Is there one true religion?
2006-09-18 01:23:02 UTC
Now wait wait, before you go saying it's *Insert religion here*, hear me out. You base your religion is true on your faith, true? Since I mean, there are no hard facts that states "GOD WAS HERE.", you can give your ideas, but there's no hard facts. So lets say faith can create truth. Your religion is now true. But what makes your faith so much more stronger than anyone elses? As long as there is faith in a religion, by that standard, it is true. So can there be one true religion if the qualification for truth is simply faith in the religion?
27 answers:
Chief BaggageSmasher
2006-09-18 01:28:39 UTC
Aye, there's the rub.

The concept is that God (assuming that you believe him to exist) speaks to people in a way that they understand. So there cannot be one general "true" religion, but there can be a true religion for a particular group.
2006-09-18 01:44:10 UTC
So lets say faith can create truth. Your religion is now true. But what makes your faith so much more stronger than anyone elses? As long as there is faith in a religion, by that standard, it is true. So can there be one true religion if the qualification for truth is simply faith in the religion?


1. Faith does not create Truth.

2. My "Religion" is true, faith or no faith.

3. Truth in a religion based on a faith standard is a false assumption.

4. There is no religion that is true based on if it has faith only, that i know of. If there is, Your religion is self faith. Good Luck.

2006-09-18 01:40:23 UTC
This might be a little difficult to explain; but I will do my best.

There is and isn't a single true religion.

I will start with the isn't (even though this will upset most people). There is no religion on the planet today that is 100% the truth. How can any religion be 100% accurate without knowing everything. In other words there are gaps, inconsistancies, somethings not even addressed, ect. ect. in every religion.

However do not get discouraged that there isn't a perfect religion, because there actually is; but not exactly a particular religion.

See the true religion is based on your individual *Insert religion here*. See if your religion makes you a better person then it is the one true religion to you. If not then you are in the wrong religion.

What I am saying here is not that you think your religion is the one true religion. Instead I'm saying if it makes you a better person then it is the one true religion.

In other words what the one true religion is for me might not be the one true religion for you.

My religion could make you an evil person and visa versa. It all depends on what religion makes you a better person.

To better explain what I mean I will show something simular.

When I am stressed out; I play video games, or meditate to calm down. To some people this would make them more stressed out. Like a lot of people calm down by fishing; however fishing drives me nuts. What's right for me might be wrong for you.
2006-09-18 01:38:58 UTC
Truth and faith are two entirely separate things. Having faith in something does not mean that it's true. For example, I can have faith that my friend will pick me up, but if he doesn't, it's not true no matter how much faith one has in that friend. Likewise, just because a person has faith in a certain religion doesn't make it the true religion. Even the Bible says:

Passage Romans 10:2:

2For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge

So, people can have a very zealous faith but it's not necessarily based on an accurate knowledge.

As to your question, "Is there one true religion?", I believe there is but am not going to get detailed as I'm still on my quest. ;-)
2006-09-18 01:55:07 UTC
Religion covers a wide spectrum of different perceptions of a single Source (The Bible - God)

Every religion`s dogma and believes are based on That Source.

Even before the Bible was in a written form, the people whoreshiped the moon, stars, sun, saints etc. which were nothing else but different ways (idolitory) to whorship the Creator - God.

There is only ONE true religion and that is the Word of God expressed in ONE mind and ONE Spirit. God is ONE and if all the people might whoreship Him in ONE Spirit , everybody should be able to see ONE thing - NO 1001 different viewpoints (idolitory) of ONE God

True faith is based on the Truth - God`s revealed Word for that hour you are living in.

Check for That Presence of God and the ONLY truth on earth today, amongst all religion ...
2006-09-18 01:53:49 UTC
Just because you have faith towards a thing doesn't make it the truth. If you are entering a jungle with the strongest faith human can ever find that there is no tiger, will this faith really cause the jungle to be free from tigers for you?

Religion is not the truth. It is merely a guide to the truth. All religion comes from God himself.

Let me give you a metaphor. Once upon a time there was no karate. One day, a man invented karate. So he spread his art to his students. When his students become masters themselves, they travel to places. One student-master go to the north and introduce Karate North. Another student-master go to the south and introduce Karate South. Others go to the east and west and you know what they do there. So now we have 4 types of karate. These student-masters also taught their art to students from newer generation. And these 4 arts survive to the current generation. One day, a student from Karate North meet another from Karate South and they got into a fight. Each argue that their own Karate is the best. Other karate are just fakes. They know not that the karate they learn are the same that came from the man who 1st invented it. This type conflict is what we all face today.

Religion is different because we alter them a bit by bit from 1 generation to another until we totally distort their teachings. Eventually we only understand their teachings based on our own ignorant mind.

So you say can there be one true religion ...? I've explained the faith part earlier. But I can say the one religion is the religion that came from God. And all religion are from God. Just because you are a Christian and happen to be ignorant of the teachings of Buddhism doesn't mean Buddhism is a fake. Just because you are a Muslim and happen to be ignorant of the teachings of Jewism doesn't mea Jewism is a fake. Do you understand?
2016-11-28 02:29:49 UTC
a million.the authentic faith has understand for God's word, not watering it down, employing some elements and pushing aside others-2 Timothy 3:16,17 2. it really is "no part of the international". It would not get all in favour of politics,nationalism or type struggles-John 17:16 3. It has because this is contributors those who've "love between themselves". they don't bypass to warfare hostile to at least one yet another. they don't look divided by employing quite some non secular alterations-John 13:35;a million Corinthians a million:10 ask your self: a million. What faith has contributors who're effortless for his or her good moral values? 2. What faith is nicely effortless for expelling unrepentant wrongdoers? 3. What faith has not taken up the frame of mind that particular sexual practices, once theory-about as sinful, at the on the spot are o.ok.? 4. Which faith refuses to bypass to warfare, get all in favour of politics, nationalism or type struggles? 5. Which faith has contributors who, global, do not trust that we've an immortal soul, that God and Jesus are part of a trinity, the depraved, after death, are alive being ceaselessly tormented? seek for the only which has all of this and also you'll discover the authentic faith.
2006-09-18 01:31:02 UTC
having faith does not make a religion to be true. true means rightousness that means the right way. if someone is speaking the truth that is the right way. like science is the truth. you could only differentiate the right and wrong only understand the "emptyness" or wait until the end of the world to see which one is really true hehehe. like you'll watching a movie wouldn't know which one is evil til the end hehehe.
2006-09-18 01:33:14 UTC
My religion is Life ...... as many people see go and creator etc etc .... in so many ways that this has led me to the conclusion that all religions and faith lead to the path of faith and rightness ( Is that a word)...... My religion is Sikhism and in our religion we bless all man kind ..... not may religions state this .... but still my personal answer is that the one true religion is life it self as we learn and move through with out without faith .... so one faith and religion is life it self and the way we lead it ..... so our parents would come close to god as we respect them and learn and then find our own way forward ......
2006-09-18 01:24:32 UTC
Islam because is means surrender to God's peace.

In truth, Islam is not a religion of terror or suicide bombing. That is something the media would like you to believe. Some crazy people who don't know what Islam is calling themselves Muslims are just looking for attention and the does spotlight shine on them because this world loves a good fight.

Islam is surrender to Peace and surrender to God's will. Let's look at who surrenders to God's will: The Moon is always on time, the sun is always on time, the clouds, the wind, the trees, the seasons, the animals are being who they are supposed to be (a tiger does not act like a sheep even if it raised among sheep).... all these are true Muslims.

So man is left to decide for himself. Willful surrender to God's peace will bring about knowing ones true purpose in life.

Sufis are people who have come very close to representing the true meaning of life. They are the ones who can show you what Islam is, and I'm sure you will find it very beautiful.


EDIT: Questioner: Islam initially does not require faith. it requires a logical analysis of the world and the nature of the universe. observe the harmony of the planetary orbits, the predictability of seasons and celestial events. does the next occurrence of Haily's comet require faith? not even a drop. through scientific analysis, we discover (or we are still discovering) the order to all things. this complex nature of all things did not occur randomly. Just look at how complex the computer CPU is... did that come into being by some random atoms smashing into each other, or did scientists and engineers formulate ideas and plans and implement them? Similarly, how can the vast universe, which has cyclical patterns be just random acts? the universe and the world around us would be in total chaos if there was no governing force. this realization is what leads us to the idea that the same governing force of the universe would reach out to humanity to give us guidance on how we are supposed to be. that is Islam. adding faith into it only beautifies the experience of Islam, but initially, it is not needed.
2006-09-18 02:31:09 UTC
Is there one true man?

Who can say what is the meaning of man for all mankind to accept? Is he a monkey or a spiritual being? What is a monkey? What is spirituality?

Yes, there should be criteria irrefutable to all human beings. Where and from whom can we find such criteria? It is really regretful for most people nowadays, that they claim to be almost all-knowing, they disregard wisdom from other men and they even refuse to seek for the universal truth!

Because of this fact, I think that nobody can give an answer for you to accept as satisfactory. My writing here is not in the hope of convincing you, but only to contibute my part as a constructive conversant.

There is one true eternal religion from the One True God showing man the way to build an ever-advancing civilization. This Progressive Revelation has been misunderstood by men because of their limited vision in time and space; but the small number of believers, because of their humility and sincerity, had got the clear lesson and had played their main roles in this divine process of spiritual advancement. Nothing can cause greater love and unity like the religious teachings of Buddha, Christ, Muhammad...And there were no men can be compared to these Personalities in their wisdom.

Only God can force all men to accept that His Progressive Revelation is the One True Religion throughout history; but in that case man would be already a herd of cows who unanimously believe only in what they see, or philosophically, in having irrefutable criteria to accept what are provable to their eyes!

If you want to gain greater knowledge, please seek it for yourself.
2006-09-18 01:32:32 UTC
Nope, no religions are true if they require faith to believe.

"Faith is a cop-out. It is intellectual bankruptcy. If the only way you can accept an assertion is by faith, then you are conceding that it can't be taken on its own merits." - Dan Barker (former preacher)

"The way to see by Faith is to shut the eye of Reason." [Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard, 1758]

"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." [Nietzsche]
Jill-mommy of a cute lil fellow
2006-09-18 01:43:11 UTC
Just believe in One and the only God

Dont seek ideologies to support you believes

Accept God without any further justifications

thats why I have a strong believe

the more I question the more I get confuse


Just dont inquire much about those things which has ambigous answers
2006-09-18 02:32:05 UTC
In Heaven the faithful angels worship YHWH/Jehovah with 'spirit and truth.

It appears that on earth, no one has TRUTH down pat yet, but efforts are being made to worship the Father through Jesus.

If you read Revelation2 and 3 you will see the Christian denominations the way Jesus does.

Acts 13:48 When those of the nations heard this, they began to rejoice and to glorify the word of YHWH/Jehovah, and all those who were rightly disposed for everlasting life became believers.

Acts 13:41 Behold it you scorners and vanish away, because I am working a work in your days, a work that you will by no means believe even if anyone relates it to you in detail.

Within 40 days, Jesus will be judging the Christians, and according to Luke 12:41-49, Christians who understand how to do what is right, but do not do it will be beaten with many strokes, and those who do not understand everything will be beaten with few strokes.

Micah 4:5 For all the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, for our part shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever.

Zephaniah 2:11 Jehovah will be fear-inspiring against them, for he will certainly emaciate all the gods of the earth, and people will bow down to him each one from his place, all the island of the nations.

Luke 24:45 Then he opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures.

Holy Spirit makes faith strong. Galatians 5:22.

To worship *in spirit* is to display the fruit of the spirit; love, joy , peace, kindness, goodness, long-suffering/patience, faith, mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.

There is only one TRUTH. To worship in truth, is to practice righteousness, and to *not* practice a LIE.

Everyone that is on the side of truth listens to my voice. John 18:37

John 4:23 Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the TRUE worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him.

24) God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.*

Haggai 2:7 And I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in and I will fill this house with glory.

Luke 16:19-31 But a certain man was rich, and he used to deck himself with purple and linen, enjoying himself from day to day with magnificence. But a certain beggar named Lazarus used to be put at his gate, full of ulcers and desiring to be filled with the things dropping from the table of the rich man....the beggar died and was carried off by the angels to the bosom position of Abraham. Also, the rich man died and was buried.

And in Hades he lifted up his eyes he existing in torments and he saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in the bosom position of Abraham. So he called and said, "Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in anguish in this blazing fire...a great chasm has been fixed between us and you...I ask you, father, to send him to the house of my father, that he may give them a thorough witness, that they also should not get into this place of torment...

If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead.

Matthew 24:28 Wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.

Matthew 24:45 Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master has appointed over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time?

Happy is that slave if has master on arriving finds him doing so, Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings.
2006-09-18 01:35:07 UTC
Observe the religion, Islam. Muhammad claimed to be a prophet, but did he raise up from the dead? No.

Now, observe Buddhism. Buddha is supposedly a God, right? Interesting, because he didn't raise up from the dead either.

Observe Christianity. Jesus Christ, the TRUE GOD, rose up from the dead. There were thousands of people who saw Jesus again, after he died on the cross. Are you saying that those thousands of people were delusional?

Consider it yourself.
Moe A
2006-09-18 01:29:02 UTC
you truly need to read the quran. i really didn't like islam, but there are so many facts in the quran that you can't deny islam is a true religion.

each religion has it's ups and downs, i mean, there's not one perfect religion, but islam is very near perfect, but not completely. if there was 1 perfect religion, one wouldn't have to ever think over the other religions, he'd instantly choose the perfect one. the world's a better place without one perfect religion.
nameena n
2006-09-18 01:26:09 UTC
now only 100% purely existing religion in this world is Islam! And only purely 100% existing revelation is Holy Qur'an All other revelations are corrupted! The only true God Allah-almighty/our creator/the creator of universe
2006-09-18 01:24:39 UTC
2006-09-18 01:27:15 UTC
Hi. Thanks for a sincere and honest question.

Yes, there is one true religion. It is called love. The nice thing is anyone can practice this religion no matter what church, synagogue, temple or mosque they go to.
2006-09-18 01:27:40 UTC
I dont believe there is because everyone is different, that being said christianity does not teach individuality it discourages it.
Scott M
2006-09-18 01:32:16 UTC
No, there isn't. All of them are equally wrong. All are equally unprovable and equally unable to be verified or tested.
2006-09-18 01:24:39 UTC
Subtract one from the equation.
2006-09-18 01:25:13 UTC
Yes, But only Diety knows what it is, and therefore it is up to us as groups and individuals to do our best to follow and understand our leadings. My answer, for myself and mine, is Quakerism.
2006-09-18 01:27:46 UTC
No, and if there actually eventually will be one, you can bet it won't be Islam, no matter how many people they kill, or what force they use to try to make people convert
2006-09-18 01:53:08 UTC
all are good. but the followers are bad
2006-09-18 01:26:12 UTC
yes HINDU, because alll are born hindu and then later transformed to other religions with ceremony.
2006-09-18 01:27:15 UTC
I'm glad your making these bible thumpers think.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.