If atheists believe evolution brought upon human kind,can human kind bring forwarth a new kind of life like AI?
2009-12-02 00:41:18 UTC
Do atheists actually believe in evolution creating things.

I look at it this way. If a robot exist. It must have existed because a man created it. However do you actually believe you have the power much like nature according to you have the power to create a living being? I don't think nature nor a man has any power at all to give birth to a free will being. That is supernatural. I believe to give a person free will or conscience, you must have the power or force to give them the ability to reason.

My most important question is. Where does reason come from if not from God? You tell me where because I believe reasoning is a gift from the most high.
25 answers:
2009-12-02 01:00:26 UTC
"Where does reason come from if not from God?"

It's basically Binary... one-zero, yes-no, on-off... it's not magic.

2009-12-02 10:36:58 UTC
"Do atheists actually believe in evolution creating things."

Evolution doesn't create anything. It is a process by which populations of animals change over time. And atheists don't necessarily accept the theory of evolution, they just don't believe in god(s). Being free of religious dogma simply makes them more open to ideas that might otherwise contradict strongly held beliefs.

"I look at it this way. If a robot exist. It must have existed because a man created it"

Sure, because robots don't reproduce on their own. Living things do. And we know that the offspring of two sexually reproducing animals will be different from their parents in subtle ways. If you extrapolate across thousands or tens of thousands of generations, is it so hard to accept that their distant descendants might be significantly different?

"I don't think nature nor a man has any power at all to give birth to a free will being. That is supernatural."

Define "free will". How do you know you have it? Can you prove it?

"My most important question is. Where does reason come from if not from God? You tell me where because I believe reasoning is a gift from the most high."

This is a logical fallacy, known as the argument from ignorance. You don't understand or believe that it could possibly happen the way it is described, so therefore it must be false. You don't have any evidence to back up your claim that a god is responsible, just a strong belief that this is the case. Meanwhile, there are mountains of evidence supporting the theory that we evolved via the same mechanisms as every other animal on the face of the planet. The truth is, there is nothing particularly special about our ability to reason. There are other animals that can reason, we just do it better because we evolved a more specialized brain. It's what makes us such a successful species in our evolutionary niche.

"How can a non-reasonable thing create reason?"

"How can non-knowledge create everything?"

Well, we know that we can reason, we know that other animals can reason. We don't know of any "creator" that imbued us with this ability, so we have to start with the assumption that it's possible it happened without direction. If you have evidence that some other entity is responsible, by all means present it and become instantly famous for doing what nobody has been able to do in the history of human kind. Barring that, Occam's Razor applies.

"So many things don't make sense without a God to me."

Again, the argument from ignorance. Instead of whining about how it doesn't make sense to you, why not go out and study all of the scientific evidence we have. Learn what we know and how we think things actually work. If you think you can do better than hundreds of years of scientific inquiry, then try contributing to the discussion.
2009-12-02 01:06:32 UTC
For the first question, you'd have to define life. Generally life is considered to be 'organic', or carbon based and uses DNA as it's template. Thus AI, wouldn't really be 'life', if you were to consider life to be 'organic'.

Not all atheists believe in evolution. Neither do all atheists believe that evolution actually created things; the majority I'd say would believe that the big bang created things and evolution just happened to take place on this planet.

"I look at it this way."

Perhaps you should change the way you look at it, a robot doesn't have to be made by a man. If an alien species does exist, they could have created robots.

I doubt many atheists believe they have the power to create a living being, although we might be capable of it in the future with advancing technology. We might in fact have the power today actually, just unannounced or I'm unaware of it.

"I don't think nature nor a man has any power at all to give birth to a free will being."

Who says we have free will in the first place? Referring to to the bible as a source doesn't work as a convincing answer to this question. We may very well not have free will at all. In fact, I'd go as far to say that quite a bit of atheists believe this as well.

"I believe to give a person free will or conscience, you must have the power or force to give them the ability to reason"

Some would argue that it's not even a blessing, it's just a capacity we've developed through evolution; but there I am depending on the thing you inquired about.

Honestly, we do not know where consciousness comes from or if it's even a relevant thing. Looking at it from a direct perspective, a thing would have consciousness to us if it could communicate, animate, and look as if it contemplates an answer or decision. Anyway, that is a belief so I guess you weren't really asking for input on that.

"Where does reason come from if not from God?"

Good question, you're getting into the realm of philosophy with that question, and philosophy has yet to come to a decisive end. We don't know, and some people choose to acknowledge that and actively state that they don't know; while some people decide they're just going to believe something and stick to it, in spite of them not knowing. Reminds me of a quote, by no one I remember: "All questions you ask others are questions you're asking yourself"
2009-12-02 01:09:28 UTC
First let me say that i am not a follower of a particular religion, nor am i an atheist by any measure.

I think it is valuable to do some research on the subject of evolution before asking questions. The questions you have concocted only show me that you have no idea what evolution says (sorry for being so blunt). I am not saying that evolution is the correct way to look at things, but it is important to understand what it says, because so many people believe in it.

you should look up evolution and natural selection and then come up with a new question.
2009-12-02 01:00:32 UTC
You assume things were "created" whole and in their present forms.

You are wrong, by any reasonable standard of evidence. Imagine a self-replicating molecule, no cell wall, no DNA, just a self-replicating chain of amino acids.

Imagine that every so often in the replication of either the replicates or the original molecule, a malfunction occurs during duplication.

Most of those mistakes are detrimental, and render the duplicate non-functional. But every so often, a "mistake" turns out to be beneficial, it replicates faster, or the duplicate is more sturdy. The superior duplicates crowd out the older, inferior examples. Let that process go on for 3.7 billion years.

THAT'S how you get higher life forms.

Evolution is a process that operates not on chance, but competition. The most adaptive forms of life survive to propagate, inferior life forms go extinct.

The only thing that needs be true is that offspring are not always perfect copies of their parents.

Reason is a beneficial trait, it would be retained and passed on. Why do you always plug God as the answer to anything you don't personally understand? Don't you realize that's a contradiction?

I don't know how it could have come about except through God.

Breaks down to:

I don't know, so God must be the answer.

Which breaks down further into:

I don't know, so I do know.

Lack of knowledge = knowledge(?)

2009-12-02 00:52:09 UTC
So by your reasoning, God's ability to reason came from another supernatural being. A Supergod if you will. And Supergod's ability to reason came from Superdupergod. And so forth?

I do not rule out the possibility of actual AI. You'd think all the cdesign proponentsists would agree, since it would actually be an instance of ID they keep talking about.

And finally, you're right. Man doesn't have the power to give birth to a free will being. Women do, though.
NWM - Free n' Clear
2009-12-02 16:05:54 UTC
Going with what you seem to point out as your most important question, I'll say that reasoning is a by-product of mental processes. As these processes rely upon chemical activity in your brain for their existence, they can be seen as extra-material, but neither immaterial nor supernatural.

The path from chemical processes in the brain to reasoning is fairly straightforward. The human brain, like all complex systems, "enjoys" order and pattern. I say "enjoys" for lack of a better term, but the basic idea is the same. Our brains like to be able to predict things because this makes life easier to live. We enjoy the feeling of knowing something is or is not going to happen. When we get uncertain and insecure, life is stressful and scary.

So, to answer your question about where reason comes from, it comes from the innate desire of the human animal to survive in a world full of threats and dangers. Our brains seek patterns and predictability, and our ability to reason within our thoughts is just a projection of that pattern seeking in order to support and pacify our need for security and consistency.

Some people use religion for this pattern seeking and security. Other people are satisfied with the natural world.
2009-12-02 00:53:29 UTC
firstly, evolution is not the same as building AI

robots in the future will be able to do crazy things in the future- things you can't imagine- things that a less insecure God would have granted us if he were real and omnibenevolent

robots will need to be dumbed down and limited to become like humans

1. machines can't interpret relevance- they can't focus on a few things in their environment- they see all of it (humans only see a bit)

2. machines have much more memory and a safe way to never lose it

3. they are empirically rigorous-they are better even now at predicting medical conditions than humans

also, computers, and first-gen AI's can program themselves--no humans necessary

and the field is young
2009-12-02 00:48:42 UTC
A: Not all atheists believe in evolution

B: Reasoning has clear benefits for creatures (Namely they can realize whats dangerous and avoid it) and can logically come about through many many many years of evolution. There's no reason anything supernatural has to be involved.

C: Comparing humans to a robot is an invalid comparison. A robot does not sexually reproduce with variations, and therefore is not subject to evolution anyways.
2009-12-02 18:45:36 UTC
all you need to do, is to study biology, to have your answers.

From your question and additional info, we can clearly see, that you have no idea about evolution.

There are simple Videos on YouTube, explaining in about 5 minutes, how intelligent life formed on this planed, and why the watchmaker argument ist just stupid.

A robot or machine does not live, you can not compare those things.

"Reason" is just a product of Intelligent, same like morals. And as I said, you just need to study a bit the right sources to understand how intelligent beings evolved.
2009-12-02 02:17:13 UTC
Have you ever heard of evolutionary algorithms or evolutionary computation?

They are mechanisms inspired by biological evolution: reproduction, mutation, recombination, and selection.

Artificial intelligence will become a reality one day. And one day humans will also have the technology to create life artificially.

Not that I'm looking forward to any of that. The history of science fiction is not on our side.
2009-12-02 00:52:52 UTC
Evolution creates things? Darn, you have to go back to elementary school.

I look at it this way if you look at it your way ..... if god exist, it must have exited because the FSM created it, FSM exist because the GSM created it, the GSM exist because the HSM created it, the HSM exist because ......... until, the ZSM exists because Humans created it.

You most important answer : It is from the FSM, the creator of your god. Your reasoning skill is down the drain the day you believed in god instead of it's creator.
2009-12-02 06:47:34 UTC
If what you call "free will" were a supernatural quality, then we would not possess it, as we are natural physical beings. Since we do possess it, that must mean that "free will" is a natural characteristic, which means it can be replicated mechanically.
2009-12-02 00:48:49 UTC
Why does someone NEED to GIVE someone else before it can exist. We are brilliant, wonderful beings that can reason and we have developed that ourselves.

Accept how good you are, without feeling guilty and trying to argue that some being moist have given you these powers.
2009-12-02 01:17:55 UTC
This may come as a shock to you but your faculties come from your brain, just try and think or exercise will without it. The brain is a purely biological organ, no supernatural magic required.
2016-10-15 03:32:47 UTC
If God is Love and he's barely Love, then i assume he cant deliver down 'vengeful wrath' upon human form. yet permit's assume that God is actual each and everything- each and every act and selection of nature that exists interior the universe. If we assume this, then infact God (or the inventive rigidity we call "God") exists contained in this form of each and every action absolutely everyone or something has ever taken, or will ever take. This contains the beginning and dying of all creatures, the well-being and illness, exhilaration and sorrow, up and down, left and impressive, darkish and lightweight of the actual universe. it could additionally incude Love and Hatred. shall we no longer forget approximately nonetheless that what one ideas percieves as 'good', yet another ideas ought to easily as actual percieve as 'undesirable'. What one percieves as "vengeful wrath", yet another could percieve as "organic rules of result" or as "user-friendly accident". Neither individual could be "incorrect", whether all the different individuals interior the international disagreed with them. the reason at the back of it is that untill that singular individual differences their ideas, and sees their very own concept as "incorrect" then it wont count what others have faith. it is because of the fact God exists interior everthing, and interior all human beings, because of the fact the inventive rigidity of our minds.
2009-12-02 00:52:29 UTC
There were no such people as Adam and Eve, but there are such creatures as monkeys. Australipithicus, Homo Erectus not to mention Neanderthal. This is how it really is, listen too me this is the word of nature. Why is it so damn difficult to comprehend
2009-12-02 00:50:40 UTC
actually, scientists are now working on creating life where there wasn't life before.

it's all about nature. earth just happens to be in the right spot in the universe to allow for life to be formed in the way it has at this point in time.
2009-12-02 00:49:22 UTC
Nature is the blind watchmaker.
2009-12-02 15:14:46 UTC
"If a robot exist. It must have existed because a man created it."

Straw Man.
2009-12-02 00:55:52 UTC
So evolutionists claim to have proof that Adam and Eve never existed but they never show such proof.

They must keep it hidden away from the skeptics :-)
2009-12-02 00:56:26 UTC
I'm thinking you should exchange your gift. It's broken.
2009-12-02 00:45:03 UTC
just because they are atheists doesn't mean they believe in evolution
2009-12-02 00:46:59 UTC
2009-12-02 00:50:34 UTC
you have failed

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