1) Why do Catholic and a Christian claim that Bible specifically "New Testament" is word of Jesus Christ when it was made by after his death?
They believe that the Bible is the "word of God"
and that it is so because the authors were inspired by God to write what they wrote
they believe that Jesus is God.
2) Is the Bible really the word of God?
See 1) This is a religious doctrine, a belief, not something that can be easily proved or disproved conclusively.
3) Then how come it was written by more then thousands of different author's?
To call that an exaggeration would be an understatement.
Probably in the most extreme case imaginable one hundred people were involved in the authoring and revision of the New Testament documents (as we have them and know them now). Much more likely there were less than 30 people involved.
4) How come the Bible pages are so heavily edited, then pages doctrines, history, miracles and scientific studies.
The question is literally nonsense.
Please ask again using correct grammar and vocabulary.
5) Are edited erased then they add new discoveries and invention into Bible every century in new bible book?
6) Forget is this book from God if a book is edited, text erased then they add new inventions, histories, scientific stories then.
That is quite easy to forget.
7) How come a book that is that heavily edited and pages erased and added new information be trusted source.
The question is literally nonsense.
Please ask again using correct grammar and vocabulary.
8) Update: Then why was the oldest bible "Old Testament" was created several years after Jesus's death..
That is not the "oldest Bible"
it was created after Jesus' death
by Christians
because Christians became very concerned about which documents were authentic and which were not after Jesus' death.
9) How could they had known what he said 100% in unmatched reliable accuracy of what Jesus said in his entire lifetime.
They could have known if they were there.
10) Let alone claiming "New Testament" is the literal word of Jesus Christ or God himself which many Christians and Catholics believe?
Update 2: if "NT" is the word of Jesus then answer this?
Why was "New Testament" made after Jesus's death but it was made by the very Roman Catholic. Who converted from their old religion Paganism to Christianity.
? The question is once again nonsensical.
11) So couldn't anyone would've guessed that would've borrowed some of ritual's, prayers, doctrines and beliefs from their old religion
there is no evidence of such in the Bible
so why would something that you only IMAGINE COULD be done be something that you might ASSUME WAS done?
12) Update 3: And then rewrite it again and again until their old belief's and doctrine's from pagan didn't match into their new religion.
Again: there is no evidence of such to be found in the New Testament.
13) And holiday's like Easter, Halloween, thanksgiving has been originally pagan holiday's
Simply not true.
See: the definitions of those words in any standard English dictionary.
Excepting ***perhaps*** Halloween, they are by definition Christian holidays and reasonably could not possibly have been originally pagan. For example: how many pagans were celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ before Christians began doing so? How many pagans were celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ before Christians began doing so? Clearly these holidays are Christian ***in origin***.
14) and Churches and Popes had to write the book and earse pagan past and then rewrite them then only it was accepted as Christian holiday. Seems very biased why?
It seems like nonsense again.
15) Update 4: How is possible that creation story of 7 days of the world in Bible
Because someone included it.
16) why is it a copy of "Sumerians"?
It's not. If you think that it is all you have to do is compare the Sumerian creation myth with the Biblical creation myth. CLEARLY neither is a copy of the other.
17) And why is " Noah the Ark Food story" why is copied off "Epic of Gilgamesh flood story".
CLEARLY neither is a copy of the other.
18) And Virgin Mary birth story why did Greek mythology.
Is that Jesus mother was virgin sounds so similar to Greek mythology.
Well..maybe to someone it also sounds familiar to "Harry Potter". That doesn't mean that it is a copy of Harry Potter...or vice-versa. Your personal opinion is not really relevant as evidence in support of your case.
19) Update 5: And last but not least why does so many people like Mithra, Horus, Krishna and many others also have virgin birth stories and fulfilling prophecies, making extraordinary mircales and so on?
These stories are not all as you imagine. For example: Krishna in the oldest (pre-Christian) tales was not born of a virgin.
But even if we imagine that it were so
and that there were many stories of virgin births of deities before the story of Christ's birth
that does not mean that the others are true or not true
and that does not mean that the story of Christ's virgin birth is true or not true.
20) Update 6: Then why did it needed to be edited some pages, old traditions like killing entire race of people's or groups that were seen as sinner's or enemies of Christians were killed off?
Again: your personal opinion is simply not persuasive.
21) Update 7: And the old beliefs by bad weather are caused by witches such as crop failures, and sickness and diseases whenever it happened they blamed on witches and executed them.And people with a mental illnesses for long time in human history were seen as demon possession.We know so much today then our ancestors before thanks to science the same science that was claimed as evil once.
Both true and not relevant to the truth of the New Testament.
22) Update 8: Isn't religion man made if Jesus word's was written by more then thousands of different religious people from ancient tines till today?
Not necessarily.
But of course there haven't been thousands of different religious people doing so
so the point is moot.
23) y is Bible pages edited deleted and then reformed to modern standards ever century if it's the word of But.
Again: your personal opinion is simply not persuasive.