Question about God....!?
2009-08-09 23:00:08 UTC
My sister is trying to prove to me that God exists and I told her that im the kind of person that needs proof to believe. She then told me that im an idiot because I dont believe in him. Is it bad that I feel bad for not believing in him? Should I do more research on God and try to be faithful like I was when I was younger or should I stick to my beliefs?
73 answers:
2009-08-09 23:04:46 UTC
I'm actually in the exact same boat you are. My friend told me how God changed her life and that she wishes i could be faithful like her. But i just never felt that "life changing" experience with religion. I feel bad about not believing in him like i should. I would do more research, thats what i'm trying to do...Good luck
Robert B
2009-08-09 23:12:11 UTC
The fact that some people believe in a god and other don't suggests that there is no obvious way of proving things one way or the other. Most believers will mention the word 'faith' which really doesn't help because it is a way of pretending that problems don't exist. It's part of the religious fantasy world. Have faith and everything will slot into place!!! For me the problem isn't about whether there is a god or not but about whether this God is a caring personal God with a capital letter. Knowing that there is a god out there just moves you on to the next question which is all about where this god came from. I'm happy to live the life of an agnostic. I enjoy the fact that the world is full of mysteries. If no one has discovered a way of proving God's existence by now then the chances are they never will. If there is a God then 'he' or 'she' does a good job of hiding the fact.
Bob B.
2009-08-09 23:06:46 UTC
Well you can't prove that God exists as most people think of God, however there is proof that some power (what we call God) exists. The following is that proof...

1. Everything in the universe exists because it was caused by something that existed before it. (Bet you can't think of anything that wasn't caused by something)

2. The universe exists and must have been caused by something.

Here we see the problem, there has to be a cause without a cause, a first cause. This is what God is.

Personally I don't believe in God as a person or spirit, I just believe that God is a force that we don't understand, like gravity.

Anyways stick to your beliefs.
2009-08-09 23:10:26 UTC
You are not bound to believe something that you cannot accept. You are bound to seek truth, however.

You should listen to what your sister is trying to explain, even if you don't think she is doing a good job of it.

I accept the existence of God because if there was no God then there would be nothing. God is the reason that anything and everything exists.

Some people try to prove that God exists from the Bible. This doesn't work, because the Bible is God's revelation, and not proof of His existence. God came before the Bible. He existed before the Bible, and He inspired men to write the Bible.

It's a special book because it is inspired by God, but it proves nothing about God's existence. I could just as well show a book of fairies, and say that because the book tells of fairies that therefore they must exist. This is clearly ludicrous. The fairies must first exist in reality for the book to be teaching anything about them.
2009-08-09 23:08:45 UTC
This is a very good question. Normally, i would try to answer in this forum. However, since the evidence is so vast, at the rigoris detailed level, if you like, i can address this question in any amount of detail. I am doing a Ph.D in Mathematical Physics and am a Bible believeing Christian. I claim that the claims of the Bible are true after all, so, if you have not yet come accross the huge amounts of information that would more than adequately convince you of this, i highly recommend that you keep researching. I think i could greatly help speed that process along for you if you were willing.

Blessings in Christ,

2009-08-09 23:11:57 UTC
Once you see there something is amiss, it is hard to go back to church and believe all the rubbish. Tell your sister that she has the right to believe in what she wants. She has NO right to force you to believe in something that doesn't make sense to you. And she has no right to harass you about it. If you don't believe, you don't believe. Somehow you have seen the light and the believers are scared of losing another soldier in their cause. Just remember that religious are not allowed to question their beliefs. You have crossed that line and now it's time to find other people who feel the same way. it is hard to feel alone in this matter. There are plenty of groups that meet regularly who do not believe in a god or dogma but still like the companionship of like minded people: unitarian universalists, secular humanists, humanists, agnostics, skeptics, free thinkers, and the extreme -- atheists. my best to you. stand tall. be who you are - let other people push you toward something you don't want.

from a happy sane out & proud atheist
2009-08-09 23:05:39 UTC
Well a lot of people always have this "You believe what you see" policy towards their beliefs and some people choose to stand by it. Other people like to judge things a different way. I personally don't believe in god because i have much better things to do than ramble about religion. No offense to any religious people of course, but it's really up to you on what you believe because you have a choice in religion! Don't forget that! Your cousin should RESPECT your decision instead of calling you an idiot. That's like you calling him an idiot for believing in god!
Christian Sinner
2009-08-09 23:07:11 UTC
You can gather evidence, and there is a lot of evidence of God. We have the Bible which is full of predictions and places which are found true in history and Archaeology. So there is plenty of evidence.

Proof is evidence sufficient to establish belief. It's a little different than evidence in that proof is a goal; it brings a person to believe.

If it's proof you must have, then God is the only one who can give it to you. Jesus said that God would send His Spirit to Earth after he left. And that is why I believe, because God taught me to believe Him. And I went along with it. I hope you can eventually do the same. The Spirit of God brings us to understanding if God wants us.

If you feel bad for not believing, then that is a very good thing. A bad thing would be to not care; it is the worst possible spiritual place you could be other than dying outside of Christ.
Boomer Sooner Fan!!!
2009-08-09 23:04:49 UTC
you will find no proof that god exist on the other hand you will find no proof that god doesn't exist religion is all about faith some have it some don't

you shouldn't feel bad there may come a time in your life when you have the faith to believe in god or it may never come and you may never believe but either way it will be your choice

stick to your beliefs but please keep an open mind
2009-08-09 23:04:19 UTC
If by "try to be faithful" you mean "lie to myself until I'm so confused I'll believe anything", I'd say stick to your beliefs.

Your sister and god-believers like her are the ones making the claim that a god exists. You're smart enough to make her prove it. Maybe if you keep that up, she'll wake up and stop lying to herself, too.
2009-08-09 23:10:07 UTC
The reason I believe there is a God - I have a son and my son has a unique personality that was present the minute he was born. Think about it. Why do you like certain things? Why did you like a certain toy over another when you were a child? Why do you like the type of music you like? I think we all have a soul and we are recreated after death with certain things attatched from our past. I believe that there has to be some truth to God considering the belief in him has lasted in great numbers over thousands of years. I believe there is heaven but no hell.

Reasons why I don't believe in the Bible- I do not believe in the Bible because I cant brind myself to accept that a single book has been passed down through thousands of years, unaltered through means of language changes, generation changes, etc. It's just impossible. Why did there have to be Noah and his ark? God could have fixed everything without a flood right?

I believe there is a God and only one God. I believe he had a son named Jesus who died on the cross and was resurrected for our sins but I DO NOT believe in the bible. There is a God but he's not what Christians today make him out to be. The bible is altered therefore it cannot be God's word in all of truth.

I am an non-typical Christian
2009-08-09 23:06:55 UTC
I do not believe either. Much like yourself, I need to see to believe. I have made it a point to learn about as many religions as possible. After doing so, I found that they all have a common thread. Believe in a mysterious being, worship, and give. If you do not, you will not prosper in the afterlife. Do not feel bad about not believing, but learn as much as you can and make an educated decision for yourself without letting anyone else tell you what to worship.
2009-08-09 23:17:47 UTC
You don't feel bad about not believing in god. If anything, that's what makes you feel good since its how you naturally feel.

You feel bad because your lack of belief is making you ostracized from a group you care about being a part of, in this case your sister / family.

And its rather emotionally manipulative of your sister to say "if you don't believe in god you are an idiot".
2009-08-09 23:16:29 UTC
Believe in what you believe in and never let any one else try to influence what you believe in.

1. Do you ever look around and wonder why things are the way they are ?

2. How did mankind start ?

3. Why do we live and than die ?

4. What happens to your sole after you die ?

5. Do you believe in karma ?

6. Why is there good and evil ? Anti Christ the bad ? God the good ?

Just a few un answered questions about the way life is ?
jessica [GORE]
2009-08-09 23:06:09 UTC
I was told point blank by one of my closest friends that I was mentally ill because I was unsaved.

I had never, ever thought about a violent act toward her until she said that to me. I felt so angry that I had to walk away.

I don't feel bad before not believing in God. Ignore her. Stick to your own beliefs. If you want to research, do that too. Learning more has never hurt anyone, it only helps.

I only feel bad for causing my mother sleepless nights and crying fits when I told her I was Agnostic.
2009-08-09 23:12:48 UTC
she shouldn't be calling you an idiot

the truth is, there's no proof to show that there isn't god either

don't "try" to be faithful

if you act on something you don't believe, you're lying to yourself

god will know the difference, too, so don't pretend

you have to find the truth for yourself

watch documentaries from both points of view

the one that really sold it to me was the fact that life couldn't start by itself. if you research thoroughly, you'll find you're being lied to by both sides, athiest and christian. actually, public school is the worst liar in my opinion haha.

i recommend you look at answers in gensis's webpage. some of it is a little silly, but there is some crazy stuff to find out.

just remember to keep it light.

if you get too biased or emotional, you'll make some weird decision.

don't let yourself get swayed by anyone else's opinion, just find stuff out by yourself, if you have a curious heart and need proof.

stay away from opinions and focus on fact.
Infinite Reason
2009-08-09 23:08:11 UTC
No. But the fact that you feel bad about it shows that you do believe that he exists and you should just stop fighting it and just follow your heart. I'm not saying that he does or does not but if you are feeling bad then do what makes you happy.
2009-08-09 23:03:47 UTC
You are absolutely correct in that there is not a single shred of evidence that would support the existence of a sky fairy.

Here is a quote from Albert Einstein on the subject and no one would ever all him stupid, the fact is that the more educated a person is the less likely they are to believe in a god concept.

The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this.

-- Albert Einstein
2009-08-10 00:11:42 UTC
Research.. your research should be giving your life to him. For a week at least. What's there to lose?

See what happens.

Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Well why do you think you have this sudden guilt? Maybe there's a reason your sister is trying to convince you.
2009-08-09 23:21:34 UTC
I am inclined to believe that faith, especially the really matured ones, is a gift from God. It is more of the initiative of God rather than your own decision. But if God called you to faith and you deliberately refused, then you are in a big trouble.
2009-08-09 23:17:45 UTC
Feeling bad for not believing means that deep inside you, you have faith. Yes, it is best if you do more research about God, the right path, the true faith that will lead you to Him - the Church of Christ.

Faith to God does not mean you have to see Him in person; it means serving him by obeying his commandments, feeling Him in your heart and seeing Him through the things He had done for you.
2009-08-09 23:07:00 UTC
Do as much research as possible in all points of view that will either prove or disprove for you the existence of a god.
2009-08-10 00:30:30 UTC
hi, i am a member of the elite (the Illuminati) and we have successfully accomplished the following:

1- set the insane basics of Atheism (resulting you)

2- set the scientifically disproved basics of evolution to backup the above ideology (resulting in increasing of Atheists)

3- established the political dominion on the US (resulting in having the US corrupting the world)

4- engineered pandemics such as birds Flu, Swine Flu, AIDS...etc

5- turned the African continent into a state of endless wars, poverty, illness, corruption....etc

6- controlled the media so ppl accept what they see, hear, study and read, so that our projects dont seem sinister

7- made Barak Hussein Obama president, as a step to make ppl have an idea subconsciously that he might be secretly a Muslim, and when the time comes, he will act as we tell him to announce he was secretly Muslim and he will declare "Jihad" on the US citizens, thats why we also prepared hundred thousands of coffins and fema trains in the US


2009-08-09 23:06:21 UTC
I honestly think the way you do. There's no wrong or right opinions on God I think. And another way to think of it, God made humans to question, and I feel like He wants us to question, and let us choose on our own what we believe is the right decision. God made humans knowing not all of us would believe, but He would still love us eternally. So go with what you feel is right, God is standing on your side no matter what your decision may be.
2009-08-09 23:05:58 UTC
I'm a strong Christian but I am not under the false assumption that people who do not believe in Him are idiots. I do think you should do your research though because there actually is proof that He exists.
Kaycee mae
2009-08-09 23:04:48 UTC
Have you thought about why you feel bad for not believing? Your not an idiot, but if your asking about it you might some were deep down actually believe and just be skeptical.
2009-08-09 23:02:55 UTC
Always stick with your beliefs. There is nothing wrong with being an atheist. I'm one myself, and nothing bad has happened so far. People are entitled to their own opinions, so tell your sister that you don't believe in God. Tell her you're a scientific person who needs solid proof to believe in anything and that's who you are. You can't change who you are.
2009-08-09 23:13:05 UTC
Who's the one with the invisible friend that lives up in the sky and believes in a dusty old book that says the earth is flat and square? Who thinks a God that kills little babies, commands stoning to death for working on the weekend and sends most of his children to hell, is loving? Who's the idiot?
2009-08-09 23:10:40 UTC
Don't believe in faith, believe in fact.

If God is. I'm sure its not what people say it is. Besides, why would any being want to preside over humanity? We suck!
2009-08-09 23:03:25 UTC
Stick to your beliefs, and don't feel bad for not believing in something that doesn't have a shred of evidence to prove it's existence.
2009-08-09 23:12:45 UTC
i think you should believe, but also try reading the bible for yourself. and last test what she says by prayer to the God she speaks of and ask him if He is real and does exist and to prove to you that there is a God. The real question is do you want to believe?
2009-08-09 23:06:42 UTC
You need to research and believe in God for your sister is really concern about your future life. She wants you to be happy with her in heaven with God rather than to be tortured forever in hell.
2009-08-09 23:04:12 UTC
Don't let others tell you what to believe! Think for yourself. If you want to try and find proof towards god, then go ahead. But don't believe just because your sister told you to!
2009-08-09 23:15:15 UTC
I believe in God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus.I know it may be hard to believe but, he exists. I recommend looking in the bible and study it.Also look in Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren and Daily Readings from Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen. If you want to witness it go to church and see people worship freely.
2009-08-09 23:12:00 UTC
There is nothing more important in the world than coming to grips with who you are, where you came from and where you are going.

If there is a God who gave you existence and consciousness, it is your responsibility to find out what it is He expects from you and how to live in harmony with Him.

I myself can testify there was a time in my life that, although I believed in God, I became angry with Him and told HIm to get out of my life. That began the most terrible few months in my life. Thank God He is very patient and was faithful to lead me back to Him. One day in a state of deep despair, I came home, fell on my face and started crying. A voice spoke from deep within me saying simply: "Maybe Jesus really did die for your sins." With that simple word a great change came over me, and the despair left and was replaced by a great sense of love and peace and hope and acceptance and understanding. I felt I had touched the heart of God for the first time in my life, and discovered He was the most delightful Being in the Universe. Later I came to know that what happened to me is what the Bible calls being "born again." I became a child of God that day through faith in Jesus Christ.

Please listen how God touched this man's life........
2009-08-09 23:03:35 UTC
I did research on god and things, even tried praying to it / him / her for the first few years of my life. I never got anywhere with it. I'm glad I kept those science books my dad gave me when I was a kid.

I'd say your sister is an idiot because she isn't accepting what you believe.
2009-08-09 23:15:34 UTC, "you" need proof to believe in something...? Ummm,

do you believe that the back side of the moon is made of "green cheese":...? (have you ever seen the back side of the moon...?) Let me help you with the answer... it's no. how can you believe that the moon has a "back side" if you've never seen it and can't offer me any proof...? umm ?

Can you prove to me that "air" is going into you Lungs when you breath...? Have you seen the "air"...? but you believe that the air is there, don't you...? Consider reading from the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 11... (that may help you with your question).
Count De Monet
2009-08-09 23:07:55 UTC
Read the New Testament and Pray. Not always pray for proof of Him around, for you'll be seeing it soon. But pray for an understanding of Jesus Christ. You'll get to the Father through Him.
2009-08-09 23:04:39 UTC
The only research on God, the only hard evidence is the Bible. To believe in God is exacty that, you have to believe in Him even if there is no absolute evidence. And for the people who say that "Nothing is aboslute," are they absolutely certain? Religions will swear up and down that theres is right and that you are wrong and that they know for a fact they are right. I don't argue with people anymore, people can choose for themselves whom they choose to serve, but as for me, I choose the Lord.
devin .
2009-08-09 23:04:34 UTC
God is an invisible God . He shows us his power through his miracles . No , you shouldn't really feel bad , but if you do . Do some research for yourself . I've seen some pretty crazy miracles in the last 6 years that i've been a Christian . Read the Bible for yourself !
2009-08-09 23:04:16 UTC
Well, you're not an idiot, and it's impossible to force yourself to believe. I encourage you to continue to reestablish your faith but your genuine doubt doesn't mean you are deficiant. If you want to be closer to God, then try to do so, if not, I don't know what else to say other than to just be up front about it.
2009-08-09 23:04:17 UTC
Its not bad at all. If you used to be religious and aren't anymore, there's probably a small part of you that still believes and feels guilty for saying you don't. Even if you mostly don't believe.

If you want to find God, then search. If you are content with your life without him/her/it then keep on living.
2009-08-09 23:09:09 UTC

Are you really worrying that he exists...???

This is 21st century... Tell your sister to open her eyes...

This is unbelievable...

You guys are trying to give birth to an already dead GOD...

Just don't make us laugh at you...

Don't make me feel like you're from far deep in Africa who has not been faced to the modern philosophical ideas...
2009-08-09 23:10:56 UTC
For religion I think its important for people to follow their own feelings on the matter.
2009-08-09 23:03:12 UTC
"There is no evidence for or against X, therefore there should be no belief or disbelief in X. Now fill in the X with either the Flying Spaghetti Monster or God..."
2009-08-09 23:06:42 UTC
i don't think you should feel bad for not believing. I think you should only feel bad if you don't give it a fair try in looking for evidence.

try reading the book, "case for christ" by lee strobel

this is an amazon link to it. It should help you to make up your mind one way or the other.

Enjoy :-)
2009-08-09 23:07:40 UTC
People have evidence of the existence of God, and the wisdom behind His creationدعاء%20الله

Proofs of Existence of God

Why we should believe in God - by Khalid Yassin

Evolution and God?

Is faith in the Unseen illogical and unscientific?


The Collapse of Atheism


ISLAM and the AIM of LIFE


Quran Miracles encyclopdia
Mit C. Hell
2009-08-09 23:03:11 UTC
Yeah, don't feel bad for not believing if there is no evidence. Stick to your beliefs. ;) Remember:

"What can be proven without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
2009-08-09 23:05:42 UTC
you should go looking for God. Go to church be open to allowing Him to enter your life. and it is good you feel bad because that will make you want to find God even more. I hope you find God because He will totally change your life for the good. and don't be mad at your sister she just loves you too much to let you go to hell.
2009-08-09 23:04:10 UTC
I think you should find your way. I know that it can't be certain that you will be completely right because there are so many beliefs to choose. I just want you to know exactly what you are going to be following before you do it.
2009-08-09 23:03:16 UTC
Do what ever you want.You don't need any beliefs shoved down your throat, especially because your a rational thinker.
The Naysayer
2009-08-09 23:03:49 UTC
question everthing. Research what you don't understand, if you don't believe something you should know why, if you believe something you should know why. Whichever side your beliefs are, I don't think its ok to tell someone that theirs are wrong.
2009-08-09 23:10:38 UTC
Believe in yourself.
2009-08-09 23:03:35 UTC
stick to your beliefs

you cant research god

you are an Agnostic :) it means that you dont beleive in good but you dont deny it (like in between)
2009-08-09 23:03:39 UTC
I believe in God, its up to you whether you do or not. God loves all who He has created. Search deep down in your heart, do you feel it is wrong not to believe in Him?
2009-08-09 23:02:46 UTC
Do what you feel is right. But don't be pressured into believing something you don't want to.
2009-08-09 23:03:06 UTC
its your choice. not your sisters. go with what you believe in not what others want you to believe in.
Jerry S
2009-08-09 23:04:45 UTC
you should research god.

i think you should do what feels right
2009-08-09 23:03:47 UTC
no, i have a job for you. ask your sister, "if their is a God, who created him?", she will be speecheless and probably change her faith. nothing wrong with being christian, but trying to force it on someone who clearly doesnt believe in lies is stupid.
2009-08-09 23:02:34 UTC
that sounds like you 2 inspired a contradiction of irony
2009-08-09 23:03:02 UTC
Then she's an idiot for believing in something with no proof.
2009-08-09 23:03:45 UTC
do what ur heart tells you. it's okay to not believe in him now anad change ur mind later. its okay to be nutreul too
2009-08-09 23:03:01 UTC
whoever said god was a dude ? i usually like to think of him as more of a thing or spirit..
2009-08-09 23:03:20 UTC
do what you want but oftentimes a simple life of faith is more rewarding and happier
we're all mad here...<3
2009-08-09 23:14:53 UTC
just try being religious for awhile and if it doesn't work for u then stop
2009-08-09 23:02:58 UTC
the bible says to work out your O W N salvation with fear and trembling
2009-08-09 23:03:13 UTC
I am some what like you but im afraid to disbelieve in him.
2009-08-09 23:02:45 UTC
just go with what you believe

but maybe ask 4 some kinda sign

answer mine plz
2009-08-09 23:04:01 UTC
stick to what you belive.
Indian Muslim
2009-08-09 23:11:47 UTC
It was Hafsa’s turn to sleep with the Prophet .. Her maid Maria Quptia ( a gift from King of Alexandria) was also in her room when prophet walked in.. Maria was a very attractive and voluptuous young teenager.. She aroused carnal desires in any man who looked at her; then our Prophet was not any man, he was endowed with 30 man libido* by Allah. .

* Bukhari Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268:

Narrated Qatada: “ Prophet was given the sexual strength of thirty men”

To be alone with Maria, Prophet sent Hafsa to her Dad’s house with a phony excuse that Umar wanted to see her.


Umar was not home, when Hafsa reached her Dad’s place few houses down the street.

Hafsa: “Mom Where is Dad”?

Mother: “He has gone to the Al Manasi field near Baqia to defecate”...

Hafsa: “Why doesn’t he go to the field behind our house”..

Mother: “Because it is a sunna to relieve yourself at the place where Prophet relieves himself”..

Hafsa: “I will wait for him” .

Mother :”It may be a long wait. He hides there afterwards to spy on prophet’s wives”.

Hafsa: “Spy on prophet’s wives, what for”? .

Mother “To make sure they are veiled according to aya 33.59 when they come to relieve themselves. As you know this aya was sent* by Allah at your Dad’s request”.

* Bukhari Volume 8, Book 74, Number 257:

Narrated 'Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet) 'Umar bin Al-Khattab used to say to Allah's Apostle "Let your wives be veiled" But he did not do so. The wives of the Prophet used to go out to answer the call of nature at night only at Al-Manasi.' Once Sauda, the daughter of Zam'a went out and she was a tall woman. 'Umar bin Al-Khattab saw her while she was (defecating) in a group, and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda!" He ('Umar) said so as he was anxious for some Divine orders regarding the veil (the veiling of women.) So Allah revealed the verse of veiling 33.59. (Al-Hijab; a complete body cover excluding the eyes). (See Hadith No. 148, Vol. 1)

* Bukhari Volume 1, Book 8, Number 395:

Narrated 'Umar (bin Al-Khattab): Allah agreed with me on three things and revealed ayas, one of them was the verse of the veiling of the women (33.59) .

Hafsa: “Well I cant wait that long. It is my turn with Prophet , he must be in bed waiting for me”.


When Hafsa returned, she found Preophet in bed but not waiting. He was in action with her maid Maria. Hafsa was outraged (she had a temper of her Dad Umar) and started hollering at him.

Hafsa: “Rasulullah you lied and and deceived me to screw my maid”?.

Prophet:” Hafsa mind your language. Aya 33.32* says you should talk to Allah’s Prophet in an a honorable manner”.

* 33.32 “O wives of the Prophet! Speak to the prophet in an honorable manner”..

Hafsa: “I will speak honorably to the prophet when the Prophet stops acting dishonorably himself”.

Prophet: “Having sex with slave girls is not dishonorable. Allah has made* them halal for me”. (*33.50 “Mohammed , sex with slave girls and captured women is halal for you*)

Hafsa:” I don’t give a rat’s behind who is is halal for you and who is is not .. You can have sex with a she camel for all I care. But I don’t want it in my bed and on my night”.

Prophet: “Hafsa ,calm down. I will tell you something. If you keep this incident a secret between you and me and don’t tell any one, I take an oath that I will never touch Maria again. And Please cool down first . Go have a drink of cold water....

Hafsa: “ O.K. I have to go pee also...


Hafsa returned after a short while and found her husband again in bed with Maria.

Hafsa: “Rasulullah, You have a short memory. You had just said you will not touch her again”.

Prophet: “Yes I did, but Allah revealed aya 66.1 ...after you left, it says “Mohammed why do you forbid yourself what Allah has made lawful to you just to please your wife”

Hafsa: “What about the oath you took.”

Prophet:: “Allah dissolved my oath” by aya 66.2 which says Allah has ordained for you the dissolution of your oath. And Allah is your Maula”.


Next morning when Prophet returned from Fajr prayer, his wives gave him dirty looks and a silent treatment instead of happily greeting him like every day... As smart as our prophet was, he knew right away that Hafsa, had ratted and had divulged last night’s incident to all other wives who incidentally hated Maria for her beauty and prophet’s fondness for her.. Prophet was pissed off and rushed into Hafsa’s room: “When I told you to keep last night’s incident with Maria a secret to yourself, I trusted you; why did you spread it”? .

Hafsa: “Who informed you that I spread it”?

.Prophet : “Allah informed* me”: (* 66.3 “The prophet had trusted one of his wives with a certain incident, then she spread it, and GOD let him know about it. He then told his wife,she asked him, "Who informed you of this?" He said
Mr. Helpful
2009-08-09 23:02:40 UTC
god isnt real, my life is like religion, i make it up as i go
No Gods, No Masters
2009-08-09 23:02:55 UTC
God = the FAILED hypothesis
2009-08-09 23:02:33 UTC
There are some attributes of God that need no proof. Some features of the Divine character there are, so universally conspicuous as to be self-evidencing. Think, for example, of God's power. If we believe in God at all we need no argument to convince us of His power. The mighty forces that engirdle us all cry aloud of that. The chambers of the deep, the chariot of the sun, are stamped with it. The devastating march of winter's storm, and, none the less, the timely calling of all the summer's beauty out of the bare earth, these things, and a thousand other things like these, teach us the power of God. We would not need the Cross if all that had to be proved was the Divine omnipotence.

Or take the wisdom of God. Is any argument needed to assure us in general of that? None. "Day unto day uttereth speech of it, and night unto night showeth forth its glory" (Psa. 19:2). Our bodies, so fearfully and so wonderfully made; our senses, linking us so strangely to the world without; our thought, so swift, so incomprehensible; and all the constancy of Nature, and all the harmony of part with part, and all the obedience of the starry worlds, and all the perfections of the wayside weed; these things, and a multitude of things like these, speak to the thinking mind of the wisdom of the God with whom we have to do. That wisdom needs no formal proof. It is self-evidencing. We would not need the Cross if all that had to be proved was the wisdom of God.

Now, brethren, there are not a few who think that the love of God is like His wisdom and His power. Perhaps I should not say they think it; for such a view was never held by a thinking mind. It would be more true, if I said that there are multitudes who vaguely hold that God is love, and never dream that such a statement calls for some strong argument to prove it. I wish to tell you that that is not the Bible standpoint. I wish to tell you that a shallow optimism like that must ever be rejected by the thinker. The love of God is not self-evident. It is not stamped upon creation like His power. It is not written on the nightly heavens like His wisdom. Nay, on the contrary, if it be a fact, it is a fact against which a thousand other facts are fighting. And if in that love I am to believe, some proof of it, some argument I must have, strong enough to put these thousand militating facts to flight.

Let me mention one or two of these things that have made it hard for men to believe in the love of God. One is the tremendous struggle for existence that is ceaselessly waged among all living things. Man fights with man, and beast with beast; bird fights with bird, and fish with fish. To the seeing eye the world is all a battlefield, and every living creature in it is in arms, and fighting for its life.

The watchword of Nature is not peace, but war. The calmest summer evening, to him who knows old Nature's story, is only calm as the battlefield is calm where multitudes lie dead. Under that outward peace which oftentimes, like a mantle seems to enwrap the world, by night and day, on sea and land, the bloodiest of wars is being waged. Creature, merciless and venomous, preys upon creature. For right to live, for room to grow, for food to eat, in grim and fearful silence the awful war goes on.

Sir, can you wonder that men who have known all that, and nothing more than that, have ceased to believe in the love of God? Can you marvel that he who has no other argument for God's love than what Nature gives him, rejects as mockery the thought of the Divine compassion? Nature groaning and travailing in pain together (Rom. 8:22) seems to cry out against the love of God. And in the hearing of these groans, clearer to us to-day than in any past age, only an argument of overwhelming force will convince the heart that God is love.

Or think again. There are the problems of human pain and sorrow and bereavement. Is it not very hard to reconcile these darker shadows with the light of heavenly love? What is the meaning of that suffering that seemed to fall so causelessly on her you loved? Can God be love, and never move a finger to ease your little child when he is screaming day and night in fearful agony? Ah! sir, you have had such thoughts as that. Confess them. When in the sudden squall the flower of our fishermen are drowned; when from your arms your dearest joy is torn away; when those who would not harm a living creature are bowed for years under intolerable pain, and when the wicked or the coarse seem to get all they wish, who has not cried, "Can God be love if He permits all this? How can God say He loves me, and yet deal with me as I could never have the heart to deal with one I loved?"

Brethren, it is such facts as these that make it so hard for many to credit the love of God. It is the experiences of which these are but a sample that call for some unanswerable proof if we are to believe that God is love. And it is that proof which is afforded us in the Crucifixion of Christ J

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.