Please point me to the right direction. Im lookin for a new faith, a new religion.?
2008-10-03 02:10:19 UTC
Im not a nut case. I just would like to seek a new belief. Im no longer happy with my old one. I have nothing against it but I feel like searching for a religion that will help me have peace and direction and a feeling of oneness with the Almighty. My existing religion teaches me to always be critical of my acts-past and present. Like I always have to repent and reconcile with God because I may have offended him. I feel so unhappy because it somehow creates a picture of a god who is always looking at my mistakes and who gives me trials because of the wrongs that I have committed. Is there a faith wherein I can feel close to the Almighty because of just me being his creation. That He is always welcoming despite of my weaknesses. Also a God who is always asking for sacrifices to no end. I dont know if I sound alright but if there is someone out there who understands, please point me the righ direction. Thanks.
27 answers:
2008-10-03 02:19:20 UTC
In analyzing reasons for changing religions, it becomes apparent that the change does not at all mean a change in the individual’s understanding of God’s purposes and requirements. To change one’s religion for personal, social, political, romantic, business or other similar reasons really has nothing to do with one’s fundamental convictions concerning God and his truths. It is more like putting on a different garment that changes the external appearance, but does not change the mental, spiritual or moral fiber.

Jesus Christ showed us what to look for in a religion. He said: “God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.” (John 4:24) When a person changes his religion for personal advantage and not because of an intelligent conviction based on a study of God’s Word, nor for the sake of His truths, then such change is not being made for the purpose of wanting to worship with “spirit and truth.”

It is not the mere formality of worship that God wants. First of all, he wants individuals to take in accurate knowledge of his Word. Note how the Bible expresses this thought: “For in loving-kindness I have taken delight, and not in sacrifice; and in the knowledge of God rather than in whole burnt offerings.” (Hos. 6:6) Added to this knowledge of God must be obedience to his will: “To obey is better than a sacrifice, to pay attention than the fat of rams . . . Since you have rejected the word of Jehovah, he accordingly rejects you.” (1 Sam. 15:22, 23) So even if a person strictly adhered to the precepts of a new religion, if his worship was not based on an accurate “knowledge of God” it would not be acceptable to God. What is acceptable is the taking in of knowledge of His Word and will and then obeying the requirements that God has outlined in that Word.

Thus, when a love and search for the knowledge of God’s truths are missing, when obedience to God from the heart is not the motive, then one who changes to another religion is not doing it to please God. It is not done in God’s interests, but only to please the individual.

See the need, then, for the same kind of examination and change that these Bible Christians demonstrated and that is being demonstrated by hundreds of thousands who seek true religion in our time. Get out of false religion, as the Bible commands: “Get out from among them, and separate yourselves.” (2 Cor. 6:17) And what if you need to change your religion but do not do so? It would mean identifying yourself with a religion that has passed under God’s adverse judgment and is reserved for destruction soon. As God’s Word warns concerning Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind . . . in one day her plagues will come, . . . and she will be completely burned with fire, because Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong.”—Rev. 18:4, 5, 8.

So search the Scriptures. Put your religion to the test. Abandon false religion for true religion. Yes, look for those who take the Bible seriously and live by it, all of it. Join them in true worship. If you do this, you will be doing God’s will, and “he that does the will of God remains forever.”—1 John 2:17.
2016-04-08 02:47:12 UTC
I can see why you may be failing classes. It is as if you do not even make an attempt to understand things before they come out. I'm an atheist with no religion-means that I do not believe there is a god of any kind I do not believe in an afterlife of any kind, therefore reincarnation is totally out. But where do you come up with the notion that the earth is ending soon. This rock has quite a bit of juice left in her to give out yet. If you are referring to the Christian idea that "the end is near", then it seems I need to fill you in on a secret: Since about 2000 years ago every Christian group has advocated the end will be within their lifetime. Roughly 20-25 generations later we're still here. And the end is still far from the horizon. Evolution is fact. If it were not possible science would not support it as whole heartily as it does. The Theory of Evolution (called theory in the science term, as in Theory of Gravity...It really means fact) does not address how life originated. That is called ambiogenesis, but that is not what is at hand here. Man did NOT, repeat, NOT evolve from monkeys. This is a common misconception of Christians who do not wish to know what they are talking about. (ignorance is true bliss when it comes to Christianity) A long time ago, a few million years back, a creature existed. When this creature reproduced, certain traits that were favorable were more likely to survive and pass on those genes. Over a very long time these mutations become more and more different from the original creature. All animals came about in this way, coming into being from a more primitive version. If these creatures split off into different groups and move to new areas they are likely to evolve differently, creating different lines of evolution with a common ancestor, which is the case with humans and chimpanzees. (our closest living relative genetically) There is actually just as much evidence to support the polytheistic Hindu Gods as there is for your God: None. That is the truth, there is no evidence to even remotely "need" a god. By pointing out something that science cannot explain yet, does not mean there has to be a God to fill in the blank. It just means there is no answer yet. It will come with time. Christianity itself is more than likely a farce from the beginning. There is no evidence to suggest that Jesus EVER existed. The gospels were written a whole lifespan of time between Jesus' supposed death and their writings. That means the people who wrote the gospels could have not known him. Those Gospels being the only historical writing of his existence. Jews do not believe that there is no Christ. They believe that Jesus was not the one foretold in the prophecies. Therefore saying that Jesus was not the Christ I really hope you read this and it helps you
Wood Smoke ~ Free2Bme!
2008-10-03 12:38:22 UTC
Religion is the practice of doing the same thing over and over in familiar patterns.

If you are seeking truth for yourself, meditate on that desire 5 minutes before you go to sleep each evening, and upon waking. Do this for a couple of weeks. Your mind has so much that your thoughts will help give you some hints.

Start reading and studying the different religions of the world. Meditate on the things that really move you. No one can make your Faith, you are given that in creation. Any religious practice that causes you to put your mind, body, finances, family, relationships into its Kaleidoscope to decide what is the best for you is cult-like.

God gave you a brain. Use it. Remember love is one of your greatest assets. Read philosophy, check out what those who have sought truth have found, then...your own salvation - with respect and thankfulness and forgiveness

2008-10-03 02:48:51 UTC
I some time ago got out of organized religion and started a home church because of all the man made rules that men made for you to do to be in there church. Read your bible, Start to look at it simply don't make it hard. Remember this one thing when Jesus came did he go to the kings, higher ups in the religious system at the time no, he went to the command people on the street. Ask yourself this question were the people at that time smarter than we are today? No, but they understood what Jesus was saying so why do we have such a hard time understanding? Man has made it so difficult to understand. You are smarter than they want you to think you are. Read your bible, stop think about it, pray for understanding and it will come. Find people that really what to talk openly and ask questions. All things are open for questioning we learn by asking questions. Take it one step at a time don't push yourself to do too much at one time. If you have a problem understanding something get on line and ask the questions, just remember there are a lot of nuts out there that have false teachings. Pray for discernment and the holy spirit will help you.I have found a lot of truth and understanding by going back to our roots of our christian faith. Try Messianic Jewish sources very helpful in explaining what words mean and why we do some of the things we do. Good luck and God bless. Find out what this means it will help.

Not my way Not your way

2008-10-03 02:25:30 UTC
Maybe you don't need a religion but more of a personal spirituality. Nothing wrong with that. Read up on as many religions, practices, and beliefs as you can, take what you want (that appeals to you) and leave the rest. Just be a good person. No need for the likes of organized religion running your life.

The religions and beliefs of Deism, Unitarian Universalism, Christian Universalism, Humanist, Creation Spirituality, Buddhism, Ba'hai, even Judiasm comes to mind with what you said.
2008-10-03 03:32:56 UTC
You do not need a religion to make you happy and closer to God. What you need is to throw off the yoke of religion that was designed by man and which keeps people from living normal happy lives. All you must do is feel that God is always near you, not to reprimand you for making mistakes or doing the wrong things but to help you when you need Him. Look to God to help you make good decisions and to keep you honest and loving. You can do this without the bricks, mortar and spires of a church , synagogue or mosque or any of the ornamentation inside. I am certain that God looks at this with disdain.

Talk to Him when you feel the urge to communicate. He may not always hear you but keep trying and eventually your thoughts will manifest themselves. No church. No rules and regulations. No pageantry or confession to a man. Confess to God without all the trimmings. Try it. You'll be happy.
2008-10-03 02:20:19 UTC
I don't know if you are Catholic or what, but if you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you won't feel all the time like God is being critical. God loves you very much and he will give you peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and he brings peace to us (John 14:27). He is our peace. We can have the peace that passes understanding (Phil. 4:6-7). If you keep your eyes on the Lord you will have peace (Isa. 26:3). You get peace after you repent too and then you can get a good night's sleep and not worry. Or repent in the morning and have a good day. God bless you!
2008-10-03 02:58:15 UTC
What a heartfelt question! You do not sound a nut case in any way; just someone who is genuinely searching for peace!

Ok, I am going to be honest and tell you that I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and the reason for this choice was because everything that you have stated, they can provide, simply because they go by the bible- not what man thinks!

I have never met a religious group such as the one I am in that truly preaches what they teach!

Our Creator is not a distant one and certainly not revengeful.

Yes, we are all sinners, but He knows this and does not hold it against us; in fact, He is there for us all the way: 'remembering we are from dust'!

In another scripture, it says: 'who could stand, if our Creator was to look for faults'?

Your Creator wants you to find Him, so please, I really urge you to seek out our website:

Please keep an open mind, for we are not what is commonly sated about us! Everything we do comes from God's Word, The Bible.
Ronald Wright
2008-10-03 02:18:58 UTC
The best thing to do is to research many different religions and take bits and pieces from each of them that seem logical and right to you. NO one religion is completely right, they were all made by humans and are all imperfect in some way or another. But if you take bits and pieces from each of them you can choose the things that YOU think are right. Don't let a pastor tell you what is right and wrong. Let your conscience tell you that. I would suggest a non-denominational church, these are normally more laid back and joyful.
2008-10-03 02:26:03 UTC
The true God is not hypercritical. Nor does he cause problems for people due to either their imperfections, or mistakes, or even outright rebelliousness! Notice what the following Scripture, & Bible-based articles, say about this:

"When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone." --James 1:13;chp=1;vs=13;citation#bk1

Is God Responsible for Our Problems?

- God Really Cares About You!

- How You Can Be Sure

What Is Your Life Worth? :

- Life--Precious or Cheap?

- How Precious Your Life Is!

Will God Overlook Our Weaknesses?

- Moses and David

- The Fight to Throw Off Sin

- God Expects Us to Fight Our Weaknesses

Does It Matter Which Religion You Choose?

- How Do Religions Get Started?

- Whom Do Religions Want to Please?

Religion--What Good Does It Do?

- Why Many Have Turned From Religion

- Religion Used for Evil Ends

Worship That Is Good for You

- Having a Purpose in Life

- - Becoming a Better Person

- - - Gaining True Hope for the Future

"Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine." --1Th 5:21
2008-10-03 02:19:03 UTC
Ultimately it's your decision on where to head with your beliefs. I would suggest visiting several churches in your area if you can. Also take some time out to study the writings and teachings of the religions. Find one that matches what you already believe and what you may come to believe after studying.
The buddy
2008-10-03 03:29:53 UTC
You are right in saying that you would like to be close to the almighty and that he welcomes you despite your weaknesses. You seem to realize that is his personality and part of god's love.

We all need to gain ACCURATE knowledge about god and his purposes if we are to please him and for him to draw close to us (john 17:3) (james 4:8)."You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know" says Jesus in john 4:22. There is nothing better than you can hope for when you truly know god and feel that he is near to your in everything you face.

Remember, nobody could stand if god watched our errors. In fact he promises that our sins will 'be made white like snow' although they are scarlet. His compassion is reflected in jesus' parable of the prodigal son.

God in fact pleads for us to return to him when we are disloyal to him, Think about that! The almighty of the universe humbling himself to secure one of his 'lost sheep'. Jesus even said that there would be more happiness in the heavens over the one who repents.

NEVER feel that god is far from you.

Satan wants us to believe that we are worthless to god so that we can begin to drift away. YOU can prove him the big liar that he is by being faithful.

Exercise faith in jesus christ and god's undesrved kindness. Romans 6:23

"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in union with the Messiah Jesus our Lord."

Praise him every day for giving his firstborn for YOU as a person.

Throw the whole of your anxiety upon Him, because He Himself cares for you" says in 1 peter 5:7.

I and 7 million have gained accurate knowledge and can say that we 'experience the peace of god that excels all thought'. I strongly recommend that you come into contact with jehovah's witnesses . I'm not saying become one. Just examine for yourself their beliefs and the great love they have for god and their neighbours.
2008-10-03 04:10:17 UTC
John 3:16-18 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God."
Kosher Ninja Chick JPA
2008-10-03 08:11:48 UTC
I'll just note that in Judaism, nobody is expected to be perfect. G-d alone can achieve perfection. You may like to read up about the Jewish religion or, look into becoming a Noahide.
2008-10-03 02:58:47 UTC
Spiritural Satanism

Satanism is not a "Christian invention."

Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions.

Satanism is not about "evil."

Satanism is not a "reaction" to Christianity.

Satanism is not about death.

True Satanism is about elevating and empowering humanity, which was our True Creator (Satan's) intention.

We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice. This act is Judeo/Christian, as stated in their Bible- Deuteronomy 12:27:

"And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh."
Joyful Days
2008-10-03 02:15:11 UTC
You are the one who have to guide yourself to the way. It's a personal journey in search of the truths. Others can give you options, but they are likely not to reflect your spirit and even blind your sight. Go on by yourself. Learn about religions as many as you can. The more time it takes, the better your decision may be. Good luck.
2008-10-03 02:22:06 UTC
Try Atheism out. (Or if it suits you better, Deism, which is a more secular-esque belief in God, without an organized religion dictating your beliefs) Try learning about the scientific knowledge we have. And when something strikes you as odd or unbelievable in a scientific Theory, ask someone to explain it to you. Most things will make more sense to you.
2008-10-03 02:17:39 UTC
Why *choose* any religion? Religions are belief systems put in place by man and given man's own rules. To choose from a set of pre-existing faiths is to limit your own choose and to be bound by rules. At most only one of them is the "correct" religion if any at all.

Why not just determine your own philosophies based on your won standards and values? If this makes you a better person then great! And if it happens to match one of the religious systems alrready thought out by another then fine, you have somebody to share with!

The one thing we can say for sure is that NOBODY knows if they have the right philosphical/relgious view. It's how our philosophies make us behave and how they impact on others that is important - not who's right or wrong.
2008-10-03 03:11:57 UTC
It would help if know what your old religion is.

I'd suggest atheism. It'll do wonders for your brain.

Either that, or the ancient Kemetic religion.
2008-10-03 02:21:41 UTC
All we do is plant the seed. Jehovah God makes them grow. If you're the one that use to speak to Lover of Jehovah and Jesus. Then my answer is: I feel sorry for you, hope you find what you seek before it's to late.

Have a good day!
2008-10-03 02:39:31 UTC
You are misunderstanding HIm. I encourage you to pick up your Bible and read it. Start in Matthew and read to the end of Revelations. Then start at Genesis and read all the way through to Revelations. If you have trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, then you are "right" with God.

In the old covenant, blood sacrifices were offered as atonement for sin. The way it worked was the person seeking atonement would go through his flock and find a perfect lamb... without blemish, scabs, snotty nose, whatever (it's all laid out in Exodus). The person then would bring his sacrifice to the high priest. The high priest would look at the sacrifice. If it was up to snuff, acceptable, then the person's sins were considered atoned for.

That is how it is with us. You ask Jesus, the perfect Lamb and final sacrifice for all of mankind, into your heart. When we sin, which we will do because we are bent that way, God looks at the Lamb in your heart, your faith in Him, and NOT at your sins... you are forgiven because you have trusted Jesus as your Savior. The book of Hebrews is chock full of encouragement for you, as is the book of Romans, I Corinthians, and 1st John. Below, I have taken some verses from ROmans to explain how much God loves you and how easy He has made it for you to have a relationship with Him.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

(Thus, all of us offend Him).

And, "There is none righteous, no not one." Romans 3:10

(So, we are all sinners who offend God and we can't do anything to help ourselves.) "The wages of sin is death..." Romans 6:23a

(That's why God, out of extreme love for us, took it upon Himself to rescue us). But God commended His love toward us in that while we were YET sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

So salvation is a gift offered to all of mankind. "But the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ." Romans 6:23b

It doesn't come by works, but only by trusting Jesus as Lord and as the atoning sacrifice for your sins. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13

Also... Read Psalm 103 to see how much He loves you and has you covered with His mercy. Email me, if you want more encouraging Scriptures.
2008-10-03 02:27:11 UTC
You don't need a new religion. You need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. And that is by grace, not by works. Stop looking at yourself so much and fix your eyes on Jesus, and His wonderful grace for you. "Come unto me", said Jesus, "all you who are weary and heavy laden, and you will find rest for your souls."

Of course there is sin to deal with, without holiness no-one will see God, but Jesus is the answer to your sin, not only will he forgive all your sins by His death and shed blood, but He will also walk with you in newness of life, as your Lord and Saviour.
2008-10-03 02:18:44 UTC
6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
2008-10-03 02:58:34 UTC
What is your current faith/religion ?
2008-10-03 02:16:43 UTC
Behold the power of the FSM. Parmesan be upon him. Once you have been touched by his noodly appendage your life will forever be filled with love and pasta.
2008-10-03 02:40:33 UTC
SB 7.9.27 P Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers

In Bhagavad-gita (4.11) the Lord clearly says, ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham: "As one surrenders to Me, I reward him accordingly." As stated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, jivera 'svarupa' haya--krsnera 'nitya-dasa': every living being is an eternal servant of Krsna. According to the service the living entity renders, he automatically receives benedictions from Krsna, who does not make distinctions, thinking, "Here is a person in an intimate relationship with Me, and here is a person I dislike." Krsna advises everyone to surrender to Him (sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja). One's relationship with the Supreme Lord is in proportion to that surrender and the service one renders unto the Lord. Thus throughout the entire world the higher or lower positions of the living entities are selected by the living entities themselves. If one is inclined to dictate that the Lord grant something, one receives benedictions according to his desires. If one wants to be elevated to the higher planetary systems, the heavenly planets, he can be promoted to the place he desires, and if one wants to remain a hog or a pig on earth, the Lord fulfills that desire also. Therefore, one's position is determined by one's desires; the Lord is not responsible for the higher or lower grades of our existence. This is further explained quite definitely in Bhagavad-gita (9.25) by the Lord Himself:

yanti deva-vrata devan

pitrn yanti pitr-vratah

bhutani yanti bhutejya

yanti mad-yajino 'pi mam

Some people want to be promoted to the heavenly planets, some want to be promoted to Pitrloka, and some want to remain on earth, but if one is interested in returning home, back to Godhead, he can be promoted there also. According to the demands of a particular devotee, he receives a result by the grace of the Lord. The Lord does not discriminate, thinking, "Here is a person favorable to Me, and here is a person who is not favorable." Rather, He fulfills the desires of everyone. Therefore the sastras enjoin:

akamah sarva-kamo va

moksa-kama udara-dhih

tivrena bhakti-yogena

yajeta purusam param

"Whether one is without desire [the condition of the devotees], or is desirous of all fruitive results, or is after liberation, one should with all efforts try to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead for complete perfection, culminating in Krsna consciousness." (Bhag. 2.3.10) According to one's position, whether as a devotee, a karmi or a jnani, whatever one wants one can get if one fully engages in the service of the Lord.

Note: please try this site and read the following books and you will see the result yourself:


Bhagavad-gita As It Is

Life Comes from Life

The Science of Self Realization

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta

AbdiRahman Slave ofTheBeneficent
2008-10-03 02:17:10 UTC
read the Qur'an

Sami' Allahu liman hamida. Rabbana lakal hamd.

Allah hears all who praise Him. Our Lord, for You is all praise.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.