Where have all the denominations originate from?
2008-03-31 09:17:36 UTC
And who were the people who founded them. Were they that deceived or mislead to literally take it upon themselves to create their own version of the scriptures? Or did they mean well?
Nineteen answers:
2008-03-31 09:35:21 UTC
I believe they meant well, and taught what they thought were accurate translations of the scriptures. Unfortunately all men allow there own personal agendas to color their thinking. The deceiver(satan), loves any division of the church. It makes his derision of true faith easier. Remember the day of pentecost? When they were all of one accord, the holy spirit came. That was probably the last time in history that the entire church was of one accord. The divisions we allow to distract us are numerous, and alot of times goofy. I have seen churches torn apart over things as silly as "what color should the carpet in the sanctuary be?" "should we have pews or chairs". Like God really cares about things like that!

The best way to worship God is through the spirit, allowing the spirit to bring you to all truth and understanding.
2008-03-31 09:40:25 UTC
I have to believe that for the most part the reason for all the denominations is because of interpretation of scripture. Take for instance the concept of burning eternally in hell. This is a very tough issue. I have studied it to some degree and I come out wth the following.

1/ The old testament refers to Hades and Sheol Which is a place for the dead to go. There is not mention of etrernal or fire etc. It is simply dead.

2/ The new testament mentions Tartaroo whic seems to be a place where the devil and his angels go. This is a firey eternity.

3/ Jesus speaks often ofGehenna which was the dump behind Jerusalem where dead bodies were often disposed. This pace apparently was constantly on fire.

I won't go into more detail but there is much interpretation required through not only translation and the meaning of the limited number of words available in the Hebrew and Greek languages at the time, however a simple case could be made for the fact that at judgement day if we are not in the Book of Life, we will be turned away and go to Gehenna that Jesus speaks of Hell. But this is a dump where you burn and become ashes not spend eternity in the fires of hell.

Personally I buy into this argument. Our God is a God of love. Why would this God of love want those who have not yet heard of Christ, or those who were incredibly good and charitable people but either belonged to another faith or no faith at all, go to this eternal firey hell. Simply because they were not saved as a Christian.

I accept that a person who is saved inherits the kingdom and eternal glory, but the other argument has never settled well with me.

For this reason I believe that at judgement day, the worse that can happen is the person who did not accept Christ will die and I hope the fire they burn in that Jesus speaks of is equivalent to cremation done after we are dead and asleep.


That is a serious doctirnal issue. What so I do. Argue for the rest of my life with my denomination who veiws things differently, thus hearing of their interpretation of hell being the eternal fire? Or, do I go of and start my own denomination following the same bible but taking this and other difficult question along with me.

Now, was this influenced by the deceiver. ABSOLUTELY YES. It is sad the power he has and that it is mainly good God loving Christians that he is able to mess with.

Thankfully our God is a loving forgiving God and he understands that we Christians are falable.

Thankfully too, we are filled with the holy spirit and he keeps us in the right general direction, regardless of what denomination we are in.
2008-03-31 09:34:15 UTC
The bottom line is that the many different sects we have, even Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are all wrong! If not then why would they be in constant disagreement with each other? I mean look, The truth is the truth, spirituality is universal and there is no such thing as religious truth! All that is s people adopting their own version of the truth loaded up with their own bias, or ignorance, or complete human error. These sects come from human error alone, Gods providence did not intend for their to be so many interpretations of simple teachings like treat one another how you would want to be treated etc.etc. You see what Im trying to say? All that these sects are doing is trying to put their own face on the universal teachings that were sent through mankind by all the major religious figures, i.e. Buddha, Jesus, Confucius, Muhammed, etc. etc. The teachings are universal and true and no one can dispute that reincarnation exists as is taught by the Buddhist and Hindus, no one can dispute that heaven and hell exist as is taught by the monothiestic religions, nobody can dispute that this life is a test and that we all must live according to natures laws of balance and peace. Well where's the proof that reincarnation exists you might ask? Thats so simple! Firts of all you have the seasons that indicate to us death and rebirth, then you have child prodigies such as Mozart composing masterpieces at the age of 3, then lastly you have children and adults even remembering their past lives, happens all the time. Then there is heaven and hell. This is proved by people who have out of body experiences or Near death experiences who see the wall pulled up over their eyes never to be the same again. So this is the spiritual truth Im speaking of and it is universal not to be claimed by one specific sect claiming religious truth as many so ignorantly and wickedly do. Hope this helped, PEACE.
Amy R
2008-03-31 09:38:52 UTC
If you mean Christian denominations, then the point is mostly in interpretation. The Bible itself is not that complex and most of the disputes are about the meaning and intent of specific passages or about the management of the church itself - the Roman Catholic Church had become quite oppressive and obscenely wealthy before the breaks began to form, both in some of the religious orders and in some regions. I think Lutherans were the first split - they were trying to create a more democratic Church - and so it went, each group having areas of the Bible they felt were more applicable and others less, extra rules they wanted to add or not add, church heirarchies they wanted to follow or not to follow, right down to today where the marriage of priests and the acceptance of homosexuality is under dispute. It was every bit as rough when some churches brought women into the clergy, though, because the Bible actually forbids that, too. So what rules to follow and what to break? Kosher? Graven Images? What are we allowing or not allowing - that is the source of the denominations.
2008-03-31 09:35:04 UTC
Jesus left his apostles in charge of his Church but in time the wolves came in. They started to change the Gospel the biggest offender being Constantine who became a Christian and because of his belief made his whole empire become Christian(Catholic Church) Only problem most were pagans. therefore they brought there pagan holidays and traditions into the church and this started the dark ages. Because the Lords pure gospel had left this world. Latter there would be men who would reform the gospel by realizing that the Church that was in power was not doing things as were written. So one man would say you were saved buy faith, Some would say that their is no more priest between man and God. Another realized that their was an unpaid ministry. And so on. But the truth is the pure Gospel came back to this world in 1830. God Bless
2008-03-31 11:21:53 UTC
I'm not 100% convinced about Aimee McPherson or the ones founded in the burned out district of New York in the 1800's during the Anti Intelectual Movement.
2008-03-31 09:29:53 UTC
Until the early 1500s there was one Church for the most part. Then Martin Luther challenged the Catholic Church which started the Protestant movement. Many denominations exude from Luther with the primary being Lutherans. Shortly after Luther was John Calvin which started Calvinism. Baptist come from Calvinism. And on and on. Now we have thees New Age cotton candy churches that worship God while unwittingly diminishing Jesus Christ and His Gospel message and Life. AKA Joel Osteenism.
2008-03-31 09:34:32 UTC
My church started in 33 Ad

Why You Should Be Catholic

Who started your church

1521, Martin Luther started the Lutherans when he broke away from the one true Church that had already existed for 15 centuries. Prior to this time, the false doctrine of "Sola Scriptura", or "Bible only", had not existed, and neither had the false man made doctrine of "Individual Interpretation" of Holy Scripture.

1521, Thomas Munzer started Anabaptists by breaking from Lutheranism in the same year.

1534, King Henry VIII started the Church of England. (Anglican)

1536, John Calvin, teaching predestination, formed the Calvinists.

1560, John Knox, who studied under Luther, started Presbyterians.

1582, Congregationalists started by Rob Brown, as a branch from Puritanism.

1609, John Smyth formed the Baptists. They have severely splintered since then.

1739, John Wesley started the Methodists, in a split from Anglicanism.

1774, Theophilus Lindley started Unitarians.

1789, Samuel Seabury started Episcopalians.

1793-1809, Churches of Christ had four separate founders.

1830, Joseph Smith founded the Mormons in Palmyra New York.

1860, William Miller, a farmer, started the Adventists.

1863, Ellen Gould White started the Seventh-Day Adventists.

1865, William Booth started the Salvation Army.

1875, New Age was started by Helena Blavatsky. *COL 2:8

1879, Mary Baker Eddy started Christian Scientists.

1879, Charles Russell started the Jehovah's Witnesses.

1895, French Abbe, Alfred Loisy and English Jesuit, George Tyrrell started Modernism.

1900-1920, conservative Episcopalians, Lutherans, Presbyterians, and Methodists,

formed a consortium, and started Fundamentalism.

1901, Pentecostalism was started in the United States. It has since split into many independents.

1914, Felix Manalo started Iglesia ni Cristo.

1930, Independent Churches of America (IFCA), was formed by a consortium of churches

1952, L. Ron Hubbard started the Church of Scientology.

1965, Chuck Smith began Calvary Chapel.

1968, Disciples of Christ, started as a splinter of Churches of Christ.

1974, Ken Gullickson started the Vineyard Christian Fellowship.

20th century. Assemblies of GOD, and other splinter Pentecostal groups, are some of hundreds of new sects founded by mere men.

The very founder of the "Reformation", Martin Luther, was the "regrettable" one, as he surveyed the damage that his rebellion against authority had caused. His writings show that he lamented his deed when he penned the following remarks...

"This one will not hear of Baptism, and that one denies the sacrament, another puts a world between this and the last day: some teach that Christ is not God, some say this, some say that: there are as many sects and creeds as there are heads. No yokel is so rude but when he has dreams and fancies, he thinks himself inspired by the Holy Ghost and must be a prophet."

De Wette III, 61. quoted in O'Hare, THE FACTS ABOUT LUTHER, 208.

"Noblemen, townsmen, peasants, all classes understand the Evangelium better than I or St. Paul; they are now wise and think themselves more learned than all the ministers."
Friendly Stranger..
2008-03-31 09:25:18 UTC
I think I can answer your question partially. I don't know exactly who created all of these denominations but I can tell you that they were indeed man made. For example, you have denominations such as pentacostal and baptist. When Jesus was here on earth he did not advocate for various separations. Even in the new testament Paul talks about there being divisions in the church and how we should be unified and not separate. My answer is that they were man made and not God inspired.
2008-03-31 09:26:47 UTC

Comes from a departing from THE BIBLE!

For example!

In a recent 2006 Poll.....Over 65% of Preachers Surveyed [ Over 2,000]

Did NOT BELIEVE..... that the BIBLE... is Without ERROR!

Listen to how many Sermons ONE can hear on the Radio or TV.... that have to do with SOCIAL ISSUES....

..... And NOT the Word of GOD? ? ?

(2Timothy 4:2-3-4) preach the Word, be instant in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.

(2Ti 4:3) For a time will be when they will not endure sound doctrine, but they will heap up teachers to themselves according to their own lusts, tickling the ear.

(2Ti 4:4) And they will turn away their ears from the truth and will be turned to myths.

Thanks for Asking ! RR
Eagle Feather
2008-03-31 18:02:37 UTC
The first denomination was called : The voice of Satan ! In the garden, a LIE was told, and believed.

Denominations put God in a BOX !!! There is but ONE God !!! I pray continuously that the "sons of God would be manifest " ! But this won't come till those of like faith, come together in Unity ! Love is the ONLY way................The Word is clear on that !

Ephesians 4:13 is the answer to the problem ...

Peace and Love...
2008-03-31 09:22:22 UTC
No denomination has the total truth. We can only do the best we can to live God's way. Fortunately salvation doesn't come from being right all the time, only knowing Jesus.
2008-03-31 09:50:41 UTC
Religious denominations are the attempts at mankind to interpret events; some events they apparently deem works of God and others events surrounding "Gods will". I look at Moses and his events and can see how some may have looked at it as "God guiding Moses" and so on.

Much of the Christian Bible were such events based on an appearent belief God was behind alot of things at that time.

To try and answer your question: Consider that there is only One God, a concept EACH Denomination lays claim to fame in that this ONE GOD just happens to belong to Their individule faith; a concidence, truth or are these people "Chossen" ?; a clue to the Ego, again, hard at work..

Mankind is entagled in a web of deceit; the deceit being mankind has forgotten thier own origins of the spirit as they are near 100% focused on the physical realm they intended on entering as a physical experience.

This is the result of free-will.

Freewill is what God grants to each as it makes up the individule experience each brings to God as God is experiencing the physical via You.

The original impulse for this experience was felt eons ago and God deemed it GOOD and made it so; Adam and Eve were the Genesis interpretation of the event of mankind coming into the physcal realm. Adam and Eve represented entire Groups and not just a pair of personalities.

In closing; Denominations are the result of personalities in the physical seeing creation through a filtered lense. The lens is scratched by mankinds EXPERIENCES on Earth, it is a faulty lens and impure; call it what you will, Predujice, biased, slanted...

The view man has filters through what they believe of themselves.

If a man believes another is evil -lazy or fantastic he will see these traits as he believes them to be true; Denominations slant observations and events in History to conform to thier belief systems; rarely do you see a Religious sect seeking answers as opposed to telling you they have all the answers;

this is a clue to mankinds ego teaching them they are the centerpeice of the Universe and are "Saved" by Grace when in fact Grace is with them always by right of creation.

Ego is described in Revelation but many can't see it as it is beyond thier beliefs to think spritualy as they think along the lines of "Religiously"; Religions have placed the Ego away from relaity and have instead created a DEVIL to fill it's shoes. 666/the Beast describes mans Ego, the self centered one teaching man he is "better" than nature and all the creatures within; and more...

Yes, they all "meant well" for they elected to write and interpret events to creat a "biblical" view far outside the nature of Spritual-reality.

God sent someone to show mankind the way out of thier spritual entanglements of the physical world; Religions grabbed onto this in the only way they could, by way of the EGO as they felt they alone were ordained to find this truth when in fact this turth was shown to All people of all cultures in many ways.

Find a religion with a figurehead and you will find Jesus, Mohammad and Buddah and all the rest of "Gods sons"; mankind was given the Truth and interpreted it with the Ego in charge, nothing more. Each culture made a religion out of some type of messiah, Guru, or name the truth what you will as the persoanlity of Jesus was each seen in a different FILTERED view.

Jesus is as much Mirtha or Mohammad as he is Krishna; man saw it in the only way they could throught the eyes of their own experiences.
tightest embrace 0:)
2008-03-31 09:24:14 UTC
The road to Hell was paved on good intentions
2008-03-31 11:49:37 UTC
OK, I will try to be *very* brief. The real (more complete) answer will be found in a history of Christianity.

1) Christianity began with Jesus and his 12 apostles and, eventually, with a large number of additional disciples.

2) Christianity per se did not begin until after the resurrection of Jesus. It was at this point that resurrection from the dead and salvation through Jesus' death became clear.

3) The *preaching* of Christianity (not just the gospel, but also the news of the resurrection and salvation through the death of Jesus) began only after the Pentecost at which the disciples received the Holy Spirit as "tongues of flame". At this point, Peter appears to have a (the) leadership role, although there are 12 apostles (Judas was replaced).

4) Later in Acts, we see the "council of 12" in Jerusalem makes decisions binding for the church. Peter no longer appears to be leader, as he must approach this council and argue his case for permitting Gentiles to convert to Christianity (without circumcision, i.e. without becoming Jews at the same time). At this point, the council of 12 is definitely in charge, and even Peter must seek their ruling.

5) Later in Paul's letters we begin to see some territorialism. Paul speaks of the churches he founded and which he confirms. This is much like a modern "bishopric", where a single church official has authority over several congregations - all of the congregations within a particular region.

6) The Romans eventually destroy Jerusalem and raze the temple. It may be at this time that the "council of 12" is removed from authority. In early church history, we see several "bishops" (regional authority over several congregations, remember) gathering to discuss matters of interest to their regions, the first "ecumenical councils". Peter is considered to be the first "bishop of Rome", and this designation appears to agree with history. However, most congregations, under Roman persecution. appear to be united only in identity and core beliefs, and there is no ruling body or person at this time, the early "Roman" church. It should be noted here that, generally, with each ecumenical council, decisions on official Church policy and doctrine alienate at least one group formerly considered "Christian". Thus, with each ecumenical council, normally at least one splinter Christian sect is formed, and sometimes several.

7) By the time Constantine legalizes Christianity, the bishops are a definite force in Christianity. These definitely have control of the churches within their regions, and archbishops (individuals with authority over several bishops) also appear to have existed at this time or shortly after.

8) Ecumenical councils (attempts to gather all bishops together to vote on Church policy) vote to make the bishop of Rome (the office, not the person) highest in honor among bishops, and the bishop of Constantinople second in honor. No authority is given along with this honor. The bishop of Rome manages to remove the status of "second honor" given to the bishop of Constantinople.

9) Over the next few centuries, the ecumenical councils begin granting more and more authority to the bishop of Rome. The congregations under the authority of the archbishop of Constantinople generally try to prohibit this. Eventually, when the bishop of Rome (pope) is granted full authority over the entire church, many Eastern congregations under the authority of Constantinople split. Differences in the doctrine of trinity provides an additional reason for the split. The churches associated with Constantinople become the "Eastern Orthodox" churches. Congregations which agree to give the pope full authority, and who also agree with the Western trinity doctrine, becomes the Roman Catholic Church. This is known as the "Great Schism". It should be noted that, prior to this time, there was already a plethora of Christian sects, most of rather small size and localized popularity (the result of individual bishops rejecting decisions of previous ecumenical councils).

10) Martin Luther and the Reformation begin a policy of sectarianism within the Roman Catholic (RC) Church. Several groups, depending primarily on specific interpretations (by an individual) of scripture contrary to RC doctrine, separate and begin their own denomination. It should be noted that the wide availability of scripture made possible by the printing press was instrumental in this "Reformation", but more importantly, the improper doctrines put into place by the pope of the time was the single biggest cause of Protestant sectarianism.

11) The policy of "sola scriptura" introduced by Luther continues to allow for sectarianism today. Unlike the Protestant groups who splintered from the RC Church in Reformation times, most new sects splinter from so-called "Protestant" sects. All that someone needs to start a new sect is sufficient following to allow for a tax-free status under the law.

I would like to point out that, *generally*, leaders of new sects have not felt it necessary to alter or add to scripture, but rather only to interpret scripture in a new way, or even in an old way that is not recognized by the followers of the new sect as being an "old" way. There are, of course, certain exceptions (Mormons, for example).

Also, naturally, some instigators of sectarianism mean well (Luther, though we cannot know his heart, certainly provided reasons for his separation from the RC Church). Others merely attempt to take advantage of a group of followers who accept their word as the word of God. There are, of course, some who have good intentions but end up taking advantage, etc.

2008-03-31 09:23:45 UTC
From pagan worship. It's all messed up. Obey God and worship him. He will guide you to other true believers.
2008-03-31 09:22:18 UTC
It first started with the Catholic church when Jesus told Peter to build his church. Then man wanted his way. Now there are thousands of different messages on the bible and thousands of different Protestant faiths. Very messy indeed
the shiz
2008-03-31 09:22:43 UTC
man is stupid. look at some of the dumb f*ucks here.

yes, man has manipulated the words of God. not for his glory but for there own.

It would be nice to learn the language and see the truth for our selves instead of taking the word of uneducated morons.
2008-03-31 09:21:50 UTC
you might find this useful.

Nabobs and Sprits wilt come and take thy hand, and thee shalt cry "Thrice Nay, I will not listen to thy iniquities, for Ira and Jesu and all the Sentinels knoweth the words of Ira wilt be truncated."

Man 17.9

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.