I believe God created this world but gave free will to people to make them decide their freedom. I believe Albert Einstein was right because he must have read the bible. In the bible God gave man free will to love God by his own ways. After we were separated from him, we were promised a Savior that was going to repay the price of sin. So i believe God has no intervention on free will but will judge and reward his people on their deeds. That is my opinion. What do you guys think? And don't say God is bad because he kill lots of people. They were kill because God at that time was giving justice to the world and they deserved it. Remeber God is just. But then ,God, got so tired of humans being so imperfect and making mistakes, he send his only child to pay for the price and give everyone after the death of jesus a chance to redem the bad peopld that are unjust. So don't say he is bad and unjust because he is not. He is more mercyful than just. Well what is your opionion?