Exactly how did Noah fit millions of animals on a boat?
2016-09-09 17:44:12 UTC
Here's the problem. The Ark was about 500' long, 80' wide by 80' high, and was made of wood. This boat carried millions of animals for a year or so.

The Titanic was 800' long 80' high over a hundred feet wide and had a maximum capacity of 3547 people, with food to last maybe 3 weeks at best. Not only was it completely made of materials stronger than any wood anywhere, it sank on it's maiden voyage.

Please explain to me how the story of the Ark is possible without evoking magic.
226 answers:
2016-09-10 05:53:31 UTC
I belive the Ark story is an account of a flood when the land bridge between Africa and Europe at Gibraltar broke down as the ice melted. The ship was just a good explanation of why we did not all die. It is of course a good story to explain to simple people in terms that they would understand, that a great flood did happen and it covered all of the known world, ie a 150 mile radius. So how did the storytellers explain that life was still here after the flood, well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to dream up the idea of a big boat. However the boat theiry misses out how the animals were watered, fed and kept from eating each other, and Noah etc. Well that'e my take on it, I know that some may continue to take the Bible word for word, that's OK just don't push your beliefs on me. Accept the Bible and other holy books as a guide to being a good person, a respected and trusted memebr of society who will help others in need.
2016-09-12 17:52:27 UTC
Noah didn't fit millions of animals onto a boat that small. If there is any truth to the story than would have happened was a man in pre-literal times made a boat, put only a few animals on board an went sailing for a while. He may have recounted the story to his children, who also being illiterate, told their children with some alterations. Over time, these changes kept happening generation after generation, until they were written down into the form we know today through the bible
2016-09-10 05:30:18 UTC
Life is just a story. Noah's Ark story made life wonderful. for humanity will think that there are mystery beyond their wildest imaginations.

And there is.

Like this story for example:

Life has neither meaning nor purpose except merely "being" and to live consciously in the awareness of that reality

Mother earth gave birth to us.Father Sun give light to see the beauty of our mother.

And You and Me created some stories.Hmm. It is about Competition. This is my entry, the TRUTH.Just close your eyes.

You will see a black background, that is the beginning and there are red balls passing around, those are the heat and become the stars.

If holy spirit is in you, You will see it. Heat is the beginning and the end. Where heat come from?

It come from energy. God = negative and positive. Positive alone can not create power, without power no energy, without energy no heat, without heat no life.

Life on earth is only story so is the universe. It is also easy to predict the future,

it will be hotter and hotter and more disaster to come more unpredictable weathers it will be more difficult to control

the food supply because of drought and there will be a big war.

We are going to be place on test by our Father because you let Jesus suffer more. Who is Jesus? It is You. You alone is God.

Please create an advance story and move your ***, if you want to solve the problem. Anyway the end of the universe will be white !00%, everyone is going to see it.

*God created the universe by word and so the stories.Heat from the head and heat from the heart. That is what really matter most.

The question is this, are we 1 or 0? (^-^) Note: Big Bang, string, finger print,dark matter, wave and vibration effect theory will not occur without Heat.

In every story there is beginning and an end, right and wrong play a big roll on it.

some will tell you something also like this one and also interesting, like this:

The first (and the most obvious) reason why the ark could hold more, is because the Titanic was easily 40% solid metal, what I mean by that is that 40% of the ship was unoccupied because there were either walls there, giant beams or whatever is on a ship. The ark on the other hand was like a giant shell, and had much more free space. Not to mention that every 2 people most likely had an entire palace sized room to themselves. The animals on the arc was most likely laying quite literally "side by side", and the birds used the beams and other parts of the ship to sit on.

Secondly, the reason the Titanic sank is because it hit a giant iceberg which tore a gash in the hull, making water flow in. The Ark never hit anything (that we know of), and all it did was float, there was no course, and nothing to avoid.

And back to the animal deal, he brought them in single pairs. There were 2 elephants and 2 rhinos, and so on. And also I have no idea what you mean by "clean" and "unclean".

And last but not least, at the Titanic they ate like it was a 3 week long buffet. At the Ark, every single animals was probably half starving to death the whole year round, and there was just enough to keep every single one alive. Don't think that just because something needs to eat to survive, it needs to eat like a king. The Titanic wasn't a floating shelter/bunker, it was a floating party/parade, they spared absolutely nothing and feasted like hungry pigs.

The only single flaw in the story of the Ark, is where did they get new food from? Surely they didn't have refrigerators back then, which would mean most of the food went bad the first month into the journey.
2016-09-09 20:44:15 UTC
The first (and the most obvious) reason why the ark could hold more, is because the Titanic was easily 40% solid metal, what I mean by that is that 40% of the ship was unoccupied because there were either walls there, giant beams or whatever is on a ship. The ark on the other hand was like a giant shell, and had much more free space. Not to mention that every 2 people most likely had an entire palace sized room to themselves. The animals on the arc was most likely laying quite literally "side by side", and the birds used the beams and other parts of the ship to sit on.

Secondly, the reason the Titanic sank is because it hit a giant iceberg which tore a gash in the hull, making water flow in. The Ark never hit anything (that we know of), and all it did was float, there was no course, and nothing to avoid.

And back to the animal deal, he brought them in single pairs. There were 2 elephants and 2 rhinos, and so on. And also I have no idea what you mean by "clean" and "unclean".

And last but not least, at the Titanic they ate like it was a 3 week long buffet. At the Ark, every single animals was probably half starving to death the whole year round, and there was just enough to keep every single one alive. Don't think that just because something needs to eat to survive, it needs to eat like a king. The Titanic wasn't a floating shelter/bunker, it was a floating party/parade, they spared absolutely nothing and feasted like hungry pigs.

The only single flaw in the story of the Ark, is where did they get new food from? Surely they didn't have refrigerators back then, which would mean most of the food went bad the first month into the journey.
2016-09-11 20:26:56 UTC
I have the answer to this. In those times major floods were a common occurence. In any flood what would a farmer do besides save himself with anything that floats and also to collect up his animals as far as possible. Therefore, the idea of a great flood in which life was saved in a boat probably preceded the actual biblical flood.

It is wrong to think that Noah saved every animal in the world as we know it. Those parts of the world are contiguous with Noah's world, it's true, but not a part of it. The Flood was a world wide flood strictly in Noah's world. But he did try to save his local animals big time. And he anticipated the flood.

AND--and this is most important--his family repopulated the world! Noah's seed reproduced the tribe. From the viewpoint of God's action, there is nothing mythical about the Flood except that it applied only to Noah/s world and descent. .But people try to twist the story (probably factual) into something that conflicts with reason. The story affirms that life can go through some heavy changes. And when it comes you'll cry out :"Oh, MY God!"

Another answer may be that many of the animals took refuge on flotsam surrounding the Ark, where they only needed food. The Ark was a huge granary.
2016-09-09 19:24:45 UTC
Edit: your claim of millions of animals is grossly over-exaggerated! The count is approx: 16,000 on a large estimate.


It funny how skeptical you are in regard to Noah's ark, but you forget your skepticism on something much harder, the cell, the DNA, and the cellular mechanisms! Interesting how this works.

The reason I have no problem with this story is because it is an obvious trap, the details are scant, the various problems to overcome with the omissions are obvious. Though it should be said that the problems atheists raise are not always true or logical. The calculations voiced are that 16,000 animals were on the ark.

When God tells us that he has millions of vehicles, and we have seen in space what seems like gigantic such machines, it is fairly clear that there were things in play we were not informed about. God insured the survival of fish, birds, land animals, and insects, etc.

Have you looked that this video that shows that a global flood did happen? If not, why?

Did you know that in the area where the claim is that Noah's ark is, the locals have names for the localities that all speak to this, that there are ship's anchors 6000 feet above the sea. Why would they have names locally that remember Noah, and this flood - unless, it happened!

Remember you own impasses! and, check things out. Why do the locals still remember! Why many anchor stones at that altitude? Why is it possible to show that there was a global flood? Why do we have about 600 flood stories around the globe?

Even without an explanation in scripture, had it just said that God caused us and animals to survive this flood, it would together with the available evidence be enough. God made a trap, as I said, but it is for those who have no faith in God doing things for real.


Clean and unclean:

Clean animals referred to the ones people could eat. Animals like elephants, rhinos, etc, were not on the menu.
2016-09-10 08:58:47 UTC
Read your bible it says "let them reproduce after their kinds". We see that today and call it natural selection and evolution. Of course the bible doesn't support a heirchary type where humans will be something different and that all life came from a germ, since it says they are limited to their kind. However it shows that there was not millions of species on the ark, probably thousands, of which many probably wouldn't be called species but rather would be under the genus or family grouping, and then some supernatural stuff happened (shown as by certain animals went to the boat, not every animal on earth and not all plant life was destroyed).

My problem is why do people try to "scientize" it away? This was a direct result of God working in the world due to too much evil.
2016-09-09 18:18:17 UTC
The number of species was likely just over 30,000 (if they can interbreed, the list gets smaller). Times 2 for the unclean an x7 for the clean is still a lotta animals, but not millions. Young ones take less space. So do birds, bats, etc. Insects make up the bulk of the world's species. They take little space, individually. A few 10's of thousands of animals that take up measurable space individually need far less space than the cabin/eating/recreation space humans take up.. Plus no engine room, coal, generators, etc, which was a large part of the Titanic's outfitting

I expect a lot of recycling went on. Hafta do something with all the waste. Heck, maybe they grew some food. Would give the worms somewhere to live.
2016-09-10 08:55:06 UTC
In the London museum of antiquitis is a clay Tablet and on this Tablet are the instructions to build an Ark. It was written by the The Babylonians 1,250 years before the Story of Noah and the Ark. The reason it was wriiten was tolc onstruct 300 Arks to evecuate all the livestock as the River Euphratese and Tigris were due to Flood the land . In the Bible edition of the fable, The Ark landed on Mount Arrarat which is a range of Mountains in Turkey. The Mountains are like the Alps with steep sides, So How did all the animals get down from a mountain 2,000 feet high and in a completely different habitat ?
2016-09-11 21:53:54 UTC
Simply put there is no geologically sustainable proof of a great flood.

The wood required for an Ark sized boat would be too big for them to move and work on.

There would be far too many animals to fit on the Ark which is irrelevant because they couldn't get to the Ark across the 5 continents.

But that doesn't matter because, for an 11 month voyage the Ark wouldn't be big enough to store the food required for the animals let alone adding the animals i.e. 2 elephants alone at minimum intake of 4% body mass per day (they eat up to 7%) would eat 190 tons of food (13.4 times their weight and, as it is vegetation, 20-30 times their size in volume.

But that doesn't matter because the food would rot.

But that doesn't matter because the amonia from their poop would kill them.

But that doesn't matter because the rain stopped after 40 days so they'd have no drinking water for 9.5 months and die.

But that doesn't matter because after 11 months the soil would be so saline it wouldn't support plant life.

But that doesn't matter because genetic inbreeding would kill them.

But that doesn't matter because that much water would chill the earths core and kill the planet.

So all this rubbish of finding the Ark etc. is already proved false simply by the fact there is life on the planet.

But you know what, none of that matters because of the story of Noah: God hand picked the best, most moral and honourable people on earth to re-populate it and killed everyone else. So how did gods great choice work out? Oh right, according to Christians only a few hundred years later he had to send his son to sacrifice himself. That leaves you with a little dilemma:

1. God was an idiot and made a stupid choice in Noah.

2. God knew he was murdering everyone for nothing.

So, hey, fee free to support the Ark story just pick 1 or 2 above to go with it.

HINT: Given the choices, you're better accepting Noahs Ark never happened.
2016-09-10 07:50:18 UTC
Devil The Evil makes a good point with that copy and post page lol.

Seems to me ppl who try to question the Bible are these sorts who use it as a vice to commit or to justify criminality even in a *releatively* small way. The dumbing of a serious case of HIV for example from what is *generally accepted*

Caesar for example... Widely spread game now. Actually not meant to be. This is to do with what happened about 500 years ago (1600s) bouncing people into earth that came to an abrupt change as for geography teacher and geography lessons, than Caesar teacher and anything inside. Ask the white strobes. Ask the cube.

It's quite easy to lose the parable element of the Bible. The Noah's Arc can easily be the planet itself, partitioned in some afar way. Considering the size of the galaxies and the worlds involved at the time, it's much easier to lean back into. having the Bible and applying it to the world you see, is not how to read the Bible. Again, in Beverly Hills or Dubai etc, it's as though the apple was never stolen from the tree and thus the point of getting anywhere past Genesis1: 4 becomes horribly pointless and talking buildings into the ground. 10C. 2G. pretty straight up on the wall stuff, much in the many names of God. #7Saintelleve #7Saindam
2016-09-10 10:26:32 UTC
There was NOT millions of animals on the boat. There was hundreds or maybe thousands. You will hear about how there are "10 million species" or something to that effect; but what people don't realize is that 99% of those species are eukaryotic, meaning they are single-celled organisms (bacteria and such). Of the remaining 1% most of those species live in the ocean. Not to mention many insects could survive on driftwood and such. Lastly, you can get many species from one creature and this can happen within hundreds of years. For example, you could take a bunch of rabbits that are all inter-fertile, put some in the arctic, some in a desert and some in the jungle. Over x number of generations they will adapt to their environments and can adapt to the extent that they are no longer inter-fertile with the rabbits from the other regions thus you have multiple species from one type of creature. When you factor in all of the above you simply did not need a crazy number of animals on the ark...hundreds or maybe thousands.
2016-09-10 18:34:30 UTC
I believe that some form of evolution exists, not so much that monkeys evolved into humans. but that birds evolved from other birds, tigers and lions can mate with each other, I think thats proof right there that they are pretty much the same species. God gave us some ability to adapt, Just look at how quickly we adapted many species of dogs. they look so very different and over a very short period of time we have created even more differences with that species. I think its not hard to believe that there were a lot less animals that made it on to the ark, and we have more species today, that grew out of those species. Also the type of wood mentioned to build the ark does not exist today. It floated. today it would be impossible to make a boat that size, with the wood material we currently have.

on side note: there are over 7 billion people in this world, and many religions. Why does it anger you so much that any of them might believe different than you? do what you feel is best for you cause your choices only affect your life, you only answer for yourself. no need to be hating on people. Even if you think what they believe is stupid. We all have our reasons for what we believe. Maybe somebody else sees something you don't. your right on some things and wrong on others, just like every other living person that exists. so maybe dial it down a notch.
2016-09-09 18:08:16 UTC
He fit probably a couple thousand, and the fact is, we don't know. But he had it well organized and probably ran some sort of farm or trading business or something. I am going with the Bible story, most likely a farm. There were 8 people on there all together, to help clean and manage the boat for over a year. Plus, he knew the region pretty well that he ended up with. Plus, populations of everything was smaller back then too.
2016-09-10 17:35:32 UTC
The story of the ark doesn't add up no matter how you look at it.

There is no way to properly explain how the ark could be built by a family of 8 who aren't shipwrights, some species of land animals would've had to traverse an entire ocean or continent just to get to the ark (chances are that they would have died trying to make the journey because of factors such as changes in the climate, food chain, diseases, etc), you would also have to explain how 8 people can repopulate the whole Earth and somehow reached the same level of genetic diversity humans have today.
2016-09-10 12:00:12 UTC
You have to realise that the story of Noah and the ark was written long ago when the world was more sparsely populated, people could not and did not travel outside their immediate area and they also had never seen the variety of animals we know about these days. Domestic animals would have made up the majority and some would have been eaten as they reproduced.

It's only our imagination these days which tries to fit every other beast and insect into the Ark.
2016-09-10 02:24:44 UTC
Where did he store all the food?

What did he do with all that crap?

How did 8 people take care of all those animals?

How did he prevent the predators from eating the prey animals?

How did animals from Australia get to the ark?

Where did Noah get all that wood to build the ark?

How Noah and his 3 sons who had not idea about ship building menage to build the ark?

How did Noah menage to catch all the millions of insect species, and how did he know which ones are male and which ones are female?

How did all the plants survive?

What happened to all the marine life?

Seriously you would have to be a complete moron (creatard) to believe that stupid story.
2016-09-10 10:31:40 UTC
I don't understand why it has to be so exact. The Bible was written and rewritten after the fact and stories are told and retold. The flood that seemed world wide was probably only a flood in the known world. And you also have to realize that there so many unknown animals at the time. The Bible is limited to the science and knowledge of the time and that story had been told over and over to fit what was known in that time. The Bible is mired in the past but the gist of the stories goes on.

I visited an Indian reservation in New Mexico and they have a flood story too. They simply lived on the top of an old volcano or mountain and when the flood came they had to swim or perish to a higher flat topped mountain. Do I think that was part of a world wide flood???? I have no idea but it was interesting to listen to.
2016-09-10 04:23:39 UTC
I am not here to contest, I am merely posting this because the answers to the question so far are so typical to religious imbeciles that I have to join in.

What always amazes me is that religious people have an aversion to science, yet think it's fine for them to throw in "facts and figures" (all conjecture) to support their "points".

Answerer OPsaltis stated that the number of animals on the ark was "likely just over 30,000". Given that the story states Noah took 2 of every species on the ark, he shows a clear lack of understanding of evolutionary biology. Neglecting any microevolution, it is safe to say that no significant evolution has taken place. We can thereby estimate the number of species present at the time of "Noah" to sit at approximately 8.7 million, as it is today.

So, if Noah were to build an Ark capable of supporting an estimated 17.4 million individual creatures, how would he find them all? And once he'd travelled to every country on Earth in order to find all these species (bearing in mind a great number are still undiscovered today, using modern techniques), how would he sex them (and I don't mean "sex them" as per the understanding of a Catholic priest)? It would be easy enough to distinguish between male and female horses, for example, but how could you separate a male and female spider?

Now he has all the creatures onboard the ark, how does he stop them from eating each other? Or feed them? They would literally have to eat each other to survive, as would happen in the wild.

I could go on and on about the issues of the story but it's rather exhausting arguing with religious people, because by definition they are essentially allergic to logic and reason.

To finish off, the most important point; after Jebus flooded the Earth... where did all the water go?
2016-09-09 23:59:31 UTC
Kangaroos and emu were not separated by the ocean even if the book said the sea did separate the countries so we keep digging up bones from animals that never existed in Australia and we keep on listening to a race of humans with cave paintings to prove the claim that they lived here for more than 40,000 years and walked over the land.

We see these people smite a rock in the desert and water Springs forth, and as did Moses via a miracle.

We watch these people rub a stick against a rock with some dry grass and make fire but it ain't no miracle.

We find shells on top of mountains because earthquakes and volcanos push mountains up out of the ocean.

A few years ago after an earthquake in Pakistan, and a small island popped up just off the coast. (Google it)

Sink holes are not "Hell opening up to swallow us!"

The floods happen constantly!

Human never saved the animals...

The animals saved us!!!!

We killed them off before they killed us!

We ate them.

Skin for clothes.
2016-09-11 13:59:02 UTC
Noah only took air breathers not fish.

All the monkeys, apes, birds, insects and some snakes could have been quite happy on perches and not directly on the floors.

The Ark was dark inside so all the animals would go into hibernation and reptiles curl in dark corners and also go to sleep.

Even today there are not many big animals around as most are quite small.
2016-09-12 08:58:53 UTC
The ark (Heb., te·vahʹ; Gr., ki·bo·tosʹ) was a rectangular chestlike vessel presumably having square corners and a flat bottom. It needed no rounded bottom or sharp bow to cut rapidly through the water; it required no steering; its only functions were to be watertight and to stay afloat. A vessel so shaped is very stable, cannot be easily capsized, and contains about one third more storage space than ships of conventional design. There was a door provided in the side of the ark for loading and unloading the cargo.

In size the ark was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. Conservatively calculating the cubit as 44.5 cm (17.5 in.) (some think the ancient cubit was nearer 56 or 61 cm), the ark measured 133.5 m by 22.3 m by 13.4 m (437 ft 6 in. × 72 ft 11 in. × 43 ft 9 in.), less than half the length of the ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 2. This proportion of length to width (6 to 1) is used by modern naval architects. This gave the ark approximately 40,000 cu m (1,400,000 cu ft) in gross volume. No known cargo vessel of ancient times even slightly resembled the ark in its colossal size. Internally strengthened by adding two floors, the three decks thus provided gave a total of about 8,900 sq m (96,000 sq ft) of space.

Where did you get 16 elephants and rhino's? It was talking about, cattle, sheep and goats. Man tends to ask this questions often. In human terms, yes, it does seem to be the impossible, but, this is not from mans thinking, it is Jehovah God's thinking. If He did things like we do, well, we'd really be in trouble.
2016-09-10 17:18:37 UTC
I assume you're asking this question sarcastically. The story of Noah's ark, like virtually all such stories in the Bible, is not literally true. Most of what's in the Bible is specious to put it mildly. I can't believe, and have never been able to believe, that the stories in the Bible are taken literally by so many people in the world. It's nonsense really, yet look at the power that that nonsense has in the world. Look at all the division and violence that religion is responsible for. But basically in response to your question, the story of Noah did not actually happen, so don't worry about trying to explain how it happened.
2016-09-10 04:15:08 UTC
What is the point of explaining anything to someone not willing to believe, there is a very true saying: convince a man against his will, and he'll be of the same opinion still, having said that have you thought that billions of things would have been afloat, probably many ships too still loaded with cargo around the world, and the flood would have accomplished the role assigned to it regarding wicked humans and Nephilim half breeds, but other creatures of the world need not have been caught up in the flood for eradication of the wicked, no one wrote their account because it was'nt known or necessary, but it does serve a purpose that those who divide into believers and unbelievers are resolute in their differences which sorts the chaff from the wheat!
Elaine Morgan
2016-09-10 09:24:12 UTC
Noah was instructed to take DNA samples onto the Ark, then afterward, he could re produce the animal as well as seeds etc for planting. Also, there were a lot more people than we are led to believe. When we think of our family how many people is that? In those days they lived hundreds of years, therefore, their families would have been huge. So when Noah was told to take his family on board, we are maybe talking hundreds of people.

Read Sitchin's books for more info
VY-Canis Majoris
2016-09-09 22:05:03 UTC
Noah story is a myth,never happen.

Did Noah went to antarctic in submarine to get Penguins or did he reached Australia by foot to get Kangaroos?

How did animals from South American Amazon get to Africa or Mid East where Noah boat sailed?

People still believing in this stupidity in 2016?
2016-09-11 09:48:19 UTC
The number of animals would have been less than 16,000, assuming that a biblical kind is roughly equivalent to the group of animals we call a genus today. However, if the biblical kind is equivalent to the ‘family’ grouping, then there would have only been 2,000 animals. Probably it was somewhere in between. Fish did not go on; they are not air-breathing. Whales and dolphins did not go on either. Although they breathe air, they are not land-dwelling. Fish and whales survive under water, although some die during floods when sediment and other debris contaminate the water. We find many marine fossils that were buried during the Flood. All things are possible with God my love.
Zac Z
2016-09-09 23:19:53 UTC
Christians pull all kinds of wacky theories out of their, uh, sleeves as you can see here.

Actually, the problems with the flood story continue even after the flood is gone.

A real tough one is biogeography. All animals died except for the ones on the ark, right? And he landed on Mount Ararat after the waters receded, right? This is where all animal disembarked - and then apparently orchestrated themselves to the regions of the earth where they were supposed to live, without leaving a trace.

The poor kangaroos had to hop about 10,000 miles all the way to Australia because kangaroos live exclusively there.

That's utter BS, of course. Biogeography, the distribution of life on our planet, doesn't make any sense if one believes the flood story. It makes perfect sense when accepting the consensus of the scientific community: species evolved in different regions of the planet; some groups branched off very early and evolved quite distinctly because their habitat was isolated from other regions (this is the case for Australia and explains why a distinctive fauna can be found there and only there).
2016-09-10 00:52:16 UTC
The Holy Bible is NOT a book about science, mathematics, grammar, logic etc but an odyssey of our own lives.

It is a reflection of what our soul is going through, therefore it is meant to help us understand ourselves better when we read any part of it. For example Noah's ark could signify a period of our life when we were faced with a tempestuous period and had to walk away with only a significant amount so that with barely nothing we would start a new clean life again.
2016-09-13 14:13:03 UTC
God told Noah to take all the varieties of animals into the ark—by sevens in the case of the clean ones, fit for sacrificial use, and the rest by twos.—Genesis 7:1-3.

It must have been an unforgettable sight. From the horizon they streamed in by the hundreds—walking, flying, crawling, waddling, lumbering—all in a dizzying variety of sizes, shapes, and dispositions.

We need not imagine poor Noah trying to corral, wrangle, or somehow cajole all those wild animals into entering the confined space of the ark. The account says that “they went Noah inside the ark.”—Genesis 7:9.

Some skeptics might ask: ‘How could such a thing happen? And how could all those animals coexist peacefully in a confined space?’

Consider this: Is it really beyond the power of the Creator of the universe to control his animal creations, even render them tame and docile if needed? Remember, Jehovah is the God who parted the Red Sea and made the sun stand still. Could he not carry out every event described in Noah’s account? Of course he could, and he did!

Granted, God could have chosen to save his animal creations in some other way. However, he wisely chose a way that reminds us of the trust that he originally placed in humans to take care of all the living things on this earth. (Genesis 1:28) Many parents today thus use Noah’s story to teach their children that Jehovah values the people and the animals he has created.
2016-09-11 20:20:33 UTC
The comparison with the Titanic is flawed in several ways.

First, the Titanic was built for speed. The front was pointed, not squared off. this shape would have reduced its interior space and capacity. The ark would have been more barge-like, giving it a greater capacity. The ark was built for capacity, not speed.

Second, the Titanic has a large portion of the ship used for non-cargo purposes. It had lounges, dining halls, recreational facilities, and various areas devoted to luxury. In addition, the titanic has space used for engine rooms, carried cargo such as automobiles, and rooms devoted to other purposes and equipment. Had the Titanic had none of these, it could have held more capacity. Also if the titanic was more rectangular (as the ark probably was) it could have held even more.

Now, if you are truly interested if the ark was sufficient for the task, you may read this article.

I suspect you may not be really interested in the truth of the matter as you are about attacking the beliefs of others.
2016-09-10 03:38:57 UTC

suppose it was just a metaphor for storing all the DNA

kind of like we now have all seeds preserved in case of a nuclear war

its a genetic bank of today

YOUR MISTAKE IS IN THINKING THE TIME OF NOAH , WAS PRIMITIVE WHEN IN FACT IS WAS VERY ADVANCED ,,look at today its advanced yet has more wars than ever before

the fifth planet was attacked with an anti-matter weapon that blew it up and caused its oceans to crash onto the earth and mars ,,,in fact one side of mars has terrific scars the other side does not

and there is an asteroid belt where none should exist , plus per NASA all creators on the moon occurred within 40 days of each other , and not over millions of yrs , the earth was also hit with a large number of asteroids during this time lots of evidence of this cosmic war
2016-09-10 17:59:23 UTC
Sorry friend, you just do not open your mind to get it. The Bible says every "KIND" of animal. Animal kinds are groupings if animals that can safely reproduce. For example all of dog "kind" can reproduce and with near perfect genetics, they can produce the varieties we have today.

Genetists reason the Ark would only need from 70 yo less than 200 "Kinds" of land animals. The majority less than 3 feet tall. Then around 200 "Kinds" of birds. That would provide all the varieties of animals we have today.

Also the Ark had the equal space of the Titanic. With an extra middle deck the Titanic never had.

So all said, the Ark was perfectly able to carry what would become all the varieties we see today. Also the Bible never said "EVERY" type of animal would be taken aboard. We did lose some varsities in drowning.
2016-09-11 07:41:46 UTC
The number never approached a million because there were seven of the clean and only two of the unclean. When the Ark landed the species began to multiply and the result was alsosome climate adaptation and variety like the dog, fox, & wolf. Insects were probably on the animals that also varied. I believe this happened on the planet Mars that was once covered with oceans and the Ark traveled through space to earth with the ocean. That is why it took 4o Earth days.
2016-09-11 12:22:00 UTC
There were no fish on the Ark and bugs and spiders, etc. could ride on debris. No birds or fowl; they could fly and roost on different debris in the water. Of God's original species or kinds there were not that many. For instance, one male wolf and one female wolf could produce all the dogs on the earth. Adaptation to different areas of the world does not change them from still being dogs. The Bible states at that time in history the world was one continent and it was in Peleg's day that it split apart and probably after the flood. Now, man didn't gather these animals on the Ark. God called them to go to Noah's Ark and God shut the lion's mouth for instance or the lion was eating grass at that particular time. The Bible speaks in Revelation that all beast will raise their voice and praise God. God has the ability to make animals talk. Why not! He Created them. An example of changing in the Bible is that the serpent or snake once had legs and Godchanged him so he would crawl on his belly. God speaks into existence. God tells us that we have the power of life and death in our tongues. Just because you think things are impossible. Well friend, nothing is impossible with God. Why would God need millions of animals on the Ark. God didn't.
A Second Witness
2016-09-10 14:17:19 UTC
Noah exactly did not fit millions of animals on a boat that was about 500' long, 80' wide, and 80' high, and made of wood. Genesis talks about different animals by their "kinds", not by species, (Genesis 1:24), so there was one pair each, of canines, felines, equines, flies, dragonflies, bees, ants, spiders, etc..

Likewise, as long as Antitheists insist upon evangelizing their own interpretations of holy texts, they exactly are not atheists.

As long as you're including elephants and rhinoceroses, (neither of which splits the hoof), as biblically "clean" animals, (and that 7 X 2 = 16), and denying the operation of what you call "magic", on God's part, you are dishonest about the context in which your question exists. Of course, this is exactly what people like you seem to enjoy teaching people like us, to expect of your sect of Bigotry.
2016-09-12 20:47:31 UTC
As all man have the common ancestor of Adam and Eve, animals likewise have common ancestors. All dogs decend from a common pair, with new varieties still being bred to this day. Such is the same with horses, cows, chickens etc. One pair of each breed was not necessary

However, while some where taken as a pair, others they took seven pairs.

Genesis 7, 1-5
2016-09-10 07:36:24 UTC
Not millions just a representative of animal species where on the ark.If mankind can put 86 humans in a Campervan like at the institute of technology in Carlow ,Ireland April 23, 2009, God can surely fit all the animal species i the Ark.
Ronald 7
2016-09-10 12:16:48 UTC
It was only two of each kind,.

Predators ate Prey.

When released there would have been a lot of inbreeding, thus Genetic mutation for at least the first 100 Generations.

Plus 12 people to clean up the mess?

Get real.

Famous last words on the Titanic, See how close we can get to that Iceberg!
2016-09-10 21:00:00 UTC
When the ark account was actually made was their millions of animals around, or did every part of the earth come under the flood? The ones made known to Noah came under the recorded flood, which by the way has been recorded as actually happening. The bible is not real clear as to every animal that existed, or the ones that would be affected by the massive flood, WE DON'T KNOW, AND SINCE YOU WEREN'T AROUND YOU DON'T EITHER.
2016-09-11 00:49:06 UTC

Thank you for your excellent question.

You may have noticed from the Bible that there is a relationship between God and man there described, in which when necessary at that time, God made miracles, and the matter of the Flood and Noah and the Ark is one such miracle; from the aspect of the number of animals (not sure about your assumption of millions though), the keeping of predators and prey safely while in proximity to each other, and the storage of compatible food for them.

There are other miracles described in the Bible, quite apart from the well-known ones carried out in order to release the Children of Israel from slavery in ancient Egypt, and also of the giving of the Divine Law on Mount Sinai.

Other examples:

The Prophet Elijah manifests God's glory over the prophets of Baal (while ridiculing them in the process):

1 Kings 18, 21-39:

The Prophet Elisha restores a boy from death:

2 Kings 4: 18-37.

The Prophet Elisha Creates olive oil to save a family from debt-bondage:

2 Kings 4:1-6:

I hope this helps.

2016-09-10 13:10:31 UTC
I liked the ancient alien theory which stated the Ark was actually a computer with took DNA of male and female animals. In which case the machine could store millions / billions of animals without food even if their was an event.

Not saying I believe it but at least it makes more sense at storing so many animals.
2016-09-11 09:57:56 UTC
The most wonderful thing about Gods creation is its recreative capacity.The mathematical scientific programming indispensible to life is dna coded in ways that mankind has not been able to reproduce , manufacture or demonstrate without recourse to Superhuman intelligence and forethought.Why bother to evolve something by trial and error when you know everything anyway!As for our dear forefather Noah he and his payload were the only remnants of the landbased creatures of the day.No doubt some species were lost forever as in the case of Dinosaurus et el.Nevertheless as any scientific source will tell you its is perfectly possible to elicit dna from the past and use it to mutate or simply reproduce its own kind,The rich and foolish men today seek to fridge freeze themselves or some other dna to re invent themselves for the distant future.

Now your question concerns the Ark..a reconstruction of which in the U.S.A clearly shows the huge capacity for the prime species from which derivitive species may well have evolved. So that is the wonderful good news, dear friend and your sceptism, touching as it is fails on all counts to use any articulate means to discount Gods power to do as He likes ,despite our presentday apostasy and self destructive madness.
Masticina Akicta
2016-09-12 02:12:21 UTC
A believer would say "GOD DID IT"

With god on your side you can life 3 days in the belly of a whale and not drown nor suffocate.

Reality indeed says very different! Pesky reality and numbers! Who ever thought that people actually would find out how much food/space is need by each animal and how much they poo and pee. Damned Scientists.

But that is indeed the situation.

It is a nice story but it doesn't works. It really doesn't works. So the only way to solve it for staunch believer is to say "God Did it" And we all know just how useful that is.
2016-09-14 06:19:12 UTC
Exactly how did Noah fit millions of animals on a boat but without invoking magic? OK, invented story.

But the funny thing about the evolution denying Ark freaks is that they have to admit that evolution occurred to create all the species from all the kinds. They are laughably arguing evolution can not exist because evolution happened in their story.
2016-09-12 13:52:14 UTC
Noah had a wife, called Nola, who was a psychic werewolf. She predicted his future of transporting animals; so she freaking howled at her sick, incredibly fast wolf carpenter mates, making them expanding the space. But it wasn't enough. So they invented racism and sent all the brown chickens to a torture camp, and traveled a fast trip into 2459, and got supplies for an impossibly flash-fast motor who flew them through the air. While they were in the air, the gorillas had a mental shared breakdown, which made the Noah call Allah, convincing him to show the future Harambe porn to calm him down. Halfway to the destination, Osama traveled to the past to boost the powerful motor with an exploding plane and suicides. But a crisis popped up; the boat fell down. The white sharks ripped of Nala's leg, but Noah had a plan. He carved the leg into the motor, which superior werewolf gore gave them power enough to reach the final destination with overwhelming charm. This is the truth. Embrace it.
2016-09-10 09:58:40 UTC
Change the conditions to fit the situation-see also miracle.

Just because things "natural laws" go their own way every day,

doesn't mean the Universe is permanently locked into into them.

There are exceptions.

Plus, you're trying to fit God into the naturalism box. He is above

and outside of all of these things, so doing something different one

time isn't all that difficult. He makes the rules. The Universe doesn't.

He has the freedom to change things if there is a need for that.
2016-09-12 15:57:02 UTC
Noah is one of the earliest storys in the bible, at that time the world as people knew it was much smaller many countries still undiscovered so a reduced number of animal species. Possibly there was a flood at that time which God used as an object lesson. The clean animals that several people have mentioned refers to those that God told the Jewish people were safe to eat
2016-09-10 18:10:01 UTC
Millions of animals..? Your info is incorrect Noah just took a pair of each type of animal, for example a female and male dog, a female and male pig, i dont think they reached million ... Less than 500 i suppose i dont think where they lived they had all the animals maybe less than 200 types
2016-09-09 18:01:34 UTC
Well, when you can come up with that much lumber from an area with basically no trees, I guess there is no problem fitting millions of pairs of animals, birds, and insects, and feeding them all. Anything is possible in the Big Fairy Tale, no matter how stupid. This tells you what the fiction writers thought of the intelligence of the people they were trying to con.
2016-09-09 18:03:49 UTC
Don't be silly. You are another of those who think the Old Testament is like a cookbook and want it all to be literally true as you believe literal truth is.

Take it that a man saved his family and his animals from a flood-at least until the situation in Turkey stabilizes and they can reopen the dig where they think the ark has petrified into stone.
2016-09-09 18:00:39 UTC
How many kinds of dogs are there? Countless.

How many species of dogs are there? One.

4500 years ago Noah took two dogs on the Ark. A male and a female. In the past 4500 years many different kinds of dogs have been bred to suit the kinds men wanted (for hunting, etc.). Did the dogs evolve? Of course not. We bred in or out traits at our discression.

When God sustained 2 million people in the desert for forty years, He miraculously sustained them raining bread from heaven every day, flying quail into the camp so they could eat meat and gushing water from a rock.


Including coming through the wall of your living room if He wants.
2016-09-09 19:07:43 UTC
Oh my goodness are you serious. You are speculating that based on TODAYS NUMBERS OF ANIMALS the ark held millions!!!

Those animals back in the Flood days were put in the ark in a minority - some in pairs of some and sevens of others. When there might have been say a wolf and female mate - it could have been the progenitor of wolf species. Same with say elephants. And so on. Just as from one man all men have come from Adam so with the animal kind.

Millions of animals it would have sunk and Noah with it. Duh
2016-09-11 01:34:24 UTC
Easily. There has been a replica made in the USA and they have animals on it.

Where are you getting 7 of each from. It's 1 pair, 1 breeding female and male if each species that where around at the time.
2016-09-09 20:23:59 UTC
It appears that God can operate in dimensions beyond the three dimension of space. The hyperspace situation with Noah's Ark also appears in 1 King 17 where Elijah and the widow of Zarephath:

12 “As surely as the Lord your God lives,” she replied, “I don’t have any bread—only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die.”

13 Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small loaf of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son. 14 For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.’”

15 She went away and did as Elijah had told her. So there was food every day for Elijah and for the woman and her family. 16 For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah.

Another hyperspace situation occurs when Jesus Christ feed thousands from a basket which contained a few fish and a few loaves of bread.
2016-09-12 04:32:54 UTC
Firstly to hypothosise that millions of animals would have to be on board the Ark is 100% flawed..

Secondly according to the accounts of the flood all the animals today are descended from the animal survivors of the Ark, just as we 7 billion humans are supposed to have descended from the 8 people on the Ark..

Therefore adaptations would have taken place..

So for example all the species of cats we see on earth today would have descended from one feline coupling that went onto the Ark, and so on with all the other couplings of animal species and their descended relatives..

This leaves us with less occupents that inhabited the Ark..

Adaptation is a fact, but science calls it "Evolution"..

Plants as food could have been stored on the Ark or even grown, herbivores consume grass and hay, its not certain according to scriptures whether animals we consider to be carnivores existed as carnivores back in the times of the flood..
2016-09-10 01:43:49 UTC
The idea is total nonsense and we all know it, yet the story of Noah's ark will not go away. It's rather like Science Fiction. As each animal enters the 'ark' it is immediately miniaturised as in 'mom I shrunk the kids' kinda idea.

That's the only way in which it could have been accomplished.

Otherwise - zilch
2016-09-10 13:54:44 UTC
Not to mention the genetic issue.

There's a nice youtube video here: explaining why cheetah genetics pretty solidly disprove the idea that every species in the world was reduced to a handful of pairs a few thousand years ago.

And the waste disposal issue. And the food issue. And the "where'd all the rain come from" issue. And a lot of others.

Anyone taking the bible absolutely literally is either stupid or crazy.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
2016-09-09 20:05:09 UTC
Noah was told to have one pair of each KIND, one male and one female, meaning for instance one male dog and one female dog. The dog KIND would be for every type of dog which includes wolves, foxes, etc. Only seven of each KIND of clean animal, cow for instance. There were not millions of animals on the ark. Since the Scriptures clearly state that God sent the animals to Noah and God gave Noah the plans for building the ark, God knew exactly what needed to be saved and sent them to Noah. If you don't choose to believe that's your right, It's my right to trust in God.
Crim Liar
2016-09-10 15:19:25 UTC
I actually love that you have christians on here making their own stuff up to try and plug the holes in the ark story.

*For the record I'm an atheist, and don't believe any of this.

The bible stories don't talk (even in their native tongues) about species, what they talk about are "kinds" - and they get this mixed up because birds are just one "kind", but according to the bible bats are birds, so go figure! So in general kinds are "similar species", so according to the bible scholars you don't need horses, donkeys, ponies, and zebra, you just have one "kind" that covers them all. Then after the flood miracle happens and all the different species appear almost over night from the survivors of their kinds!

Apparently feeding the carnivores is no problem while you are on the ark, after all you have the floating corpses of all the dead sinners!

As for the strength of the Ark, the scholars will tell you it was made of gopher wood. We have no idea what gopher wood is, the word from the earliest copies has no "sensible" translation. So in order to make fact fit fiction, bible scholars have determined that gopher wood was 1000 times as strong as the strongest wood we have to day, and many times more flexible.....
montez a
2016-09-09 19:44:20 UTC
Your details are vastly off.

Genesis 7:2-3 NLT "Take with you seven pairs—male and female—of each animal I have approved for eating and for sacrifice,[a] and take one pair of each of the others. 3 Also take seven pairs of every kind of bird. There must be a male and a female in each pair to ensure that all life will survive on the earth after the flood."

Note that there were only 7 pairs of each animal approved for eating and sacrifices. These are separate from the "each of the others" who only got 1 pair. So your calculations are dramatically off already. Also, during the voyage there were animals on board that served for food and other sacrifices. Thus they don t take up nearly as much long term space because they were going to die and NOT be fed long term. By the time the flood waters receded there were not as many animals left as at the beginning.

So, there weren t nearly as many animals as you think from your question.
2016-09-10 09:52:22 UTC
They were paired up for breeding.

The bible does not say that creation was completed .

In those days they were the animals which existed given to Noah by God.

AS God said" heaven and earth shall pass away but my Word will NOT pass away.

The vessel was quite large with quarters for the animals too..
2016-09-11 11:12:56 UTC
Here is the real difference. Man called the Titanic unsinkable and it sunk. God called the Ark unsinkable and it didn't.

Keep in mind, he brought them 7 clean and 1 pair unclean of EVERY animal. ACCORDING TO ITS KIND!!!!!!!

They had with them every wild animal according to its KIND, all livestock according to their KIND, every creature that moves along the ground according to its KIND and every bird according to its KIND, everything with wings.

So! 2 puppies, 2 kittens, 2 marsupials, 2 rodents, 7 goats (kids) , 7 sheep(lambs), 7 cattle (calfs) .....

You are kind of putting yourself in the place of the serpent in the garden or perhaps unwittingly putting yourself in the place of Eve having been deceived by the serpent. Either way you are calling God a liar. God never lies he proved it in the garden he will prove it again.

Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.(Saint Peter)
2016-09-11 14:51:26 UTC
There was a life-size Noah's ark constructed in Kentucky it's a 500 foot structure, I'd love to visit because I don't get it either..
2016-09-10 20:26:11 UTC
I truly believe that the bible etc, are children's story's (mainly ones like Adam and Eve and noahs ark to teach children to obey and be good. Then someone continued to write as people started to believe in it and now a lot of people believe.) So basically every one, in my opinion, is believing a children's story. Just wait till we're all worshiping Harry Potter.
Robert S
2016-09-11 18:43:27 UTC
Your assumptions are faulty to start with. The story is a myth.

The world flood was probably a local tsunami in the Mediterranean.

There would not be millions of animals, just a local few.

The Jews indulge in hyperbole when story telling.
Margaret A
2016-09-10 13:22:32 UTC
perhaps the interpretation is out on this one. by a pair of every animal could possibly relate to animals in that area so not every animal but those known in that area.lets face it upto recent times if you hadn't visited madagasca you wouldn't have known animals that only lived in that one location existed. i do remember a tv program when they actually worked out that there had indeed been a flood of this type in the area noah lived and the incident could actually have happened .
2016-09-11 16:23:07 UTC
The answer is that the flood wasn't global, therefore Noah didn't have to fit all the animals on earth into the ark. It was universal in that it killed all the humans on earth except Noah and his family, but it wasn't global. This article explains why:
2016-09-10 03:13:49 UTC
The Bible does not state how many pairs of animals were in the Ark. At the time when the Bible was written, there was not a huge number of species to be seen in the Middle East, therefore the writers of the Bible were assuming possibly a few hundred large animals to complete that fable.
2016-09-12 07:01:20 UTC
We think on human terms but our thoughts are limited. Gods thoughts are higher than humans thoughts. Psalms 55:8. When you read the Bible we must realize that whatever God says is done according to his ways. So God gave the dimensions to Noah as to how to build the ark and he and his son's did just so. When you read the account you will notice that God caused must of then animals to come to the ark, to Noah. That in itself is remarkable and unfathomable in humans brains. But it is true.
2016-09-12 07:23:00 UTC
i find it interesting that every civilisationseems to have their own flood story, the aboriginals hid in a tall tree, one native american tribe built a raft, the aztecs (or maya? cant remember) belived that the gods periodically flooded the world and started again, carrying one breeding pair of humans in their hands. these are just a few.

perhaps there was some event or natural disaster way back when that one of our ancient ancestors survived and passed on the tale, over thousands of generations its become twisted and changed into these many different but similar tales.

point being, i believe there is some kernel of truth to the story.
2016-09-10 09:34:21 UTC
Never said there were millions of animals on the boat.
2016-09-10 10:48:33 UTC
It would have been right after the ice age, so there were very few kinds of animals left, also the boat was super big, hundreds of times bigger than container ships here today.
2016-09-10 10:08:42 UTC
That's a bit like the fishing game and the fish I caught was this big...and later on it became "i caught a fish THIS big"..... Story is told and retold. And at first maybe it was , ok, a big boat with all sorts of animals "rescued" before that storm got out of hand.
2016-09-13 07:02:18 UTC
Apparently no one else in Noah's time knew how to build a boat. lol.
2016-09-13 05:10:30 UTC
He didn't have millions of animals on the arm and the Bible doesn't say how many but it says he only took 2 of the larger species and seven of the smaller that number was specific and very limited so that they can reproduce.
2016-09-12 05:17:54 UTC
Genesis 7:15

15 They kept going to Noah inside the ark, two by two, of every sort of flesh that has the breath of life.

Isaiah 43:11-13

11 I—I am Jehovah,+ and besides me there is no savior.”

12 “I am the One who declared and saved and made known

When there was no foreign god among you.

So you are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “and I am God.

13 Also, I am always the same One;

And no one can snatch anything out of my hand.

When I act, who can prevent it?”[search_id]=6cd79ded-2d18-4413-afd1-8a4d106f1f64&insight[search_result_index]=14
2016-09-10 03:29:14 UTC
I doubt if there were a million animal species back then! Maybe the animals that boarded Noahs ark were baby animals and so didnt take up as much space as adult animals would.

Dont forget that God can do anything! He is supernatural. He may have put the animals into a sedated state inside the ark where they didnt need feeding or mucking out!
2016-09-10 10:23:50 UTC
You are the content of the story. To get the content, forget all of argument, noise, and preconceptions, and simply read. It is barely about a boat. That's a prop almost.

It's about things like violence, evil and faith perhaps, but read it yourself and decide what you think. Your thoughts. Your own.
2016-09-10 10:51:16 UTC
He didn't fit them in. God did.

And, God told Noah how big to make the ark, and the measurements God gave Noah fit all of the animals.
2016-09-10 15:05:47 UTC
How do you know that the ''ark'' wasn't technologically highly advanced? Not saying I believe the story, but, for example, it would be possible to have every animal aboard if they were in the form of DNA samples
2016-09-09 17:48:31 UTC
Yeah it's embarrassing to think about. When I was a kid it was 'millions' of animals now it's 'thousands' of animals, which is even more ridiculous.
Ernest S
2016-09-10 14:22:59 UTC
Quite adequately.

And he clearly did else they would not be here today, would they?

Assuming what you are trying to disprove is not clever. It leads to the many ignorant errors such as those you make in your question.

And is anything that you do not undertand magic to you? That is very childish, is it not?

Rejection of God is a moral issue. Are you trying to find an excuse for your rejection of God?
2016-09-10 14:19:47 UTC
I have a better question: How long are you people going to go on and on asking this ridiculous question? Many at that time were aware that there was a flood on the way and the purpose of saving the animals was not due to any worry they had over them (like modern-day environmentalists!). No, it was because those animals were their means to survival. They saved goats for meat and milk, they saved chickens (and ducks if there were any) for meat and eggs, and if possible, a cow or two if space would allow it. The concept of a large ship with millions of animals on it is beyond ridiculous. It's insane. There were many people who survived the flooding during that period. If there are those (Christians) who want to believe that only Noah and his family survived, ok, fine, I won't argue with them. But obviously there were many others who were aware of what was to come and they also built boats or ships. But I'm curious as to why people continue to ask this ridiculous question when it is way beyond obvious that you don't put millions of animals on a boat? Clearly that would not be possible. Yes, there is much geologic evidence for vast flooding during those periods, and obviously people took animals with them on their boats, but we need to take an adult approach to all of this and realize that those people had also to think about survival after the flooding had subsided. So they saved birds and four-footed animals in pairs so that they'd be able to reproduce later on. They saved as many as was possible, but the idea that they or Noah took samples of every animal on earth aboard a ship is not rational. They took what they could and waited for the waters to come and hoped for the best. I suspect that each group of people (who built boats) took as many creatures as possible with them, but no one was going to take millions of them! Most inhabitants of the planet at that time appear not to have survived, but those who did survive did so because they knew how. And that was largely due in part to the saving of animals who would provide them with food later on. The Bible doesn't say that Noah took millions of animals, by the way. The phrase, "of every living thing" is used, but clearly "Noah" didn't travel round the world collecting animals of all kinds! And if there was an actual ark, it was certainly big. But let's look at this realistically. People saved as many animals as possible, and that was that. The little drawings or paintings of an ark we saw in our books when we were children with depictions of giraffes, lions, elephants, and so on is a cute children's story, but ... to repeat myself ... let's look at this realistically. Please ...
2016-09-09 18:11:34 UTC
what ate the termites? the mast of the boat?

where to put all drinking water necessary to the animals and passengers

who cleaned the enclosure of the lions, tigers aso

what ate the predators like tigers, wolves (inter alia)

and how about mammals requiring to spend time in water like the hippopotamuses

thousands of questions and no realistic answer

Noah is a legend and nothing more
2016-09-10 01:05:57 UTC
Animals reproduce & evolve after their kind. He would only have needed to put thousands on the boat, not millions.
Roberta B
2016-09-09 19:37:47 UTC
Your question suggests the truth of the underlying statement. However, the Bible account does NOT say that millions of animals were on the boat. A representative model of each kind of animal is what went into the ark, and there was enough room for that.

Variety within the different kinds of animals can produce the current animal population, because "kind" is a broader designation than species. Also there is evidence of land bridges, that no longer exist now, between land masses, which would make it possible for all kinds of land animals to come to the ark.

Also, the text says 7, not necessarily 7 pairs, of each clean animal, and 2 of the unclean animals went into the ark. There is a reason for thinking so, although some may feel otherwise:


After Noah finished building the ark, Jehovah told him: “Go, you and all your household, into the ark, because you are the one I have seen to be righteous before me among this generation. Of every clean beast you must take to yourself by sevens, the sire and its mate; and of every beast that is not clean just two, the sire and its mate.” (Genesis 7:1, 2) Some translations, such as The New English Bible, The New Jerusalem Bible, and Tanakh—The Holy Scriptures, render the original Hebrew “seven pairs.”

In the original language, the expression “sevens” literally reads “seven seven.” (Genesis 7:2, footnote) However, the repetition of a number in the Hebrew language does not necessarily mean that the numbers should be added together. For example, 2 Samuel 21:20 describes “a man of extraordinary size” as having “six fingers on each of his hands and six toes on each of his feet.” In Hebrew, the number “six” is repeated. This, though, does not mean that the giant had six pairs of fingers (or, 12) on each hand and six pairs of toes on each foot. The repetition relates only to the distribution of fingers on a hand and of toes on a foot.

What guidance do the grammatical rules of the Hebrew language provide in the matter of repeating numbers? When discussing Genesis 7:2, 9, William R. Harper’s Introductory Hebrew Method and Manual states: “Words are often repeated in order to express the distributive relation.” Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar (Second English Edition) says: “Distributives are expressed . . . by repetition of the cardinal number.” It gives as examples Genesis 7:9, 15 and 2 Samuel 21:20, where the repeated numbers are “two” and “six” respectively.

So “seven seven” in Genesis 7:2 does not mean seven pairs, or 14, just as the repeating of “two” does not mean two pairs, or four, in Genesis 7:9, 15. The repetition of a number in each verse merely denotes a distribution—not an addition of the numbers. Hence, while clean animals were taken into the ark “by sevens,” of the unclean ones, “just two” were taken.

What, though, of the expression “the sire and its mate” immediately after the word “sevens” at Genesis 7:2? That has led some to think that Noah was instructed to take seven pairs of every kind of clean animal. The clean beasts, however, were preserved not strictly for the purpose of procreation. Genesis 8:20 tells us that after coming out of the ark, “Noah began to build an altar to Jehovah and to take some of all the clean beasts and of all the clean flying creatures and to offer burnt offerings upon the altar.” Having on hand the seventh animal from each clean kind provided Noah with an animal for sacrifice, leaving three mated pairs for propagating their kind on the earth.


Your statement that it is "magic" that Noah would even do all of this, suggests that, to you, "magic" is the only way for this event to happen. But magic is either fictional deception, or comes from an alternate intelligence (including human assistants). Also, magic usually only provides authoritative power or at least an income for the magicians, and is not a method of salvation for all life on earth.

Also, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of accounts in the histories of human national groups and languages of a flood having occurred. Gilgamesh is not the only account, not by a long shot, it isn't even the first account. And all of these accounts had things in common, the world of humankind being flooded except for a few. The written and oral testimony of these ancient accounts should count for something, because those who passed them on through the years did so using the best method of recording that they had available.

The idea that God provided both the instructions for the ark and arranged for the representative animal kinds to come to it just in time, and, that God also made the flood occur, is dependent on the existence of the God who has the ability to do these things.

And also Noah had to have been told ahead of time that this flood would occur. He would not know unless that was the case.

So REALLY, this entire question is about whether or not the God who created the universe including the earth and humans exists. Well, the account of Noah's flood and his ark is yet another testimony that God does exist.
Mrs Awesomness
2016-09-09 20:58:32 UTC
Simple, Noah was able to replicate the technology that makes the Tardis bigger on the inside when Doctor Who came for a visit.

I thought this was common knowledge.
2016-09-10 03:38:24 UTC
😉 Same way that Santa Claus fits millions upon millions, if not billions; of toys in his bottomless magical sleigh, his magnificent reindeer can fly faster that a speeding bullet, and Santa travels faster than the speed of light. Up up and away... 🗾 💨
2016-09-11 05:58:08 UTC
SHORT ANSWER: Prophet Moses made this boat for years and years (for about 500 years) as he got a note from Allah to build the Ark.
2016-09-09 21:31:27 UTC
Because it never happened. It's a fictional story. Nothing more than a fable like Adam and Eve.
2016-09-10 16:54:51 UTC
Scholars doubt it, especially Harun Yahya. The latter mentioned that Noah and his followers only loaded domestic animals and pets into the ark.
Queen of Castle
2016-09-10 10:16:15 UTC
I believe that it's just a story, that over the years, people have just taken literally. I think it's just a metaphorical story with a meaning that got taken a bit too seriously.
2016-09-13 09:04:20 UTC
If you watched the movie "Noah" with Russel Crowe you would see him usher the animals onto the ark and they would immediately fall into hibernation/trance and were stacked closely together. The movie did show the Nephilim, or giants who were incorrectly helping Noah build the ark. Actually they were roaming around enslaving men to feed them vast quantities of food and if they failed, they were eaten. Rockwall, Texas ancient ruins showed signs of this (giant cast iron cauldron, one giant skeleton and many normal size human skeletons with marks on the bones indicating they were butchered and made into stew).
2016-09-10 19:30:30 UTC
Is the story of Paul Bunyan really about a huge guy who could chop down trees with a single stroke of his axe? Or is it a story designed to make people feel good about American expansion?

I guess it never dawned on you that the trivia of a story is not the same thing as its message.
2016-09-10 04:06:47 UTC
the bible wanted to say when it mention the word animals to 5 kinds of animals not to the whole species of animals. what's more the crocodile who was on the ark of noah represented all family species of small and big allegators as cameleon,lizard...and thus every specie of animals was on behalf of it cousin, the lion represented the cat and the dog the coyote ... that evolved to what they are. so, it wasn't so crowded inside the ark of noah, unless he took the whole village but not it was only the wives of his 3 sons and them.
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-09-11 16:58:36 UTC
He didn't was only two of jk its not a real story and that Bible book thing needs to be thrown into the science fiction category. Its also a horrible boring read and terribly violent
2016-09-13 10:47:43 UTC
With millions of insects,it would have been necessary to spend centuries to find and keep them

All the story is a funny hoax or a big joke in the bible !
2016-09-10 20:04:11 UTC
He didn't. It's a stolen allergy from ancient Egypt. The original bird was a raven, and the person who survived was lead downhill on a raft. Most of the judeo Christian bible is stolen and ripped off from ancient civilizations and religions that predate it to thousands of years.
Jimmy C
2016-09-11 09:20:53 UTC
Since Ham no has the opportunity to prove it, he should round up 7 of every animal on the planet and keep them there for a month.
2016-09-10 18:53:42 UTC
It says In Genesis 6:15 This is how you will make it: The ark should be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. 16 You will make a window for light for the ark, one cubit from the top. You should put the entrance of the ark in its side and make it with a lower deck, a second deck, and a third deck. I am establishing my covenant with you, and you must go into the ark, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you. 19 And bring into the ark two of every sort of living creature in order to preserve them alive with you, a male and a female; 20 of the flying creatures according to their kinds, the domestic animals according to their kinds, and all creeping animals of the ground according to their kinds, two of each will go in there to you to preserve them alive. 21 For your part, you are to collect and take with you every kind of food to eat, to serve as food for you and for the animals.”

This tells us that if god lovingly is giving the specific instruction of how he wants them in there he would make sure there is room for all he wants in there.
sandy d
2016-09-11 15:07:14 UTC
The magic was in the wording of the story that man made up!!! No actual god or devil or heaven or hell exist anywhere outside of any ones religiously inculcated til brainwashed childish minds!!! If a god existed we would all of met it as we entered its world not years later in human run Jesus camps and then only ae a man made up belief!!!
2016-09-12 23:07:22 UTC
One at a time.
2016-09-13 03:59:23 UTC
Just like in the movie "Honey I shrunk the Kid", Noah used some magic and shrunk all the animals and later brought them back to normal size.... Just humorously answering.
great knight
2016-09-09 23:35:39 UTC
Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life! Jesus loves you. Get a king james bible and believe. Read John chapter 1,3,6,20. Read Romans chapter 5,8,10,12. Read 1 John chapter 4. Read Ephesians chapter 2. Read Acts chapter 4. Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall have everlasting life! Read 1 Corinthians chapter 1 and 15.
2016-09-10 14:37:39 UTC
That's easy:

He didn't.

We can now.They're butchered and stored on refrigerated container ships.

Yum yum.

The difference between science and psychosis.
just me!
2016-09-13 04:33:34 UTC
They probably were more advanced than we think, or had help.😉 Perhaps they just took animals that they needed for food and the rest of them were in containers of DNA.
2016-09-11 05:06:23 UTC
2016-09-10 11:57:05 UTC
His ark was actually a TARDIS.

Noah was a Time Lord.
2016-09-10 04:54:35 UTC
That question is no different to exactly how did harry potter learn to fly a broom.

2016-09-09 17:53:12 UTC
What makes you think there were millions of animals on it?
2016-09-09 17:53:04 UTC
Do you believe the story of Noah's ark? I don't.
2016-09-10 14:42:41 UTC
By through to selecting certain animals
2016-09-12 15:10:32 UTC
He had a RO-RO vessel.....roll-on-roll-off. Any animals that couldn't be containerized were put on hard-rubber tired "mafis", or marine flat decks. Another thought just came to mind: SEE-THRU shipping containers (ISO certified), to ship refugees from place to place.
2016-09-12 17:00:54 UTC
He never existed, but if someone was going try that, they could just collect all of the DNA which would probably all fit in a box...
2016-09-09 17:45:13 UTC
He could have fit a trillion on the boat if God wanted him to
Angela Merkel
2016-09-10 10:14:48 UTC
You're asking ME!! Same way I crammed 1,2 Millionen immigrants into Germany! LOL!
2016-09-09 23:52:00 UTC
He didn't, because he never existed and if he had, then you'd be absolutely justified calling BS for the exact reasoning called out in your question.
2016-09-09 17:49:12 UTC
he didn't need to take millions

The total cubic volume would have been 1,518,000 cubic feet [462,686.4 cubic meters] --that would be equal to the capacity of 569 modern railroad stock cars, assuming the minimum size for the cubit
2016-09-09 17:44:39 UTC
2016-09-12 09:17:37 UTC
He didn't. Its a pretend story. Make believe. Or a miracle if you are into that sort of thing.
2016-09-12 19:11:52 UTC
When it comes to the bible the answer will be magic.

Believers of the "great flood" will offer cop-out excuses when you ask them why are some animals indigenous to certain areas of the world.
2016-09-12 00:02:47 UTC
Sounds to me like you're not really wanting to find the answer to your question. You simply want people's response so you will then be able to insult them for their "ignorance". Arrogance is really ugly.. on anyone.
2016-09-10 04:13:22 UTC
It's a story....We learn from stories and myths so just brushing it off is foolish and is the reason why you don't sound very educated.
2016-09-10 09:13:22 UTC
HA HA its just a fake story I had them all in my row boat
2016-09-09 17:59:51 UTC
I decline to answer questions posted by "Anonymous" characters since they can hide behind that pen name indefinitely. There is nothing to prevent “Anonymous” individuals from posting blatant lies and falsehoods without ID-ing themselves, as someone did recently.
2016-09-10 07:30:04 UTC
Its impossible and it is not real. There is no evidence that showed it happened. And if you put a lion next to a chicken do you rally think he wouldnt eat it ?
Aortas Insotomia.
2016-09-12 18:55:56 UTC
Noah used the shrinking machine that was given to him by God.
2016-09-09 17:57:49 UTC
He was an angry 600 yo man with a stick
2016-09-09 17:57:43 UTC
Animal tetris.
2016-09-11 23:54:04 UTC
enlist all million of animal first. there could be only less than hundred of different kind of animals
2016-09-10 10:21:36 UTC
I think only Noah can answer your question accurately!
2016-09-10 09:47:45 UTC
Fitting them in is where you start to question the credibility of the story? How the heck did he catch bears, lions and Bigfoot?
Vinegar Taster
2016-09-10 07:46:20 UTC
Just another story written for people who couldn't even read or write . Another story " borrowed "from prior cultures ...
2016-09-11 12:30:27 UTC
He didn't. It's all made up. Religious fiction.
2016-09-13 16:59:15 UTC
I think it's just a story.

He couldn't have done all that unless God literally helped him.
2016-09-11 17:36:15 UTC
Its christianity, logic doesn't apply with religion
2016-09-10 10:44:51 UTC
I haven't good relationship with religion
2016-09-11 22:03:56 UTC
2016-09-10 07:09:39 UTC
He didn't because it's not true. It's fiction. Sorry, but I'm a grown adult.
Graham S
2016-09-09 23:37:45 UTC
He shrunk them all to fit them on his aircraft carrier sized wooden boat.... which was powered by methane gas....
2016-09-11 16:35:58 UTC
They took a pill to shrink the animals
2016-09-10 17:35:15 UTC
Simple answer: God's power. If God was able to create universe, then won't he be able to do that?
2016-10-05 14:43:48 UTC
I though he got just one pair per animal. Anyway, it was crowded, but he was obedient to God and followed his orders and somehow God always knows the way!
2016-09-10 16:19:06 UTC
he cut them up into little pieces and either smoke preserved or salty cured them , putting them into little boxes so they would fit on his rubber dingy

when the floods were over - he put them back together again piece by piece rehydrating them with the flood water -, thus lowering the flood waters of the world ..
2016-09-09 18:20:29 UTC
Did you know that stories back in those days had equal importance whether they were fact or fiction?
2016-09-10 10:51:20 UTC
Advanced alien technology.
2016-09-09 21:38:18 UTC
Back then, there were only a half dozen "kinds" and everything since them is just evolution gone wild.
2016-09-09 18:46:04 UTC
The story of the Ark didn't need to invoke magic. All it needed was the Word of God.
2016-09-09 19:45:49 UTC
Like you really expected intelligent answers from religious nuts.
2016-09-11 20:22:05 UTC
The book doesn't say they were all full-grown adult size animals.

That is your impractical assumption.
2016-09-11 03:25:07 UTC
I'm not saying it's magic but magic
2016-09-11 16:06:53 UTC
The only way it would've ever worked,,,,through an epic mythical story
2016-09-11 18:08:45 UTC
God miraculously shrunk all those animals for the entire time they were on the ark, then he made them bigger after they left the ark.
2016-09-12 03:09:14 UTC
Noah had a shrink ray gun.
2016-09-09 19:37:40 UTC
2016-09-10 14:15:44 UTC
He didn't. The bible is just a load of fairy stories and should be treated as such.
2016-09-12 01:00:27 UTC
He freeze dried them first then vacuum packed them. Utilization of space was essential.
2016-09-10 00:48:59 UTC
He had a trailer hooked to the back of the boat.
2016-09-10 16:55:08 UTC
God allowed him to fit them all in to save them all or something
2016-09-11 13:04:38 UTC
Do you genuinely not understand parables with a timely message?
2016-09-12 03:17:22 UTC
It was a biiiig boat
2016-09-11 14:48:48 UTC
all he needed was one fertile pair of any species , over the years their offspring mutated into the critters

we know of today (of course god did some hocus pokess) the whole book is full of magic
Campbell Hayden
2016-09-11 05:45:30 UTC
He didn't ... The entire story is a crock of sh`t.
2016-09-11 01:06:04 UTC
Logic suggests it was a load of bull.
2016-09-10 13:00:25 UTC
First off, the devil told you to ask questions. God has told me through dreams, that if you question God and his decisions, you will burn in hell.

Now, to answer your question. I don't know.
2016-09-10 18:24:14 UTC
It was possible because God was with me, there doesn't have to be scientific explenation because with God everything is possible. God Bless.
2016-09-10 19:58:20 UTC
Short answer: it's a bunch of bullshit.
2016-09-11 02:47:54 UTC
2016-09-10 11:49:02 UTC
You know if you actually read your Bible you would know that Noah did with "Magic". lol
2016-09-10 02:36:16 UTC
Pity you were not around at the time to tell them - you could have saved them much effort.
2016-09-11 04:16:57 UTC
He didn't, it's just a story.
2016-09-10 18:42:09 UTC
there are 4 primary colours ... fact.

exactly how does this become ... millions of colours ? check your computer, it says the no. of colours.
2016-09-10 18:02:56 UTC
It was KINDS not species, idiot. Read Genesis, the word "KINDS" occurs over 20 times.
2016-09-10 10:21:31 UTC
The bible is written by those who were crazy or holy nuts. Crazy people never know they are crazy.
2016-09-11 10:37:33 UTC
The ark was huge that's why
2016-09-10 20:14:20 UTC
The bible is just there to keep people living under dogma 😝
2016-09-10 08:31:27 UTC
Nothing is impossible with God, who ordained this event to be so
2016-09-10 09:04:49 UTC
He didn't because the ark never existed.
2016-09-09 19:44:20 UTC
millions ? what an idiot.

they probably were very young and small animals.
Ben Dover
2016-09-10 20:07:00 UTC
He filled his asshole with a garlic scented substance. It all worked from there.
2016-09-10 01:33:37 UTC
He dehydrated them first. That is where all the water for the flood came from.
2016-09-10 13:08:25 UTC
roman paganism vs old testament judaism.
2016-09-10 20:48:01 UTC
I m guessing he opened the door and let them in. That s the usual way.
2016-09-10 12:52:58 UTC
He was a young G
2016-09-09 18:00:28 UTC
I don't know
gen x
2016-09-10 17:07:14 UTC
SImple answer...he didnt. Its all bollox, as is the rest of the old testament
2016-09-11 01:38:24 UTC


2016-09-10 20:55:20 UTC
that is a myth. don't worry about it mind god dam it to mother-foikin' hell, okay?
2016-09-11 09:59:04 UTC
I think the real question is did he take fish on board?!
2016-09-11 13:05:26 UTC
He shrank them all with a shrink ray gun.
2016-09-12 02:02:12 UTC
2016-09-09 21:04:46 UTC
This a proof that GOD above can do anything
2016-09-10 21:11:05 UTC
yo mama
2016-09-10 09:32:24 UTC
Easy. The ark was actually a TARDIS.
2016-09-11 08:52:44 UTC
I really don't know how can anyone believe that bullcrap.
2016-09-10 07:44:33 UTC
Had them freeze dried.
2016-09-12 13:11:59 UTC
It's bigger on the inside.
2016-09-10 11:26:48 UTC
Now you are taking into account that these were babies, right?
2016-09-10 07:33:34 UTC
One ultimately (here's the key) simple answer:

2016-09-10 12:25:52 UTC
So finally we all get it. The bible is lies lies and more lies.

Well done you for actually thinking it through.
2016-09-09 21:54:30 UTC
I think you are missing the point of the story.
2016-09-12 15:02:18 UTC
The answer is simple. The joys of mince.
2016-09-11 08:11:07 UTC
test tubes
2016-09-10 11:40:15 UTC
"Exactly how did Noah fit millions of animals on a boat?" He didn't fit "millions" on the Ark, only about 2,000 kinds were needed. Make the wrong presumption, you will almost always get the wrong answer. Like you actually think Christians are "indoctrinated" by reading a book? Then why aren't you "indoctrinated"? Irrational thinking gets you nowhere.

Over one million animal species have been named, but it’s a mistake to assume all were on the Ark. The Bible says Noah took only air-breathing land animals. So that excludes sea creatures and possibly insects and other invertebrates.

Of the land vertebrates, there are only around 33,000 named living species (and a few thousand more fossil species). These are divided into fewer than 10,000 genera and 1,000 families.

Students in vertebrate paleontology at Liberty University are still finalizing the list of extinct families and living families. So far, the current estimate of living and extinct vertebrate families is about 950, but I gave you a conservative estimate of 16,000 from an older study.

So how many kinds of animals were on the Ark? The answer depends on which modern taxonomic level—order, family, genus, or species—represents each original “kind.” Two times 1,000 gives about 2,000 land-dwelling vertebrate animals that Noah had to care for.

Without tiering of cages, only about half of the Ark floor would have been necessary to house all of the animals required on the Ark and these could all fit on one level (out of three levels). What’s more, many could have been housed in groups, which would have further reduced the required space, leaving enough room for a large play pen as big as a tennis court.

They had decades to prepare for this journey and likely were saving seeds and growing food in planters and pots to transport to the Ark. The upper deck could easily accommodate a large garden.

The dimensions of the Ark are convincing for two reasons: the proportions are like that of a modern cargo ship, and it is about as large as a wooden ship can be built. The dimensions are less than half the Titanic or Queen Mary.

There were large wooden ships of similar length built with the same level of technology in ancient times in far less time: The Greek Tessarakonteres 200 BC 420' x 52'.

The Bible does not tell us that Noah and his sons built the Ark by themselves. Noah could have hired skilled laborers or had relatives, such as Methuselah and Lamech, help build the vessel. However, nothing indicates that they could not—or that they did not—build the Ark themselves in the time allotted.

If one or two men today can erect a large house in just 12 weeks, how much more could three or four men do in a few years? Adam’s descendants were making complex musical instruments, forging metal, and building cities—their tools, machines, and techniques were not primitive. The idea that more primitive civilizations are further back in time is an evolutionary concept.

When you stick to the facts instead of unfounded, unsupported OPINION, Noah's Ark is entirely possible.

The Flood itself reveals innumerable facts in evidence in historical records, visible stratigraphy and fossils.

Parallel historical accounts of Noah's Flood are found in the records of more than 500 civilizations around the world, many with no clear connection. Independent from the Bible, Noah's grandson Kush is specifically named as a post flood king in the Sumerian Kings list.

Then you have non-textual physical lines of evidence indicating a global event about the time (based on genealogies) that are consistent with the flood or the likely aftermath. The "fossil bloom" in the Cretaceous Period of geologic time screams Noah's Flood, corroborates and verifies the Bible, a "bloom" of evidence everywhere of Noah's Flood in stratigraphy, fossils of billions of dead things piled on top of each other.

Hmm, clear evidence of a catastrophic flood in recorded history of over 500 civilizations, evidence of a bloom of fossils, evidence of tortuous, catastrophic pancake layers of sediment like the Tapeats covering the entire North American Continent, the Sauk layer covering two-thirds of the Earth, clear evidence of a greater Flood that laid down these hundreds and thousands of feet of sediment across the planet, evidence of plate tectonics movement and shifting of the Earth's crust (much greater than today), then comes the evidence of a bloom of humanity, what more clear evidences of the Bible corroborated in reality can be ignored when the burden of proof of the scientific method has been met? Science confirms the Bible, not evolution.

Then in one generation not one but at least two and arguably three advanced civilizations (might that be from Shem, Ham, and Japheth?--Noah's sons) complete with language, writing, irrigation, monuments, domestication of beasts of burden, a monetary system, a system civil and criminal law.. Poof like magic just suddenly there. Civilization and humanity began again after Noah's Flood, right where the Bible says, exactly when written language appears out of nowhere about 2300 BC, with no clearly identifiable precursors.

If we count the generations back to Noah, it would be about 150. The Flood was roughly 4,500 years ago. Average generation span of 30 years. Divide 30 into 450, and you get 150 generations. Sure, it's a rough estimate, coincidence that it's so accurate (like most of the Bible)?

Why is there no historical support for Noah and his flood or for the entire story of Exodus?

How sure are we the Earth is 4.543 billion years old and not 6,000 years old?

Is Noah's Ark a Fairytale?

Why don't Christian fundamentalist just give and admit that Noah the Ark is just a made up fairytale?

Dating the Bible w Egypt pyramids and Gilgamesh (also ice cores)

Did The Biblical Flood Happen?

Geology of Grand Canyon & Noah's Flood

In what ways do you justify that the Earth is some 6000 years old?
2016-09-09 17:53:43 UTC
Read the Bible! It says so there! Hallelujah!
2016-09-10 19:44:58 UTC
He would have had different stages.
2016-09-10 15:09:31 UTC
He didn't...
2016-09-10 06:52:15 UTC
Anything is possible with God.
Olive Garden
2016-09-11 05:57:20 UTC
God shrink the animals, what else.
2016-09-10 10:04:03 UTC
yeah, its just a story.
2016-09-09 17:47:56 UTC
🙈🙉 don't know or care, he just did!
2016-09-11 01:54:35 UTC
by magic
2016-09-09 18:08:11 UTC
fairy tales don't have to make sense....
2016-09-10 08:51:55 UTC
Not my problem
2016-09-09 18:05:16 UTC
Where did it say...A YEAR?
2016-09-11 13:05:39 UTC
with god all things are possible
k w
2016-09-12 08:32:53 UTC
he didn't, and you can't handle the truth....
2016-09-10 02:18:00 UTC
he didn't
2016-09-09 19:34:51 UTC
God is able
2016-09-12 09:01:52 UTC
By faith.
2016-09-10 15:18:27 UTC
2016-09-12 09:07:29 UTC
Chris M
2016-09-10 12:41:36 UTC
2016-09-09 19:00:26 UTC
2016-09-10 11:09:55 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.