How many "believers" really believe?
Why did you leave out atheists in your list as they are the biggest hypocrites on the planet? As you know, what makes an atheist an atheist is their belief that they were made without one intelligent thought. This makes being void of intelligence their natural state of being and they prove this by saying they don't believe they believe anything but never attempt to prove it scientifically.
Nor do they attempt to prove their belief that if you leave a big enough rock (earth) alone long enough (several billion years), that which is void of intelligence will naturally evolve into that which is intelligent. Of course, they failure to prove this belief has never swayed them to stop clinging to there illogical conclusion making atheists the poster children of what "blind faith" looks like.
If they would only think about what they believed they would know that beliefs in "right and wrong" are anti-atheism. So the atheists attempting to say they are right about what they believe are true hypocrites. Again, if they thought, they would know they have no reason to live because reason requires intelligence and being made with intelligence proves the theist's position.
Since being an atheist requires you to believe you were made without one intelligent thought, having a reason to live is not possible. Right and wrong require reason.
What makes "right" right is that is what the Creator of the Universe made you to do. Wrong is everything else. As atheists were not made to do anything during their lifetime, it is impossible for them to do something "wrong" since no "right" exists.
As you know, the poster children of "blind faith" will often try to cram their religion down your throat. These unprovoked attacks are thoughtless so getting the atheist to think about the benefits of being an atheist will not only be the first time they thought about atheism, it will also silence them.
Ask them to prove their belief that something is "right". Anything will do since "right" doesn't exist in their world and they are using theism beliefs when they want to say they are "right."
So use atheism to silence the atheist, "Why they believe _____ is right?" And you can add, "What religion is teach you that?" Their options are limited and you can take them to the same place.
"It is my opinion" Your response. "I will respect your opinion as dumb as I think it is if you will respect my opinion as dumb as you think it is. Now stop trying to cram your religion down my throat."
All other answers require a universal truth. "We can't survive if _____ occurs" "How can you believe ____ is "right"? How can you believe _____ is "wrong"?
Rather than argue about how atheists can demand you to believe in a universal truth about what we were created to do or not do and having them examine who put that sense of morality in them when a rock can not, simply start at their death and have them plot how this will matter when the sun becomes a red giant.
In other words, since a rock from the sun + billions of years = intelligent life
keep the equation going.
a rock from the sun + billions of years = intelligent life = death + billions of years = rock returning to be part of the sun
Ask, what did intelligence life change? Nothing. The sum of all human existence will be nothing. Therefore, humanity can not do "right or wrong" according to atheism. In atheism, all paths lead to the same life and death does not change anything on earth. With atheism, what we do doesn't matter.
"Right and wrong" does not evolve from a rock. Anytime they want to say they are "right" or "wrong", they are being hypocrites trying to do that which their religion doesn't believe in since atheism believes all paths lead to the same final conclusion be that the grave or the earth returning to being part of the sun.
As I have not met all atheists, it is hard for me to say how many believers actually believe. Most true of the true atheists I know are in prison arguing they didn't do anything "wrong" when they killed, stole, raped, etc, etc.
But all believers who know God personally can not later say they never knew Him so all Believers believe.
Hope this helps