isnt it weird that the devils face was in the smoke of the twin towers and isnt it weird it goes in corilation
2006-08-10 05:53:45 UTC
with this verse

" Two brothers of one nation shall fall"

and when the twin towers were hit the face of satan appeared in the smoke for a brief 5 or 8 seconds maybe.
and the face was smiling showing a sign of the Anti- Christ/ Satan
also the event of satans face in the smoke kind of goes with the verse

"two brothers of one nation shall fall"
and that verse is one of the signs of the beast.
so its kind of weird the twin towers fell and in the smoke their was a satan face smiling it first it appeared then it kinda moved around then it smiled. it was weird watch the fottage..

it does go into corilation the towers falling the smiling devil face therefore the sign of the beast
Seventeen answers:
Sweetchild Danielle
2006-08-10 05:58:43 UTC
And how would you know what the devil's face looks like?

The face on shroud of Turin looks a heckava lot like Osama bin Laden, by the way.
2006-08-10 06:09:23 UTC
It's called coincidence... and allow me to point out that you are seeing pattern where none exists.

"We as humans are pattern seeking creatures" --Michael Shermer

When you see an elephant or a whale in a cloud do you pay any special attention to that shape? You have a vested emotional interest in the idea of Satan, so when you see something that reminds you of that idea you draw a very serious conclusion. What makes this cloud shape real and the elephant or whale just a shape?

Secondly, i believe that quote you cited is Nostradamus? Do you realize how vague that statement is? The reason the quatrains are taken so seriously is because they are vague enough to be applied to most anything. They don't prophesies anything at all. They are reverse prophecy, they only predict something after the fact. In applying the word "brothers" to the "buildings" you are making a stretch. It would be closer if it were "The twins of one nation shall fall" but this still wouldn't be a prophecy.

I'm sorry, you're mistaken.
Companion Wulf
2006-08-10 06:37:35 UTC
People can read too much into things that are not there. People *want* to believe in justification for events that are far too tragic to bear, events that impacted everyone on earth. It's easier to personify the combined emotion and horror from that global event than it is to actually deal with those emotions engendered. With the advent of computers, its easy to "render" photos digitally to *appear* as abnormal and subsequently to place some devillish figure in the images.

In experiments I did in "autosuggestive thought", I took several photographs of cloud formations over a mountain over the course of several days. Some were volcanic in appearance, where the setting sun gave the clouds a reddish-orange glow to it and some were of the same mountain during the day, where the clouds appeared dark and ominous. I then gave those photos to 10 people, who first studied the cloud formations without any prior information. Each of the 10 people *knew* that the photos were of cloud formations over a mountain. Added to the equation were "suggestions" that there was a face in the cloud formations and those same 10 people *looked* for those faces. Some actually found images that *could* have been face-formations. With a little more information and an indication as to *where* the face would be - in this case the face of a bearded man - 50% of the experimentees thought they *could* see the face formed in the clouds. They were then asked to take the photo that held the clearest impression of that face (to them) and show their friends and family, logging how many of them actually "saw" the face in the clouds. Around 75% of all of those that were shown the photos and where the face supposedly appeared were convinced that there *was* a face-formation of a bearded man there.

A member of my family, who was rather religious, took a trip on an airplane and took some photos from the window (this was before certain regulations were in effect). In the clouds, she was convinced that she could see the face of Jesus. Other family members *could* see the same face there, but *only* at her indication.

When you have such high emotions as those engendered by some particularly destructive natural disasters or events such as 9/11, it takes one person to believe, then others will start to see the same thing, and the conspiracy theories will begin as a means of vindication or justification, including searching for references in "prophetic" works, such as the Bible, the Quoran or Nostradamus's quatrains, which can apply to so many different things. Eventually, the images/references will start to fit.

The "two brothers of one nation" could refer to the Twin Towers in New York, but then again could refer to the twin towers in Tel Aviv. If you also consider that Nostradamus could have been writing about his own turbulent times, but needed to obfuscate the authorities since he couldn't write about it directly. The "two brothers of one nation" could apply to the leaders during the French Revolution, or it could imply the fighting between the "brother nations" (north vs south) during the American Civil War. See my point? Misrepresentation becomes misinterpretation and there is no way to corroborate the information, only to correlate *some* things to imagery or verses and passages and quatrains.
Village Idiot
2006-08-10 06:00:30 UTC
First off... you haven't referenced the source of that verse. Nostradamus? Hell... he could have been talking about Romulus and Remus... or the Owen Brothers...

Second... the image of the devil in the clouds has already been proven to be a hoax... it's a Photoshopped image...

But, lets say it WAS true... how do you know that it's the face of the devil? How do YOU know what the devil looks like? We don't... we don't know what Jesus looked like... but we have an artists rendering from 150 years ago, and we've all taken it as a standard.

Heck... the image we know as Santa Claus was invented by an artist for Coca-Cola...

Get a grip.
2006-08-10 06:07:59 UTC
The end of the age is coming soon. In Daniel, prophecy is given where the king of the north attacks Israel in the end times. Iran has said publicly it wants to wipe Israel 'off the face of the map'; Iran's biggest ally is Russia. Further, if you consider the parable of the fig tree in Matthew, the fig tree is a traditional symbol of Israel (even in Jesus' time on earth).

Jesus said that when you see the fig tree in full bloom, you will know the time is near, and that 'this generation' will not pass away until all things have been fulfilled. Israel became a sovereign nation in 1948, so anyone born since 1948 will likely see Jesus' Second Coming!
John J
2006-08-10 06:01:27 UTC
the "face" may have been a hoax, I don't remember for sure. Prophecies have been marked as true time and again. Revelations is shown, fairly accurately, to be related to the rule of Nero in Rome, not an actual end times prophesy.
2006-08-10 06:09:45 UTC
It wasn't a face. Sometimes people see faces in very odd things, clouds and such. What Bruce said though, was very unkind and un-Christ like. Shame on you Bruce. You are the reason Christians get picked on. You say you are a Christian, yet your actions don't prove that.
2006-08-10 05:59:42 UTC
Two brothers of one nation shall fall... And what makes you think that has anything to do with airplanes running into buildings? You're making too much stew out of one oyster.
2006-08-10 05:58:47 UTC
with this verse

" Two brothers of one nation shall fall"

this verse could also mean this:

well islam and christianity are like 2 brothers. they both came from common ancesstor abraham(pbuh) and furthermore adam and eve(pbuh)

and so jesus and muhammed (pbut) are also brothers in faith of God. they both preached the same thing, so as to, GOD IS ONE, do not associate partners with him.

both prophets have been blessed wif holy books of guidance. thus guess that they r one and together.

well islam and chritianity r 2 kid brothers who have had a snap during the arguement, and r fighting silly over the same candy and god willing this will get over soon.

may Allah bless us all and shower us with His mercy and guidance
Left the building
2006-08-10 06:02:27 UTC
I'm so glad I finally broke from all that superstition and ignorance.

Maybe it is talking about my losing two dollars playing the lottery.

There are no valid bible prophecies, as you so clearly demonstrate.
2006-08-10 05:57:18 UTC
No face. You were seeing things.
Sir Alex
2006-08-10 06:00:58 UTC
can you support your affirmation with proof? i mean where can we see pictures with what you think is the face of satan?
2006-08-10 06:00:50 UTC
actually it was the face of santa or 'satan' claus and it was just happy cuz he didn't have to deliver gifts to any of the 1500 victims
The Man In The Box
2006-08-10 06:00:35 UTC
It was a doctored photo on a tabloid cover. Get over it...
2006-08-10 06:01:14 UTC

the whole enent was filmed live for days if not weeks and i have never seen it...find me a picture and then i might think about it.....

you say you watched the footage so....where is it?
2006-08-10 06:00:17 UTC
I think it's weird that Cindy Sheehan can travel the world and do all this protesting on behalf of her dead son...but hasn't bought him a decent headstone for his grave.

(Can xtians say jackass? Huh. Fine attitude.)
2006-08-10 05:58:44 UTC
There's no face, don't be stupid. If you saw a face it was a photo manipulation.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.