True meditation is being in completely silence within your mind. The following simple method helped me, it might work for you also.
A Simple Meditation Processes
1. Choose a specific place in your house, where you will not be disturbed by external sounds and other disturbances for the full duration of the meditation.
2. Sit in a comfortable posture; ensure that your back bone is straight.
3. Close your eyes. Take few long and deep breaths....deep breath in and deep breath out...few times
Pointers To THAT
4. Slow down your breathing an do normal breathing for few minutes.
5. If you are comfortable, do any prayer which you like most.
6. Do long deep breath in and breath out.....after few cycles....slowly decrease the speed at which you do the breath in / out
7. Continue to decrease the speed of breath cycle and go to the cycle as slow as possible
8. Continue the reduction of speed and slowly stop the breath in / out cycles...
9. Allow the breath to go in slow and study phase from here on.
10. After this be in total silence.
11. Continue the silence as long as possible.
12. If any thought arises in this period, don't resist it, allow it to come and go, but don't engage with it. Thought will come and go, because there is no attention given, after some time it will stop coming.
13. If you feel thoughts are still pumping in, you can try the following
A. When the thought is about something in the past, label it as past, say it is past and don’t do anything more.
Pointers To THAT
B. When the thought is about future, label it as future, say it is future and don't do anything more
C. This way what will happen is, after some time, you will waiting for thoughts, at that time, lose feeling that you are waiting and be completely in silence.
14. Thus continue deep in the thoughtless state and be there in total silence/ (total stillness) as long as possible
15. When you feel, you want to finish the meditation, slowly reverse the process.
16. Start taking the long breath cycles for few times.
17. After some time, open your eyes and complete the meditation.
Plan to do this meditation at fixed timing every day. Doing it at early morning hours is the best, but if one feels more relaxed in the evening, then one can do in the evening. Plan to keep the duration for at least half hour in the starting and increase to 1 hour as you feel more and more comfortable. Keeps this going for at least few months to several months.