Is it bad to go out to eat after church on Sundays? ?
2008-08-12 14:33:26 UTC
I go to church at 8:30am every Sunday with the family and my cousins, aunt and uncle and with a few of their adult friends; also, our church organist. Church ends at 9:30. Is it wrong to go out to breakfast afterwards?
25 answers:
2008-08-12 14:39:25 UTC
I'm not sure. It could be. Let me check scripture. I'll get back to you.
2008-08-12 21:47:24 UTC
I do believe that the Catholic Church encourages you to fast BEFORE Mass. I don't think it's wrong to eat afterwards. Besides, you can always have a nice big breakfast after CCD. ;)
Don't knock your Sunday School classes, kid. You're learning very important things about your religion and its history. As an adult, I encounter so many people who claim to be Christians but don't know the first thing about Christianity or Church history. It makes me glad I went to CCD/PSR all those years, because now I understand all Christians just a little better as a result.
The Doctor
2008-08-12 22:02:11 UTC
In Missouri, it used to be against the law to buy things on Sunday because it was a sin to work on the Sabbath (the law has since been thrown out). The same supporters of the law went out to eat on Sunday after church. How does the food get there? Someone has to cook it and serve it. Isn't that working?
So it depends, how does your church feel about working on the sabbath. If it's a sin, why are you out eating after church? You're making someone work on the sabbath. If not, then there should be no problem.
2008-08-12 21:56:20 UTC
I've often heard Christians debate this - usually because one side says that if we go out to eat after church that we are part of the reason that people have to work on Sundays and can't come to church. Some even say that we are causing them to break the sabbath. I disagree with both. We're not required to keep the sabbath to the letter of the law that the OT Jews were. I do believe everyone should have a day of rest but that doesn't have to be Sunday - in fact the sabbath day for the Jews is Saturday. As for forcing them to miss church because they have to work, that makes no sense to me. As if the restaurant would close on Sunday if Christians didn't go out to eat and give people the day off and those people would all go to Church if they weren't working. I think not. Yes, restaurants do a lot of business on Sundays from "church people" but I doubt most would close if we stopped going after church because we aren't the only people who go out on Sunday. And even if they did, most of the people who currently work on Sunday would not automatically go to church just because they got the day off. If a Christian decides not to go out to eat after church because they fear they are keeping someone from attending church, they will likely make very little impact in that person's life. On the other hand, if you go out to eat and share your Christian joy with the restaurant staff, you might make an impression. And if you are a good tipper, you will definitely make an impact on the waitress who is working so hard on a Sunday!
And, by the way, for the Christian who does have to work on Sunday and would rather be in church, don't worry, if it's the only job you can find then take it. The Lord will forgive you for missing a Sunday morning service and you can usually find a Sunday night service to attend instead. Don't let legalistic views of the sabbath keep you from supporting your family - just don't leave God out of your life.
2008-08-12 21:47:06 UTC
Some will say it's wrong because by going out to eat we cause others to have to work on the Sabbath. But these are the same people who yell that we don't tolerate the religion of others ... if someone else's religion doesn't have Sabbath on Sunday (I'm thinking Jewish, Muslim, etc.), then why shouldn't they go on to work? lol I mean they can't have it both ways!
It is my own belief and practice to make sure that whatever we do we keep the Lord in mind and we try to keep it quiet to maintain an air of worship and reverence. But others are certainly free to worship loudly with a baseball game or a bbq cookoff lol.
2008-08-12 21:40:02 UTC
I think it's good to go out to eat after Church. It is a great time to get together with family and friends. It is also a good time to talk about what was said at mass. Listen to what opinions your family and friends have and add yours.
2008-08-12 21:37:42 UTC
Some people say you shouldn't do anything on the Sabbath that would cause other people to have to work (shopping, going out to eat, movies, etc) but we always used to go to breakfast after Mass too. Why not ask your Priest what he thinks?
2008-08-12 21:37:42 UTC
Uh...if your church serves breakfast, I think it'd be better if you just ate there, because not everyone can go out to eat (money, rides, etc). It helps with fellowship with the people in your church and it's a waste of money.
But if your church doesn't serve breakfast, I don't see how else you're gonna eat!
Prof Fruitcake
2008-08-12 21:40:43 UTC
My church starts early and purposefully lets out at 10 so we can beat the Baptists to the cafeterias.
2008-08-12 21:38:46 UTC
I dont think it's bad...
I go out to eat after church on sundays all the time. :)
2008-08-12 21:38:35 UTC
of course it is not bad. Going to Church and then sharing a meal with your family couldn't be bad.
anonymous 001
2008-08-12 21:37:43 UTC
no i dont see how it could be at all. i sometimes go to mass with my parents and we usually do that afterwards
George M
2008-08-12 21:39:57 UTC
sometimes I eat a burger during mass.
2008-08-12 21:45:13 UTC
There's nothing wrong with it.
Is this mole a problem? Please be mature about the pics this time.