2016-09-29 05:52:14 UTC
It's true that many of our Christians founding fathers were freemason's but they swore an oath to a very secret society that whatever this secret society they would have to do it and protect it even if this means they would have to die protecting it's secret?
And the United States of America was to be a secular nation from start not in Atheistic sense of secular but in a way that people can practice any religion like be a Pagan and not be killed and ideas and that were radically different in England a religious nation you can't question the government which Church of England controlled it.
Freemasons are not entirely Christians they were also Deist, Agnostic, Deist, Puritans, Atheist's and even Cathlolic whonwere all freemason's and some of freemason's worship a ancient religion different from Christianity.
And Britian wanted America to be her colony the American freemasons movement were already started at this point and many freemason didn't like the idea that Roman Church or Church of England ruling the U.S?
That's why the 1st Amendment makes it clear that Church and state is separate and this means and make it clear that Church of England and other religious leaders has no right to govern U.S so this nation is meant to secular nation?