Here is a site that refers to an end time prophecy that most professing "Christians" are not even aware of.
Satan has really corrupted the "church" and a lot of people have been misled by dispensationalism and other distorted views of the "end times."
Greed and Religion
The world is filled with religious leaders and
religious institutions that are in it merely for
the money. How many evangelists and ministers
would stay in that profession, if they were not
payed for their services ? And how many popes
would have fought and killed for their position,
if they were not fed and furnished like kings?
If the Billy Grahams of the world, did not live
in million dollar luxuries, would they still have
continued to preach Christ ???
"The modern church machine has one test
for success.
To gain this success, great programs are staged
with the best performers available,
from charismatic speakers who can sway
an audience with emotional stories
to rock concerts. A local church recently
presented the musical, "The Music Man,"
a theatrical which ridicules morality
and chastity and glorifies humanism.
But it is entertaining, and that's the way
to make the church grow."
by Curtis Dickinson
"A three-month investigation by the
Tampa Tribune and WFLA-Tampa finds that
a central Florida church is actually
'an elaborate money-making machine'.."
-John W. Allman, Michelle Bearden,
Michael Fechter and Angie Drobnic Holan
of the Tribune, and Rod Carter of WFLA.
September 25, 2003
"Increasingly the life of the church
was corrupted by money.
No one believed in bribery;
but everyone knew that many high
churchmen could be bribed."
-The book- A History of the Modern World,
by R. R. Palmer and Joel Colton
"Once he became Pope Alexander VI, Vatican parties,
already wild, grew wilder. They were costly, but he
could afford the lifestyle of a Renaissance prince;
as vice chancellor of the Roman Church, he had amassed
enormous wealth. As guests approached the papal palace,
they were excited by the spectacle of living statues:
naked, gilded young men and women in erotic poses.
Flags bore the Borgia arms, which, appropriately,
portrayed a red bull rampant on a field of gold.
Every fete had a theme. One, known to Romans as
the Ballet of the Chestnuts, was held on October 30, 1501.
The indefatigable Burchard describes it in his Diarium.
After the banquet dishes had been cleared away,
the city's fifty most beautiful whores danced with
the guests, "first clothed, then naked. The dancing over,
the "ballet" began, with the Pope and two of his
children in the best seats.
- A World Lit Only by Fire-
The Medieval Mind and The Renaissance
William Manchester
Little, Brown & Company, 1992
"The Church was absolutely corrupted because it
had absolute power. In the days of the Inquisition,
the Roman Church owned about one fourth of all land
of France. Most of this property was stolen from
the victims burned at the stake. The booty of the
so-called heretics were stolen by the Church and by
the State. Just converted Jews were sometimes taken
to the stake only to steal their properties. The excuse
was to save them before they could return to Judaism."
by Enrico Ribone
" is no longer a worship of the Beautiful
and Good; but a calculation of the profitable."
Brontë's description of Brocklehurst in Jane Eyre
"One US Treasury document accuses the Vatican
of keeping gold—worth an estimated 200 million
Swiss francs at the time—looted by Croatia's Nazi
puppet regime safe in the Vatican vaults for the
Ustashe. The money is alleged to have been used
to finance the “rat line”. At the end of the war,
the Vatican aided the escape of hundreds of Nazis
from Europe by issuing them with false Red Cross
passports. The so-called “rat line” involved a
network of European monasteries used to harbour
war criminals. These were spirited out of Germany
and the former Nazi occupied territories to
Latin America. Mass murderers like Adolf Eichmann,
Klaus Barbie and Ante Pavelic were delivered to the
port of Buenos Aires disguised as priests."
- Vatican beatifies anti-Semitic Pope
By Peter Reydt; 19 September 2000
"Money and gold stolen from the Jews and
Serbs in Yugoslavia were sent to the Vatican"
-(The Guardian, December 5th 1997).
"One of the benefits of the [1933] concordat with Hitler
was the hundreds of millions of dollars
that would flow to the Roman Catholic Church
through the kirchensteuer (church tax) throughout
the entire war. In return, Pope Pius XII would never
excommunicate Hitler from the Catholic Church
nor would he raise his voice to protest
the slaughter of 6 million Jews"
-(A Woman Rides the Beast, Hunt, 220-221).
"the Charlotte Observer reported in 1979
that the PTL raised thousands of dollars for
foreign missions that never went to the missions.
In 1986 the PTL claimed it was in the process
of building a School of Evangelism which would
use missionaries, radio, and television to send
its message around the globe. This, as with many
other Bakker schemes, never happened."
-Frances FitzGerald, "Jim and Tammy,"
The New Yorker, April 29, 1990.
"Jim Bakker...kept two sets of books to conceal
the accounting irregularities of the PTL. He
took conspicuous consumption to new extremes.
The PTL once spent over $100,000 for a private jet
to fly the Bakker's clothing across the country.
PTL also spent more than $100 on a purchase of
cinnamon rolls because Jim and Tammy wanted the
smell of them in their hotel room. They Bakkers
epitomized the excesses of the nineteen eighties-
the greed, the love of glitz, and the shamelessness."
-"Can Jim and Tammy Make a Comeback?,"
U.S. News & World Report, Oct 19, 1987.
"The Jim Bakker Show (formerly called the PTL Club)
was the jewel of the the PTL Network. The show was
broadcast around the U.S. and Canada by satellite.
Over a decade of broadcasting the PTL television
appeals brought in over $500 million. In 1986 the
PTL reported revenues of $129 million. The funding
for the PTL came from public contributions and
memberships. PTL sold "lifetime memberships" for
a $1,000 or more which entitled buyers to a 3-night
stay annually at a luxury hotel in Heritage USA.
According to the prosecution at Bakker's trial,
tens of thousands of memberships had been sold,
and only one 500-room hotel completed. The Bakker
trial revealed that Bakker kept $3,700,000 for himself."
- Terry C. Muck,
"Healing the Church--After Bakker:
Thanks to a North Carolina Jury,
a Time of Recovery Can Come to American Christians,"
Christianity Today, 1989.
God's Name Removed for $$ MONEY $$
"The situation today, where many translations...
exists largely because of the amount of
money to be gained..."
-(The Preservation of the Bible By Faithful Churches)
--By Charles V. Turner
God's name Jehovah/Yahowah appears in the original hebrew
text about 7000 times, but the NIV fails to mention it even once.
When asked about this, Edwin H. Palmer, Th.D.,
Executive Secretary for the NIV's committee wrote :
"Here is why we did not : You are right - that Jehovah is
a distinctive name for God and ideally we should have
used it. But we put 2 1/4 million dollars into this
translation and a sure way of throwing that
down the drain is to translate, for example,
Psalm 23 as, 'Yahweh (Jehovah) is my shepherd.'
Immediately, we would have translated for nothing.
Nobody would have used it - or purchased it.
Oh, maybe you and a handful of others.
But a Christian has to be also wise and practical.
We are the victims of 350 years of the King James tradition.
It is far better to get two million to read it-
that is how many have BOUGHT it to date-
and to follow the King James, than to have two thousand
BUY it and have the correct translation
of Yahweh (Jehovah)
. . . It was a hard decision, and many of our translators
agree with you."
- The Reason NIV removed Jehovah's Name
Edwin H. Palmer, Th.D.,
Executive Secretary for the NIV's committee
"Tell those rich in this world's wealth
to quit being so full of themselves
and so obsessed with money,
which is here today and gone tomorrow.
Tell them to go after God,
who piles on all the riches
we could ever manage.."
(1Timothy 6:17)(MSG)-Biblegateway
"...truth is but a distant memory.
They think religion
is a way to make a fast buck."
(1Timothy 6:4,5)(MSG)-BibleGateway
"...To them religion is just
a way to get rich."
(1Timothy 6:5)(NLT)-BibleGateway
A Final Word
"And a final word to you arrogant rich:
Take some lessons in lament.
You'll need buckets for the tears
when the crash comes upon you.
Your money is corrupt
and your fine clothes stink.
Your greedy luxuries are a cancer
in your gut, destroying your life from within.
You thought you were piling up wealth.
What you've piled up is judgment.
All the workers you've exploited and cheated
cry out for judgment. The groans of the workers
you used and abused are a roar in the ears
of the Master Avenger. You've looted the earth
and lived it up. But all you'll have to show
for it is a fatter than usual corpse.
In fact, what you've done is condemn
and murder perfectly good persons,
who stand there and take it.
Meanwhile, friends, wait patiently for
the Master's Arrival...Stay steady and strong.
The Master could arrive at any time."
(James 5:1-8)(MSG)-BibleGateway
"Tell those rich in this world's wealth
to quit being so full of themselves
and so obsessed with money,
which is here today and gone tomorrow.
Tell them to go after God,
who piles on all the riches we could ever manage--
(1Timothy 6:17)(MSG)-Biblegateway
Even though Money and the things that it buys
are at the center of the world we live in today -
There will come a time when money will have
no value at all.
"They shall cast their silver in the streets,
...their silver and their gold
shall not be able to deliver them
in the day of the wrath of Jehovah."
(Ezekiel 7:19)(ASV)-BibleGateway
"Neither their silver nor their gold
Will be able to deliver them
On the day of the LORD's wrath;
And all the earth will be devoured
In the fire of His jealousy,
For He will make a complete end,
Indeed a terrifying one,
Of all the inhabitants of the earth."
(Zephaniah 1:18)(NASB)-BibleGateway
"Riches do not profit in the day of wrath,
But righteousness delivers from death."
(Proverbs 11:4)(NASB)-BibleGateway
"Therefore wait for Me,"
declares the LORD,
'For the day when I rise up as a witness.
Indeed, My decision is to gather nations,
To assemble kingdoms,
To pour out on them My indignation,
All My burning anger;
For all the earth will be devoured
By the fire of My zeal.
(Zephaniah 3:8)(NASB)-BibleGateway
What is the World Coming To ?
"Men will be weak with fear.
They will be afraid of the things
that will be happening to the world."
(Luke 21:26)(WorldWide English)(WE)-BibleGateway
"Men will faint from terror,
apprehensive of what is coming on the world..."
(Luke 21:26)(NIV)-BibleGateway
"People will be so frightened that they will faint
because of what is happening to the world. "
(Luke 21:26)(CEV)-BibleGateway
"It will seem like all hell has broken loose....
the earth in an uproar and everyone all over
the world in a panic..."
(Luke 21:25,26)(MSG)-BibleGateway
"The courage of many people will falter
because of the fearful fate they see
coming upon the earth..."
(Luke 21:26)(NLT)-BibleGateway
"Terror will make people faint.
They will be worried about what is
happening in the world...."
(Luke 21:26)(NIRV)-BibleGateway
Increased Violence Around the World
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - Cities Struggling With Increased Violence
Hartford and other cities around the country are seeing a disturbing rise
in shootings - many of them prompted by petty squabbles and perceived
slights. Some of the shootings have no apparent motive at all.
A man who refused to give up his gold and diamond chain. Two teenagers
hanging out on a front porch. Four family members in front of their house
planning a cookout. They were among 20 people shot in Connecticut's
capital since May 24 in a surge of seemingly senseless violence that has
clergy and state lawmakers calling for a cease-fire and state troopers
preparing to walk the beat. Much of the bloodshed is attributed to 12- to
16-year-olds "settling beefs, dirty looks and somebody looking at somebody
else's girlfriend," said Albert DiChiara, director of the University of Hartford's
criminal justice program. "I'm anticipating a very, very bad summer," he said.
Hatford residents say that this year is different because so many people
have been shot in such a short period of time. Despite the increased police
presence, many parents are keeping their children inside. "There's a sense
of a complete absence of law right now, and I'm not ashamed to say
I'm scared to death." said state Rep. Kenneth Green of Hartford."
-- Associated Press ; dated - 06/08/2006
Is Violence on the Increase ?
Have we become Numb to the Violence ?
The Experts Tell us -
"Statistics, such as the murder rate
in Washington, D.C., bear out the apprehension
with which people face the world. The brutality
of crime increases almost exponentially each decade,
so that what once horrified us we now accept as sadly routine."
-Violent Crime Is Increasing; by Michael Hedges
national reporter for the Washington Times.
“The climate is changing. We are working on a
comprehensive study with Columbia University
that shows our attitudes have clearly changed.
We have become almost desensitized to crime
and violence."
--Dennis Martin, Former Police Chief
President of the National Association
of Chiefs of Police
"Violence in all its forms has increased
dramatically worldwide in recent decades."
--WHO (1997) The World Health Report 1997,
Geneva: WHO.
"A recent report concludes that workplace violence
has also gone global, crossing borders, work settings
and occupational groups."
-ILO (1998) When Working Becomes Hazardous.
World of Work, 26
"In many countries, violence is epidemic
and is the leading cause of death among
males aged 15 - 34."
-2006 International Council of Nurses;
A Federation of national nurses’ associations (NNAs),
representing nurses in more than 128 countries.
"Suicide is the third leading cause of death
among adolescents worldwide, according to the
World Health Organization."
-April 2006 edition of
the American Journal of Public Health.
"Whether in cities or towns,
the violence is increasing.
There is regression to
“an eye for an eye” mentality,
which agrees that violence is
going to happen in schools."
-Violence Increasing;
by Paul J. Fink, Ph.D.
"This virus of violence
is occurring worldwide."
-"Trained to Kill"; Virus of Violence
Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman
Oxford Press, 2000
"Children don't naturally kill;
they learn it from violence in the home
and most pervasively, from violence as
entertainment in television, movies,
and interactive video games."
-"Trained to Kill"; Virus of Violence
Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman
Oxford Press, 2000
"In this "virus of violence," we need to
understand first the magnitude of the problem.
The per capita murder rate doubled in this
country between 1957 and 1992.
A fuller picture of the problem, however,
is indicated by the rate people are attempting
to kill one another--the aggravated assault rate.
That rate in America has gone from around 60 per
100,000 in 1957 to over 440 per 100,000 by the
middle of this 1990's."
-"Trained to Kill"; Virus of Violence
Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman
Oxford Press, 2000
"The crime rate is at a phenomenally high level,
and this is true worldwide. In Canada, according
to their Center for Justice, per capita assaults
increased almost fivefold between 1964 and 1993,
attempted murder increased nearly sevenfold,
and murders doubled. Similar trends can be seen
in other countries in the per capita violent
crime rates reported to Interpol between 1977
and 1993. In Australia and New Zealand,
the assault rate increased approximately fourfold,
and the murder rate nearly doubled in both nations.
The assault rate tripled in Sweden and approximately
doubled in Belgium, Denmark, England-Wales, France,
Hungary, Netherlands, and Scotland, while all these
nations had an associated increase in murder."
-"Trained to Kill"; Virus of Violence
Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman
Oxford Press, 2000
"MOUNT OLIVE TWP – The number of violence-related
incidents in township schools went up significantly
last year over the prior year, according to the latest
state report on violence in schools around New Jersey."
School violence is on the increase
"Gender base violence,
especially rape and other domestic
violence are on the increase."
-Deputy Gender Minister
for Research and Technical Services,
Annie Jones Demen;
The Analyst(Monrovia)June 5, 2006
"There was a sharp increase in the number
of violent attacks on shopworkers last year.
Incidents included armed robberies, kidnap,
CS gas attacks, pistol whipping, and the use
of knives, iron bars and sledge hammers."
-Violence against staff on increase
29 July 2002; Usdaw - uk
Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers
"Following a dramatic increase
in domestic violence fatalities
among military personnel,
the Defense Task Force on Domestic
Violence was created."
- A Guide for Safety & Justice
in Arizona - June 2004
"We have an unprecedented
wave of violence against journalists,"
- Joel Simon
the Committee to Protect Journalists
Worldwide, violence against journalists
hits a new high; February 06, 2006 edition
Is it Only Better News Coverage
As Some Contend ?
Actually - The Violence is Much Worse
than reports show.
"I WAS born in Swindon and I've lived here
most of my life. I know full well what it was
like years ago in terms of violence.
There's no doubt that it is more violent
today than it ever was. And it's the same
in every town in the country.
When was the last time that a small town
had a riot to deal with? I suspect never.
It's the reality we are dealing with.
To say that it's just the media's reporting
that has raised people's fears is absolute
stupidity. We see it for ourselves, mate.
We hear it from our friends and colleagues
and our own kids. We see it on the TV in
graphic detail."
- Violence IS on the increase
From the Swindon Advertiser
Wiltshire News 2/17/05
"Family violence in Texas
has reached epidemic proportions
and continues to grow. It is a
significantly more serious problem
than most persons expect. Currently
identified cases of family violence
represent only the tip of the iceberg
of actual cases. Many are not reported.
Texas leads the nation in rates of
domestic violence. Violence against
children in Texas is a severe problem
and is getting worse by the year.
Large numbers of existing cases of
family violence are not being reported.
Even though required by law, many
professionals are NOT reporting cases
of family violence.
Director, The University of Texas—Houston,
School of Public Health
"Thousands of attacks on healthcare
workers are still going unreported
despite campaigns aimed at protecting
the NHS staff. Violence against NHS
staff should be dealt with by the courts
in the same way as an attack on a police
officer. Not only are the attacks increasing,
but 2 out of every 5 attacks - are not being reported.
-NHS violence 'still not reported'
-BBC News; 27 March, 2003, 00:13 GMT
"Domestic Violence is more common than
street violence. Up to 98% of domestic
violence is not reported to police."
- The Hidden Victims,
Children and Domestic Violence,
NCH Action for Children, 1994
"School districts around the state
are required to submit data regarding
violent and disruptive incidents to
the state education department.
It falls under the Safe Schools Against
Violence in Education Act, but according
to an audit released Monday by the state
Comptroller, many schools aren't doing so.
One state official says schools are ignoring
violence. Comptroller Alan Hevesi called
the results of the audit a stunning failure
by schools statewide.
-NEWS 10 Now
Violence in schools not reported
Updated: 5/23/2006 9:12 AM
By: Heather Ly
By John Leo | Mar 19, 2006
What is the World Coming To ?
WorldWide "TROUBLE"
is a "Mark" of Christ's Return
Jesus then left the Temple.....
Later as he was sitting on Mount Olives,
his disciples approached and asked him,
"Tell us, when are these things going to happen?
What will be the sign of your coming,
(and) that the time's up?"
(Matthew 24:1,3)(MSG)-BibleGateway
"This is going to be TROUBLE
on a scale beyond what the world
has ever seen, or will see again."
(Matthew 24:21)(MSG)-BibleGateway
"...When you see all these things,
you'll know he's at the door."
(Matthew 24:33)(MSG)-BibleGateway
"Following those hard times,
sun will fade out, moon cloud over,
Stars fall out of the sky, cosmic powers tremble.
Then, the Arrival of the Son of Man!
It will fill the skies --no one will miss it."
(Matthew 24:29,30)(MSG)-BibleGateway
4/18/06 ---- 4/23/06
BOSTON (AP) - Cops Shoot Man Driving car on Sidewalk.
Police fired shots at a man who sped through a busy
downtown sidewalk in a stolen SUV, smashing cars
along the way and injuring four officers Tuesday.
The suspect had fled a traffic stop before crossing the sidewalk and heading the wrong way on a one-way street. Police cornered the vehicle and several officers fired their guns because of the danger the situation posed to pedestrians on the sidewalk. He was shot around noon just outside a Registry of Motor Vehicles office and a subway station.
ST. LOUIS, Missouri (AP) -- Man kills 3
on shooting rampage. Man kills 3 at former shop
A man killed the mother of his child Tuesday at her apartment , then went to the catering company where he once worked and shot four people - fatally killing 3 and then shot himself. Chalmers was using a semiautomatic handgun, authorities said.
LIMA, Peru — A passenger bus tumbled off a mountain
road in central Peru and came to rest in a gorge, killing at least
25 people on board, the state news agency reported Tuesday.
VERACRUZ, Mexico — A bus that careened off a highway
and into a 650-foot ravine, killing 58 people,
TOLUCA, Mexico (AP) - Priest Confesses to Killing Lover.
A Mexican priest has confessed to strangling his pregnant lover
after Easter Mass and cutting her body into pieces, a state attorney
general said Wednesday. Torres strangled Salinas to death.
He then dragged the body to a nearby bathroom and, according to
the statement authorities say he signed, used a kitchen knife to cut
off her head and hack her body to pieces. He packed the pieces
into plastic bags.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Man Shot While Taking Out Trash.
Police in Charlotte are investigating a shooting in east Charlotte.
The shooting happened just before 9:00 p.m. Tuesday on Kildare
Drive located near The Plaza. Police say the victim was taking out
his trash when someone tried to rob him and then shot him
in the stomach.
Des Moines, Iowa - Mumps outbreak has hit as many
as 15 Midwestern states.
Kennewick, Washington - A woman was kidnapped
and carjacked while driving to work.
DES MOINES, Iowa - Mumps Cases Climbs to 815
The number of reported cases of mumps this year has
climbed to 815 in Iowa, the state at the center of the
nation's biggest epidemic in almost two decades.
Hickory, NC -- Body found in car.
Officers found a dead body in a car outside the
Cubbard Express convenience store on
Springs Road about 6:46pm Wednesday.
ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) - Two Police Decapitated.
The decapitated heads of two police officials were found
early Thursday dumped in front of a government building
in this Pacific coastal resort.
KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) - Tens of thousands of Nepalis
defied a curfew to protest Thursday in the largest show of
discontent. Security forces responded by fatally shooting
three protesters. As many as 100,000 people protested in
the streets around the capital Katmandu. There were some
angry Riots of young men who Lit bonfires and hurled bricks
at police. Some demanded the death of the king.
CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) - An explosion and fire ripped through
a liquid waste treatment facility Thursday as crews worked on a tank,
injuring six people and sending smoke billowing across highways.
GAUHATI, India - 2 Bus Crashes in India Kill at Least 62.
A bus carrying wedding guests veered off a road and plunged
into a lake Thursday in northeastern India, killing at least 47
people, police said. Another bus crash later in the day killed
at least 15 people.
RIVERTON, Kansas. (AP) - Teenagers plan a massacre.
Five teenage boys were plotting a shooting rampage at their
high school on the anniversary of the Columbine massacre
were arrested Thursday after details of the alleged scheme
appeared on the Web site Sheriff's deputies
found guns, ammunition, knives and coded messages in the
bedroom of one suspect, Sheriff Steve Norman said.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sexual Abuse of Children on increase.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on Thursday issued a "wake-up call"
to the growing problems of pedophiles prowling the Internet and
online images of sexual abuse of children. "It is not an exaggeration
to say that we are in the midst of an epidemic in the production and
trafficking of movies and images depicting the sexual abuse of children,"
Gonzales said. Gonzales said the public must not consider child porn
as a victimless crime. "There are images of graphic sexual and physical
abuse of innocent children, even babies," he said. "I have seen pictures
of older men forcing naked young girls to have anal sex," Gonzales said.
"There are videos on the Internet of very young daughters forced to have
intercourse and oral sex with their own fathers.
Canberra, Australia - Australia is warning its citizens
of an imminent attack on Westerners in Indonesia.
Cairo, Egypt - Egyptian government says it has arrested
22 militant Islamists planning bomb attacks on tourist targets.
MOSCOW, Russia (AP) - Huge Earthquake Rattles Russia's Far East.
A major 7.7 earthquake hit Russia's Far East early Friday, causing
unknown damage. The quake hit at around 12:30 p.m. Friday in the
Koryak region, nearly 4,350 miles east of Moscow. A second quake,
with a magnitude of 6.1, was registered five hours later, the U.S.
Geological Survey said.
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Lawyer Drops Dead in Courtroom.
A defense lawyer died of an apparent heart attack Thursday
while arguing a drunken driving case in a Wake County courtroom
SAN ANTONIO, TX -- Threaten to kill baby with knives.
Two men broke into a duplex on the East Side overnight and
threatened to injure a 6-month-old girl with a knife if her mother
didn't cooperate with them. The men gained access to the home
by dismantling some burglar bars and door locks before stepping
on a trash can and climbing through the window.
Detroit, Michigan - Baby Fell 70 Feet From Apartment Window.
A 16-month old baby fell seven floors to his death on Thursday.
The 7 year-old brother told police he was playing with the baby
and then left the room. When he returned the window was open
and the baby was gone. The mother of the baby was not at home
at the time of the accident, but in another apartment with her boyfriend
GRAND CHUTE, Wis. -- A Wisconsin man is in jail after
trying to sell his 18-month-old daughter for $6,000 to $8,000.
The man was arrested Wednesday night following a three-day investigation.
SAN MARCOS, Texas -- Softball Sized Hail Pounds San Marcos.
A severe thunderstorm roared through San Marcos on Thursday, dumping hail
as large as softballs. The hail storm caught customers shopping at the outlet malls
by surprise, many of them running for cover to the nearest store they could find.
For 15 minutes, hail pounded vehicles in the parking lot, leaving behind
broken windshields and dented cars. "It sounded like a war zone," said Shelly
Gerber, a store employee. "All the customers were just standing here watching
their windows get busted out."
SAN ANTONIO -- A 50-year old San Antonio man
was arrested Wednesday for possessing more than 1,000
(one thousand) pictures of child pornography and uploading
it on the Internet. The Internet provider, Yahoo, tipped off
the investigators.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A former NFL offensive lineman and
his wife face child abuse and neglect charges for allegedly mistreating
their adopted daughter. The former Jacksonville Jaguars player, Rich
Tylski and his wife Jane - hit the girl with a belt, slammed her head
on a table and broke bones in her hands and legs.
SANTA FE, N.M. -- Violent Week Takes its toll
on Santa Fe Police. Two slayings and a shooting in the
past week have put a strain on Santa Fe's small police dept.
which typically deals with only two homicides a year.
The police complained of not getting any sleep.
Last Friday, police found the body of a missing woman.
On Wednesday, maintenance workers discovered a man's
body wrapped in sheets and blankets in an apartment.
And on Thursday, a 13-year-old was arrested in connection
with the shooting of a 15-year-old. "It's very unusual for us
to have this many incidents in a short period of time," said Johnson.
KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) - Nepali security opened fire
on tens of thousands of protesters marching toward the royal
palace Saturday in defiance of a curfew. Police fired rubber
bullets and live ammunition and beat people with bamboo batons.
Many people were seriously injured. Security forces opened fire
on the crowd without warning, wounding many. Many were hurt
in stampedes as they tried to flee.
HONIARA, Solomon Islands (AP) - Riots destroy homes and businesses.
Nearly 90 Chinese refugees fled the troubled Solomon Islands on a Beijing
chartered aircraft Saturday - the second group to leave the Pacific archipelago
after a series of riots destroyed their homes and businesses. Arsonists, looters
and rioters inflicted tens of millions of dollars in damage on the capital Honiara's
Chinatown district this week.
WASILLA, Alaska (AP) - 5 Killed As Planes Collide in Alaska
Two small planes collided Sunday about 30 miles northeast of
Anchorage, killing five on board. There were no survivors in the crash.
LIMA, Peru (Reuters) -- Volcano prompts state of emergency.
Farmers abandon homes and sell cattle as they flee. The Peruvian
government declared a state of emergency on Saturday in southern
towns that have been showered by ash from the Ubinas volcano and
asked the military to help evacuate poor farming families from the area.
The volcanic activity has been killing livestock and polluting water sources.
ALTA, California (AP) — House Swallows Man in California.
It was like a scene from a horror film: A 27-year-old man
plummeted into a gaping hole that suddenly opened beneath
his house, trapping him beneath foundation rubble and killing him.
It's unbelievable. The victim was awake and on the ground floor
about 9:30 p.m. Friday when the concrete foundation near the
kitchen gave way, sending him plunging into to the ground.
Rescuers were unable to reach him because the ground began
to shift, creating an unsafe situation for work crews.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — 6 Middle Schoolers Arrested
After Planning Massacre. Police said a group of seventh-graders
hatched an elaborate plan to cut off power and telephone service
to their middle school, slay classmates and faculty with guns and knives,
then escape from their small Alaska town. The students had planned
to disable North Pole Middle School's power and telephone systems,
allotting time to kill their victims and flee from town, Lindhag said
"Don't be annoyed by anyone who does wrong,
and don't envy them. They will soon disappear
like grass without rain."
(Psalm 37:1,2)(CEV)-BibleGateway
"For yet a little while,
and the evildoers will be no more;
though you look with care
where they used to be,
they will not be found.
But the meek shall inherit the earth
and shall delight themselves
in the abundance of peace."
(Psalm 37:10,11)(AMP)-BibleGateway
"...Don't let it bother you when all goes well
for those who do sinful things. Don't be
angry or furious...All sinners will disappear,
but if you trust the LORD, the land will be
yours. Sinners will soon disappear,
never to be found. God's people will own
the land and live here forever. Trust the LORD
and follow him. He will give you the land,
and you will see the wicked destroyed.
Think of the bright future waiting for
all the families of honest and innocent and
peace-loving people. But not a trace will be left
of the wicked or their families."
(Psalm 37:7-10,29,34,37)(CEV)-BibleGAteway
"And this world is fading away,
along with everything it craves.
But if you do the will of God,
you will live forever."
(1John 2:17)(NLT)-BibleGateway
"Deal as sparingly as possible
with the things the world thrusts on you.
This world as you see it - is on its way out."
(1Corinthians 7:31) (MSG) --BibleGateway
"....For the outward form of this world ;
the present world order is passing away."
(1Corinthians 7:31) ( AMP) -BibleGateway
"But the meek in the end shall inherit the earthand shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.Then the consistently righteous shall inherit the earth and dwell upon it forever."
(Psalm 37:11,29)(AMP)-BibleGateway
The ruthless will vanish,
the mockers will disappear,
and all who have an eye for evil
will be cut down."
(Isaiah 29:20)(NIV)-BibleGateway
"Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth."
(Matthew 5:5)(NIV)-BibleGateway
News Around the World
10/21/06 --- 11/30/06
CANTON, Ohio (AP) - A newly hired postal carrier was fatally shot
while delivering mail. Jennifer L. Milburn, 26, of New Philadelphia
was shot in the head, police said. Two men have been arrested in
her death.
MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - Police Officer Michael Briggs, 35, was
shot in the head in a dark alley Monday as he responded to a domestic
violence call. He died the next day.
NEW BRIGHTON, Pa. (AP) - Train Crash - 24 cars from the train's
midsection derailed and nine caught fire on the half-mile long rail bridge
over the Beaver River in New Brighton, about 25 miles northwest of Pittsburgh.
Federal investigators arrived Saturday at the smoldering scene where
two dozen ethanol tanker cars derailed and several exploded on a
southwestern Pennsylvania bridge. The train - 83 tanker cars pulled
by three locomotives - was traveling from Chicago to New Jersey
when it derailed.
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel's defense minister said Sunday
that air force flights over Lebanon would continue because
arms smuggling to Lebanese guerrillas has not stopped.
KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) - An Ultimatum to U.N..
The Sudanese government on Sunday gave the chief
U.N. envoy three days to leave the country,
ATLANTA - Teenage girl Kills woman during suicide attempt
over sex refusal from another girl teen. A lovesick 16-year-old
girl crashed her car into an oncoming vehicle in a suicide attempt.
The girl survived; but a woman in the other car was killed.
Authorities said Brunstad rammed her parent's Mercedes-Benz
car - head-on into a smaller car driven by 30-year-old
Nancy Salado-Mayo, a mother of three. The older woman -
Salado-Mayo was killed, and her 6-year-old daughter Lesly,
who was in a child safety seat, suffered broken ribs and other
injuries. Brunstad, who was treated for an ankle injury, had told
friends she planned to kill herself after another female student
at Holy Innocents Episcopal School refused to have sex with her,
Howard said.
HENDERSON, Ky. - 30 taken ill on cruise ship.
Eight passengers on a riverboat cruise of the Ohio River r
emained hospitalized in western Kentucky on Saturday
after developing flu-like symptoms while aboard the boat.
More than 30 had reported that they were ill, including 22
who suffered from nausea and vomiting, hospital officials said.
VILLA MADERO, Mexico - Severed human heads are put on
public display. In Michoacan, the home state of President-elect
Felipe Calderon, 17 heads have turned up, many with bloodstained
notes like the one that said: "See. Hear. Shut Up. If you want
to stay alive." In the most gruesome case, gunmen burst into
a nightclub and rolled five heads onto the dance floor. In another,
a pair of heads were planted in front of a car dealership in Zitacuaro.
HOUSTON - Murder rates continue to incrase in Houston Texas.
"We recognize that the homicide rate is up as far as raw numbers
and as well as percentages relative to the population," Capt. Dwayne
Ready said.
ATHENS (AFP) - Storms and Floods hit Greece for the second time
this week. Torrential rains caused flooding in parts of southern Greece,
just three days after storms triggered a state of emergency elsewhere
in the region, authorities said.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.S. sees deadliest month of 20006 in Iraq>
Five bicycle bombs and a hail of mortar shells ripped apart a market
south of Baghdad on Saturday, killing 18 people. Three U.S. Marines
also were killed, making October the deadliest month for American f
orces this year. At least 44 Iraqis were killed or found dead Saturday,
keeping the month on pace to be the deadliest for Iraqis. So far this
month, at least 907 Iraqis have been killed in war-related violence,
an average of 43 a day. U.S. officials have blamed the skyrocketing
violence on the holy month of Ramadan. The United Nations has said
that at least 100 Iraqis are now killed daily.
TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) - Three men were found dead inside
a boarded-up house Tuesday, the latest in a wave of killings
that has plagued the city in recent weeks, police said.
Two victims had been shot and the other had been stabbed,
Chief Mike Navarre said.
BINGHAMTON, N.Y. (AP) - A former Baptist pastor who
disappeared with a 15-year-old girl for a month and later pleaded
guilty to raping her was sentenced Friday to more than 11 years
in federal prison.
LOS ANGELES (AP) - A Roman Catholic religious order
and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will pay a combined
$10 million to seven people to settle allegations of clergy
sexual abuse, attorneys said Friday.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Black-uniformed, hooded gunmen seized
the major southern city of Amarah on Friday in an audacious
drive against local security forces. Twenty-five gunmen and
police died in gunbattles before the Iraqi army moved in to
retake the city of 750,000 people at the head of Iraq's famous
marshlands where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers draw close
BANGKOK (AFP) - The death toll from severe flooding in
Thailand and neighboring Myanmar has reached 127 as
Thai weather authorities warned of more heavy rains over
the weekend in the country's south.
NARATHIWAT, Thailand (AFP) - Five people have been killed
and 12 injured in a spate of shootings and bomb attacks across
Thailand's Muslim-majority south, police have said.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - 44 killed across Iraq as Ramadan ends
Militants targeted police recruits and shoppers rounding up l
ast-minute sweets and delicacies Sunday for a feast to mark
the end of the Ramadan holy month, the highlight of the Muslim
year. At least 44 Iraqis were reported killed across the country.
EPINAY-SUR-SEINE, France - On a routine call, three unwitting
police officers fell into a trap. A car darted out to block their path,
and dozens of hooded youths surged out of the darkness to attack
them with stones, bats and tear gas before fleeing. One officer
was hospitalized.
PARIS (Reuters) -France fears upswing of violence after bus attack
A mob of youths set a bus on fire in broad daylight on the outskirts
of Paris, and then stoned police and firemen who were trying to
put the flames out. It was at least the fifth time in recent weeks
that French youths have launched an apparently concerted attack
on the security forces and the symbols of the French state.
The attackers are getting younger, and younger, and more and
more violent - according to Synergie -Officiers police union.
NORFOLK, Va. - A sailor pleaded guilty Monday to abducting
and killing a Marine corporal he thought had been involved in a
gang rape. The rape turned out to be a lie, but the truth surfaced
too late.
VIDOR, Texas - Flooding forced dozens of people from their homes
on Monday.
TOKYO (AFP) - A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.8 struck
close to islands in southern Japan on Monday.
SRINAGAR, India (Reuters) - Indian security forces fired teargas
shells in Kashmir's main city on Tuesday to quell violent protests
by hundreds of demonstrators after a police vehicle killed a father
and son, officials and witnesses said. Over a dozen people, mostly
policemen, were injured when security forces clashed with the
protesters who pelted stones and set ablaze two vehicles in the
northern Natipora area of Srinagar city,
LUCASVILLE, Ohio - A religious cult leader was executed Tuesday
for murdering a family of five followers who were taken one at a time
to a barn, bound and shot to death. The youngest was a girl just 7 years old.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- A gunman opened fire on a woman trying to
escape into her home in northeast Charlotte around 11:15 p.m.
on Monday, authorities said.
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - The father of a young football player
pulled a gun on his son's coach because he didn't think his boy was
getting enough playing time, Philadelphia police said on Monday.
LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) - Angry villagers seized three Shell oil
platforms in the volatile Niger Delta on Wednesday, forcing
production to be shut down at each, the company said.
NEW YORK - A sanitation agent was shown on videotape
breaking light bulbs on the street in front of a restaurant and then
writing a littering ticket to the restaurant's owner, a state
assemblyman said. The video shows the uniformed Department
of Sanitation agent dropping several long fluorescent bulbs
in the Brooklyn street. A street-sweeping truck cleans the mess
soon after, and then the agent writes a $300 ticket to the
restaurant's owner for improper disposal of the lights.
PARIS (AFP) - Armed youths hijacked and set fire to a bus
in the eastern Paris suburb of Montreuil, in a flare-up of tensions
on the eve of the anniversary of last year's riots.
BURLESON, Texas - A suburban Fort Worth school district has halted
a program teaching students to attack a gunman if he invades a classroom,
administrators said Wednesday. The district will continue to train
students in how to respond to life-threatening situations but no longer
will show them how to take down an attacker, spokesman Richard
Crummel said.
SALEM, Ore. - Oregon church set on fire during Services.
A man burst into a church sanctuary during a religious service
and splashed gasoline onto people and started a fire.
Two older women from the congregation were burned when
their clothing caught fire.
POPPET FLAT, Calif. - A California Fire started by arsonists
has killed Four Fire Fighters. Fire officials said the fire was
deliberately set around 1 a.m. and had blackened 10,000 acres
within 12 hours. Fire Chief John Hawkins said the arson
"constitutes murder."
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - N.C. nurse charged in patient's death
For five years, the death of Sandra Baker Joyner - after a
mini-facelift was attributed to medical error. But last month,
investigators proposed a more sinister explanation. As she lay
bandaged in the recovery room, Joyner was poisoned by a nurse
anesthetist who believed Joyner had stolen her boyfriend
back in high school some 30 years ago, authorities say.
BEIJING - At least 16 children, most between 2 and 5, were
hospitalized with food poisoning after eating at a kindergarten
in northwest China.
NABLUS, West Bank - Three Palestinians were killed Friday
in Israeli army raids in the northern West Bank.
KABUL, Afghanistan - A blast ripped through a vehicle in
southern Afghanistan Friday, killing 14 people as they traveled
to a provincial capital for holiday celebrations, an official said.
PANAMA CITY, Panama - Contaminated medicine kills 34 in Panama.
First comes nausea and diarrhea. Then the facial muscles relax,
followed by kidney failure, paralysis and often death. It's a medical
crisis in Panama, where contaminated cough syrup, antihistamine tablets,
calamine lotion and rash ointment have killed 34 people since July.
More than 40 others have been hospitalized, at least half in critical
CLICHY-SOUS-BOIS, France (AP) - Youths Burn Hundreds of Cars
in France. Marauding youths set fire to three public buses and 277
vehicles overnight and on Saturday in renewed violence.
OAXACA, Mexico (AP) - Shop owners shuttered their businesses
and demonstrators built up street barricades Saturday after President
Vicente Fox ordered federal police to intervene in this city torn by
more than five months of protests and violence.
FRENCHBURG, Ky. (AP) - A family of four was found shot to death
in eastern Kentucky in what is being treated as a triple murder and
a suicide, Kentucky State Police said. The bodies of Bryan Purvis, 34;
his wife, Jeanie, 29; their son Bryan, 11; and daughter Jennifer, 8,
were found dead at 6:30 p.m. Sunday in their home west of Frenchburg,
police said. Police said they believed the shooter was one of the parents.
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) - A New Jersey woman accused of
hacking her husband into pieces and dumping his remains in suitcases
was indicted Monday.
LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. (AP) - An man was convicted Wednesday
of the genital mutilation of his 2-year-old daughter and was sentenced
to 10 years in prison in what was believed to be the first such criminal
case in the United States. Prosecutors said he used scissors to
remove his daughter's clitoris.
RENO, Nev. (AP) - A woman set fire to a mattress and set off
a blaze that killed six people and gutted much of a historic brick
building in Reno's downtown casino district on Wednesday.
BANNING, Calif. (AP) - A California mountain fire claimed the lives
of five firefighters. Four U.S. Forest Service firefighters died as
they tried to protect a house from wind-driven flames in the San
Jacinto Mountains, 90 miles east of Los Angeles. A fifth firefighter,
Pablo Cerda, 23, of Fountain Valley, died Tuesday evening at
Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton. He had suffered
burns over 90 percent of his body when the flames swept over the crew.
The blaze charred 40,200 acres - or more than 60 square miles -
of forest and brush and destroyed 34 homes before being fully
contained Monday. Firefighting costs have reached $9.9 million.
Authorities said the fire was set by arsonists at the base of a slope
in Cabazon, west of Palm Springs, as fierce Santa Ana wind hit
Southern California. Residents said they saw two young men
leaving the area where the fire began.
JERSEYVILLE, Ill. - A teenager carrying a Bible and shouting
"I want Jesus" was shot twice with a police stun gun and later
died at a St. Louis hospital, authorities said.
NEW YORK - Thousands of homes and businesses had no
electricity Sunday from Maryland to Maine as a storm system
blasted the region with winds gusting to more than 50 mph,
knocking over trees and a construction crane. The storm was
blamed for at least two deaths.
FERN PARK, Fla. - A 15-year-old boy stole a bus,
drove it along a public transit route, picked up passengers
and collected fares, authorities said Sunday.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Gunmen killed 23 policemen on Sunday.
MANILA, Philippines - A powerful typhoon swept across the
northern Philippines on Monday, killing more than 15 people
in a barrage of landslides, uprooted trees and flooding.
ST. LOUIS - A surge in violence made St. Louis the most
dangerous city in the country, leading a trend of violent crimes
rising much faster in the Midwest than in the rest of nation, a
ccording to an annual list.
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - Three people were found slain Thursday
in a drainage pipe near an apartment complex, and police said a
former boyfriend of one of the victims would be charged with murder.
The bodies of a woman who had been stabbed to death and two
men who had been fatally shot were found by a neighbor near
the woman's apartment, officials said..
Sports News - Boxing - 20 year old newphew of former
heavy-weight champion "Trevor Berbick" has been charged
with killing his famous uncle.
Colorado Springs, Co. - President of National Association o Evangelicals,
stepped down from his position after news leaks that he paid for same-sex
encounters with male prostittutes.
NEW YORK (AP) - A sport utility vehicle collided with another SUV,
jumped a curb and plowed into a family Wednesday, killing a 5-year-old boy
on his way to school and leaving his mother in critical condition, police said.
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - An Amtrak train slammed into a tractor trailer
at an industrial rail crossing Wednesday, killing the truck driver,
authorities said.
SEATTLE (AP) - Record rainfall brought heavy flooding
to the Northwest, killing at least one person, causing evacuations
and damaging roads and houses.
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - The body of a woman who disappeared
on a storm-battered beach was found Wednesday, the third death
during a wave of stormy weather in the Pacific Northwest that smashed
rainfall records and threatened hundreds of homes, authorities said.
ANKARA, Turkey - Flooding from torrential rains killed 22 people
across Turkey, including 14 who died when a minibus carrying
wedding guests was swept away, authorities said Wednesday.
Dozens of others were missing.
BOGOTA, Colombia - Rebels kill 17 Colombian police officers.
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - German banknotes have been falling
to pieces after being withdrawn from cash machines due to a mysterious
acid attack in recent months, the country's central bank said on Thursday.
OIL CITY, Pa. - A 30-year Postal Service employee, said she was
attacked and bitten Monday by a squirrel while delivering mail about 75
miles north of Pittsburgh. Dougherty said, "I saw it there on the porch,
put the mail in the box and turned to walk away and it jumped on me."
The animal ran up her leg and onto her back, she said. Postal officials
said the attack is extraordinary. "In about 230 years of postal history,
I've personally never heard of another squirrel biting," said Steve Kochersperger,
spokesman for the Erie district.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraqi police find 56 bodies bearing signs of torture
in Baghdad. Violence against Iraqis has grown unabated in the past month,
with more than 1,300 killed since Oct. 1.
BEIT HANOUN, Gaza Strip - Hundreds of Palestinian women in robes
and head scarves streamed into a Gaza combat zone Friday to help free
gunmen besieged by Israeli troops at a mosque. Two women who came
under fire were killed and at least 10 wounded.
EL CERRITO, Calif. - A man was arrested on suspicion of carrying a
concealed weapon after police found him outdoors — naked — and he told
them he had a tool in his rectum, authorities said. The man was lying
on a tree stump, masturbating beside a nature path. Sheehan removed
a 6-inch metal awl from his rectum. "When you're talking about an awl
and you're dealing with somebody who's fresh out of prison, it's a weapon.
That's a stabbing instrument," Horgan said.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - A couple that began squabbling in a motel room
Friday morning carried their dispute over to an adjacent Waffle House
restaurant in the nude, police said. The woman told officers that she was
staying in a room with Larry Boyd when he took a hit of cocaine, then he
started trashing their room and choked her. She ran in the buff to the
nearby restaurant and locked herself in the bathroom. Boyd, also naked,
followed her into the restaurant and then fled in a car. He was arrested
— still naked — after a short chase by police.
ADDIS ABABA (AFP) - Ethiopia, which was hit again by deadly floods
this week, is caught in a devastating cycle of drought and heavy rains
that threatens the survival of millions of people, experts say.
OAXACA, Mexico - Thousands of anti-government demonstrators
marched through this tense colonial city on Sunday. About 400 people
broke through and attacked the officers with stones and bottles.
Police surrounded the campus last week and battled hundreds of
protesters armed with gasoline bombs, stones and fireworks stuffed
with glass and nails, leaving more than 30 people injured.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Man shot and killed while waiting at Traffic Light.
21-year-old Kenneth Lee Evans was waiting in his Cadillac at a red light
when a red two door pickup truck pulled up next to him and began firing
shots at him. He died after he was taken to Carolina Medical Center.
There is no known motive for the brutal murder.
GAZA (Reuters) - Female suicide bomber attacks Israeli troops
A Palestinian suicide bomber blew herself up near Israeli troops
on Monday in a Gaza town.
LAGOS (AFP) - Kidnappers in Nigeria demanded a "huge ransom"
for the release of two oil workers, an American and a Briton, who were
taken hostage last Thursday
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A new California wildfire broke out near
a community east of Los Angeles on Monday, one day after some
10,000 people attended a memorial service for firefighters killed
fighting a massive arson set fire.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Shiites and Sunnis traded mortar attacks Tuesday
on Baghdad neighborhoods across the Tigris, killing 21 as police found
the bodies of 15 torture victims in the river south of the capital.
SEATTLE - Heavy rain caused severe flooding that killed at least
one person and stranded others who had to be rescued by police
and the National Guard. Gov. Chris Gregoire declared a state of
emergency for 18 counties.
LONDON, Ky. - A woman who was bitten by a snake at a church
that neighbors say practices serpent handling died of her wounds
only hours later, a newspaper reported.
Business News - Millions of bottles of painkillers (acetaminophen) were
recalled because they may contain metal fragments.
NCAA FB - Miami Football star - Bryan Pata was fatally shot and his
murder was ruled as a definite homocide.
BEAVERTON, Ore. (AP) - A woman and her two sons were found
shot to death in their suburban home early Friday, authorities said.
Tamarac, Fla - Two police officers were gunned down during routine
traffic check stop - killing one officer and wounding the other.
Baghdad, Iraq - A suicide bomber blew himself up just outside police
recruiting center early Sunday, killing 34 people and injuring 56 more.
HOMESTEAD, Fla. (AP) - A man barricaded himself in a home
in a standoff with police Monday, causing a school to be locked down.
The man, who was not identified, was wanted for firing shots at two
Florida City police officers during a chase on Saturday.
STOLLINGS, W.Va. (AP) - Six people were held hostage
at a pharmacy for about an hour and half Monday before police
arrested a man who had demanded prescription drugs and fired
a shot, authorities said.
Baghdad, Iraq - Gunmen dressed as police commandos
kidnapped up to 150 people in a raid on a Baghdad research
Raleigh, North Carolina - A tornado Ripped through North Carolina
Trailer Park, killing at least Five people.
Baghdad, Iraq - Many hostages were seized in a raid on Baghdad
Government Building on Tuesday and were tortured and some of
them were killed.
Detroit, Michigan - Detroit Police are searching for a gunman
after a series of shootings which killed two people and wounded
three others - in a span of 10 minutes on Thursday morning.
RIEGELWOOD, N.C. (AP) - A tornado flipped cars, shredded trees
and ripped mobile homes to pieces in this little riverside community
early Thursday, killing at least eight people, including children.
Four other children are still missing. .As many as 40 mobile homes
were damaged before the tornado crossed a highway and completely
leveled three brick homes.
TOKYO (AFP) - Japan has deployed troops to remove debris
after a killer tornado hit the northern island of Hokkaido. The tornado
tore through the northern town of Saroma, killing nine construction
workers and leaving more than 20 people injured.
ROSTOV-ON-DON, Russia - Rebels ambushed a police convoy
in Chechnya, killing seven police officers, officials said.
BANGKOK, Thailand - Eight bombs exploded almost simultaneously
at car and motorcycle showrooms in restive southern Thailand on Thursday,
wounding nine people, police said. Attackers posing as customers planted
explosives inside cars or near motorcycles at Honda, Nissan, Chevrolet,
Mazda, Ford and Isuzu dealerships and at two motorcycle showrooms,
Yala police Lt. Col. Sakkarin Bamphensamai said.
PORTLAND, Ore. - Heavy rain and flooding, already blamed for
three deaths in the Pacific Northwest, washed out a major highway
near Mount Hood and forced the shutdown of 67 miles of the North
Cascades Highway in Washington state Thursday. The White River
flowed over Oregon 35 on Mount Hood's eastern flank on Monday
and Tuesday, cutting 20-foot-deep ruts through the road and sending
boulders and trees rolling down the mountainside. The storms
damaged hundreds of homes and broke rainfall records.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Sunni gunmen ambushed a convoy of minibuses
Saturday night at a fake checkpoint on the dangerous highway south
of Baghdad, killing 10 Shiite passengers and kidnapping about 50.
Across the country at least 52 other people were killed in violence
or were found dead, five of them decapitated Iraqi soldiers.
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - 2 U.N. peacekeepers shot dead in Haiti.
Unidentified gunmen attacked U.N. peacekeepers, killing two Jordanian
members of the force, officials said Saturday.
LONDON (AFP) - Ban religion, says Elton John.
Religion should be outlawed because it lacks compassion
and promotes hatred of homosexuals, said gay pop star,
Elton John - during an interview.
DHAKA, Bangladesh - Protesters in Dhaka set train on fire.
Thousands of protesters in Bangladesh targeted major transport links
on Sunday, attacking trains and other vehicles and leaving at least
one person dead.
BEIJING - At least 24 miners were killed and 10 others trapped
Monday by an explosion in a coal mine in northern China, and the
death total in another mining accident in the region rose to 35.
LAKE ELSINORE, Calif. - Firefighters were struggling on Monday
to tame a wind-driven wildfire that has charred dense brush and trees
in the hills east of Los Angeles and briefly threatened hundreds of homes.
JANDALA, Pakistan - Poor Pakistanis donate kidneys for money.
A kidney nets the donor $2,500, sometimes less than half that amount,
while recipients — pay $6,000 to $12,000, "We do this because of our
poverty," said Kausar, who is in her 30s. At least 20 transplant clinics
exist in Pakistan. The donors are poor people who need the money to
pay off their debts. Many suffer from ill health after their kidney donations.
NAIROBI (AFP) - At least 21 people have been killed and 60,000
displaced by massive flooding in northern and coastal Kenya, triggered
by three weeks of unusually heavy rains.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Gunmen dressed as police commandos kidnapped
up to 150 staff and visitors in a lightning raid on a Baghdad research
institute Tuesday, the largest mass abduction since the start of the
U.S. occupation.
RALEIGH, N.C. - A California couple are facing federal charges
after they refused to stop "overt sexual activity" during a flight to
Raleigh, authorities said.
NUKU'ALOFA, Tonga - Violence and Rioting - a crowd of young people
went on a rampage, setting fires, overturning cars and looting shops in
the South Pacific kingdom. The violence erupted suddenly. Witnesses
estimated more than half the city's shopping district had been razed by
the fires that were set by these young Rioters.
Putnam, Connecticut - A customer who was waiting in line
for a Playstation 3 - was shot by would-be robbers.
Lincoln, Nebraska - Fire breaks out in college fraternity house
early Friday morning, killing one student, and three others are in
critical condition.
BHUBANESHWAR, India (AP) - India on Sunday successfully test-fired
a medium-range nuclear-capable missile with a range of up to 300 kilometers
(180 miles), a defense ministry official said.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) - A woman fatally shot a hospital worker in the head
Monday at a busy pharmacy and was quickly arrested. The shooting resulted
from an argument between the pharmacy worker and the customer, who pulled
a hand gun out of her purse and shot the worker several times before she died.
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - A fight between youths in a crowded shopping mall
led to a shooting that injured several people in the mall..
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) - A bus carrying high school students smashed
through a guardrail along an overpass Monday and crashed nose-first
30 feet below, killing three teenage girls and injuring at least 30 other people,
several critically.
LOS ANGELES (AP) - An 89-year-old man whose car hurtled through
a farmers market, killing 10 people, was let off on probation Monday.
CHAPPAQUA, N.Y. (AP) - A woman was shot in the head,
and her 58-year-old husband was shot in the abdomen late Saturday.
The couple was driving to their Chappaqua home from Manhattan
when they were shot. They were on Route 100 when a car cut in
front of their sport utility vehicle and forced them off the road around 11 p.m.
A man with a gun got out and entered the SUV through a back door
and shot the husband and wife. No motive was determined
Danvers, MA - Explosion at Massachusetts chemical plant sparks a
massive fire that destroyed homes and businesses.
Baghdad, Iraq - The UN says that 3,709 Iraqi civilians were killed
in October - the highest monthly toll since March of 2003.
Chicago, Illinois - A Gunman killed a female hostage during a
23-hour standoff in Chicaco's South Side.
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - Two armed thugs tried to rob
a line of people waiting for the new PlayStation 3 game system
to go on sale early Friday and shot one man who refused to
give up his money.
BELLEVUE, Wash. (AP) - The operator of a construction crane
that collapsed, struck three buildings and led to a man's death has
a history of drug use, a newspaper reported Saturday.
HERAT, Afghanistan (AFP) - Flash floods caused by heavy rains
have killed nearly 50 people with 60 more missing.
Lebanon - Tuesday's assassination of a Lebanese leader -
the murder of Lebanese Christian leader Pierre Gemayel.
WARSAW, Poland - Twenty-three miners were feared trapped
underground Tuesday after a suspected gas explosion in southern
Poland, authorities said. Later in the week all were found dead,
with no survivors.
GENEVA - The global HIV epidemic is growing, leaving an
estimated 39.5 million people worldwide infected with the
deadly virus, the United Nations said Tuesday.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - At least 101 Iraqis died in the country's unending
sectarian slaughter Wednesday, and the U.N. reported that 3,709 Iraqi
civilians were killed in October, the highest monthly toll of the war and one
that is sure to be eclipsed when November's dead are counted.
PORT HARCOURT, Nigeria - Gunmen seized seven hostages from a
supply vessel belonging to a subsidiary of Italian oil giant Eni SpA about
30 miles off the coast of southern Nigeria in the latest attack by militants
on facilities in the volatile Niger Delta, where most of the country's oil is produced.
One was killed and another wounded during a rescue attempt.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - In the deadliest attack since the beginning
of the Iraq war, Sunni-Arab militants used three suicide car bombs and
two mortar rounds on the capital's Shiite Sadr City slum to kill at least
150 people and wound 238 on Thursday.
MOGADISHU (AFP) - Heavy flooding in Somalia killed at least seven people
overnight, bringing the death toll to 80 from three weeks of torrential rains.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Revenge-seeking militiamen seized six Sunnis as they
left Friday prayers and burned them alive with kerosene in a savage new
twist to the brutality shaking the Iraqi capital
LONDON - A rare radioactive substance killed an ex-KGB spy
- the British government said Friday. In a dramatic statement written
before he died, the man called Russian President Vladimir Putin
"barbaric and ruthless" and blamed him personally for the poisoning.
NEW YORK -- Police shot and killed a groom on his wedding day,
outside a club, where he had attended his batchelor party. The motive
and circumstances of the shooting are still under investigation.
PANAMA CITY, Panama - Heavy rains and flooding in Panama have
left at least eight people dead and damaged hundreds of homes,
and caused bridges to collapse - the government said Friday.
ISTANBUL, Turkey - Tens of thousands of protesters chanted
"No to the pope!" and waved anti-Vatican banners Sunday in a
defiant display of the pro-Islamic anger that could await the pontiff
on his first papal trip to a mostly Muslim nation.
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (Reuters) - Thieves armed with automatic rifles
and military-issue grenades robbed a busload of British tourists in Rio
de Janeiro before dawn on Sunday, the latest incident in a wave of violent
crime plaguing Brazil's seaside tourist mecca.
JDEIDET YABOUS, Syria - The Syrian leader of an Islamic militant group
blew himself up Tuesday after trying to cross into Lebanon and engaging
in a gunbattle with Syrian border forces. Two border guards were wounded.
JAKARTA (Reuters) - A strong undersea earthquake struck near the
Moluccas islands in northern Indonesia on Wednesday..
GUINOBATAN, Philippines - Storm, mudslides kill 198 in Philippines
For nearly three hours Thursday afternoon, mudslides ripped through Mayon's
gullies, uprooting trees, flattening houses and engulfing people. Entire hamlets
were swamped in Mayon, on northern Luzon island. Some 198 people were killed
— most in mudslides on Mayon — and 260 were missing.
"For then there will be great distress,
unequaled from the beginning of the world until now-
-and never to be equaled again.
If those days had not been cut short,
no one would survive..."
(Matthew 24:21,22)(NIV)-BibleGateway
"Men will be weak with fear.
They will be afraid of the things
that will be happening to the world."
(Luke 21:26)(WorldWide English)(WE)-BibleGateway
"As the end approaches,
people are going to be self-absorbed,
money-hungry, self-promoting, stuck-up,
profane, contemptuous of parents, crude,
coarse, dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers,
impulsively wild, savage, cynical, treacherous,
ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust,
and allergic to God. They'll make a show of religion,
but behind the scenes they're animals."
(2Timothy 3:2-5)(MSG)-BibleGateway