2011-02-16 09:04:40 UTC
I myself dont know if he is real or not but I would never go around saying "I know God is real" or "I know God is not real". I simple say "I dont know"
I will also never go around to people houses spreading the word. For me to do that I have to be DEAD CERTAIN that God is real. By that I mean, Jesus has to come down and take pictures with me so I could prove it to people!
I am going to go over a few things that make me say "I dont know"
1) I don't know who created this world so it could be God or it could have always existed like God
2) I dont know if he answer prayers or people just get things because of cause and effect. Just because someone prayed to get better doesn't mean God did it. The Doctor, your body and the medication had a part to play to. Besides atheists, animals, satanists...etc get healed as well,
Plus you gotta remember hungry kids in Africa dont get blessed all the time, but Tyler Perry got blessed and he is a millionaire. So sometimes God watches kids starve while he gives people millions of dollars and fame.
4) The holy book could have been written by God but then again it is filled with common sense stuff a human of 2012 can write by himself. I never had to read the bible to know that I shouldn't kill someone, its human instinct
5) there is no sound proof such as remains, skeletons, sightings...etc. All we go on is a holy book and faith. I cant possibly say "I know God is real" Just because I think or have faith that he is real. They are two different worlds with two different meaning.
I 'know' I am typing this, but I dont 'know' God is real
6) Some people say that he spoke to them but what if these people are crazy. religious people are not exempt from being crazy or deluded. So next time you hair a religious person say that you must ask yourself that question. No one deserves special treatment so its OK to assume that a religious person may be crazy
So those are the reason I say "I dont know if God is real".
If you "know" God is real then PLEASE provide us with some hard proof that EVERYONE can witness. Dont tell us about your experiences or the bible because thats not really proof. It may be your proof but it doesnt qualify as worldwide proof since people have different experiences and people have other religions
If you dont have any then guess what? Deep down inside you "think: God is real. If you still say you "know" then your brain isnt functioning correctly. The brain is designed to keep you safe, the brain doesnt know a bridge is present if none of your senses conform it. It must verify it first to come to that conclusion so you wont drive off the cliff and die!