Questions about the Course in Miracles?
2008-11-12 21:12:29 UTC
Is anyone else on here doing the Course in Miracles. I would love to know how you found out about it... Are you doing it because of Oprah or did you get to it some other way?
Fifteen answers:
Champion of Knowledge
2008-11-12 21:24:49 UTC
I own a copy of "A Course in Miracles"; I'm studying it, and so far it makes much more sense than anything I've ever read in the bible.

I see the bible as being a religious text; I see religion as having to do with the Ego; I see the Ego as "Satan".

"A Course in Miracles" is a Spiritual text, and has much more Truth in it than the bible.

I originally learned about it by seeing it mentioned in other publications I was reading.

I've never seen or heard it spoken of in a negative sense other than by christians.
2016-03-28 08:54:57 UTC
its not many times im impressed however watching this really made me say wow

I need to ask - do you know about the a hole in the law of attraction?

students all over the world are achieving their dreams because they found the missing secret? I learned about this missing ingredient and manifest abundance, wealth, health, love and more from a resource called Miracle Crusher Tactic.
2008-11-12 21:18:04 UTC
I wouldn't associate myself in any way with Oprah, and I would definitely not read a book that she chooses to endorse.

I read what I want to read.

However, the concept of it is slightly intriguing, yet the whole based off of Christian teachings I frown upon.

I would only read it for laughs.
BallCap Hat
2008-11-12 21:16:23 UTC
I took the course in the 90's, it's been around a long time. I was into Metaphysics and everyone knows about the course. It's a way of life.
2014-12-10 04:57:35 UTC
hi everyone ,if anyone else wants to learn about affirmations to attract wealth & abundance try Revarna Amazing Attraction Roadmap( search on google ) ? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my colleague got excellent success with it.
2008-11-12 23:22:34 UTC
I'm so sorry you are encountering such negative comments. However, let's bear in mind that not everything that references "God" or seems "spiritual and good" really is spiritual and good.

Oprah has openly denied Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. She has challenged the validity of any salvation that relies on the preached word reaching every corner of the earth.......satan doesn't care if you try and major on "god". What satan HATES is Jesus Christ. Because of her public profession against Christianity, Oprah - (and I'm sure any "religious" books she recommends) - would NEVER point you to Christ, except maybe in the most superficial way...(ie: He was a "good man" or had "good teaching", etc)

The gospel of Jesus Christ as the sinless Son of God, crucified for our sins and resurrected for our glory - exalted above all and seated at the right hand of God the Father today is the good news which transforms lives. Christianity has nothing to do with pursuing good morals or inspirational living, and everything to do with a life completely renewed by the power of Christ.

However, responding to that gospel is a work of the Holy Spirit on our hearts - through the gospel He makes our hearts tender to Christ and leads us to repentance and faith in Him. There is no other way to enter the kingdom of God, because the requirement is the precious blood of the Lamb, shed on our behalf.....

....again, the same precious gift of the Son of God that Oprah has openly denied. If you are Christian, then you have responded by repentance and faith in His Name through hearing (or reading) the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. Not through any book which points to ANYONE OR ANYTHING other than Him......

Through faith in His Name, we need no course in miracles. "He who supplies the Holy Spirit and works miracles among us does so not by OUR works or wisdom....but simply by the hearing of faith." Miracles flow from Him as a free gift because of the blood of Jesus - miracles are not something the apostles majored in teaching the people "how to" is what the Lord ministered through them to confirm the Word that points people to the Person and works of Jesus Christ.

The course we need isn't in how to obtain miracles, or healing, or improve our finances as MANY religious people tout today. It is a course in the Word of God, and how to practice a personal living relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Please don't see these comments as combative or an attack against you. But I do hope this clarifies that no one who denies Christ (as Oprah has openly done) is likely to promote anything which genuinely points us to Him.
Jeff M
2008-11-12 21:16:27 UTC
Oprah is getting way into new age, not The Word of God!! Steer clear of that lost soul!! Pray for her eyes to be reopened. She knows the truth, just not walking in it.
2017-02-20 05:08:51 UTC
2008-11-13 07:22:07 UTC
I haven't read this book. I love Oprah. But I don't watch her that much.

And I have watched a bit of the contraversy between her & Christians. Oprah believes in many ways to God. In one sense I agree with her. In another sense, this is misleading.

But it is true that getting on the wrong path that leads to destruction is actually a path to God. Because eventually (if we don't die too soon) we will recognize we are on the wrong path. There are many people in different religions who are still on this wide path that leads to destruction. Because to us, there are ways that seem right, but they actually lead to destruction.

Oprah is a generous person. So she has given & it has been given back to her. This is a Godly principle. She grew up in Church & has some Godly principles in her.

But Jesus shed His blood in the Garden & then on the cross, when He bore our sins. He did this, so He could die for us & then overcome the curse of sin & death. Like Jonah was in the belly of the whale for 3days & 3nights (Nineveh repented & were saved), so also Jesus must be in the heart of the earth for 3 days & nights (so we can be saved).

Jesus was one with the Father always. Because He wasn't born with sin nature & didn't sin when tempted by the serpent. He was a man anointed by the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "The Father & I are One.". There was never any heart separation between Jesus & His Father. He was continually walking in the Light & communing with His Father. He said what the Father wanted Him to say, because they agreed in everything.

But this all changed when He bore our sins on the cross. And ours sins were put on Him. Our sins killed Him. Our sins separated Him from the Father's heart. Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?!". And Jesus died of a broken heart.

But since He was without personal sin, sin couldn't keep Jesus in the grave. He raised from the dead.

But Jesus first went down to Paradise (Abrahams Bosom) & then to hell to take back the keys from death & hell. He descended to the lowest parts of the earth. His soul did.

So in Him, Jesus Christ the Son of God, we also can raise up like He did. He overcame the beginning curse of sin & death for us.

Jesus said at the Last Supper that we are to remember what He did for us. This is the New Testament between Him & His Church (to take communion). For this is His blood that is shed for 'many' for remission of sins. And this is His body that is broken for us.

See? It is a sin to get on the wrong path. But Jesus shed His blood for the 'many' who do get on the wrong path.

Jesus said that He Is the Way, the Truth & the Life. There is no way to the Father except through Him. Without the Father & the Son there isn't eternal life.

1Jn5:20 And we know that the Son of God has come & has given us an understanding, in order that we might know Him who is true & we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God & eternal life. 1Jn5:11,12 And the witness is this, that God has given us eternal life, & this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the Life; He who doesn't have the Son of God does not have the Life.

So the only way to receive Gods gift of eternal life is to receive Jesus atonement for your sins & He is Lord of your life. This is eternal life. Because then we are born of His Spirit, cleansed by His blood, joint heirs with King Jesus & made part of the Family of God.
2008-11-13 04:08:25 UTC
Sad to say, there are many ways God is re-defined and even outrightly misrepresented. This is one of them.
2008-11-12 21:17:06 UTC
I strongly agree with Buddy R and Chris on this matter.
Buddy R
2008-11-12 21:14:28 UTC
Not me. All Oprah can do is lead you to hell.
2008-11-12 21:14:50 UTC
I am studying it for the sake of knowledge...

I am very studious
2008-11-12 21:14:47 UTC
2008-11-12 21:15:23 UTC
yes I feel like its everyday I was born into it .

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.