Why does G-d allow suffering?
2015-04-08 12:32:23 UTC
I strongly believe in G-d but never understood why he allows pain, suffering, massacres, murders, torturing, etc...
143 answers:
2015-04-09 11:19:16 UTC
This is a very good question that you are asking, I'm sure everyone wonders the same. They Almighty God Jehovah allows suffering only so that he can reach the hearts of honest people who are longing for things to change. We may think that he is slow in taking care of things, but in the Bible at 2 Peter3:9 it mentions : That Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. Because we inherited sin from our first parents Adam and Eve we suffer the pains of distress but the Almighty God promises that it will not be for long (Romans 5:12).We have a Hope that all suffering will end.​—Psalm 37:9-11. We also have an assurance that God has not caused our problems.- James 1:13. We also have the comfort of knowing that the Almighty God Jehovah feels for us when we are suffering - Zechariah 2:8.

God hates suffering and injustice. Consider how Jehovah God felt when his people in Bible times were cruelly mistreated. The Bible says that he was distressed because of “those who were treating them abusively.”​—Judges 2:18 God has strong feelings about those who harm others. For example, the Bible says that “hands that shed innocent blood” are detestable to him.​—Proverbs 6:16, 17.

God cares for us as individuals.Not only does each person know “his own plague and his own pain” but so does Jehovah!​—2 Chronicles 6:29, 30. Through his Kingdom, Jehovah will soon end the suffering of each individual. (Matthew 6:9, 10) In the meantime, he tenderly comforts those who sincerely look for him.​—Acts 17:27; 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4. I would like to invite you to this website where you can get more accurate answers to your questions and you can also request a free home Bible study

. Please enjoy the website it has a lot to offer you.
2015-04-08 14:48:04 UTC
Is it wrong to ask why God allows suffering? Some worry that asking such a question means that they do not have enough faith or that they are showing disrespect for God. When reading the Bible, however, you will find that faithful, God-fearing people had similar questions. For example, the prophet Habakkuk asked Jehovah: “Why do you make me witness wrongdoing? And why do you tolerate oppression? Why are destruction and violence before me? And why do quarreling and conflict abound?”—Habakkuk 1:3.

Did Jehovah scold the faithful prophet Habakkuk for asking such questions? No. Instead, God included Habakkuk’s sincere words in the inspired Bible record. God also helped him to get a clearer understanding of matters and to gain greater faith. Jehovah wants to do the same for you. Remember, the Bible teaches that “he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) God hates wickedness and the suffering it causes far more than any human does. (Isaiah 55:8, 9) Why, then, is there so much suffering in the world?
2015-04-09 07:46:05 UTC
There are many reasons. First of all, God loves us more than the human mind can comprehend. It is because He loves us that He allows suffering. At this time, some people define love like a permissive parent and believe that love is all hugs, kisses and ice cream.

Because we are full of sin, suffering helps us to see the sin and work and pray to get rid of sin within us. The Bible says that we are purified as gold is purified. Gold is purified by heating it until it melts. When the gold is molten, the impurities float to the surface and our skimmed off. The Bible says that we purified like gold that is heated 7 times so that each time the impurities in us can be skimmed off.

Also, in 2 Corinthians 1:5 and1 Peter4:13 and many other scriptures, We are told that we participate in the sufferings of Christ.

I am 100% disabled and at the moment I am in severe pain, and I don't like it. However, I know that God is allowing this for my best interests. Suffering causes us to run to God to seek shelter in Him. It also causes us to remain humble.

Jesus said about Himself but also to us, "Greater love (agape) has no man than to lay down his life for a friend." Most of the time in the New Testament where we read the word love the original Greek word, "agape". "Agape" is not a feeling or emotion. Agape is a "decision" to always act in the best interests of the other person even if it causes us some suffering. The greater suffering the higher the agape is. Also agape must be freely given and it must a decision that is irrevocable.

I know this was long and somewhat rambling but as I said I am in severe pain. I hope you got something helpful from what I have written.
2015-04-08 16:11:48 UTC
The suffering is caused by people, the vast majority of which choose to ignore God's will, principles, and directions. You should be asking why people choose to cause so much suffering by following God's chief adversary . . . Satan the Devil.

God is allowing opportunity for them all to prove beyond any shadow of anyone's doubt, that their chosen course is both unrealistic & impossible, as well as totally undesirable!

IF God had immediately killed every incorrigibly wicked person, that would have only left questions in the minds of those living as to whether God was afraid of being shown up by the ones he had killed.

This way, there is no question that disobedience to God is the equivalent of evil & suffering in great magnitude. The evidence that has accrued will be used to establish a universal legal precedent which will prevent any of those things from ever occurring again!

It also provides proof --many times over-- that following God's righteous requirements is the very best way to live . . . thereby providing stronger reasons to believe in & put trust in our Grand Creator.

"What Does the Bible Really Teach?"

- Ch 11: "Why Does God Allow Suffering?"
2015-04-10 12:29:51 UTC
Hi, some good reasonable answers above such as Dark Daughter & Erikka. People make choices & it is not God's will for people to get themselves into sufferable situations. People just do! We are a fallen people which is why Jesus went to the cross for all the sins of all mankind for all time. Jesus allows us to suffer sin because He wants willing followers not force us to follow Him. Would you marry someone who came up to you and demanded you to marry them? Same with God who loves us & offers a wonderful plan for your life. Let me remind you that:

1) God loves you (we don't initially love Him) and has a wonderful purpose for your life

(John 3:16, 10:10, Jeremiah 29:11)

2) Man is sinful & separated from God and cannot experience His love & forgiveness

(Romans 3:23, James 3:2)

3) Jesus died on the cross for all the sins of all mankind for all time.

(1 Peter 3:18, 1 Timothy 2:5, Acts 4:12, 1 John 1:9)

4) YOU can know this Jesus personally as your Lord & Saviour by responding to His invitation to

be in your life

(Revelations 3:20, John 1:12, Hebrews 11:1,6)

Hope this helps
John D.
2015-04-09 16:21:54 UTC
Man allows suffering.
2015-04-09 09:22:35 UTC
Assuming G-d means God, understand God did not created robots, He created live beings that can make their own decisions that can lead to bad consequences. Some things we can't control but God still allows it... birth defects, injuries by nature, beasts or insects, war even in the household, accidents, diseases, poverty, famine, cancer, mental issues, and the list goes on. It's something the world will suffer because this is a fallen world and the devil rules it. Weather you follow God or not, most likely you will be a victim of something, the difference is that if you have God in your life He will help you get through, He may not get you out but He'll get you through if you want Him to.
2015-04-10 20:14:06 UTC
because when Adam and eve sinned pain death and suffering began like a curse upon there offspring (us) but remember pain and suffering are temporary but an everlasting life with no pain and suffering is better

and to use this as a tool to open people eyes to the truth

also remember how much love and mercy there still is in the world it not just full of pain an suffering
2015-04-08 19:29:20 UTC
First, why do we have pain and suffering? Remember God's plan and blessings were to follow Israel as they were to be a banner before the world of the one true God. Suffering came about as a result of disobedience but, God forewarned that it would come so that Israel would repent and know God was in control and that He had the right to bless or punish.

Now to your question. God foretold of many horrible things that would happen. God would be a liar if they did not come to pass but, remember from above why they are coming to pass. God is once again showing Himself true by allowing suffering as a result of disobedience.
2015-04-10 16:56:52 UTC
You can look at it this way: If you were unable to feel pain, you would be in grave danger from disease or from injuries that could kill you, just because you were unable to know anything was wrong with you! and in order for life to exists and for good things to exist, there needs to be a polar opposit such as Death and bad things!, Now bad things and Death entered into the World because of Adam and Eves decision to take Satan's advices over and above the advices of Almighty God! and this conundrum is prevelent still in the World where Most people are under the advices of Satan and His fallen Angel camp as priority to listening to Almighty God, and thus we are surrounded by bad things and by Death, But Almighty God has Not left all people without a solution and a chance to live a life without all of these terrors, But Gods plan has to be fullfilled even with all of the Ugliness that the Worldly people bring around us, they shall be utterly destroyed and they shall see the undoing of their Arrogant and haughty ways and know fully what they have done.
brother trucker
2015-04-09 21:39:35 UTC
God allows freedom. He warned us that negative choices would result in negative actions and death and then allowed us to make both positive and negative choices.

We cant control our destiny here on earth because we live in an environment that is influenced by others negativity. We can only control what we do and the influence we have. We can control our final destiny though by making the right choices.

Jesus came to ask us, His followers to help Him establish Gods Kingdom on earth. It was always a part of His teachings and conversation. Its part of the Divine Commission and the Lords Prayer. Its why He came.

It will be the most powerful influence for love and positive enforcement on the earth. When it is established Jesus will return as our King, Revelation 19. Negativity will eventually be destroyed by positive love when man learns his lesson.

God cannot protect us from our own negative choices. as we know, every action has a reaction and the reaction to negativity is always negative.
2015-04-08 20:43:26 UTC
Don't you like it this way? God does not show himself or medal in our affairs. It's as if he doesn't even exist. We can live our lives free of him, take our chances, work hard, strive with our last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable star so our hearts can lay peaceful and calm when we are laid to our rest. Or, fate may put us on a plane with a suicidal pilot, and never get the chance to live out our lives. You can't have it both ways, either he shows up and says "Here I am", or we live in a world with no direct proof that he exists. The only thing that can change that is for an INDIVIDUAL to reject the ways of this world, humble themselves, repent of their sins, and ASK God to come into their lives. Even then, things won't drastically change, evil can still find you, you have to seek him and develop a relationship with him, AND GET TO KNOW HIM, until then you are considered a friend, but you have the power to become a child of God, when you qualify for that which is not easy to do, things change and God protects you. You have to prove that you no longer wish to be a part of this world.
2015-04-10 13:18:17 UTC
If people who caused suffering were not allowed to do so, we would be like slaves with very, very strict rules on almost everything! We would have no free will.

By the way, why to you put a dash where the 'o' should be in the word 'God'?
Dee D
2015-04-10 20:26:23 UTC
God allow suffering, but He does not cause suffering. Sin causes suffering because it is in every human being born. We are born selfish and cater to those that we think are in our group. We revile people that are not like us, and let all kinds of venom come out of our mouths. We curse and hate God, and the things that pertain to righteousness, and then when we are unable to help ourselves we call on that same God to get us out of trouble.

Sin is nasty and it goes against God and right living. We have to be conscience of ourselves, and ask God to come and take away the pain and suffering. He gives us peace in the midst of suffering because of what someone has done to us, or what we have caused on our selves. He don't take the trials and trouble away, but He (Jesus) lighten the load of you sufferings (Matthew 11:28-30) because He suffered the ultimate pain and agony for the world. (John 3:16-19). Until sin is ridded of, there will be suffering in the world. Sin will come to an end one day.
2015-04-10 09:43:00 UTC
I think I can answer this.

Let me get down to the point.

Bottom line. Suffering, is for fools. Fools only.

The suffering God's wise people go through, God helps then through it.

Everything that hurts me in my life, He fixes it. It turns it into luxury! All I do is silence my mind and then He turns my pain around by telling me things.

I don't feel like explaining every single thing, I'd rather let people see it themselves.

How to do this is you STILL YOUR MIND. Like still water. And very gently He will speak. If you are afraid of this and think He doesn't like you so you can't face Him, you are incorrect, He still loves you very much and actually is not mad at you because He is a forgiving guy! He understands.

The reason I come here and say this is because I truly care. I actually am here to help. It hurts me to see people hurting but I force myself to come here anyway... I'm extremely happy with Him and life has become so easy and I've learned so much. I want to pass that on and have other people become happy.
2015-04-08 17:24:43 UTC
Rebirth as a result of past lives is the only fact (Do not call a fact a belief) that makes any sense which Abrahamic religions do not want to accept.

Without rebirth God seems a distant bully who gives all the happiness to a few and enormus suffering to others without rhyme or reason.
2015-04-09 05:58:23 UTC
Sin brought these things into the world, not God. God created both good and evil that is correct, but Adam and Eve had a Paradise without sin. That Paradise had God's protection and provision from sin, but when they failed to listen to God (which is sin) and listened to Satan, they brought sin and death into this world.

A sinful world will suffer. A curse without a cause does not come. Proverbs 26:2 The curse is suffering and the cause is sin.
Dorothy B
2015-04-09 10:56:14 UTC
He allows it for now. Satan knows he has little time. He challenged Jehovah God's sovereignty and thus provoked Adam and Eve to disobey God. Thus, as Romans 5:12 states " Sin entered into the world.." However, he does care about us and feels our pain and sufferings. One day we will be in paradise earth enjoying life (Rev 21:3,4).
2015-04-10 16:16:22 UTC
Honey, perplexed theologians have been trying to work that one out for centuries. Do you seriously think it's going to be answered HERE?

But consider this answer: God doesn't allow suffering for the simple reason that there is no God.
2015-04-10 13:31:36 UTC
God is our Father and what does a father do? He punishes his child when the latter does something wrong.

Words alone can not instill discipline. Suffering the consequences of one s wrongdoing is the best teacher. That is reason why our Almighty God allow suffering on earth.
Wellll... hello then!
2015-04-11 11:23:21 UTC
Sin brought and brings suffering,God has nothing to do with it.

If God,then He wouldn't have asked Jesus to come and offer people a way out of eternal suffering!
2015-04-09 13:41:35 UTC
We are on earth as punishment for the original sin. IF there were no suffering we would be in heaven which we are not. Even when we were originally in heaven we still wasn't satisfied we had to have more. Guess that is human nature an we must fight against it.
2015-04-09 07:47:19 UTC
God has allowed humanity free will to do as they will. The result is as a whole human society has proven to be mean, cruel, and murderous. God has intervened to the deepest level possible by suffering as we suffered on the cross. It is a blessing we have very short lives, eternal salvation is Gods intervention.
2015-04-08 21:38:50 UTC
Dear Friend,

SIN... is the reason for pestilence, a cursed earth, disease, and the like. When we suffer for whatever reason, we have two choices, either we can draw 'closer' to the One who will comfort us, or we can reject Him.

I choose to draw closer to my Lord. And when my husband was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) last August, he said to me, "Honey! God is going to get the glory through this." And my dear, I watched my husband suffer horrifically for 7 months until the day he passed away which was last month, and he never once complained that he could not speak, eat (he had a feeding tube) walk or move. He would just smile and point toward God.

I watched grown men break down and cry like babies and say, "You humble me. I have nothing to complain about when I look at you." And still my husband would slowly try to text and say, "To God be the glory!"

It was an honor and a privilege to care for him until the day he went home to be with his Savior. My husband was and is...MY HERO!

It isn't how we start the race dear one, it's how we...FINISH the race. Think about that.

Tender blessings,
2015-04-08 12:34:10 UTC
G minus d allows suffering because E = mc^2
2015-04-08 13:40:18 UTC
Read the first beginning books of Genesis. Mankind caused themselves to suffer. it was not God's plan. We sinned and so now God cursed mankind and this is what we have to bare for disobeying the Lord God' in the garden. He test Adam and eve and they both failed.

He didn't have to eat the fruit that was forbidden knowing that the Lord had told them to not eat of the tree. This is why we suffer. We cannot blame God.
2015-04-09 05:35:59 UTC
Please go to in the right hand top corner you will see a search tab. Click on that at type in why does God allow suffering. From the bible it will tell you why suffering happens and what God will do about it. This will answer your question directly from the bible. Hope this helps.
2015-04-11 21:03:48 UTC
SIN causes pain and suffering.....until God STOPS Sin than pain and suffering will continue

IF he stopped the sin YOU would be cast into the lake of fire...for until YOU Forsake YOUR Sin and others do as well....there will continue to be pain and suffering......God has an appointed time, and He is long suffering and patient so that as many that will be saved Can be.......BUT when that appointed comes.....SIN will End !!!
2015-04-11 15:02:20 UTC
God does not allow suffering. Humans and their actions allow suffering !
Calvin Tan
2015-04-10 23:00:13 UTC
God allows suffering because he wanted to make us experience the hardships of daily life, and keep our faith in him. Its more like a test on how real God is to us. If we finally die and go to heaven, he will shower us with all the comforts and love we have not received in the earthly world. So that we could appreciate heaven, we have to first experience earthly life.
2015-04-10 10:08:03 UTC
Who really is to blame for it? Humans are to blame for much of the suffering. They fight wars, commit crimes, pollute the environment, often carry on business in a manner motivated by greed rather than concern for their fellowman, and sometimes indulge in habits that they know can be harmful to their health. When they do these things, they hurt others and themselves. Should it be expected that humans would be immune to the consequences of what they do? Galatians 6:7 says, "...For whatever a personis sowing, this he will also reap." Is it reasonable to blame God for these things that humans themselves do?
2015-04-11 09:59:41 UTC
I find it odd that people who say they believe in God but question why He "allows" suffering. He "allows" suffering because He gave us the freedom to love Him or reject Him in this world. Most have rejected Him and because he loves us, He calls us lovingly to Himself but He does NOT force His will upon us as individuals. The suffering is because WE want things OUR way and not His, except of course, when we're suffering.
2015-04-09 13:06:52 UTC
God created man with free will to obey Him or go his own way. Adam and Eve chose to go their own way and as a result, the earth was cursed and Adam and Eve and ultimately mankind became mortal so that we would not live forever in our sinful state. Death is more of a release from this life. God gave us the choice to come back to Him. Then He sent His son to die for our sins because the penalty for our sins is death and Christ paid that penalty so that we could live in heaven with Him forever. But it is not automatic salvation for anyone. You have to accept that Jesus is Lord, repent, and believe that He died for Your sins. If he took away all suffering right now, it would interfere with our free will. God, does not want robots. He wants us to love him willingly.
2015-04-08 20:47:04 UTC
Everyone on earth suffers because of their sin(s) none of us can read minds or peoples hearts therefore we have no understanding of why we see people that are suffering. I understand that my trials and tribulations are to test my belief, my faith, and my love for God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost which is the Spirit of Truth and the Comforter. Jesus Christ taught that it was to show the power, truth and glory of God to heal those that suffer.
2015-04-10 13:59:06 UTC
Life wouldn't be the same without suffering. If you mean things we cannot control like disease and world hunger ect. I don't know. God does though. I just try and help out the world as much as I can.
2015-04-10 04:40:08 UTC
According to budhhist view individual suffer due to his bad karmas , and it totaly denied the existence of god.

three things are alwyas behind our sufferings namely IGNORANCE, ATTACHMENTS AND ANGER.

What ever the suffering the cause lies with in if a person want his life free from suffreing he has to work to develop a love and compassionate heart and a mind full of wisdom .FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS in budhissim best talk about the its causes and how you can get rid of these.

tckr .
Got Proof?
2015-04-08 12:33:53 UTC
Gods don't exist. The world is a random, physical place in which living things have to compete for limited resources. It behaves PRECISELY as you would expect it to if, in fact, there were no supreme intelligence directing it. Galaxies collide. Continents shake themselves apart. Cancer cells attack the brains of small children.

It is what it is. Suffering is a subjective perception of it.
The Arbiter of common sense
2015-04-10 08:16:50 UTC
If you believe in God, you must understand that he is either impotent (rather than omnipotent) or you must agree that he is a monster, who revels in the suffering of humanity.

As Epicurus said (or maybe not, but it is attributed to him)

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?

You seem to have already chosen to believe that he exists, so if you do, I find impotent and evil your only two options.
2015-04-09 15:47:45 UTC
The answer is really quite simple.

Pain is intrinsic to the human biological system -- as a protective/warning sign of what will injure or *kill* us. Pain is a *protective* defense to pull your arm away from that buzz saw, for example -- or to warn you that something is going wrong internally.

What exists for a *good* reason can, of course, be taken advantage of for less-then-good reasons, like torture.

As living souls we did not *have* to embody into these bodies; we could've continued in a non-pain environment as most of the angels do.

In each human case the soul *could* have chosen *not* to incarnate here in a physical body. When we chose to incarnate we knew *beforehand* that pain & suffering (etc.) would be an inevitable consequence of incarnation -- but we chose to incarnate, regardless -- because of "perks" that come about because of incarnation that we wanted to *experience*.

One lady friend of mine once said, "I'd reincarnate just for chocolate!"

Lots reincarnate for *sex* -- which Jesus clearly said does *not* take place in the spiritual realm beyond this world.

Some reincarnate out of *compassion* for others, trapped in the maya, here.

Some find the afterlife world *boring* -- & they just want a Scene that's more exciting, more adventurous. Before incarnating each soul *knows* that after death they'll return to the painless spiritual level of existence, anyways... so they choose to "take the plunge" for however long that in-the-flesh life experience lasts. Amidst what is really forever, a whole lifetime, here, is, relatively speaking, not even as long as the length of time (within our earthly context) that we take to watch a movie or take in a baseball game.

Or, more concisely, as Heavenly Father once literally *told* me, "Those who judge me: You suffered because of the flesh."

We did not have to *choose* to be enfleshed... & this is why Father is *not* responsible for the consequences of that choice that each of us *made*.
2015-04-10 23:53:09 UTC
God gave us his commandments to follow yet He gave us all a freedom to choose. Because of that, other people's wrong decision affect us and makes us to suffer. all we have to do is to hang on and continue to choose and follow the right path God wants us to choose no matter how rough it would be because He will give those who choose Him till the end eternal life in His second coming.
2015-04-08 12:42:41 UTC
To settle the issue between God and Satan, who would be the better ruler, would man follow

God or Satan. Although the world is full of suffering God does promise a life here on earth where sickness, death, mourning nor outcry will be no more. We just need to continue to follow him and not Satan and we will see that promise come to fruition.
2015-04-10 06:03:06 UTC
G0d allows suffering because He wants to be watching us suffer.
2015-04-09 19:50:53 UTC
Jehova is not an actual being but rather a thought form , the same can be said about christ.

Christ only came here to rescue the lost sheep of Israel - Matthew 15:24

thus therefore no Gentile should partake in Christianity.

It is vital that we educate ourselves

Please visit

Exposing Christianity


Joy of Satan ( this regards true knowledge on spirituality. )
2015-04-12 13:18:46 UTC
At no point did God EVER claim that He was going to end those things. It was YOU who artificially subscribed that quality to Him. . . .

God allows bad things to happen because times like those serve as reminders to all of us how much we need God. And anytime something bad does happen, it does in fact bring out the good in people much more often than it brings out the bad. Did not Jesus teach us that Light conquers darkness?
2015-04-10 10:19:39 UTC
God allows mankind the freedom to choose individual action. We are here to learn to overcome our weaknesses and become spiritually perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect, some pain is required to learn hard things. If all was easy we would never learn what he wants us to know.
2015-04-11 09:05:14 UTC
see, someone explained it like this... you can t have one without the other... there s relationships which can be great, beautiful and better than you ever could have imagined, but on the flip side they can cause a great deal of pain to the human body.... then there is the world in all of its splendour and magnificence, right..... but the world can be very destructive especially during some of those extremely strong and powerful earthquakes.... so, you can t have one without the other.... life is beautiful, but also it is full of suffering.
2015-04-10 01:41:57 UTC
People who takes God's name does not suffer....
2015-04-10 14:06:24 UTC
I'm an atheist myself, and yet I have still wondered why myself. It's man who allows suffering. This 'God' doesn't control anyone.
2015-04-08 21:58:14 UTC
Fireball causes suffering.
2015-04-09 04:59:12 UTC
God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons we could not learn in any other way. The way we learn those lessons is not to deny the feelings but to find the meanings underlying them..Simply because sometimes we need to be hurt in order to grow. We must fail in order to know. We must lose in order to gain. Some lessons are learnt best through pain.
2015-04-08 17:52:51 UTC
the universe adds up to zero. there is suffering and pleasure. plus and minus. after a really long time all will add up to zero and you or I or any would have any memory of it. if there were only pleasure you wouldn't notice because from that perspective there would be nothing else to see it in contrast.
2015-04-09 03:10:08 UTC
He doesnt, we do. He gave us the means, the resources and the intelligence to solve out own problems and the ability to choose whether we will do so or not. Unfortunately we chose not to. Blaming God for that is a bit like blaming your parents for every mistake you make in your life. Sadly, its a human thing to sit around blaming others instead of doing something about it.
2015-04-11 00:48:39 UTC
Why does God allow suffering, because people believe in a lie
2015-04-08 15:15:58 UTC
People cause most of the pain in the world. For God to stop it means he would have to either take away the freewill of all the bad people causing pain to others or wipe them from the face of the earth. If you believe the Bible, you'll know that God tried the latter once and it didn't work.
2015-04-10 15:21:49 UTC
Try this hypothesis: gods don't exist.

How does it explain the evidence? Is it a simple solution (thus not violating Occam's razor with unnecessary details?)
2015-04-09 16:05:08 UTC
Simple, free will. God don't allow anything. We cause the suffering ?
2015-04-09 14:20:32 UTC
Who really is to blame for it ?

Human arw to blame for much of the suffering. They fight wars, commit crimes, pollute the environment, often carry on business in a manner motivated by greed rather than concern for their fellowman, and sometimes indulge in habits that they know can be harmful to their health.

Is it reasonable to blame God for these things that humans themselves do ?
2015-04-08 14:44:34 UTC
Evil began on earth when Satan told the first lie. Satan was originally a perfect angel, but "he did not stand fast in the truth." (John 8:44) He developed a desire for worship that rightly belongs only to God. Satan lied to the first woman, Eve, and persuaded her to obey him instead of God. Adam joined Eve in disobeying God. Adam's decision led to suffering and death. (Genesis 3:1-6, 19) When Satan suggested that Eve disobey God, he was starting a rebellion against God's sovereignty, or position as Most High. The majority of mankind have joined Satan in rejecting God as their Ruler. Thus, Satan has become "the ruler of the world." (John 14:30; 1 John 5:19)
2015-04-10 03:22:59 UTC
Your question: "Why does G-d allow suffering? I strongly believe in G-d but never understood why he allows pain, suffering, massacres, murders, torturing, etc..."

Your premise:

There exists some entity that you refer to as G-d (perhaps "giant-daddy"?)

The entity G-d is a male.

The entity G-d ultimately decides whether or not there shall be suffering.

Your evidence:


Your opinion on what might be the source of suffering:


Your conclusion:

G-d allows suffering.

Your modus operandi:

Begging the question, "Please believe there exists G-d that allows suffering."


It would be no use to you or anyone else to answer your question since you have not yet made a connection to the real world. I am sure if you can imagine some entity, G-d, is in charge, you can also imagine contacting the entity G-d and asking him directly.

That would be a bit more difficult for devout Muslims who believe that their god spoke only to Muhammad.

But the rest of the run-of-the-mill religions usually allow for personal communications with some instantiation of a universal cosmic mommy-daddy.

Today is 10 April 2015 where I am located in California. The current president of the United States, Barack Obama, claims to be in communication with a personal Jesus the god. Millions of other psychotic believers believe they are in communication with their own Jesus the god. Others claim to be in direct communication with some other god or a generalized, all purpose god that encompasses all other possible gods. Some also claim to receive indirect communications, what folks like me refer to as delusions of reference, meaning that they believe the thoughts in their mind in combination with otherwise mundane events they observe constitute messages from some god to them personally.

Barack Obama is the embodiment of all that, i.e, he responds to disembodied voices that he believes come from a personal god, and almost certainly has delusions of reference: "President Barack Obama says he's gone from praying nightly before going to bed to praying all the time because he has a 'lot of stuff' on his plate and needs 'guidance all the time.'” -- Associated Press, via Huffington Post and elsewhere, 23 July 2009


"PHOTO OF THE DAY. . . President Obama prays with his administration before an important meeting." by Lonnie Hunter, 29 March 2012


The truth of the matter is, there is no god, almost certainly, no god at all.

If you believe otherwise, it is difficult to understand why you would ask some complete stranger on the Internet to tell you why your own personal god does whatever he allegedly does, or why he fails to prevent suffering. I or anyone else could tell you just about anything and you would pick the answer that suited what you prefer reality to be without any further reality checks, or may even reject all answers as not suitable for your needs.

In any case, it is clear that you and your personal god are not communicating. I know why, and I stated it above. You can choose to believe differently and probably will. Too bad for you. I do not wish to mislead you; you wish to be misled. And you will be misled, by your own free-will choice.
2015-04-09 17:02:00 UTC
Well I'm a deist. It means I believe God existed and that he created the universe, but he stopped existing or he doesn't interact in the world anymore after creating it. This how I view it.
2015-04-10 02:37:00 UTC
God of earth the logos makes tthe rules for living we call them the laws of karma as Ye sow so shall Ye reap etc. cause and effect. If you in any lifetime break these lwas then you oncur karma which later has to be resolved and it may come back thousands of years later hence all the confusion around pain etc. God does not harm anyone. He sets the laws of peaceful coexistence that we often break with our casual attitude to all around us. Now we must set aside all wars and recalling of them to the extreme. Om Shantih
2015-04-11 04:17:32 UTC
This question is not - by all means - easy to answer neither to understand. Let me try: 1. The Almighty has His Own sense of Justice, looking deep, "...examining the kidneys," into our own heart. What He THINKS is right is what happens. "...For I will show mercy to who I want..." 2. Many times He has allowed those He cared for, to suffer for their own actions (Israel fell in 537 BC, then in 70 AD, and - again - the entire "nation" was almost destroyed in 1938 to 1945 AD), yet "He called them in wings of eagles" in 1948 AD, and "a nation was borne in one day", so to speak, as it had been Prophesied in 750 BC.

In other times - as it was told to Peter the Apostle (although you might not give credit to his words if you are a Jewish person), 3. He allows some things to happen to us ("Peter, it demanded that your soul be shifted tonight like wheat...". Who demand it? His adversary, "like a roaring lion" wants to devour those who claim His Name, not to "be hallowed". I think we must - first - understand what is The Truth He represents Him. Then learn it, and then, we can say we are in His Hands, for " think it is easy for two of you to have their lives to be snatched from the Father's Hands? Not two birds fall to the ground without The Father knowing it", said Yeshua, His Messenger and Messiah. 4. "For you will know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free" for "I AM the Truth, the Life and the Way; no one comes to the Father, but through me".
2015-04-08 22:53:24 UTC
Sin is the cause, of suffering the penalty God created the laws of sin and death; and while He cannot violiate them He can show us mercy and help us endure the suffering.
2015-04-12 10:34:46 UTC
Well I think your question will be assaulted from two sides. Those of us who don't believe in any god would say that you can't blame god because no such entity exists. Religious adherents will counter argue and say there is a god but she's not to blame.
2015-04-12 06:30:26 UTC
This is a complex matter. I’ll try to make it simple. There are two levels to our relationship with God. One is called Union and is eternal and unconditional. It’s our salvation and is based on our belief. (John 3:16) The other is called Fellowship and pertains to our relationship with God here on Earth. It’s temporal and conditional and is based on our behavior. (1 John 1:8-10) It’s this level that’s at issue here.

From my studies, I don’t see any way for a just God to afflict believers arbitrarily. We leave ourselves open to attack by sinning and then failing to confess. This leaves our hedges down, to use popular Christian terminology, and makes us vulnerable. When Satan asks for permission to afflict us and we have unconfessed sin in our lives, God, being 100% Just cannot refuse him. But being 100% Merciful, He can use the torment we experience to bring us to our senses so we’ll confess and be restored. This is the underlying theme of the Book of Job. The parable of the unmerciful servant (Matt. 18:23-35) gives another good explanation.

Some claim this was a game between God and Satan. Or that it was a test of Job to see how patient he was. People who believe either of these just don't understand the character of God. There's an important lesson to be learned. The implications here are far reaching.

Job was such a good man that God bragged to Satan about him. But he was not perfect. His sin was self-righteousness and what he said to his friends proves it.

“Although I am blameless, I have no concern for myself; I despise my own life.” (Job 9:21).

(Speaking to God) “Does it please you to oppress me, to spurn the work of your hands … though you know that I am not guilty?” Job 10:3,7

(To his friends again) “I have become a laughingstock to my friends, though I called upon God and he answered—a mere laughingstock, though righteous and blameless!” (Job 12:4).

I will maintain my righteousness and never let go of it; my conscience will not reproach me as long as I live. (Job 27:6).

In addition all 41 verses of Job 31 are devoted to Job giving evidence of his righteousness.

Once Job confessed (Job 42:1-6), he was restored (Job 42:10-17). Even though he was the most righteous man on Earth, Job still had to confess to be restored to fellowship with God.

The condition of having unconfessed sin in our lives is called being out of fellowship. Our salvation is not at risk but our safety is. I liken it to the sheep who wanders away from the safety of the flock. The shepherd goes after it, but a wild animal may get there first. Sometimes the wounds are superficial, but other times they’re serious. You can’t blame the shepherd, it’s the sheep’s fault for wandering away.

So it is with us. You can’t blame God, it’s a consequence of our sin. We’re supposed to be smarter than sheep and know better than to wander away.

God loved us enough to die for us while we still hated Him. He’s not going to start punishing us now that we love Him. But when we sin, we can’t be in His presence until we confess. The minute we do we’re forgiven and welcomed back as if nothing ever happened. In the meantime, the enemy has a certain amount of access to us.
2015-04-09 15:47:52 UTC
what makes you think god has anything to do with it....if we didn't suffer some sort of emotions...then we would be like can not prove god is allowing it......wheres your proof god is behind it....maybe you should look to man...they are the ones that let it long....
2015-04-11 07:06:28 UTC
we know all things work together for good to them that love God.

suffering enables us to be patient. This suffering is only for a short time. read the Bible
Ernest S
2015-04-09 08:01:39 UTC
God uses suffering for a greater good. Nothing else is so effective. It makes you to stop and question. Who hasn’t questioned, “Why suffering”?

Since Christ suffered the suffering due to each of us for our sin so that we might be spared there can be no good reason not to trust His wisdom and goodness in allowing and using suffering for our greater good. Since He suffered more than any, He is both touched by it and knows better than any how it may best be used.

Sadly few are willing to think and so many blindly use suffering as an excuse for their sin.

Sin has brought self to the throne instead of God, and sadly it is therefore suffering that is the antidote to self.

Here are some reasons for the use of suffering:

1. God uses suffering to alert and warn us that all is not well and that we are in eternal danger.

2. To prove the terrible extent and compass of sin. Does not everybody deny the extent of their sin?

3. Man’s fall into sin has placed self on the throne in the place of God. Suffering is the appropriate antidote to humble and oppose self to cease from sin.

4. To turn us from harm. As pain or fear of it makes us withdraw and reduces injury.

5. To show us the fragility and emptiness of this life.

6. He uses suffering to show His glory and demonstrate His power by His deliverance.

7. He also uses suffering to perfect and change us. As a mason shapes stone with his chisel.

8. He uses it as a sanction to teach us of moral consequences.

9. To teach us to depend upon Him.

10. To teach obedience. It is easy to obey when everything is easy and smooth.

11. To correct us.

12. To test and prove genuineness. Those not genuine will not persevere or overcome.

13. To cleanse from defilement. It exposes and cleanses the dross and self indulgent ways.

14. To bring humility and to keep humble. God is understandably far from the proud.

15. To unite us to Christ in His sufferings.

16. To obtain a better resurrection.

17. To earn for us an eternal weight of glory in exchanging temporal possession or advantage for eternal.

18. To evidence the truth of His word.

19. To separate us from and away from the influence of, those on the path away from God.

20. To bring us to enquire after Him and consider these points. Who ever seeks God from ease and wealth? He uses suffering to call us to Him.

We have all turned aside to our own ways therefore to return to God and His ways will cause us suffering. Better then to suffer for glory than to suffer for our own foolishness.
2015-04-08 12:46:50 UTC
People have to suffer to go to heaven after they die but those who suffer will receive a better resurrection meaning when they go to heaven they will enjoy god's presence more than the wicked or the sinner.
2015-04-10 06:53:00 UTC
So God allows suffering because we make our own suffering. When we lie, or cheat, or steal, we hurt ourselves and God will not help us unless we ask him to because it wasn't his fault it was ours. God will never stop anyone from sinning not murderers, or thieves or anyone because it is their choice.
2015-04-09 01:15:39 UTC
Three possible reasons:

1. Gods on a period (lasts for a long time since god has such a long life span)

2. God dead

3. God doesnt exist
2015-04-08 13:55:47 UTC
Blame that one on Adam - not God

God made a perfect paradise for Adam. But that wasnt good enough for him. He just had to have the only one thing that God would not allow.
2015-04-09 06:31:02 UTC
This is part of the free will of humanity, if all people forced to make good deeds only than they did not deserve to be in heaven as life is their path to perfectibility.
2015-04-11 08:06:58 UTC
Good question...thank you for asking.

God is not the cause of human suffering. (but He allows it for now)

“Far be it from the true God to act wickedly!” states the Bible. (Job 34:10) Who, then, is the prime instigator of misery?

Jesus called Satan “the ruler of the world.” (John 14:30) True, Jehovah is the Universal Sovereign. That position he will never relinquish. However, for a time, God has allowed Satan to rule most of mankind.—1 John 5:19.

What kind of ruler has Satan been? Ever since his first contact with humans, Satan has been a murderer and a deceiver. Satan wreaks havoc on human society in profound ways. Jesus indicted him with these words: “That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.” (John 8:44) Jesus also said that the men seeking to kill him were children of the first murderer. They made themselves his children by acting like him. Like father, like son, the saying goes.

If God does not cause suffering, why does he allow it? Because universal issues, moral ones, raised a long time ago still need to be settled. Let us look at just one of them.

At the beginning of human history, Adam and Eve sided with Satan. They rejected God’s rule and chose self-rule, which was really rule by the Devil.—Genesis 3:1-6; Revelation 12:9.

Jehovah’s sense of justice required that time be allowed for evidence to accumulate. What is the inescapable conclusion? Human rule under Satan’s influence leads only to suffering. Really, in the long run, God’s allowance of time has been for man’s benefit. How so? Those who study the evidence and believe it have the opportunity to demonstrate their willingness to be ruled by God. Those who learn of God’s standards and live by them have the prospect of living forever.—John 17:3; 1 John 2:17.

True, for now, Satan has the world in his evil grip. But not for much longer. Soon Jehovah will use his Son to “break up the works of the Devil.” (1 John 3:8) Under God’s direction, Jesus will mend broken hearts and restore shattered lives. He will resurrect back to life on earth billions of humans who have suffered and died over the centuries.—John 11:25.

The resurrection of Jesus is an example of God’s victory over the works of the Devil—a token of what is to come for humans who choose God’s rule. (Acts 17:31) The Bible directs our thoughts to that time to come with these comforting words: “God himself will be with [mankind]. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”—Revelation 21:3, 4.

Have a good day.
2015-04-09 00:16:23 UTC
All parents have naughty children at times. Should they totally restrict their freedom?

Nor does a loving Father, even if it breaks His heart
2015-04-12 07:18:35 UTC
I don't know. But there were about 11 million victims tortured and murdered in Nazi concentration camps who asked that same question not too long ago!
2015-04-08 14:46:52 UTC
1. How did evil begin?

Evil began on earth when Satan told the first lie. Satan was originally a perfect angel, but “he did not stand fast in the truth.” (John 8:44) He developed a desire for worship that rightly belongs only to God. Satan lied to the first woman, Eve, and persuaded her to obey him instead of God. Adam joined Eve in disobeying God. Adam’s decision led to suffering and death. Read Genesis 3:1-6,19. When Satan suggested that Eve disobey God, he was starting a rebellion against God’s sovereignty, or position as Most High. The majority of mankind have joined Satan in rejecting God as their Ruler. Thus, Satan has become “the ruler of the world.”DRead John 14:30; 1 John 5:19.

2. Was God’s creation defective?

All of God’s works are perfect. The humans and angels whom God created were capable of obeying God perfectly. (Deuteronomy 32:4, 5) God created us with the freedom to choose between doing good and doing evil. That freedom gives us a way to express love for God. Read James 1:13-15; 1 John 5:3.

3. Why has God allowed suffering until now?

For a limited time, Jehovah has allowed rebellion against his sovereignty. Why? To show that no effort to rule without him benefits people. (Ecclesiastes 7:29;8:9) After 6,000 years of human history, the evidence is clear.

Human rulers have failed to eliminate war, crime, injustice, or disease. Read Jeremiah 10:23; Romans 9:17.

In contrast to human rulership, God’s rule benefits those who accept it. (Isaiah 48:17, 18) Soon, Jehovah will bring all human government to an end. Only people who choose to be ruled by God will inhabit the earth.--Isaiah 11:9. Read Daniel 2:44.

4. What does God’s patience allow us to do?

Satan claimed that no one would serve Jehovah out of unselfish love. Would you like to disprove that lie? You can! God’s patience allows all of us to show whether we favor rule by God or rule by man. We indicate our choice by the way we live. Read Job 1:8-12; Proverbs 27:11.

5. How can we choose God as our Ruler?

We can choose God as our Ruler by seeking out and practicing true worship based on God’s Word, the Bible.

(John 4:23) We can reject Satan as our ruler by keeping out of politics and war, as Jesus did. Read John 17:14.

Satan uses his power to promote immoral, harmful practices. When we reject such practices, some friends and relatives may ridicule or oppose us. (1 Peter 4:3, 4) So we face a choice. Will we associate with people who love God? Will we obey his wise and loving laws? If we do, we prove that Satan lied when he claimed that under pressure no one would do as God says. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9,10; 15:33. God’s love for mankind guarantees that evil and suffering will end. Those who demonstrate that they believe this will enjoy life on earth forever. Read John 3:16.
2015-04-09 12:53:53 UTC
He allows it because mankind has SINNED! We are all of us wicked in His sight, yourself included! How DARE you question our Lord? How DARE you imply that He makes mistakes? How DARE you suggest that He is cruel? He is a jealous God, and we have all incurred His righteous wrath!
2015-04-08 13:39:35 UTC
God gave mankind FREE WILL....and ADAM made the wrong choice... plunging us all into the MESS that is this world system and all the pain that comes with it....and satan is the "god of this world"... He HATES God and he HATES us as well, because GOD loves us so very much that He sent His Son to die in our place, so that we would not have to go to Hell for all eternity...... God uses the awful things that happen to us in this world for GOOD, but He does not CAUSE them.....
2015-04-09 12:05:16 UTC
because human beings insist on doing things to one another to cause suffering and pain and most human beings refuse to be subject to God or his laws which tell us to love one another and to care about one another. instead they fight out of greed for land and money or possessions, they have immoral sex which leads to diseases, they cross pollinate fruit and vegetables which God commanded them not to do, so people developed allergies, they do not turn to God when they are sad or in pain or anything else so their suffering gets worse and causes them to be mean, angry to do things to wound and hurt others or cause them to suffer.

and everyone wants to blame it all on God
2015-04-10 22:29:39 UTC
God will never understand why every time God is born as a person people choose to


refuse to believe

mock and vilify



their God.

You can pick a combination or choose all.
2015-04-12 10:34:29 UTC
God understands peoples pain and loss but these things must happen for the time to come, when we are judged and those who have murdered will face the second death. those who haven't sinned will go on to paradise. Just have faith in god and be patient.
2015-04-10 19:12:49 UTC
Well I believe that God doesn't interfere with our lives and we're responsible for our own actions
Chris Ancor
2015-04-11 01:22:12 UTC
Wee Trojan
2015-04-12 08:44:21 UTC
God does not allow or disallow anything - he gave us intelligence and the power of logic and reasoning - it is up to us how we use it - don't blame God - that's a cop out.
2015-04-11 13:17:34 UTC
ever noticed that the christian religion does not believe in science?

ever notice the christian definition of cause and effect relates to a super-natural being, while you and i are only human beings?

there have been thousands and thousands of gods, if you don't like the one you have, choose another.
2015-04-10 08:49:36 UTC
The answer is "free will". God allowed humans free will to do as they please, God did not create suffering, humans did.

Oh, by the way, you forgot the "o" in God. Try placing the "o" in God next time, it's not like your going to get struck by lightning.
2015-04-08 21:47:18 UTC
Why the " g-d"....the term is a title, not a name...

Jesus himself said to MANIFEST...MAKE KNOWN...God's name, not hide it.

Here is the scripture to separate name from title...

(Exodus 6:3) And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty, but with regard to my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them.

Jehovah is God's name...
2015-04-10 11:39:10 UTC
If you look around you, you see more than suffering, the kill, the torture, rapping...and more i just want to say that peine is one of our earth god rules. But our god is merciful when he promise the brave.. "Be sure We shall try you with something of fear and hunger and loss of wealth and life and the fruits (of your labour); but give tidings of happiness to those who have patience, Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return" (Koran)
2015-04-09 04:33:27 UTC
He allows pain, suffering, massacres, murders, torturing, etc.. to take their toll, as a result of not adhering to God commands due to 'greed' through 'freewill' ,as per His plan to measure people's faith in Him..
2015-04-09 08:59:32 UTC
odd how you censor GOD, it's only a name like Mickey as in Mouse

Your literary character has no more power than Mr Mouse
2015-04-09 14:10:40 UTC
74 replies, I offer short reply followed by longer reply if you want

in short:

Blessed is He in whose hand is dominion, and He is over all things competent -

[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving -

we live short life [aver. 77 years] compared to Eternal lives in Heaven or Hell. most people blame the Creator while He placed us in the driver seat!
Frank Barnwell
2015-04-08 19:52:30 UTC
Don't blame GOOD, you make your own BEDS, funny thing about SIN, it travels through Generations, like H.I.V.S. ...0308/2015
2015-04-10 15:15:28 UTC
suffering is nessecary simply because humans are weak.Suffering makes you stronger and reminds you that actions have consequences and also teaches us compassion
2015-04-08 13:22:56 UTC
he isn't doing that people are. Read before the flood. He felt the earth was ruined because it was filled with violence because of humans. So he flooded the earth to get rid of them.
2015-04-08 12:34:50 UTC
God is a kid with an ant farm and everyone gets a turn under the magnifying glass.
2015-04-10 01:00:59 UTC
It's spelt God not G-d.

If you are Jewish then consult the Jewish section of yahoo to find your answer because most theists here are Christians
2015-04-08 20:42:57 UTC
Because We are sinners and deserve to die. But because of his grace and his mercy, good things may also happen to us so thank God for every little good thing that happens.
2015-04-09 07:14:10 UTC

This chapter in the book "What Does the Bible Really Teach" will answer that question from your own copy of the Bible.
2015-04-11 05:42:27 UTC
God is not to be blamed for human choices--hence the fallen earth--that mankind had a hand with Satan---in its fall.
2015-04-08 15:57:09 UTC
Allow? It's being done in the name of g-d (does that mean god-damnit?)
2015-04-08 12:34:58 UTC
It all started when pandora opened that box thus releasing chaos and other things bad.
2015-04-08 12:40:55 UTC
It helps when you don't blame God for what Man does to others. I learned that a long time ago, and it helped me see what God said was true about Man being evil.
Nancy B
2015-04-10 06:32:12 UTC
“God sits as a refiner and purifier of silver” if he never allowed things to heat up his product would be pretty poor. (see Mal 3)
2015-04-10 11:20:41 UTC
To prove that he carries you when you need him the most.

" A man said he only saw one set of footprints in the sand during the toughest times in his life. God said " You only saw one set of footprints because that is when I carried you."
2015-04-09 10:19:36 UTC
God does this for a purpose read the book of Job God is in control
2015-04-11 11:38:08 UTC
To teach you that sin hurts and you can't have your cake and eat it too
2015-04-09 21:43:23 UTC
Because he doesn't exist. Simple.
2015-04-10 16:24:13 UTC
if we were further down the food chain we would get eaten ,but because we are at the top,nature has to come up with ways to cull the species.
2015-04-08 15:13:20 UTC
Because we chose it when Adam and Eve believed the devil instead of believing God.
2015-04-09 22:18:01 UTC
god has tried to teach man forever about its wicked ways but man will always cause the problems
2015-04-10 23:42:19 UTC
...Jesus (Yeshua) answered that question over 2000 years ago when He explained to Pilate... "My Kingdom is NOT of this world" (then He was beaten and murdered !)
2015-04-10 07:56:00 UTC
Don't blame it on him he doesn't do evil. Why not ask the devil he does that.
2015-04-08 14:44:40 UTC
You didn't do the math problem right.




-G+d (2)

-G+ DD

DD= ( . ) ( . )

or large breasts in standard notation.
2015-04-08 22:36:31 UTC
Read it for yourself. Genesis will give you the answer to your question. That is if you really care!
2015-04-08 12:33:51 UTC
Your choice
2015-04-11 12:20:33 UTC
God allows your mom to have great orgasms as well. Do you really want the almighty to sit down and explain in detail everything that goes into such a moment?

Just because there is an answer doesn't mean it is one you are prepared to either accept and/or understand, neither of which has anything to do with the answer itself and everything to do with your relationship to it.

However, in fairness to your lack of awareness, lets assume you've choked back the image of your mom making moaning sounds and still want to know the answer to the secrets of the Universe. Fair enough, step behind the curtain.

In a perfect world, suffering does not exist. The very nature of life is to sustain itself and pain is actually a poor method of doing that. a perfect world, the desire for pleasure to sustain itself cannot simply be found in its most perfect expression. What I mean is that in a perfect world, there are some forms of pleasure you cannot enjoy simply because the presence of pain would deny allowing for the experience in the first place.

Lets take something simple. Lets take Romeo and Juliet. Ahh, 'Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.' The gold plated volumes of Shakespeare are reverently handed to eagerly waiting hands in the Immortal libraries of Paradise now, performed exquistely on stages more fantastic than can be imagined, but little do the participants understand how mixed with tears their pleasure remains.

For in the Perfect world, no Romeo and no Juliet would ever be subjected to such indignities as being prevented from falling in love due to social customs or have their tale end in woe and death, unfathomable suffering poorly imagined on a stage representing the sharp stab of grief at seeing one's beloved lie dead at one's feet, and the unaccountable hours that lay between your life its death. It would never be allowed, forbidden utterly, as forbidden by one's own instinct as it is to think of taking a heavy object and slamming it on your hand at this moment and actually proceeding with it.

But in a perfect world, with perfect relationships proceeding perfectly to perfectly happy ever afters, there is no Romeo and Juliet to discover. Not a tear to be found, not a single hanky ever quaffed to hide indiscreet emotions. But neither are there plays countlessly performed whose joy is not divorced from such suffering but enhanced because of it, the terrible truth of love's strength to be found only in its most wretched and soul-tearing of experience. In a perfect world, there is no Romeo and Juliet, there is no Titanic, there is no West Side Story, the entire experience tied to that singular harrowing expression of pain and love entwined repeating endlessly through the ages is not even a whisper on the perfectly happy shelves of that most perfect and happy of worlds.

And you are so happy in your ignorance you do not even miss what you fail to understand. But are you happy? Your shelf is empty of a volume you do not even know you are missing. But that perfectly perfect world cannot ever create that book because of its perfectly perfect nature. So...what do you do.

You leave and create a place outside of the perfectly perfect where the books that can be written are written, where the experiences that can be experienced are. Because, once you have read Romeo and Juliet and found it to be a part of your happiness, will the perfectly perfect place keep you from bringing it back with you? You are part of the perfectly perfect, it wants you back. moves its books aside to make room for Romeo and Juliet, knowing that you will never be able to enjoy perfectly perfect without it And once you are back in perfectly perfect, you will again enjoy that book (even mixed with its sadness as is) in its perfectly perfect way. And the libraries will be full of children reciting Shakespeare with smiles on their face and the audiences of the grand theatres will enjoy magnificent plays with unironic faces even as Romeo gasps in horror endlessly at the sight of his beloved lying apparently dead before him, the truth of such emotion as discarded and ancient in your memory as if you had shed it long ago like a snake shed its skin.

Tell me your pleasure and I will reveal the sadness behind its creation.
2015-04-10 16:34:43 UTC
Because god is a ****** who is butthurt that a naked chick ate his last apple.
River Euphrates
2015-04-08 12:36:00 UTC
Supposedly due to 'original sin'.

It was people's way of rectifying the existence of a 'perfect god', who could only be capable of 'perfect creation', and a demonstrably 'imperfect' human race.
2015-04-08 21:13:32 UTC
why are you replacing the 'o' in god with a dash mark?
Antique Silver Buttons
2015-04-09 18:13:27 UTC
Because people keep writing "G_d" instead of "God," as if they think he ll be fooled into thinking that it's not really his name. :o\
2015-04-08 20:11:13 UTC
probably the same reason god believers get sexually aroused at the thought of human suffering.....god isn't real.....
2015-04-09 14:07:03 UTC
God wants to test us, simply
2015-04-08 12:39:21 UTC
because this isnt heaven

this is earth where there is death

death comes with suffering
2015-04-08 12:35:26 UTC
Believers tangle themselves in knots of apologetics, based on the assumption their god of choice exists.

The simple answer is to assume gods are either nonexistent or apathetic.
2015-04-08 14:41:55 UTC
The Lightning Strikes
2015-04-10 12:07:50 UTC
The curious as well as the critics of Christianity ask this question. If God is all-powerful and all loving, then why does He permit evil and suffering in the world? Various answers have been given but permanently settling the issue is impossible because so many of our answers raise further questions. Nevertheless, our lack of ability to answer the question perfectly does not mean that we cannot offer solutions. Of course, I do not assume to be able to answer these questions definitively, but I can offer some solutions.

First of all, it is possible that God has reasons for allowing evil to exist that we simply cannot understand. In this the Christian can have confidence in God knowing that His ways are above our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). As the Bible says, the just shall live by faith (Hab. 2:4).

Second, God may be letting evil run its course in order to prove that evil is malignant and that suffering, which is the unfortunate product of evil, is further proof that anything contrary to God’s will is bad, harmful, painful, and leads to death.

God gave Adam dominion over the world (Gen. 1:28). When he rebelled against God, he set in motion an entire series of events and changed the very nature of man and creation. Both were affected by sin. Creation was no longer a paradise, but bore thorns and thistles (Gen. 3:17-18; Rom. 8:22). People became sinful (Rom. 5:12; Eph. 2:3), who were haters of God (Rom. 3:9-12), etc. The only conclusion to such a situation is death. Jesus said, "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened" (Matt. 24:22).

Sin is rebellion against God and His created order, but God has not left us alone in this fallen world. He continued to enter this world, pointing us to Himself, to truth, to morality, purity, and love. He used the evil of the world (liars, perjurers, the envious, etc.,) to bring His Son to the cross so that we might have the opportunity to obtain eternal life. In this, God has not stepped away from fallen creation but has stepped into it by becoming Jesus. God works within the fallen world to effect change, and He uses fallen people to accomplish His will. In this, He is proving His sovereignty over evil, suffering, and rebellious people, proving that sin and evil are utterly futile and that He is worthy of honor and glory.

A third possible reason that God is letting evil occur is so that on the day of judgment the condemned will have no right to say that their sentence is unjust. God is not stopping people from exercising their free will. Think about this: If someone said that God should stop evil and suffering, then should God then stop all evil and suffering? If God only stopped some of it, then we would still be asking the same question of why it exists.

So, if we want God to stop evil and suffering, then He must stop all of it. We have no problem with this when it means stopping a catastrophe or a murder or a rape. But what about when someone thinks of something evil? Evil is destructive whether it is acted out or not. Hatred and bigotry in someone’s heart is wrong. If it is wrong and if God is to stop all evil, then He must stop that person from thinking his own thoughts. To do that, God must remove his freedom of thought. Furthermore, which person on the earth has not thought something evil? God would be required, then, to stop all people from exercising their free will. This is something God has chosen not to do. Therefore, we could say that one of the reasons that God permits evil and suffering is because of man’s free will.

Fourth, it is quite possible that God uses the suffering to do good. In other words, He produces patience through tribulation (Rom. 5:3). Or He may desire to save someone through it. Take for example, the account of Joseph who was sold into slavery by His brothers. What they did was wrong and Joseph suffered greatly for it. But, later, God raised up Joseph in Egypt to make provisions for the people of that land during the coming drought of seven years. Not only was Egypt saved but also his family and brothers who originally sold him into slavery. Joseph finally says to them, "You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good" (Gen. 50:15-21). Of course, the greatest example of God using evil for good is the death of Christ. Evil people brought him to the cross, but God used that cross as the means to save the world.

But then we must ask, if this is true, are we working against God by working against evil and suffering? No, we are not. God says He does not want us to sin and suffer. But it is simply true that God can use evil despite its apparent despicable nature.

God is in the world using the world and its failures for His glory and the benefit of those who listen to Him.

But then, what about those who seem to suffer innocently with no benefit resulting? What about the woman who is raped or the innocent bystander who is killed by a stray bullet. In both cases, the victims and families suffer nothing but pain and loss. What good can this possibly be?

I think that the answer is two-fold. One, ultimately, no one is innocent. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) and are by nature children of wrath (Eph. 2:3). There is none innocent. Though this is Biblically accurate, it does not satisfy the question emotionally. Why do little babies suffer for things they have not done? I must acknowledge that I do not know. Ultimately, we must trust God who knows the beginning from the end and sees the grand picture. He will have the final word, and He will be vindicated.


Suffering is the result of human sin. The world is not the way that God created it; and because of that, all are vulnerable to the effects of sin in the world. Why does one person suffer and another does not? Why do catastrophes happen to some and not to others? It is because sin is in the world. But there will come a day when the Lord will return and cleanse this world of all sin and all suffering.

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away," (Rev. 21:4).
2015-04-08 12:35:08 UTC
God is fair, he wants masochists to have fun too, oh well.
2015-04-08 17:32:34 UTC
Would it be better to be a robot?
2015-04-10 11:47:15 UTC
Adam, they say
2015-04-08 12:34:29 UTC
He's not real.
2015-04-10 02:05:39 UTC
to make us wise and run to Him
2015-04-10 11:28:56 UTC
God is fake. My opinion.
2015-04-09 11:35:49 UTC
God is not real
2015-04-08 12:39:23 UTC
It's god, not g-d. Learn to spell.
2015-04-09 07:37:26 UTC
I am not sure
2015-04-08 12:36:26 UTC
Gawds (if they do exist) are obviously useless to the animals on earth.
2015-04-10 07:43:32 UTC
There is no god...accept it.
2015-04-09 12:26:09 UTC
free will.
2015-04-08 13:23:31 UTC
Because we are stupid
2015-04-10 10:43:06 UTC
What is a G-D?
2015-04-09 16:54:45 UTC
2015-04-09 13:05:20 UTC
Lets see hmmmm BECAUSE HES NOT REAL... or is he?.......

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.