Killing animals on the altar of god is not sacrifice to god .all th elives hat are in the universe are those created by God .When didman create any life to say that he wons it .only those who own something can sacrifice it What does man own in this world ,he does t own even his life .- evn his soul , evn his body.wher eis the question of his sacrificing any other life to god when god hisle is the owner f he entoer unverse including the man,.Is it ot absurd to saythat thekillingof any life on thealtar of the temple is a sacrifice to God.
Sacrifice is to gie up spomehting that one has .It may alsob e service by spending one's time at the servic eof god or aother people in the name of god .
The very habit of killig animas at the altar has come into pracice because of the fac that man was origianlly a meat eater and he was eating anything that he saw moving .Even today , you can see animals of the lower order in intelligence watching somethig still for a loing time tosee if theymove to make sure that it is something that it can eat .Man's intelligence also grew from the level otha of th elowest animals .So what ever he ate ,he was pleased to offer to god also.this is why the sacrifice of animals should have come ointo force .as a sectionof people turned to vegetarianism, the habbit of offering animals also was confined only to thesoe who continued to eat flesh,
God never asked any man to offer t=HIMand food .it is afer all God that offers food for all lives from the levelof th einvisible microbes to the biggest of all animals .If any man had eer said that /'god asked him for any food , it is false and a fraud.Man eats in the name of God.
sacrifice according to hindu philosophy is to for one to do his word , duty as a sacred offering , sacrifice to god without any expectation of reward and with out attachcment .
No no sacifice of any life , eithere by oneself or by offerig the life of any animal is bad and it will not please the 'God ..It pleases only th eman who does it for his personal consumption in the name of 'god