Why would the Christians think that U.S is a Christian nation and freemason's are Christians?
2016-09-29 05:52:14 UTC
Ok I know everyone will jump right into conclusion and say that our founding father's were Christian's and freemason so this makes America a Christian nation doesn't it?


It's true that many of our Christians founding fathers were freemason's but they swore an oath to a very secret society that whatever this secret society they would have to do it and protect it even if this means they would have to die protecting it's secret?

And the United States of America was to be a secular nation from start not in Atheistic sense of secular but in a way that people can practice any religion like be a Pagan and not be killed and ideas and that were radically different in England a religious nation you can't question the government which Church of England controlled it.

Freemasons are not entirely Christians they were also Deist, Agnostic, Deist, Puritans, Atheist's and even Cathlolic whonwere all freemason's and some of freemason's worship a ancient religion different from Christianity.

And Britian wanted America to be her colony the American freemasons movement were already started at this point and many freemason didn't like the idea that Roman Church or Church of England ruling the U.S?

That's why the 1st Amendment makes it clear that Church and state is separate and this means and make it clear that Church of England and other religious leaders has no right to govern U.S so this nation is meant to secular nation?
Nine answers:
the re - chosen one
2016-09-29 06:26:09 UTC
The Freemason bloodline follows the Jewish side of history back to the time of Moses and even farther back to one of Adam's grandsons. The God Yahweh organized a group of Freemasons out of the Israelites that were freed as slaves of Egypt to build the portable Tabernacle. Later generations of Freemasons built the permanent Jewish temples such as King Solomon's Temple. Many generations later some of these Freemasons defected from England to start their own country that became known as The United States of America. They modeled many of America's judicial laws after their God Yahweh's Mosaic Laws and Ten Commandments. That is where the Judea side of America originated from. Christians flocking to America made America's culture Christian driven. If Yahweh is no longer the Higher Power that Freemasons worship then may God help them.
2016-09-29 06:03:13 UTC
America is a SECULAR nation with freedom of religion, and from religion. And, if you read the Constitution carefully, you see that the Constitution is anti-BuyBull.

In fact, the US Constitution AND the Bill of Rights are very, very anti-Bible. The US Constitution guarantees religious freedom, and it guarantees that ALL GODS ARE WELCOME HERE IN THE US. ALL gods are treated equally, and none is raised above any other.

But, what does the BuyBull say? The FIRST COMMANDMENT is the BuyBull god saying that HE IS THE ONLY GOD and that you shall have no other gods.

So, our US Constitution spits in the face of the First biblical commandment. We welcome all gods here and our nation views all of them as EQUAL, none is above or better than any other. The United States Constitution SAYS SO.

It's also a spit in the face of people who falsely claim this country was built upon christian principles. It clearly wasn't. When you look at the four primary founding documents of the United States -- the US Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights -- you'll notice a few things. You'll notice that our framers of these documents used a LOT of ink and spent a LOT of time writing a LOT of words to describe their most cherished values and goals for this country. In all of the words and documents, these words NEVER APPEAR: christ, jesus, bible, christianity. Nowhere in any of our most critical Founding Documents, do any of those words appear - not even once. Yet, our country's founders poured their most cherished values into these documents when they founded our nation.

Suggesting this is a nation founded upon christian principles is total hogwash, and another way that frightened christians with low self-esteem lie about this country's founding, and try and christianize it in the minds of anyone who will listen to them. Yet, nothing could be more false.

UPDATE: This is actually a primary reason why so many christians and republicans hate America. Not only for the reasons I've stated above, but more than that: we've gone through painstaking means to preserve ALL of our original founding documents. So, guess what -- christians and republicans CANNOT REWRITE THEM in order to try and REWRITE history and over-christianize it, like they do with everything else about written history.
2016-09-29 07:48:16 UTC
a double negative. first of all, even Obummer lied about this nation being built by "muslims" that is totally historically BS

the nation was influenced by Christian Fathers and freedom fighters. George washington was a mason and a christian but he was not like any masons today.

the masons were usurped by evi men as Gen Albert Pike is a great example. He was totally luciferian and yet he was given leadership qualities and praised.

the fact and truth is: christianity and the bible influenced the birth of this nation. and only men of high moral fiber can keep it. seeing the decline of this nation since the 60s. tells me that this nation is doomed to become like a brave new world unless free men everywhere opposse the evil that they plan to do to the future.
2016-09-29 07:20:15 UTC
The U.S. Constitution is a secular document. It begins, "We the people," and contains no mention of "God" or "Christianity." Its only references to religion are exclusionary, such as, "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust" (Art. VI), and "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (First Amendment). The presidential oath of office, the only oath detailed in the Constitution, does not contain the phrase "so help me God" or any requirement to swear on a bible (Art. II, Sec. 1, Clause 8).

The government of the United States of America is, in no sense, founded on the Christian religion. Treaty of Tripoli, Article 11. Ratified unanimously by the senate and signed by founding father and second president, John Adams, in 1797.

“The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries. ― James Madison

There is no place for secret societies in a democracy so freemasons and Mormons should be barred from military service and some federal jobs just as fervent religious people are now!

Their loyalties are to their secret society not the nation!
2016-09-29 06:10:50 UTC
I was gonna give an answer, but someone already beat me to it. And they're right. You're totally cray. You ask and reask this question obsessively.
2016-11-22 14:08:22 UTC
It originally was a Christian nation and our founding fathers wanted freedom since God gave free will and freedom of religion was incooperated. Of course, you do have a point!
2016-09-29 06:04:12 UTC
Refer to my previous answers to this question you keep posting. You'll know it by its astute pithiness and its well-formed rhetoric. That said, your posting this reminded me of something Einstein is credited with saying. Do you know what he allegedly said the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. You might do well to take that to heart and seek professional counseling.
2016-09-29 06:01:26 UTC
They cherry pick off the constitution like they do with the Bible. You can't reason with them.
2016-09-29 09:56:38 UTC


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