Is Mary Magdalene a real prostitute?
2006-03-21 18:14:00 UTC
I wonder if this Mary Magdalene is a prostitute and did Jesus married to a hooker? One more thing, in "Passion of Christ", I didn't see any amrriage scene occured between Jesus and Mary herself.
Nineteen answers:
2006-03-21 18:45:39 UTC
The Passion of Christ is merely a hollywood take on the life of Jesus, therefore should not be considered in anyway correct in its historical content.

Mary Magdaline could have been a protitute as it was very common and still is. Hoever, there is no writing anywhere that says she is, therefore that rumor is just that, a rumor.

As far a Jesus being married, who knows for sure? I suspect he was. The Church covered this up and made a weird religion out of Christianty to make people fall into it. Some of it was force and some of it was through smoke and mirrors. If Jesus was married, he would not seem as Holy because he would have had sex. It is a sin to indulge in the flesh, so therefore that would have been taboo for him to do so.

But there is nothing written anywhere proving one way or the other.
2006-03-21 18:21:36 UTC
No the Magdalene is not a prostitute and she wasn't one then. Therefore Jesus didn't marry a hooker. Passion of the Christ is nonsense made by a delusional idiot who is a very bad actor and an even worse director. The marriage scene is mentioned in the New Testament where Jesus turned water into wine. And "those on the outside" don't understand it because the author made sure they would not.
2016-03-27 02:17:26 UTC
Scripture notes that seven devils were cast out of Mary Magdalene. We first meet her in Luke 8:2. The idea that one of these spirits lends to prostitution was taken by some from Luke 7, 36-50. There is no Scriptural authority for matching the woman who anointed Jesus feet, in the house of Simon, with Mary Magdalene. Nor is she the same Mary as the sister of Lazarus. This has been known to be the best scholarship well before the Pilgrims landed and before all the aprocryphal books were consulted or found. Anyway nothing new here. The big question is where you picked up the idea that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute? She lived in the same area where Jesus opened His ministry. Her town was a little North of Tiberias; plush real estate for Romans and Greeks in those days. Magdala was South of Capernaum where the first miracle was performed. The widows son was raised from the dead at Nain, located Southeast of Magdala. She was apparently a woman of substance; able to follow and provide for His needs. She is named with two others among many who followed with the twelve. Luke 8:2,3. I would not be surprised if her delivery was not the second miracle he performed after the marriage wine. She was no doubt his leading disciple among the women. To understand Mary Magdalene you must understand that she represents the true church of today, which Christ has come to claim. From her were cast the religious demons covering the seven church ages of Re. Chapters 1-3. As a type of the true church, the Bride of Christ, she carries the message of the risen Christ to the apostles or true believers.. Look: Jesus has gathered the twelve, one for each tribe, for His ministry to Israel. He turns the water to wine, his blood; he delivers a woman of seven demons, a type of the Gentile church that will come with his rejection. Next, for her to see, he raises the widows son from the dead; as his fame spreads across all the region and Judea. See the pattern? His blood, his church, his ressurection, his revelation to her. You see it took a lot to get people to see that Jesus was not just raising the dead; but that He was and is ressurection and the author of life. It is not something He does, but what He is. Mary Magdalene, perhaps better than anyone, was able to grasp who Jesus was and that is why she alone carried the Easter message then; and why only true believers carry the Easter message today.
2006-03-21 18:39:34 UTC
The reason you didnt see a marriage scene between Mary Magdeline and Jesus is because there is no Biblical basis for a marriage between the 2 of them and the movie was going by Biblical account.

Also there is no Biblical or historical basis to believe Mary M was a prostitute, it is just a common school of thought.
2006-03-21 18:30:15 UTC
I think she's not. Besides, will God allow a prostitute during that time since it was one of those "sins" written in the Bible. I don't exactly know about the 2nd question but I think that God's plan was for Mary to get pregnant with Jesus. You know, she got pregnant and that was Jesus in her womb. That's what God wanted to happen.
2006-03-21 18:23:51 UTC
Jesus never married, he was living in sin.

She was prostitute, it was a very common profession. Some Christians like to argue this but it shows Jesus as a greater person for accepting her despite her lowly station in life.
2006-03-21 20:40:03 UTC
I'm more inclined to believe that Mary Magdalene was gossiped about as if she was a prostitute - IF references exist, in the Bible, about her sex life. I, seriously, doubt she was a prostitute.
2006-03-21 18:17:17 UTC
Jesus was not married, and Mary was merely an important follower of his group.

There is no mention that she was a prostitute at all, the idea that she was, is merley a myth,
2006-03-21 18:39:57 UTC
There is nowhere in the Bible which says that she was a prostitute or even the woman who they wanted to stone for adultery.

It was Catholic lore which said she was. The Catholic Church has overturned their longstanding belief that she was the adulteress mentioned in the Gospels.
2006-03-21 18:21:15 UTC
No, she was not a prostitute.There is no historical evidence of it, aside from faulty translation.By all accounts she was an upstanding citizen who happened to be female and one of Jesus' followers.Theological research has shown it was nothing more than a smear campagian to keep women from gaining political power.
2006-03-21 18:31:48 UTC
They were not married and the bible does say she was a prostitute. Jesus told her she was forgiven to turn from it. God Bless!!
2006-03-21 18:18:00 UTC
Jesus wasn't married!
fenix the frustrated eng student
2006-03-21 18:19:48 UTC
Jesus didnt marry anyone and yes she was a prostitute.

Dont believe dan brown
2006-03-21 18:46:10 UTC
She wasn't. That is just what Christianity turned her into. It has a way of making strong women into evil incarnate to demonize them.
2006-03-21 18:26:19 UTC
The Catholic church officially denounced (only recently) that they had incorrectly called her a prostitute, and that there was no evidence she ever was.
2006-03-21 19:30:51 UTC
the was no marriage for jesus...that story was started by a fiction book
2006-03-21 18:27:45 UTC
She was not a prostitute. there's no evidence in any book
2006-03-21 18:30:57 UTC
I percieve that you are in Fantasy Land, or Dreamworld!
2006-03-21 21:06:42 UTC
christ wasnt married ?

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