You are right!
We are all members of our human society, each one of us struggles with reality the best way we know how.
Fundamentalist Muslims thought that they had the upper-hand on terror today, but Fundamentalist Christians taught them a lesson in Norway without taking any credit! Jesus promised to bless them if they get persecuted!
One single Christian terrorist in the closet can beat any number of Muslim terrorists with dignity and pride, spiritually speaking, of course!
In all the contributions that the Jews are making to humanity, sh*t happens! They also wrote the Bible stories that are used by Christians and Muslims to bring so much pain, wars, death and suffering into our world! RELIGION IS AN INSULT TO HUMAN DIGNITY. As a product it doesn’t require any quality control. It’s virtually sold at 10% of any income, AS IS! Once bought, no amount of reasoning will change anybody’s mind. With or without it we have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for any decent person to do real evil it takes religion… from the Islamic “KILL THE INFIDEL” to the Judeo/Christian KILLING OF CHILDREN in practically all the inspiring Bible stories (Psa137:8-9, Rev2:23)!
Religion is a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception and/or expression of reality that most religious people are not aware, except for the professional Clergy! Distortions in perception may affect all five senses. It is a serious social disorder with political ramifications. In most severe cases, those affected are willing to kill and die, or enthusiastically support those who do. I’m glad I snapped out of it!
The Bible writers came up with a story of a Holy Moses setting over 2,000,000 Jews free from Egyptian bondage in a contest of “who is the meanest God of them all!” The Jewish God Jehovah won! At the end of the contest God had ALL the innocent first born children of Egyptian parents slaughtered! They were in the millions (Exo12:29-30). There isn’t a trace of historical evidence that any of that ever took place, but unless Christians believe all this crap they won’t go to a fairy Heaven when they die!
I was a fundamentalist Bible minister for most of my life. I couldn’t stomach the immorality and inconsistency in practically all the Bible stories anymore! Most Christians hardly ever read the Bible to know! The Clergy is in constant denial about any obvious CONTEXT contradiction! The Quran is far much worse!
Exodus 12:12 For I* (*God the Father of JESUS CHRIST) will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite* (*KILL) all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against ALL THE GODS OF EGYPT* (*this macho Jewish God and Saint Paul admit the existence of MANY GODS -1Cor8:5!) I will execute judgment: I am the LORD* (*Ha-Shem, Jehovah and so on)!
When God the Son Jesus Christ, the KING OF THE JEWS bragging to be THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD was born, King Herod had all the male Jewish children up to 2 years of age slaughtered, Christians are delighted that Jesus was able to run away to Egypt! No religion in the world today, except Islam beats Christianity’s sadistic morals! God the Holy Ghost was powerless to comfort the grieving mothers that were left behind (Mat 2:18)!
Christians still love “Jesus” in spite of his promise to slaughter not the tithe paying parents attending the wrong Church brand, BUT THEIR INNOCENT CHILDREN! The Bible writers were very successful telling the story of God killing ALL THE FIRSTBORN children of Egyptian parents so they kept writing more children killing stories. Today, any “pro-life” Christian dogma is strictly Clergy politics! Who cares that it hurts women in real need of an abortion!
Jesus will do a lot of more killing of children! Fundamentalist Christians can’t wait to go to his Heaven to live for zillions of years with this children killer Jesus to listen from his own lips how he did the killing of children of the wrong Church brand! Religion is definitely a mental disorder of historical proportions!
Revelation 2:23 I* (*Jesus) will strike her* (*Church, Temple, Assembly, Kingdom Hall, or what have you. Christians identify their place of worship differently to avoid identification!) children dead! Then all the churches* (*of the wrong brand) will know* (*plain Holy Mafia warning to the competition on an international level!) that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds* (*most Christians are conscious that tithing makes God to smile at them, or else God the Holy Ghost in his “long-suffering patience” would zap them dead on the spot –Act5:1-11!).