theres no truth & cant be any God (He knows what He's doing or He's not God).

Since Jesus is the only way 2 know God, it means "the" whole truth was complete & finished thru Jesus' teaching. So any claimed new teaching appearing thereafter & any other religious beliefs or from self-proclaimed prophets & teachers r invalid, null & void & have no purpose 4 finding God. God always knew all Jesus was 2 speak & do.

In fact, Jesus couldnt have done nor said all He did unless He had full knowledge & understanding of the entire OT (the NT didnt exist in Jesus' time - the only way Jesus could've known the whole OT is if God's with Him) & the Apostles couldnt remember & write down all thats in the NT unless Jesus made them know & remember His purpose (Lk 24:25-27,45). Only an incredibly Intelligent Being could make it happen.

But God outsmarted man - the Bible is the only 1 that cant be properly understood without Jesus (Jn 14:6; II Cor 3:14 - If the Jewish people cant pierce the veil over the OT without Jesus then for sure all gentiles cant). Thats why theres many interpretations & many thinking its fairytales.

But whoever seeks 2 know Jesus with all his heart & soul will find our real God & His Kingdom. Why should God want someone 2 live with Him forever if they dont want 2 know Him?

2008-04-19 08:19:24 UTC
No I do not believe in evolution.

I believe that God created universe and everthing in it.
T Leeves
2008-04-19 05:58:02 UTC
I believe what I see as very evident.
Mykal s
2008-04-19 05:56:10 UTC
I beleive in milk pudding
2008-04-19 04:08:59 UTC
i try understand in fact but not they said a evolution.
Little M
2008-04-19 03:57:42 UTC
yes as i once saw my new plant purple orkid bloomed only a flower that was red others were purple
2008-04-18 21:54:45 UTC
evolution is a fact of life like breathing or eating it is something that happens and cannot be prevented. now people may ask, if there is such a thing as evolution then why don't we evolve anymore? well the answer to that question is simply that we no longer need to evolve. there was a time when human beings had to change and adapt to the world. now the roles have switched and we change the world to suit our needs. evolution, like the dinosaur...
The Wizard's Baker!!!
2008-04-19 11:01:15 UTC
do i believe that offspring have the traits of their parents. or do i believe something got created out of nothing.
2008-04-19 06:09:21 UTC
I do not believe in that theory no.

I have an applied science degree and I've researched it. I've also researched design theory.

I believe in creationism.

Not enough fossil evidence to support any transitions IE gills into lungs etc.

Weird Darryl
2008-04-19 01:32:42 UTC
Yes, because the evidence is weighed heavily in its favor and there is no compelling evidence for creationism.

2008-04-19 00:01:19 UTC
I believe that I evolved in my thinking after I got to know God.
Sick Puppy
2008-04-19 02:32:16 UTC
Yup, I sure do believe in the law of evolution. No need to be strong about it,
maggie rose
2008-04-18 23:16:33 UTC
If something as complex and incredible as the human brain happened by accident evolving from slime or whatever, why all the fuss when someone dies? after all, they are just a piece of sophisticated slime. Also if everything "just happens" why aren't the pile of car parts mounting up behind my husband's shed for years, evolving into a car. They are far less complicated than the wonder of a human body.

Scientific evidence is mostly theory anyway, largley based on guesswork, and ideas, and I believe everything was created by God.

As man has been created in the image of God the creator, we also have been given the desire to create, easy to see from painting, music, architecture, etc etc
2008-04-19 08:57:46 UTC
no, because we create by evolution or by the stupid germs and build up by it self?

OK who create the evolution?

things don't make any sense .
2008-04-19 08:41:47 UTC
yeah i beleive in it. we look similar to apes, and dogs look similar to wolves, and its a fact that organismsn evolve from the environment, or mutations
2008-04-19 07:43:12 UTC
2008-04-19 07:04:26 UTC
I don't need to believe, I know it to be a fact.
Jess H
2008-04-19 06:50:03 UTC
Of course.

Wow..what's with the huge numbers of thumbs today?
2008-04-19 06:26:42 UTC
Evolution is not a "belief" it is a scientific fact.

Do you "believe" in gravity?
Rex A
2008-04-19 05:52:04 UTC
Evolution is a fact and i belive on fact.
2008-04-19 05:31:54 UTC
I do. There's more proof of evolution than there is proof of God.
Jim B
2008-04-19 04:47:49 UTC
I personally belive that I was created! But you do sort of resemble one of my guppies!
2008-04-19 01:10:11 UTC
Depends on what you define as 'evolution'. Microevolution, yes. Macroevolution, HERESY.
Scott M
2008-04-19 00:26:27 UTC
No, I do not "believe" in it. Evolution is a fact, and does not require mere "belief". You can either accept the fact of evolution, or reject it. If you reject it, then you plainly favor dogma over observable reality.

Evolution is a fact. The Theory of Evolution is a model that we use to illustrate the process and make testable predictions.
2008-04-18 22:14:21 UTC
Yes, I do and so does most of the scientific community. There is too much evidence for it (DNA, genes, species becoming extinct, species adapting, different breeds of species, ect.) to deny. In the world of science, a theory is not below a law, just like how only an idiot would argue against the theory of relativity.
2008-04-19 00:12:52 UTC
yea, i believed in evolution! thats the way God created human being, remember the bible says that "God created human being in the sixth day(one day) and also remember that one day is a thousands and a thousand of years in human being, religion and science could not be separated just like your mind and body.
2008-04-18 23:35:01 UTC
Darwin was a a genius. Yes i believe in evolution. its comment knowledge and logic.

Even my catholic school thought us evolution. Christians, c'mon. creationism is a story. surely you can not seriously imagine a man in the sky going ding ding ding and making the earth in a number of days. Have you read about dinosaur bones and monkey becoming human? did you know they have found bones to prove those things??
2008-04-19 09:57:05 UTC
No, it is far out weighed in evidence for creation.
2008-04-19 06:24:06 UTC
Since I have a brain instead of a large empty space in my head the answer is NO`
2008-04-19 03:39:27 UTC
no i not believe in evolution because it is just search or knowledge of scientists. it is not reality.

reality is that all things in this universe came into being by the order of ALLAH ALMIGHTY.

so i only believe on ALLAH.
2008-04-18 23:43:51 UTC
This is a repeated question. You can't believe in evolution.
2008-04-18 23:08:11 UTC
I believe in both creation and evolution. I don't understand this stalwart mentality that says you have to believe in one or the other. I don't think they are mutually exclusive. There is room for both science and spirituality in your belief system. Life is all about balance. God gave us a brain to allow us to think for ourselves and be able to rationalize facts. He gave us a heart and soul to allow us to believe in things we cannot rationalize.
2008-04-18 22:38:28 UTC
People get confused at what evolution is. Some of the more uneducated think that it is simply that humans have the monkey as an anscestor.

Populations that change over time. That is what evolution is and it is all around us. I am a christian and I believe in evolution.
2008-04-19 13:39:17 UTC
yes, of course
2008-04-19 09:06:21 UTC
Dear Every....,

No, I do not believe evolution is true. If it were true, shouldn't we see species of animals moving up the "evolutionary ladder?" Shouldn't the species have overcome obstacles in it's "upward progression"? Why do we see so many species go extinct in our lifetime?

Incidently, one species can not "change" into another species as evolutionists would have us to believe. No ape or chimp has ever graduated from grammar school, high school, or college. No chimp or ape has ever been able to read a simple book and write an 8 word sentence.

"Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge." (Proverbs 19:8).
Been There Brilliantly Done That
2008-04-19 12:16:42 UTC
Who cares what I think! I'm number 718 ,..

I think?

(Hi sweetness wherever you are x)
2008-04-19 07:34:50 UTC
I understand how evolutionist explain the theory; they believe in evolution because they do not accept that there is a Creator.

Evolution theory sprang when men try to explain how everything in the earth began through their limited knowledge, because they do not believe that God creates everything. Evolutionist convince himself that he was evolved from a monkey. If we evolve from a monkey, why does monkey still exist...and they die as monkey? as far as i know, when something evolved, it will no longer be existing to the original state where it started from...(there's a lot of monkey to this moment, of different species)

God says we are created from his image--if you believe you've evolved from monkey, then you would also believe that your God looks like a monkey. (unless you are an atheist, then you will say--i dont have monkey God to believe in)

Evolutionists knowledgeably trying to explain everything--and inevitably denying God...they look brilliant in explaining things as if they know every details...only proves a futile mind.

simply: I DON'T BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION. because evolutionist dont believe in God.
2008-04-19 05:41:08 UTC
There has never been one transistional fossil found much less many.
2008-04-18 23:50:35 UTC
if i were to believe in any theories of life and history i would believe in evolution. it is the only one backed by fact and evidence.

those who do not believe in it must then not take any medication or go to any hospital when they are in need because these things which help us were invented because of science.
2008-04-18 21:54:44 UTC
Of course. How could the birds on the Galapagos have different beaks? They evolutioned and adapted for their own specific island foods! Did some all powerful being just randomly go 'WEE oh lets put a walrus here! and a huge elephant here!' and how could someone go through time and space and manipulate matter n stuff?
2008-04-18 21:45:46 UTC
Of course!

Give me a realistic alternative and I will consider 'believing' in that. I am open-minded, even though I have accepted evolution to be a fact of life - until anyone can prove otherwise ... and I can't see that happening..
Sir Nigel
2008-04-19 10:15:07 UTC
Microevolution, yes. Macro, no.
2008-04-19 15:15:28 UTC
799 answers in some hours.... and in R&S... WOW! that's kinda sick.. but cool xD

I believe in creation, not in evolution at all :)
2008-04-19 06:26:16 UTC
Yes, but God controls it.

Things evolve- we can't deny it, but God created all things so he allows them to evolve.

Carbon dating in my opinion is crap!

Dinosaurs did exist and if you know the dimensions of Noah's ark- there were rooms big enough to hold dinosaurs.
2008-04-19 05:13:04 UTC
NO, Science proves it wrong and so does the Word of God.
2008-04-19 00:15:23 UTC

Sorry for the caps. Out of over 263 answers, how else can yours stand out? :-P
Little Lisa
2008-04-19 09:47:09 UTC
If we evolved why aren't we still evolving? I think that it takes an apes mentality to think your related to an ape.
2008-04-19 06:59:56 UTC
no. God created humans period. Read the Bible, it's very very very true!!! Read Genesis 1:1. "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth". Read the bible, go to church, you'll see..
Freethinking Liberal
2008-04-19 02:54:38 UTC
No I do not 'believe' in evolution, like I do not 'believe' in gravilty. They are facts.
red robin
2008-04-19 09:08:53 UTC
in the begining GOD created the heavens and earth
allyn h
2008-04-19 08:43:08 UTC
Yes i do, i believe GOD allowed it to happen.
2008-04-19 07:43:40 UTC
2008-04-19 07:16:11 UTC
2008-04-19 06:36:13 UTC
IF it was true there would be plenty of evidence of spices to spices evolution! there is NONE!
2008-04-19 06:27:15 UTC

Catholic mama
2008-04-19 03:03:48 UTC
Its a fact so its true. It happens
2008-04-19 00:26:00 UTC
i believe in some of evolution. what has been proven by scientific fact, something i can completely understand. something that makes perfect since.
2008-04-19 07:03:39 UTC
2008-04-20 13:59:39 UTC
No I do not, look how much they faked. Soon they will bring it down!!! hahaha
2008-04-19 03:09:48 UTC
No. The invisible sky being made us. Everyone (in my church) knows that!
2008-04-19 01:58:24 UTC
no because it is rediculous

everything came from nothing

the first life form, formed by molecules with a perfect dna, digestive system and became alive all by accident??? that is totally bazar to believe

david in Jesus amazing grace and its a free world to all
2008-04-19 01:29:58 UTC
of course - do you see cave men today? no. everything has to evolve to survivie, everything has to become better than its rivals and adapt to changing enviroments. if you don't better yourself you get no where and its the same with nature.

everything has to become better and adapt to a certain enviroment to see off competition. if everything did not evolve and become better adapted where would we be- still in the caves?

none of that religious nonsense for me.
Sweet Suzy 777!
2008-04-19 00:06:23 UTC
No, evolution is an unprovable theory, because it is a false theory.
2008-04-18 22:10:31 UTC
Absolutely! There's tons of scientific evidence, my Church agrees. Besides, I think that if you assume that God created everything, then He must've used science to do so, since science explains so much! I think it's a little bit belittling to God to think that He is some how not capable of this.

As for those who take every word in the Bible literally, I can only wonder how they possibly view the books of Proverbs and the book of Revelations. Clearly, God uses parables and metaphors. It's OK, part of faith is not knowing, but trusting. The Bible alone does not have to have all of the direct and factual answers for everything because it isn't a book of unending knowledge, it's a story of love and faith.
2008-04-19 00:02:44 UTC
Is it just me or did yahoo answer crap out?
2008-04-18 22:29:35 UTC
I believe in using reason / in evidence-based methodology.

Evolution, or natural selection, are good theory that explains very well the diversity of life we see today, as well as the fossiles, how bacteria and virus reacts, ...

We have bred many species of cats, dogs, horses, cows, .... using the same principles.

Evolution is a fact of life. You understand it by studying, looking at what is around you.

You dont have to reject any god by "believing" in evolution.

If there is a god, he may have created this universe with all its physical laws as they are. No contradiction between evolution theory and god.

If you still dont get it..

Please get an education.
2008-04-21 10:49:25 UTC
do you beleive in love at first sight.. or should i walk by again
2008-04-19 09:20:17 UTC
No, it is only a theory
2008-04-19 02:21:37 UTC
Strong opinion not needed to say, NO.
2008-04-19 01:07:45 UTC
i am catholic n i believe in evolution n the theory that we used 2 b monkeys

i believe God made the monkeys lol
2008-04-19 00:55:12 UTC
As many have said - I don't have to believe in facts

belief is for religion
2008-04-18 22:55:13 UTC
Yes and I also believe that the God Yahweh is the "missing link" in the chain of evolution.
2008-04-18 21:59:38 UTC
Its not a matter of belief but a matter of believing. Since evolution is basically proven, there is no faith or belief required. As long as you are not so guarded and asanine because of ego and religion, there is no reason not to believe it.

Genetic data, Chromosomal comparisons, Structural similarities and derivatives, Transitional fossil forms...the list goes on, the evidence for evolution is astounding and with the exception of no transitional fossil between ape and man, the theory is flawless.

People need to shut up with their Biblical fiction and face facts.
2008-04-18 21:46:14 UTC
Of course. It's what happened. There's oodles of scientific evidence. I don't think the whole Adam and Eve story was meant to be taken literally. And without evolution, how do you explain different races?
A Human Bean
2008-04-18 21:10:01 UTC
Depends what you mean by evolution...

Does one species become another over time. No. There is no scientific evidence this has ever happen. Not only should there be evidence, but it should still be happening. Those on this board who say science has proven evolution need to show us how and where. Where is the fossil record? Oops, it does not exist. Where is the modern examples? Oops, they don't exist. Why have we not gone beyond human to something better? Easy, it is not happening.

Does incremental changes happen within a species that help that species adapt to its environment. Yes. It is still happening all around us. BTW... Darwin actually believed in this type of evolution.
the big brain
2008-04-22 08:32:14 UTC
totally i mean adam and eve? come on
2008-04-19 09:52:50 UTC
no I believe in Jehovah God
2008-04-19 08:38:28 UTC
Not a bit. It was as the bible tells us
The Reverend Soleil
2008-04-19 03:33:14 UTC
One does not "believe" in evolution -- one UNDERSTANDS and ACCEPTS it.

Or not, as the case may be.
2008-04-19 01:06:32 UTC
do you believe in gravity?

evolution is a fact. And if you dont believe in evolution I suggest you stop taking drugs when you're sick and just pray to your god. hope that works out for you.
2008-04-18 23:28:34 UTC

There is no fossil evidence...

Fossilised evidence are bone fragments not complete skeletons (neanderthals and cro-magnon man included) some fragments have been proved to be other species like a piece of pig bone, another sample is showing evidence of a bone disease.

There are creatures in existence which could not have evolved by a step by step process, including the bombadier beetle. This contradicts Darwin's theory. It is easy to preconclude scientific results when you already know the answer you seek to find. I am a rational person and I believe evolution to be wrong (macro- evolution inter-special change) not micro evolution within a species change happens without the species itself becoming something else...
2008-04-19 07:23:05 UTC
I love their drummer
2008-04-19 00:24:11 UTC
I don't "believe in it" any more than I "believe" in gravity. I feel there is more compelling evidence in favor of the theory than any of the bible stories.

No one knows exactly how the earth got here. But I am 100%, without-a-doubt, bet-my-paycheck, absolutely, positively certain it did NOT happen over six days, only 6,000 years ago.
2008-04-19 00:23:05 UTC
Yes, Evolution is a FACT, we can see it around us any given second!

Take antibiotics, and the build up of imunity, and different color moths, and bone structure.

the basic principle of evolution is FACT, species do EVOLVE. if your against the whole ape thing, thats fine too. but, again, the basic principle is true.
2008-04-18 23:15:08 UTC
Yes. Of all of our attempts to explain where we came from, it seems the most likely, not to mention the boatloads of evidence supporting it.

And I really wish I got my response on the first page
2008-04-18 22:35:57 UTC
“But fossil species remain unchanged throughout most of their history and the record fails to contain a single example of a significant transition.” David S. Woodruff, “Evolution: The Paleobiological View,” Science, Vol. 208, 16 May 1980, p. 716.
2008-04-19 08:18:26 UTC
yes in deed. there are still things evolving as we speak.
Sim - plicimus
2008-04-18 22:22:22 UTC
I don't believe in it; I find the facts compelling, and eminently plausible and falsifiable. I accept evolution much like I do gravity, or the particle/wave relationship of light.

That I am a Christian, and believe in God, and Christ's death and resurrection, in no way means that I have to reject science. The two are exclusive, if not incompatible.
Dan the Man
2008-04-18 22:04:56 UTC
I have no problem with a big bang or evolution; and I also believe the Bible is without error. I believe God worked in an evolutionary process.

If you compare the days of creation in Genesis it matches up fairly well with the same order science gives. First you have God creating the heavens (stars, etc.) then the earth. I think that allows for a big bang.

Comparable to science the earth begins as an empty world without a set form, then you have dry land followed by oceans. You have plants before intelligent life. The first intelligent life is in the sea. Then you have birds. We know today that birds are descendants of dinosaurs. Mammals didn't rise until later. Science and the order of creation are following the same order.

On day 6 the KJV says, cattle, beasts, man. The Hebrew word translated cattle is mammals in general. Beast is a more specific wild animal, and then man. If you categorized these scientifically it would be class, genus, species.

"Day" is used in many scriptures figuratively for a period of time, and in the day/age theory of the creation the days are divided by great periods of time.

Adam and Eve were not created until after the seventh-day, and in a day/age theory the man on the sixth day is not the same as Adam "after" the seventh day. Could it be that science is correctly observing the order of creation?

This would explain cave men, and where Cain and Seth found wives, if man created on the sixth day is a different era from Adam created after the seventh day.

It's amazing how much science corroborates the order Genesis gives for life coming into being, and instead of the weak minded Christians who view science as an enemy of the faith, I embrace it as a vehicle to validate an order given over 3,000 years before science did likewise.

So, I view the days of the creation figuratively for periods of time, following it's figurative use in many other scriptures. I also don't dictate "how" God accomplished this, and I'm not opposed to God working in an evolutionary process.
Victoria A
2008-04-19 08:41:22 UTC
yes. I believe that it dose.
2008-04-19 09:42:45 UTC
Yes .....BUT........... I think it took longer than what they claim for it to have happened !
2008-04-19 09:16:16 UTC
no i do not. evolution breeds racism.
2008-04-19 08:51:54 UTC
yes, there are so much evidence and so little for other theories.
2008-04-19 08:04:07 UTC

500 answers
2008-04-19 02:45:07 UTC
Of course I do.

Let me get this right.

Something small, that swam....I guess that would be sperms.

Evolved into a ....Foetus?

Moved on to land.....was born?!

Became successful!......Right?

If you are talking of anything else. .... . No, of course not.
2008-04-19 02:44:21 UTC
evolution isn't something to believe in, it is very much true.
2008-04-19 02:10:11 UTC
Yes, but i believe it was guided by God
2008-04-19 01:21:31 UTC
2008-04-18 23:58:11 UTC
nope. i accept the fact that overtime, people change by genes and combining different traits. so no i dont beleve in evolution because of some other views i have.
2008-04-18 22:49:32 UTC
One only has to look to find the answer. compare the dog of 50 thousand years ago to what they look like today. Examine how the poodle has changed over the last 2 hundred years.
2008-04-19 07:39:00 UTC
well's truth. That's like saying, "Do you believe in the Sun?"
2008-04-19 06:58:08 UTC
No, Scientists try to prove it, because they dont want to beleive in God. God bless you!
2008-04-19 04:49:27 UTC
No it didnt appear by itself..
Brendan G
2008-04-19 03:09:51 UTC
do you believe the world is flat?
2008-04-19 01:53:24 UTC
Look at men if it is not evolution why would they have breasts
2008-04-18 22:22:02 UTC
Yes, I strongly do. It's true if you do the research. What more can I say? You acn believe in God and evolution. What do you believe?
2008-04-22 12:51:15 UTC
yes i completely agree with it. my relgion doesnt really, but i do 10000000%

do you?
2008-04-19 10:01:58 UTC

it's better then the other theories
na nu na nu
2008-04-19 06:52:53 UTC
I 'll be a monkeys uncle

2008-04-19 06:45:10 UTC
yeah. makes sense to me
Nicolo M
2008-04-19 05:34:28 UTC
Who are you calling monkey??
2008-04-19 04:17:02 UTC
yes its our way to adapt to the enviroment
2008-04-19 02:06:29 UTC
nope its disinformation

if u research enough u will find out that it is not based on fact but based on the attempt to undermine God
2008-04-18 22:55:32 UTC
Evolution is not a matter of belief or personal emotions, it is a matter of evidence.

It is clear that evolution has occurred.

It has been observed. It is still happening.

My challenge:

Before you allow religions to lie to you under the guise of moral authority, consider the theory for yourself:

Evolution is not the same thing as atheism.
Joe N
2008-04-18 22:52:38 UTC
There is no need for belief.

The theory of evolution is as strong as the theory of gravity.

They are as close to cold hard facts as anything can be.
2008-04-18 22:04:57 UTC
i believe that god created the earth in seven days and that a day to god is too great for a man to comprehend. he cannot hold god to our limited standards of time. i believe that god created animals, and that they progressively grew t change to better adapt to their enviroments. beside, how can you ignore hundreds of years of discovery and data? many simple minded christians do nothing but read the bible cover to cover and call that studying it. and even then, they hold what god says from a human point of view, something that only leads to ignorance


2008-04-19 08:06:45 UTC
i am involved constantly with involution only
WhO WhAt?.
2008-04-19 07:50:53 UTC
No, I think features can To adapt BUT as from us coming from MONKEYS NO!.
2008-04-19 05:01:13 UTC
look at the way World is....absolutely
2008-04-19 01:44:22 UTC
ehh im not sure right now. but you should take an anthropology class it's pretty interesting
2008-04-19 00:41:41 UTC
No, I don't, for many reasons. BTW, I used to be a hardcore atheist and evolutionist for 20 years before the scientific evidence against it changed my mind.

I could write a whole book on why evolution is not only not a good theory, it's not even a good hypothesis. All the so-called "evidences" for evolution can just as easily support creationism. It all depends on your interpretation of the facts. For example, two people can look at the same thing and come away with two totally different opinions of how it got that way. Two scientists are looking at the Grand Canyon. The evolutionist says, "Wow, look what the Colorado River did over miiiiilllllliiiiooons of yeeeeaaaars!" The creationist will look at it and say, "Wow, look what the Flood did in about 1/2 an hour!" Because no one was there to witness it, it takes faith to believe either scenario. There is a fact that the rocks of the Grand Canyon have layers. The evolutionist explains this by attributing it to "millions of years" of laying down of soil. The creationist sees it as a result of hydrologic sorting (from a massive flood). Again, no one was there to witness it (except the creationist has 8 human witnesses), but the evolutionist has no one to witness his explanation. Again, it requires faith, except that the creationist at least has some human witnesses who recorded the event.

As far as Darwinian evolution goes, all Darwin ever proved was that pigeons produce pigeons and finches produce finches - he in effect proved the Bible to be true, not evolution. The Bible says that animals only bring forth after their own "kind" (not "species"). We admit that there are changes "within" a kind, such as the 250+ breeds of dog within the "dog" kind, plus a few wild breeds, but they always stay within this "kind" and never leave it. You can breed dogs until the cows come home, and you will ALWAYS get some kind of dog, 100% guaranteed.

To take this knowledge and then extrapolate that this "proves" that the dog and the cat had a common ancestor is not only ludicrous, it's unscientific. You have now moved out of the realm of empirical science and into the realm of faith, because there is no way to prove that in the lab. You have to "imagine" that it happened long ago, even though it's not happening now. That's not science. So how dare the evolutionists tell us that evolution is a "proven fact" that must be bowed down to and cannot be questioned? It's nothing of the kind.

I agree that REAL sciences like physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, etc. CAN be proven in the lab and only a fool would deny them. Evolutionists compare those who question Darwinism with someone who denies gravity, which is just foolish. All I have to do is drop something to know that gravity works. What can you do in front of me to prove that evolution works?

You might say, "Well, we're here," but that just begs the question, and it could just as easily be an argument for creation.

I just watched "Expelled" today (something I would highly recommend to you). Ben Stein asked all the right questions to both evolutionists and creationists, even playing "devil's advocate" to both sides so as not to appear biased. The answers he got were incredible. I was pleasantly surprised at the answers he got from Richard Dawkins, an outspoken atheist and evolutionist. Just by asking the right questions, he got Dawkins to admit that he really didn't "know" anything. Dawkins even went so far as to say that he would believe ID if it were panspermia (the idea that we were planted here by aliens), but not from a God. Upon further examination, it appears that Dawkins' rejection of creationism does not come from any rigorous scientific reasons, but from his deep-seated hatred of the God of the Old Testament - which he appears to misunderstand, giving attributes of Satan to God.

I believe we need to have an open discussion of the scientific support for creationism, because there's a lot out there. I would highly recommend reading "The Evolution Cruncher" by Vance Ferrell. It contains thousands of scientific facts and quotes from evolutionists themselves that destroy the theory of evolution. I think we need to really look at the evidence, wherever that leads. That is what a true scientist would do.

The science that supports creationism and denies evolution, coupled with my own personal experience of God in my life, have changed my mind from the way I used to think.
Steven C
2008-04-19 00:00:30 UTC
lol, religion is a fragile thing aint it?

killed by a dose of science or a whiff of common sense...

one word: tailbone

amit s
2008-04-18 23:55:32 UTC
nope evolution is a myth same as there is no life on mars people make their on self belief theory

which other believe
2008-04-18 23:37:41 UTC
Science is one thing. Religion is another. Disharmony is created when the one tries to get into the field of the other.
Apostle Jeff
2008-04-18 23:36:43 UTC
Sorry, but I do not have enough faith to believe in evolution because there is absolutely no evidence to support it.
2008-04-18 22:49:23 UTC
I believe wholeheartedly in evolution. Anyone who refuses to accept is simply a moron. Unfortunately it's the uberreligious people who reproduce so much, which will only expand the idiocy.
2008-04-19 05:52:54 UTC
Microevolution is very much a fact. Mutation, adaptation, etc.

Macroevolution is a fairytale.
David B.
2008-04-19 02:21:04 UTC
of course
2008-04-18 22:07:18 UTC
I believe that God created everything, including evolution. Someone had to cause the so-called, "Big Bang". Someone had to set the wheels in motion for life to grow and evolve. Nothing just happens.

When we examine creation-When we look at the sky, moon, mountains, trees, people, animals, etc. we see that everything has a way of functioning. Everything knows it's place-Everything has some type of order to it. Only a phenomenal mind could possibly cause all of this to happen.

So yes, I believe that God -the Creator of all things- created evolution as well as everything else.
2008-04-18 21:29:53 UTC
I do believe that we have have evolved but not too much from monkeys(even though there are people who act like them) but I do believe in god too because even if we evolved they don't say anything about the universe. I mean I know about the whole big bang but there was something there before the big bang and they can't say that how that was created. Anyway these are people who don't believe that there is life elsewhere and think about it they are telling us that we evolved but they don't think that somewhere else there is evolution happening. Something to think about.
2008-04-18 20:56:48 UTC
Yeah. Why not? The Evidence is all around us. I believe that the Creation story was a theological tool used by God to explain evolution to the early people, since they had no idea what eukaryotes were, etc. back then.

I assume that each day is an era

"Let there be light"-- the Big Bang

"Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters, to separate one body of water from the other"- the creation of oxygen in the atmosphere

"Let the water under the sky be gathered into a single basin, so that the dry land may appear." -- the seperation of the continents

"Let the earth bring forth vegetation: every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit with its seed in it."-- the evolution from bacteria to multicellular organisms and plants

"Let the water teem with an abundance of living creatures, and on the earth let birds fly beneath the dome of the sky...Let the earth bring forth all kinds of living creatures: cattle, creeping things, and wild animals of all kinds... "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground."- How the other bacteria evolved into the animals we now have, and how the human was formed.
2008-04-21 18:59:02 UTC
yes. :D

and im catholic.



best answer?
2008-04-19 08:19:07 UTC
no. i don't believe humans came from apes.
2008-04-19 04:31:05 UTC
yes, it is the truth
Uncle Thesis
2008-04-19 03:47:58 UTC


There is no one idea about evolution.

Evolutionists are as divided as many religions.

Until there appears one, harmonious idea ....I chuckle.
2008-04-19 03:31:19 UTC
There's no 'believe', it's the truth.

Peace and lurve.
2008-04-18 23:42:07 UTC
yes, I do. I consider myself to be a (recon.) Pagan but there is a proof of evolution... and, I try not to be backwards... things have to be changing... I know this won't make much sense lol


- xena
2008-04-18 22:07:35 UTC
I believe that the only thing that is evolving is the theory of evolution. It always changes as the years go by. They can't agree on their theories either.
2008-04-18 21:57:42 UTC
Yes I believe in evolution. I don't need an opinion when I have facts.
2008-04-18 21:26:14 UTC
Yes, I believe in evolution. Science has more proof than Christianity!
2008-04-18 21:17:03 UTC
In support to prove evolution the evolutionists always provide you the reference of books or some web sites. This is not a valid way to prove any scientific fact. As long as you take it into account as a scientific fact you have to show real life evidences. Force of gravity is a scietific fact not because there are lots of books are writen on it or several web sites are there claiming it as fact, nor it is because 99 % or more scientists accept it as truth, rather its only because you can prove it in real life....just through a pen upward, observe what happens. But the theory of evolution???? starts with the assumption "Once open a time (probably millions or billions year ago) life emerged in an inert object as single tiny cell under the sea by chance"...which is a hallmark of blind faith.
Donald T
2008-04-18 21:10:42 UTC
No. The pantheistic / humanistic religion of evolution is a lie. There is SO MUCH evidence supporting creation, that the believers in evolution thought it necessary to censor it.
2008-04-19 06:28:04 UTC
scieence has proven that humanity does not remain stagnant so yes ,I do
2008-04-19 00:18:31 UTC
Evolution is not a belief dear, it's a scientific fact.
☆Pew Pew Lasers!☆
2008-04-19 00:13:13 UTC
Patrick D from da mob
2008-04-18 23:24:32 UTC
I believe that some people believe in evolution. I don't. You could only go back so far. It's cause and effect. I can't prove God, except on principal.
2008-04-19 09:55:24 UTC
Of course, I am not a moron.
2008-04-19 09:02:21 UTC
yes and its not a belife it is fact
2008-04-19 07:36:46 UTC
Mister R
2008-04-19 05:25:52 UTC
it is not proven until the missing link is discovered ~ could the missing link be God?
2008-04-19 03:20:50 UTC
No.....I believe in adaptation.
2008-04-19 01:32:47 UTC
No because it makes no sence
silly lil me
2008-04-18 22:16:02 UTC
Depends on what you describe evolution to be. Are you asking if we believe in the theory of evolution, or just evolution itself?

Evolution, itself, is a natural occurrence, in nature.

A tadpole evolves into a frog........

A baby grows up to be an adult........
2008-04-18 21:49:34 UTC
no the life in the world is way to complex for lightning to strike mud and create life. there are also too many holes in the "proof" of evolution that scientist do not answer
It is almost that time
2008-04-18 21:14:07 UTC
duhh, does ur skin evolve to dark after being on the beach for a few hours? does your skin turn white if u move to the mountains with nothing but trees? does ur toe move to the side from wearing shoes all your life? evolution is adaptation, maybe. but creation is creation, before something evolves it has to be created. do not let the one hundred year old empire make u think it is a thousand year old. evolution does not mean there is no God, you don't want to be one of the thing floating that looked like a bloated pig after katrina...

may God guide you on the right path. learn all religions dont listen to opinions, learn it yourself!...peace be upon you
2008-04-19 08:53:24 UTC
No.. I do not belive in evolution. SCIENCE CAN ONLY GO SO FAR... THEN THEIRS GOD. ...
The Pope
2008-04-19 08:42:48 UTC
I know it to be true.
2008-04-18 23:02:41 UTC
Of course I believe in myself as well as the proved fact .
2008-04-18 22:55:22 UTC
Yes, and you don't have to be atheist or non-Christian to understand the theory of evolution...Charles Darwin was agnostic himself, I believe.
Bruce Q
2008-04-18 21:54:32 UTC
Yes, just look at germs they are a prime example of evolution. They keep evolving to keep ahead of our anti bio-tics.
2008-04-18 21:24:24 UTC
Yes due to the fact that animals and humans have alot of similarities to each other like the fact that we both have eyes, ears, mouths, noses, hearts, legs, brains, etc. Also there we use mice as test subjects in laboratories due to the fact that mice have alot of similarities with humans when it comes to genes. Also 97% of the DNA of an orangutan is similar to a human.

If you can answer this question that would be nice

Mice facts

Orangutan facts
2008-04-19 04:44:55 UTC
yup... it is proven by science, there is fossils to prove it
2008-04-19 09:08:08 UTC
Sure, its inevitable.
2008-04-19 07:14:00 UTC
Yes, I do.
2008-04-18 23:28:55 UTC
yes, i beleive that people can evolve into absolute morons. like my bro for one iwho is just stupid.and unbeleiveably shallow where girls are concerned.
2008-04-18 21:57:41 UTC
as a whole no...there isn't enough evidence to call it a amazing how many new discoveries are alway classified as the "proof" of evolution...and any new discovery is treated "innocent until proven guilty" instead of scrutinized by skeptics...when teaching evolution many times all the facts are revealed...there have been many "facts" of evolution exposed as hoaxes...i just wish when it came to evolution it would be treated as a science and not an ideology that must be defended...
Ivan The Wizard
2008-04-19 05:55:40 UTC
I do! Don't You?

What are you doing here if you don't know it?
2008-04-19 05:49:14 UTC
i believe it
2008-04-19 05:35:18 UTC
hell yes! you've got fossils and stuff to prove it to you.
2008-04-19 04:40:26 UTC
yes i do
2008-04-18 21:58:39 UTC
The only people who believe in evolution are those who have given it any thought. It is so obviously true that only those who do not understand it at all could question it.
2015-01-18 09:18:40 UTC
made to love <3 (((SFCU)))
2008-04-19 06:31:32 UTC
2008-04-19 05:56:26 UTC
lifting the fog
2008-04-19 04:28:54 UTC
quran teach both

It says, "Allah is - Al Khaliq" (The Creator)

It also says, "Allah is - Al Bari" (The Evolver)

For the Muslim there is no need for separation between religion and science. It is understood from the Quran, revealed over 1,400 years ago, that there is both; "Creation" and "Evolution." And in both instances, it is only Allah who is "Able to do all things." In fact, it was the Muslim scientists, more than 1,000 years ago, who set the stage for the advancement of learning, technology and disciplines in science that we know today.

Allah has explained how He created everything in the universe and brought all life out of water. He created humans from earth (not monkeys) and there is no need to attempt fabrications of "links" to the animal world in Islam

The Christian Bible says that Adam & Eve were both created here on Earth, less than 10,000 years ago. The Quran says that Adam & Eve were created in Heaven, and NOT on Earth. When they disobeyed God, He expelled them from Heaven, down to Earth.

Muslims believe that souls are assigned to humans 40 days after the human inception. The Quran says that angels retrieve human souls on two occasions. One occasion is when humans die. The other occasion is every time humans fall asleep. When humans wakeup, the angels release those souls back to them:

It is Allah that takes the souls (of men) at death; and those that did not die, during their sleep: those on whom He has passed the decree of death, He keeps back, but the rest He sends (to their bodies) for a term appointed. Verily in this are Signs for those who reflect.

[Holy Quran 39:42]

And Allah has Created every animal from water; of them are some creeping on their bellies; some walk on two legs; and some on four. Allah Creates what He wills: for sure Allah has Power over all things.

[Holy Quran 24:45]

The Quran has set a precedent 14 centuries before modern science, explaining in simple and direct terms about his "creation" of animals and their various functions and then assures us it is He who has the Power over everything. This statement includes the fact Allah can if He Wills, reshape and alter his creation as He Chooses. There is clear evidence within many species of alteration and changes within the species. However, there is no concrete evidence to support a cross over in development from one type to another, such as reptiles turning into birds or alligators turning into cows. The statements made in Quran are quite clear when Allah tells us of having brought forth other life forms and then destroying or replacing them with others. This again, does not imply evolution in the sense of one type becoming or changing into another.

Allah tells us He is Al-Bari, (The Shaper or Evolver) but once again, this does not mean He has a need to bring about each individual life form all from one kind. Actually, while reading the Quran you learn He has brought many types and shapes and sizes as He Wills. Changes within species occur even as quickly as one or two seasons, not even taking a whole year, much less millions as was supposed by Darwin.

Speaking of Charles Darwin, he was only an armature naturalist and had only observed the finches (birds) on the Galapagos Islands for the first time in the mid 1850s. He noticed that on each island the birds had different shaped beaks according to the type of food available on their particular island. For this reason, he assumed, the birds had progressed over millions of years and only the hardiest of the species had survived the climate and vegetation changes. However, this is totally inaccurate and was dismissed as a mere humor in a TV series on the educational channel in October of 1998. According to the scientists’ discoveries in that very same year, the effects of the weather phenomenon known as El Nino, the climate on these same exact islands had drastically changed in a single year within a number of months. And to their surprise, the eggs of the finches on each island hatched open producing birds with beaks already altered to accommodate the changes of their environment.

The commentator even said this shoots Darwin's theory completely down and he laughed.

There is no DNA research pointing to a connection between apes and humans as was supposed by the scientists and those who had financed them over the years. In fact, the barnyard pig is closer to humans in many aspects, than a monkey or a gorilla. Consider the fact, doctors use the skin from pigs to replace needed tissue on burn victims and the famous movie actor, John Wayne had a pig's heart valve installed in his own heart in a 1977 operation to save his life. It worked, too - until his smoking caused him to die of cancer.

The rational approach to the whole subject is rather simple. Just as He is able to Create the universe and bring forth life, it is simple also for Him to produce as many different types of forms of life as He Wills. No problem for Him, after all - He is the Creator and He is the Shaper. And most important, He can change anything as He Wills - even today
Wee John
2008-04-19 04:18:24 UTC
2008-04-19 00:39:33 UTC
Of course. There is more than enough proof
2008-04-19 00:16:11 UTC
it's a bunch of garbage. if monkeys start having babies that are people then i will believe it.
2008-04-19 00:02:03 UTC
2008-04-18 23:53:58 UTC
its just a theory. just like the big bang, i dont believe in evolution.
2008-04-18 22:50:03 UTC
It's a fact. If there was no evolution everybody would look like Adam and Eve wouldn't they.
Miss Mountain
2008-04-18 22:33:10 UTC
I believe in God and I believe in evolution and I can't see what's wrong with that. There's strong evidence both exist.
Errol K
2008-04-18 22:24:20 UTC
If evolution is true, there is no God and everything in the Bible is a lie.
2008-04-18 22:03:27 UTC
I have a strong religious belief and I also believe in evolution...I don't find that the two have to be mutually exclusive.
♠I Did My Time♠
2008-04-18 21:20:58 UTC
Yes, I'm a christian-turned-die hard atheist, which I don't regret at all. It's more logical and accepting than religion can even hope to be, and religion is confusing- confusing, illogical, single-minded, and oh so common.....
2008-04-18 21:23:13 UTC
Yes, I've had taken some courses where we learned about sociobiology, genome, and scientific debates. It was held in the class that religion need not be incompatible with science, so long as you say a Creator created it and the Creator decided to do it through evolutionary processes.
2008-04-19 02:16:41 UTC
No I don't!

Surely that's strong enough.
2008-04-18 23:40:58 UTC
Doc Ryan
2008-04-18 23:11:58 UTC
No, Almighty God made all this. If people would spent as much time seeking God's love as do to try and say he is a liar, they would have some pretty awesome lives.
dyslexic dog
2008-04-18 21:36:04 UTC
I sure do!

It just makes sense to me...I could go into a big rant about it, but you could just read Climbing Mount Improbable by Richard Dawkins and save me the time! LOL
2008-04-19 10:34:12 UTC
i do but still don't how do we even know
2008-04-19 00:17:44 UTC
I want to see your opinion! =)
Liberty's Friend
2008-04-18 23:43:13 UTC


I have searched the so called evidence and none of it stands!!

It takes more faith to believe that we came from monkeys as it does to believe in Intelligent design!
2008-04-18 23:20:25 UTC
Believe?? Its a fact, whats not to believe in
2008-04-18 22:46:46 UTC
No! Evolution is forever changing. Why? Because it is a man-made theory trying to escape accountability to God. The Creation account has and will remain the same throughout time.
The Daughter of the King, BaC
2008-04-18 21:49:29 UTC
I do not believe in the Darwin's evolutionary theory!!

Have you seen the new movie "Expelled". I cannot wait to see it, someone actually has guts to challenge Darwin's evolutionary theory and talk about the Intelligent Designer.
2008-04-18 21:27:57 UTC
No I don't believe in Evolution. I believe that there is a God who created all this. I think this because it only makes sense. Evolution is a theory that kinda sounds bizzare!
2008-04-18 21:26:11 UTC
I believe we should follow the evidence. The evidence points clearly toward evolution.
2008-04-19 10:33:30 UTC
NO Allah made the world.
2008-04-18 23:16:34 UTC
yah i believe in evolution
2008-04-18 22:49:41 UTC
I think South Park got this subject right, it could be true, but not disprove the existence of god, because can't it just be the answer to "how" and not "why"
Heron By The Sea
2008-04-18 22:07:25 UTC
Yes, I think so. I'm not very good at science though, so what do I know.
golden gate chick
2008-04-18 22:02:16 UTC
do i believe that dinosaurs roamed the earth?

we were once homo erectus and homo habilis?

do i believe we were once little micro things in water?

and there was a pangea?

and that fossils are bajillions of years old?

the answer is no.

why? because i don't believe that these things are true, I KNOW!
2008-04-18 21:55:12 UTC
no, each chain of evolution contains a missing link somewhere along the line. therefore there are too many assumptions to connect the links. besides, if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys? wouldn't they have evolved to be humans also? the same could be said of mammals in general. Why are there so many mammals? Why wouldn't they all have evolved into just one species? or insects, reptiles, etc. for evolution to be true, one would think only one specie of animal would exist, as all others would have been cast aside by the evolutionary chain.
Fourth Line
2008-04-18 21:26:37 UTC
Strongly yes.
2008-04-18 21:04:26 UTC
that would depend on what you mean...

there are 6 different meanings...

1) Cosmic Evolution (Never Observed) The creation of time, space and matter. (The Big Bang)

2) Chemical Evolution (Never Observed) Production of heavy elements from hydrogen.

3) Steller Evolution (Never Observed) The formation of stars, planets, and solar systems.

4) Organic Evolution (Never Observed) Life from random chemical.

5) Macro-Evolution (Never Observed) One animal mutating into another.

6) Micro-Evolution. (Observed) Slight changes in a species. A better name for this would be “Adaptation”
2008-04-19 07:35:43 UTC
I know it is true.
2008-04-19 07:26:41 UTC
2008-04-19 03:29:34 UTC

2008-04-18 22:39:17 UTC
No. It takes more faith to believe in the theory that has a million holes and no evidence, than to believe in a creation planned by design. I choose to believe God....He said He made it...and I choose to believe Him. The evidence of His creation is clear for all to see.
2008-04-18 21:20:48 UTC
evolution isn't a believe kind of thing, unless you think the only thing evolution is about is man from monkey. evolution is a fact.
2008-04-20 12:02:42 UTC
no not at all
2008-04-19 07:11:15 UTC
2008-04-19 07:06:45 UTC
you are a celebrity !
2008-04-19 02:45:23 UTC
yes yes yes it is very sexy
2008-04-19 00:46:51 UTC
idon't knowmuch about it, but i was thought to believe in the bible.
darwinsfriend3 AM
2008-04-18 23:10:15 UTC
No I accept it as a scientific fact.

It isn't a belief.
PB & J
2008-04-18 23:03:55 UTC
I believe in God and the word of God, why believe in Evolution. Just have faith in the creator of everything in this entire Universe. Trust and worship God alone and then you wont have to question life, the world, and everythings existence. God is the creator and the one that formed everything in the Universe and world we live in! This is what I believe in strongly, God! :-)
2008-04-18 22:46:16 UTC
yes i do believe

i have not seen it

but i have wasted 4 years of mine for understanding and learning it

for pre medical tests and all that stupid stuff

now i am a doctor

thanks to evolution
2008-04-18 22:34:51 UTC
even you, we been from evolution.. our age now has begun from evolution from past times..... brighter than the sun, i believe evolution..
2008-04-18 22:14:53 UTC
no, it is too foolish.

i have yet to find any facts in it.

actually it was not even a theory. it was a hypothesis that one man, and two communists, tried to use to eliminate god and creation from the human culture.

if you get a chance, go see the movie expelled.

evolution is fake, fraudulent and totally unscientific.

holler if you want more info.

2008-04-18 21:42:41 UTC
Do you mean, do I believe in the fact of evolution? Of course I do!!!
2008-04-18 21:37:12 UTC
No! But if u wanna be from a monkey or something else then go right ahead. Evolutionists are always trying to explain away what God did. I'd rather accept the fact that God created me in his image rather than me evolving into something from something else. Least of all a nasty ape, monkey, gorilla, or anything else with fur & fleas!
2008-04-18 21:24:54 UTC
I believe evolution occurs within a species, but I don't believe an organism with a brain, heart, blood, etc. evolved from an organism without those things. It's biologically impossible.
2008-04-18 21:10:45 UTC
I find it more likely that humans and the earth are constantly evolving. I just don't accept that a higher being up and decided to create the universe, then put humans on one planet. I don't believe it. Also, primates have many human characteristics, so it is a possibility that we evolved from early primates. Darwin's theory and his findings on the Gálapagos Islands were ground-breaking. His theory challenged the theory of Creationism. Evolution, to me, is the most sound theory.
2008-04-18 22:59:10 UTC
no i don't . evolution is not a fact . as a muslim i believe prophet Adam(a) is the father of all people .

monkeys are they who don't believe in god . and they believe in evolution .
2008-04-19 10:41:19 UTC
paula r
2008-04-19 07:08:44 UTC
yes, and creation.
2008-04-19 04:19:51 UTC
No I don't
2008-04-19 02:56:30 UTC
ummmm....if you don't then you are a brainwashed religous freak
2008-04-19 02:44:41 UTC

Fossils Do Not Prove Evolution

Author: Bruce Malone

Fossils. The very name brings to mind images of untold ages past. . . dinosaurs roaming ancient swamps. . . slow but steady progression as simple sea life was transformed into today's complex variety. Is this an accurate reconstruction of the past or is a worldwide flood the correct explanation of the fossil record?

This article is one of many found within Mr. Malone's excellent book, Search for the Truth. Fossils are the preserved evidence of past life. They are found in every part of the world, including the tops of the highest mountains. They may be as simple as a seashell which has left a permanent impression in sandstone or as grandiose as a giant plesiosaur whose bones have turned to rock after rapid burial. The fossils themselves tell us neither their age nor how they became encased in the rock layers. Rather, they must be interpreted within some view of earth history. Many people have been led to believe that the existence of fossils proves that millions of years have passed. In reality, fossils can form quite rapidly. Heat and pressure from rapid burial can accelerate the fossilization process. Geologic conditions following a worldwide flood would have exceeded anything imaginable today and must have led to the rapid fossilization of the plants and animals on a massive scale.

Fossilization can happen rapidly under the right conditions, but it is a rare event today. Yet there are mass burial sites throughout the world that are tightly packed with millions of fossils. Apparently, billions of organisms were washed together by the mass destruction of the worldwide flood, completely buried, and rapidly fossilized. These massive and extensive fossil graveyards would be the predictable result of a worldwide flood, but would hardly fit the slow accumulation model which continues to be taught as the primary explanation of the fossil record. Something dramatically different must have happened in the past to have caused the wide spread fossilization which we find all over our planet. Noah's flood would have been this event.

Geologists and paleontologists operating from a Christian worldview acknowledge the possibility that a worldwide catastrophe buried unimaginable amounts of plants and animals. This was the disaster documented in the first book of the Bible. It lasted at least one year and had reverberations which lasted for centuries. Sea creatures would have been buried first (the salinity and temperature of the oceans would have changed during the catastrophe, wiping out massive numbers of these sea creatures). Even after the flood, plant and animal extinction would have been common as many types of creatures failed to adapt to dramatically changing conditions.

Although any order of burial in a flood would be possible, the general tendency would be for sea life to be buried in the lower rock layers and land animals to be buried in different rock layers corresponding to their ecological niche. This tendency is generally found.

Creation geologists (and there are many of them) believe that the majority of the geologic record is a result of geologic activity during and subsequent to the year-long worldwide flood. This flood would have been an incredible complex event.

Geologist and paleontologists operating from an evolutionary world view acknowledge local catastrophes, but do not allow consideration of a worldwide flood. This would wipe out the "slow change over eons of time" interpretation of the fossils which is needed to continue believing in evolution.

Only one interpretation of the evidence can be correct and only one interpretation of the evidence agrees with what the Bible claims is the history of our planet.

No Chance of Life by Chance

Author: Bruce Malone

In the 1700's many scientists believed that life spontaneously generated from non-living matter (such as raw meat or sewage). In the 1800's, using careful experimentation, Louis Pasteur proved this concept wrong and verified that life only comes from previously existing life. Ironically, many scientists have once again returned to the belief that life came from non-life. . . in spite of the fact that there is no experimental evidence to show how that could have happened. The reason this unsupported belief has returned is that science has been defined as to eliminate the consideration of the only other alternative-the creation of life by an intelligent designer.

This article is one of many found within Mr. Malone's excellent book, Search for the Truth. Even the simplest living cell is an incredibly complex machine. It must be capable of detecting malfunctions, repairing itself, and making copies of itself. Man has never succeeded in building a machine capable of these same functions. Yet most scientists accept the belief that life arose from non-life (in spite of the evidence clearly indicating that it did not and could not happen). This incredible belief is as absurd as finding a complex chemical manufacturing facility on Mars and assuming that it built itself.

One classic experiment which is used to support the belief that life "built itself" is an experiment by Stanley Miller in 1953. In this experiment sparks were discharged into an apparatus which was circulating common gases. These gases reacted to form various organic products which were collected and analyzed. The experiment succeeded in producing only a few of the 20 amino acids required by itself. Furthermore, the dozens of major problems with this experiment as an explanation for the formation of life are seldom reported.

For instance, our early atmosphere was assumed to have no oxygen because this would stop amino acid formation. However, with no oxygen, there would be no ozone shield. With no ozone shield, life would also be impossible. Furthermore, oxidized rocks throughout the geologic record indicate that oxygen has always been present.

In addition to this, the same gases which can react to form amino acids undergo known reactions in the presence of sunlight which remove them from the atmosphere. The required gases would not have been around long enough for life to have developed! In addition, a cold trap was used to keep the reaction products from being destroyed as fast as they formed.

The biggest problem is that the amino acids formed in this experiment are always a 50/50 mixture of stereotypes (L and D forms). Stereotypes are like a drawer full of right-hand and left-hand gloves, identical in every way except a mirror image of each other. Life contains only L stereotypes of these randomly produced amino acids. Yet equal proportions of both types are always produced. How could the first cell have selected only L stereotypes from a random, equally reactive mixture? No answer to this has ever been found.

These are just a few of the problems with the fanciful idea that life generated itself. The linking of these randomly produced amino acids into the required proteins is an even more overwhelming impossibility.

No experiment has ever shown that matter has the ability to come alive. The best explanation for life is still that "life only comes from pre-existing life". As you search for truth, perhaps you should consider the possibility that the source of all life... is GOD.
2008-04-19 00:05:21 UTC
you know that evolution is intertwined with the bible ... somehow i don't how
2008-04-18 22:34:16 UTC
evolution inside a species i accept as fact. evolution from one species to another, i accept as a theory--after all, there's no way to prove it.

that said, i'm definitly christian. as for genisis, it's a story that gives us a deeper understanding of God and ourselves, not factual history.

i'm an intelligent design person myself.
2008-04-18 22:32:27 UTC
no i do not! not because i was taught not to believe it but because i don't think it makes much sense. i mean how can a whole world of living things come from an explosion or humans come from animals or bugs? it doesn't make much sense! i know that some say that the world came in the amount of time it takes to say hi is also hard to believe but think how else could it have been made? and if you say threw matter in space ask how did that matter get there? i am a strong Christian even though i am going threw a hard time with my family and it is hard i know that i can trst in God because if it was going to be like this forever why would he have made me? i believe that he made me for a reason! just like he has made every one else in this universe from the oldest adult to the smallest baby, and he has pt each of s here for a purpose and even in hard times i know that he is helping me get threw them, i don't know how i would be able to survive if i had never accepted him.
Block Wall
2008-04-18 22:30:35 UTC
"I like this answer..."

Too bad it's still 100% bogus. Ever thought of learning a fact or two?
2008-04-18 22:13:22 UTC
Evolution theory is a theory
2008-04-18 21:41:30 UTC
I accept that it has been proven with empirical evidence, I need not faith for evolution.
2008-04-18 21:34:57 UTC
I suppose it's a belief based on what's easily observable. so yes.
2008-04-18 21:29:03 UTC
Evolution within a species yes (environmental color or size changes,type changes ,like all cats from one feline strain) but not from one species to another...No.
2008-04-18 21:28:38 UTC
Evolution is not something one "believes in" or "does not believe in" - it is something that one either understands or does not understand.
Martin S
2008-04-18 21:27:06 UTC
I believe that God created plants and animals with the capacity to adapt to changing environmental conditions and that one of the ways that occurs is through the process of natural selection.

I don't believe that a fish became a frog that via the magic wand of random mutations over long periods of time the frog was transformed into a "Prince". Modern scientific methods show that such a process is at most highly unlikely.

Unraveling DNA's Design

by Dr. Jerry Bergman

[Ed Note: Dr. Jerry Bergman is a professor of science at Northwest College, Archibold (Ohio) and is working on his third Ph.D. in molecular biology. He also has degrees in biology, psychology, and evaluation and research.]

Vast Databases

At the moment of conception, a fertilized human egg is about the size of a pinhead. Yet it contains information equivalent to about six billion "chemical letters." This is enough information to fill 1000 books, 500 pages thick with print so small you would need a microscope to read it!

If all the chemical "letters" in the human body were printed in books, it is estimated they would fill the Grand Canyon fifty times!

Cell Replication

The details of cell replication are too complex to be described in detail here. A simplified outline is given below to illustrate the incredible process involved: 5

1. Replication involves the synthesis of an exact copy of the cell's DNA.

2. An initiator protein must locate the correct place in the strand to begin copying.

3. The initiator protein guides an "unzipper" protein (helicase) to separate the strand, forming a fork area. This unwinding process involves speeds estimated at approximately 8000 rpm, all done without tangling the DNA strand!

4. The DNA duplex kinks back on itself as it unwinds. To relieve the twisting pressure, an "untwister" enzyme (topo-isomerase) systematically cuts and repairs the coil.

5. Working only on flat, untwisted sections of the DNA, enzymes go to work copying the strand. (Two complete DNA pairs are synthesized, each containing one old and one new strand.)

6. A stitcher repair protein (DNA ligases) connects nucleotides together into one continuous strand.

Read and Write

The process described above is only a small part of the story. While the unwinding and rewinding of the DNA takes place, an equally sophisticated process of reading the DNA code and "writing" new strands occurs. The process involves the production and use of messenger RNA. Again, a simplified process description: 6

1. Messenger RNA is made from DNA by an enzyme (RNA polymerase).

2. A small section of DNA unzips, revealing the actual message (called the sense strand) and the template (the anti-sense strand).

3. A copy is made of the gene of interest only, producing a relatively short RNA segment.

4. The knots and kinks in the DNA provide crucial topological stop-and-go signals for the enzymes.

5. After messenger RNA is made, the DNA duplex is zipped back up.

Adding to the complexity and sophistication of design, the genetic code is read in blocks of three bases (out of the four possible bases mentioned earlier) that are non-overlapping.

Moreover, the triplicate code used is "degenerate," meaning that multiple combinations can often code for the same amino acid-this provides a built-in error correction mechanism. (One can't help but contrast the sophistication involved with the far simpler read/write processes used in modern computers.)

A Common Software House

All living things use DNA and RNA to build life from four simple bases. The process described above is common to all creatures from simple bacteria all the way to humans.

Evolutionists point to this as evidence for their theory-but the new discoveries of the complexity of the process, and the fact that bacterial ribosomes are so similar to those in humans, is strong evidence against evolution. The complexities of cell replication must have been present at the beginning of life.

A simple explanation for the similarities of the basic building blocks can be found if one realizes that all life originates from a single "software house."
2008-04-18 21:08:34 UTC
yes i do. if you dont you fit into 1 of 2 categories

1. you simple do not know how evolution works. i cant even count how many people ive talked to that think it works by just thinking real hard.

2. your just arrogant. you dont like the idea of being related to primates so you deny FACTS.

thats what evolution is, FACT.
2008-04-18 21:01:52 UTC
I believe in the type of evolution that can be observed and tested such as selective breeding of dogs or horses (or whatever) to produce a new variety of dog or horse (or whatever).

The thing is they were a dog, horse or whatever when they started out and they are still a dog or horse or whatever today, their offspring will be dogs or horses and unless they become extinct in a few million years time their descendents will still be dogs, horses etc.

I also believe in either the environment or mutations turning genes that were already there on or off, or changing them slightly so that within certain limits size, color, length etc are changed a little, but the creature is still a bird or a frog or whatever type it was before the minor changes happened.

However no one has ever observed or been able to breed a microbe into something that was no longer a microbe and I can't think of any examples where a gain in information has been observed or made to happen.

Particles to people evolution is an unproven hypothesis.
2008-04-18 20:59:55 UTC
There is no doubt that evolution is real. At most there are doubts about specific transitions from one species to another along a particular path. Both the process and many of the mechanisms are well known.

What REALLY bothers me are the Christians who believe that God made the world - but then don't want to study one of His creations - EVOLUTION. Because that mountain of evidence either shows that we came from earlier hominids OR it shows that God created the illusion. But of course, it is a perfect illusion because, as we all know, only through faith will you come to God - not through proof. For Jesus rebuked Satan say that it was wrong to test God. There WILL BE NO PROOF, for God's kingdom is not of this world.

SO... the hard-core Christians who still refuse to believe are blind to the creations of their own deity.

And of course the atheists know better.

Take either side of the general argument. There is no way you can't believe in evolution - unless, of course, you want to say that one of God's creations is imperfect...
2008-04-19 05:45:39 UTC
sorry no because there is no proof
2008-04-18 21:12:23 UTC
Microevolution, yes. It is a proven fact that there is variation among species (e.g., different "breeds" of dogs, etc.). Darwinian macroevolution, on the other hand, is a resounding NO (e.g., dogs have never been bred or mutated into another species of animal). It takes a bigger leap of faith (and arrogance in assumption) to believe that a cow became a fish to become a whale, or that primordial soup gave rise to complex organisms thus to vertebrates thus to land dwelling species thus to mammals, etc. than it does to believe in a divine Creator who designed creatures to inhabit this world fully-formed and complex as they are. There is clear evidence of design throughout the natural world--from the tiniest living cell to the complicated and highly-sophisticated biochemical mechanisms driving the Bombadier Beetle's precision, combustion defense system in its thorax. Life did not arise by chance--there is a purpose and harmony in the world, although it is not necessarily perfect, it still bears testimony to the hand of a divine Designer who made it through His infinite wisdom and power.
2008-04-19 08:35:48 UTC
NO,It's not real
Flying Spaghetti Monster
2008-04-19 04:14:54 UTC
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO its a lie! its a lie!!!

(fingers in ears) la la lalala
2008-04-18 22:35:02 UTC
wow this got a lot of responses haha and the first guy got so many thumbs down too funny. i have no first hand knowledge so i guess basing it on what others have claimed to be true i think evolution might be true, not sure..
2008-04-18 22:22:03 UTC
Absolutely. Given that there are millions of pieces of evidence in favor of it and NONE against, there is no reason not to.
2008-04-18 21:59:28 UTC
To a certain extent.
It's Just A Ride
2008-04-18 21:39:49 UTC
Nina, BaC
2008-04-18 21:31:42 UTC
I believe in evolution but I do not believe in the evolution theory by Darwin.

There is no proof that any species evolve to be other kind of different species.
2008-04-18 21:31:13 UTC
its not that i BELIEVE IN evolution , i accpet it as fact , and if down the road its proven wrong then i will have no trouble in letting that accptance go away
2008-04-18 21:03:40 UTC
Its not a fact of believing..evolution happend. People have a misconseption of evolution. Evolution isn't how we arrived on earth but, its how we "evolved" to different environments and adapted. Its actually complex, but I had a very good science teacher who explained it well. It doesn't go against anyones faith or beliefs, its fact.
2008-04-18 21:24:33 UTC
Evolution is not a religion. So you don't believe in evolution. I accept it as fact because of the overwhelming amounts of evidence that support it.
2008-04-20 11:50:41 UTC
2008-04-19 07:35:44 UTC
uhh no. creationism all the way :)
2008-04-19 06:49:10 UTC
Elder Greg
2008-04-19 04:56:58 UTC
Strong opinion huh? Okay......ahem (clear throat)....


I BELIEVE THE HOLY BIBLE, AND IT TEACHES US GOD CREATED EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for asking though.

Elder Greg

Stephanie K
2008-04-19 01:03:00 UTC
no, but i don't think it's a stupid idea, it may be true...
2008-04-19 00:41:42 UTC
evolution is STILL a theory and remains unproven
The Disco King
2008-04-18 23:19:31 UTC
no no no no no no no no no no no......did I say mention that I dont believe in evolution?
2008-04-18 21:38:51 UTC
No not at all.

Scientists say that we 'evolved' from all of these creatures. We started off as basically a microscopic thing in a body of water, and decided, "Hey I'm going to divide myself so theres two of me! Then, I will create sex organs, and learn to breath the air! Hey you know what, now I want to move more in this body of water than just my little tale, I'll get 'fins'. Now I will call myself a fish! Oh look, there are other forms of fish and such now, and even enemies, oh no!"

Somewhere along the lines, the fish was not happy, and somehow grew legs and were able to walk on land. How, I don't know, jeeze I wanna know! So now we have a walking fish, which is now a lizard. Then the lizard felt, "You know, I'm tired of staying in the sun just to stay warm, I want to grow hair!" So the lizard grew hair, again SOMEHOW the fish thing grew legs, and somehow went from scales to flesh with hair. This pitiful animal that cannot decide what it wants to do decides that it wants to use it's tail for yet another arm, and then decided to lose the tail all together and lose most of it's hair, and walk upright.

Yet, for YEARS man has been fascinated with the idea of flying. Why did we all of a sudden lose this ability to evolve? Isn't evolving suppose to be to, well, become better? Evolution is suppose to be survival of the fittest. Sides, if this is so, why is it we still have all the monkeys, fish, lizards, things before that, YET NO CAVEMEN! Wouldn't we still have people with at least the bone structures of cavemen, or the hair growth?

Evolution is an argument that argues with itself. If a creature needed to evolve in order to survive, than why is the original creature still around if it was no longer fit to survive? Should not that original creature, having needing to evolve in order to survive, have gone extinct? The fact that it is still in existence in that form proves that evolution, as stated by science, is a lie.
2008-04-18 21:03:07 UTC
Yes, i think evolution makes sense.
2008-04-18 21:02:55 UTC
I presumed everyone did as a child - I assumed we all came through evolution but there was a man called Jesus - thus the New Testament came along ... written in a way that you took sections of it like a self help book ..... but I was a kid, what did I know? I am now an adult and realise people do think we came along from God - Eve was a bit of a cow making Adam do things he didn't want to (as women have done since) She was made up of his rib ... We are punished for this by painful childbirth and the short life span. Oh to be a kid again when everything made sense!
2008-04-19 03:37:28 UTC
no i truly dont
2008-04-19 01:27:25 UTC
No ..

i don't believe we were monkey's :)
2008-04-18 22:56:50 UTC
No I think that evolution is a myth
2008-04-18 21:24:16 UTC
I believe that it happens, yes.
2008-04-18 21:20:36 UTC
No. Even Darwin had a hard time believing in it. Scientists recently in the last 20 years have since proven their (evolution) theory is busted.
2008-04-19 10:12:04 UTC
YES !!!!
2008-04-19 08:40:47 UTC
no no no no no no no
2008-04-19 08:28:09 UTC
aboslutely not.
Stewart M
2008-04-19 05:25:35 UTC
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no
2008-04-18 23:10:31 UTC
sure...I love science......but anyone who says its only evolution...or its only god is narrow minded
2008-04-18 23:05:46 UTC
No, because it is not true. Science is proving the Bible to be true more and more each day.
2008-04-18 23:02:21 UTC
Actually the bible first speaks of evolution of plants and animals however man is different. It took Darwin 6,000 years at least to catch up with the bible.

Genesis 1

11: God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth:

20: And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

21: And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

22: And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

24: And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

25: And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Let the Earth bring forth sounds like evolution to me.
2008-04-18 22:38:16 UTC
Micro-Evolution - yes

Macro-Evolution - no

Started with God, and under his eye since.
Steel And Bone
2008-04-18 22:31:38 UTC
That's like asking, "do you believe you have two hands". What else can I say, really?
2008-04-18 21:32:33 UTC
Fez, El Pianista Tejano♣
2008-04-18 21:24:40 UTC
No. Just because I do not accept a theory full of flaws, I am classified as an idiotic bigot. I know God created the world.
2008-04-18 21:08:41 UTC
No. Do you know what mitochondrial DNA is? So complex in how it works it can not be some random crap shoot in the comos. Like so many other complex things. Collectively, it is no accident that it all works together.
2008-04-18 21:04:21 UTC
Evolution isn't about opinion. It happened.
2008-04-18 21:04:16 UTC
Of course. You can see it, follow it back through time. No "belief" or faith needed. Just a little education.
2008-04-18 21:02:47 UTC
Evolution is a theory that never have and never will add up. There are so many huge gaps in evolution I can't understand how anyone could believe such nonsense. Where is the transitional period that one evolves? There are no fossils that support there theory. Also what about birds? There are no fossils that show any time of "tweetie" bird running around with no wings. The fact of the matter is that one will believe anything to support their belief in no God. Evolution is a time god that they put their faith into that is a system of error.
2008-04-18 21:47:42 UTC
No, I do believe in human progression but I don't believe we evolved from monkeys, sorry.
2015-09-05 08:41:04 UTC
Kevin S
2008-04-18 21:10:57 UTC
Absolutely, of course. As certainly as I believe in gravity.
2008-04-19 08:47:15 UTC

2008-04-19 03:30:44 UTC
i believe everything.

what about you???????????
2008-04-19 00:24:27 UTC
I believe in God more.
Mysterious Racer P
2008-04-18 22:19:55 UTC
Yes, I do.
2008-04-18 22:08:18 UTC
first came the monkey, man, and then the gun
2008-04-18 22:02:48 UTC
of course... I also believe in gravity.
2008-04-18 21:59:23 UTC
Nope. Don't believe it and not worth the effort to even talk about it.
2008-04-18 21:58:57 UTC
I don't believe there's an invisible sky guy so therefore 'he' had nothing to do with my existence.

Evolution has far too many facts to support it ... cretinism has none.

2008-04-18 21:24:27 UTC
Of course, it is silly to think we just kind of popped in one day.
2008-04-18 21:24:24 UTC
NO, stupid concept.there is no way a cell can move as it does ,nor could D.N.A. be a perfect blueprint with out God.
2008-04-18 21:13:16 UTC
To a point, yes.

I know quite a bit about it, and the parts of evolution that deal with the formation of sexual reproduction and the brain itself are completely ridiculous, really.

Abiogenesis is ridiculous too.
2008-04-18 21:04:37 UTC
Evolution is the only possible way man could have evolved. There is no God who put anyone on Earth.
2008-04-18 21:03:03 UTC
I believe in Evolution, and I believe that it's a part of God's plan. God has always worked through the natural laws we perceive through science.

However I also believe there's more to evolution then what our science has thus far shown. There is a drive and purpose to evolution that I believe was orchestrated intelligently.
2008-04-18 21:02:54 UTC
No. I believe God created man. When he created the world, it was created with apparent age. When God spoke the vegetation into being and trees, they weren't seed (although he gave them seeds too.) He didn't say he created Adam as a baby but as a man, that would indicate age. Evolution is a joke. We evolved from apes. Why are they still here then? Where are the half monkey half man? . Man thinks he is smarter than God.Man is just guessing at God's handiwork.
2008-04-18 21:01:58 UTC
I believe in creation and evolution.
2008-04-18 20:59:56 UTC
Yes, as far as I can see GOD wanted things to change to adapt to the Earth as it changed through time. I'm sure it's part of the plan GOD used to make everything. Gravity, and other laws are good - and GOD uses all the laws to make everything. GOD is in the microscopic details of everything.
2008-04-18 20:55:43 UTC
stong hehe you said stong.
2008-04-19 00:22:43 UTC
May strong opinion is "NO"
2008-04-18 23:38:49 UTC
i belive it, damn christains JK
2008-04-18 21:07:34 UTC
absolutely not lol what a fairy tale of a question! If evolution happened over millions and millions of years then there must be millions and millions of fossils to show the gradual change, have you ever seen a fossil of half ape half fish??
2014-05-09 22:19:47 UTC
2008-04-19 07:58:22 UTC
no, it contradicts the bible.
2008-04-19 07:26:54 UTC
2008-04-19 04:36:54 UTC
2008-04-18 23:19:36 UTC
2008-04-18 22:52:55 UTC
yes, i am not stupid
2008-04-18 22:28:04 UTC
Hell no ..!!! Theres no proof and it's really a stupid theory .. there are too many problems with the whole concept ..Where are fossil records of transitory species ...the universe is getting bigger and bigger as our telescopes and science improves ....It just makes the mathmatical possibility of such a intracate multitudes of worlds /galaxies / universes..the whole of creation is too unfathomable that it just happened ...that concept is a bigger leap of faith than stopping and saying ok god .. if you're there i'm gonna take some time and seek you out ..If you're not there than what have i lost .. TRuth is jesus is knocking on the door of your heart / conscious trying to make contact
2008-04-18 22:06:10 UTC
2008-04-18 22:05:40 UTC
no answer there, no choice!
2008-04-18 21:52:52 UTC
Go see "Expelled" by Ben Stein
2008-04-18 21:23:00 UTC
Yes, I do.
Apophis Ascended
2008-04-18 21:13:24 UTC
Not for people. Just for animals. People are genetically engineered primates, made by an alien race, and a genetic engineer named "God". See Genesis 1:26 for proof.
the pianist
2008-04-18 21:02:05 UTC
Yes. Evolution is a genuine, ongoing event. It applies to many different things. It DOES NOT, however, dismiss the fact that in the beginning, God...........
2008-04-18 21:00:15 UTC
Nope, Evolution is the biggest lie ever to be sprung on the world. No evidence for it whatsoever. God created the heaven and the earth
2008-04-18 20:59:55 UTC
evolution is a theory.

creationism is a belief.

end of discussion.
2008-04-18 20:57:23 UTC
Iason Ouabache
2008-04-18 20:56:36 UTC
Yes, it is a strong scientific theory with over 150 years worth of evidence behind it. The only people who disagree with it really have no idea what they are talking about.
2008-04-19 08:39:00 UTC
Southern Cross Resurrected
2008-04-19 06:09:19 UTC
2008-04-18 22:43:36 UTC
Why, yes, I do.
2008-04-18 22:29:26 UTC
Its a bogus theory which only shows similiarity..similarity..similarity..among different things to prove its come this ridiculous way of thinking is scientific??
Faith In God
2008-04-18 21:44:01 UTC
No I believe in creation Genesis chapter one. :-)
2008-04-18 21:41:37 UTC
no to many gaps
2008-04-18 21:25:52 UTC
NO, I havent seen any apes turn to people yet.
Hell's Belle De Jour
2008-04-18 21:10:50 UTC
You say you want an evolution...

Well, you know...

We all want to change the world.
2008-04-18 21:01:41 UTC
i don't even understand how someone can believe differntly

evolution is so real just google it

i cant comprehend where the stupid, stupid people that dont believe in it choose not to
2008-04-18 21:01:06 UTC
well of course. Since it's something tangible we can all observe it's silly not to.
2008-04-18 21:00:55 UTC
Start with these

The Young Age of the Earth

Fingerprints of Creation

Earth Science Associates: Center of the Universe

The Origin of Man by Dr. Duane Gish

Evolution: Challenge of the Fossil Record - Part 1 of 6

Neanderthals - Smarter Then We Thought

Did the Miller Experiment Solve the Origin of Life Puzzle?

Skull Fossils - As Empty as the Evolutionary Theory

Dinosaurs: Those Terrible Lizards
Christopher Michael
2008-04-18 21:00:12 UTC
I believe that God created everything, including the process by which humans came into existence. However, since the theory of evolution cannot be tested, I'm confused as to why it is considered fact by so many. Doesn't it take millions and millions of years for changes to occur to a species? So how can you people say "It is observable" and "It is fact."

What I love about this question is all the pretension it's brought out of all the atheists. I especially loved the "The more intelligent a person is, the more likely they are to understand and accept the theory." Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.
2008-04-18 20:55:14 UTC
i believe in a form of evolution i would say that it even can create a new species or macro evolution but the theory of "irreducible simplicity" ok think of a mousetrap it has a spring, a bar, a lever, a wire and a base. without one of these components the mouse trap would not work so there is an argument for intelligent design. if an organism like the flagellum has a whip like tail that spins around to propel the single celled organism. according to evoloution theory the tail and the components required to spin the tail should not exist because the would have to develop generation through generation so i think evoloution could exist but only through the help of an intelligent being
Purdey EP
2008-04-18 20:54:43 UTC
I accept the theory of evolution. If you want strong, I guess I could say I strongly accept the theory of evolution.
Cluster f@#k!
2008-04-18 20:53:27 UTC
No, I don't " believe " in evolution. I choose to accept as truth. Its hard for me to believe that some spirit that always exist created every single individual unique species and all of earth's special conditions to sustain life within 6 days.
2008-04-18 20:56:22 UTC
The Bible says that we were created “in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27).
2008-04-18 21:34:13 UTC
No thanks.
2008-04-18 20:53:29 UTC
No, I understand evolution and accept that it is correct due to that understanding.
2008-04-18 20:51:46 UTC
Yes... it's the best explaination for what is observed and natural...
Edward J
2008-04-18 20:51:08 UTC
I think there is some evidence for limited evolution it cannot however prove how new body plans evolved. Ok then give me an example of new body parts having been observed that were functional oh and by the way tell us all how they gradually got there from a gradualistic Darwinian process. Even Darwin had a hard time believing that an eyeball could have evolved gradually. What use would it have been if all the parts weren't present and functioning at one time? Some will cite different types of eyes but they cannot show how one type of eye ( a photo sensitive pinhole) could have gradually turned into a complex eye and still function without all the parts working). If the fossil evidence was as compelling as they wanted us to believe people like Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldridge both evolutionists would not have needed to promote punctuated equilibrium to try an explain the embarrassing fossil problem. Edit: Here is a few honest quotations from evolutionists about the state of the fossil records which many claim to be strong evidence. Stephen J. Gould was a leading paleontologist before he died. He said that "new species almost always appear suddenly in the fossil record with no links to ancestors in older rocks in the same region. He conceded the lack of fossil was the trade secret of paleontology". Niles Eldridge the chief curator of the American Museum of Natural History said "Darwin's prediction of rampant, albeit gradual change affecting lineages through time is refuted. The record is there, and the record speaks of tremendous anatomical conservatism. Change in the manner Darwin expected is just not found in the fossil record". The Myth of human evolution ( 1982) p.45-46 He said in Reinventing darwin " I have found that once species appear in the fossil record, they tend not to change much at all. Species remain imperturbably, implacably resistant to change as a matter of course". And No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It seems never to happen. Assidious collecting of cliff faces yield zigzags, minor oscillations, and the very occasional sight accumulation of change---over millions of years, at a rate too slow to really account for all the prodigious change that has occured in evolutionary history. When we do see the introduction of evolutionary novelty, it usually shows up wth a bang and often with no firm evidence that the organsims did not evolve elsewhere. Evolution cannot forever be going on someplace else. Yet that's how the fossil record has struck many a forlorn paleontologist looking to learn about evolution". Reinventing Darwin (1995) p.95 Dr. Stephen M. Stanley professor of paelobiology at John Hopkins University and receiver of the Schuchert award of the Paleontological society and recipient of the Guggenheim fellowship openly admits s'the fossil record fails to document a single example of phyletic (gradual) evolution accomplishing a major morphologic transition and hence offers no evidence that the gradualisitc model can be valid. Macroevolution pattern and process 1979 p39 cf pp 47,62 The accomplished Swedish botonist and geneticist Nils Herebert -Nilson made the following confession "After fourty years of trying to find evidence for the theory of evolution, he concluded that the task was impossible and that the theory was "a serious obstruction" to biological research". In his 1200 page magnum opus , sythnthetic speciation, he declared that the theory ought to be abandoned entirely because it obstructs- as it has been repaetedly shown-the attainment of consistant results- even from uniform experimental material.
2008-04-19 02:43:45 UTC
i don't.
Brandy K
2008-04-18 21:18:18 UTC
2008-04-18 20:55:54 UTC
evolution is crap. HOWEVER... I do believe that the longer a species is on Earth, the more intelligent they become. Animals don't magically get instincts; the ones before them learned and now know better, passing on that info. Humans have become much more intelligent since Adam and Eve.

Besides, it is ridiculous to believe that you and I evolved from hydrogen gasses!!

My fave quote relating to this is, "King Kong is not my grandpa!!!"
2008-04-18 20:55:28 UTC
the song the moodies sang says it best..evolution never won, its just another sort of gun, to do again what they have done, to thier mothers sons.

in short, evolution was and always will be theory.

the pastor says it best..when you read God said in the beginning, he didnt say big bang, he didnt say evolving, he simply says..God said, and it was...why can we not take his word on it.
2008-04-18 20:54:22 UTC
Of course,

If there was a god would it have been this sloppy
2008-04-18 20:54:22 UTC
No, it doesn't make any sense at all.
2008-04-18 20:53:46 UTC
yes cause it makes the most sense
2008-04-18 20:53:37 UTC
Not only do I believe in it, I have been able to prove that the theory is correct. Details are available on request. For supporting data, see:
2008-04-18 20:53:24 UTC
yes, because there are loads of proof, and it makes sense
2008-04-18 20:53:08 UTC
Based on the strong quality and large quantity of the evidence, yes.
HC Johnson
2008-04-18 20:51:51 UTC
Evolution is not proven, it is a Theory. It still has very big holes. I don't thinks its not possible for it to be true. I also don't think if it was true it would make our Spiritual beliefs false either. But to anyone who says that evolution is a proven fact than they are just simply wrong.
2008-04-18 20:51:37 UTC
YES! Evolution, like hustling, occurs on a daily basis and can only be observed on a wide angle.
Deirdre H
2008-04-18 20:51:26 UTC

I believe in evolution the same way that I believe in electronics, nuclear power, quantum physics and other scientific theories that have been shown to be reliable.
2008-04-18 20:51:01 UTC
I believe in following the evidence and evolution is backed up by mountains of it.

I honestly do not think anyone who truly studies the theory would be able to simply shrug it off as fake.
2008-04-18 20:50:50 UTC
there's nothing to believe in. it's truth. truth requires no belief.
2008-04-18 20:50:00 UTC
If there was ever any valid science of Evolution, it has been perverted and twisted by Anti Christ using it like a baseball bat to justify their rebellion against GOD.

The evolution that is taught in our public schools and higher education franchises is no where close to the evolution that was taught to me in the 80's and my father in the 60's. Most of my fathers "absolute factual science" has been proven as a hoax I.E. Nebraska Man, Pee King Man. In my day we had the "absolute factual science" Evolutionary scale with the ape man that ended up a guy with a brief case which has been totally debunked by the evolutionist themselves. So now I have to ask. "What kind of crap are we supposed to be believing now?"

Is that strong enough?
2008-04-18 20:49:58 UTC
As soon as I figure out how to make my opinion stong, you'll have it...
2008-04-18 20:49:29 UTC
yes, it is even supported in the bible, the OT claims that there were hundreds of generations which lead UP TO Adam
2008-04-18 20:49:09 UTC
Evolution is proven by mountains of data in science.
2008-04-18 20:48:54 UTC
no, i accept the fact. i dont have to believe.
2008-04-19 01:05:05 UTC
richard t
2008-04-18 22:51:02 UTC
it makes sence...............nothing else does........
2008-04-18 22:23:19 UTC
Time to drag out the usual answer

that's ok. I like this answer...

Evolution is not a fact. It is based on lies, lies, lies, and more lies. If people would open their eyes and see for them-self, instead of blinding following what they are told, people would see this.

Here is my usual answer to evolution questions...

Evolution is built on lies and deceptions. Only people that refuse to open their eyes and see the truth can believe in it.

Here is a small part of that truth...

Evolution teaches that we came from animals.

Evolution teaches that animals came from Amphibians.

Evolution teaches that Amphibians come from sea life.

Sea life from single-cell life.

Single cell life from chemicals.

Chemicals from rocks that were rained on for years.

Conclusion, all live came from rocks.

Which is more likely, that an intelligent created life, or that nothing did, and what about bio-genesis?

The Evolutionist base their belief in Evolution on the fact that “Micro-evolution” is true. What they do not tell is that there are 6 different meanings to the word Evolution, and only “Micro-evolution” has ever been observed.

1) Cosmic Evolution (Never Observed) The creation of time, space and matter. (The Big Bang)

2) Chemical Evolution (Never Observed) Production of heavy elements from hydrogen.

3) Steller Evolution (Never Observed) The formation of stars, planets, and solar systems.

4) Organic Evolution (Never Observed) Life from random chemical.

5) Macro-Evolution (Never Observed) One animal mutating into another.

6) Micro-Evolution. (Observed) Slight changes in a species. A better name for this would be “Adaptation”

The Sun is Shrinking.

o.1% would mean a half-life of 10,000 years, so 10,000 years ago, it would be twice as big as it is now, 20,000 years, 4 times as big, 30,000 years, 8 times as big...

The inverse square law means the gravity would be 64 times then what it is now. What would it be in 65 million years?

Carbon dating is based on 3 assumptions that can not be proven.

1. The amount of carbon-14 in the body is the same as in the air.

2. The amount that was in it at the time of death is the same as in the air today.

3. Nothing has removed or washed-out any of the carbon-14

4. The rate of decay is a constant.

1,3,and 4 are assumptions. There is no way to prove them.

2 was proven wrong at lest twice, never proven right. The amount of Carbon-14 in the air is still increasing.

The Geological Columns.

Evolutionist believe that the Geological Columns prove that the Earth is millions of years old because each layer is a different age. What they do not tell is that the layers are not even. There could be 50 layers in 1 spot, 30 layers a mile away. And 80 layers another mile.

Also they do not tell that there are trees and animals buried in the layers crossing dozens of layers and some time upside down.

There is only 2 possibilities for this...

1) The plant or animal was there for centuries waiting to be buried before it decayed. Many of the trees would have to balance upside-down, and many animal, such as whales, would have to balance on their tail fins against wind, rain, and vibrations from other animals walking/running for centuries.

2. The plant or animal was buried quickly. This would require that they be under water since only water makes dirt settle in layers quickly.

The Van-Allen Radiation Belt.

The Earths Magnetic field is slowly getting weaker. It has a half-life of 1450 years. This means that it is losing ½ of its strength every 1450 years.

Time Magnetic strength

2,000 AD 1

555 AD 2

900BC 4

2,350BC 8

3,800BC 16

About 6000 years ago (The time of Genesis) it would have been about 16 times as strong as it is now. A magnet field of that power would stop the venom of snakes from being harmful.

About 4000 to 4500 years ago (The time of The Great Flood) it would have been about 8 times as strong as now.

About 2000 years ago (The time Of Jesus, The Christ) it would have been about 3 times as strong as now.

Now, lets see how strong it would have been just 50,000 years ago.

5,250BC 32

6,700BC 64



Sixty eight Billion, Seven hundred and nineteen Million, Four hundred and seventy six thousand, seven hundred and thirty six times what is it now.

What would it have been 65,000,000 years ago?

Many Evolutionist claim that the reason the Earths magnetic field is getting weaker is because it is reversing. They say that it has reversed several times in history. If this was true then that would mean that every time it reversed, there would be a time of neutral magnetic field. This would mean that there was no magnetic field at these times. If there is no magnetic field, then there is no Van-Allen Radiation belt, and all the X-Rays, Gamma-Rays, and other forms of radiation from the sun would hit the earth directly, destroying all life on the land, and making the oceans hot enough to boil cooking all life in the waters. Evolution would have to start all over after every reversal.

How do stars form?

There are many ideas about this subject, but no way to know for sure.

Some believe that stars form from clouds of gases collecting together. As they compress closer together, they get hotter and finally ignite into a star.

This has been proven to be impossible. As the gases collect, there would be 2 forces at work. The gravity pulling them together, and the pressures pushing them apart. The pressure pushing them apart would be between 50 and 100 times stronger then the gravity pulling them together. This would be like a balloon inflating itself from the gravity of the air inside pulling more air in with no help from a outside source.

Another possible explanation would be that a star or supernova explodes close to the gas cloud.

The problem with this idea is that the shock wave would not compress the gases, it would sweep then away and scatter them even more then they are so that they can not collect. Look at a leaf blower.

Another possible explanation is that 20 stars explode at the same time all around this gas cloud.

The problem with this idea is that 20 stars would have to die for 1 to form. 400 stars would have to die for those 20 to exist, and 8,000 would have to die for those 400 to exist, and 160,000 to make them. How far back can it go, and how did the first generation of stars from?

The several stages of evolution have all been proven to be wrong.

1) Lucy.

A 3 foot skeleton of a chimp, the “evidence” that she was becoming human was her knee joint, which was found more then a mile away, and over 200 feet in the earth.

2) Heidelberg Man.

Built by a jaw bone that was considered to be quite human.

3) Nebraska Man.

Built from a pigs tooth

4) Piltdown Man.

The jaw was a modern ape

5) Peking Man.

Lived 500,000 years ago, but no remains were ever found.

6) Neanderthal Man.

Old Man with arthritis.

7) New Guinea man.

? I have never been able to find any info except that this one was found in New Guinea.

8) Gro-Magnon Man.

Skeletal Structure is exactly the same as modern man.

PS: the only diploma Darwin got other then Highschool was a docteran of divinity..

Your GREAT SCIENTIST was not a scientist at all, he was a preacher.

Lets the thumb downs begin...
2008-04-18 20:58:58 UTC
Evolution is based on assumptions. So believing in it or taking it as a fact is a blind faith.
2008-04-18 20:55:11 UTC
No, because there is no reason to believe in something that isn't true. There is too much evidence that it didn't happen, and it gives a degrading feeling to those who really are honest hearted people. Can anyone who has children, for example, look at the beauty of their daughter or son, and say to themselves," my children came from animals"and " I came from animals too", can you honestly imagine thinking this? Doesn't this make you feel disgusted? Humans were created in a dignified way, to be separate from animals. There are many that behave worse than animals, true. That personality trait is just one of the very negative things that were inherited from Adam's rebellion., and this subject would take awhile to explain. For another example,the aging of humans is puzzling to scientists, who try to find out exactly why the aging process starts right when a person is in his prime of life, but they can't find it, because only God has the ability and purpose to remedy this. Animals are different, they do not have the ability to contemplate the future.
2008-04-18 20:54:19 UTC
2008-04-18 20:54:09 UTC
YES!......That opinion strong enough.
2008-04-18 20:54:02 UTC

( it is spilled >>> "evilution" )

2008-04-18 20:54:02 UTC
2008-04-18 20:54:00 UTC
Somewhat. There is some undeniable evidence that would support the idea that life does change over time. How long that might be, I am not sure. It does not matter to me how old or young the earth is. I believe God created the world, though, so I do reject cosmic evolution/the big bang.
2008-04-18 20:54:00 UTC
yes of course
2008-04-18 20:53:25 UTC
no i believe in G-d.
Citizen Justin
2008-04-18 20:51:33 UTC
I believe it happened, yes.

Even biology at an elementary level (like school for 12 year olds) involves the classification of species, which would be next to impossible if you think it didn't happen.

EDIT: Wow, 572 answers! Well done.
2008-04-18 20:51:13 UTC
reverse evolution
Rick in the Santa hat
2008-04-18 20:51:02 UTC
I accept the theory of evolution, and the mountains of evidence supporting it.

I also accept the fact that we see gene pools changing, and have tons of evidence to support something like common ancestry.
Dreamstuff Entity
2008-04-18 20:50:49 UTC
I don't "believe in" evolution. Science is to be understood and accepted (or challenged), not "believed in". Do you "believe in" gravity?

● Evolution is very much a fact.

● The theory of evolution is a theory - just like atomic theory and gravity theory. The word "theory" has a very specific meaning in a scientific context: THE THEORY EXPLAINS THE FACTS. See

● Over 99.8% of scientists in relevant fields accept evolution.

● There are no alternative scientific theories.

● There is a huge amount of evidence in support of evolution...

● And zero evidence against it.

● The 'discussion' is actually educated people trying to educate others.

● The more intelligent a person is, the more likely they are to understand and accept evolution.

● The "discussion" only happens in backward places like Turkey and parts of the united states.

● There are two types of creationists: professionals who make money from books, lectures and such, and knowingly make false claims - and followers who accept those claims without understanding them.

● Examples of ridiculous creationist anti-science:

● Examples of creationist quote mining (like quoting part of a scientists' sentence to make it sound like he's saying something completely different):

● Scientific American's 15 answers to creationist nonsense:

● A comprehensive list of evolution resources:
Stainless Steel Rat
2008-04-18 20:50:21 UTC
I understand evolution,that is knowledge. Believing in something requires faith. See the difference?
Diogene's Dog
2008-04-18 20:49:57 UTC
There is no need for belief. It is all very observable. It is spread out before you.
2008-04-18 20:49:55 UTC
I don't believe in evolution. I know. The evidence for it is astounding. The evidence against it, is well, nonexistent.
andrew b
2008-04-18 20:48:16 UTC
no because its not true
2008-04-19 02:39:34 UTC
2008-04-18 20:59:59 UTC
No we are created in Gods image only.
2008-04-18 20:56:59 UTC
2008-04-18 20:56:42 UTC
no because it cant be proved, creationism can be explained but evolution cann only go so far beofre it runs out of answers
Somewhat Enlightened, the Parrot of Truth
2008-04-18 20:54:15 UTC
I STRONGLY give my opinon.

Evolution is not a religion.



Exclamation point.
2008-04-18 20:53:28 UTC
NO...Most americans know that evolution is not true.

Look here if you don't believe me...
just curious (A.A.A.A.)
2008-04-18 20:53:02 UTC
my opinion on evolution? i hate it. however, i accept it as fact based on the large amounts of evidence which support it.
2008-04-18 20:52:48 UTC
Me? Yes. God creates through evolution because He is a Creator not a magician. He ordained natural laws, and He is not about to go breaking them. Even in what we consider miracles, there are higher natural/spiritual laws involved.
2008-04-18 20:51:39 UTC
Somewhat...I believe that God made every animal, including humans. However, over the course of time, some animals have adapted to different environments, and humans have changed physically (amount of melanin in skin; hair color; eye color).

God made man in one part of the world. Man multiplied and spread out. Those in hotter, colder, harsher, different, etc., environments learned to live there and physical changes occurred to help them survive. Nothing as derastic as monkeys to men, or even the missing link to men. Humans were made as they are stoop or "on all fours" kind of appearance. Just a change in small physical traits such as color and knowledge.
2008-04-18 20:50:48 UTC
No. Evolution has no basis but upon Darwin himself who is merely a man. Whereas, the Bible was inspired by God thus the Bible is holy as well as Christianity.
2008-04-18 20:49:22 UTC
My stong opinion says evolution is true.
2008-04-18 20:48:44 UTC
no im a christian. curse darwin!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.