Are the people who don't share your views idiots?
2008-05-18 18:56:19 UTC
I'm always amazed how some believe that other people who don't share there beliefs or disbeliefs are complete idiots.

It doesn't seem to matter in subject: Religion, if you don't believe in God...welll you're an idiot...Oh you do believe in God...well you're an idiot.

Oh you're a Republican....well then you're an idiot
Oh you're a Democrat...well then you're an idiot

Is there anyone out there who is passionate about their beliefs or disbeliefs who can honestly say: I don't believe or disbelive what these others say...but I respect them and I don't believe they are IDIOTS??
55 answers:
ethereal spirit
2008-05-18 19:00:14 UTC
Absolutely not. In fact, I learn a lot from other people who are willing to share their beliefs, faith, or science with me.

And yes, I can say "I don't believe or disbelive what these others say...but I respect them and I don't believe they are IDIOTS??"
2008-05-18 19:13:53 UTC
No, they are not idiots. Matter of fact, my views are quite different than any others I've read on this website, but I go by the spirit, and pray that if I'm guided by the spirit, and say the truth, the spirit shall verify it to any who, if they are worthy, may read it.

If I help one person, through what the spirit has taught me, then I feel my words are not wasted. No one expects to save the whole world when one can only save himself.

Whatever I say, I know it is being written in heaven and if I'm wrong, then at least I can face God and say, I tried the best I could with the what the spirit has taught me. If I've misconstrued any spiritual verification of a truth, then I ask God to forgive me, which I do every night, for none of us here on earth are perfect.
я люблю ромка
2008-05-18 19:01:48 UTC
I think that is just how some people are but, No i don't believe that having opposing views or beliefs of eachother makes one an idiot .. or if that is the case then we are all idiots, I think alot of people get aggrivated at how easily influenced some people are or, How some people claim their opinions as Fact, But me for one, have a profound respect for my beliefs and ALSO those of others, and i enjoy hearing boths sides, and respect others views as i would want mine to be respected as well, unfortune enough that isn't how this world works... but it doesnt mean people with different views then yours are idiots by anymeans!
Aya Rose
2008-05-18 19:03:14 UTC
No. See, there's a secret that some people learn and some never do.

Everyone is an idiot. ^^ I'm an idiot, you're an idiot, we're all idiots.

It doesn't matter really. Sometimes idiots say really bright things, some do it more often then others. But at the end of the day, everybody says something stupid.

When some one disagrees with you, you spend more time looking for the stupid things they do to 'prove' your argument is more right.
2008-05-18 19:01:29 UTC
Of course they aren't idiots for not believing the same things I do. Some things are trivial and some things - I'm wrong on.

Discussion is good and maybe both of you can come away from the table with a different perspective on what you did or didn't believe in.
2016-12-18 10:07:43 UTC
My solutions are often my opinion or info backed up with components. purely because of the fact i've got self assurance top approximately some thing would not make somebody else incorrect. surely everyone has a top to their opinion. yet, i've got self assurance that ( my opinion back) that there are a number of who motel to call calling, character assassination, and different distasteful assaults that they could desire to experience ashamed of themselves. No, i do no longer think of they are idiots. i think of that the anonymity of the internet makes them experience secure of their assaults. i choose to additionally say that I quite have examine quite a number of questions and solutions right here and there are a number of who are nicely asked and/or spoke back. Bravo to those human beings.
Beauty is not skin deep
2008-05-18 19:02:59 UTC
My religion (which I will not mention) is VERY beautiful to me, I love it, EVERYTHING makes sense. and even though some people dont believe as I do, I do not see them as idiots. I see them as "humans" . Humans have brains, and our brains think differentley. So, to not agree with me is not stupidity its actually a sign of intelligence, because its a different idea, a different belief and to think up something different and actaully support it invovles brain power. Hope that made sense =)
2008-05-18 19:06:15 UTC
Of course not. They just have a different opinion, that's all. I believe in treating others with respect, regardless of whether their beliefs match mine or not. For instance, very few of my close friends share my religious beliefs, but we still get along just fine.
2008-05-18 18:59:49 UTC
I think idiots are idiots. I love a great dialog and someone with a different opinion who can challenge me and get me to think. So I respect people who are able to make clear arguments in their favor while still respecting the dialog.
2008-05-18 19:00:55 UTC
I dont expect everyone out there to believe in everything that I believe in and I give them due respect. I have the right to believe in what I want and so do they. We may not agree, but oh well.
2008-05-18 19:02:52 UTC
No, they are the ones who hold the opinions you never thought about, the ones who will lend you there version of life, and bring you that much closer to truth. You have to realize that you view the world from a single point, and that there are countless other points to be observed.
Purdey EP
2008-05-18 19:00:51 UTC
I personally do respect others' viewpoints. I may not agree with them, but they have the right to have whatever opinion they want to have. However, if an argument is poorly presented, I will point out the flaws, but I do it politely. Name-calling is something that people who can't present what they think calmly and rationally resort to.
Cold Truth
2008-05-18 19:38:01 UTC
Not many Free Thinkers out there any more. Just addicts to the Opium of the Masses. Viva La Liberta!
2008-05-18 19:01:09 UTC

no just kidding, i see what ya mean bro. I just wish people would think more.... just pick an issue, analize it from a few points of view, get the facts and make your decesion.

but yeah, people should respect others views, you dont have to like them but dont hate people because of them.
freedom fighter
2008-05-18 19:02:07 UTC
yes me. i always say hey believe what you do and i wil believe what i do but have respect for one another. i see what you mean. especially in this section. it's crazy the way atheists and muslims are treated on here, so what we don't have the same beliefs or non beliefs but i ask for is respect is for respect.

see i proved my thought someone gave me a thumbsdown b/c i mentioned the ill treatment of atheists and muslims, the two most hated groups on YA. whatever,grow up people
2008-05-18 19:23:39 UTC
You do realize that you will only get political correct answers. When called out, few will admit that they would call someone a bad characterization. If you find proof of it, they will attempt to minimize the insult or claim that you misread them.
2008-05-18 19:01:41 UTC
I try to be as opened minded as I can in life. If my beliefs are different from somebody else's I try to look at things from their perspective. Doing this really expands ones range on thought.
2008-05-18 19:14:33 UTC
wow,,, you git the kudos for hitting a nerve with all the Idiots...

have you ever heard of "Wisdom of the Idiots" by Idries Shah...?

you might find it most enjoyable...

but (perhaps) only if you are an idiot.

also ... James 3 is a wonderful truthful tale of the tongue...
2008-05-18 19:01:16 UTC
NO, I have family and friends who are pretty opposite in their beliefs. But I am not here to judge. I feel very strongly about my beliefs but we would just talk our selves to death trying to convince the other party to change so why not just agree to disagree.
2008-05-18 19:00:42 UTC
I dont mind if people disagree with me...its their belief, and unless its a ridiculously stupid belief (i.e. the sky is yellow and green) i dont generally classify them as idiots right off the bat.
Imagine No Religion
2008-05-18 18:59:51 UTC
No I do not think that anyone who has different views from me are idiots; however, when they make silly comments with no proof to support their comments then I view them as idiots.
2008-05-18 19:01:26 UTC
I don't think anybody is an idiot. Deceived by satan, may be, but an idiot? No.

To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever! Jesus is Lord.
2008-05-18 19:01:58 UTC
My favorite example of this is people who burn the flag. I don't agree with them. I would fight for their right to do so. But that is what this country is built on: Your right to do whatever you want to do as long as it's not illegal, immoral or doesn't hurt anybody else. If their opinion differs from mine, so be it. But when s/he goes to burn our beloved flag, I hope s/he wraps it around his/her body and burns himself up with it.

Differing opinions keep things interesting. But they should not be discussed in the work place!
2008-05-18 19:00:25 UTC
it depends on what beliefs we are talking about. I believe everyone is equal... people who are racist ARE idiots.

However I am christian and believe in Gay rights... lots of people disagree and are still good people.

so ya I think it can go either way
2008-05-18 19:01:37 UTC
i don't think ppl are idiots b/c they don't believe in the same thing i do. they think i am but i just tell them that its what they believe and i'm not changing just b/c they think i'm in the wrong. its really none of my business what other ppl believe anyways so i just let them be.
Mmk K
2008-05-18 19:01:57 UTC
haha people are just like sheeps , everyone follows the best convincing ideas however, there are p[people who "try" to be against it or "different from the society" even tho deep in their hearts they believe it...yet, in other countries everything is different because we have different world views from one another!

oh well, everyone have their own opinions, stick with ur own's just my opinion, point of view, perspective =S (watever u call it)
Well, that's okay too.
2008-05-18 18:59:57 UTC
I don't believe or disbelive what these others say...but I respect them.

Plus, they're idiots, so who cares anyway.
2008-05-18 19:01:05 UTC
i believe people are idiots when they are truely idiots...not because of what they believe in... i respect everyones beliefs..just as i would expect them to respect mine
dyslexic dog
2008-05-18 19:01:03 UTC
It depends. I can't stand when people think that if gay marriage is legalized, God will be angry and destroy us or something.

Well, if that happens, than they won't have anything to worry about, will they?

Most things I'm okay about, but THAT really pushes my buttons.
2008-05-18 19:01:07 UTC
not at all. we're all seeking truth, some are privy, others aren't. but because Jesus first loved me, i can also love them even though they believe in contrast. the same God who knitted me in my mother's womb and knows my thoughts from afar does the same for all creation.
2008-05-18 19:00:30 UTC
No. If you can't come up with a better argument than calling someone a name, your shouldn't be expressing your views.
2008-05-18 19:00:05 UTC
yup. i am one of those people...i honestly believe to each their own. no two people think a two people have had the exact same life experiences to relate to... and everyone perceives things differently....
Dave D
2008-05-18 18:59:33 UTC
The only people I view as idiots are people that try to force me to share their views.
Pirate AM™
2008-05-18 19:03:09 UTC
I do not assume that some one is an idiot based on disagreement with me; that would be idiotic.
2008-05-18 19:01:29 UTC
No, but there are people who make idiotic statements and ask idiotic questions.
2008-05-18 19:00:51 UTC
no, every body has there differing view just because they don't agree with what you say that doesn't make them idiots that makes them different
2008-05-18 18:59:22 UTC
Yes, it is possible for someone to have beliefs which directly contradict mine, and not be an idiot.
2008-05-18 19:00:50 UTC
it depends on what but yeah everybody has the right to believe what they want.... we have different views and different cultural background too
Thumbs down me now
2008-05-18 19:00:54 UTC
no. people who mock others for thier beleifs and call them idiots are idiots.
2008-05-18 19:01:07 UTC
no one who disagrees with me are idiots. everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion and that's fine by me.
2008-05-18 19:17:38 UTC
I realize everyone is different and has different views and opinions on everything... so no, I don't.
2008-05-18 19:02:57 UTC
No. Everyone in life has their good/bad quirks.
2008-05-18 18:59:32 UTC
Everyone is an idiot.. But being an adult and having an invisible friend makes you even more of an idiot.
2008-05-18 19:00:33 UTC
homie be floss and his grip of chedder


were all idiots inside
2008-05-18 18:59:03 UTC
not all the time.

just because i don't share their views doesn't make me an idoit. so why should it work the other way?(in most cases)
2008-05-18 19:00:45 UTC
People are idiots no matter what they think!!!!!
2008-05-18 19:00:31 UTC
No. They are just wrong. Smart people can be wrong too.
2008-05-18 18:59:11 UTC
2008-05-18 18:59:01 UTC
no - I am the Idiot for letting it bother me if i don't agree.
Alec D
2008-05-18 19:00:09 UTC
i do. im a christian but i can understand the athiest's views
2008-05-18 18:59:14 UTC
2008-05-18 18:59:24 UTC
No that just means they are narrow minded
2008-05-18 18:59:13 UTC
Does is really matter?
2008-05-18 18:58:41 UTC
2008-05-18 18:59:05 UTC
I do...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.