Is is legal to make kids read the bible in a public school?
2011-09-26 08:24:54 UTC
I'm in English class and my teacher told us that for homework, we have to read the whole Exodus in the bible. I'm a sophomore in High School, not religious. My english class is currently teaching us about Puritans in the New World, American literature.
Is it legal to make us read the bible in a Public School in Massachusetts?
22 answers:
2011-09-26 08:28:11 UTC
Yes, as literature to educate you. It is a short book. You can read the "whole" thing. If you leave out the "religious" parts of history, you will be a moron. You can't understand US history without understanding the Puritans. You can't understand the Middle East without knowing a tad about Islam.
2016-12-25 00:27:22 UTC
2011-09-26 08:39:42 UTC
Should research the history of education in America; the Bible was the first text book in many of the early schools. The early colleges all had a theological requirement of study along with the other topics of study.
It is only the past 40 years has this been seen as problem for people because of that O'Hare (?) woman.
To understand the world that the puritans came from and how they viewed life it would be necessary to read the Bible since their whole view of life was based upon that.
The topic requires knowledge of the background of the people being studied, I do not see a problem.
2011-09-26 08:40:14 UTC
The example you gave is one way some christians try to get around the law to get bible reading into schools when it's absolutely unconstitutional to do so. If the study is *only* as a literary study, it's no different from any other book -- but if the reading and discussion about it (or reports you have to write) are about the religious ideas in the book, and not its literary merits, then it's not legal.
Since it's such a "tightrope" they have to walk to be legal doing it, it would be a lot better if teachers simply didn't use the bible. There's plenty of American literature you could read pertaining to that time period that would serve the stated purpose much better, and wouldn't raise any constitutional issues. So usually when a teacher does what yours is doing, it's because they're christians trying to sneak bible reading into classes. Besides, the bible isn't "American literature" in any way.
Do the assignment. And honestly, if the discussion about it brings up "god," or the teacher tries to bring up topics such as why we should "believe" the ten commandments or something similar, report her to the principle. You don't have to be a jerk about it, simply let the principle know that you don't think this is appropriate for an American literature class, and that it concerns you. Then let him/her deal with it.
2011-09-26 08:47:03 UTC
In this situation, yes. It is used as a tool to get you to understand the mindset of the people of that age, most likely preparing you for "The Crucible" ... I had to do the same thing in American and World Lit in High School, and I am a Pagan. It's not to force Christianity on you, but to open you to the beliefs of others in the past so that you may understand more of what is around you and the plot of the next piece of literature that you are to read.
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2011-09-26 08:28:28 UTC
I read the Bible, the Tao te Ching (spelling?), the Qu'ran, the Bhgavagita, Confucius' Analects, and other world religious texts in my Junior year (granted it was a Catholic school but regardless teachers are allowed to use the Bible as a work of literature).
2011-09-26 08:32:10 UTC
It has nothing to do with religion.
Anyone studying Anglo-American literature will miss half to three quarters of the metaphors and symbolism if they are not conversant in the Bible. They will miss most of the rest if they are not conversant with Greek Mythology.
The two absolutely have to be pre-requisites of any descent literature curiculum.
Now, if your teacher is making it a religious thing - that's another story.
Note, great Atheist (agnostic?) writers like Mark Twain mined the Bible for metaphors all the time.
And certainly if you are learning about Puritans -- how do you get any conception of a religious group if you avoid their religious work?
2011-09-26 08:33:31 UTC
Not only is it legal, it is constitutional. How can any man consider himself an educated person without knowing the Holy Bible? How can you call yourself an American without knowing the Holy Bible? Our laws are out of the Bible. Ancient American literature reflects Bible readings or Bible scripture or Bible verses. Shakespeare cannot be understood without knowing the Holy Bible. George Washington cannot be thoroughly understood without knowing Bible scripture. Our American schools were built for one purpose and one purpose only and that was so children could learn to read the Bible. A man gave his very life trying to get the Bible translated into English so that every farm boy could learn the Word of God. Finally King James defied the Catholic Church and had the Greek and Aramaic and Latin translations translated into the English language so we could all understand the Word of God.
Your question makes no sense what so ever. An education is exactly that - knowledge and it means knowledge of the good and the bad or the indifferent. How can you call yourself educated without it?
2011-09-26 08:27:56 UTC
Considering the lawsuits that may be coming, I would say it wasn't wise.
However, I would also say that reading the Book of Exodus in light of the Puritan historical context is a sound principle for comparison.
Harry Gams
2011-09-26 08:43:05 UTC
Yes it is legal as it is being used for literature purposes.
2011-09-26 09:05:46 UTC
'legal' I do not see why not. Let's forget 'religious beliefs' for a moment. Does it (Exodus) not provide one of the best who, what, when, where, how, why illustrations available?
2011-09-26 08:36:53 UTC
It's just another book. You will be forced to read the entire Bible by GOD himself, if you live long enough. Strange though, Catholic schools never made catholic children read the BIBLE. We went to random BIBLE studys, here, there and everywhere. Exodus...indeed.... NO ONE can escape the BIBLE... hows come catholic schools have nuns priests stupid confession stupid rosarys and public schools do not?
2011-09-26 08:33:09 UTC
In the UK it is pretty well compulsory.
It is an important book for English literature. I hope you knew that?
2011-09-26 08:45:33 UTC
If your parents request that you don't read it then you probably don't need to. But, just because you are reading it doesn't mean you have to believe it.
2011-09-26 08:26:39 UTC
If it's simply as a work of literature, yes.
2011-09-26 08:27:25 UTC
Only religious studies.
Offer to do an alternative homework taking from Alistair Crowley's work.
2011-09-26 08:27:40 UTC
As long as it is introduced as what it is: a 2000 year old piece of fiction literature, there is no problem. In fact, it will give you the upper hand during a debate with religious people.
2011-09-26 08:32:16 UTC
Violates the 1s amendment that seperates the church from government.
2011-09-26 08:26:56 UTC
Yes. All children should be required to read the bible, it is sad that so man have turned to paht of satan
SeƱor Gato
2011-09-26 08:42:18 UTC
I won't kill you and it's not illegal.
2011-09-26 08:27:21 UTC
It should be.
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