Scientists dont know evrythimg and to put all ur faith in science is delusional. What we thought we "knew" 100years ago is now wrong and 100 b4 that was different b4 then and so on. Science does have it's place in society and is very knowledgable is alota areas but not all, especially in events that can't be xplained by science that defy the law of physics of the supernatural. Again, how can any1 have faith in a logic that states that complex intelligence with a consciousness and emotions came from a random sporatic unintelligent big bang? It's illogical but atheists aren't able t grasp this concept by the way they think. It's a mental block. Literally. Atheism is a form of autism which has a deficiency in a part of the brain that fails to think critically with logic and deductive reason. Science doesn't always mean logic but u can't grasp that fact cause of this mental block. So, in a way, ur considered retarded.
The strongest connection between atheism and autism before now was a paper presented at a conference last year by Catherine Caldwell-Harris and collaborators at Boston University. Survey respondents with high-functioning autism were more likely than control subjects to be atheists and less likely to belong to an organized religion. And atheists were higher on the autistic spectrum than Christians and Jews.
That’s where the new paper comes in. Ara Norenzayan and Will Gervais of the University of British Columbia and Kali Trzesniewski of UC Davis report on four studies. The first study replicates the finding of the BU research: 12 autistic and 13 neurotypical adolescents took part, and the neurotypical subjects were 10 times as likely to strongly endorse God.
The other three studies went further. They included hundreds of participants from a variety of demographics in the US and Canada and used various measures of belief in God and of mentalizing abilities. The results of all three followed the same pattern.
First, people with higher scores on the Autism Spectrum Quotient (items included “I am fascinated by numbers,” and “I find social situations [difficult]”) had weaker belief in a personal God. Second, reduced ability to mentalize mediated this correlation. (Mentalizing was measured with the Empathy Quotient, which assesses self-reported ability to recognize and react to others’ emotions, and with a task that requires identifying what’s being expressed in pictures of eyes. Systematizing—interest in and aptitude for mechanical and abstract systems—was correlated with autism but was not a mediator.) Third, men were much less likely than women to say they strongly believed in a personal God (even controlling for autism), and this correlation was also mediated by reduced mentalizing. That's right, reduced mentalizing.. Pretty much sums it up
The head of an autism association in Turkey has apologised for suggesting that autistic people were natural atheists, and that atheism could be a form of autism.
Sociologist Fehmi Kaya, head of the Health and Education Associations for Autistic Children, was reported in numerous Turkish media outlets as saying autistic children were “atheists due to a lack of a section for faith in their brains.” This is proof of a mental block and the the limited cognitive ability in the brains of atheists.
“That is why they don’t know how to pray, how to believe in God. It is necessary to create awareness [or religion] in these children through methods of therapy.”
"Autistic children were atheists from birth without being aware of it," he was quoted as saying. “Research says atheism and autistic children are linked. Researchers in the USA and Canada say that atheism is a different form of autism.” “We cannot expect a child who cannot recognize a picture to recognize God. We need to help the autistic child recognize objects through therapy by targeting areas of senses in the brain.” The study is proof that the part of the atheist's brain is lacking stimuli limiting the full cognitive process of the brain, therefore, limiting or the inability of the their brain's full potential in deductive reasoning and critical thinking which in turn limits the full awareness of being human and human consciousness..If u choose to leave me message, I will not reply back because It's pointless to argue with a person who has limited cognitive ability, especially a person whose not even aware of it. I don't wanna pick of the handicapped or as we say now in the era of political correctness..mentally challenged..So, I'm ready 4 all of your thumbs down, angry comments, general insults, personal attacks with no substance& illogical fueled bratty tirades