Christians I am an atheist and want to become a christian
2008-08-07 15:40:42 UTC
Well i am an atheist currently , but want to become a Christian. i been thinking a lot lately about my beliefs and I noticed wow the stuff I been thinking was right is so stupid, we didn't evolve from something or the universe was created from the big bang there has to be something out there that created us. I think the human body is to complicated just to evolve from nothing. so i been studying Christianity and really liked the stuff it taught, so what do i need to do to become a Christan.
54 answers:
2008-08-07 15:51:30 UTC
first of all im happy for you. i dont know who you are but this just made my day. dont get mislead by the comments that people will leave on here for you being brave of believing in God. so focus on what you said and be strong.

first turn away from your sins and turn to God. realized that God has solved the problem for sins.

Read and study your bible.

pray and talk to God everyday.

spend time with other christians and worship together.

share your faith with others.

try to do this things and you would notice a new you. and you can confess yours sins to God and that will be salvation. now thats is just a first step getting yourself through that gate. after that if you will notice that you have in you the Holy spirit and will see things very differnt, baptism does not mean you will go to heavan its just a symbol showing that you wna the world to know that you will go God's path,

find a church that you feel comfortable with but be careful b/c thier are many people who might act as if they are righteuos and you can be fool very quickly, so study your bible, and always ask questions, no question is stupid, and once you find a church and your pastor says something make sure its bible and not his words or opinions!! Good luck...
2008-08-07 15:51:56 UTC
Becoming a Christian is something that begins on the inside, like realizing that first you are a sinner (we all are), that you need to confess your sins (you just confess them to God, you don't have to broadcast it to the world), ask Jesus to forgive you of those sins and come into you life (a very simple prayer), and go and not sin anymore (which is impossible, but you don't go and intentionally sin). You can join a church, but just be careful which one you go to, as not all churches that claim to be Christian are. Study your bible, and question everything you are told about Christianity (there is nothing wrong with being skeptical). Study your bible daily (just a few minutes will work), and pray always (you don't have to be formal about it. You can pray in a car, walking down the street, while you eat, while you study, while shopping, wherever). And lastly, once you are comfortable with where you are at in your Christian walk, you can get baptized. That's your final commitment, but don't just rush into it. You'll find yourself getting disillusioned at somepoint, which is normal. Just keep faithful, and you'll find out it's a worthwhile lifelong commitment.
2016-10-10 05:49:19 UTC
i became as quickly as a fantastically hardcore Atheist. To be honest, I nonetheless dislike Christians (or a minimum of i won't be able to locate one that i will get alongside with). besides the fact that, I grew to become agnostic, because of the fact I be stricken by circumstances that technology won't be able to not fix to any ideal degree. And now that I even have experienced first hand the barriers of technology, I even tend to work out the failings in the two theistic and atheistic thinking. the actuality is, there is a lot we don´t be attentive to. yet I see atheists claiming there is not any god or gods at a similar time as - I propose, heavily, how the **** are you going to coach that a being effective sufficient to create the universe would not exist as quickly as we haven´t even completely discovered the international we survive or maybe our own damn MINDS. you spot, the easy difference between an atheist and a theist, is that an atheist will unquestionably not have self assurance some thing till they see evidence. A theist will have self assurance in it, in spite of if abstractly, till shown in any different case. I don´t want evidence that there is a god or gods basically as much as an atheist doesn´t want evidence that a god would not exist with the intention to declare this style of element (be honest). If we can´t practice it one way or the different, then it doesn´t count number what you suspect or don´t have self assurance, does it? certainty is, all of us die besides, so in my opinion, I´d quite die believing that there is a few thing extra to the international than working 9 to 5 slots in some pointless activity to perpetuate a society of bickering morons each and each with their own backstabbing time table (like your anti-Christian one right here, case in point).
2008-08-07 15:53:32 UTC
I am so excited for you. It is a very big decision to decide to become a Christian and believe it or not it is the MOST important decision you will ever make your entire life. No decisions we make in life trump this one because this one concerns where we go after we leave this life. My suggestion is find yourself a very good bible believing church and be selective. are some churches that run low on doctrine and high on drama... You want the churches with a pastor who is actually teaching you the word of God every Sunday. The best way to find out about good churches is by asking Christians that you know where they worship. If you don't get many results from that, I would say start picking churches in your neighborhood to visit to make your choice. Also, another really good tool is Christian broadcasting. I've become somewaht addicted to hearing the word from some of God's greatest teachers on television. Here's a few resources: TBN, TCT... You can listen to live broadcasts for TBN online too... Some pastors on Christian broadcasting that you should hear are: Charles Stanley, Perry Stone, Joyce Meyers, Benny Hinn, and many many others. These are the best though. I would also like to add some very important things to do often if not every day is to pray. Pray for God's guidance in developing your new life as a Christian. Surround yourself with other God fearing Christians who can help you in your quest -- it never hurts and read your bible. Good luck, my friend!! I'm so very happy for you. :-)
2008-08-07 15:57:07 UTC
You've got to read Lee Strobel's The Case for Faith!!! I just finished it and it answers a lot of the tough questions they're asking in this community--like "Isn't the Bible just a bunch of fairy tales" and "Why would a good God allow innocent children to suffer death?" The answers aren't perfect, but the arguments are pretty good.

If you want to become a Christian, the first thing is to admit to yourself that you're a sinner (you can't ever be "good enough" for God, no matter how hard you try) and ask Jesus to be your savior and come into your heart. Ask for the Holy Spirit, too, to come into your life and guide your choices, and study the Bible to see what kind of a life God respects. But don't worry about living up to the Bible's expectations; nobody except Jesus could ever do that--the Bible is there to help you see that you're not perfect, and to give you a road map of how to avoid as many road bumps and obstacles as you can. The Holy Spirit coupled with a good church will give you the power you need to change anything in your life that needs changing.

So that's a good place to start. Best wishes in your Christian journey, and I hope you enjoy The Case for Faith as much as I did!
2008-08-07 15:48:06 UTC
First, you have to believe that God created the Earth!!

Second, You have to believe that God sent his son to die on the cross so we could go to heaven

Third, you have to believe he died and rose again on the third day!!

It will be hard to transiton from atheist to a christian, but it is all worth it in the end!

A good start would be going to a church! Meet new people!!! They can help you when you have a question about creation or anything!!
2008-08-07 16:00:34 UTC
wow an athiest who honestly examines his beliefs. theres a bit to it. and i would love to traid emails and numbers with you to follow on how your progress. but the short of it is this.

first realize that you commit sins and transgrissions (sin - an act of goodness left undone. transgression - an intentional wrong done)

the problem is even if you commit no transgressions you can still not be good enough you cant feed the hungry etc. its truly beyond your ability.

2nd realize that it is beyond your ability and repent of both the wrongs you have done and the rights you didnt do. this is important you must strive to turn away from you old patterns and strive to be more selfless.

3rd and many will disagree on this on

you must be babtized for the removal on sins. into jesus christ. when you do step 2 you are dying to your old self. but now that dead spirit need s to be buried. that IS WHAT BAptism doese. there are many scriptures that point to it.

now i know that still was long winded. but you are only begining Christianity is a life long denial of self and will to try and follow Gods will for you as best as you can. it involves constantly striving for perfection knowing you wont make it. Good luckl brother your in my prayers
Edward N
2008-08-07 19:42:44 UTC
Bless yer heart. First read the New Testament with an open mind and heart. That experience will answer questions you didnt even ask. It will also plant the seed of faith which if nourished will grow inside of you and give you the power to become a "Son of God". "Seek and ye shall find". "Knock and it shall be opened unto you" Hope you can swallow the idea that TRUTH is absolute.
2008-08-07 15:45:58 UTC
Study and pray about Romans 10:9-10
Kayla K
2008-08-07 15:47:36 UTC
I am not too sure that I believe you, knowing the track record of the atheists on here.What have you been studying regarding Christianity, and what's more important, what did you learn? You need to believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and that He came to this earth, in the flesh and died on the cross for all us sinners, to become a Christian. Also believe in the Trinity, The Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. You can read free online bibles and strongs concordance if you are serious about what you are saying.
2008-08-07 15:49:32 UTC
i think everyone struggle with religion. the point is their is no possible way that there is not something greater than us. i am so glad that you have come to this realization. God truly wants to be able to know you. I would bow my head and say a prayer something like this: Dear, Lord, I realize that I am a sinner and i ask you to please come in to my heart and save me. I want to know you. I would then get plugged into a good church (not a church that is judgemental), you need to get into a good church that will help you grow. i would probably talk to a minister too, they can give you so much information about the Chritian faith. good luck, and God bless!!!
2008-08-07 16:01:37 UTC
God created heaven and earth. All living things! Jesus is the only way to heaven. All you got to do is ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and come into your heart and save you. Really want it and mean it. Accept Jesus as your LOrd and Savior. Have faith and believe. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with mouth confession is made unto salvation, For the scripture says, Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame. Romans 10:9-11 Jesus loves you and He cares!
2008-08-07 15:50:54 UTC
are you serious?

if u are, that amazing. find a church to go to... i dont have anything against catholics but with all the priest stuff going on, id not suggest that one. there are allot of branches of christianty. not one is perfect. you would have to find the one that is right for you. get a Bible, and find some christians you can hang out with. if you are a new believer things could be hard to understand. Just pray about it. God loves you and He sent His son to die on the cross for our sins so that we coudl be free.

God Bless! if you have any questions email me :)
2008-08-07 15:48:27 UTC
it sounds like you have already converted. :) Christianity shouldn't be seen as a religion. it should be seen as a relationship with Jesus, knowing he died on the cross for your sins, then rose from the dead. That is it! Being good, and knowing more than that is just a plus! Congrats, see you in heaven! AND, being baptized means NOTHING. You do not have to get baptized to go to heaven! If I were you, try to get started in a more liberal church, it will be much more comfortable for you, and fun!
2008-08-07 15:50:09 UTC
you need to decide what part of christianity would suit you. i am anglican following the catholic tradition which some call anglo-catholic or high church then you get baptist catholics and a host of other types of christian churches. go around and talk to the priests and clergy or ministers of your local churches they will all tell you what is involved in their church but it is what you feel comfortable with at the end of the day.

and congratulations on that first step to a wider family
Meagan G
2008-08-07 15:49:30 UTC
Definitely start by reading the Bible. That's the basic place to get info on our beliefs. It's big and kind of intimidating so I would suggest you get one that has Jesus's words written in red and read the red text first. You also couldn't hurt by talking to a priest or two in your area. They're job is to help you out so don't be afraid of them. :D <3
2008-08-07 15:48:08 UTC
I would try a few churches. If you have Christian friends, I would see if you could go with them to church. You have picked a complex religion with several "branches" you may want to research them first.

There are the pre-Reformation churches. Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Eastern Rite.

There are the Reformation churches: Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopals, Anglicans. There are churches from the Anabaptist: Baptists, Presbyters, Mennonite, Church of Christ, First Christian...

I wish it was simple.

God bless.
2008-08-07 15:47:51 UTC
First you need to pray that's the most important thing. Prayer will help build your one on one relationship with god. Then join a good church. Try to meet christians who you can learn from and seek advice from and Read the bible. This is how you began your walk with god. Slow and surely you will began to grow and change.
2008-08-07 15:52:50 UTC
Christianity is NOT incompatible with evolution. In fact MOST Christians are educated intelligent people who happen to believe that Jesus was a god not a man.

Literalist, Young Earth Creationists may be very vocal, but they are a small minority (thankfully).

If you have those beliefs AND want to become a Christians, you will have to search out a Christian group that will accept your extreme views.
2008-08-07 15:48:40 UTC
Go to church. Repent all your sins to God, and get baptized. Read bible everyday, and when in doubt, don't ask around for answers. Get a pastor or a devout Christian answer your questions.
Sophie M
2008-08-07 15:48:03 UTC
Well, first off. God loves you... and will forever. his love is unending. Even if you do bad stuff. (which i'm not advising you to do bad stuff.) But he still and always will. Becoming Christian is wonderful, i love it. I think you might want to get baptized, that will be a good start. Then start going to church. My church has a youth group. and its really fun. Being a christian isn't strict or lame. It's actually fun! with the right crowd you can have fun! : ) hope i helped? : )
Gad M
2008-08-07 15:48:05 UTC
Read This!!!!

Read This!!!!

Read This!!!

First Thing I would say is Congratulations on trying to Find God!!! Most people don't have the heart to think for themselves....

Ok Things To Do!

1) Buy A Good Leather Bound Bible that will last! Get a refrence Bible they are the most easiest to read, but only buy a King James Version..

2) Get use to the King James English, and after a while it will seem like nothing. The reason I say a King James is because they come with a Dictionary, that is called a Concordance, that allows one to break down every single word in that Bible. All other versions don't have this...

3) Read the Bible, and memorize it as much as you can...Higlight it, then once your done, read it again..then again, until you reach the point where you got the book like the back of your hand..

4) Then after you do this, people wont be able to decieve you, becuase you know the Bible, and by that it will make your walk with God allot easier.. Becuase they are allot of evil Christians, and you have to be careful of them..

Read the Bible then Pick a Church... Thanks Again!

I could help you, email me...
2008-08-07 15:45:16 UTC
romans 10:9 "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Just pray to receive jesus as your savior like this one, Heavenly Father:..........................................................................

I come to you in prayer asking for the forgiveness of

my Sins. I confess with my mouth and believe with my

heart that Jesus is your Son, And that he died on the

Cross at Calvary that I might be forgiven and have

Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Father, I believe

that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you right now

to come in to my life and be my personal Lord and

Savior. I repent of my Sins and will Worship you all the

day's of my Life!. Because your word is truth, I confess

with my mouth that I am Born Again and Cleansed

by the Blood of Jesus! In Jesus Name, Amen and may God bless future brother or sister in christ and after u do this i would suggest that u read the first 4 books of the gospel(mattew,mark,luke,John) to find out who Jesus really is.

you can also email or im me If you need anything as a new believer
2008-08-07 15:54:18 UTC
pray and thank GOD for revealing himself to you and ask him to continue to guide you! Pray because it is very vital in communicating and gaining a relationship with GOD/CHRIST. Also, try fellowshipping with fellow Children of the LORD!

"Miss IQ"
2008-08-07 15:53:00 UTC
I think that you should first repent, then accept him in your life, and find you a church that is right for you! One that teaches straight from the bible!!!
2008-08-07 15:47:49 UTC

go to this website they will answer all your questions and you just have to pray a little prayer thats at the bottom of the page and if you have any questions email me and ill be glad to answer them

Im a christian by the way.
No Chance Without Jesus
2008-08-07 15:45:44 UTC
Ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord.

being willing to give up your life, and your will for His life and His will is the first step.

Just ask him right now to be your Lord. and He will answer.

After that get a bible, read it...pray. And find a good church. Those are all after things though....first have that talk with Jesus
2008-08-07 15:45:22 UTC
Get into the Word of God (Bible) and read/study it daily. Join a church that preaches the Gospel of Christ.

In the meantime, repent of your sins, acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God and call upon Him to save you.

God bless you, child of Hiis!
2008-08-07 15:48:19 UTC
well i am a Christian so i would star by reading the bible, going to church, praying to god, well read the bible and see what you think about
2008-08-07 15:49:23 UTC
I was going to point out all the flaws in your logic, but I was suddenly overcome by the futility of it all...So, I'm not going to tell you that things that happen over billions of years tend to become complicated, and even our own human societies follow this trend (at a much faster rate, mind you), and I'm not going to point out that we didn't come from nothing. Nope. I'm just going to send you an internet pat on the head, and say "go to church, you silly creature".
Rolando C I
2008-08-07 15:55:38 UTC
Any Jehovah's Witness in your area will be more than glad to help you learn about true Christianity, we have a biblical book that we are studying with anyone who is interested in learning more about the Bible, it is titled " What Does The Bible Really Teach" . We don't charge money to anyone for sharing with them the Bible knowledge.
2008-08-07 15:48:49 UTC
just pray and go to church.i am chrstian although i always dont go to church read the is actually not hard to become one.just pray to god and say that he is your only god you will ever worship he is your father.confess your sins read the bible pray church.good luck
Gardener for God(dmd)
2008-08-07 15:45:31 UTC
Pray to Jesus with a true and repentful heart and ask for forgiveness and ask him to lead your life.

If you are serious, then please email me.

if you aren't serious, well, i wish you were.

Have a great day!

Your email is closed to incoming mail, so I can't reach you. If you send me your email address, I will email you back

FIRST THING - PRAY - Pray to God and ask for forgiveness. Ask Jesus to forgive all your sins and come into your life today and cleanse you. Ask Jesus to lead your life and anoit you with the Holy Spirit, pray this in Jesus name.

SECOND - BIBLE - Get a bible, OR go online to Start reading in the New Testament. Start with Matthew of John

THIRD - Find a BIBLE teaching Church to attend.

PLEASE, email me if you need any help or have any questions!

God's many blessing to you and welcome to the family of God
2008-08-07 16:02:21 UTC
You're going to make a great Christian.

Ignorance is bliss.
2008-08-07 15:48:50 UTC
You need to realize that the Lord God, Satan and Jesus are Reptilian Aliens that came here to geneticly manipulate the life that was here to create a slave race!

So you must ask yourself do you want to be the slave to a reptilian alien?
2008-08-07 15:45:03 UTC
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved".

Find a good bible teaching church. This is how you find out about Jesus Christ and how to follow Him.

May God bless and lead you.
2008-08-07 15:53:54 UTC
I have a similar problem too

I have no belief in santa...but i want to be his elf.
Annie the Punk Rocker
2008-08-07 15:48:07 UTC
Actually evolution is real. And the big bang is actually a good theory. If there was someone who created us, who created him?

Pay attention is science class, missy.
2008-08-07 15:45:53 UTC
I would tell the unbeliever that all man are sinners and fall short of the glory of God. All men are guilty and deserve to die because of sin.

Because men cannot refrain from sin, for it is their nature to sin, God sent his Son into the world to give man hope. He loved the world so much he sent his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but shall have eternal life.

I would tell him that Jesus came and took the world's sin upon the cross, where it was destroyed.

So that all who ask God for forgiveness can be saved from death.

Jesus said he who believes in me will never die.

So a man who believes in him though he dies in the flesh, his soul/spirit goes to be with Jesus.

Jesus said that he who believes in him, though he be dead, yet shall he live.

We all must suffer physical death. But those who are born again, those who believe will go to be with Jesus upon physical death.

If the soul of a man remains dead in him because of sin, at the point of physical death, because his soul is dead in tresspasses, it is taken to the place where the unrighteous dead are reserved until the day of Judgment.

A man must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. John 3:5

A man must be born again, renewed, made alive again in his spirit and remain so to the point of physical death. And because his soul/spirit is alive it goes to be with Christ in paradise.

When I talk of one being a Christian, I don't refer to any denomination or doctrines of men.

I refer to all who have been born again by the grace of God through faith in his Son. I speak of all those who have been baptized into Christ through his blood and their sins have been washed away. I am referring to all who have passed from death unto life being renewed, born again in their spirits by the quickening spirit Christ Jesus.

So don't put much stock in the doctrines of men for they will claim many a soul in the name of hell.

Believe only the Word of God. Steer clear of those who add or take from the Word of God. Seek the face of the Lord and let his spirit, that spirit of truth known as the Holy Spirit lead you into all truth.

REMEMBER, there will be no denominations in the kingdom of heaven, only the gospel of Jesus Christ.
2008-08-07 15:45:40 UTC
unless you're a troll, here's what you do... be good, love, give, help, empathize, understand. then you'll be in the club of all of us who do, the club where nobody knows your name because nobody has one because we're all the same.

"so if you think your life is complete confusion, because you never win the game

just remember that, it's a grand illusion, and deep inside, we're all the same...

2008-08-07 15:44:38 UTC
Why Christianity? Why do you go from atheist to just assuming they're right? There are a lot of other religions out there, i wouldn't just pick the most popular one.
2008-08-07 15:43:41 UTC
approach the church
2008-08-07 15:45:15 UTC
if you're an atheist who wants to become christian are you really an atheist in the first place?
2008-08-07 15:45:28 UTC
Bang your head against a wall for a few hours, lose your last few brain cells & you're there.

Human body too complicted to have evolved from nothing? You really don't understand evo do you?

Enjoy your decission, but please make an informed one.
2008-08-07 15:44:53 UTC
go to church
2008-08-07 15:47:26 UTC

Say you're just a troll, and I will pretend as if I never even read this question.

If you're actually serious.. What can I say? Other than:

I'm so sorry. Really, I am!

Tell me who destroyed you, so I can go kick their *sses.
Sun: supporting gay rights
2008-08-07 15:46:11 UTC
Wow, really bad trolling.
Alex V
2008-08-07 15:45:34 UTC
find a RCIA group near you. i forget wat RCIA means but u can look that up
2008-08-07 15:45:02 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....there is SO much in there

that no self respecting atheist would ever say

either fake

or was never an atheist...

just never really thought about it...

so said atheist

either way

2008-08-07 15:44:09 UTC
Then become one. You're obviously not an atheist if the biblical monster makes sense to you.
ʌ_ʍ ʍ
2008-08-07 15:55:51 UTC
you're a troll.
Mike Honcho
2008-08-07 15:45:19 UTC
nice try, good luck
2008-08-07 15:44:03 UTC
Get baptized, and hopefully not molested by your "God" servant.
2008-08-07 15:43:16 UTC
someone iz de-evolving

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.