According to the Bible, wouldn't all MINISTERS, CHURCHES, RELIGIONS and TEACHERS of GOD, be in ERROR,?
2010-09-26 08:31:21 UTC
Revelations 22:18 is to be TRUE. which says, I solemnly swear whoever hears the prophetic word of this book, if anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book. And if anyone removes any of the words of this prophetic book. God will remove that person's share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book.
Couldn't this scripture, cause one to be TERRIFIED to teach the word of God ? or does it mean, not adding and subtracting from the book, itself?
But if not, I don't mean to imply that teachers heart are not good, but when ministers and teachers of God interpret it or explain it or teach it, they are not using the exact words of the Bible, word per word. They may quote, sometimes, what the Bible says, but WHEN each Minister, uses their own words to tell you what it means, wouldn't that be same thing as adding to the word. And if they don't repeat the exact words of the Bible in their interpretations and explanations and meaning, wouldn't that mean they are subtracting? I also suspect, that it is NOT the Word of God, that causes war, but the many different interpretations of the Bible, through ministers, preachers and teachers, that cause war. What do you think?
Four answers:
2010-09-26 09:40:20 UTC
1) According to the Bible, wouldn't all MINISTERS, CHURCHES, RELIGIONS and TEACHERS of GOD, be in ERROR,?


Revelations 22:18 is to be TRUE

Of course not.

2) Couldn't this scripture, cause one to be TERRIFIED to teach the word of God ?

No - but it might cause one to be terrified of altering the text of the book of Revelation.

3) but WHEN each Minister, uses their own words to tell you what it means, wouldn't that be same thing as adding to the word.

No. They are attempting to explain the word by expounding on it - not attempting to alter it by addition. Normally, they read the word before expounding on it - in other words, relying on the unaltered word, presented to all present, as the basis of their explanation, which they then apply to the unaltered word that is presented.

4) I also suspect, that it is NOT the Word of God, that causes war, but the many different interpretations of the Bible, through ministers, preachers and teachers, that cause war. What do you think?

I do not think that differing interpretations of Biblical Scripture has ever caused a war. I think that very nearly all wars in history have one of these causes:

* desire for territory

* desire for wealth

* desire for power

* usually, all of the above

* less often than any of the above reasons, self-defense - a "pre-emptive strike"

5) Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation


2010-09-26 08:42:19 UTC

I believe that it means this:

2 Peter 1:20

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

And also that we are not the change the scripture. Teaching the word of God in a way that is accessible to all...and rewriting the Bible are two wholly different things.

The NIV omits scripture whereas the Catholic bible adds scripture...those are two bibles that I won't go anywhere near.

However, Jesus spoke in parables if you can recall and he also quoted scripture himself. Does that mean he will be punished or that he was just conveying the message to the people?

To answer your question, teachers, ministers, pastors OF GOD are not in error bc they are teaching the word to the nations.....those who are in error are those who strategically replace God's word with their own.
2010-09-26 08:50:23 UTC
The word, "Word" is not as it seems. There was a time when there was no words written. What was eventually written was first a thought. Thoughts are far more important than any words ever written including all religious writings. Some words are uplifting and some words are destructive and it is up to the individual reading them as to what they mean. The thoughts that you choose to think when you read the words are what matters in that moment of time. Asking from were your thoughts come will give you your answers but choosing what to think will give you your desired results. It may take time but the answers will come.
2010-09-26 08:37:45 UTC
If you believe all religions, teachers of god, ministers and churches to be in error, you should not be using the bible. That was compiled out of hundreds of religious writings by the Nicean council who were themselves "teachers of god". Notice how most of the religious writings did not make it in the bible, only the ones that served their purposes.

I'd go for a personal understanding of and relationship with the divine over the bible if I were predisposed to following the deity of a foreign culture, really.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.