What do you think about homosexuality?
2008-05-26 01:19:56 UTC
So is homosexuality a sin? “It depends” is my answer. The question is no longer ‘gay’ or ‘straight’ but an issue of love in the relationship. First and foremost, is this relationship encouraging both partners’ spiritual growth and relationship with God?” And second, is this a relationship loving and healthy for both parties? God is not concerned with the superficial things that worry us. He does not care what our sexual orientation, gender, skin color, or church affiliation is. These things have no meaning to God. He goes straight to the heart of the matter and simply asks the question, “Is this relationship based on, and operating in, My love or not?”

What do YOU think about homosexuality ? is it a sin to you ( it is not a sin but you're free to believe it or not )
23 answers:
2008-05-26 01:37:11 UTC
I don't dwell on what other people do with their privates, if it is among consenting adults. And as for homosexuality, well fine, that just means less competition for guys like us.
2008-05-26 11:50:34 UTC
It's so good so it must be a sin ;)~

I once heard someone say that "homosexuality is God's gift to talented people, no annoying brats hanging around"


"I feel that there can be a love between two men as there is with man and woman but where the error comes in is that there is a sexual attraction there that I don't feel God intended there to be."

Well then, if he didn't intend men to have sex with each other then why doesn't this shithead called God just make it go away?

This is why I don't believe, the bible and God is just full of bullshit that doesn't make sense, it says kill on this page, and on the other it says don't kill, etc., religion just ****s up your mind big time.

And sexuality = who the person is attracted to physically and/or mentally. It isn't just about sex.
Yes & Amen
2008-05-26 08:49:35 UTC
you get into semantics when you say homosexuality. It says in the bible that David and Jonathon had a love and closeness for each other that was stronger then any man or woman. I feel that there can be a love between two men as there is with man and woman but where the error comes in is that there is a sexual attraction there that I don't feel God intended there to be. homosexuality means sex with another man. A person is sexually aroused be someone of the same sex. That is where the deviation comes. There is nowhere where it says that sexuality has anything to do with anything other then sex drive. I can have sex with women without feeling any love or strong feeling for them. I am a heterosexual. Now I have had relationships with males that were closer than the relationship with my wife but I have felt no sexual attraction for them. I have loved them and cared for them like they were a part of me but there was no sexual feelings.

So you cant say that affection for another male or female(whatever your orientation) is homosexual unless there is a desire for sexual contact. I do believe this is where "homosexuals" get confused. They get the emotional confused with the physical.

I'm opening a big can of worms here...!

right you are eric!
2008-05-26 08:27:06 UTC
I am reasonably confident that the Christian Bible calls homosexual acts an abomination in the eyes of God.

Yup, there it is in Leviticus 18. Oh, there it is again in Romans 1. And there, in Revelation 22, Jesus Christ himself is condemning the sexually immoral! Wow, looks like God thinks it's a sin, alright.

I think that the Bible is the complete and inerrant word of God. To say that you think that it is not a sin is to say that you don't believe the Bible.
2008-05-26 09:37:44 UTC
I love how you've phrased it

I don't get why people get so obsessed over what others do in adult consensual relationships

the term 'homosexual' wasn't invented till 1869 so it can't be a sin

the below is thanks to Tim A

Romans 1:26 and 27 clearly speak of same-gender sex by both men and women, the only passage in the New Testament that does so. Rom. 1:18-32 speaks of Gentiles (heterosexuals) who could and should have known and served and given thanks to God but would not, so God gave them up and let them do whatever they wanted to do, and that resulted in degrading and shameful acts, including same-gender sex. It is almost a moot point, but Paul is not listing sins for which God will condemn anyone, he is listing sins that occur because people have forsaken Him. These are acts committed by those who have turned away from God and so become "consumed with passion." All of us recognize that those who forsake God and give themselves over to lustful living--homosexual or heterosexual--stand condemned by the Bible. This passage is talking about people who chose to forsake God.

I Corinthians 6:9

King James Version:

9...Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate [malakoi], nor abusers of themselves with mankind [arsenokoitai], 10 Nor thieves..., shall inherit the kingdom of God.

New International Version

9...Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes [malakoi] nor homosexual offenders [arsenokoitai] 10 nor thieves...will inherit the kingdom of God.

Revised Standard Version--1952 edition:

9...Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals [malakoi and arsenokoitai], 10 nor thieves..., will inherit the kingdom of God.

Revised Standard Version--1971 edition:

9...Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts [malakoi and arsenokoitai], 10 nor thieves..., will inherit the kingdom of God.

A comparison of how the two Greek words (malakoi and arsenokoitai) are translated in the different versions shows that translations often, unfortunately, become the interpretations of the translators. In I Cor. 6:9 Paul lists the types of persons who will be excluded from the kingdom of God and for some he uses the Greek words malakoi and arsenokoitai. KJ translates the first "effeminate," a word that has no necessary connection with homosexuals. The NIV translates the first "male prostitutes" and the second, "homosexual offenders". The RSV in its first edition of 1952 translated both words by the single term, "homosexuals". In the revised RSV of 1971, the translation "homosexuals" is discarded and the two Greek words are translated as "sexual perverts"; obviously the translators had concluded the earlier translation was not supportable.

Malakoi literally means "soft" and is translated that way by both KJ and RSV in Matt. 11:8 and Luke 7:25. When it is used in moral contexts in Greek writings it has the meaning of morally weak; a related word, malakia, when used in moral contexts, means dissolute and occasionally refers to sexual activity but never to homosexual acts. There are at least five Greek words that specifically mean people who practice same-gender sex. Unquestionably, if Paul had meant such people, he would not have used a word that is never used to mean that in Greek writings when he had other words that were clear in that meaning. He must have meant what the word commonly means in moral contexts, "morally weak." There is no justification, most scholars agree, for translating it "homosexuals."

Arsenokoitai, is not found in any extant Greek writings until the second century when it apparently means "pederast", a corrupter of boys, and the sixth century when it is used for husbands practicing anal intercourse with their wives. Again, if Paul meant people practicing same-gender sex, why didn't he use one of the common words? Some scholars think probably the second century use might come closest to Paul's intention. If so, there is no justification for translating the word as "homosexuals." Other scholars see a connection with Greek words used to refer to same-gender sex in Leviticus. If so, it is speaking of heterosexuals given to such lust they turn to such acts.
Zombie Hunter
2008-05-26 08:31:13 UTC
It isnt a sin imo, but if im wrong i will burn in hell, anyone who says love the sinner hate the sin, that is even worse than hate, it makes me feel unworthy, like fiilth, like i do not deserve to be in heaven with god.
2008-05-26 11:14:55 UTC
It is the only sexuality I know. For me it's as natural as breathing. I think the idea of sin (in this or any other area) is a ridiculous concept anyway.
2008-05-26 08:24:08 UTC
well being a homosexual I'd have to say that to me it is not a sin, but the bible makes it pretty clear that it is wrong with the man not laying with another man as he would with a woman.

Though I don't believe in the bible. So It does depend on how you interpret the bible.
✡ Danit ✡
2008-05-26 08:45:55 UTC
Homosexuality in itself is not sin, but it lays grounds for sin.

It lays grounds for looking at another person with lust (well that's the same for heterosexuals), it lays grounds for fornication (which is possible in heterosexual couples too, but homosexual couples do not have the possibility to do anything but fornicate if they plan on having a sexual relationship) and it lays grounds for the homosexual behavior.

What results out of it are sins. I am a sinful person. I was born in sin and in sin did my mother bring me forth. I have my personal tendencies towards sin. I do not have a tendency towards alcoholism, but I did struggle to get away from cigarettes.

I also did struggle with natural relationships and I was willing to give in to my lusts for some time and I did exchange the natural for the unnatural.

God did set me free. He freed me to choose between what He wants and what my filthy and sinful nature wanted. He took me out of the bondage of sin and lifted me up. He made me truly free to choose, because my sin had chained me to the ground.

I was born in sin. I was born with the tendency towards further sin. God helped me to see my sin and He gave me the strength to fight my sin and to withstand temptation.
Fascist asskicker
2008-05-26 08:31:14 UTC
Exactly the same as I think about heterosexuality,its a sexual orientation,not a choice.
2008-05-26 08:25:23 UTC
Yes it's a sin, it's a despicable one at that. Not only does it involve sodomy (a sin even amongst heterosexuals), but it involves two people of the same sex.

God does care about homosexuality, for it causes harm not only to the people involved but to the rest of society (homo's spread STD's). God forbade for a reason, the same reason why he forbade pork or alcohol.
2008-05-26 08:50:43 UTC
It's not a matter of whether or not it's a sin "to me" or to anyone else, but whether or not it's a sin to God. All of us would disagree on so many different issues, but God has the last word. Since homosexual relationships are contrary to the way God has ordained our relationships to function, no homosexual relationship is "based on, nor operat[es] in," His love.

With that said, I don't know how anyone who claims to be a Christian could read the following passage and say that homosexuality is not a sin:

"God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles.

So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too." - Romans 1:18-32 (NLT)

I see this going on in the forums all the time: people thinking up foolish ideas of what God is like, their minds consequently becoming dark and confused, claiming to be wise but becoming utter fools . . . and encouraging others to follow their example.

There is forgiveness and grace, but you must repent of these ways and turn to Jesus Christ. Belief in Him is the only way to Heaven, and He can cleanse and forgive you of these sinful desires!
Diane (PFLAG)
2008-05-26 08:29:26 UTC
I think homosexuality is perfectly natural for homosexuals..

I don't believe sin exists..
2008-05-26 08:25:45 UTC
I'm happy for people to love and respect one another in what ever way the feel inclined to practice that love and respect.

I loves me some gays.
2008-05-26 11:07:47 UTC
I don't believe in sin. Actions are lawful or not. Laws are just or not. I obey laws I consider just.
2008-05-26 08:43:07 UTC
Half of your question 'informs' us what God wants and thinks.

How do you know what God wants or thinks?Those things are what you want and think.

What do I think of homosexuality? I am gay and it's faaaaaabulous darling!
2008-05-26 08:34:00 UTC
According to the Bible it says "Judge not least you be judged" so therefore I don't think anything when it comes to homoseuality.Our creator will be the judge over everything & everyone
2008-05-26 08:32:46 UTC
It's not bad in any way. Gay on, people.
2008-05-26 08:23:51 UTC
There is no sin, only consequence. If it harms none, do what you will.
2008-05-26 08:31:03 UTC
I think its none of my buisness who loves who .
2008-05-26 08:22:33 UTC
I do not consider it a sin.
2008-05-26 08:37:12 UTC
gay,straight,bi, its nobodys business, if your happy then so be it, leave em alone
2008-05-26 08:22:05 UTC
I think it's wrong, but it feels so right.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.