I seem to recall skeptics asserting the Bible was hogwash because there was never such a think as the Hittite empire - until evidence of the Hittite empire surfaced in th 18th century.
In 1993, archeologists digging at Tel Dan in the Galilee in northern Israel found a fragment of a stone inscription that clearly refers to the "house of David" and identifies David as the "king of Israel."
A stone inscription from Egypt confirms that Israel was established as a nation in Canaan centuries before the reign of King David
The Ebla tablets found by archaeologists in 1975 provide solid evidence about life in the ancient world.Fragments mentioned the names of David (Da-u-dum), Abraham (Ab-ra-mu) and Ishmael (Ish-ma-il). The unearthing of the Ebla tablets in northern Syria in the 1970s, uncovered names of biblical patriarchs, and the discovery of ancient regions such as ‘Canaan,’ all legitimize the patriarchal accounts, proving them to be viable and genuine
Ruins in Cyprus, Galatia, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Rome and surrounding areas, have many references about Paul of the New Testament.
There are many other examples but many details including various kings of both Israel and Judah are recorded in the historical writings of other nations.
Is every single details validated - no but more than enough to assert the historical statements in the Bible are likely accurate.
Jake: Since science is limited to the exploration of the natural world nobody with a brain would expect any scientific backing for supernatural events, or historical events in general because without a time machine, you can't go back to observe things.