2013-08-20 15:09:19 UTC
jihad does not mean fight, it means 'to struggle'.
why would allah order people to kill his own creation?
he also says,
if you kill one innocent being, it is as if you have killed the whole of mankind.
this shows that allah (and muslims) should respect every innocent life because one life is as precious as the whole population.
he also says
if you save one life it is as if you have saved the whole of humanity.
This is the peace of islam.
women are not oppressed as you may think so, in fact they are protected.
a woman covered up is less likely to get sexually harassed than a woman who shows off her figure, this shows the men of islam protecting their women.
if you had a million pounds would you put it on display? no, because people would take it.
the same with women, they are precious and if put on display other men would wish to take her.(rape her)
a man has to respect her wife, he shall not beat her or force her to do anything against her will, it is encouraged in islam for the man to talk to the woman, spend time with her, make her happy etc. this makes a happy marriage and happy family.
Islam teaches muslim to respect other religions, if any muslims disrespects another religion it is not because they are following islam but because it is their own hate against that person.
i dont know much about terrorists, however i do know that killing innocent beings is wrong, so whatever they're doing is un-Islamic.
People make uneducated judgements about islam, why do people hate innocent muslims what do they do wrong? hate the indiviual terrorists that makes sense but all the muslims? why?