Well, the devil didn't have much to do with this particular sale, but:
"Here's good news unless you're desperate for money: eBay, the colossal online auction agency, has decided not to allow people to sell their souls over the Internet.
___The issue arose recently when Adam Fox, 14, of Las Cruces, N.M., put his soul on the block. His soul stayed up for bid for 10 days and went for $5, USA Today reported. Fox wasn't alone. Sterling Jones, 18, of Ontario, Calif., also offered his soul and received bids up to $20.50, according to The Press-Enterprise in Riverside, Calif.
___"I'm selling my soul! Cheap!" Fox's eBay posting said. "I need money fast, so I'm selling my soul. For a low price, you get a piece of paper saying you own my soul. You get the paper only. Shipping is free! Bid now, I need money!"
"Electronic commerce aside, attempts by Fox and Jones to sell their souls place these young men at the end of a long, angst-ridden line. The temptation to sell one's soul is as old as humanity itself. Adam and Eve sold their souls for a bogus chance to know the unknowable. Esau sold his soul for a bowl of beans. In the wilderness, Satan tempted the fully divine yet wholly human Jesus to in effect trade his soul for sustenance, glory and power. This temptation is not confined the Bible. From "Faust" to "Damn Yankees" to "Indecent Proposal," artists have explored this most human of temptations. When Satan tempted Jesus, he offered outcomes that initially seemed good--food after a fast, an opportunity to demonstrate divine splendor, the power to rule. Today, Satan tempts most creatively with "good" lures. People have traded their souls for family togetherness, productive jobs, financial security, even relationships. Currency for soul-selling can include acceptance, church growth and denominational standing. The most insidious evil is perverted good, and Satan knows this. That's why temptation is so strong; it tugs and distorts our best inclinations and highest aspirations. Jesus knew what to do when he faced the most seductive temptations of history. He was prepared because he spent time in fasting and prayer, and he knew the Scriptures. He trumped temptation with a higher calling--God's claim on his life.
___May we not sell our souls for any price. Let us give them freely to God."
___ --Marv Knox