2013-08-20 15:09:19 UTC
the Qur'an says kill Muslims, but you take it out of context. It says that to do it in self defense.
jihad does not mean fight, it means 'to struggle'.
why would allah order people to kill his own creation?

he also says,
if you kill one innocent being, it is as if you have killed the whole of mankind.
this shows that allah (and muslims) should respect every innocent life because one life is as precious as the whole population.

he also says
if you save one life it is as if you have saved the whole of humanity.
This is the peace of islam.

women are not oppressed as you may think so, in fact they are protected.
a woman covered up is less likely to get sexually harassed than a woman who shows off her figure, this shows the men of islam protecting their women.

if you had a million pounds would you put it on display? no, because people would take it.
the same with women, they are precious and if put on display other men would wish to take her.(rape her)

a man has to respect her wife, he shall not beat her or force her to do anything against her will, it is encouraged in islam for the man to talk to the woman, spend time with her, make her happy etc. this makes a happy marriage and happy family.

Islam teaches muslim to respect other religions, if any muslims disrespects another religion it is not because they are following islam but because it is their own hate against that person.

i dont know much about terrorists, however i do know that killing innocent beings is wrong, so whatever they're doing is un-Islamic.

People make uneducated judgements about islam, why do people hate innocent muslims what do they do wrong? hate the indiviual terrorists that makes sense but all the muslims? why?
Seventeen answers:
2013-08-20 15:12:33 UTC
Because to many people, the word "muslim" conjures up images of suicide bombers and religious zealotry. Islamic fundamentalists and the media have allied themselves very well to ensure that this has happened.
2013-08-21 01:23:07 UTC
The violence goes right back to a dispute over who had spiritual authority over the Muslim community after the death of the prophet Muhammad in what is called the “fitna” which translates as temptation or trial and caused all the discord within Muslim community.

Shi’ite Muslims believe that authority was vested in his family; the Sunnis look to the sayings and actions of Muhammad as well as the Koran.

The extreme sectarian violence has been brought about by Al-Qaeda Which while being exclusively Sunni deliberately set Shi’ites and Sunnis to kill each other in Iraq. Sadly more Muslims die by Muslim hands each month than were killed by the invading forces in the war!

Hamas also kills far more Muslims than the Israelis ever have!

An average of over thirty five Muslims a week were being killed by Muslims but in the last few years it has frequently been over a hundred a week!

Whether it is a Danish Cartoon, book of fiction , a snippet of film or some other excuse, Muslims hit the streets around the world rioting, looting, burning and uttering death threats!

Nearly all the Muslim countries are seeing Muslims attack Muslims destroying homes, businesses, infrastructure and targeting women and children particularly showing the extremists must surely be trying to turn Muslims into primitives living in caves and mud huts so they can be controlled more easily!

The murders in London and Paris clearly demonstrate that the extremists are winning in turning Muslims into primitive savages!

All that is required for evil to triumph over good is for good men to do nothing Evil can triumph only if good men do nothing – Edmund Burke

So if Muslims want Islam to be a religion of peace and be able to live in peace what are Muslims going to do about it?!

What should concern everyone is that the aims of the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda, the Taliban and all of Islam really is total world domination. Whilst it is currently about civil war make no mistake their ultimate aim is world war three
2013-08-20 16:30:32 UTC
The issue is that Islam does not fit into the western world, where everyone is equal.

Britain is largely non-religious these days, Islam is hardcore religion, struggling (via extremists) in the face of relaxed views and lifestyle of the west.

I agree that the majority of Muslims are not killers or extreme, however, many are.

Sharia law in terms of punishment is barbaric, and I don't care if it requires a number of witnesses before the death penalty can be issued, it is barbaric and inhumane to stone a person to death.

All religions in my opinion and are stupid, immature and controlling as each other.

Islam, has by far the worst reputation in a modern world that is vastly advancing through science and common sense.

Not everyone hates Muslims, but regardless of your explanation, can you really not see why Islam and Muslims get a bad reputation, honestly?

The more atrocities and people like Anjem Choudary spieling their hate of the west ego rant and rave are doing themselves absolutely no favours at all. The worst PR/marketing any idea /religion could have is that moron. The likes of Anjem Choudary are turning more and more people of the UK against the very idea of Islam, let him spew his hate until he's blue in the face, his threats of us burning in the hellfire are laughable and tbh very naive.

Muslims have an issue, and it's not us (non-Muslims/infidels, oh no, their problem is much closer to home, that's who their fight is with, the fanatics, the Anjems, the extremists, that's who they need to conquer, if they ever want to be taken seriously in a forward thinking civilisation like the West.
2013-08-20 15:23:22 UTC
Then why did they fly at least two planes into the twin towers and murder my friend on a London bus?

Oh how kind that a man should talk to his wife and not beat her!!!! This is the 21st century!!! We don't want protecting - would you like to be protected? No, of course not, We want equality not looking after. People do not make uneducated judgments, I have a degree in Philosophy of Religion and believe me Islam is a warlike religion - you cannot just dismiss terrorists as being un-Islamic. It says in the Koran to kill the infidel - anyone who is not muslim. Can't be clearer than that - not taken out of context:

Again just to get it across : Kill the infidel - got it? Good. Then stop being an apologist for a religion that has the capacity to commit cruel and barbaric murders. Of course, not all muslims are killers. I have many muslim friends who are horrified by the extremists in the same way my christian friends worry about fundamentalists. Any form of extremism is bad and the muslims really must stand up and be counted. They should say: " We do not condone killing and will root out those Islamic leaders who groom young men and promise them 72 virgins to kill others."

but they have been very quiet about it.

Women are not possessions to be kept under wraps so men can't rape us!!!!! How about those men just controlling themselves? Englishmen don't rape every woman they see. Can you not see how demeaning this is to women? How wld you like to be muffled up to the eyeballs, not allowed to drive, to play football if they want to. Go out at night in a short skirt - how dare you.

Think again, young man. Back in the 1960s and 70s I was a feminist - fighting for equality for women and you, a young man, still has these male chauvenist views! I can't believe it.



University Lecturer
2013-08-20 16:28:41 UTC
You are right in claiming that the Qur'an says: "Whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind."

This makes Islam seem peaceful. But, if you read the entire verse you get a little different picture:

Sura 5:35 "For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. Our messengers came unto them of old with clear proofs of Allah’s Sovereignty, but afterwards lo! many of them became prodigals in the earth."

Notice that this verse describes this peaceful statement as a decree Allah gave to Israel. It was not given to Muslims.

The next verse is addressed to Muslims and describes how Muslims are to react to those who oppose Allah:

Sura 5:36 "The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom;"

That's quite a contrast.

I can understand that someone who is not familiar with the Qur'an will believe what they are told about Islam being a religion of peace.

Muhammad saw the entire earth as a mosque. That is, the entire earth will at some time submit to Allah. Then there will be peace.

Until all opposition to Allah is eliminated there will be jihad.

In the Qur'an, Sura 8:39 indicates, "So fight [jihad] them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world)."

Further, jihad is ordained for every Muslim.

The Qur'an tells Muslims in sura 2:216, "Warfare [jihad] is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not."

While most perform jihad through financial means, many perform jihad through immigrating to non-Muslim lands. Once in the non-Muslim lands they assemble into segregated communities where they can live under Sharia law. Then they get their host society to accede to aspects of Sharia law through the subterfuge of accommodating cultural traditions.

A few Muslims perform violent jihad. Sure, the week before they flew planes into buildings or blew up subways they were also peace-loving Muslims.

To say that Islam is a religion of peace is true, from a certain point of view.

Muslims want peace. And, peace (the cessation of jihad) will be achieved only when everyone submits to Allah. Islam means submission (to Allah).
2013-08-21 00:39:00 UTC
You could ask with equal validity why do Muslims hate Christians and Jews. The individuals killed by a Muslim suicide bomber were not responsible for the Palestinian conflict nor for the Christian Crusades.

It’s not the fault of any particular religion; it’s just pure and simple ignorance and intolerance.

But tolerance cannot be a one way street. Why can a Muslim woman wear a hijab, an outward display of their faith, on British streets yet a Christian nurse cannot wear a crucifix in a British hospital? Why can Muslims build mosques in British towns yet Christians are still persecuted in many Muslim countries?

Tolerance, that’s why.
2013-08-20 16:22:09 UTC
Try going on Youtube Type in an Atrocity then Add by Muslims and see what comes up Like Rape of Women, Girls, Acid attacks, Facial Mutilations, Treatment of other Faiths Hindu's Christians Etc
2013-08-20 15:32:13 UTC
Some people, not all people hate Muslims because of 9/11 and other terrorist incidents, though not all of them were committed by Muslims. It's wrong for anyone to generalize all Muslims this way because all are not bad, but that's the way the world is.
2013-08-20 15:48:49 UTC
There are loads of ignorant and arrogant people out there. There are many good and kind hearted people out there as well such yourself, who knows how to reason by themselves and not accept everything the media feeds them.

So, which religion are you from brother?

Care to spent a little time on the following links?? (they are sharing their own stories!)

WHY are even the priests, christian youth ministers, celebrity rappers and even athiests accepting Islam?? in this video they are sharing their own stories, watch the whole thing, you'll gain a lot of knowledge about Islam!!


Tony Blairs sister in law converts to Islam (wearing the Hijab)---->>>
2013-08-20 15:14:52 UTC
You are grouping many people into one and assuming they all feel the same way. I think a lot of people do not understand Muslims and therefore fear them. All of what you said makes sense to me as long as the women are free to choose their dress. (the way they dress) I wonder if they are afraid to. Respect and acceptance and peace are good things.
2013-08-20 15:10:47 UTC
Religion has ruined the world. People hate people simply because of it. It makes no sense.

Love. That is the only thing that matters. <3
2013-08-20 15:13:28 UTC
I tend to agree with Christopher Hitchins that religion poisons everything. Religious fundamentalism in all religions is simply dreadful in my opinion. All societies develop a professional clergy at some point whose sole duty is to ward off death and disease. You would think that people would, with education, lose their tribalism and superstition, but they haven't yet done so.
2013-08-20 15:12:17 UTC
I don't hate Muslims, I do hate religious extremist regardless of religion.
2013-08-20 15:13:28 UTC
I don't hate Islam any more than I hate Christianity.
2013-08-20 15:10:24 UTC
All I'm gonna say, don't say people hate Muslims. SOME people hate Muslims, and they're assholes. Don't generalize.
Ted C
2013-08-20 16:11:17 UTC
I don't think I've ever met any , so I can't really judge them.
2013-08-20 15:18:03 UTC
You are twisting things.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.