A question about evolution.?
2006-12-04 21:56:49 UTC
How come even the most zealous scientists call evolution a theory? How come they can't come up with hard evidence to call it a fact? How come they can't find any transitional animals from one species to another? The truth is that the Bible is correct. Each kind of animal reproduces it's own kind. Cats give birth to cats, dogs give birth to dogs, and termites give birth to termites. Evolution is a theory that Atheist are trying to promote so they won't have to accept the belief in God.

Evolution is a dead issue, it doesn't exist. Agree?
29 answers:
Bill K Atheist Goodfella
2006-12-04 22:24:55 UTC
You make a lot of assertations with absolutely no knowledge of what you're talking about.

"How come even the most zealous scientists call evolution a theory?"

This goes to show that you don't know the meaning of the word theory as defined in technical terms. From the American Heritage Dictionary: the·o·ry (th-r, thîr)

n. pl. the·o·ries

1. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.

In scientific terms, hypothesis means "guess"; theory is the accepted conclusion based on testing and evidence.

"How come they can't find any transitional animals from one species to another?" Well, the fact is, there have been HUNDREDS of transitional fossils found, the most commonly cited is the Archaeopteryx. However, due to the amazing creativity of the Creation Scientists, a game of semantics and denial causes doubt to be thrown onto their veracity. Facts are facts...they exist. Here's a link to dispel a common falacy that "macro-evolution" hasn't occured:

"The truth is that the Bible is correct." Actually, the truth is, you BELIEVE the bible to be correct. This, nor any of the "proof" that creationists choose to espouse (or the ignorance of the followers who claim "I don't understand evolution, so there's no way it can be true") has any basis in the scientific method. Furthermore, belief doesn't equal truth; if you believe you can jump from a 30 story building and God will protect you, will you be able to land safely?

"The truth is that the Bible is correct. Each kind of animal reproduces it's own kind. Cats give birth to cats, dogs give birth to dogs, and termites give birth to termites." You're right to a point. On the scale that a human being can witness in a natural lifetime, yes, all beings reproduce the same being. When you look at mutation, speciation, and adaptation over the course of millenia, you will see that new species have arisen from the old.

"Evolution is a theory that Atheist are trying to promote so they won't have to accept the belief in God." You really don't have a clue, do you? Evolution is not an "atheistic" theory. While it is true that atheists hold evolution as fact (based on scientific evidence), there are many people of faith who do this as well. Hundreds of god worshipers have taken the facts of evolution, and incorporated them into the myth of the bible. Not all of those who have a god belief are as capable of ignoring what we have seen evidence of (in the case of the Galapogos finches) within the last 100 years.

"Evolution is a dead issue, it doesn't exist. Agree?" No. You just want it to be so, and in a fundamentalist temper tantrum, have chosen to publicly put your fingers in your ears and start singing "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU". I'm sorry that your mind is so closed to the possiblity of the truth, that you stunt yourself intellectually, as well as spiritually. It is possible to maintain your faith, and accept certain of your tales as allegory written by men who didn't have the scientific advances to explain it. I don't hold with this, but I do have respect for those who at least try...
2006-12-04 22:19:36 UTC
Well my friend, I'm a little of both sides here.There is never any "hard" evidence in science when I comes to evolution. Remember, we are only living through a spec of the Earth's history. Your not going to see evolution happen right before your eyes. And there is transitional evidence everywhere....for example: Whale's have pelvises implying that they were once land dwellers that had legs. They probably weren't as immense at the time, but the gene is still there to grow a bone that they don't need. We have evidence that birds are the ancestors of dinosaurs according to bone structure. But you still have the question: What force is making this all happen the way that it is? We can find all the evidence,whether physical or scientific theory, but we will never fully understand what makes everything exist. If for those of you whom think the Big Bang made everything that exists......explain to the rest of us where this ball of matter came from in the first place? Or maybe what made everything just so perfect that Earth can be an inhabitable planet throughout its chaotic history and changes? You can never deny that there is more going on here then anyone can comprehend.
2006-12-04 22:10:50 UTC
Actually most scientists support Evolution as a fact. Evolution is a fact because we have found an ambundance of fossil records and the history of bones tell us how humans and other animals have mutated through millions of years. Science calls Evolution a "theory" because they are still overgoing new obsticles and hypothesis. The evidence of Evolutionary theory is %100 more accurate then any Christian Bible will ever be. Try this. Why does it say that the Earth is the center of the Universe? When in fact the sun is. Why doesn't the Bible mention anything about Dinosaurs? As an x-christian why don't you try reading more information about Evolution before you knock it and acknowledge your closed-mindedness about the Bible. Ever heard of something called reading? Oh wait I think reading anything other then the Bible is banned by Christians.
2006-12-04 22:13:49 UTC
Evolution is only a theory, but it is a theory that is grounded in a great deal of factual evidence that justifies its validity. It has nothing to do with wanting to disprove religion because that can never be done nor does science have any care to do so. Go ahead and believe in your God if it makes you feel better about yourself and sleep well at night. Religion has been denouncing science since the days of Copernicus and observations of celestial bodies leading mankind to correctly deduce that the Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around. Science has never tried to disprove religion.

It is religion that denounces science for uncovering faults in its dogma. Science never had care to bring down religion, only to uncover truth. Don't worry though, science will never be able to disprove the existence of God. Unfortunately for all of you though, not being able to disprove something does not prove its existence. Keep on believing, that is fine, but to say that science is based on anything except fact is incorrect. It is religion that has the market cornered on accepting truths without fact.
2006-12-04 22:10:00 UTC
It is called a theory, because it is not proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. There is extensive evidence, including transitional forms, making it quite sure. Scientists will continue to test and examine the evidence.

"Scientific" Creationism is a political doctrine espoused by those opposed to thought. Evolution is alive and well. You're on the way out.
Take it from Toby
2006-12-05 08:03:29 UTC
Actually, evolution is fact. The theory part is how it happens. Very similar to the theory of gravity. And just the fact that TB has changed to become immune to our treatments is proof that gene pools do change over time (evolution). As far as new species, that takes tens of thousands of years, so we will never be able to directly observe it. And there is many, many transitional fossils. You should have learned all this in school.
2016-10-14 05:07:17 UTC
a million) in accordance to evolutionists, human beings progressed from apes? human beings are apes by employing definition. Linnaeus categorised us as such and he grow to be a creationist. 2) there are a number of shown data in technology, yet evolution is only a concept. fake by way of a pretend impact of the observe concept. A fact, in technology, is a discrete factor to innovations. Theories connect data and clarify them. there's no greater type than concept. 3) A transitional form is a fossil of an animal that's an element one species and section yet another. fake. All organisms are transitional. 4) The age of the earth is set by employing scientists entirely during the radioactive dating of fossils ? The age of the Earth grow to be desperate by employing dating a meteor on the thought the photograph voltaic gadget grow to be each and all of the comparable age. All different calculations in high quality condition the age got here upon. 5) The scientific technique starts off with a prediction and then looks for evidence to help that prediction? It starts off with remark. Then a hypothesis is formed from that remark. After the hypothesis is formed, scientists seem for evidence to help or falsify the hypothesis. 6) the belief of evolution incorporates the super Bang? fake. 7) To have self belief in evolution is to have self belief that existence and count got here from no longer something? fake.
2006-12-04 22:19:51 UTC
You really need to go back to science class. A fact is an observation of a natural event. A theory is used to explain why the fact happened.

You also need to divorce yourself from the reasoning that science and religion are incompatible. Science explains natural events and religion is for the spirit.
2006-12-04 22:02:56 UTC
"Given the vicissitudes of fossilization, there is no reason to expect a sequence of fossils showing continuous modification of any characteristic we choose, even if that characteristic was continuously modified. Paleontologists think themselves lucky to be able to trace the continuous emergence of some characteristics." (Kitcher, Philip, Abusing Science, 1998 p. 110.) Here Kitcher offers up excuses for the pattern of gradual change, being absent.

Qouted. Published words, to the effect of, we don't need the evidence, we can assume it from other examples. Although, the other examples may be misrepresentative. Go to New York or back woods Kentucky, and you will find LIVING examples of what is declared a step up to our present state.
2006-12-04 22:03:38 UTC
1. there's a biology section.

2). because it is, it explains many things.

3). their is hard evidence of the fact of evolution, you seem to misunderstand the definition of theory.

4). there are literally millions of transitional species out there, just open your eyes and look.

5). disagree, you don't seem to know anything about evolution, so you really are not in a position to judge it.
Yinzer from Sixburgh
2006-12-04 22:02:12 UTC
If religion is held to the same standard as science, religion fails miserably to prove anything except the need for humankind to explain the unknown with mysticism.

You obviously believe in creationism. Where is your SCIENTIFIC evidence in that THEORY?

Evolution is a fact. The theory part comes into play when explaining exactly HOW it has happened.
2006-12-04 22:09:28 UTC
Evolution does in fact exist. However, it occurs within a species. It does not change from one species to another. Look at the human body. There have been drastic changes to our physical appearance since Cromagdon man (I probably spelled that wrong). Not to mention the change to our internal organs as proven by the frozen body found in a glacier a few years back.

Just remember, as Christians, we believe that we were created in God's image. My god is NOT an ape.
2006-12-04 21:59:02 UTC
You need to look up the meaning of the word, "theory" as it pertains to the scientific world.

Gravity is also a theory to science, yet you don't float away. How funny. Suppose that's because the FSM keeps his invisible noodly appendage on your head to hold you down.

The Bible is so correct that it says the earth was created before the sun and stars, that rabbits chew cud, that bats are birds, and that the value of pi is 3.
2006-12-04 22:16:53 UTC
this is to say that he can't prove there is a God? but you can't prove that there isn't a God?

many people that don't believe in God never have proof that he doesn't exsist. so i say until an atheist can prove to me God doesn't exsist then i am ignorant to their "theories".

and to music girl...the bible never said earth was made before the moon and the stars it actually says "...God created the heavens and the earth" these stars and such you speak of are considered the heavens.

and soggy waffles...people that have been blessed by God can prove his exsistence. i can...
Soggy Waffles
2006-12-04 22:15:51 UTC
Let me prove the worthiness and merit of your claims. You say there is a God but you can't prove it. I say there isn't a God but I can't prove it. I say there is a Loch Ness Monster but I can't prove it. You say there isn't a Loch Ness Monster but you can't prove it. So you believing in God has as much merit as me believing that there is a Loch Ness Monster. So going back to the claim that scientists don't have hard evidence about evolution, it brings as much merit as you believing in God. Neither you or the scientists have sufficient evidence to support your claims that either subjects exists. So me, saying that I believe in UFO's and Loch Ness Monsters has as much merit as you claiming that there is a God and scientists claiming things about evolution.
2006-12-05 07:17:03 UTC
I agree completely with you ted.nardo

Its surprising the way people respond to questions in this forums. Theories will always be theories not facts. Theories are defined simply as a proposition deducible from basic postulates or an idea accepted as a demonstrable truth.

So, as long as you can demonstrate that your theorem works it stands, unless something shows up to disprove or becloud what is accepted or someone smarter is able to propose a better theorem than yours. The end of it all being that theorems are not cast in stone, not facts, just logic or statements used to explain observations. Once there is a contradiction, we begin to adjust the theorem. And examples abound. No one has seen the atom, but we have theorems to enable us explain them and exploit them, but even these theorems are limited and in some cases we have different theorems being used to explain different aspects or behaviour of the atom. Even the recent discussion on dark matter and dark energy which has raised questions on the law of gravity as we have known it for years is also another example. Lets not make too much noise about theorems as if they are absolute truths which they are not, because they have been and will continue to be subject to change.

I do not believe in evolution, I believe in God, and I believe that God made the heavens and the earth and all creatures therein. Do I have proof of God, Yes, Because I speak with Him as a friend, I have experienced His forgiveness, His peace, and I have seen His power to heal and to change lives. I am a beneficiary of His goodness. Its a pity that not everyone can boast of this, but the things of God are spiritually discerned, man's mind is too finite to comprehend Him. If you want to know Him, the first place to start is from your heart not your head.

Science also has its place I agree, science has enabled man to exploit the things that were created by God for our use, development and comfort. But then science is still limited by men who will have to use theorems to explain things out. In the case of evolution the basis of these theorems are from the fossils discovered and carbon dating. No one argues that such fossils exists, even the bible does not in anyway contradict that (but thats another story) but the conlcusion from fossils that animals and man mutated from one form to the other without any evidence gives room for too much speculation than science as science is based on evidence. To say a whale is a transitional animal to me is a goof and UNSCIENTIFIC, when with different whale species giving birth to their distinct kind as it is today. From the little I have read about whales, they seem pretty stable and comfortable with their environment that the proposition that they are trying to adapt to their aquatic environment in a case of survival of the fittest sounds frivolous and to state that these changes occur over a long period of time (millions of years) so that we should not expect to witness them in our lifetime is deceptive too. We have access to documentation and cave drawings that span thousands of years, are there any evidence of an animal to date that can be construed from these documentations to have evolved even if it is with a little change. These are questions I believe sincere scientists would ask, rather than conclude on assumptions and force them down childrens' throats through formal education.

I strong believe that in evolution, the so called scientists and atheists have stepped out of science into fiction and sensationalism in a bid to attack a primary target and thats God.
james b
2006-12-04 22:04:51 UTC
how does the bible condemn evolution? the fact is... it doesn't. evolution is just a part of the amazing scheme of things. thinking that evolution does not exist is like saying that god couldn't have inspired calculus because it is too complicated.
2006-12-04 22:01:35 UTC
I agree. Where ARE those transitional fossils anyway? And I'm not talking about a couple dozen. There should be billions.

Regarding the details of your question however, your use of "theory" is not entirely correct. But I definitely get what you're talking about. It's funny how some Yahooers fly off the handle when someone uses the wrong semantics! Quite entertaining actually.
2006-12-04 22:00:13 UTC
you dont understand the term "theory". In science the term "theory", doesn't mean "guess". For example, the laws of gravity are just a theory, but you aren't goinbg to sit there and say you don't believe in gravity are you?
2006-12-04 22:02:21 UTC
I think the problem is some humans are in fear or just have a hard time to conclude that they just don`t know something.
Dont get Infected
2006-12-04 22:04:38 UTC
yea well atleast we have proof that the theory can be correct... try and prove that god is real. u cant... just because the bible says he's real doesnt mean he is real. that would be like saying batman is real because he's in a comic book or santa is real because u sat on that level 2 sex offenders lap in the shopping mall
2006-12-04 21:59:51 UTC
Look up the definition of "scientific theory".
2006-12-04 22:00:14 UTC
Even I've NEVER heard such sweeping statements. The bible is FACT? Man oh man. You're really trying to convince yourself aren't you?
2006-12-04 22:02:39 UTC
Its true. There is no evidence. Many scientists have come forward with supposed transitional species, but they were frauds.
2006-12-04 21:59:04 UTC
I call it a fact. If god exists let him strike me down where I sit if I am wrong.

2006-12-04 22:00:57 UTC
Hey pal, where is your proof that a god does exist?? Uh huh, didn't think so.
2006-12-04 21:59:38 UTC
Wow your brainwashing is are now a good little fundamentalist Christian fanatic.
ibn adam
2006-12-05 01:45:14 UTC
“I know that the word of “Evolution” has become an obsolete and worthless word in some circles of the people___ and they do frown even on it’s simple reference.

You will however surprise to know that I, not only, respect these friends and their feelings, rather, I agree to their viewpoint, to some extent, in the light of the current knowledge. Because they apprehend “Evolution” in terms of material or mechanical evolution whereas material or mechanical evolution is far different from that of the creative evolution.

An important source of Evolution is the Nature’s process of selection. Which is originally one of the laws of nature and a secondary cause, like the other laws of nature, as it’s Creator is again God.

All the species generated by this process are again the indirect creation of God as the Nature’s process of selection, itself, is not capable to create any specie. It simply admits some species to be nourished, leaving aside the others, to be withered and this process works under some hereditary variations. So___ the survival or removal of a specific specie, is never accidental as it is presumed by the believers of material or mechanical evolution”.

This very statement of Edward Luther Castle positively removes that superstition. Which has captured, not only, the materialists but the religious leaders as well. Who are still in it’s captivity even after the lapse of so many years. Dr. George Erl Devis, the physicist, writes:

“As much as the knowledge is flourishing and the superstitions are being unveiled___ importance & inevitability of the critical study of religion & ethics___ is increasing day by day in the same scale.”

The physicist is hinting upon the urge of the “quest for truth and the specific process” which may bring forth, a suitable solution for the problems of life. Of course, we can not lead the life in a particular way unless we come to know the origin of life. What is the actual and factual truth? Only after positive cognition of the same, we can learn to lead the real life. And__ the same learning may, in turn, lead us to the aim of life.

George Erl Devis writes further:

“The surprising scientific discoveries have produced certain indispensable questions. Though not so new, but their nature has become more changed, on account of___ the receipt of detailed information about cosmic system. And___ in any case____ man can not be held as excluded thereform. Among these questions, is the most important question___ upon whose answer is depending___ our aim of life and the system of our moral values. And___ that is the same old question that:

Is there any Supreme and Sublime Source who is the Creator of whole cosmos and who could be surnamed as God?

And___ thereby arises the other question, that if God has created us then who has created God? This question is usually raised by the children, in a highly logical air.

We can not deny the fact, that science has no convincing reply of the question that God is existing or not? Rather, science can never bring forth a scientific proof thereof.

We are breathing in such a physical universe which is running smoothly in terms of the pre-ordained laws of it’s complexed system. But, it does not mean that we can ever derive some information, through this very universe, about a thing, which is existing outside to this universe. Our universe is just like a room without any doors and windows. And even if it is having the same, then, such glasses are fixed therein that to see & understand the outside thereform is totally impossible. Whereas to see inside from the outside__ is almost possible.”

As we can not prove the existence or non-existence of God on the basis of science. So it is the all-alone way for us, that whatsoever stock of information we have, about this universe. We should derive a reasonable result therefrom. Such a reasonable result___ which could never be objected on logical grounds. And such a result, duly derived from the stock of scientific information, is this:

“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”

and___ that is such a reasonable result, which is free from all sorts of logical objections. And___ through this very result we come to know about the Creator Who is Creator of all the material and immaterial things, and who is the Omnipotent.

If we presume that the universe is created accidentally or automatically. Then we will have to presume too, that the universe, itself has the power of creation. Such a presumption is, however, not maintainable on account of the scientific informations, collected so far, about the universe. So___ accidental or automatic creation of universe___ is the result___ which is totally irrational.

And where, God is being believed as the Alone Creator of universe, scientific informations are now becoming a foundation there. And science___ which is the fountain-head of the pure observational, analytical and experimental knowledge___ has reached at such a stage. That the next step whereof is not else___ but to believe in God and God’s Almighty Omnipotence. And___ that is on account of this very consensus of the universal scientific informations that:

“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”.

It is a Verse-like ray of Holy light and a great information. Proper apprehension whereof leads us, directly, to the realm of Faith.

“Universe was created accidentally or automatically” is a notion, which is not confirmed by the scientific information. So, to think like that is an irrational & illogical gesture. Which leads nowhere but to the ignorance.

Which God we should believe?

It is an important question and it is more important for the person who is desirous to know his God.

Can we consider this accidentally or automatically created universe as God? Does it create and remove everything by itself? But the scientific consensus that:

“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”

clarifies that universe was not created accidentally or automatically. Nor it is capable to create anything by itself. Nor it is given any knowledge of creation. And___ if the universe does not own any knowledge of creation___ then the knowledge of creation is definitely related to Mr. Albert Einstein’s that very Infinite & Supreme Power or Cause. Whose creative manifestations are being seen everywhere in this inapprehensible universe.

The act of knowledge, which is the process of creation in this universe___ is a magnificent sign ___ which is leading us, directly, to the Creator.

Power of knowledge and act of knowledge in terms of the process of creation___ bespeak of such a Creator who is Unique___ Who is free from the creaturely traits__ Who is far above the Nature and our state of knowledge___ Who is Supreme, Supernatural and Omnipotent. About whom we can speak in the following rational terms.

“The Creator of things is not a thing or like the created things. And as the intellect itself is a thing, so it is not considerable more than a thing of superior kind. Therefore its capability of making some image or imagination of the Creator will result to such a step, which may diminish the supreme sublimity of the Creator”.

In this way a man of intellect may believe in God on logical basis. Whereafter he will always consider his God as the Sole Creator and the Sole Guardian of universe. He will never consider his God as a part of universe or a thing in universe or the universe.

It means that God is Super-natural and Super-physical. Who is not perceivable through our senses at all.

The commonplace concept that God is a kind of matter as well as God is the Creator of matter or___ God is the universe as well as God is Super-natural & Super-physical___ is a self-contradictory and an irrational concept.

We must refrain from such concepts and resort to reality that existence of creatures is separate from the Creator and the creatures are not like the Creator at all. Because creatures live and die and they are under God’s control. It is recorded in the Scripture in the words of the Creator:

“I__ and I alone___ am God

No other god is real”

(Duet 32:39)

Worship no god but Me!

Do not make for yourselves images of anything

In heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth

Do not bow down to any idol or worship it

For I am the Lord your God and

I tolerate no rivals.

(Duet 5:7 to 9)

Hence, we must believe our God as the Supernatural and Super-physical. God is not perceivable by our senses. Nor___ God is point-able like point-able things. Nor___ the names of God’s created things should be used for God. Nor ___ we should consider God in terms of things and worship God as a thing. Of course___ we should believe God, the same way, as God has commanded us to believe. And___ God’s Commandments 9Duet 32:39 and Duet 5:7 to 9) are very much reasonable and quiet corresponding to our intellect.
The Nag
2006-12-04 21:58:52 UTC go guy! Get ready for the butt chewing that you are going to receive from the monkey loving atheists....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.