Is atheism real? As it's based on the same faith as the Christians...
In fact: Everyone requires faith in an invisible entity (creator of this universe)...
The "the god delusion" book by number one atheist, Richard Dawkins... later on doesn't want to be known as an atheist anymore and has rejected the label, to become agnostic, unsure if there's a God and he also now believes there was Jesus in history and considers him a great and intelligent person. The more you study and explore, the more harder it becomes to deny, why?
Everyone requires faith to function. Just easier to ignore for atheists, but their logic/faith happens to be the same.
Considering that time is an illusion only binded to this universe due to the fact it is decaying and therefore limited. If God is outside this time/universe: He was always there, a starting point. If not, another invisible entity is required...
Magnetism -> Rules of Gravity -> Science can't explain the root cause.
Electricity -> Energy -> Science can't explain the root cause.
Anything in this universe, living, static, solid, liquid or gas, etc -> all are formed by Atoms -> Particles -> Science can't explain the root cause.
What science can't explain comes down to how it started... the Big Bang?
The big bang theory was actually originally modeled by a Christian, before a university created into what we now know it as. He based his work off Albert Eistein's theory of relative. Who in turned said he added a static variable because he didnt believe it was correct which he later considered the biggest mistake in his life. Eistein later himself even said to his class why it's more logical to believe in a creator of the universe. While he wasn't religious, he considered Atheists as blindsided.
Athiesm is now left with a faith they believing in, created by the very people that they mock and an intelligent person that even said they where possibly wrong and illogical to rule it out. The Big Bang Theory has a logical holes in it, which Atheists fulled up and proved by believing in something also invisible known as Dark Matter/Energy.
Atoms are scientify known as the universe's Building Blocks. Atoms are the basis of chemistry. They are the basis for everything in the Universe, living, static, solid, liquid, or gas, etc. Everything can be broken down into atoms. Sure, atoms can be broken down more into having protons, neutrons and electrons. However, Atoms are the smallest particles that can exist alone.
Behind the atoms, is an invisible force which holds, shapes and mounds them. Eistein chased this near the end of his life, but failed to find it - it was later discovered in 2012 as Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
Basically, dark matter cannot be seen -- scientists can only estimate where it is based on gravitational effects on what they can see. Yet they believe in makes up at least 86% of the universe?
Also black holes are heavy dense objects containing Dark Matter, which can't be seen via the naked eye. Because no light can get out, people can't see black holes. It's a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape, and get's sucked into it disappearing like magic. The largest black hole detected called "supermassive", has mass that are more than 1 million suns together! They consider them the mystery of how the universe was formed.
Therefore both have faith in something invisible which happens to work the same way. Which created the entire universe, reachs out and touchs it all, shapes, mounds and forms it, recycles the particles, controls the gravity and is even inside us and all around us.
Maybe this has something to do with a realm we have yet to understand and discover? Well, it at least says most of this universe, is entirely outside our understanding and invisible to us.
Galaxy Seeds. Scientists believe that, if the Big Bang is true (first, there was nothing, then, BANG, something came into being), then temperature “ripples” should exist in space, and it would be these ripples that enabled matter to collect into galaxies. To discover whether these ripples exist, the Cosmic Background Explorer – COBE – was launched in 1989 to find them, with the findings being released in 1992. What COBE found was perfect/precise ripples that, sure enough, enable galaxies to form. So critical and spectacular was this finding that the NASA lead for COBE, said, “If you’re religious, it’s like looking at God.” Note: He was the same man who previously wrote, "I am a deeply religious nonbeliever".
Therefore everyone must believe in the invisible and have some type of faith (in unexplained invisible magic which created the universe or God - why would you mock one, when your logic is the same) - else we are just blind and not willing to discover what's more to life.