Is the Bible fact or fiction?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is the Bible fact or fiction?
195 answers:
2009-04-23 18:36:10 UTC
A man lived in a whale for three days

Need i say more?
2009-04-23 18:35:46 UTC
fiction, just read the first two chapters of genesis
2009-04-23 18:36:12 UTC
Fiction even though it has facts in it (Harry potter does too.)
2009-04-23 18:35:51 UTC
is fiction alright
2009-04-23 19:00:52 UTC
Scientific Facts in the Bible

1. Only in recent years has science discovered that everything we see is composed of invisible atoms. Here, Scripture tells us that the "things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."

2. Medical science has only recently discovered that blood-clotting in a newborn reaches its peak on the eighth day, then drops. The Bible consistently says that a baby must be circumcised on the eighth day.

3. At a time when it was believed that the earth sat on a large animal or a giant (1500 B.C.), the Bible spoke of the earth’s free float in space: "He...hangs the earth upon nothing" (Job 26:7).

4. The prophet Isaiah also tells us that the earth is round: "It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth" (Isaiah 40:22). This is not a reference to a flat disk, as some skeptic maintain, but to a sphere. Secular man discovered this 2,400 years later. At a time when science believed that the earth was flat, is was the Scriptures that inspired Christopher Columbus to sail around the world (see Proverbs 3:6 footnote).

5. God told Job in 1500 B.C.: "Can you send lightnings, that they may go, and say to you, Here we are?" (Job 38:35). The Bible here is making what appears to be a scientifically ludicrous statement—that light can be sent, and then manifest itself in speech. But did you know that radio waves travel at the speed of light? This is why you can have instantaneous wireless communication with someone on the other side of the earth. Science didn’t discover this until 1864 when "British scientist James Clerk Maxwell suggested that electricity and light waves were two forms of the same thing" (Modern Century Illustrated Encyclopedia).

6. Job 38:19 asks, "Where is the way where light dwells?" Modern man has only recently discovered that light (electromagnetic radiation) has a "way," traveling at 186,000 miles per second.

7. Science has discovered that stars emit radio waves, which are received on earth as a high pitch. God mentioned this in Job 38:7: "When the morning stars sang together..."

8. "Most cosmologists (scientists who study the structures and evolution of the universe) agree that the Genesis account of creation, in imagining an initial void, may be uncannily close to the truth" (Time, Dec. 1976).

9. Solomon described a "cycle" of air currents two thousand years before scientists "discovered" them. "The wind goes toward the south, and turns about unto the north; it whirls about continually, and the wind returns again according to his circuits" (Ecclesiastes 1:6).

10. Science expresses the universe in five terms: time, space, matter, power, and motion. Genesis 1:1,2 revealed such truths to the Hebrews in 1450 B.C.: "In the beginning [time] God created [power] the heaven [space] and the earth [matter] . . . And the Spirit of God moved [motion] upon the face of the waters." The first thing God tells man is that He controls of all aspects of the universe.

11. The great biological truth concerning the importance of blood in our body’s mechanism has been fully comprehended only in recent years. Up until 120 years ago, sick people were "bled," and many died because of the practice. If you lose your blood, you lose your life. Yet Leviticus 17:11, written 3,000 years ago, declared that blood is the source of life: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood."

12. All things were made by Him (see John 1:3), including dinosaurs. Why then did the dinosaur disappear? The answer may be in Job 40:15–24. In this passage, God speaks about a great creature called "behemoth." Some commentators think this was a hippopotamus. However, the hippo’s tail isn’t like a large tree, but a small twig. Following are the characteristics of this huge animal: It was the largest of all the creatures God made; was plant-eating (herbivorous); had its strength in its hips and a tail like a large tree. It had very strong bones, lived among the trees, drank massive amounts of water, and was not disturbed by a raging river. He appears impervious to attack because his nose could pierce through snares, but Scripture says, "He that made him can make his sword to approach unto him." In other words, God caused this, the largest of all the creatures He had made, to become extinct.

13. Encyclopedia Britannica documents that in 1845, a young doctor in Vienna named Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was horrified at the terrible death rate of women who gave birth in hospitals. As many as 30 percent died after giving birth. Semmelweis noted that doctors would examine the bodies of patients who died, then, without washing their hands, go straight to the next ward and examine expectant mothers. This was their normal practice, because the presence of microscopic diseases was unknown. Semmelweis insisted that doctors wash their hands before examinations, and the death rate immediately dropped to 2 percent. Look at the specific instructions God gave His people for when they encounter disease
2014-11-01 13:41:41 UTC
The Torah ends with the Book of Malachi, and there are 130 more writings that were not canonized in the New Testament. Of course, you would have to study from a scholarly view to see how it was developed. Many on this site will act you like they are a real authority about everything. Scholars are people who can read one or more of the ancient languages in which the Books of the Bible were
2009-04-23 18:56:21 UTC
It's really up to you to decide if you believe it or not. I personally believe because that's my religion and I believe in God. As far as facts go they reference many land marks, the money they used back then, and many rivers, mountains, etc. Here's a link to a reliable website that says more about how the bible is scientifically verifiable.
bettyboop v
2009-04-23 18:52:44 UTC
I cant believe how many ignorant people have posted that its fiction! where are your principles? your moral? your faith? The bible is fact and OUR LORD IS FACT AND ALWAYS WILL BE. WE BELIEVERS DONT NEED STUPID FACTS TO KNOW HE IS REAL. THATS WHY WHEN THOSE WHO SAY ITS FICTION DIE, WONDER WHY THEY WIND UP IN FLAMES...WONDER..
2009-04-23 18:36:56 UTC

How can you part the sea?

How can you talk to a flaming bush?

Whoever wrote the bible was hiiiiiiiiigh.

Look back in history, if people were that stupid 100

years ago imagine how stupid they were 2000 years ago

Religion is the root of all evil, go ahead put down the thumbs but deep inside you know it's the reason for the previous wars.


2009-04-23 19:09:02 UTC
It needs to be understood that the Bible is not there to be practiced identically, because you would never be able to do that. It is there to get the deeper meaning of the stories (moral of the stories), so that you can see where you need to change your mind and life.

The Torah ends with the Book of Malachi, and there are 130 more writings that were not canonized in the New Testament. Of course, you would have to study from a scholarly view to see how it was developed. Many on this site will act you like they are a real authority about everything. Scholars are people who can read one or more of the ancient languages in which the Books of the Bible were written - Hebrew, Aramaic, or Ancient Greek. If a person does not have his/her Ph.D. in some advanced related area, I would consider him/her a weak authority on interpreting the Bible. Many people have their Post-Docs in Anthropology, Greek, Hebrew, History, Biblical Studies, etc... who do that.

Read and study the Bible with some formal instruction from a non-religious related institution and professors so that you may understand that it is an educational tool by itself. Many people teach it as a form of literature alone; it is very interesting. I just completed this last school year at a public university, where I studied Ancient Hebrew History and Biblical Interpretation and then New Testament History and also Philosophy.

It might help if you have studied Philosophy and Metaphysics before or simultaneously with your Bible studies - they are all interrelated.

I will clue you in: there is no hell, no heaven, no physical God, no devil or satan, etc....

Largely, the laymen who have attempted to shape church doctrines around something which they do not understand have given the Bible a bad rap. It is a book of morals, because every person, place, animal, incident, etc... represents a state or stage of consciousness that we either have had or will have on our way to returning to that "Garden of Eden" (kingdom of heaven) - not a physical place.
John S.
2009-04-23 19:07:19 UTC
Absolutely, the Bible is filled with factual accounts of things that did happen as the historical records and evidence from antiquity will show. The Bible also has many stories in it that were passed down from verbal testimonies over time which may not have happened exactly as we read them now in another language. Do not forget that there are differences in the meanings of certain words from Greek to Hebrew to English, etc., and those can be very significant when you are trying to apply a strict, literal interpretation of just exactly what did happen.

And then there are passages in the Bible which were told as STORIES meant to teach a lesson. For example, Jesus spoke in parables as a way for teaching people in a way that they would understand. Did the parables actually happen exactly as spoken? Maybe they did or didn't. But there is no hiding the fact that they were a story told which made sense in teaching a lesson, for example, the parable of building your house on a rock versus the sand. The one on the rock will stand the test of time and weather while the one on sand will crumble and fall away. So too should one build their faith on that which is solid like a rock that passes the test of time versus something inconstant that shifts and can easily fade away. The story has merit to teach a lesson. Did it actually happen? Probably somewhere it did at some time. But that's not the point. It is the LESSON behind the story that gives purpose to the story being written.

Even the account of creation in Genesis is widely recognized by theologians as a story which was borrowed from the ancient Babylonians before the rise of the Jews and a Hebrew nation. The Babylonians had a multi-God theocracy which the Hebrews rejected. But for the Hebrews to completely revolutionize the people's widely accepted understanding of how the world came to be would have been too much. So they BORROWED this account of creation and instead of a multi-God theocracy, they instituted their god -- YAHWEH -- as the One True God. This is not an explanation that is widely taught in churches throughout the land, but for those who study history and how the Bible came to be, they know this is how it happened.

But even if every single world of the Bible cannot be validated as something that happened, most of it did. And inside of it you will find great value and wisdom which has been tested through the ages. So do not throw the entire document out should you find one item that did not happen. It is a COLLECTION of writings over time. And because so many of the books have teachings and wisdoms in common, look into your own heart and see if you believe these teachings to be valid and true in their purpose for helping you in your own journey through this life. And THAT is what the Bible was written for.
2009-04-23 19:02:15 UTC
Fact. You ask a question with limited space and then want facts to support. How many facts do you have time and space for? First of all, the Bible has been used for geographic accuracy. Second, it has been used for archaeological accuracy. Third, it has been used for historical accuracy. The Bible mentioned the earth was round about 700BC before astronomers knew it. Many have questioned the Bible at times though those questions blow away. Example, scientists questioned whether the Hittites were a real people that were mentioned in the Bible until archaeologists found pictures and inscriptions at some sites.The Bible has survived many attempts at burying it or destroying it. i.e. the Romans, the Catholic Church, purges, and severe persecution of its adherents.The Romans were famous for their tortures for 315 years but Christianity based on the Bible grew anyway! I'm going to recommend five wonderful books that answer this authoritatively in the source section. That science is called Apologetics. This is a huge, important question -requires a huge answer.
2009-04-23 19:02:35 UTC
So many people have discredited the Bible for being true. Why are they so quick to answer that it is false? People read and watch events that occur in the news, and automatically assume that it is true. Why is that?

How do you know that Julius Ceaser was real? Or George Washington? There is nothing else than what it says in books, that these two men are real, and that the things that they did are real. Yet everybody believes that they are. Why don't they believe that what the Bible says is true?

The Bible is either true, meaning that all the things that it says are true, or it's the greatest lie that has ever been told during the history of mankind. And I strongly believe that it is not the latter.
2016-02-01 17:41:24 UTC
Read and study the Bible with some formal instruction from a non-religious related institution and professors so that you may understand that it is an educational tool by itself. Many people teach it as a form of literature alone; it is very interesting. I just completed this last school year at a public university, where I studied Ancient Hebrew History and Biblical Interpretation and then New Testament History and also Philosophy.
2009-04-24 15:43:17 UTC
It is quite simple. As a Christian you know how to tell what God is saying it livid meaning real or if he is using certain things as symbolism. It is so easy to question God. I think if people spend less time trying to go against the word of God and more time trying to find the truth they will see What Christians see. Being a Christian means you believe that Christ( who was documented to have walked on earth not by only the Bible but by historians as well) The conflict comes when people ask the question did he rise again? And the answer is yes! So if you say you are a Christian and you don't believe that nothing else in the Bible matters! I hope I shed some light on your answer to God (Christ) be the Glory.
2009-04-23 18:53:10 UTC
Scientific Accuracy

Scientifically sound statements. Some 3,500 years ago, the Bible stated that the earth is hanging “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) In the eighth century B.C.E., Isaiah clearly referred to “the circle [or, sphere] of the earth.” (Isaiah 40:22) A spherical earth held in empty space without any visible or physical means of support—does not that description sound remarkably modern?

Written about 1500 B.C.E., the Mosaic Law (found in the first five books of the Bible) contained sound laws regarding quarantining of the sick, treatment of dead bodies, and disposal of waste.—Leviticus 13:1-5; Numbers 19:1-13; Deuteronomy 23:13, 14.

Fulfilled Prophecy

THE Bible is filled with predictions, or prophecies. Its record, as documented by history, is clear. Bible prophecy is always right.

Distinguishing features. Bible prophecies are often specific and have been fulfilled down to the smallest of details. They usually involve matters of great importance and predict the opposite of what those living at the time of the writing might have been expecting.

An outstanding example. Strategically built astride the Euphrates River, ancient Babylon has been called “the political, religious, and cultural centre of the ancient Orient.” About 732 B.C.E., the prophet Isaiah penned an ominous prophecy—Babylon would fall. Isaiah provided specifics: A leader named “Cyrus” would be the conqueror, the protective waters of the Euphrates would “dry up,” and the city’s gates would “not be shut.” (Isaiah 44:27–45:3) Some 200 years later, on October 5, 539 B.C.E., the prophecy was fulfilled in all its details. Greek historian Herodotus (fifth century B.C.E.) confirmed the manner of Babylon’s fall.##

A bold detail. Isaiah made a further startling prediction regarding Babylon: “She will never be inhabited.” (Isaiah 13:19, 20) To predict permanent desolation for a sprawling city occupying a strategic location was bold indeed. You would normally expect that such a city would be rebuilt if ruined. Although Babylon lingered on for a while after its conquest, Isaiah’s words eventually came true. Today the site of ancient Babylon “is flat, hot, deserted and dusty,” reports Smithsonian magazine.

To Trust or Not to Trust

A Unique Book

Can You Trust the Bible?
2009-04-23 18:50:04 UTC
There are many stories in the bible that are the same as Greek and Roman mythology, as well as other cultures.

That being said, I believe the bible is yet another version of those myths that have lessons to be learned or morals to gain. I do believe that Moses and Jesus lived, and that some parts of the bible do actually document stories about people that may have actually existed, but I would not take the entire thing as actual events or being historically accurate.

I take it more as a wise book with advice to live by rather than a history book.

It seems that everyone preaching about the bible being completely nonfiction are taking a very narrow-minded approach to everyone else. Yes, I said I don't think it is 100% fact, but the bible is just a book, written by man. This takes nothing away from my belief in God, so go take a walk.
2009-04-23 18:47:51 UTC
The Bible is a source which we as humans must either decide to believe, or disbelieve.

It has many facts which can be proven, or at least seen in other cultures, and via scientific evidence.

It explains the reasons people have morals, love, and other very important questions.

It explains the way the world was created and why. It ultimately gives us as humans a reason to live. It also explains about who God is. (If you don't believe there is a God then let me ask you : If God didn't exist, how did we as humans get the concept of a "god" and why do some of us feel called to pray to and serve this "god"??

Those who choose to disregard the Bible as a fictional fairy tale will ultimately pay the price of their ignorance in eternity.

Ultimately, we as humans cannot prove the Bible's truth or Fallacy, like every spiritual issue we are faced with, one must consider the options, and through faith, believe, or not.
2009-04-25 10:57:51 UTC
Fiction inspired by legends from all over the place...legends themselves sometimes inspired by historical facts, or what people were remembering.

Look at the creation myths for example - already in place in older cultures

Look at the jesus stories, already in place for horus/isis and a few other messiah/half gods all around the mediterranean world.

Look at the jewish history and how they mixed the stories together to gather people around a common myth, to try to create a nation.

Why would people think the bible is fact ?

When what it describe is so completely opposite of any science we know ? When any of the miracle described would mean our science is pure garbage ? When evidence points the other way ?
2009-04-23 19:05:47 UTC
The Bible is in fact, Fact! It is the word of God and it is being proved! The Dead Sea Scrolls, Even Noah's Ark has been located and it is believed the Garden of Eden has been located.

I know that Jesus is still in the business of healing! He has healed my daughter and me 25 years ago. and he healed me again this past friday. I have seen miracles from prayer. Whether all you atheists know it or not, we are living in the end times! Too many signs of the times!

After the dream I had, people everywhere should get right with God!

Yes, 300 cubits X 50 cubits would be 15,000 square cubits. and since it was in deed 30 cubits high, chances are it was 2 or 3 story. The animals were there at the will of God, in other words was like having a whole lot of pets! Noah and his family would have lived on the upper level. 2 story would have made it 30,000 square cubits. 3 story would have been 45,000 sq. cu. a cubit in the wiki is 18 inches. In other words your Ark was 450 ft X 75 ft. X 45 ft. high. Which would no doubt had been 3 stories high or even 4. That's 33,750 square foot. at 3 stories would be a total of 10,250 sq. foot. 101,250 square ft. Further more, Noah and his family would not have needed 33,750 sq. ft of living space. An animal (a Cow) might require 32 sq. ft. Which would have been enough for 1,054 animals just on one level. Birds only needed a perch. There were only pairs of everything. Not whole herds. The rain lasted 40 days. not 40 years. And there would have been ample room for food.
2009-04-25 15:40:45 UTC
2009-04-23 18:52:29 UTC
ill say

Old Testament is fiction and just stories to tell people how to live a good life.

New Testament probably has some fact to it but the stories are fabricated and embellished so it makes things appear greater than what they really are. No one can really say because no one is alive now to back it up. It's all how to interpret it and what you believe. For example the story about Jesus feeding all those people with 3 fish and a loaf of bread or however much food he had. All those people would have been fed with a scale and a crumb. The story was passed down from person to person and like in the game telephone the true story was heard wrong. Jesus probably did feed a bunch of people with that much bread but not 3000 or however many.

The Bible is the Bible, its all on how you believe there is no right or wrong answer, it's your faith
Wise Owl
2009-04-24 00:39:03 UTC
People don't have answers to things like "where do we come from?" so people make myths to explain things. Humans have a mentality that says "I don't know" is not an option. People tend to be afraid of not having an answer. So anything that contradicts there beliefs they not only deny but it’s likely that they have self denial about it to. They’ll make things up and believe them no matter how irrational; As long as it resolves there uncertainty.

I know “but its no myth!” so if mosses supposedly wrote the story of Adam and Eve. The first two people in the world. Its one thing that they wouldn’t have had a written language; but if you’re the first people you’re probably going to be lacking a spoken language as well. Considering how long it takes to develop a language spoken or written how did the story of Adam and Eve get to Mosses? It most likely couldn’t have been written or even spoken until long after it happened.

When it comes to bible flaws and raw irrationality you can go on for a long time and still be very fresh on material. That’s why it works so well for comedy. One explanation the bible does have that can be flawless under the circumstances that some one takes unquestionable faith of it is miracles. Miracles explain everything to a believer. To a rationalist it mean “I can’t explain it so let’s just pretend its true with out doubt because I said so.” Because I said so works for believers. To say something’s a miracle is the ultimate argument winner for them in there mind. I know because I’ve been there. I know what its like to pass something as a miracle and feel the foundations of my beliefs trembling. A believer’s denial is so thick that they just shake it off and move on. For me I finally came to terms with it.

The more important beliefs or sins to the religion are “don’t judge” and “heresy”. Heresy is to have an opinion or believe that is unorthodox or not what most others believe. A person that makes there own decisions feely without being told to in short is a heretic. Do not judge. That’s a dumb one. “Don’t use your judgment”. Try to make an opinion with out judging something; you can’t can you. Basically in Christianity and Christian based religions you can’t have an opinion. If you think a single thought that’s different from what you’re told to think you’re a sinner. If you think it’s a nice day and no one else does you’re a sinner. Now think about that and try not to sin of five minutes. Of course if you’re sinful enough you go to hell. The indescribably worse thing that could happen to you. This translates to an unspoken equations between religious leader to there believer.

(Opinion judgment critical thinking) = sin

Hell over really catastrophically bad = one whole




(Opinion judgment critical thinking)=Fear

True believers never question. Every time they go to church or read there bible there reminded about the consequence of sin. Sin equals Fear. True believers may seem crazy but when people are scared senseless they think irrationally. When people think irrationally there much easier to control. That’s what it’s about controlling people. What’s the chances that twelve fishermen and a carpenter are going to be literate in a time when the only people that where literate where scribes and royal officials? In this time period scribes worked exclusively for royal officials. Royal officials that govern or control people. People that need to find ways to keep people in line. Ways that people will believe without doubt or question. Ponder that the next time you wonder who wrote the bible.
2009-04-23 18:55:01 UTC
Theology teaches us that we believe in the written word as long as the writer is truthful and honest in their heart. The bible is a collection of stories written by men who have witnessed God, Jesus, the apostles, and history of mankind.

It is broken up into different stories. These stories are based on the accounts of individuals telling it through their eyes. There are warnings that they received, miracles performed, and words that made them stronger.

A fact is based on truth. Your ideals and beliefs uphold these facts and truths. Any book written in that context is fact.

So the Bible, the original Bible is fact. The king James version has alterations to either help explain or dispel myths. Other religions have their bibles ie the Koran, Torah, etc. These are based on their beliefs and truths, aka Facts. So are bibles based on fact? Look in your heart and answer that. You will know what is fact and what is fiction.
2009-04-23 18:41:30 UTC
This is a trick question, because there are parts of the Bible that are very factual, and others that are absurd. It is not meant to Chronicle the history of the world as much as it is meant to be a source for personal/spiritual reflection, learning, and growth. THe bible may seem vague at times, because the authors want it to apply to everyone (especially the New Testament). Also, keep in mind that in the NT and parts of the OT, people are going exaggerate a bit because they are trying to save peoples souls (depending on opinion). The Apostles would have made Jesus' human quirks (again this varies by what you believe) vanish. THis is also a book that was to be read word for word that has faced millennia of linguistics, corruption, and adaptation.
your brother in christ
2009-04-23 19:05:42 UTC

Simon Greenleaf

Founder of Harvard School of Law and one of the worlds foremost authorities on evidence was asked to put Jesus , The crucifixion and the Resurrection to the test.

So He researched ancient documents,Studied testimonies ,discovered that there where around 500 documented eyewitnesses ( many who would be considered by today's standard to be highly credible witnesses ), that saw Jesus alive after He had been confirmed to be dead by professional execution contractors ( who know a corpse when they see it.)

He reviewed all of the facts and information ,discarded anything that would be inadmissible in a modern court of law.

He concluded that Jesus, The crucifixion and the resurrection are as established and researchable as any other event in recorded history.

Any way Thanks for the Great question and may God bless you.
2009-04-23 19:04:24 UTC
Based on my collective learning and interpretation of historical events(which isn't much) it is Fiction but but a good number of which are based on actual historical events. I'm a baptized Catholic but today I embrace a more open perception of Religion in general. Although I do share with millions of people in that I do consider Christianity as one of the greatest Religions, and the bible has a lot of great stories. But every Religion has its own Creation story as well as its own Gospel truth. Just like them Christianity also has its amazing stories in the realm of fantasy. Seven Days creation? Could be not a literal 7 days , well Ok guess it could fly. But We already know what really happened even before the days of the dinosaurs. I do believe characters like Jesus existed and he probably did a lot of extraordinary and wonderful things. Important things are the lessons we pick up from them to better ourselves collectively. Each Religion has a unique perspective to what is that is. And each has a very important lesson that can offer to each other. I suggest taking a step back into a neutral perspective and realize that Religion is an insturment by which we try to approximate the supernatural, the great power behind all creation, our existence. Thus no Religion can lay claim superiority over another. The power of Religion is unmistakable. However in itself as weilded by people it also possesses a great danger because it uncannily leads to prejudice. Ironically since a lot of Religions espouse principles like caring for one another. Each Religion has many wonderful lessons and inspiring wisdom that they can share with and enrich one another. That's how I think we should grow as a people.

The important thing is that we don't let our individual self righteousness lead to hate. At the very least I think that's what the great Religions of the world share in their own teachings.

I love the stories from the Bible and have great respect for it. I thank God for it.
2009-04-23 18:45:39 UTC
I believe SOME of the stories in the bible are real, while others are exaggerated, and the rest just made up. their morals and ideals apply to many things in life.

The bible has 2 creation stories each with different event occurring, so it can't possibly be BOTH correct.

when they say: 40 years/days i believe they mean an extended amount of time. because if you count all the days Moses has been around it leads well over 700 years.

Also, I don't believe the bible is the true work of god. The bible was composed of writings during the Charlemagne, a chosen collection of books chosen by man.

If you disagree and say the church is always right, let me remind you we had a pope not so long ago that was corrupt to the core and resulted more people dead then the Vietnam War.
2009-04-23 18:42:38 UTC
Well, there really is a Jerusalem.

The supposed "historical facts" don’t even line up. Like the wrong prophet with the wrong king at the wrong battle and it was first written down years after the fact. That is historical fiction. The setting maybe a historical fact, but what they said happened is fiction. We don’t know who wrote the gospel, The first one Mark was written at least 30 to 60 years after Jesus died. Matthew and Luke had a copy of Mark with them when they wrote their books. John was deliberately written to fill in the gaps and the arguments that the new christian faith was having. These are stories passed on for years and years before written down. None of these are first hand accounts even though they are written that way.

Every religion has their spin on it, but try to find the facts. The conclusion is that there is little in the bible old or new that is fact. It mentions places that are real, but that’s about it. You can walk the streets where Jesus carried his cross, but did he really carry a cross? I try to find sources out side the bible that mention the same thing the bible does. Like the census that was taken and why Joseph went to Bethlehem. No record of it ever happening outside the bible. This is not the stone age. There was all kinds of trading with other countries. Something should have been mentioned somewhere about this massive disruption of the economy. Anyhow, we base our faith on the stories of Jesus in the gospels. If they can not be proven as fact, even by the Roman empire, then faith is based on fiction?
2009-04-23 18:51:16 UTC
I believe that a lot of the new testement is true, just has been changed a little to make it better. The old testement though, may have some real events, but you have to know that quite a lot of the bible, especially the old testement was passed down through telling stories of people's lives, there were not written records of everything. A lot of it is just stories that someone kept retelling to friends and family, so the stuff that finally got written down was written by someone who has only heard the story from like 15 or more generations ago that has been passed down. It is almost definete that some has been stretched. And yeah, in the first few pages, they are saying like"when Adam was 130, he had a son who was just like him and named him Seth" Then "Adam had more childrenand died at the age of nine hundred thirty." Some stuff was just thought of . Also remember, some information may have been changed, lost, or differently interpreted, because the bible has been rewritten many times from many different ancient languages. Lastly, remember, it was not written as one book, it ideas, and many different books put together into one.
2016-08-17 04:20:37 UTC
Fact it's the book of truth for Christians and other faiths that read the bible I guess
2009-04-23 19:17:36 UTC
Yes so many facts, and I am going to name one amazing fact for you, it says in the bible that in the days close to when i will return, people will be putting chips in there hands and head that will act like credit cards and the whole world will be run by this. He says not to do that because then we will be run by the world, then about a year ago I found that they were inventing these chips that go in your hand or head and that once you put them in you cant take them out or the lead in the chip will explode into your blood stream. The bible was written within the past couple of thousands of years ago and it is saying our future perfectly,there is so many more FACTS that I could go on forever listing
2009-04-23 18:48:31 UTC
It's ALLEGORY. It's a bunch of stories, some made up, some real, some real but embellished, all with themes and morals that you're supposed to take away from them. Did Lot's wife turn into a pillar of salt for disobeying God? Of course not, but the point was "Don't disobay God or bad stuff will happen to you."

Earth: 4 billion years old, not 6,000 years. The point is (assuming you believe in God) that God created it. Does it really matter if he made it in 7 days or if he created a universe that after 11 billion years formed the earth, and 4 billion years after that intelligent life evolved on it? Either way, He'd be the architect, right?
2009-04-23 18:48:08 UTC
fiction means invented, imagination. so, it is false not truth.

fact means immutable, unchanging, the same yesterday, today, tomorrow.

now THINK, the bible contains numerous prophecies made hundreds of years ago. Many have come to pass and there is one that is happening NOW .. legislating homosexual laws ... book of daniel about changing laws. Daniel speaks of endtimes.

the world has NEVER seen anything like this before ... passing homosexual laws.

the world has NEVER seen a common currency, the euro ...but it happened in preparation for the desolation of abomination to be set up. Now the asian bloc is considering doing the same. Again, this has been told in Revelation.

as a christian, i must be really stubborn not to acknowledge the Living Truth that the Holy Bible holds. The more i learn, the more i see God's masterplan coming into focus.

while you sit in front of your computer indecisive, God does not wait for you ...
2009-04-23 18:51:03 UTC
The Bible is TRUE....

The purpose of life and the reason for death is clearly explained in the bible.

It is also consistent with proven scientific facts. The bible spoke of the earth being "a circle" LONG before anyone knew. The Egyptians and Babylonians believed the earth was flat and so did everyone else. Christopher Columbus

got his "idea" from the bible. Some great places to look for science and the bible are found Dr. Henry M. Morris' books
Aunt Doobie
2009-04-23 19:02:41 UTC
I believe with all my heart that the Bible is fact not fiction. You don't have to believe. We have been given free will by the creator. Weather you believe or not every knee will bow.
2014-09-06 07:08:20 UTC
Encyclopedia Britannica documents that in 1845, a young doctor in Vienna named Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was horrified at the terrible death rate of women who gave birth in hospitals. As many as 30 percent died after giving birth. Semmelweis noted that doctors would examine the bodies of patients who died, then, without washing their hands, go straight to the next ward and examine expectant mothers. This was their normal practice, because the presence of microscopic diseases was unknown.
2016-02-27 10:01:32 UTC
Largely, the laymen who have attempted to shape church doctrines around something which they do not understand have given the Bible a bad rap. It is a book of morals, because every person, place, animal, incident, etc... represents a state or stage of consciousness that we either have had or will have on our way to returning to that "Garden of Eden" (kingdom of heaven) - not a physical place.
2009-04-24 10:30:25 UTC
The Bible has ancient truths and is also a metaphor for our more modern world. If you examine parts of the Old Testament they can refer directly to our modern world and the exodus of the historically enslaved peoples.
2014-09-23 19:28:45 UTC
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. To many people believe by sight and not by faith. the human race is heading down hill and with God we can pick ourselves back up. Read the Bible and you will see what i mean. I will not tell you my age but i am not an adult. Love God and fear him. God bless you whoever this is. Don't let what you see fool you.
Johnny F
2009-04-23 18:41:25 UTC
To answer this question, we must first consider to what paradigm you subscribe when talking about "facts." If you believe that facts are just things that a person or a group of people just say without requiring some sort of tangible, objective proof, then you CAN say that the bible is fact.

However if you subscribe to a paradigm to which facts require objective, repeatable forms of proof (i.e. scientific facts) then you are going to have a hard time with many things in the bible. Many of the stories in there can be claimed but are not supported by scientific facts. Those that subscribe to the aforementioned paradigm will say that the bible is fact, but they certainly cannot claim the bible to be scientific fact.
2014-09-03 20:13:05 UTC
Look at the creation myths for example - already in place in older cultures

Look at the jesus stories, already in place for horus/isis and a few other messiah/half gods all around the mediterranean world.

Look at the jewish history and how they mixed the stories together to gather people around a common myth, to try to create a nation.
2009-04-23 19:14:52 UTC
Actually, much of the Bible has been proven to be historically accurate. Archeology proves more and more of the Bible with each and every passing year.

Of course, it must be understood that the Bible as we know it today is not a complete work. The Council of Nicea, under direction of Constantine and a bunch of political infighting, chose which books would go in the Bible and what order they'd be placed in. Some more factually accurate books of that time were not allowed to be put in the Bible for fear of the ideas they might incite among the people. This is why it is so important to find out more about all of the other books out there that have been scattered (some intentionally destroyed by the Church) and are being printed in separate works (often with the Church and their henchmen doing their best to discredit them).

For instance, the Bible does not say directly that man and woman are equal in the eyes of God. Yet, when Simon confronted Jesus to have Mary Magdalene serve the masses of ppl that had crowded Lazarus' home (after Jesus resurrected him), Jesus declared that she was where she belonged, learning his teachings at his feet. He let it be known then that a woman's soul is equal to a man's soul. (Actually, as many agnostic works and the Gospel of Mary record, the soul itself has no sex, but sex serves only as a tool for teaching the mind-soul something essential during that period).

This is why why so much of the Bible is also found in other written works and earlier religions. In fact, the Bible simply records many of the tales of older religions, as a means of drawing those people closer.

It is hard to put hard "facts" to things as old as the Bible content. For instance, some sources say that the Bible tales go back as far as 10000 years before Christ, before written words, so they relied on verbal teaching for generations before the first words of the Bible or its related books/ scrolls were ever penned.

However, there are STILL verbal traditions that exist in this world even today. My ppl in Mexico still have verbal traditions that we have not put to writing since the Spaniards assumed control of those lands long ago. There are verbal traditions in Indonesia and Myanmar and the Philippines... and, of course, in the Mid-East.

Are the lessons offered any less relevant because they have not been written? To these ancient ppls, the written word could easily be corrupted... and the fact that much of the Aramaic tongue of Jesus' time cannot be directly translated into English word for word should be prove of that. And going from Aramaic to Greek to German to English, even more is lost. As many Mexicans can tell you there are spanish words we cannot directly translate to English even now, and we are this close as nations... so how can we possibly expect the English version of the Bible to be a correct translation, even discounting the simplistic myths that were used to explain creation.

Ppl put down the creation tale in the Bible. There are ppl TODAY that do not understand scientific theories of creation, but you somehow expect men from hundreds and thousands of years ago to have recorded such. The mind of man is still limited, no matter how inspired God may make us. (You can't see completely and clearly from another man's POV today, so how could you rationally expect for any person to hold the full wisdom of God clearly enough to put it in written form?)

Meshak, Shadrack and Abednigo supposedly survived an attempted burning inside of a massive oven for refusing to openly proclaim the state religion of their time, a tale recorded in the Bible. How is that any different from Tibetan monks being recorded on camera as they walk through/ across fire every single day? How is it any different than the tale of Shijo Kingo erupted into a blze of light before thousands of witnesses when he refused to publically renounce Buddhism in Japan so long ago?

So, there are elements of the Bible that are proven facts. There are others that are quite likely fiction. It's the truth there that makes it worth the reading, and they way in which it opens our minds than other alternatives to being so selfish and small-minded.

The doubt you experience is tool of Satan. The Bible even records that Satan and his demons control and walk the Earth, and they exist to weaken the faith of man by decieving him from his own true glory as a creature of Good.

You are capable of greatness if you embrace your role as a child of God. That's is empowerment that no science or man or nation will grant you.


PreacherJohn could have said it all so much better, but trolls caused his account to be closed. How can we get the good ppl back, or at least all their previos writings that they shared here?
2009-04-23 18:46:19 UTC
i believe that some parts may be fact and others may be fiction. some of the facts and info could be exaggerated. But no one really knows the answer to that question because the bible was written so many years ago. whether its fact or fiction, that question is just an opinion that depends on the person your talking too.
2009-04-23 18:54:32 UTC
A lot of the old testament is fiction. As stated read the first two chapters of it.

The trouble with all the bible is that it is written by men. Men who were supposed to have been inspired by God to write the actual 'word of God'.

If I wrote a book or even one page and insisted I had just written the 'word of God' ...would you believe me ?? why do we believe something written by MEN 3200 - 1900 years ago is the 'word of God' ??

With reference to Edteck ;

I am sure that the people that wrote the various original sections of the Bible were by and large, honest and wrote from the heart. What they wrote was their truth. However wether it was also the actual word of God is questionable.

People can believe themselves to be a conduit of God's will or word while actualy being nothing of the kind. ...e.g 'David Koresh'?

When parts of the Bible are removed and other parts amended over many years to suit the ends of Pope's and the church establishment, what remains ? The truth? I don't think so
Dany L
2009-04-23 18:54:29 UTC
considering 2 books are being hidden in the Vatican, from the bible, and they are on Lady Magdalene supposedly having children with Jesus, but were taken out to make their own account, and also that Jesus never rose up from the dead, His wife Lady Magdalene, went to go check up on him and the stone was removed, but theirs accounts of him never dying actually. So theirs allot of stuff in there that isn't true, but allot I believe is, if you look at Egyptian beliefs and their beliefs in Gods you will see allot of cross references and you will see allot of stories, that come from Egyptian times. Do your research and the truth will unfold, don't listen with blind eyes and just be another blind leading the blind. Also interesting to note, KJV it was made under a kings rule, he couldv'e said anything to make his serfs and slaves obey him in the bible, whilst the Knights Templar did their thing and knew what the other biblical versus said and guarded it from thieves and such. Very interesting stuff, you should research it and you will see things, that mom and dad never knew about. Half truths I believe exist in here. Due to peoples own agendas when rewriting the bible.
2009-04-23 18:49:23 UTC
well Never saw it but there is said to be a tomb in Isreal that reads Lazarus friend of Jesus three days dead.Some live by faith and others have to see to believe think they will get their chance whenever the end comes. Also they are unearthing places that were described in the bible that have been concealed by years of earth.These places were once believed not to exist.
2009-04-23 18:49:11 UTC
LIsten to this closely. I don't want to sound to spiritual b/c i know it drives people away from the truth. but there is a God and He is watching us. He gave us the bible for a reason. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. To many people believe by sight and not by faith. the human race is heading down hill and with God we can pick ourselves back up. Read the Bible and you will see what i mean. I will not tell you my age but i am not an adult. Love God and fear him. God bless you whoever this is. Don't let what you see fool you.
Hasan S
2009-04-23 18:40:23 UTC
Not again.... there is a religious question every 10 seconds wow. Um I really don't know, and I believe I don't have the right to judge. I guess u can take other people's opinion. But to be honest, you should make your own decision. Do you want to believe in Bible? Then sure whatever. If you don't feel like believing it, then live your own life. It could be a fact, but also could be a fiction. Only time will tell u.

cya around.

@people saying it is a fact: Proof please? "Prophecies coming true", OK like what? Back your answer up.

@people picking fiction: No comment, your opinion.

@other people: Yeah I know you read my name, but really you think that matters right now? Am I saying something inappropriate? My f*cking conclusion: ONLY TIME WILL TELL.
2009-04-23 18:45:53 UTC
have you been watching Zeitgeist?

The bible is whatever your interpretation of it is - on the surface it seems fictional, there are points in the bible that are good to meditate on - and obviously living in a whale for 3 days is sounding like crazy talk, but what situations have you been in where you have had to be alone, bide your time.

If you have not watched Zeitgeist though, give it a go. There is an explanation that might help you see another side.
2009-04-23 21:01:01 UTC
Is science fact or fiction?

Science hasn't proved evolution, it's still a theory. There are alot of things scientists haven't proven.

"Whenever you're doing something that's at the edge of science, people are always resistant because colleagues who have been around have already formed an opinion on a particular subject," he said. "If you start to go against it, people will resist it."
2009-04-23 18:45:26 UTC
There are no facts, but there is evidence to support many of the stories. The evidence is open to interpretation to either side of the issue you are asking about. Those believe are able to use the evidence as proof the bible is correct. Those who don't believe can use the same evidence as proof the bible is all fiction.
2009-04-24 07:52:15 UTC
how can something come from nothing? here: Noah's ark- found:'s_ark.htm Wanna know more about science here: If you deny this fact here, you are dumb. Not saying to the asker but the dummys a.k.a atheists.
2009-04-23 18:47:30 UTC
As in any argument, sides are chosen,and the truth lies somewhere in the middle! There is real evidence to support "Biblical" events, just watch Discovery channel. Problems arise when people refuse to consider other options. My own take on this? The Bible is 30% fact and the rest of it has to do with control and economics.
2009-04-23 18:50:58 UTC
Oh my gosh you people are all proof of what is making our society fall and is what is going to make our world crash and burn you devil lovers.

The Bible is 200% true. There are no ands buts or ifs.

Why would someone make up something that promising? There is no way we just came onto this earth as a bacteria. I mean thats just as childish sounding as you can get. Seriously you people are hmm... ridiculous and I'll pray for you immensely.

Please what ever you do, DO NOT listen to these people they are 100% wrong. God created the Earth for his people to take care of and if we believe that His Son Jesus Christ died for our own sins we will live eternally in His Kingdom. I can only imagine how amazing It is going to be. No more pain, suffering, judging, sorrow, heart breaks, tears of sadness. It will be filled with the most gorgeous waterfalls, birds, trees, endless fruit that tastes like nothing you've ever tasted before. If you don't believe me just read the beginning of Genesis. It explains it all right there.

Please go to the nearest Christan store and get a daily devotional it will save you and you'll never experience so much gladness or peace or forgiveness. All you have to do is put all your burdens on God and trust that He will take care of them and except His Son into your life.

I don't care how many thumbs down I get because that's just the devil messing with your minds, you poor souls.
Angel Byrd
2009-04-23 18:44:45 UTC
Considering there is little evidence of anything that the bible claims to have happened I would say fiction. Do you know that famous people during Jesus' time were well documented from dozens of scholars?

Well, except Jesus. There are no contemporary documentations anywhere that mention a man named Jesus Christ who could raise the dead and walk on water. Now how could someone who could do so much and mean so much for so many people fail to be recorded anywhere?
2009-04-23 21:03:27 UTC
It is factually based to a certain degree, but has a lot of artistic license and "interpretation" to feed a certain agenda, not to mention some elements that could explain some things may have been lost over time, not yet discovered, or are suppressed by The Church.
2009-04-23 18:55:09 UTC
Why do you only want us that believe in the bible to explain ourselves when you seem to already have decided on believing its fiction.No need for me to waste my time with explanations to you.You have the right to believe or not, lets leave it at that.Not trying to be rude its just it seems here that no one can say anything here that can be looked as being racist or sexist but it always amasses me on here if you say anything about believing in Christ or God then you get slammed for it.I find that very sad.
Jakethe Ham
2009-04-23 18:46:30 UTC
It is fiction.

Although I am limited because I myself never read the Bible, but I will tell you what I do know. And that is what is in the Bible you should take literally. A lot of it has to be interpreted.
2015-07-02 08:58:36 UTC
It is a belief and some parts are fact. Some parts cannot be taken literally, it just be interpreted.
2009-04-23 18:45:34 UTC
Both... Like they say it is the greatest STORY ever told... think about it 2000 years ago men sat down to write a book to control society.. they had to put truth in it so people would believe it but they needed to put fictional stuff in it so that it seems like God wanted you to be under his control so you would follow the rules that Man was trying to in force. The best thing to do if you are curious about God and Religion and Spiritualism is to read all the books you can and you will find what you believe .. Look into Jordan Maxwell's theories they can be found online and are very interesting .good luck
No More Democrats or GOP, please
2009-04-23 18:43:01 UTC
A little of both. Some of the events reported in the Bible have been verified by historians. There is, however, a lot of mythology. After all, the Bible was written by mortal, fallible men.
2009-04-23 18:42:34 UTC
I think it is metaphors & could be either. Is there a story about someone in a whale? There are Universal laws & that just is not in alignment with law....I have a metaphysical bible dictionary & you can get one on line I think. So take a story you like & look it up or a person like Adam & Eve or Job & you will see these are for us to learn about life.
Jason C
2009-04-23 18:42:11 UTC
this is a huge debate

this is the Christian/Catholic vs the World debate

i think its all bs and fiction

if you're christian/catholic you obviously believe the bible is real and in God's own words...and that the world and everything in it was created by a supreme being (god)

im athiest so i believe in the the scientific theories that COULD be proven over the fictionous Bible like the Big Bang Theory, evolution, etc

i mean, dude we have facts that we evovled and we're just created (Neanderthals, homosapiens, etc)
jake f
2009-04-23 18:40:44 UTC
The bible is a collection of books from different authors. The Koran also makes mention of historic events. Do you believe books written on modern science?
2009-04-23 18:46:45 UTC
As a Christian, I believe that most of it is real, though a few things are fiction. I do know that Moses parting the waters is real, as they have found remains of ancient Roman chariots at the bottom of that sea area.

However, Noah's ark can't be true, as much as I want to believe it is. A few years ago, they built a giant ship exactly as Noah's ark had been built. And it sunk. But about 90% of it is real.
2009-04-26 07:48:27 UTC
Any answer you get to your questions about the preposterous stories are just going to be answered with the usual power of God bs, i.e. magic.
2009-04-23 18:47:35 UTC
The Bible is comprised of "stories" verbally then written and passed down from generation to generation to prove as moral reasons as to how to act according to God. Essentially, its fiction... and this is coming from a Catholic school girl with a great education in science and evolution :)
the transatlanticist
2009-04-23 18:53:16 UTC
There is a huge amount of primary, archaeological, and historical evidence for the Bible.

There's too much of it to go into detail here.
I'm No Cinderella <3
2009-04-23 18:49:58 UTC
the bible is spiritual truth. historical accuracy is not always found in the bible,actually most of the old testament is not meant to be read literally. however, it is the spiritual truth and the values that are displayed in the bible, the messages found in the scripture, that are the core essentials of faith. faith is believing in things without seeing or touching, it is knowing and trusting. those who have faith know the truth found in scripture
Alexandra P
2009-04-23 18:45:16 UTC
Well it depends on what you think. I think it's fact. I think it would be very odd for let's say for those people who thinks it's fiction, to think that the bible was a made up story. I don't think people spent their time writing a really long story. The people who wrote the bible wrote it for a reason.

The bible is the key for many. Fact.
Carrot Cake
2009-04-23 18:43:02 UTC
Actually, the 10 plagues were scientifically proved in the history channel
2009-04-23 18:50:31 UTC
The bible is fact.

Why would I go to great detail to explain the truth to you.?
2009-04-23 18:42:15 UTC
2009-04-24 20:15:45 UTC
fiction but v have a lot to study from it
Jessica P
2009-04-23 18:47:50 UTC
The Bible is all fact. It was written by people who have seen and heard the things they have written about. This is why it is taught in church, we wouldnt be taught to follow the bible if it was all fiction. Think about it would you ask someone to follow the book Harry Potter (I sure wouldnt)
Dylan, Ethan, Lillian,Aydan
2009-04-23 18:44:59 UTC
The Bible is Fact! I believe it 100%
2009-04-23 19:03:35 UTC
It is getting too long and I have no interest in hearing all of these tiny pebbles on the big ocean screaming that they know for a fact that God's word is fiction.

Now just ask all of them, HOW DO YOU KNOW?

Were you back in the beginning? Did you see that big bang? What kind of thing is it that banged? and how did the things banging around figure out how to make a sun, another one to make a moon and them be in perfect orbit with each other. Got to be just right you know. that little ole earth down there, with all those tiny pebbles in it thinking they know what is happening just might fall off and float around in space a million years with us, (the big bangers) and just ask them, for they have all knowledge, where did the bangers come from?

How many bangers were there? Surely there had to be millions of thing banging around to make all that is in the universe. shew. Wonder what all those banggers came from? That is why so many are bangging around here tonight. Just dying to prove they all know how the banging happened. And they think serpents (hypocrites) talking is out of the question? That is nothing compared to big thing bangging around in space and making oeans, rivers, snakes, monkeys, which could in turn make people. And you find the Ark hard to believe?

Good ness gracious!! Take about fiction!! Now that big bang thing takes the cake. the man in the whale is mild compared to banging around causing me to exist. Good ness gracious. One celled bacteria making people? now that is some more myth and fiction. anyone who could believe that junk should have no trouble with hypocrites talking. and God burning a bush. My, how does that compare to particles in space banging around and making suns? then making chickens. and dust mites.

Oh yes, all these people can declare without even one bit of doubt, for all their vast knowledge proves to them that God does not exist; his word is bogus, and the big bang knew how to make stars, rivers, trees, animals, and yes, even bacteria which could turn into people.

Goodness gracious, with all these geniuses around here, we can go to Pluto tomorrow. They are sure to know how and to know which particles

bangged around enough to make that little planet out there.

nuff said.

Got to go praise my Holy God and worship him for his glorious Word and how it trills my soul and feeds me and enjoy his glorious presence.

So all of you folks who know for sure that My God is not real,

just keep on dreaming your dreams that you are some great one. Judgment day is closer than you think!
2009-04-23 18:44:32 UTC
It's pretty funny: people look into the bible and believe Jesus walked on water, turned water to wine, etc, yet when Criss Angel walks on water everyone knows it's fake.

If Jesus really did do these things, there was a trick to them.
2009-04-23 18:46:14 UTC
There are records of some or most of the stories but for the others that sound unbelievable but it really depends on what you believe in.
Azriel Nihilus
2009-04-23 18:51:55 UTC
There is no fact, just what the mind perceives as fact.

There is no truth, only the illusion of truth.

There are no lies, just what the mind perceives as lies.

There is no hope, only human desperation.

There is no logic, but there is chaos.

There is no chaos because there is Death.

Death makes us free.

We become Nothing.

Nothing is the only certainty.

There are no certainties.

There is only Nothing.
2009-04-23 18:42:42 UTC
All good fiction contains some facts although the bible is more fiction than fact. Faith does not require truth it requires belief.
2009-04-23 19:53:07 UTC
the bible is 100% true. And im pretty sure that noah didnt use full grown animals, they were babies, so they were smaller.
2009-04-23 18:42:17 UTC
There are no FACTS to prove or disprove the bible only theories of both. pick something you believe in and if there is a god he’ll understand. After everything is said and done you’ll understand too or not.
2009-04-23 18:47:21 UTC
fiction, many tales of the Bible are from the surrounding cultures of the Mediterranean , like the Genesis from Babylon, another from the Egyptian.
2009-04-23 18:47:12 UTC
It's mostly allegorical.

Some prophecies, such as the destruction of Babylon (Iraq) are occurring now, have occurred, or possibly will occur.
what's up?
2009-04-23 18:47:29 UTC
It is the inspired Word of God....

His letters of instruction to us...His thoughts to us on paper.

Words for our life.

I believe in the known facts of the Bible -

Jesus spoke in parables...

There may be some fictional stories told to make a point.

In any case is reliable - has withstood the test of time - and contains many prophesies that have been fulfilled.

Ask God himself to make the book reliable and meaningful to you - be assured He will answer.
2009-04-23 18:47:37 UTC
fact. i say it is a fact because i am a Christan and i believe and read the bible. here is something for you how did dinosaurs dye. i know the real answer it is in the bible
2009-04-23 18:46:48 UTC
it's all FACT!!!!!!!!!! you need nothing to prove it just faith, plus watch the history channel and you can see that some ideas can be proven. Really though all you need is FAITH and GOD then you know the answer to your question.
2009-04-23 18:41:44 UTC
yes the bible is fact

prophecies listed in the bible are fulfilled as they were foretold to.

The bible has also been used many times to find lost cities they could not find with out the bibles help.
Kilo Romeo
2009-04-23 18:42:06 UTC
Something with that many contradictions logically be fact.
2009-04-23 18:40:44 UTC
Well they found sodom, with sulfur burned in the rocks.

Google "location of red sea crossing" and you will find photos of chariot wheels under the red sea.

Jesus, exists in the excerpts of potius pilate, written by pilate himself.

Solomon existed in numerous writings biblical & non.

It's based in many historical things....

I consider it fact.
2009-04-23 18:44:43 UTC
A little bit of both. Like a Oliver Stone movie.
2009-04-23 18:44:09 UTC
Fiction, the Bible has been written by many people over 30,000 times.
2009-04-23 18:43:32 UTC
It depends who you ask. Very few people say that it is either 100% true or 100% false. That is for you to study and decide. I happen to think that the majority of it is BS
2009-04-23 18:40:40 UTC
Complete fiction. A man lived in a whale for three days? Really?
2009-04-23 18:44:45 UTC
It is fact, and mostly written ether by the people it talks about, or by others that had seen (eye-witness) the events written about.

It is all fact, but it is not all literal.
Audio Visual master
2009-04-23 18:43:10 UTC
If a man originally wrote or ven copied it from "GOD" it you can guarantee that the truth may or may not be included c'mon every writer sensationlises
kenny p
2009-04-23 18:40:48 UTC
there are secular writers of that day who have verified what the Bible says

prophecies that came true and STILL are coming true

witnesses to the claims

2009-04-23 18:38:52 UTC
The ironic thing is that the answers to this post don't have the slightest influence on whether the Bible IS in actuality fact or fiction. It either is or it isn't, regardless of Y/A polls.

My vote = fact.
2009-04-23 18:48:29 UTC
fact anything today is similar to years ago; ask a youth pastor, pastor, good luck
2009-04-23 18:46:59 UTC

a nice story,

but honestly its just about as real as the Twilight books.

I mean sure there is some actual history and stuff but dude read the first page and you know it's not possible
2009-04-24 18:17:09 UTC
i think its fiction. we dont even know who wrote it and where it come form.
Mike J
2009-04-23 18:43:00 UTC
the only thing true about the bible is jesus and maybe noahs arc (there actually is some evidence which is in debate)
Derty 4 jesus
2009-04-23 18:41:24 UTC
Fact it is THE TRUTH just read the first 2 chapters of genesis
2009-04-23 18:42:17 UTC
well i guess no one really knows, yes some dudes wrote it and the churches excuse is they say that he was enlightend from god, There is actully no evidence but of one thing, They have found Jesus's body and he was actually alive but non of anythin else

2009-04-23 18:41:36 UTC
im gunna say fiction, i think someone just decided to write it one day,and all these religeous people believe it because there to rapped up in the belief.

well thats what i think anyway.

dont thumb down its just my opinion.
2009-04-23 18:39:55 UTC
A boat with 4 billion animals

A guy living in a whale

Girls turning into salt

Come on, it's obvious it's fiction.
2009-04-23 18:46:47 UTC
The bible is True and anyone who doubts this can email me at""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i stongly believe in the bible and i would love for some one to try and prove me wrong!
Stuart H
2009-04-23 18:44:51 UTC
Fact: It is God's holy Word.
Nina, BaC
2009-04-23 18:41:16 UTC
Jesus confirmed the Old Testament and promised the New Testament
2009-04-23 18:40:42 UTC
Mostly fiction, with a sprinkling of historical names and places to give it that veneer of authenticity -- sorta like Jim Cameron's "Titanic" movie...
No offence
2009-04-23 18:50:18 UTC
Read Revelation tells it all.
2009-04-23 18:39:08 UTC
The Bible is based on "fact" but it has been rewritten so many times in different languages and was written a while after the events actually happened that a lot of that "fact" is distorted and reads more like a "legend".
2009-04-23 18:42:01 UTC
I have to believe it is fact. I question no further.
2009-04-23 18:45:49 UTC
mostly fiction...the part abt jesus being a live person and some other people are true...but...not necessarily what happened in their lives
I hate onions
2009-04-23 18:44:13 UTC
Get swallowed by a giant fish, live in its stomach for 3 days, then we'll talk.
2009-04-23 18:41:42 UTC
I think it could have been originially true but you know how people are-- everyone exaggerates or leaves parts out of a story.
2009-04-23 18:48:00 UTC
well if you believe in God then dont doubt ur self or God because its tru if u say it fiction well then u dont believe in God.
2009-04-23 18:42:29 UTC
FICTION just ask yourslef logical questions while you are reading the bible
2009-04-26 09:46:15 UTC
i think a lot of it is just symbolic
2009-04-23 18:47:05 UTC
It is most likely fiction. Just read it and youll see what I mean.
2009-04-23 18:47:17 UTC
Why does it matter?

you believe what you want to believe. and you let others believe whatever they want to.

if you don't want a god in your life, then so be it.

if others do, then that's fine.

religion is just a way that people live their lives. some people choose to follow god & his word and others don't.

some people believe that god & jesus did "impossible" things, and others don't.

either way, it does not matter, its just how people choose to live life,
2009-04-23 18:40:45 UTC
I believe it is fact. It is the word of God and the word of God is absolute
Jester of Freedonia
2009-04-23 18:38:03 UTC
The Bible is BASED on fact. From there, I do not know. Too bad it was corrupted by the Catholic canon in medeival times.
bob l
2009-04-23 18:40:36 UTC
its a matter of faith, if you were outside the religion and heard these stories you might think it was not true. It seems like a series of good stories to teach lessons about how those who wrote it think you should live your life.
Nick Tyson
2009-04-23 18:39:34 UTC
It is fact 4 sure
Zero With Everything
2009-04-23 18:38:09 UTC
Evolution. The big bang. Scientists know with certainty that the universe is billions of years old.

Snakes can't talk. Neither can bushes, burning or not. You can't live in the belly of a whale. The earth never flooded. etc etc

Bible = BS
2009-04-23 18:48:05 UTC
depends on your religion, and beliefs. answers r gunna vary for that reason ( :
2009-04-23 18:43:28 UTC
it depends on what u believe. do u believe in god. well if yes then the bible is real for u
2009-04-23 18:41:10 UTC
Oops! Here we go again! No proof, no evidence, no miracles, no signs, can't see Him, can't touch Him, don't understand it. Must all be fake. No problem See you tomorrow.
2009-04-23 18:39:13 UTC
2009-04-23 18:38:45 UTC
The guy asked for FACTS not your personel opinions, so shut it and start posting FACTS not just sence-less babble about how you feel about it.
Terrifying Terror of Torta Terra
2009-04-23 18:37:24 UTC
If you're asking is the information i.e. wars, names, families, genaeologies etc is factual, there's really no way to know. All the lists of names and wars and histories of cities are as factual as the Codexes of the mesoamericans or the hieroglyphics of the egyptians. and if you're talking about the religious/theological aspect, that's for you to decide.
Mikey G
2009-04-23 18:42:45 UTC
both but i think that it is fiction based on fact
2009-04-23 18:43:51 UTC
No all of that actually happened, haha, im kidding.
2009-04-23 18:39:45 UTC
I reckon fiction were not the strong believers that Jesus did all the stuff

Facts I don't thinkso
2009-04-23 18:39:03 UTC
it's a mix of mythology, fiction, and fact. Some are real events, some are loosely based on real events, but the majority of it is just collection of stories of people speculating about what god might say, do or think if he existed, so I'd consider it a work of fiction
2009-04-23 18:38:56 UTC
read the case for Christ by lee strobel it explains everything and the author was extremely open-minded
2009-04-23 18:37:05 UTC
Do your own research and see things through your OWN eyes then, YOU make the final decision. Be objective - not subjective in your quest.
2009-04-23 18:38:07 UTC
2009-04-23 18:46:24 UTC
i thought it was a joke book
2009-04-23 18:40:51 UTC
You need faith to beleive it. I know in my heart that it's fact.
2009-04-23 18:37:39 UTC
The Bible was never intended to be taken literally, It was designed to be interpreted
2009-04-23 18:46:12 UTC
2009-04-23 18:43:56 UTC
No Gods, No Masters
2009-04-23 18:43:35 UTC
2009-04-23 18:40:05 UTC
some parts-fact (like there really was a rabbi from Jerusalem named Jesus) but I suppose neither because it's dependent on your personal belief
2009-04-23 18:39:14 UTC
most is fact.

it teaches diffrent morals and stories, and helps answer life questions.

but also back in the day churches would add stuff into the bible that was benificial for the society like how they did stuff.

so some is fiction the stuff the churches scribbled in.
2009-04-23 18:39:05 UTC
Fiction. Some of it based on oral history. Also poetry.
2009-04-23 18:44:47 UTC
You have to read and decide for yourself
2009-04-23 18:42:25 UTC

i mean come on, magic doesnt effing exist.
Pirate AM™
2009-04-23 18:37:59 UTC
Mostly fiction. It does have some factual things in it like locations or civilizations.
2009-04-23 18:43:17 UTC
2009-04-23 18:43:13 UTC

evolution: now that's comedy
~ *Leaping Water* ~ x puddles of love x
2009-04-23 18:41:12 UTC

No logic required - i've got proof ; )
2009-04-23 18:39:05 UTC
I'll wait to wither in age, then I'll find out.
2009-04-23 18:38:23 UTC
fact, because its my religion and thats what i believe in
Think for yourself
2009-04-23 18:42:16 UTC
Sarcasm... don't worry, I'm not an idiot.
2009-04-23 18:41:42 UTC
it depends what you believe in. that is what religion is, right?
2009-04-23 18:40:58 UTC

Let others believe what they want. :)
2009-04-23 18:40:55 UTC
[Insert Name Here]
2009-04-23 18:40:14 UTC
prominently fiction...have you read it? its like reading a bad fantasy story...
2009-04-23 18:39:18 UTC
Fact. Just read it.
2009-04-23 18:45:28 UTC
2009-04-23 18:43:33 UTC
2009-04-23 18:38:03 UTC
I believe it's both fact and fiction! why because that's my gut feeling!
2009-04-23 18:42:30 UTC
*☠*deader than dead*☠*
2009-04-23 18:39:23 UTC
The bible is historically inacurate, but the meaning is true.
2009-04-23 18:37:13 UTC
Whatever. The bible has some insight. I read it, I like the stories, ect. I hate how people believe it as if it were true. I read it as if I were reading a novel. I suggest that anyone read it. Facts? No. Valuable opinions? Sometimes. Bullshit? Bingo.
2009-04-23 19:14:57 UTC
2009-04-23 18:37:02 UTC
I'm not a scholar but there is plenty of evidence that helps supports the claims of the Bible. For centuries people have questioned its validity and authenticity, why has it not been discredited yet?
Lauren C-B
2009-04-23 18:36:58 UTC
The bible was written like the game of telephone is played. It was passed from ear to ear and then written down. Just out of curiosity, how many games of telephone have you played where the person at the end of the line heard the same thing the first person said?
2009-04-23 18:36:53 UTC
Just ask yourself this; is it a fact that you can change blood to wine? Can you walk on water? Can you do things that aren't possible?
2009-04-23 18:39:51 UTC
2009-04-23 18:37:44 UTC
its facts for christians or anyone who believes in it, to me its fiction, cuz i dont beleve any crap of it. i am a MUSLIM.
2009-04-23 18:37:36 UTC
one script is fact john 3:16 .
2009-04-23 18:37:29 UTC
Very real. In Revelation it speaks of things that happened in the future which some of them took place only a few years ago.

Please educate yourself. Ignorance is Bliss
2009-04-23 18:37:03 UTC
There are facts in the Bible...but it's not a purely factual text.
2009-04-23 18:37:37 UTC
2009-04-23 18:37:23 UTC
faith... so in other words fiction that people want to believe.
2009-04-23 18:37:11 UTC
its both fact and fiction
2009-04-23 18:37:01 UTC
In fact it's fiction.
Canadian Scientist
2009-04-23 18:36:55 UTC

-There is no evidence that the Egyptians ever held Jewish slaves.

- A boat holding 4 billion organisms? Are you crazy?

- "Garden of Eden" has never been located

shall I go on?
2009-04-23 18:36:41 UTC
More fact than science
A Modest Proposal
2009-04-23 18:36:37 UTC
You can't name all of it one or the other, yet most of it is definitely false.

There may be a few historical facts in it, yet for the most part it is fiction.
2009-04-23 18:36:22 UTC
fiction and you know it.
2009-04-23 18:36:14 UTC
Depends which parts. It's mostly fact except for the parables
Remy M
2009-04-23 18:36:12 UTC
it has parts of history intertwined with a supernatural deity. kinda like Harry Pothead.
2009-04-23 18:36:10 UTC
2009-04-23 18:39:30 UTC
2009-04-23 18:36:51 UTC
No question here. Fact.

Why? Well, there are countless reasons, but for the sack of your time and mine, I suggest visiting this website:

Good day.
2009-04-23 18:36:50 UTC
Mixture of both
♥Lσσdlε Tσσdlε♥
2009-04-23 18:36:25 UTC
Faith. Theory, though in my faith i believe it is true.
2009-04-23 18:36:22 UTC
Most likely fiction.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.