1. How is the KJV Version of the Bible that Mormons use any different from any Christian Bible?
It isn't in any way that counts. Many LDS prefer to use copies printed by the church, but the only difference is that they come with footnotes and cross references for studying. The words are exactly the same, and any KJV version is acceptable.
2. What would you as Mormons consider your most sacred texts? some sources say it's the Bible, The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price, while others say it's just the first 3.
All of those. People seem to think we have to choose one, but we don't see it that way at all. They're all sacred works of scripture to us.
3. What does Doctrine and Covenants talk about?
Mostly modern revelations given to Joseph Smith and a few others in the early days of the church. If you ever want to check them out, you can go online to lds.org and scan through them. They're all there, and they're all free for browsing.
4.People say that LDS is the most populous branch of the Latter Day Saint movement. did RDLS and FDLS derive from that movement too?
Yes, we share roots with the FLDS and the RLDS. The RLDS--now Community of Christ--is a splinter group. When Joseph Smith, the founder, was killed, leadership passed to Brigham Young. Joseph's son, however, felt that it should pass to him. He changed quite a bit and formed his own faith, and though there are still similarities, we're completely different faiths now.
FLDS is actually a term used for many different splinter faiths. We just tend to lump them together, as they're very similar and it's understandably easier, if inaccurate. Still, when the LDS ceased practicing polygamy roughly 150 years ago, the FLDS (Fundamentalists) refused to follow that and formed their own faiths. They basically left because they wanted to continue practicing plural marriage, but after so long, they're also completely different now. They're the ones often living on compounds, have women in prairie dresses, and don't use television and the like. Mormons aren't like that.
5. LDS and RDLS banned polygamy, right? or is it just the LDS that banned it? or did polygamy even exist in RDLS???? sry i am so confused on that one!! :p
No more polygamy for LDS or Community of Christ, no. And as far as I know, RLDS never officially sanctioned polygamy, though since the LDS had already begun practicing that before Joseph Jr. left the church, it's possibly that some members once did.
6. can Mormons (LDS) really not drink coffee and tea? why not? and can Mormon girls not wear any pants/skirts above the knee?? just curious :)
Coffee and tea are massively unhealthy, and obviously God would want to protect us from the health problems caused by both drinks. He's asked us to avoid them, along with alcohol and tobacco products.
And it's not as though we have anything against showing our knees. We just believe that we should dress modestly, and often enough, clothes that ride up too high on the leg just aren't. As long as our clothes are modest, anything goes.
7. lastly, i know LDS call themselves Mormons and that it's often confused with the FDLS who believe in polygamy still. i know they (FDLS) refer to themselves as Fundamentalists. what does the RDLS refer themselves as?
Again, RLDS (not RDLS) are now Community of Christ. Though I'm sure they still answer to RLDS, they don't really go by that any longer.
p.s. i found The Book of Mormon at my school! i read some of it and thought it was really cool! heheh :)
If you want to get a free copy of the Book of Mormon to keep, go to mormon.org and request one.
Feel free to email me if you have any other questions. I'm happy to help.