People know that there's a HUGE difference between F-LDS (polygamists) and LDS, right?
2009-03-17 18:41:28 UTC
i'm lds, (mormon) and i've heard a lot of people say that we're basically the same thing. it kinda bugs me, because the flds just came and stole part of our name and twisted everything about our church. Now tons of people are all confused and think that we're polygamists! when in fact, that's not even allowed in our church.

No, we're not a cult. We worship Jesus Christ like every Christian! Hense, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."

I'm normal. I listen to music, watch scary movies, hang out with my friends, play guitar, have ONE mother and one father and 3 brothers, and no, i do not have horns. or worship cabbage.
Sixteen answers:
2009-03-18 11:09:15 UTC
Jospeh Smith had 34 wives while alive. A third were ages 14 to 20 while he was 36 to 38 years old. Bigamy too, 11 were already married to LIVING men! What's the point of that? Come on now...

LDS Leaders Still Believe There Will Be Polygamy in Heaven

Many Mormon Men (LDS) now a days, have more than one wife for the CK if they first one dies and they are resealed.

**The official LDS Church Handbook of Instruction says:

Living Women — A living woman may be sealed to only one husband. . . .

Living Men — If a husband and wife have been sealed and the wife dies, the man may have another woman sealed to him if she is not already sealed. (Church Handbook of Instruction, p.72)
2009-03-17 22:32:45 UTC
My grandmother told us stories about growing up in LDS polygamy in the early 1900s in Utah.

I've read the FLDS books by Wall and Jessops, and the family dynamic is identical to early LDS polygamy.

You may think your sect is right and theirs is wrong, but the rest of the world doesn't know or care. Both are offshoots of Joseph Smith's polygamy and millenialist philosophy. Both worship the Book of Mormon.
2009-03-17 18:52:40 UTC
I know this. I am an atheist, but I have a good friend who is Mormon, and she and I talk about this occasionally. The polygamists upset her, as well as the other Mormons that I know.

Every religion has a few nut-cases in it. The Christian groups who often make wild accusations aimed at other Christian sects, (like Mormons) such as Baptists, Methodists, and other mainstream varieties have extremists among them who create things like the KKK.

No one can claim that their ideological group is full of perfect people, even atheists like myself. No one who does not wish for all the rest of us to point out, and judge them for, the dangerous zealots in their own group should be pointing out Mormon polygamists. The main stream Christians, and others, who do this to you are terrible hypocrites.
2009-03-18 12:24:03 UTC
Ummm, where's the HUUGE difference? You use the same scriptures, same hymns,and believe Joseph Smith was a prophet who restored the "true gospel." Your church services are similar in format, and I imagine the temple ceremonies are similar. Practicing polygamy on earth is about the only difference.

The FLDS are pretty much just like the early Utah mormons were. They didn't "steal part of your name," they were part of your church until the mid-20th century.
2016-11-01 13:48:35 UTC
"our faith is strongly against poligamy" No it quite is not. examine D&C 132. The prepare of polygamy has in basic terms been temporary halted by using expert assertion a million. Polygamy remains an everlasting doctrine that Mormons have faith would be practiced back in this international and actual in the Celestial Kingdom. Many early apostles and prophets taught that God the daddy is a polygamist. in addition they taught that Jesus grow to be a polygamist during His life. The LDS church is not greater "against polygamy" than it quite is against the e book of Mormon. "the e book of mormon teaches that a guy could desire to in basic terms have one spouse" it quite is real, aside from whilst God instructions in any different case, including in Jacob 2 the place the exception is given to "strengthen up seed unto the Lord". in spite of the incontrovertible fact that, early LDS polygamy grow to be no longer practiced as a manner to strengthen up seed, in view that adult males outnumbered women people in Utah all in the direction of the 1800's and Mormons vehemently deny that Joseph Smith had sexual relatives with any of his 30+ different halves. (regardless of good evidence that he did). "whilst they found that it grow to be incorrect, they positioned an end to it" no longer in basic terms is that patently fake, it does not even make experience on the face of it, given the context of the the remainder of your argument. you in basic terms have been given complete asserting that polygamy is okay based on the Bible's teachings. Why is it "incorrect"? And besides, the LDS church in no way "discovered that it grow to be incorrect". Boy, have you ever offered a huge marvel in shop once you get to the Celestial Kingdom... lol
2009-03-17 18:52:35 UTC
i dont think theres anything wrong with polygamy, as long as its not practiced like it usually is (by making a young girl marry a gross old guy she was assigned to). if done right and with the proper consent of all parties involved, and the man only takes as many wives as he can handle (vs. turning it into some sort of pride parade to measure his manhood by) it can be nice. after many many years of marriage, you are partners, and i find nothing wrong or offensive if there happens to be more than 2 people in the partnership. it can be easier, less stressful, and a lot more fun! sometimes i wish i had sister wives.

oh, sorry, veered off your question....

its good that youre asking yourself this.... why are you being judged by what others are doing? sucks doesnt it..... but thats what religion as a whole does. makes people judge others.

isnt one of the points of religion that only HE will judge us when the time comes? isnt that one of the qualities that separates HIM from US, that makes him "holy"? isnt it BAD to judge ourselves? doesnt that mean we're trying to be god? we dont have the same power as the LORD, or DO WE????

duh, he doesnt exist. so be HUMAN, think for yourself, and stop being a follower. its not an attractive quality to want to be like everyone else.
2009-03-17 18:57:15 UTC
ok sorry but i had to respond to what desinee or what ever said

ok first of all his name was Joseph smith and basically she had some of the facts right but she twisted them and made it sound like we are some crazy people! im sorry but if you think about it how is LDS so bad?im sorry but if your gonna diss us, at least read out book and find out for your self. dont go spreading stuff that you know nothing about! if you would like to find stuff out contact some missionaries, or go to to learn more!



btw incase you didnt guess im a mormon too and im normal just like the girl that asked this question!
Alex <3
2009-03-18 05:39:37 UTC


I always thought I was pretty normal too...

but apparently I am just destined to be a 5th or 6th wife.

They have met LDS right? If they met any of the women, they would know none of them would put up with that.

It's so dumb what people think.

thanks for saying this.
2009-03-17 18:53:06 UTC
I know that. I have a Mormon friend who got me in the habit of correcting people who conflated the two groups.
2009-03-17 18:47:19 UTC
Most people know the difference.

Many people dont care.

The ones that think you are a cultish brainwashed freak are either totally ignorant or complete idiots and so who cares what they think.

A lot of people dont know what mormons really believe, esp outside of the west of the US. Just be patient with people that seem to come from a loving place, but just dont understand.

As for the bashing jerks, either have fun with them or ignore them, but dont let them get you mad. Who cares what they think?
2009-03-17 18:49:40 UTC
you had me until "worship cabbage".

What have you got against cabbages? They're sacred, don't ya know!

If you believe the nonsense Joseph Smith pedalled, why can't you worship a cabbage, for crying out loud?

I'm insulted, on behalf of cabbage deities everywhere.
2009-03-17 18:52:30 UTC
sorry hun, but the temple has nothign to do with the lord. I was a mormon for 31 years and there was no God in the temple, handshakes and five points of fellowship and a green apron and a bakers hat and robes and stuff liek that secret combinations to get into heavem, come on now, you think they treally did that in king David's and King solomon's temple were doe sit say that in the book of Kings and Chronicles, show me!!!

Yea FLDS and LDS are differant but you all stil believ ein polygmay the LDS just don;t practise it.
2009-03-20 13:40:45 UTC
People who don't tend to be either ignorant or totally lying so they can push lies onto others.
2009-03-17 18:45:37 UTC
There once was a man named Joe;

Many things he didn’t know.

So he made up a story

About angels and glory,

And got folks to give him their dough.

Mormons basically have to believe that a guy who lived in America in the early 1800's was a prophet of the Christian god and not a liar. That’s really the main tenet of the Mormon faith – believing this guy was not a liar; a supreme act of faith. His name was Joe Smith and he claimed he was visited by an angel who told him the location of golden plates buried in the ground with another biblical text written in an old language on them. He claimed he translated these golden plates and wrote the translation in the ‘Book of Mormon.’ He then claimed an angel took these golden plates to heaven when he finished translating them. During the translation, he claimed the golden plates were in his hat along with some magical rocks and he hid behind a curtain and talked aloud whilst holding his face in his hat and a guy who owned a printing press wrote down what he said. A lot of what Joe claimed was new biblical scripture was actually taken from the Old Testament. Here’s a link explaining the connection:

Now if you think this is weird; wait, it gets worse! What this Joe Smith claimed was written on these golden plates was that Native Americans are descendants of a lost tribe of Hebrews that somehow made it from the Middle East to the Americas over 2000 years ago. He claimed they founded civilizations and fought wars with each other and apparently Jesus even visited the Americas. DNA evidence alone proves that what this guy said about Native Americans being descendants of Hebrews is nonsense. There has NEVER been any evidence found of pre-Colombian Hebrew civilizations in America. Here’s a link to what the Smithsonian Institute has to say about the ‘Book of Mormon;’

It's also a well established fact that before Mormonism came to be, Joe Smith used to trick people into thinking he could find buried treasure by holding a crystal up to his eye then putting his face in a stovepipe hat and receiving ‘spiritual information.’ That's the kind of thing Americans used to believe back then. They believed there was Spanish treasure buried all over the place and scammers like Joe Smith, who learned the trade from his parents, roamed around like carnies looking for gullible people, and in the USA, there was no shortage of gullible people...some would say, there is still no shortage today. This is how Joe made a living before he concocted the stories that he claimed were on the golden plates that no one else ever saw and convinced a publisher to write down his words.

Mormons used to practice polygamy and some of them still do but mainstream Mormons try to distance themselves from the polygamous ones. The Mormons who are the most fervent believers of their phony doctrine and do their utmost to spread Mormonism get special treatment in the temples and are rewarded with special underwear which has Masonic symbols sewn into it. Mormons believe this underwear protects them from bullets, fire, knife wounds etc. They have weird ceremonies in their temples and only favored Mormons are allowed access to the temples during these ceremonies. Mormons are expected to give 10% of their gross income to their church; if the church leaders feel as though their members aren’t giving enough of their income to the church, they are interviewed by the church leaders and have to explain their actions. If Mormons leave the church and don’t attend services anymore, they are hounded by other members of the church for a while, then all contact is broken with them and friends and family are discouraged by the church to contact the member who has left.
2009-03-17 18:54:06 UTC
I know that! :)

I love LDS people.
2009-03-17 18:58:44 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.