Why are gays so sure that they are right?
nancy n
2008-11-25 15:05:33 UTC
I know that they say gays are only 10 Percent of the population but they have 110 percent of the opinions. It seem time for the rest of us to stand up and be counted
41 answers:
2008-11-25 16:24:25 UTC
your statistics probably are wrong,that means 1 in 10 is a gay .

gays must have all the privilages and rights as any other.

BUT No marriage and NO adoption. why ? because it would not be good for the kid they adopt, a strange new breed will come up,all confused,perhaps depressed,abnormal, who knows what they be like !
2008-11-25 15:15:18 UTC
Hey "Vincent K, Atheati Mad Scientist"

She never said anything about religion.

Don't generalize and stereotype.

She also never said that they shouldn't get civil rights.

She in fact Barely said anything... except enough to make her sound like an eight year old.

I could do a better job writing for her opinions and I generally have the opposing.

So if you're going to respond to this... read her freaking two badly written sentences right.

And then go ahead and tell her she makes no sense... :)
i aint know
2008-11-25 15:20:15 UTC
Gays are right ?? I thought they were generally left ..gays for mac cain

10% is a insane number ......try 2~3% max

What evr you're trying to say I'm gonna agree with you ...

everyone but us are just haters and bigots

that made me feel better
2008-11-25 15:20:52 UTC
Better question, why are bigoted Christians so sure they are right? And why do they think they have to right to meddle in people's personal lives by telling them they can't marry, when it is none of their business and in no way affects them?

NEWS FLASH: There is no gay conspiracy. They only want to have equal rights to marry the people they love.
Maureen S
2008-11-25 15:17:19 UTC
Thank you for your laugh of the day "Why are GAYS so sure that they are right"? Right about what?

Right about Prop 8, right about accepting abuse, insults, and angry remarks? Right about being Gay?

Are you right about being straight? Are you right about KNOWING that gays should not get the same laws as yourself. Are you right when you see them battered down and do nothing to help.

Are you right when you write and think, up a question like this, that show you are (for your own wonderful reasons) against the gay population.

Tell me! Do you believe you are right when you believe in a God who teaches hate, instead of a God that teaches love.

I suggest you listen and watch this video of a man who has an opinion regarding pro 8, and hear the sincerity and sadness in his voice. I echo his sentiments exactly.
2008-11-25 15:12:10 UTC
Right about what? Why do you think you're right?

Homo tyranny...crack me up.

Have you all forgotten the Golden Rule? We are ALL God's children, and He expects us to treat each other with love and respect. He also expects us to start by setting a good example.

I'm straight and Christian, so I don't have an ax to grind. Your opinions are yours alone.
Adie - Mexangl716
2008-11-25 15:21:07 UTC
John 3:19-21 (KJV)This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."

They are not right (and they know it), they just try to justify their sin any way they can.

God says they are SODOMITES not "gay" as they call themselves. Not "homosexual" as they call themselves. That is why you will not find those words in the Bible (not originally). You will find the word effeminate and Sodomite which is EXACTLY what they are. God says they are an ABOMINATION and so is the act itself. NO IFS, ANDS, OR BUTS ABOUT IT!

All the whining and hissing and stamping their little feet won't do them a bit of good. Sin is sin and God hates any form of it including Sodomy. If I can't be an Adulteress and get away with it, they can't get away with their Sodomy. Just take a look at Sodom and Gomorrah for a reminder of that. God torched it!

Sodomy is in no way NATURAL. IT IS A CHOICE! They are choosing to give in to their LUSTFUL desires just as a PEDOPHILE chooses to do. Their is NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL whatsoever.....NONE!

The Bible is giving reference here to ALL acts of sexual immorality. They cannot escape it. It is sin, God HATES ALL sin and their is an eternal consequence for it. so they need to quit whining about it and get right with God before it's too late for them.

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor EFFEMINATE, nor abusers of themselves with mankind 1 Cor 6:9
2008-11-25 15:14:15 UTC
"There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death." (Prov. 14:12) We need to find a way that goes beyond seeming like it's right, or feeling like it's okay.
2008-11-25 15:11:06 UTC
Time for the rest of you to stand up and be counted? Ditch the persecution complex, sister. We gays have been in your homophobic cross-hairs for centuries!
Dances with Unicorns
2008-11-25 15:10:02 UTC
Why are YOU so sure that they're wrong?

So open your mouth and speak up; who's stopping you? Of course, if you're scared of what people might say about YOUR opinion, then I can see why you stay quiet. As they say, "You pays your money and you takes your chances."
donutkid: hammer of Thor
2008-11-25 15:12:41 UTC
You bigots got your vote in earlier this month. That's not enough for you?
2008-11-25 15:11:58 UTC
Oh, the poor, oppressed 90% majority.
2008-11-25 15:10:40 UTC
If you don't like gay people leave them alone. They want rights just like everyone else. Wouldn't you be upset. Not all gay people have to voice their opinion out loud. Unfortunately they are the ones that take the retaliation.
Cave Dweller
2008-11-25 15:14:48 UTC
Math and Statistics are not your strong points. Sorry hun.
2008-11-25 15:13:19 UTC
because no one has been able to prove they are wrong...they have just as much right to whatever it is you're b*tching about as straight people do.
2008-11-25 15:09:33 UTC
Uh, right, 10% of the population is preventing the majority from standing up and being counted.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds?
2008-11-25 15:11:13 UTC
Yeah, so that when we all speak up there is about 500% of opinions?
2008-11-25 15:16:27 UTC
gays should be treated like you want to be treated. Think about the way they think about straights. "They hate us for no reason!"
2008-11-25 15:11:05 UTC
Because they're not the ones who want to take away other people's rights.
2008-11-25 15:10:44 UTC
Just what are you ranting about? So sure about what?

They are not allowed an opinion?

What makes you so sure you're right? About what, I have no idea,,,
2008-11-25 15:10:22 UTC
"It seem time for the rest of us to stand up and be counted"

Yeah because all us straight people are just so darned oppressed by the gay people. *note sarcasm*
Dendronbat Crocoduck
2008-11-25 15:10:16 UTC
I'm not gay. But that doesn't make me hateful and bigotted towards gays.
2008-11-25 15:11:45 UTC
What do you suggest? Line them up and shoot them?
Pangloss (Ancora Imparo) AFA
2008-11-25 15:15:05 UTC
Well, they can count me in.
2008-11-25 15:10:22 UTC
Gays are entitled to equality.


The rest of us
2008-11-25 15:09:09 UTC
I love how you people always play the role of the oppressed majority. Give me a break.
2008-11-25 15:11:36 UTC
lmao! This question is too stupid to bother answering seriously.
Lilith of the Garden
2008-11-25 15:09:52 UTC
I can't tell what's worse, your math or your empathy for human rights.
2008-11-25 15:08:23 UTC
you are bad at math. 110% is a number for bad motivational speakers and other folk trying to nationalize their particular outlook to the masses. those that are bad at math are also usually bad at logic.

what is this 'gay agenda' they might be wrong about? you think its wrong that they want to marry the one they fall in love with? i don't think bigots should be allowed to marry so i guess i'll be voting on your wedding.

EDIT: having an opinion doesn't make you a bigot. having a bigoted opinion makes you a bigot.
2008-11-25 15:13:24 UTC

get a life!
2008-11-25 15:11:31 UTC
lol. just loud barking dogs!- the bite is toothless. you should see all the nonsense they try to justify their gay sex with. Amputated leg lady, male dogs, plants, and of course, our all time favorite 'the black struggle"...
2008-11-25 15:09:17 UTC
right about what, exactly?.....or is this just backlash because you can't accept people that are different?......need more clairification on this one
No Gods, No Masters
2008-11-25 15:08:44 UTC
What are you talking about?
2008-11-25 15:09:17 UTC
How old are you?
2008-11-25 15:09:06 UTC
Why do you care?
2008-11-25 15:08:46 UTC
you make no sense.
2008-11-25 15:09:44 UTC
No Chance Without Jesus
2008-11-25 15:10:06 UTC
2% it's 2%

and gays think their right....because if they admit ed they were wrong.....they couldn't be gay.
Man Ray
2008-11-25 15:09:43 UTC
the same reason evolutionists think they are right.
2008-11-25 15:09:43 UTC
wtf are you smoking?

explain how someone can have 110% of anything.
2008-11-25 15:08:53 UTC
they dont want to repent..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.