"Does the structure and order in the astrology chart and the way the energies of the planets interact prove there is some kind of God?"
The astrology chart is made up nonsense.
"As an astrologer who has done readings and studied this for years"
In this case you should know that astrology is unrelated to reality.
"Ok so there seems to be a structure and order in the way everything works."
Everything??? You have some great unified theory of everything? That would grant you a nobel prize.
"Here is an example ok so let's say I was born in 1987 my soulmate"
On soulmates you want to read this great essay. It looks like a comic, but don't let that fool you, the math is solid: https://what-if.xkcd.com/9/
"You get my point here the astrology charts is a map of the soul"
No. If astrology had any value, then people born at the same time in the same area would live the same life.
They don't. Not even a bit.
That makes astrology useless.
Totally absolutely useless.
"so there is some force controlling reincarnation at a certain point."
Nope. Reincarnation happens only in stories. Reincarnation is not real.
"There are spiritual laws and physical laws."
Yes. The main difference is that spiritual laws exist in fantasy and physical laws describe how stuff behaves in the real world. The problem is that spiritual laws are different in each persons fantasy.
Do you know that there is a difference between fantasy and reality?