What is the difference between these two mantras and their effects??
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What is the difference between these two mantras and their effects??
Twelve answers:
C. Sri Vidya Rajagopalan
2008-02-02 03:47:50 UTC
The first one is used in ordinary Japa and in Archana (Flower offered with calling names of Krishna).

Second one is used in Tantra Sastra where the japa is intensive and requires a Guru for getting Mantra diksha. Mantra-Diksha (initiation) being a most sacred ritual, should not be taken lightly. The aspirant should not get himself initiated just to imitate others.

Tantrik worship gives quicker and better results.

1) 'Om Shri Krishnaya Namaha' is the first name in Krishna Asthotram.

108 Names Of Lord Krishna ( Krishna Ashtotram)

Om Shri Krishnaya Namaha

Om Kamala Nathaya Namaha

Om Vaasudevaya Namaha

Om Sanatanaya Namaha

Om Vasudevaya Namaha


Lord Krishna was Lord Vishnu's eighth incarnation and this is His 58th name as listed in the Vishnu Sahasranama, the thousand names of Lord Vishnu. Krishna means black or dark-coloured. Lord Krishna's complexion was said to be dark like the most beautiful clouds full of rain. This means that Lord Krishna is full of sacred grace and blessings and He is always ready to shower this auspicious energy on His true devotees.

2) 'Om Kleem Krishnaya namah'

The mantra of lord Krishna, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Solves all the problems of devotee and bestows him with wealth and prosperity. Lord Krishna gives Artha, KAMA and moksha. For Gopis and Meera all the Artha, KAMA and Moksha were Lord Krishna.

3) 'Om Kleem Krishnaaya Govindhaya Gobi Jana Vallabaaya Namaha/swaaha' (Namaha for Japam and Swaaha for homam)

In making an offering to Krishna, the mantra that is used is Kleem Krishnaaya Govindaaya Gopijanavallabhaaya Swaaha. It is interesting to explore the full significance of this mantra. Kleem means the earth. It is the first element. Krishnaaya signifies water. 'Govindaaya signifies Fire (Agni). 'Gopijanavallabhaaya' signifies Air (Vaayu). 'Swaaha' signifies Space (Akaasa). The mantra thus represents all the five elements in the cosmos as manifestations of the Divine. The Cosmos cannot exist without these five elements. They are all pervading. It follows that there is no place in the Cosmos where God is not immanent.

The GOPIKAS, through this mantra, taught the world that God should be adored as the omnipresent Divine everywhere in the Cosmos. Hence in every atom, in every particle, the Divine is present all the time.

AUM (OM) is the Bija Mantra, from which all mantras and other Mantras originated.


This is the Kama bija. Ka means the Lord of desire, Kamadeva, for those aspire materialistic desires. Ka here means Krishna for those aspire Lord Krishna. La means Indra. Ee means contentment or satisfaction.Terminal M is ChandraBindu (Nada and Bindu). This means that which brings happiness.

Mantras are syllables, phonemes, quasi-morpheme and its series, morphemes, single word, words, phrases, sentences, verses, and passages. Examples of Phonemes are hreem, hram, and hrum ending in 'm', which can be intonated as long as one's breath can sustain it. HREEM: H = Siva, R = Sakti Prakrti, I = Mahamaya and Terminal M is Chandrabindu. Chandrabindu = Nada and Bindu. Nada is Progenetrix of the Universe and Bindu is Brahman as Isvara and Isvari (Isvaratattva). There is another interpretation HREEM: H = gross body; R = subtle body; I = causal body and M = Turiya state. Sakti is the causal body of the subtle and gross bodies of all living beings.

HREEM (Devi): H =Siva, R = Sakti, I = Mahamaya and M = Chandrabindu

SREEM (Lakshmi): S = Mahalaksmi, R = Wealth, I = Satisfaction and M = Chandrabindu

KREEM (Kali): K =Kali, R = Brahma (Siva), I = Mahamaya and M = Chandrabindu

DUM (Durga): D = Durga, U = protection and M = Chandrabindu

Bija Mantras are the seed (based on Sanskrit alphabet) mantras, like Lam the seed sound of Muladhara Chakra, Vam of Svadhisthana, Ram of Manipura, Yam of Anahata, Ham of Visudha, and Om of Ajna. The first is Maya Bija, the second Lakshmi Bija, the third Kali Bija, the fourth Kurca Bija, the fifth Varma Bija, the sixth Astra Bija. Ram is Agni Bija, Em is Yoni Bija, Kleem is Kama Bija, Sreem is Badhu Bija, Aim is Sarasvati Bija, Kreem is Kali Bija, Hreem is the Maya bija and so forth. The first letter of the devata serves as the Bija Mantra: Gam for Ganesa, Dum for Durga.--

('Shakti and Shâkta' by Arthur Avalon alias Sir John Woodroffe, 1865-1936, Chapter Twenty-four 'Shakti as Mantra (Mantramayi Shakti), Book, Personal Collection).


Respected Deito Sir,

I agree that there is no big or small mantra for a perticular deity.

Mantra (Om Krishnaya namah) with simple recitation is recommended for ordinary people.

If anybody is in a higher level, the same basic mantra with one or more of the following can be recommended by a guru, depending upon the nature of the disciple.

Tantrik worship (which gives quicker and better results):

Mantra is ritualistically followed with the anganyasa, karanyasa, mudra, avahana, pratisthana, offerings, rituals with yantra and with the prescribed bija mantra(s).
Radhakrishna( prrkrishna)
2008-02-02 03:42:48 UTC

The First Mantra is a simple one and can be recited by any one without Upadesam by Guru and they achieve peace and finally after long long period, if they are lucky they may have Darshan of the Lord Himself.

The second Mantra contains a seed letter (beejaaksharam( KLEEM which is called kaama beejam (desire fulfilling one)..So because it has that seed letter Guru upadesam is a MUST and this after Upadesam if recited properly with Tarpanam and Homam if Guru says so, gives the result surely and the desire you have in mind will be full filled.But Upadesam is a must.
2008-02-02 02:22:56 UTC
Sir, any naama chanted with pranava becomes a manthra say the elders.. A manthra is one that protects the chanter (mananaath thraayathe ithi manthraha).. And Krishna manthraa is also a multi pronged manthraa capable of endowing a multiplicity of blessings.. see its meanings (cited from Sai Baba's speeches): Kushyathi ithi krishna (endows happiness), krishyathi ithi krishna (cultivates or refines us from the dross into noble ones), karishyathi ithi krishna (accomplishes all that is great and godly - for the good of the one and all - the vyakthi and samashti)... and so forth..!

Kleem krishnaaya... is said to be a panchabootha manthraa that confers some special material services for one's progress.. Deito also given some special contexts.. the metaphysical subject is too vast and wonderful like the galaxy... that you can reap any number of wonderful truths...

Hare Ram. Sai Ram.
sreenivasa m
2008-02-02 03:56:06 UTC
Mantras are of two kinds,

1 Vedic mantras 2. Thanthras

Thantric worship requires strict adherence to thantric procedures laid down. Rigorous asceticism is required for thantric worship to get fast , the results of thantric sadhana. Any default in adherence of the procedures laid will have serious repercussions. For every diety there is manthric and thantris form of worship. Thantric form of sadhana is resorted to for Shakthi worship by the thnatrics. Whereas for vedic manthras sincereity is empahsised, strict acetism is not neccessary.

Manthric sadhana are supposed to be safe. In the above manthras 1. Vedic manthras and 2. Thantric form of manthra The difference is between manthra sadhana or thantric sadhana.
2008-02-03 22:06:28 UTC
Have you tasted the delicious Indian Mangoes sir? There are many specialities in the fruit - the alphonso (Ms World, the export delicacy), the malgova (Ms India, the big late season mango of special sweetness).. etc

Sri Krishna's sweetness is of endless variety.. call him by any name (even loving abuse) and he comes with his enticing sweet smiles.. the feel of which could take our infatuation away from all mundane beauties and loves... which are short lived and end up in sorrow (due to the sufferings or separation or death of loved ones) while divine love ever grows in intimacy and joy..

Have you read the Madhuraashtakam dear sir? What doubt you have about his variety of beauty in each of his endless sports, names and forms.. ? your master had blessed you with some special manthra in his wisdom to generate a favourable link to the Lord for your level of devotion.. enjoy it.. no one could gauge the wisdom of acharyas..

Call him thief or the cruel tormentor of the wicked, hypocrytes, egoistic... even his loved ones (by hiding himself from them)... Ask chaithanya and Mother Meera how that Lord chases us with his music of love.. Their hymns are the manthraas par excellence..

For my part i could only chant: drink oh my mind, the glory of this great lover ever in all your waking hours..
2008-02-02 09:52:58 UTC
They can be chanted for certain circumstances Such at fire sacrifices and certain rituals. but for our basic mantra japa the maha Mantra is most Recommended. The maha Mantra contains all pure mantra so they are included in Maha mantra. So it is not really necessary to chant others if one has the maha Mantra. (Brahmans may chant those mantras for certain rituals. There are a couple other necessary mantras suchas one for the glorification and invocation of Guru and the Pancha Tattwa Mantra.
keshav pd
2008-02-02 06:24:41 UTC
These are no mantras at all. For Bhagavan Krishna jApAm

"Om namo Bhagavate VAsudevAy" or "Shri KrishNa SharaNam mama" are recommended. When added 'kleem' it comes under 'tantra sAdhanA'. You can chant "Om namo NArAyaNaya' , 'namo NArAyaNaya' as stated in 'AnusmRuti'. Address to Bhagavan Shri Krishna as 'Krishna', in a singular manner, makes Him junior to devotee hence always address "Shri KrishNa' or BhagavAn Shri KrishNa' please.
2016-04-07 06:12:51 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Mahayana and Theravada were once without labels. They were just preferences and they cultivated the Buddha Dharma together. There are so many dharma doors one can practice to become enlightened. Some recite mantras, some recite Buddha names, some meditate, some bow in repentance, some read sutras, etc etc. These "traditions" were just preferences. Those who wanted to become a Buddha practiced the Bodhisattva path of compassionate liberation of all living beings to perfect their GREAT COMPASSION and merits/virtues in order to become a Buddha. As a result, these people study practically the entire Buddha Dharma and practice several dharma doors as routine. Those who wished to only become Arhats, and nothing further, practiced the Arhat's way. That goal and preference is desired because it's not as strenuous and difficult and long as the Bodhisattva path. It takes aeons to become a Buddha! But for Arhat, it's easier. Once you are n Arhat, you are free forever and you can retire. You don't have to do the difficult job of liberating others. You CAN, but Theravadans tend to want to become Arhat because that's just enough and that's the goal, to liberate oneself. So these people focus on the sutras and practices that are most relevant to becoming an Arhat. Now, you must understand that these two PREFERENCES were once unlabeled. You just merely study what you like, practice which dharma doors you like. Remember, these people practiced together in the same place. It's just that these preferences became known to other regions, the north and the south. One region enjoyed by majority, the Theravadan goal. It was their preference. The other region enjoyed the Mahayana goal. It was their preference. So because the focus of preference was by region, it was secular. That's how we gained such a huge rift and discrimination of secular traditions. And the region that focused on Theravada only focused on some sutras and some dharma doors; those pertaining to Arhats. And as this tradition grew into actual TRADITION, the discrimination became so heavy that of course, like humans love to do in their fashion, was discriminate and play favorites: "My tradition is the best! Yours is wrong!" Same with the Mahayana-focused regions, they hold strongly to their views too! In actuality, Buddhism was taught by the Buddha without sects/schools/traditions. It was just BUDDHISM. The Mahayana still includes everything and technically, wouldn't be tradition since it just merely encompasses everything. The Theravada practice, by default is more simple , because the goal is smaller and studies are selective to that of the Mahayana's Bodhisattva path. Even in the Mahayana tradition, they divided into 5 schools. This is the same effect as what happened with Theravada and Mahayana. People merely had a preference and wanted to focus their cultivation on a single practice. Some wanted to just meditate, some wanted to just recite names, some wanted to practice mantras, etc. But all of this secularism and divisiveness is just narrowed. You took an entire calculus book and decided to study a few chapters only. Schools and sects are like branches on a tree. Just like the government, the various departments SPAN out like branches from the governing body. The homeland security department doesn't know too much about the labor department, the labor department doesn't know too much about the health department. In fact, departments just take orders from the governing body! So they don't even know much about their governing body. But if you're a legislator, you work at the very root of the government and know more about everything else (the branches). That's what I'm trying to convey about secularism and schools. It's fine if you want to focus on a specific practice. You can't practice all 84,000 dharma doors! Each one is #1 to someone, so they're all #1. You pick whichever one you wish to practice. IT'S A MATTER OF WHETHER OR NOT YOU WILL WALK THAT PATH OR NOT! If you really want to get the most out of Buddhism, you can't narrow your views to the branches. It's like staying in one room in the house and you don't even know you have an entertainment room, a pool house, a gym room, etc! You're missing out! From what I see, MAHAYANA is holistic because it encompasses the entire Buddha's teachings and all dharma doors. That tradition in a sense, is not so much secular or "traditional" because it's, in a sense, just Buddhism. On the other hand, because Theravadan tradition secularizes by picking a part of the Mahayana by selectively choosing sutras and practices relating to those of an Arhat, it is considered secular and tradition. In a sense, Theravadan's pick out only certain books in the library. The doctor picks out medical books. The artists pick out art books. And the Mahayana is like the complete library of books! Why do I say it like this? Because even if you had the preference to be an Arhat, you can still do that in the Mahayana. If you really look at it then, Theravada is really just branching off of Mahayana. The Mahayana aims at the hardest goal, to become Buddha. Thus, it practices the entire path to Buddhahood, going from human, to monk, to Arhat, to Bodhisattva, to Buddha. So my advice in studying the Buddha Dharma, is to study the whole, which is just the same as the Mahayana's entirety (roots/trunk), and as your personal practice and cultivation, pick those [BRANCHES] you would like to practice. I study as many sutras as I can to get that total understanding of the Buddha Dharma, and I practice meditation, bowing, and recitations as my daily practice. And of course, I try to apply the principles and fundamentals of what the sutras say into my life. As for other "traditions", I suppose there's Tibetan Buddhism,... but I'm not too sure about that since their style is totally different and foreign to that of Buddhism. Most of it seems to have been developed and cultured from local spiritual customs and practices. But it's still rather a "small" vehicle in the Tibetan Llama sense. While they recite the heart of mantras, the Mahayana practitioner practices the entire mantras. I suppose Tibetan Buddhism is rather... ritualistic-serious, almost like Hinduism. This kind of reminds of when the Buddha refrained from ritual-focused Hinduism and discovered the Buddha Dharma. So in that light, I haven't found too much resolve in Tibetan style... it's just way out there I couldn't make heads or tails of it. -------- SUPPLEMENTAL: Now, in Theravadan tradition, they also consider the Buddha an ARHAT, and in that sense, Bodhisattvas aren't a path to Buddhahood. However, Mahayana sutras on Bodhisattva paths and compassion, shed a lot of light on how and why Bodhisattva is an actual stage/level of attainment before Buddahood. But I won't get into that "argument" here because no one ever wins and it really doesn't matter. It's all preference of practice. But to me, because Mahayana encompasses the holistic view, I personally prefer the "perspective" that is based on a holistic knowledge. It's like drawing a map of San Francisco. Who would you trust more to tell you about the city? The guy that walked every street in SF? Or the guy that only walked along Market St? So that's the nature of my preference. But quite frankly, what difference is there when both traditions can lead to enlightenment? Some walk the compassionate Bodhisattva path to perfect their compassion and merits to that of a Buddha. Some walk the path of Arhat to attain their enlightenment. Preference preference preference. All roads lead to Rome.
2015-08-02 07:46:21 UTC

What is the difference between these two mantras and their effects??

1) Om Krishnaya namah

2) Om Kleem Krishnaya namah
2008-02-02 01:00:02 UTC
Kleem is a "beeja" or "Seed" , and is intended for those who want to realize the "Avyaktha Beeja" from which the "Avyaktha or Maha-Kali" is born along with being devout to the Hari.

So, if someone is expressing Devotion to Lord and want to know the "secret" of "Birth of Matter", Kleem is the "Initiating Seed" for Human Beings and some other life forms, and it is a Sanskrit Root.

"Om Kleem Krishnaya Namaha" is a great mantra, but as "Kleem" is included, it starts invoking the mystic potencies and hence should always be practiced when located in Sattva or mode of goodness.

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Kleem = Kama Beeja = Seed of Creation / Creative force.

Because his creative force is not different from his creation, whatever he enjoys that gets created and manifested as per his will. and at highest from in material nature, the seed revels the nature of "Creation of Matter" or "Birth of Matter" and the animation of "This Manifested World" by his "Creative Force".

Yes an initiation of Genuine Guru is Required. But today for a genuine seeker, where will he search for Genuine Guru. so That means the soul has to be "Pre-Destined" for such practice.

Next, What is the Siddhi that one gains ( this is of material nature and hence not of that interest for pure devotees , but for information i am typing here, though i myself did not try to achieve this Siddhi, and i don't plan to ) .

Various Siddhis, all has the same basic " Creation of Matter". Something to do with matter. at higher forms , the Great "Siddhas" can convert matter into some other forms, mutate or even convert into pure energy, or convert into propulsive or explosive energies ( by inter conversions of heat ).

This i typed to say people that it is not game, Tantra is not about black magic, it is a great science, but because of Degradation of kaliyuga people end up doing bad use of Tantra and hence dis-respecting the practice. Hence it is not recommended in scriptures in kali yuga.

and as far as Mantra's Subtleties are concerned, Respected Scholarly people below have given much details, and I Thanks them for that. Sri Poondi, Sri Vidya Rajagopalan, and Sri PrrKrishna and other answerers below Please Accept my Humble Reverence and Respects to you all.

But i differ in one place, Where they told one is ordinary, normal and the other is not. NO Both are great mantras, with there own specific purposes. never can two mantras with the same Lords name be compared.

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My Dear Sister, i will never feel offensive to your words, for i see innocence in your enquiries and i love you.

The mantra itself is not for material desires, but Kleem is definitely the seed for Kama, or creative energy. Kama is often equated to sec or desire, this is WRONG.

So when your Guru gave you, he might have a purpose. we never understand the mercy of great souls so easily. so don't think much about it. just believe and trust your guru and practice, as you have already been initiated by your guru.

as you practice you yourself will know what it is , because seed reveals its corresponding things, to the practitioner.

also As i understand it, Your guru knew he will be going to Samadhi and you will not have the faculty to enquire him in samadhi, so he has given you "Kleem", because it is self revealing, and this is one more great character of Bija Mantra.

This Seed will answer your enquiries and i strongly feel this si the reason why your guru added Bija mantra, and not the other one.

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Hari Bol.

-- Deito

Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama kevalam.
2016-10-15 04:15:40 UTC
Om Hreem Kleem Namah
2016-03-18 09:55:01 UTC
Zen Buddhism is the best. It focuses on spiritual practice, not demons and goddesses.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.