Did Jesus die for homosexuals?
2011-03-17 09:42:19 UTC
Hi. Tomorrow my teacher is doing a presentation on whether Jesus died for homosexuals, or "gay people" as he likes to out it.

I was wondering your thoughts on this; did Jesus die for homosexuals?

Some interesting questions I could ask my teacher would be useful too.

31 answers:
2011-03-17 09:49:22 UTC
The New Testament is very clear that Jesus did "die for" and offers salvation to homosexuals.

"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor homosexual nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Paul tells us that forgiveness is cleansing is offered to homosexuals just the same as any other sinners. And some of the members of that church had been homosexuals at one time. If Jesus did not "die for them", then no cleansing would be available.

Very clear teaching in the New Testament.
2011-03-17 09:50:11 UTC
Jesus died for everyone, homosexual behavior included. It is up to each individual person as to whether they accept what He did for them or not. Once someone that commits the sin of homosexual behavior accepts the free gift of salvation they are to repent of this sin, and turn from it.

I don't know your teacher's knowledge of the Bible, and where he is trying to go with this presentation, so I can't suggest any questions to ask him. Just remember Jesus died for us while we were still yet sinners. That's how great His love is for you and for me and for everyone.
2011-03-17 09:52:48 UTC
Curtis, Yes Jesus died for all of us. the sin of the pride is more than the sin of adultery in his sight. This why He rebuked the Pharisees and Scribes more that the sinful women, or men.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who ever believes on Him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
2011-03-17 09:48:21 UTC
Well, the biggest point is why he (or anyone) feels that it is valid to define someone by their sexuality. However, the bible makes it clear that Jesus died "once for all", so that clearly includes 'homosexuals'.

Also, though, might be a good idea to wait until you have heard the presentation. What is the audience?
2011-03-17 09:48:19 UTC
According to scripture, God says every man(all genders) are sinners. He sent his son Jesus to die in their place(for the world) since they could not pay the wages of their sin, Jesus did it for them. So yes, that would include the sin of homosexuality, for the persons who commit the sin as he did for those committing fornication, adultery, lust, coveting, murder, thief, and all the other sins.

God does not show any respect for a type person over another, rain falls on both equally, heat and cold are given to both the high and the low, so Salvation is available to either or both.
Thomas The Servant
2011-03-17 09:56:14 UTC
Jesus died for all sin, save one. Homosexuality is forgivable in the eyes of the Lord if you accept Him as the Messiah and accept His sacrifice.

That's not to say one can or should continue to be sinful if they have accepted Him, as their hearts should turn to be repentant of all sins when they start to make their journey with Christ. If someone who is gay truly believes in the Lord for their salvation then God will convict them of their sins and bring them closer in line with how they should be living
2011-03-17 09:50:08 UTC
Jesus gave His life for many, not everyone.

Matthew 20:28

"Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many."

We don't know exactly who Jesus gave his life for. That's His business. This is why it isn't good to judge.

The bible doesn't list who Jesus died for or not. It does teach us that homosexuals will not enter heaven.

1st Corinthians 6:9 not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God."

This doesn't mean someone who once was a homosexual will not over-come that sin just as thieves, idolaters etc also can overcome.
2011-03-17 09:48:02 UTC
He died so that those who have a desire to know God would be able to give up homosexuality and overcome and not continue in it. Those who PRACTICE homosexuality will not enter into heaven but will cease to exist after judgment as the fire of the Truth destroys all illusion including those who walked in it as if they never existed even in memory. Salvation can be lost because it does not override freewill and we can choose to walk away from our creator or to try and change Him to suite our desires. Only sins that are confessed are forgiven and where there is no confession neither is there forgiveness. IF you continue to PRACTICE sin there is a state where you are given over to a depraved mind and cease to see sin as sin and therefore cease to confess it. If you feel that you can no longer change then that is a sign that you are about to be given over to a depraved mind and once in that state there is no grace left to repent.
2016-11-16 16:36:49 UTC
i do no longer hate every person..yet i do no longer settle for a watered down gospel that asserts that we are able to proceed in our sin..Jesus Christ died for each sin committed by utilising the entire international yet a individual would desire to settle for the present and repent (meaning to alter) bear in innovations Jesus reported to the female caught in adultery "circulate and sin not greater". i've got self belief that each and one and all sinners could be stored and specific that is for the homosexuals as properly, God is acquainted with I even have executed my share of sexual sins, yet we can't stay a slave to the sins, Jesus freed us from them. every person who thinks that they are able to proceed of their sins are very misinform certainly. I settle for gay human beings I also have a brother who's gay, that is not any longer my company to choose every person. Who ever is in Christ is a sparkling advent the previous gave up the ghost and that they regulate into new, meaning they regulate, they start to detest their very own tactics and seek for in trouble-free terms to thrill God.
Tim A
2011-03-17 11:28:07 UTC
John 3:16-18 states that ALL who believe will be saved and are not condemned. Does your teacher not think that ALL includes gay people who believe??
2011-03-17 09:50:11 UTC
Jesus died for everybody, but he cared most for his fellow homosexuals.

(Any man who eats, drinks, hangs out with, and sleeps with 12 other men and shows no carnal interest in the opposite sex just has to be gay - not that there's anything wrong with that, because there isn't).

P.S. If there's a rational bone in your body, then you know Jesus is a myth and the New Testament is pure fiction.
2011-03-17 09:48:30 UTC
Jesus died to save us from our sins, according to the Bible, so that would mean that He died to save people from homosexuality.
2011-03-17 09:48:25 UTC
Jesus died for every single one of us.
2011-03-17 09:48:58 UTC
He died for everyones sins so ya I guess he did die to them too. We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God
2011-03-17 09:49:04 UTC
Read the bible yourself and be aware. In the bible it says Jesus died for everyone. Period
2011-03-17 09:45:34 UTC
Jesus died for every ones sins, so yes.

You could ask about homosexuality being nature or nurture....
2011-03-17 09:49:16 UTC
of course He did!

He also died for murderers, rapists, liers, thieves-

He even died for your teacher, your parents, you and me

Jesus died for everyone

that's why everyone has the opportunity

to ask Him to be their savior

the question is-

what will we do with His sacrifice?

will we accept it and live for Him?

or reject it and live for ourselves?
Myth Dispeller
2011-03-17 10:04:00 UTC
Read Rev. Bill Carey's book, "Gay and Christian? Yes!"
2011-03-17 09:49:25 UTC
Please do not talk rubbish things. Its the work of perverted mind to say so.Even some Hindus say Krishna and Arjuna are gays and that is why Gita wa taught to Arjuna by Krishna. So do not worry let these perverted mind say anything. do not get confused or carried away by their arquements.
2011-03-17 09:46:48 UTC
He died for everyone. Everyone is a sinner, therefore everyone needs saving. Including you, including me, including the rude people, including the believers, and the unbelievers.
2011-03-17 09:44:58 UTC
They are included in "everyone"...

He said he came for the sinner, not the rightous. That would include everyone, but for those who don't think they need anyone to save them.
2011-03-17 09:44:11 UTC
They maybe Reprobated
2011-03-17 09:45:59 UTC
Jesus only died for white rich people who give lots of money to the church.
Josh Mullin
2011-03-17 09:45:16 UTC
Unless your talking about a Sunday school teacher... What your teacher is doing is illegal.
2011-03-17 09:45:04 UTC
You know the answer your just being a idiot
2011-03-17 09:44:28 UTC
He died to destroy the sin of homophobia
2011-03-17 09:44:07 UTC
He died for all.
2011-03-17 09:44:57 UTC

“JESUS” LOVED THE ROMAN TAX COLLECTORS AND ALL KINDS OF PROSTITUTES MORE THAN THE STRAIGHT JEWS THAT HE CAME TO “SAVE!” The 3 “Magic Kings” or “Star Gazers” from some odd ball Persian Gulf country rode on camels 1,000 miles (1.600 Km) to the tiny village of Bethlehem to worship (of all people) the NEWBORN SOB KING OF THE JEWS (Mat 2:2)! His horny mother the hottie Virgin Mary was still single when he was born! Christians wish to ignore on how the birth of Jesus story was put together!

Many years after Jesus’ death (if he ever existed) the BIBLE writers proved that the “King of the Jews” was a friend of the ROMANS. After his initial flirting with the Jews Jesus calmed down PONTIUS PILATE telling him that his kingdom was NOT OF THE ROMAN WORLD (John 18:36)! Nevertheless the Early Church Fathers firmly established the CATHOLIC CHURCH for the Roman Empire by 300 AD. 1,200 Years later, the invention of the printed media made possible all kinds of new Christian brands to pop up with original ideas on how to make the Bible stories functional for them, too!

In a RADICAL DEPARTURE from “Thou shalt have NO other GOD before me,” God the Son Jesus Christ is teaching the Jews to pay taxes FIRST TO THE ROMAN CAESAR GOD and whatever is left over give it to the Bible God (Mat 22:21, Mar 12:17, Luk 20:25)! In the Roman Empire Caesar was worshiped as a God so the transition of worshipping God through a Roman Pontiff (“Pope”) was a smooth one! SAINT PAUL FORCED THE CHRISTIANS IN ROME TO OBEY THE ROMAN AUTHORITIES!

Romans 13:6 For this cause PAY YE TRIBUTE* (*tax, first to Caesar God like Jesus said!) also: for they are God's ministers* (*the ROMAN authorities work for GOD!), attending CONTINUALLY UPON THIS VERY THING* (*Some moron Christians were fed to the lions at the Roman Circus for not getting the message!)

Jesus never made it easier for any Jew to “enter Heaven” except for all sorts of PROSTITUTES and the Jewish ROMAN tax collectors. He has them entering Heaven before he was ever crucified for anybody else! Christianity was put together by a smart Roman Jew, Saint Paul. The Bible writers NEVER favored any other decent trade among the Jews as much as PROSTITUTION, TAX COLLECTION, and SODOMY. Sodomy is not really a trade except for SHRINE MALE PROSTITUTES that King Solomon instituted in “God’s Holy Temple” that he built. They were servicing the laity’s sexual needs like at any Heathen Temple/Brothel until King Josiah (if he ever existed) came up with a reform. Saint Paul also reformed the sexual activities conducted WITH PRIDE at a Church in Corinth. Today, because of popular MORALITY STANDARDS, “spiritual” leaders do it ONLY in their “closet” until they get caught like Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Ted Haggard the US National Adviser to Pres. Bush on Christian issues, and so on!”

2 Kings 23:7 He* (*King Josiah) also tore down the quarters of the MALE SHRINE PROSTITUTES* (*they were IN FULL SERVICE for over 300 Bible years!), which were in the temple of the LORD…

1 Corinthians 5:1-2 It is actually reported* (*public knowledge) that THERE IS SEXUAL IMMORALITY AMONG YOU, and of a kind that does not occur EVEN AMONG PAGANS: A man has his father's wife* (*a teenager kid having sex with his own mother in Church!). And YOU ARE PROUD!* (*Saint Paul reprimands ONLY the kid, NOT HIS HORNY MOM, or any “Holy Ghost filled” Church leader!)

Matthew 21:31 Jesus said to them, "I TELL YOU THE TRUTH* (*no more BULL CRAP!), the tax collectors* (*the Jewish TAX COLLECTORS for the Roman Empire) and the PROSTITUTES* (*not EX, but ACTIVE JEWISH PROSTITUTES of all sorts including gay and lesbian prostitutes that Jesus knew personally -Luk 7:45-48!) ARE ENTERING* (*before Jesus was crucified for anybody else) THE KINGDOM OF GOD ahead of you* (*STRAIGHT JEWS!)

When JESUS IS SPEAKING THE TRUTH all Christians listen! THERE WILL BE NO PROSTITUTES IN HELL! Heaven will be full of PROSTITUTES along with “RIGHTEOUS PROSTITUTE” RAHAB - Heb 11:31, Jam 2:25! Spending zillions of years in Heaven would have been a very boring place for most Preachers!).

Matthew 11:24 (KJV) But I say unto you* (*again, NO BULL CRAP!), that it shall be more tolerable for the land of SODOM in the Day of Judgment, than for thee* (*STRAIGHT JEWS! Jesus is flirting with gays all along in the Bible stories!)

Jesus imposed all sorts of sadistically sarcastic rules on STRAIGHT JEWS to enter “Heaven,” from HATING THEIR OWN PARENTS (Luk 14:26), to chopping off body organs and limbs (Mat 18:8), including CASTRATION for the “KINGDOM SAKE” (Mat 19:12), to give away ALL THAT THEY OWN (Luk 14:33) and so on! In ALL THE 4 GOSPELS to the “4 corners of the Earth” the Prostitutes and Tax Collectors are exempt from all these formalities!
God is Good!
2011-03-17 09:44:01 UTC
He died for us all.
2011-03-17 09:43:56 UTC
wow.. teacher for what exactly?
2011-03-17 09:43:39 UTC
well i hope so since he was one himself as we are finding out now

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.