It seems that you do not know anythikng about Bhagavad-gita . I am sure that you have not even touched it with a pair of tongs .
Now I willtell you a little about it .
In response to the request of Arjuna to show him the totality of God , Lord Kraihna showed him the viswaroopa and told Arjuna to see all the universe , animate ansd inanimate , and and whatever else he wished to see, all stand there as one in HIS body.
see the following lines:
"Arjuna , see all the unverse ,
animate and inanimate ,
and whatever else you wish to see,
all stand here as one in my body." ...7/ 11.
All that you see around you far and near, are all parts of the same one God .- just like a tree includes the roots , the trunk the branches, the leaves , the flowers and the fruits and not any one of them individually or without any or many of them. It is just like a man with his head , hands, body legs , head ,nose , eyes, ears , fingers, toes and all and not without any of them..On seeing the hand you can imagine the man , see him in your mind .On seeing any part of a man , you can imagine a man.On seeing any part of the tree ,you know it is part of a tree and you can see a tree. if the cosmos is the God , no one is yet born to see the totality of God , the cosmos .You can see only so much of it as your vision could help.That is why Lord Krisihna gave Arjuna a divine eye - the eye of Gnana - Wisdom to see his totality. Since all that is in the cosmos , the universe and the world is God , you can see God in anything and everything .
See the following lines too:
"Arming himself with discipline ,
seeing everything with an equal eye ,
he sees the self in all crestures
and all creatures in the self ."...29 / 6.
"I grant unwavering faith ,
to any devoted man who wants
to worship any form
with faith."...21 /11.
Besides in the seventh teaching , lord krishna himself says that HE is everything and in everything .since the Hindus believe in Krishna they worship everything in which God is present according to kruishna himself .,They trust Krishna much more than you , who has raised the question without knowing even an iota of what is said in Bhagavad -Gita .It is funny to see people raising questrioins about all scriptures without caring to see them and reading them.or without even touching them. It would be good if one reads the scriptures of at least the three major religions of Hinduism , christinity and Islam ,before raising questions or commenting on them.
One may not have to read them all if he / she asks questions just to know about them.
krishna has not asked all the Hindus to fight .If you have any such impression , please erase it ,first ,and please go through Gita once more carefully.
Krishna exhorts everyone to discharge one's own duty as a sacred offering to God without fear or favour and with detachment .For your kind information , he even specifially told that one should confine himself to his own duty even if he could do it imperfectly and shall not do that of somebody else even if he could do it perfectly.He had created four categories of people.viz. 1.those who use their heads (Brains )(teachifg , perfoming vedic rites , astrology , medicne etc. 2 those who use their hearts ( Kings warriors , administrators , judges, law and order enforcers - they need a strong heart and courage ). 3. those who produce food grains, provisions and,distribute them to the people and 4,those who help the three categories above by providing the hard labour needed for the discharge of their functions - they assist them by making the writing materials , the weapons , the transport vehicles , the implements etc needed for war fare , production of food and distribution ,etc .They support the entire society.
OF ALL THESE FOUR CATEGORIES , IT IS THE DUTY OF THE KINGS , ( NOW THE HOLDERS POWER IN THE GOVERNMENT ) to fight injustice and safeguard the society WHENT THE NEED ARISES.and not of evey single individual .The individuals can only provide the logistic support to them.
Read the following lines of gita :
"Better to do one's own duty imperfectly,
than to do another man's well,
doing action intrinsic to his being ,
a man avoids guilt .'...47/ 18 Th teaching ..
What do you want the Hindus to do? Obey the instructions of Krishna or the Mohammed like you ?.
Remember that we are in the kali yuga now .A total of 5108 years of kali has gone and we still have some 1.7 million years of Kali to go.The modern religions have come into existence during the Kali yuga and with them the strife among the people of the world has been intensifying.These religions have committed l;ots of atrocities against humanity by wageing wars for spreading the rligions of kali yuga ., The very birth of certain religions interfereing with the lives of people of the world during the kali yuga leading to wars and disruption of peace and harmony among the peole has started showing signs of the prediction of effect of the last yuga of existence of this planet . .People will fight among themselve s in theneme of religions that have come up fpor destruction, and destroy themselves in the name of God .The religions born during the kali yuga will be responsible for the doom of the world .There will be none even to regret or repent !for it .! If that is the will of God who can stop it ? creation and sustenance is almost over .Only annihialtion is remaining to be done .The modern religions woud accomplish it .Do not expect the hindus to behave like barbarians .They are very highly refined .they donot bite the dog that barks at them.Isalm and chritianity had done everything to eradicate hinduism during the rule of the Muslims and Euroipean invaders and could not succeed .But they diod one good thing for Hinduis .They purged the religion of its weaklings and foolish offering them favours. So the Hindus can thank them also..
Generally people do not seem to be aware of the hindu philosophy .though the hidus have not been showing any interst in letting the world know that since they are not for conversionof anybody to any religons , it will e good fopr theenteoir world if the principles of he religion are made known to all .Hindus themselves have to know a lot about their own religion.