There are actually lots of things: I love all kinds of music, (except crazy stuff of course), love lots of different movies-love Netflix!
Sometimes addicted to watching American Sign Language videos on YouTube, also other sign languages and other interesting things there. Love languages in general besides ASL(which is a huge passion for me-my niche), Spanish, and Japanese, I like French, and Chinese. Languages are fascinating and I enjoy learning about other cultures and countries too.
Love to travel when I can visiting friends in other states, have too many places to visit!
Having been in the first sign language congregation in my state where I live, I've gotten to go to assemblies and conventions in another state(though even in English we go to another state) and meet lots of people from many states and Canada and found some awesome friends there. We keep in touch thru email/texting/phone calls and visits when I can(which hsnt been lately sadly!). So I love that and wish I could travel more not just for fun but to go in service and the meetings and meet new friends and enjoy serving Jehovah together-all of that together is truly a joy and fun at the same time!
I've gone hiking(I for sure want to try doing that more), I like going for walks with my iPod with 7,000 songs almost (I know, it seems like a lot, but my tastes are so varied and its one of my passions)
Enjoy eating out, especially ethnic cuisine, like Japanese, *real* Chinese, Middle Eastern(Arabic/Lebanese), Indian(prefer South Indian), etc.. Love introducing people to new foods and my favorite restaurants!
Can get quite addicted to Japanese Drama's(live tv shows, not anime)-a lot of them are much cleaner than American shows and fun!
Of course I'm always texting/emailing/talking on my SK LX and talking with my Deaf/Hard of Hearing friends thru webcam to their VP(video phone)or webcam.
Addicted to googling finding out random facts and information..I consider it fun...
Enjoy hangin out with my friends when I can, everyones so busy...
I'm sure I'm leaving some things out.. Oh! Pictures! I love taking pictures and looking at pictures-of people, places, etc..
So, when I get super busy in full time preaching work, door to door, street work, return visits, bible studies, then of course I have much less time for my hobbies/interests, but I don't mind, because I do enjoy all the activities involved with serving Jehovah fully and do have fun pretty often doing it. If you saw us you'd often see us with big smiles, laughing-we have some characters in our congregation ; )
Also, like a talk brought out from the recent district convention in ASL-I look forward when I can flly explore all of my hobbies, interests and find more when Jehovah brings about paradise on earth-when we'll have forever to learn everything and when we can travel all over the world with no limitations, we WILL, but NOW, must focus on what? Jehovah and his kingdom. Jehovah will give us what we need AND *want*, so we must be patient and make sure we don't get sidetracked with our hobbies and interests.
Sorry for such a looong winded answer!
P.S. We had a picnic recently with our congregation, seems most do this at last once a year and also we had a talent show! Was pretty fun! We had diferent kinds of music played on guitar, sung, karaoke'd, piano, and keyboard. Also a couple comedians, and I did song 204 in ASL! Was pretty fun!