Is There Any Relgious Reasons As To Why An Infertile Couple Cannot Have Intercourse?
2007-11-13 11:00:46 UTC
The Catholics say that sex is only supposed to be between two married people to give birth to children and nothing else. Also only if they love each other. Since being infertile, the risk of having kids is not there and if you love really love each other then can you have sex?
28 answers:
2007-11-13 11:05:06 UTC
I'd like to add to your question.

Would the RC church marry a post menopausal woman since she will be getting married to have sex with no expectation of procreation?
2007-11-13 12:09:43 UTC
First of all the Catholics do not say that. Whoever told you that has misunderstood the teaching of the Catholic Church. The Catholics say that sex between a husband and wife must be unitive and procreative. This means they are to be coming together as loving spouses, open to life, and open to the will of God.

This means that infertile couples should have sex. They are doing nothing on their own to prevent children. They are open to life and to God's will. We have many examples in the Bible where God gives children to those who had been childless for a long time.

Our sexuality in marriage is an expression of our love for each other. Being open to life invites God into our union, not just on our wedding day but every day of our marriage. When an infertile couple has sex they are saying "yes" to God.
2007-11-13 11:14:27 UTC
The Catholic Catechism states 2 purposes for intercourse. There is nothing officially wrong with a married infertile couple enjoying the wild thing together to strengthen their unity. Not all Catholics know this.
Danny H
2007-11-13 11:10:10 UTC
Yes you can. Sex is a gift from God, a physical celebration of the marriage convenant and a share in His creative power. Your infertility does not mean that you cannot have sex. You simply cannot close the act to life with contraception.

By the way, how is having children a bad thing (risk)?
2007-11-13 11:11:28 UTC
Well, the Bible says that infertile people such as Abraham and his wife can have sex. The infertile couple had sex and Isaac, etc., resulted.

The European Catholic Church is 100% non-scientific about sex.

The European Catholic Church is all nonsense (aka fibs) about what Eve and Adam did to start the human race.

Christian Churches present balance and accuracy in sex vs the European Catholic Churches which don't.
2007-11-13 11:08:46 UTC
No, there is no reason why an infertile couple can't have sex. Using the example of Catholic doctrine, there is always the possibility of divine intervention (remember Abraham and his wife in the Old Testament?) making conception possible sometime down the road.
2016-09-29 08:10:46 UTC
I even have twelve. some are only issues i admire, at the same time as some have own/religious meaning. As for religious... nicely, i'm an atheist yet I actually have a tattoo of Jesus, which definite I did get carry of as an atheist... there's a narrative in the back of it. My renowned tattoo is my chestpiece. it rather is a family contributors/historical past piece. nearly all of adult men in my family contributors are coal miners, and it represents that.
2007-11-13 11:18:20 UTC
The Catholic Church does not teach that marital relations are solely for procreation. Procreation should not be artificially prevented, but that is not the same thing.

The Church clearly teaches that the marital act is an expression of love and intimacy between husband and wife. It is a gift to be shared within the marriage relationship, and not outside of it.
2007-11-13 21:04:12 UTC
Intercourse isn't just about child-bearing; it is meant for a way for two spouses to bond together and deepen their love.

So, a married couple can have intercourse without making babies. They just got to make sure it's only straight intercourse and NOT porn-related stuff.
Ray Patterson - The dude abides
2007-11-13 11:10:05 UTC
Actually this is quite bizarre. The whole thing about how the only purpose of marriage is raising children is just a sham. If a man and a woman over 60 want to get married there is no problem for the church, but if two pregnant women want to get married they can't. That just doesn't make sense.

Oh and love? I don't think love is required, only marriage.
2007-11-13 11:08:40 UTC
Not true, and you should stop spreading lies.

2360 Sexuality is ordered to the conjugal love of man and woman. In marriage the physical intimacy of the spouses becomes a sign and pledge of spiritual communion. Marriage bonds between baptized persons are sanctified by the sacrament.

2361 "Sexuality, by means of which man and woman give themselves to one another through the acts which are proper and exclusive to spouses, is not something simply biological, but concerns the innermost being of the human person as such. It is realized in a truly human way only if it is an integral part of the love by which a man and woman commit themselves totally to one another until death."[142]

2362 "The acts in marriage by which the intimate and chaste union of the spouses takes place are noble and honorable; the truly human performance of these acts fosters the self-giving they signify and enriches the spouses in joy and gratitude."[144] Sexuality is a source of joy and pleasure:

The Creator himself . . . established that in the [generative] function, spouses should experience pleasure and enjoyment of body and spirit. Therefore, the spouses do nothing evil in seeking this pleasure and enjoyment. They accept what the Creator has intended for them. At the same time, spouses should know how to keep themselves within the limits of just moderation.[145]
2007-11-13 11:10:47 UTC
It is not just the Catholics who suggest marriage is only meant for procreation.Any Christian who is anti gay marriage makes the same "argument".So, this question should really be addressed to them as well.Obviously, it isn't so much a question of procreation as it is just something that they disagree with so much that they are willing to use their beliefs as a way of preventing people from living their lives freely and using a point that is a moot point since procreation obviously isn't the only reason to marry.
Gods child
2007-11-13 11:14:37 UTC
The Catholic teaching is to be open to the transmission of new life. In their hearts the are open to this however biologically they cannot. They certainly can express their love for each other in a dignified way
2007-11-13 11:09:20 UTC
Well, in Proverbs, near the end, the teacher advises his listener to "enjoy the wife of your youth" so no, I don't think there is any valid reason. God invented sex; Satan has only been able to twist it. There's nothing wrong with it in the context of marriage, fertile or not.
2007-11-13 11:04:22 UTC
No, the Catholic church does not say that, exactly. Because of course married couples can continue to have sex well after their child-bearing years.

Yes - have sex all you want with your husband or wife, whether or not you are able to have children.
Super Atheist
2007-11-13 11:10:59 UTC
The general religious approach to sex is that it's disgusting, sinful and should be made as unpleasant as possible. The fact that it's pleasurable seems to be regarded by many religions as a rather sordid and unnecessary move by God, which they don't approve of.

Some orthodox religions insist that copulation take place through a strategically-placed hole in a rough and prickly burlap sheet sometimes called a chemise cagoul, to maximise its nastiness.

Nevertheless, it seems to be necessary to provide more of the faithful, so it's grudgingly permitted for that purpose.

Those who are unable to make such provision had better damn well stay away from the whole nasty business, which they have no business doing.

Jacob Dahlen
2007-11-13 11:08:49 UTC
There is no religious reason that I am aware of that prevents anyone from having sex in heaven so long as it is between a man and a women who are already married...
2007-11-13 11:07:00 UTC
I argue the same thing about homosexual sex. If two people consent, then what is the problem? A child can't consent, an animal can't consent, a toaster over can't consent! Yet, people still like to pretend that if homosexuality is OK, then so is adultery and pedophilia.

I know that is not a religious reason, but if we want to take the Bible literally, then no one should be "lusting." Older people who are no longer fertile, people who were never fertile, and homosexuals. Do I believe this? No. Sexual desires are a part of nature (look at puberty!). I have to say that is one part of the Bible and Christianity that is largely interpreted wrong.
2007-11-13 11:13:06 UTC
God created sex, for married people to enjoy. read it for your self in the old testament, song of Solomon
2007-11-13 11:04:19 UTC
Actually, the Catholics say you are not supposed to do anything to prevent conception. So, an infertile catholic couple can be married and have sex.

And anyway, I've known two supposedly infertile couples to have babies.
just because
2007-11-13 11:05:32 UTC
i think they should have sex.. yes sex is necessary to have kids but it is also written not to deny your spouse. besides it just feels good.
2007-11-13 11:06:15 UTC
Who cares about the Cathilocs and their arcane view of the world. Enjoy yourself regardless of your fertility or lack thereof. If you've ever read the Bible it specificially says be fruiiful and multiply yet the Cathilocs and many Christian sects say that sex is a sin...Yet another religious contradiction. So far as marriage goes it's a SECULAR concept not a religious one. It was a means to pass along properties from one generation to another via gender lines. PEACE!
Adam of the wired
2007-11-13 11:04:32 UTC
but the catholic church does not ban infertile couples from haveing sex.
Matthew S
2007-11-13 11:04:51 UTC
my opinion would be that it is ok as long as they are married. premarital sex is a sin
2007-11-13 11:04:24 UTC
Sex is a gift from GOD for married people. Forget what the cult says.
ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker
2007-11-13 11:04:29 UTC
There is enough evidence of infirtile couples getting nasty to prove it is possible.
2007-11-13 11:06:19 UTC
Oh I hope not, then they'll be in the streets raising HELL!!

2007-11-13 11:03:34 UTC
That is rubbish.

Catholics are a false doctrine cult and are not saved and are not Christians. Catholics believe a false gospel of works that leads to eternal hell (Galatians 1).

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