I beleive in a creator
I choose not to call the creator , Allah, Mohommad, Jehohvah or Jesus ,too many people have been killed over religious wars for too many years over who's belief is right and who's is wrong,
Jews,Arabs, Catholics, Prodestants ,Muslims.Christians etc etc, young men women and children are still being killed unnecessarly because of someones belief or brain washing.
I was bought up a strong Christian ;but as I got older hopefully wiser I found it difficult to beleive thousands of years ago Noah had the time or the expertise to build any "ark" big enough to house 2 of every animal yet anlone catch all the insects and birds before they were destroyed by flood, even with the hep of his wife their 3 sons and their wives.
And when one reads that Jospheh arrived in bethleham with a pregnant fiancee (the baby conceive by the imaculate conception) if you said that about one of your friends or daughters in this day and age you would be the joke of the town.
I now beleive relegion such as following a faith is only contributing to someones power Grab and is a very lucrative way of a huge supply of cash for a slected few to retain a very nice life style.
I have not seen many pastors ect who draw their sole income from their church driving an old car, or living in a poor area in a less than a very up market home.
Being bought up a strict Cathlic my parents always put more in the collection plate than they could afford paying, our monthly building fund debt or what ever it was called for the year ,and as kids we went without a lot to maintain that salary sacrifice.
Look at the world today the Religious organisations are the riches organisations in the world, yet millions of people starve to death each day, yet there is more than enough money in the church funds to prevent anyone child or person staving or freezing to death.
Would i strap a bomb on my body or my childs body to blow up and kill men women and children in the name of MY GOD no I wouldn't.
I beleive some one or something created this wonderful world ,created life and the wonders of life but I will not and never will call it by a name that kills and destroys for power and wealth.
I still pray nightly and start by saying "God creator of the earth"