atheists, what motivates your position?
2011-12-17 10:46:33 UTC
Hate the idea of believing in a violent god, cannot stand hypocrites, a god that never answered your prayers etc...

Please don't pick my words apart on this one, I am just curios.
23 answers:
2011-12-17 10:50:41 UTC
Just that the Bible says certain things and promises things which do not come true, even after being "faithful" for many years. God does not provide safety, comfort, or whatever, and not food or water. The whole thing fails to deliver on the promises and that is a sign that something is afoul.
2011-12-17 10:53:31 UTC
Somewhere as I type this, some guy is torturing a baby. If you ask a religious person why god permit this to happen you generally get one of two responses; The first is "god works in mysterious ways, and we don't understand why, but He has a reason for torturing a baby". Sorry, doesn't wash.

The other response is man has free will. That may be true, but the baby doesn't.

So either god exists and doesn't care, or god doesn't exist. If the former is true, than he is unworthy, if the latter is true, than it doesn't matter anyway.

And keep in mind, no one "decides" to become an Atheist. You are exposed to religion, to life, etc, and "arrive" at being an Atheist. I think it's funny when religious people say I should believe, as if I have some on/off switch for belief. I have weighed the evidence, and it has lead me to believe that god doesn't exists. Sound evidence to the contrary might change my mind, but absent that...
2011-12-17 10:52:13 UTC
Basically, a god never showed up to convince me he existed...

God is imaginary.

If he really existed he would have found a way to convince me he exists.

Obviously he hasn't cos just as obviously he doesn't.

If you wanted to convince someone you existed, what lengths would you go to?

Would you drop a few seriously ambiguous ‘clues’... OR, introduce yourself.

Seriously - this has SCAM written all over it.




“Understand that:

Dreams are not evidence.

Wishful thinking is not evidence.

Logical fallacies are not evidence.

Personal revelation is not evidence.

Illogical conclusions are not evidence.

Disproved statements are not evidence.

Unsubstantiated claims are not evidence.

Hallucinations/delusions are not evidence.

Information that is ambiguous is not evidence.

The Universe doesn't care what you believe in.

Data that requires a certain belief is not evidence.

Information that cannot be verified is not evidence.

Information that cannot be falsified is not evidence.

Experiments with inconclusive results are not evidence.

Information that is only knowable by a privileged few is not evidence.

Experiments that are not and cannot be duplicated by others are not evidence.

The wonderful thing about science is that it doesn't ask for your faith, only your eyes.”

Eclectic Heretic
2011-12-17 11:01:24 UTC
1. Lack of evidence for the existence of ANY "god".

2. Therefore, lack of evidence for the "christian" "god". Given 1 and 2, there is no reason to believe in ANY "god".

3. Your listed points are good reasons why the judeo-christian "god", if they DID exist, would not be a "god" worthy of worship, but absent the proofs required in 1 and 2, these reasons are irrelevant.

Blessings on your Journey!
Meatwad Gets The Honeys
2011-12-17 10:51:46 UTC
Lack of evidence for any of the 30,000+ gods, goddesses, and other forms of major and minor deities, demigods, and hundreds of thousands of various other paranormal creatures dreamed up by man is my primary reason for being an atheist...

- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -

✖ List of Gods:

✖ God Finder

✖A big list of Gods (but nowhere near all of them)

✖God Checker

- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -

The great harm that has been/is being done in the name of people's imaginary friend's is the reason why I'm Anti-Theistic in nature...

Theists can't comprehend that it isn't "Religion" that is the problem, but the horrible things being done in the name of religion that is the problem. If Theists kept their nonsense to themselves, didn't try to legislate their cherry-picked nonsense, stopped using it as a justification for rape, torture, murder, homophobia, and general bigotry, etc. etc. etc. most Atheists would never bring up the subject ever again...

It isn't the Cult that is the problem but the acts done by the cult members...

► I don't like Dungeons & Dragons but I'd never try to stop others from playing it...

► I don't like the message in the holy texts of most cults, but I'd never try to stop them from worshiping...

I just want people to keep their imaginary friends to themselves, be it Jesus, Allah, or Soveliss, the Elf Ranger.

And if you actually READ THE HOLY TEXTS of the prominent religions in the modern world, including that which has been edited out along the years, you'll find it is FAR more like AD&D than they want you to know... Dragons, Talking Donkeys, Magic, Flying, etc. etc. etc. I'm expecting to come across the spell for "Spirit of Wolf" any time now... (Old EverQuest Reference.)

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✞ And, lo, suddenly there came forth from the cave many dragons; and when the children saw them, they cried out in great terror. Then Jesus went down from the bosom of His mother, and stood on His feet before the dragons; and they adored Jesus, and thereafter retired. - The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew, Chapter 18

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2011-12-17 10:53:08 UTC
The idea of a god is just one of a billion possibilities, but one that many humans have chosen to follow. Being rational is my position.
2011-12-17 10:48:44 UTC
No evidence to support the claim that this God exist..

Do not see a need to believe in one IF he did.
2011-12-17 10:54:39 UTC
I don't see how God is any different than the other supernatural ideas early humans used to explain the unexplainable.
2011-12-17 10:58:40 UTC
simply put science. but for those wannabee atheist who even disrespect true atheist they dont even know anything about science to back up there defence in being a atheist.

but in reality if they did they would know that science is baffled by the true or origins of energy and how the human body create this energy which can not be made or harnessed. god is the life fource in everything in all atoms that create all matter even stars.
The Godfather's Daughter
2011-12-17 10:50:25 UTC
It doesn't matter to me. God (if he exists) can be violent and Christians can be hypocritical and I don't care.
2011-12-17 10:47:55 UTC
I just see no evidence of God. The universe on a whole looks random to me, not intelligent design.
2011-12-17 10:49:07 UTC
My position with regards to not believing in a god? Simple: I have no rational reason to believe. As soon as I have a rational reason to believe, I will.
2011-12-17 10:51:26 UTC
No evidence to support the existence of ANY deity, not just yours. Everything else is just icing on the cake.
2011-12-17 10:48:19 UTC
My position is that belief is a non issue. I have never felt a need to believe in a deity.
Hipster Fishdick
2011-12-17 10:55:46 UTC
The whole Christian religion doesn't make sense to me, they worship a Jewish zombie that is his father,who contradics his self by loving you but will send you to firey Hell for being your self (aka being ****, an atheist or question his presence? Really,that is bullcrap that they try to force you to believe.
2011-12-17 10:54:14 UTC
there is no reason to believe a god exists
2011-12-17 10:47:54 UTC
The fact there is no evidence for God
Steve H
2011-12-17 10:47:39 UTC
I see no reason to believe in a god. That is all.
2011-12-17 10:48:31 UTC
I was born an atheist. No particular flavor of religion appealed to me, so.. Still an atheist.
2011-12-17 10:47:38 UTC
God not actually existing.
2011-12-17 10:50:14 UTC
god not existing
Eternal Lie
2011-12-17 10:48:30 UTC
atheism is the null hypothesis. its not motivated by anything.
2011-12-17 10:48:24 UTC
your mom. jkjk

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.