Aonghas Shrugged
2011-11-24 20:34:22 UTC
When I was a Young Earth Creationist speaker/debater/writer defender back in the 1960's and 1970's, the lack of an Internet made it somewhat difficult for the average person to debunk a lot of the atrocious claims we were making. [Once I realized that the Bible in no way denies evolutionary processes and once I studied the science itself, I left the YEC camp. But what bothered me most was the lying and continued denial of various facts, even after deceptive quote-mining and scientific errors were identified.] But now that the Internet makes it so easy for people to debunk fallacious claims by YECs, aren't the bogus complaints posed against evolution counter-productive? Isn't it time for more honest strategies?
[After all, "Lying for Jesus" has become a standard term to describe YECs claims about evolution. Surely having a reputation as a liar is not a good tactic. Is it time for a change?]