+ In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. One God. Amen.
Peace mate,
Think of it this way:
God is like fire.
The Father is like the flame.
The Son is like the light.
The light is begotten of the flame but so long as the flame exists so does the light.
The light can not exist without the flame nor can the flame exist without begetting the light.
Likewise, the Son is begotten of the Father and each eternally exists with the other.
Make sense now mate?
Pray for me please.
Whilst I have responded to several questions on Yahoo! Answers, I have never seen so many heretical answers to one question posted so close to one another by so many individuals.
I might commend some for their apparent knowledge in some areas yet they mingle their truth with error and so cannot be partakers of the Lord's table while they still partake of the table of devils (1st Corinthians 3:21).
The Holy Trinity exists and if anyone who claims to be a Christian does not believe in Him then the martyr St. Polycarp the last surviving disciple of St. John the Beloved of the Lord would condemn such a man as an atheist!
For those who claim that Jesus Christ is not co-equal with the Father, do you not see that you believe in more than one god? For how can Jesus Christ be the all-wise, all-powerful, eternal, omnipresent, almighty God if He is not co-equal with the Father?
Everything known by the Father is also known by Christ. When Christ spoke the words of St. Mark 13:32, the word He used for "knoweth" means both to know and to inform other people. As Christ was not to inform others, He rightly said that only the Father knows and informs other Persons (ie the Son and the Holy Spirit).
The Holy Trinity is Three Sacred Persons.
God is not one person who began as the Father and became the Son who then left earth and returned as the Holy Spirit. Or else the Father suffered death which no Christian has ever believed. Who spoke from Heaven when the Son was baptised? Who descended as a Dove? How could the Lord say to king David's Lord, Sit Thou at My right hand, if God were but one person?
Christ is the Beginning- the Source of all Creation (Revelation 3:14; 21:6).
Christ clearly claims to be the Beginning:
They said therefore to him: Who art thou? Jesus said to them: The beginning, who also speak unto you. (St. John 8:25 DRB)
Likewise St. John 1:1 tells us, In the beginning was the Word.