Why would god allow the "children" he loves to go to hell?
2010-06-04 14:44:33 UTC
Many people here say we have a 'choice', that if we accept Jesus and have faith in him we have a chance at heaven, but if we sin, don't repent, or if we're an atheist we go to hell.

Many people say god doesn't want us to go to hell, but if he doesn't want us to go to hell why does he require Jesus for heaven, and belief?

It's completely illogical to say you love someone, and then are willing to send them to hell, forever, and think nothing.

Many people use the argument, "Parents punish their children but love them", but parents don't send their kids to hell forever for punishment.

This is just cruelty, so why does god feel the need to send people to hell, instead of just destroying their souls when they die? Wouldn't that show his love towards them more than sending them to hell?
23 answers:
2010-06-04 14:53:21 UTC
Perhaps when one of your children murders one of their siblings, you will begin to understand..

It is completely logical. The sin and evil men do against one another deserves punishment. Jesus took the punishment you deserve - which punishment would have taken you down to hell.

But only those who believe God have a place in His Kingdom.

Those that think they know better than God, or actually think they are better than God, will never see His Kingdom, because the moment they stepped foot in it, it would be ruined.

You are just another wicked hearted rebel, who thinks he is better and wiser than God.

Repentance means to turn from your corrupt way of thinking, and accept God's word.
2016-06-03 12:03:06 UTC
There is no such thing as an eternal hell. After many enjoyable letters back and forth for the past four years … self-proclaimed Pastor Butch Paugh is still in denial about the false teaching of an “eternal punishment in hell” theology because he does not know how to use, or take the time to study patiently, a concordance which he liberally touts. This behavior of Pastor Butch does more damage and injury to people than good. This teaching is a lie for which he, Pastor Butch, will be judged even in his ignorance. The truth is that there is no such blasphemous idea or teaching to be extracted from an honestly translated Bible; God’s Word. I have been trying to show Pastor Butch that God has a plan for the AGES but few know of this plan because the popular Bibles (since about the third century AD) have been miss-translated, as well as tradition taught, by evil men who continue to propagate this lie. God is love and He does use evil (He placed the Tree in the Garden you know) to effect His ultimate restitution of all mankind in due time (but each in his own order—1 Corinthians 15:23). If you don’t study the Bible, with the serious and diligent use of a concordance, you cannot teach the true love of God and His Son Jesus Christ. Google K7VHQ and click on San Jacinto and talk with me. If you think I am being too hard on or mean to Pastor Butch, wait until God gets hold of him. Pastor Butch still has a chance to repent (if not in this eon then the upcoming eons) and learn of and teach the true Bible facts but only if that is God’s will and intention for him. Pastor Butch uses this kind of strong language too you know. Joh 3:27 John answered and said, "A man cannot get anything if it should not be given him out of heaven. Rom 11:36 seeing that out of Him and through Him and for Him is all: to Him be the glory for the eons! Amen!
2010-06-04 14:54:40 UTC
It's a misinterpretation.

Hell is not a punishment, but a condition of the soul. When one does an act in error, the result is pain. Hell is simply a scary word for the pain of making a mistake.

The fate of the soul after death is universally agreed upon in all religions. What we disagree about is irrelevant, because all faiths through all time all agree that actions in this life lead to specific results in the afterlife. That's the basic idea.
2010-06-04 14:52:00 UTC

Why couldnt he just cease Hell from existing,and keep bad souls on Earth?

Hell shouldnt even be a place for many souls..he should at least leave the souls on the planet until they learn from their mistakes.

Besides,If God does send souls to Hell or destroys them..Then he'd be nothing but this Evil,Bloodthirsty,Vicious,Torturous Beast..he should at least show sinners another chance,unless the sinners asked to be destroyed.

P.S - Im Not A Christian,Sorry.
4HIM- Christians love
2010-06-04 14:57:00 UTC
Everyone is God's creation but, not His child. To become His adopted child, He tells us that we must accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Savior.

From the time that Adam disobeyed God, Adam brought sin, death and destruction to all of the world and separated mankind from God because of it. Jesus who is God in the flesh, came to die in our place for our sins because He loves all of us. In doing so, those who accept Jesus are forgiven. God will not allow sin when He allows us to come home to His new Heaven and new earth as recorded in Revelation 21 and 22.

Revelation 21:4 (New International Version)

4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. Revelation 21:3-4

And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth. Revelation 21:3-4

I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus. John 17:23

For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed. John 17:26

He is the exact representation of my being. Hebrews 1:3

He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you. Romans 8:31

And to tell you that I am not counting your sins. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you. 1 John 4:10

I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love. Romans 8:31-32

If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me. 1 John 2:23

And nothing will ever separate you from my love again. Romans 8:38-39

Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen. Luke 15:7

I have always been Father, and will always be Father. Ephesians 3:14-15

My question is…Will you be my child? John 1:12-13

I am waiting for you. Luke 15:11-32

Love, God
2010-06-04 14:59:48 UTC
One thing you don't understand. God didn't make hell for man. He created it for satan and his fallen angels. If you reject God, that means you follow satan. And if you follow satan, then you will end up where satan ends up. In the lake of fire.

People put themselves in hell. They have a choice, and if they choose to DISOBEY GOD, then that is the consequence of it.

God warns us over and over and over and over again what will happen, but so many don't heed His warnings.

Another thing you don't understand is God created us to live forever in a perfect world, but sin entered into that world via satan through MAN. The very first man sinned, thus bringing sin into the world, corrupting what God had created. Sin separates us from God, and since the first man sinned, all are born into sin. The wages of sin is death. So, knowing that, then we know this also; WE WERE ALL HEADED FOR HELL since the fall of man, but since Jesus came and died on the cross, He made a WAY OUT OF HELL. It is through JESUS AND JESUS ONLY we can escape Hell. JESUS CAME TO SAVE US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is that cruel??? He died in our place. How is that cruel?? I think it's cruel that so many just spit in His face, when He came here to SAVE us! THERE IS A WAY OUT OF HELL. GOD GAVE YOU THAT WAY OUT. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT.

Btw, you are right about one thing, God doesn't want any of us to perish, but if you don't obey God and you want nothing to do with God, then you are not one of His children! We are not all His children. Jesus said, "Some of you belong to your father, the devil."

Why should God show those who reject Him the same love that He shows to those who love Him? You are saying that He should accept the bad right along with the good. Not going to happen and He has told us that.

Please read His Word! All the answers are in there.
2010-06-04 14:54:04 UTC
This is the one thing I couldn't understand about Christianity or any other religion that believes in heaven and hell. How can you have "free will" when you are forced into accepting jesus. To me, that's the way it is.

From a very young age you are shouted at, and screamed at, in churches with ministers telling you that unless you accept jesus, you are heading into eternal damnation. How is that free will?? You are scared into thinking you are going to hell, that is not having a choice, to me that is being forced.
2010-06-04 14:54:30 UTC
His children will be with him forever. It's those who hate him who will end up in hell because that is exactly what they chose. They chose separation from God who created them. They did not honor God who created everything good for them and they did not heed his warnings or listen to him. That's why!
2010-06-04 14:50:57 UTC
Well I have different views on Jesus and God and if I say Jesus isn't god a lot people would say I'm going to hell lol. But they are in titled to their own opinion. The religion I'm in doesn't require Jesus for me to go to heaven. Well we believe in him and other prophets but he isn't the key to heaven, being a good person and believing and worshiping god is the key to go to heaven. But they can't say who's going to hell because they are not God so saying a person is going somewhere is not in their power... only God knows.
2010-06-04 14:55:34 UTC
AGREE!!! I understand if a parent grounds or punish's their kid temporarily to learn a lesson and become better but a good parent loves and never gives up on their children. The idea that God would punish one of his creations for eternity for what we did in a very short life is not a good parent.
2010-06-04 14:50:07 UTC
We are given a choice, choose God or Satan, its as simple as that. Only those who choose Satan and his false virtues will end up in Hell. You need to remember that God sent His only begotten Son to die for us, He has stretched out His hand to us, all we have to do is to accept Him. If we reject Him, then we are cast into outer darkness.
2010-06-04 14:47:43 UTC
What is love? Love is the power to grant freedom without desiring to limit or inhibit its exercise. It is the power to give freedom without any will to take it back. And it is only Omnipotence that can refrain absolutely from trespassing upon freedom. Only God can give and not take back...He suffers within Himself the entire consequence of allowing man absolute freedom. That is His love....

Thus the existence of evil and suffering in the world is a proof, not that God is either Good but powerless, or All Powerful but not good. On the contrary, it is a proof that God is both loving and omnipotent. Only absolute love could grant unhindered freedom, and only omnipotence can endure the operation of that freedom.

For what it's worth ... A misconception about hell is that it is a place of physical torment and torture. Rather, most Christians have understood these descriptions to capture symbolically that hell is final and utter separation from God's saving grace. Similarly, thinking of heaven as a place of hedonistic pleasures is wrongheaded as well. In fact, those who choose hell would not enjoy the pleasures of heaven since those pleasures essentially flow from a right relationship with God.
2010-06-04 14:50:21 UTC
God's one angry dude. His Wrath is legendary. Therefore, there's a great chance he "loves his kids but punishes them" by sending them to hell.
I'm Here For The Gang Bang
2010-06-04 14:47:13 UTC
God is those who control his avenues of communication. What brilliance to get people to declare their total obedience and supplication to a divine being and then claim to be the only person to know what this being thinks.
john wondering
2010-06-04 14:49:59 UTC
Why would Batman allow the "children" he loves to go to Gotham City?
2010-06-04 14:46:34 UTC
God shows His love for us by offering us eternal reward for a finite lifetime of good behavior.
Mad Scientist
2010-06-04 14:47:38 UTC
God doesn't. Man wants you to think God does.
2010-06-04 14:47:53 UTC
we are all God's creatures

His children are His creatures who become His children through adoption

this happens through faith in His only begotten Son
Skyler D cool kid 9thㄨ coming
2010-06-04 14:48:04 UTC
hell must be a nice place, after all
2010-06-04 14:48:24 UTC
God does not love us all, no one should take God's love for granted, it's a great honor that has to be earned.
Question Everything™
2010-06-04 14:46:04 UTC
This is a troubling question for theists...makes me relieved that I don't believe in god or hell.
2010-06-04 14:46:46 UTC
Fear helps build wealth of church.

It's been very effective.
2010-06-04 14:50:28 UTC
Considering that life in Heaven goes on for ever and ever, billions and trillions of years... can you imagine no entertainment?

By believing in “Jesus” and being “saved” the Bible writers came up with the story that you will get a virtual first row seat in Heaven to watch how the vast majority of all the world population perhaps into the TRILLIONS including all your “unsaved” family members from way back and those you never met in the future, old acquaintances and especially everybody else who NEVER HEARD about God the Son Jesus Christ the Savior of the World will be tormented one by one in a sulfuric lake of fire called Hell that is located NOT IN THE CENTER, but in the DEPTH of the flat Bible Earth for ever and ever... Jesus is on Bible record encouraging Christians to poke fun at all those in Hell by showing a wet big finger sticking up in the air for them to lick up to quench their thirst. According to the Bible writers there is no fresh water in Hell. You can tease them all you want for ever and ever! That’s HEAVEN! In preparation for it, Jesus is teaching that you must HATE* (*original Greek “miseo”= abhor!) your father and your mother and everybody else to follow him, especially if they are "unsaved" and go to HELL (Luk 14:26)! This is the honest Bible truth! In Heaven, you will hear a lot of “I told you so” from God the Son Jesus Christ. The Bible writers thought of everything even some teasing games that low IQ Christians would love to play with those tormented in Hell who, according to Jesus, missed the “strait gate” or couldn’t find the “narrow way” to Heaven no matter how hard they tried!

Luke 16:23-25-NIV (Jesus is telling like it is in Hell…) AND BEING IN TORMENTS IN HELL, he* (*not a gay person, or a Godless atheist, or an abortionist, but a rich Jewish guy that Jesus came to save! BTW, Jesus admitted that his “saving” record is very poor) lifted up his eyes* (*from Hell down below in the “depth of this flat Bible Earth”) and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom* (*preachers know how to use this story to convert multitudes of religious oriented people to Christianity. In this story, those down in Hell will recognize EVERYBODY up in Heaven, especially all their family members and friends, and vise versa! Anyone marrying more than once will have some of their spouses in HELL while others may be in Heaven with them, hopefully the nicer ones! Heaven is a lot of weird fun put together by the wanking Bible writers. It surely beats any Harry Porter story!). “Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham* (*Jesus is warning that the Jew Abraham is one of the bosses in Heaven), have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; FOR I AM TORMENTED IN THIS FLAME.’ (and Jesus all excited and turned on like mad continues the story telling… BTW, you can tell the necessary IQ level to believe all this smutty crap in the Bible that is used to scare people into Christianity!) But Abraham said, ‘Son* (*Abraham was kin to this rich Jew in Hell! There is a “DIABOLIC” lack of compassion in Heaven on any family member ending up in Hell! Contrary to what the Bible writers are stating Christians expect that God will erase their memory about knowing anybody in Hell so they can enjoy being in Heaven, but that is NOT THE FUN THAT THE BIBLE WRITERS CAME UP WITH TO MAKE HEAVEN ENJOYABLE for the Christians for billions and trillions of years!), REMEMBER that in your lifetime you received your good things* (*in this story, “SIN” is to be rich, not to be gay or atheist or abortionist or what have you, but RICH!), and likewise Lazarus evil things* (*Lazarus never even heard about Jesus!); but now he is comforted* (*FOR EVER AND EVER because he was a poor beggar!) and YOU ARE TORMENTED* (*for the same never ending length of time because he was a rich man! BTW… millions became Christians because of this story in the Bible! Hey, isn’t this commercial about Heaven AWESOME!?).

This is not the only specific description in the Bible of what any “poor” Jew or Christian would be doing in Heaven except for “worshiping” the Bible God NON-STOP WITHOUT REST DAY AND NIGHT FOR EVER AND EVER FOR BILLIONS AND TRILLIONS OF YEARS, while at same time poking fun at all those being tormented in Hell…! The Judeo/Christian/Islamic religion is so primitive that it is no joke!

The Bible God promised the Jews to be “rich lenders and not borrowers” like this RICH JEWISH GUY NOW IN HELL, but if they don’t obey God to eventually become Christians they will be cursed into becoming “slaves and borrowers” like POOR BEGGAR LAZARUS who made it to Heaven without Jesus! I know that it sounds skewed, but that’s the way most stories are written in the Bible! It will be a long time before anybody in Heaven can possibly get bored! Jesus implied many times that Heaven is reserved for low IQ people with the mental capacity of a child!

Luke 19:27 (NIV) (Here Jesus is telling another story involving some rich Jewish bankers) But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them–bring them here AND KILL THEM IN FRONT OF ME!* (*Christians know that Jesus hates rich unbelieving Jews to death no matter how good they are, spiritually speaking of course!)

Revelation 14:10-11 (NIV) [Jesus says] "he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. HE WILL BE TORMENTED WITH BURNING SULFUR* (*sulfur… isn’t it scary? The “Intelligent Designer God” created Hell BEFORE he did Adam!) IN THE PRESENCE OF THE HOLY ANGELS AND OF THE LAMB* (*Holy Jesus). And THE SMOKE OF THEIR TORMENT RISES FOR EVER AND EVER* (*this repulsive God is on record pleasuring himself watching that for billions and trillions of years for ever! To him it is “an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable well pleasing to God.” The chauvinistic Bible writers came up with stories like this for God to get even about Eve’s “sinning” in her quest for knowledge. Christians love this sadistic God for ever and ever). There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name* (*2 eternal destinies, one being tormented in Hell and the other worshipping God in Heaven. In either one NOBODY is going to have ANY REST DAY OR NIGHT FOR EVER AND EVER!).

Revelation 4:8 (KJV) …and they REST NOT DAY AND NIGHT, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come…)

The Bible writers who created God had no imagination but to use the “day and night” effect even in their fairy Heaven and Hell! Religion is a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception and/or expression of reality. Distortions in perception may affect all five senses, especially in lower IQ people. It is a serious social disorder. In most severe cases, those affected are willing to kill and die or support those who do, or behave very silly on behalf of their religion while forcing it on the rest of the free thinking population. We are still evolving and Christianity is loosing its grip on society. It may take a little longer for Islam to be flushed down the toilet, but it will… hopefully not in a nuclear “accident!”

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.