Curious about the bible and Christianity! please help!?
2006-11-07 12:50:50 UTC
question 1.) if God made all of us who made God?

2.) in the church incest is a sin well if there was only Adam and Eve surely their children incset occered there to make us all!

3.) how come the words Christ, Christianity and Trinity are not mentioned in the Bible?

please please could someone answer these questions I am confused about my faith and it would really help. thanks :-)
33 answers:
James the less
2006-11-07 13:39:36 UTC
Your faith, that you speak of, is not true, for true faith is a gift of God. It is God speaking to you and revealing to you. The understanding about those questions would become apparent if you had that faith.

You need to seek God Himself and the salvation that is only available through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

Life and understanding is given by God's Spirit through Jesus Christ.

Since the Bible is the revealed and infallible word of God you could do no better than seek Him through His word.

Peter tells us that we are born, spiritually born, through the word of God (1 Peter 1/23) and Paul enjoins us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly (Colossians 3/16) and we live not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4/4).

Christ Himself said that the word he spoke was God's word and that God had sent Him(John14/24).

Maybe you should start by examining all that Christ said. You also need to learn what His chosen apostles teach. Apostles whom He personally commissioned and through whom He reached the whole world. They should know.

If you rely upon what man says, especially here on Yahoo answers, you will certainly be misled and end up more confused.

Go to the original yourself. Go to God. Go to the Bible, God's word.
2006-11-07 13:16:03 UTC
Good questions.

1. I think God, in one form or another, has always existed. Could he have a father and mother, sure, why not, but there is not record of it and even if the bible may contradict that, the bible deals with things of this world, maybe there are other worlds, etc.

2. I'm not sure it was a commandment of God not to commit incest, and am sure it wasn't mentioned to Adam and Eve. The only commandments they received (after being kicked out of the Garden for disobeying one) was to multiply and replenish the Earth. Incest as we know it was legislated because of the problems that can occur when close relatives have children.

3. There are plenty direct teachings (words of Christ) in the Bible. Christianity wasn't mentioned because it didn't come about until after Christ was gone. Christ was a Jew who came and said the old laws which they followed were fulfilled in him and he gave them a new law. His followers called themselves the body of Christ and desciples of Christ. At some point someone decided that those who followed his teachings would be Christians. The trinity is not mentioned because it was made up by someone in the lated 200's and was adopted by the Catholic church around 324 AD. Before that they weren't all considered one being. I think the bible contains sufficient teachings you could go either way, it is just something you have to research and come to your own conclusion on.

Good luck.
2006-11-07 13:36:24 UTC
God is a being who is outside of space and time. No one made him, he has always existed. Time is nothing to him, because he says, "A day is as a thousand years." Back then in the beginning with Adam and Eve, humans were perfect. Many of the diseases that exist now (from genetic mutation) did not exist then, therefore they could intermarry with family members and everything be all right. What makes incest bad now is the compilation of "bad" genes being mulitiplied by the intermarriage. That just wasn't the case back then. The Word Christ is mentioned in the New Testament now, but not then. Christ itself means, "the annointed", which is is prophetic name in Daniel 9. God says that he will send his anointed on a certain date, 483 years after Jerusalem was to be rebuilt. The Trinity is a mystery that was not revealed until the New Testament. The prophet Zechariah hints at it, saying that, "There are two anointed ones who help the LORD rule over the earth." Trinity is a word added latter from the Latin root of it, because after all, the Bible was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
2006-11-08 21:04:55 UTC
God had no beginning, that is why He is God. Ther is no limit to His attributes and abilities.

Adam and Eve were perfect. Their children and grandchildren were closer to perfection. There may be other reasons of which a deep study of the Bible WILL reveal the answer eventually

Christ and Christian is mentioned in the Bible throughout Romans ch 15 & 16, 1 Corinthians Chapter 1, Ephesians chapter 3, Acts 26 v28 and 1 Peter 4 v16. There are many other places where Christ is mentioned. However, Trinity is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible and it is not a Bible doctrine. Any religion which believe is in aTrinity, does not believe in the Bible, even if they hold it in their hands. Many churches betray a lack of faith and destroy it where they find it. You might find it beneficial to ask one of Jheovah's Witnesses face to face. What they say might greatly encourage you.
2006-11-07 12:54:52 UTC
Well for starters, you might want to read the Bible a little closer. Just off the top of my head I know "Christ" and "Christians" are both in the Bible--"Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God" (Peter speaking in one or more of the Gospels) and "They were first called Christians at Antioch" (The book of Acts).

Now for the remaining items:

1. God is not subject to natural law as He exists outside of time/space (hence the term "SUPERnatural"). Therefore, it is conceivable that He could be an infinite Being with no beginning.

2. Incest wasn't declared a sin until the Levitical law

3. I already addressed "Christ" and "Christianity." "Trinity" is a theological term to describe what is taught in the Bible. There are many theological terms that are not found in the Bible, but they rather are a concise description of what is indeed in the Bible--a sort of short-hand, if you will.

I hope that helps clear up a little bit of your confusion. God bless!
2006-11-07 13:11:26 UTC
1. WHO MADE GOD- none made god hunni, god is all there is and all ther ever will be.( ie you , me the flower the tree, the nothing , the everything) we are just showing up different ways.

2.More than likely Adam and Eve are metaphors for the essence of female and male. Since Christanity derives Judahism , the old testment has two accounts of creation. Where God created male and female at the same time and then the nice story of being made from a rib.

3. The word chirst is menchioned in the bible as a title for jesus.

christanity is the name of a religion that was established many years after the death of christ.

Anyways regaurdless of these things Incest is wrong, so is rape and touching a child in any way. When you go against someones free will its is wrong. So make decisions for yourself!!
2006-11-07 13:05:49 UTC
1.) Genesis 1:1 -- In the beginning, God ...

St. John 1:1 -- In the beginning was the Word {Logos} and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

2.) In the very early days the DNA wasn't as corrupted and, since this was God's way to "plenish" the earth, with one man and one woman (so all humans would be of "one race"), then it was acceptable. Later, though, it was called "incest" and once God declared that to be wrong, then it is wrong.

3) True, the word "Trinity" does not appear in the KJV Bible; neither does the word "Bible", does it? [However the concept of the Trinity is well-taught in the Bible!] But, what Bible are you using if the word "Christ" does not appear in it? Check an unabridged Concordance!!

And certainly the disciples, early on in the Church, were called "Christians"

Acts 11:26 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
Dianne C
2006-11-07 13:00:50 UTC
1. God has always been. It's too complex for our minds to comprehend, but we will come to an understanding when we face Him.

2. You're right! In the CHURCH, incest is a sin. Incest was not always considered a sin. Royalty used to marry eachother. I don't know anywhere in Scripture where it says marrying your family member is a sin. In fact that was going on alot in the Old Testament.

3. Christ is mentioned all the time in the Bible. "Christ" is an adjective. It means "Annointed". So, when the Bible said "Christ Jesus" it means "Annointed Jesus" when it says "the Christ" it means "the Annointed One.

Christians are referred to in Acts, the name the Romans gave to those who followed "The Way", which is what it was called in the beginning.

It also says in the New Testament all over, referring to the three, God, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and "These Three are One."

Why don't you get into a good Bible Study with others, or get into the Word and do some research? Your eyes will be opened and you will enjoy the journey!
2006-11-08 13:55:03 UTC
The Holy Bible Douay-Rheims Version

With Challoner Revisions 1749-52

1899 Edition of the John Murphy Company


James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore, September 1, 1899.

Pope Damasus assembled the first list of books of the Bible at the Roman Council in 382 A.D. He commissioned St. Jerome to translate the original Greek and Hebrew texts into Latin, which became known as the Latin Vulgate Bible and was declared by the Church to be the only authentic and official version, in 1546.

The DR New Testament was first published by the English College at Rheims in 1582 A.D. The DR Old Testament was first published by the English College at Douay in 1609 A.D. The first King James Version was not published until 1611. This online DRV contains all 73 books, including the seven Deutero-Canonical books (erroneously called Apocrypha by Protestants). These seven books were included in the 1611 KJV, but not in later KJV Bibles.

The whole Douay-Rheims Bible was revised and diligently compared with the Latin Vulgate by Bishop Richard Challoner in 1749-1752 A.D. The notes included in the text were written by Dr. Challoner.

The DR Bible was photographically reproduced from the 1899 edition of the John Murphy Company, Baltimore, Maryland, by Tan Books in 1971. Eventually, this edition was optically scanned to produce a large text file which this publisher used for creating this website, with the aid of text-processing software.

One important goal of this project was to preserve the original text "as is", without making any changes in the wording, because the original text had the Imprimatur of James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore, dated Sept 1st 1899.

The text file was checked quite thoroughly by software written by the publisher for punctuation errors and verses out of order. The index was humanly checked for misspelled words and the corrections were made to the text. However, some spelling errors may still be present in the text. Many verses were out of order in the original file. These have been corrected.

Every effort was made to ensure that this online version is an exact match to the original printed version. No words were added or ommitted from the text, except for correcting errors caused by the scanning process. No words were rearranged. No verse numbers were changed, except in the case of Psalm 9.

Psalm 9 originally contained 21 verses and there were 2 versions of Psalm 10, numbering 1-18 and 1-8. This obviously caused a conflict, so it was decided to make the first Psalm 10 as the last part of Psalm 9 and renumber the verses 22-39. This retains the same numbering as all the Douay Rheims. Note, in the Protestant Bibles the numbering of Psalms 10 through 146 differs by one.
2006-11-07 12:59:05 UTC
1.) God was there before time, that's a usually asked question and to be honest, no one knows, so if anyone says they know and that whatever they say is the real reason, they are lying, but truthfully no one knows.

2.) How else would they populate the earth? but to answer your question. Back then the effects on people weren't as definite, like they didn't get as many deformaties, because God wanted it that way. Now, everyone may not be related but you never know how closely you are, plus God planned it that way to keep us from more sin.

3.) those words are mentioned but just in different terms, like trinity, basically means god the father, god the son,a nd god the holy spirit, see, three in one, a "trinity". Christ is mentioned in the Bible, in Matthew, Mark, or Luke, when Jesus was born the angel says, " a child was born who is Christ the Lord..." or somehting like that statement.
2006-11-07 12:59:31 UTC
1) God is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega - He has always existed. He is the Great I Am - there was no one before Him. He spoke the world into existence - He was, is, and forever will be.

2) Yes there was incest during Bible times - things have changed greatly. There were not many people on the earth then.

3) In my New American Standard Bible - Christ appears many many times - not sure where you got this. As for Christianity, that is a term that means Christ-like or a follower of Jesus Christ - does not have to be in the Bible - word was made up later to describe followers of Jesus. Trinity is not in the Bible, again men use this word to describe - God, Jesus, Holy Spirit - the Godhead - God in three persons - but they do have different purposes - all three Spirit of God though. God the Father - Creator, Jesus Christ - Son of God, God incarnate, Savior, Holy Spirit - Comforter, God within us when we receive salvation. Its sort of like - water, ice, steam - all water but different purposes.

I hope this helps you. As for your confusion - that comes from the devil - rebuke him and he will flee - draw close to God and He will guide you. Blessings to you dear one.
2006-11-07 12:57:31 UTC
l. No one really knows, most likely he had parents as well.

2. Adam and Eve did not participate in incest, they entered into a covenant of marriage between them and God. We are all brothers and sisters until we enter into the covenant of marriage. (Now think of how much incest is in the world).

3. Christ is, He is the annointed one. I belong to a Christian church where we have modern day revelation from Jesus Christ himself and He does tell us to call ourselves Christians. Trinity is not mentioned in the Godhead, but I also don't believe in the trinity, however, I do believe in the Godhead, which consists of the Father, the Son, and The Holy Ghost which are three distinct personages, two of flesh, one of Spirit.

I hope this helps.
2006-11-07 12:59:30 UTC
I do not believe this is the place to deal with serious questions. This forum could be great for that if it were not for so many on here with the sole purpose of sabatoge....immature.....wish I could take the time to answer your questions.

God has always exist...he was not created....try to grasp in your mind a time when nothing existed at all...if nothing existed then how does something come of still does not have all the answers just more questions as you dig into things...

Christ is mentioned in the Bible many times.

Believers after Jesus was crucified were known as Christians...history...

Listening on here to people with only partial knowledge is interesting at best.
2006-11-07 13:00:12 UTC
1. God is self-existent and self-sufficient.| 2. Adam and Eve lived for many hundreds of years, so enough generations passed to make their descendants properly distant.| 3. Of the words you mentioned, only the Trinity isn't mentioned specifically. The concept, however, is supported by the Bible from beginning to end.
Lotus Phoenix
2006-11-07 12:54:56 UTC
Not a Christian BUT:

#2) In all fairness, when Soddam was destroyed Lots daughters had sex with him to make babies because they believed they were the only people left on earth and they weren't punished. Is incest a sin in the bible??????????

#3) Christ comes from the Greek word meaning Messiah. I doubt JESUS was even his name. They do say Father, son, and holy Spirit right????

God is always, has always been, will always be. Where does anything origianate from...?
2006-11-07 12:54:43 UTC
God made himself from nothing.

God is the spark I guess, prebigbang, but he is not a dude with a white beard.

Adam and Eve I guess needed to procreate so it was OK back then.

Those words like Christ are the name we give to Jesus the savior because we are followers , the trinity is Catholic--first established church, tradition.
2006-11-07 13:10:21 UTC

1) God=Creator not Creature... meaning ... as time, as space, as energy... he is eternal. Is time eternal? SO HE IS... and that is esencial to many other things... In the Bible he states that he is spirit (greek pneuma Wind) or energetic being (John 4:24). And science states "energy cannot be destroy or created"

2) The law is applicable from the monent is given NOT retroactive. So it was not sin BEFORE the LAW... but now this method of filling the earth is not the appropiate, so God change the law to the new population.

3) Christ ... or Mesiah there is in the Bible... MANY TIMES.

Chistianity, no that term is new, basically adopted later.

Trinity... is not in the Bible simply because was not teach by Jesus and nobody from the Bible. It came to Christianity by adoption and modification of external pagan european concepts as same as Burning Hell, Purgatory, Baby baptize and use of imaginery: True christian reject this teachings and refer only to the Holy passages... ONE GOD and ONE SON ... two DIFFERENT PERSONS:..

Please check this study of this matters...
Mr Glenn
2006-11-07 12:55:35 UTC
There is no answer to your first point that doesn't rely on completely abitrary ideas - is unexplainable in proper scientific, real world terms.

Part 2 - these sort of things just show up the multitude of hypocrisies, contradictions and inadequacies of religion.

Part 3 - Don't ask questions like that or god will smack your bottom.
Chosen 1
2006-11-07 12:59:40 UTC
1). God is eternal, He is a spirit, no one made Him. He made himself.. that's the beauty of God. Eternal means before time, in time and after time. He is what was, what is, and what is to come.

2) Not so sure about this one.

3). All those words are mentioned tons of times in the Bible.

Please do not give up on Christ. Don't be confused. He died for you and is allowing you to receive the FREE gift of salvation with no strings attached!! Accept Him today!!
2006-11-07 13:07:01 UTC
I understand what your asking but there is no easy answer to these questions that test our faith. Remember St Thomas even doubted Jesus resurection. After living with him and working with him and after witnesing all the miracles he performed he still had doubt that he was the son of God who Died and then lived again, Only when He poked his fingers into his wounds did he believe. Thats when Jesus spoke those beautiful words to Thomas when he said... Thomas you believe because you have seen me and poked your finger into my wound. Blessed are those who believe and have not seen what you have seen..... Its not easy to believe but I bet you can feel god in your Heart even if you doubt that also. Thats the best I can offer as a ordinary joe like you..
2006-11-07 13:43:33 UTC
u don't have to think at this..who made god that's not our problem..and we all have this original sin from adam&eve and who said christ.christianity and trinity r not in the bible??
2006-11-07 12:55:52 UTC
Matthew 1:1

[ The Genealogy of Jesus ] A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham:

Matthew 1:16

and Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

Matthew 1:18

[ The Birth of Jesus Christ ] This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.

i do see christ...

christianity is the belief in christ... thus CHRISTians...
stirling silver
2006-11-07 13:28:54 UTC
religion is man made just be the best person you can be and help others and your life will have been worth living after all who wrote the bible or for that matter all holy books MAN OF COURSE( FAITH SHOULD BE IN HUMANITY AND ON YOURSELF)
2006-11-07 13:54:08 UTC
I had to give so many thumbs downs on these answers my fingers hurt. Save yourself some time and get out of the religion now.
2006-11-08 02:33:49 UTC
1) omnipotent

2) christianity is bull

3) made up and changed throughout the ages
2006-11-07 13:28:08 UTC
some of the answers u got here suggests it wa ok back then but why not now???? if it really was the word of god why change things?? religion is mankinds biggest ever scam
2006-11-07 12:57:33 UTC
I remember when I first started asking questions about Christianity. I left the religion. Maybe that is where you are heading.
aline b
2006-11-07 12:54:14 UTC
FAITH means being confused and having questions without answers..
2006-11-07 14:03:59 UTC
Don't believe the brainwashed.
2006-11-07 14:27:45 UTC
become an atheist and live longer.
george p
2006-11-07 12:54:31 UTC
get simple
2006-11-07 12:54:36 UTC
Run away fast!!
2006-11-07 12:54:09 UTC
All religion is based on lies, there is no god, not for any religion.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.