Atheists: Why aren't monkeys still evolving into humans today?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Atheists: Why aren't monkeys still evolving into humans today?
124 answers:
2015-02-22 21:40:57 UTC
Are you effing serious??? Why aren't they evolving into HUMANS??? That's like asking why one branch of your tree isn't growing back into and fusing with another branch. Do you get the picture?

Think of all the leaves on a tree: those are like all the species that exist today. Now think about the tree 10 years ago. The leaves then were the species then. Since then old branches split into new. Where there used to be leaves, some of those have turned into new branches, etc.

Make sense?

You better not be Poeing us with this sh*t!

Update: OK Mofo,,, there's no WAY you're not a Poe. I've had my bell rung by the last Poe tonight:

Name: Rad Jesus

Avatar: Crocoduck

21% best answers (how many other Poe accounts do you have?)

Profile info: "Just remember every time you look up at the moon, I too will be looking at a moon. Not the same moon, obviously, that’s impossible."

Lol... there's NO WAY this is a real question.
brother trucker
2015-02-23 07:36:06 UTC
monkeys are still evolving, we all are. As to evolving into humans there is no solid evidence they ever did. The best evidence we have is that at one time in evolution there were a lot more species then there are today. Many seem to have evolved or adapted cross bred or went extinct.

Will monkeys ever evolve into cigar smoking, Big Mack eating couch potatoes? That's quite possible given the possibility of more encroachment of man. Many have developed similar tendencies already. They don't seem to have an appreciation for the common razor though. The naked ape theory has been around for some time.
2015-02-22 23:56:40 UTC
Humans are not the pinnacle of evolution. That kind of thinking comes from religious minds trying to grasp evolution. Monkeys are still evolving and could turn into all sorts of interesting primates. Humans are one of many apes that evolved from monkeys. Some are extinct. Gorillas, Orangutangs, chimps and gibbons aren't. Gigantoipithecus was a giant gorilla like creature. More likely is that most monkeys will evolve into new kinds of monkeys. In a billion years they might look nothing like monkeys at all. Humans are still evolving too. We could diverge and branch out into all sorts of new critters. Check ot this proboscis monkey. One of two species of monkey that can swim. Its nose is even bigger than a human nose. Which is interesting as humans are the only apes that swim.
Danny Dix
2015-02-24 04:13:11 UTC
Well they ARE growing into humans. (Of sorts)

It's just that they do it rreeaallly slowly so nobody suspects.

It's not like you're feeding monkeys at the zoo one look away for a moment and back again to find you're trying to stuff a banana down Oprah's throat or anything.

It takes millions an millions of years just to evolutionize a baboons bright red monkey-bum into a human one, and even then you can still tell sometimes (hi Kim)

So it's moving along, but very very slowly. How slowly you ask?....My wife will have her makeup on and totally chosen a dress and the perfect matching shoes and handbag by the time any chimp manages to say....ok, nobody move. who ate the last banana.
2015-02-22 12:47:41 UTC
Monkeys, as everything else, are still evolving. Life is not stationary. It's a constant flux.

Nor are the monkeys present today man's ancestors. Our ancestors, as those of the monkeys, are already gone. Monkeys of today are perfectly adapted to whatever natural environments they come from. Evolution, like all natural forces, is neutral. It does not strive to make things "better"; it simply encourages whatever change fits a particular environment, which is why these monkeys will do a lot better smack in the middle of the jungles of Madagascar than you would.
2015-02-22 19:01:38 UTC
Ever notice this question comes up continuously on this site. Obviously some of You have not developed the ability to read or comprehend. And that's basically why some Monkeys have not evolved . Like You They have never been able to pay attention to the obvious.
2015-02-22 17:17:32 UTC
Come back in about a million years from now. It is going to be the monkeys trying to figure out who and what it was that had such an evolutionary effect on them just like we are now trying to figure out how we got where we are. If we give this planet a good dose of radiation and any monkeys survive it they certainly will be the smart ones the next time around. Unless the cockroaches evolve from so much radiation and leave the monkeys behind.
2015-02-23 02:39:42 UTC
Monkeys and Man both evolved from a more primative primate .. now extinct because it evolved.

We are therefore 'related' to Monkeys BUT they will never ''evolve into us''.

Your question is actually the same as asking whether Man will evolve into Monkeys.
2015-02-23 16:03:17 UTC
We didn't evolve from monkeys. Primates and Apes are different. Humans have evolved through many species of Apes that are extinct. Plus why are you trying to provoke an argument? Get a life! If you believe in god and the words of Jesus than thats fine. If you want to try to persuade a person than thats fine too but dont take shots.
2015-02-22 17:13:38 UTC
As everyone else has already said, monkeys and people have a common ancestor. If you were to try reasoning with your question, you would start asking "WHY DO MONKEYS NEED TO EVOLVE INTO PEOPLE TO SURVIVE?"

Compared to the lifestyle that most people live, monkeys live a rather simple lifestyle. They don't need to work for money, they don't have random thoughts on if there is a god of some sort that really cares about them, and some of them get to sit in a zoo doing whatever they want to while people watch them from a distance. MONKEYS DO NOT NEED TO EVOLVE INTO PEOPLE TO SURVIVE OR BETTER ADAPT TO THEIR ENVIRONMENTS!

Another thing you are missing out on, evolution takes so ****ing long that you would never be able to observe it within a single lifetime.

UPDATE: It seems as if my answer is misunderstood, as some of you think that I am speaking by means of emotion and have a contradicting conclusion.

The summary of my explanation is rather simple. Monkeys are not going to ensure their survival by evolving into people. The life of a person is far more complicated than that of any other animal. By evolving into humans, monkeys would be taking on more problems. That's all I'm really saying.

For some reason, people think that my closing statement is a contradiction, but it isn't. I am not stating that I will never know. I am just stating that if monkeys were to evolve into people, it would take far too long for any one of us to see it happen.
2015-02-23 13:46:36 UTC
Are you effing serious??? Why aren't they evolving into HUMANS??? That's like asking why one branch of your tree isn't growing back into and fusing with another branch. Do you get the picture?

Think of all the leaves on a tree: those are like all the species that exist today. Now think about the tree 10 years ago. The leaves then were the species then. Since then old branches split into new. Where there used to be leaves, some of those have turned into new branches, etc.

Make sense?

You better not be Poeing us with this sh*t!

Update: OK Mofo,,, there's no WAY you're not a Poe. I've had my bell rung by the last Poe tonight:

Name: Rad Jesus

Avatar: Crocoduck

21% best answers (how many other Poe accounts do you have?)

Profile info: "Just remember every time you look up at the moon, I too will be looking at a moon. Not the same moon, obviously, that’s impossible."

Lol... there's NO WAY this is a real question.
2015-02-24 23:56:17 UTC
So how many millions of years have you been observing?

Why would monkeys evolve into humans they've never done it before why now and why not a horse?

For the record, no on in the scientific field has ever said humans evolved from monkeys. If I'm wrong, prove it.
2015-02-22 23:57:17 UTC
Most of the simple but common "arguments" against evolution stem from serious misunderstandings of the science and principles that underlie it. Exploring the confusion behind the question is key to answering it. "Why are there still monkeys?" involves two major errors:

First, the psychological essentialism of folk biology. Research has shown that people (adults and children alike) tend to be "intuitive creationists." The phenomenon of psychological essentialism causes people not to engage in population thinking, but to lump all individual animals of a certain "natural kind" (in this case, monkeys) together as more or less identical. In this misconception of evolution, it is individuals that simultaneously "transform" rather than populations that evolve.

Second, the question misinterprets evolution as a linear process: an upward-sloping line, like the old, pre-scientific idea of a "Great Chain of Being". This is a simple way of viewing evolution and changes are easily visualized in a linear fashion — the famous picture of human ancestors walking behind each other is a prime example. However, this traces just one twig of a much more complicated tree of life. Many people are deeply reluctant to consider the possibility seriously, and treat it as asking "Do you want to be descended from a monkey?". But, of course, science and history are about what reality is and was, not what we would want it to have been.
2015-02-22 13:05:59 UTC
All populations of living organism are continuously evolving, improving how well they are suited for their environment.

Humans did not descend from monkeys, but rather from ape ancestors. You know, the primates without tails.

You need to appreciate that individuals don't evolve -- they can only survive, reproduce, and die. It is populations of organisms that evolve, as the DNA of successful individuals is "averaged" together to re-define the species. If the environment is stable, there are few evolutionary changes. If the environment is changing, the "average" DNA of the species will be slowly altered, generation by generation, to better accommodate the environmental changes.

Again, individuals do not evolve -- they can only live, reproduce, or die. Only the complete genome of a particular isolated population can evolve. Major changes take thousands to millions of generations, depending on the size of the evolving population.
2015-02-23 12:55:07 UTC
The typical type of question innocently asked by the totally uneducated individual brought up in some backward Neanderthal community spirit that has no intention of going anywhere at all. Such primitive teaching and it acceptance is a disgrace to ones fellow man.

However, to those of an observant frame of mind, it may have become noticeable of late that lots of the developing young people have more of the shuffling gait and gibbering communication habits of the monkey tribe than they have of the **** sapiens. Perhaps evolution has decided that it has taken a step too far, and that a return to a previous stage of development would be to a great advantage.
2015-02-24 17:13:12 UTC
"Still"? Monkeys never evolved into humans. Humans and monkeys both evolved from a now extinct common ancestor. They are still evolving, like all animals, but evolution has no goals.

And the Biology section is ← that way, under Science & Mathematics.
2015-02-22 12:56:23 UTC
Deist here. Evolution doesn't teach that monkeys evolve into humans. It teaches we share a common ancestry. Evolution is still occurring. But modern species don't turn into modern species. That would be shapeshifting not evolution.
2015-02-23 06:09:18 UTC
Monkeys were never evolved into humans. They were created as a different specie. While there are some commonalities, such as learning "language" and communication, that's where it ends. For that matter, why aren't amoebas still crawling up out of the ocean evolving into creatures with lungs and legs? Haven't seen any of those lately, either.
2015-02-22 22:05:55 UTC
First of all, not all people who believe in Evolution are atheists. Second, monkeys, apes, and humans had a common ancestor about 25 million years ago. Humans brains got larger out of necessity, while monkeys and apes had strong bodies that made them "more fit" to survive without having to be extremely intelligent like human beings had to be.
Averell A
2015-02-22 12:48:42 UTC
Humans did/do not evolve from monkeys. Monkeys and humans evolved separately from one source. That's why there are still monkeys and humans.
2015-02-23 17:05:36 UTC
I consider myself an atheist but, you need to understand that this is a theory that was made to help explain a scientific reason for the beginning of human exsistance. Now, people actually are starting to say that human evolution didn't happen because in order for a species to evolve the already existing one would have to be extinct. So we did not evolve, or else primates would be gone.

This is only from information that I found that Charles Darwin said.
2015-02-23 19:33:42 UTC
Probably because the monkeys of today had a change of heart. They probably thought, there's already more than enough of those silly looking monkeys over there that now wear clothes and maybe we should just stay the way we are.
2015-02-23 12:03:30 UTC
Evolution doesn't basically work that way. Changes to genetics occur at random and if the trait isn't deadly to the organism , it may propagate. If it enhances survival in the species habitat, it may propagate more. The creation of a new specie through this process involves many, many small changes over millions of years, or thousands of generations, until one variant can be easily differentiated, and categorized as truly distinct. Faster environmental changes favor such differences, by providing a higher threshold for survival as may require one variation over another even to survive, extincting older traits more rapidly. This natural funneling of random traits probably never ends for any specie, including hominids, and apes. This because there is no way at root, to eliminate random variation in living things. But, the process is slow, and not particularly directed at "becoming" anything. There are other influences, but that's the base picture.
robert p
2015-02-22 18:30:02 UTC
Monkeys have wanted to be monkeys from the time of their creation. Some people badly want to be related to monkeys. So are the evolution followers desiring to evolve down? Monkeys have never changed.
2015-02-22 20:04:18 UTC
We did not evolve from monkeys, but shared a common ancestor with them. It was a very specific set of circumstances, involving the many different environments of the giant Rift Valley, in East Africa, around 25 million years ago, accompanied by multiple ice ages which created the conditions which enabled arboreal prosimian like animals to evolve into semi arboreal primates.

As the forests dried, and thinned out, they had to spend more time on the ground, in the lightly wooded grasslands, savannah, and swamps, foraging for food, and using simple tools, such as rocks, to crush the skulls of kills left by the big predators, to access the brain, and smash bones for their fatty marrow.

It is extremely improbable that such a set of circumstances would ever occur again. Even when it did, humans and their neanderthal cousins shared the same, very basic tool kit for 100,000 years, and it was only an extreme ice age that forced early humans to cope with the new conditions, by refining and improving their tools, around 70,000 years ago, as evidenced by a cave near the beach in South Africa.
Logos Lore
2015-02-26 05:14:06 UTC
Based on questions like this, it's more likely we are evolving into monkeys.
2015-02-23 17:22:52 UTC
According to the theory of evolution, humans did NOT evolve from monkeys, nor did monkeys evolve into humans.

I would suggest that you know a subject before you draw conclusions about it.

And that you know what you are talking about before you talk about it.

Otherwise, you only draw erroneous conclusions and look like an idiot.

Which is what you have accomplished today on Y/A.
2015-02-22 13:59:59 UTC
Another person ignorant about evolution. Monkeys did not evolve into humans. Why don't you do some research before spewing your ignorance to other people. Why don't I just do the same thing. Did you know that car fish are actually Dragon babies. But they never become dragons because of humans eat them and pollution. Okay here I go. Humans evolved from a common ancestor of the chimpanzee.
2015-02-23 02:48:03 UTC
Every thing is still evolving, it is a continuous process, millions of years from now, nothing will look the same as it is today, wonder what human and monkeys will look like.
Brigalow Bloke
2015-02-22 13:49:35 UTC
You're the one who claims they are not evolving. Would you care to support your assertion of monkeys not evolving with hard evidence? Genome scans of past and recent populations would be good, but you cannot manage that, you probably don't even know what a genome scan is. So you might have to compare anatomies in detail. You probably have no idea how to do that either.

Show us that you are not utterly incompetent and produce some evidence.
2015-02-22 13:22:00 UTC
Because all humans are descended from a particular population of bipedal primates that evolved a long time ago. That population were, of course, descended from other prehistoric apes, which were themselves descended from prehistoric monkeys. But if a modern species of monkey were to produce distant descendants which shared some characteristics with humans, they still wouldn't be human because they'd be far too distant in their relationship to us.

Evolution doesn't generally go backwards. A species may be very different in some ways from its distanct ancestors, but it still carries genetic characteristics that reflect the whole course of its evolution. As a matter of fact, once we learned how the genetic code works, it became possible to trace such genetic relationships, providing a second, independent proof of the theory of evolution, based on a branch of biology that hadn't been discovered in Darwin's day.

Future descendants of modern monkey species could conceivably evolve a type of mental capacity similar to that possessed by humans. They could become, to humans (assuming our descendants still retain that capacity), recognizable as "people": another species with whom we could communicate and who exhibit intelligence similar to ours. But they would still be a different species; our gene pool and theirs separated enough to become incompatible a long time ago.

And there is no particular reason to expect that they would evolve in that particular manner. Evolution doesn't proceed toward any particular objective, so far as we know. (As I am NOT an atheist, I should mention here that from the point of view of an intelligent, eternal Creator, that might not be the case--but to those of us who experience time sequentially, as a sequence of causes and effects, any such notion of a particular destination for an evolutionary path is nonsense.)

They're evolving--but not particularly noticeably, because our view of extant life forms, compared to the time span over which significant evolutionary changes occur, is similar to viewing a single still frame from a seven-hour movie. We don't perceive rapid changes due to evolution, for the same reason we don't perceive movement in a still frame of the movie--we aren't seeing enough to perceive it.

They're evolving, but there is no particular reason to expect they'll evolve into anything like humans. After all, of all the many, many species descended from early primates, only one very small branch has become human. All modern species of monkeys and apes have evolved from those early ancestors, just as we have.
2015-02-22 16:45:51 UTC
Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Monkeys and humans evolved from another specie.
Foot faults are illegal!
2015-02-23 07:46:40 UTC
Depending on what you consider human, there is no reason a monkey could not evolve eventually into something similar to a human. Not within its lifetime, of course. It would take many, many generations. It happened once, with ancient apes.
2015-02-22 13:12:36 UTC
Monkeys evolved into monkeys from the same common ancestor that we did. They are very good at being monkeys... they are stronger, depending on the type of monkey you refer to, and they live in trees.... we don't live in trees, we can't swing from branch to branch... that is their environment and and they are well adapted to it. We did not evolve from chimps, apes or any common monkey but rather a primate type creature that both us and apes\chimps\gorillas evolved from.
2015-02-22 12:44:48 UTC
Because there is no need for them to do so.

Dolphins use about twice the brain capacity of humans and are continously improving themselves biologically. They have a very sophisticated language which humans have yet to decipher even the smallest part! Who knows someday dolphins may rule the earth while mankind and monkeys become a footnote in the history of the planet.
2015-02-22 23:57:11 UTC
Monkeys NEVER DID evolve into humans. The theory relates that apes and humans are derived from a common primate ancestor. Get it?
2015-02-23 06:29:22 UTC
"SIMPLY STATED they never started to evolve! THUS they still do not!

*** ce chap. 7 p. 86 par. 9 “Ape-Men”—What Were They? ***

9 Just how sparse is the fossil record regarding “ape-men”? Note the following. Newsweek: “‘You could put all the fossils on the top of a single desk,’ said Elwyn Simons of Duke University.”10 The New York Times:

*** ce chap. 6 pp. 81-82 Huge Gulfs—Can Evolution Bridge Them? ***

The Greatest Gulf of All

27 Physically, man fits the general definition of a mammal. However, one evolutionist stated: “No more tragic mistake could be made than to consider man ‘merely an animal.’ Man is unique; he differs from all other animals in many properties, such as speech, tradition, culture, and an enormously extended period of growth and parental care.”15

*** ce chap. 7 p. 86 par. 9 “Ape-Men”—What Were They? ***

Science Digest: “The remarkable fact is that all the physical evidence we have for human evolution can still be placed, with room to spare, inside a single coffin! . . . Modern apes, for instance, seem to have sprung out of nowhere. They have no yesterday, no fossil record. And the true origin of modern humans—of upright, naked, toolmaking, big-brained beings—is, if we are to be honest with ourselves, an equally mysterious matter
2015-02-23 01:26:35 UTC
The evolution system precludes such large mutations. Please read Richard Dawkins' books. Learn that humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor. Learn that human origin can be traced back to water creatures.
2015-02-22 17:57:01 UTC
Because monkeys never did.

Humans evolved from apes not monkeys, the difference is monkeys have tails, apes do not
2015-02-24 18:17:12 UTC
Either you are trolling, or you are completely ignorant about evolution. I'm hoping for the first, but am betting on the second. Evolution isn't magic, and is not linear. There are more than 100 other answers on here, so I'm really just getting my two points here. Please read a book other than the bible.
2015-02-22 13:19:08 UTC
Monkeys never evolved into humans. Modern monkeys and humans share a common ancestor way, way back. What you're asking is like asking why my fifth cousin doesn't turn into me.
2015-02-22 12:50:23 UTC
Evolution isn't god. It doesn't just magical poof apes into humans. Maybe you should go read a book. Any kind of book. While you're at it, remind yourself that it's just a book.
Vincent G
2015-02-22 14:58:34 UTC
The evolution into human requires a very specific mutation, involving the merging of two chromosome to form one, the humans chromosome #2.

Basically, apes are evolving, and drawing different "cards" randomly, but haven't hit on that "ace of spade" mutation like our ancestor did.
hot shot
2015-02-23 12:01:31 UTC
Because humans are not evolved from monkeys. As simple as that.
2015-02-22 12:39:39 UTC
How do you know they aren't? Are you watching every single monkey on earth, right at this moment, all at once?

You might have been a monkey until only recently....
2015-02-22 12:42:43 UTC
It's apes, not monkeys. And all lifeforms are evolving, slowly, over many generations. Humans did not evolve from modern apes, they evolved from the genetic ancestors of modern apes.
2015-02-22 13:40:13 UTC
Humans evolved from older forms of humans. They may have looked more ape like but were a completely different species than monkeys. As to still evolving this occurs minutely over eons and is unperceptible except during growth spurts where evolution accellerates.
2015-02-23 06:44:46 UTC
Had it not been for the extinction of the dinosaurs approx 65 million years ago, we would probably not evolved at all!!. It's all down to luck, coincidences that we evolved at all!!.
Ernest S
2015-02-22 20:22:14 UTC
It is the other way around, humans are devolving to monkeys.

God created us to be images of Him but many prefer to be mere animals and beasts and live no higher, counting themselves as having descended from lesser creatures.

Only sin is capable of driving any to such absurdities. God is rejected and denied because of sin. The issue is a moral one and does not bear examination from reason.
2015-02-22 13:32:59 UTC
Answer - Umm, humans didn't come from monkeys, we do have a Common Descendant with monkeys, but moreso, our closest Descendant is between humans and Chimpanzees.

Therefore, monkeys will stay monkey, as well as Chimpanzees, just like every other animal species on the planet. Only a Common Descendant species will change to become a different animal.
2015-02-23 12:00:27 UTC
Why do you direct this question to Atheists? There are many Atheists in the US who outright reject evolution and likewise many Theists who accept it fully. Stop being so immature. It is almost as if you are an Atheist troll masking yourself as a Theist for some rhetorical gain.
2015-02-23 07:03:00 UTC
yet again a religious person has misunderstood evolution.

monkeys and people have a common ancestor. Like you and your cousin, you don't have the same parents but you have a common ancestor.

so please if you have any science question ask someone who knows and not your priest or someone who hasn't actually read a book
Maurog IV
2015-02-22 12:47:52 UTC
What do you mean they aren't? Where do you think new humans come from?

Don't tell you you still believe in those cub stories about storks, gods, sex and cabbage...
Shimmy OG
2015-02-28 12:07:08 UTC
Because they're not in a Pokéball
Lt Kije
2015-02-23 02:15:07 UTC
Evolution takes many years and affects all species. Those that develop say, better colour perception, will eventually evolve into a separate species. Those that do not develop will perish because their "cousins" may have better awareness of "where the larder is" and so win the food race.
2015-02-22 15:42:31 UTC

Really, no scientist is saying that we are descended from today's "monkeys". They are saying that we SHARE THE SAME ANCESTORS as today's monkeys.
Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2015-02-22 12:42:41 UTC
Richard Dawkins admitted that although, "Evolution has been observed. It's just that it has not been observed while it's happening." I wish I were only kidding. Go figure.
2015-02-23 04:02:16 UTC
If you really want to know, then it's a scientst who is also a teacher you need to ask.

It,s not something I know enough about to be able to explain to someone who seems as confused and muddled about the concept of evolution as you do.
2015-02-23 09:34:28 UTC
Well it doesn't happen in a day does it??

Oh wait thats what you believe, that your god made humans and animals in one day... BUT THAT CANT HAPPEN...

Do the species today not differ from those millions of years ago... HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?

Oh yes evolution!
2015-02-22 12:47:16 UTC
monkeys keep on evolving into monkeys because evolution is Atheist dogma
2015-02-25 13:20:19 UTC
The Bible teaches that animals were created "after their own kind". Not that they evolved into different kinds.

Humans were created in the image of God. They were instructed to have "dominion over the animals". That being the case man could not have evern BEEN an animal, or a one celled ameba or anything else. God created all things after their own kind.
2015-02-22 19:47:40 UTC
monkeys are still evolving...but they won't into humans. the failure with your logic is that humans didn't come from monkeys, we share a common ancestor with monkeys. please read up on evolution before you deny it
2015-02-23 02:18:52 UTC
In fact they are since they are our badly represented descendants from days long lost in Lemuria in a very long time they too will become human but dont wait as such. Om Shantih.

the secret doctrine confirms all of these ideas.( theosophy.)
2015-02-22 20:24:29 UTC
Atheists apparently stopped evolving thousands of years ago xD love your question btw lol.
2015-02-22 20:22:39 UTC
Certain snails have under gone evolution to adapt to photosynthesis. I cannot comment of the money situation (cause there are other forms of evolution besides towards human race) however one cannot deny evolution. There is just too much evidence to prove it.
2015-02-24 01:13:39 UTC
They probably are. Who knows what they and we will have evolved into after a few more million years?
2015-02-22 20:16:29 UTC
It was destined to be like that only for a temporary period.

Monkeys also do have the same doubt. But they are not able to express.
2015-02-24 22:58:04 UTC
Evolution is a slow process, and we share an ancestor with apes not monkeys.
2015-02-23 11:12:38 UTC
Beg to differ. The fact my reader has evolved just smart

enough to read what your betters answer is sufficient proof
2015-02-23 13:58:55 UTC
I don't know....I wasn't alive yet when God created everything....lets put it this way....the only true knowledge is actual experience in my opinion....if I wasn't there....I have no way of knowing what really happened.
2015-02-22 12:58:58 UTC
Theist so your ignorant enough not to know that it was Theists who placed the "monkey" into the Theory of Evolution in their vain effort to discredit a theory which does not address the origin of life.
2015-02-22 13:06:04 UTC
OMG! Are you serious? How can anyone function with such little brain capacity? And you're a coward to boot....why not ask this question in one of the Science sections? What are you - 14 years old?
2015-02-28 14:28:41 UTC
Apes have 98% of our DNA. That may seem close, but if you consider that a cabbage has 32%, that gives an idea how far they are from us.
2015-02-23 03:47:57 UTC
Do you think Wayne Rooney has evolved into a human? I DOUBT IT!!
2015-02-22 17:05:24 UTC
I came here to read the many ignorant laughable answers by those who claim to be atheists....quit amusing i must say !!!

their answers would be almost valid if it were not from the fact even apes have better sense !!!
2015-02-24 20:17:31 UTC
They have no need to. If they ever need to, they will evolve over millions of years.
2015-02-23 09:58:54 UTC
Because when you believe in NOTHING,then there's nothing to say anymore.
2015-02-23 05:17:19 UTC
Please don't ask questions you clearly don't have any serious interest in.

If you want to know about evolution, read a book and learn why your question is silly.
Christian Sinner
2015-02-22 12:43:41 UTC
As I am an atheist because I don't believe in Baal, I will answer.

The reason why they are not evolving into monkeys is because they haven' figured out why they should. I mean, what's in it for them? When they have a reason, and a few millions of years (prior years don't count, especially if you are watching for it), then they will change into whatever is convenient.

edit: Asker (Anonymous) watch out. One of them put your question into the Toddler and Preschooler Section. I think you should report them. I understand that you can do that now.
2015-02-22 12:56:50 UTC
Humans are already here.

Suppose you have a cousin. Why will your children not be your cousin? Because your cousin is already here. Same principle; different scale.
2015-02-22 12:39:25 UTC
Don't understand simple biology? ASK THE ATHEISTS ON YAHOO ANSWERS!
2015-02-23 10:08:44 UTC
This is a riddle? What's the answer?
2015-02-22 13:07:49 UTC
Because we have a common ancestor, they are at the their end and we on ours. There is only a 2% DNA difference, BTW!
2015-02-23 04:15:59 UTC
Because they NEVER DID in the first place. They cannot evolve when they were BORN THAT WAY--as dictated by the Almighty God.
2015-02-24 02:21:09 UTC
they are evolving generation by generation with simple

genetic mutations that we cannot observe in one life time
2015-02-24 14:43:49 UTC
Because the monkeys are smart enough not to want to.
2015-02-25 17:34:42 UTC
Sorry for your ignorance. Humans didn't evolve from monkeys (as we know them today). Learn something new... exercise your brain.... see the evidence....

But while you are trying to comprehend that....

Let's talk about evolution but on my terms. A person poses a rhetorical question on Y!, usually with no knowledge of evolutionary principles. S/he may provide unreferenced quotes, misquotes, made up quotes, misstatements, YouTube videos, or Creationist websites. S/he usually doesn't know that evolution has NOTHING to do with the origin of life, which is the science of abiogenesis. The person doesn't provide any natural process that would STOP evolution from happening in nature. And the person's only alternative, whether stated or not, is a supernatural origin (Creationism) for the species diversity we see today.

So.... thanks for the opportunity to present references to readers that might never have seen Creationism exposed as a non-science, and evolution shown as very much a falsifiable set of predictions and mechanisms to explain the diversity of life on this planet. In 150 years of research in the fields of biology, biogeography, geology, molecular biology, anthropology, paleontology, population genetics, and others, the theory of evolution has been modified (see below for the definition of a theory), but never falsified.

If I were to suggest only one thing for you to read, it would be the 2005 court case where Creationists pushing Intelligent Design wanted it taught in the science curriculum of public schools as science. The conservative judge, after hearing evidence in a court of law, including testimony from the leading Creationists, ruled that Creationism was a religious approach and not scientific. Creationism/Intelligent Design did not use the methods of science and had no evidence to support it. Here is the full judge's decision which prohibited the teaching of ID in the science curriculum:


and a quote from his conclusion: "In making this determination, we have addressed the seminal question of whether ID is science. We have concluded that it is not, and moreover that ID cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents."

Also you should see the position of the National Academy of Sciences. If you haven't heard of them: "The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a private, non-profit society of distinguished scholars. Established by an Act of Congress, signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, the NAS is charged with providing independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology. Scientists are elected by their peers to membership in the NAS for outstanding contributions to research. The NAS is committed to furthering science in America, and its members are active contributors to the international scientific community. Nearly 500 members of the NAS have won Nobel Prizes, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, founded in 1914, is today one of the premier international journals publishing the results of original research."

This is part of a statement by them about evolutionary theory.... "The formal scientific definition of theory is quite different from the everyday meaning of the word. It refers to a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence.

Many scientific theories are so well-established that no new evidence is likely to alter them substantially. For example, no new evidence will demonstrate that the Earth does not orbit around the sun (heliocentric theory), or that living things are not made of cells (cell theory), that matter is not composed of atoms, or that the surface of the Earth is not divided into solid plates that have moved over geological timescales (the theory of plate tectonics). Like these other foundational scientific theories, the theory of evolution is supported by so many observations and confirming experiments that scientists are confident that the basic components of the theory will not be overturned by new evidence. However, like all scientific theories, the theory of evolution is subject to continuing refinement as new areas of science emerge or as new technologies enable observations and experiments that were not possible previously"
Steve B
2015-02-25 19:24:49 UTC
yes, a monkey evolved and posted this question.
2015-02-22 17:50:26 UTC
They can, they just don't want to. lol Silly evolution.
2015-02-25 12:57:47 UTC
They ran out of monkey juice
2015-02-23 03:40:13 UTC
They stopped when they began calling themselves Americans!
2015-02-23 00:50:10 UTC
OP . needs to get a better education ... You make your countries education system look bad
2015-02-23 00:55:26 UTC
They never have. We just share a common ancestry
2015-02-23 09:47:45 UTC
Who says this Bull **** ! No matter what your thought is; think wisely you must get the desired answer you need.
2015-02-22 18:01:54 UTC
Because monkeys are not stupid anymore.
2015-02-23 05:33:09 UTC
Why is this addressed to atheists? If you believe God made the world, then evolution is how God made it.
2015-02-24 10:00:15 UTC
They arnt adapting to modern life. They are to wild life.
2015-02-22 12:48:43 UTC
They are, I saw them swing out of the trees and then go to tesco to buy pot noodles.
2015-02-23 09:18:57 UTC
Cause its a bunch of bs
2015-02-24 10:09:30 UTC
Wait about 50000 years and repost your question.
2015-02-23 00:01:26 UTC
All you need to do is to Google or go straight to the book.
2015-02-23 02:12:38 UTC
As usal deny it
2015-02-23 14:33:10 UTC
I do nt believe in evolution
2015-02-22 16:04:36 UTC
Whatever we say is too complicated for creationists.
2015-02-22 12:41:36 UTC
Evolution is always happening.
2015-02-22 18:42:52 UTC
For the same reason as always. They never have and never will.
2015-02-25 13:33:36 UTC
They still do. They fill whole continents.
2015-02-22 22:16:31 UTC
Because they choose not to be like you.
2015-02-22 20:11:47 UTC
i don't know
Campbell Hayden
2015-02-22 18:59:53 UTC
They still are ... and this question is clearly indicative of it.
2015-02-22 13:13:21 UTC
Good question but you'll never get an answer.
2015-02-23 18:48:24 UTC
LOL i like the first answer hahah
2015-02-23 15:48:40 UTC
Thats not how it works.
2015-02-23 22:12:20 UTC
don't know
2015-02-22 20:03:35 UTC
Pay attention...they are in the NBA.
2015-02-23 08:04:00 UTC
it is just a lie
2015-02-23 09:43:24 UTC
the lie never come as true
2015-02-24 19:28:30 UTC
because they never did
That guy that did that thing
2015-02-22 13:16:41 UTC
Because you are a moron
2015-02-24 16:44:08 UTC
because they never did in the first place.
2015-02-23 03:32:09 UTC
they cant tell
2015-02-22 12:39:02 UTC
because science......
five toed sloth
2015-02-22 12:46:23 UTC
Were you there?????
2015-02-22 13:17:50 UTC
apparently they are......

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.